The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 13, 1903, Image 2

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Every working1 girl who is not
Well is cordially invited to write
to Sirs Pinkham Lynn Mass
for advice it is freely given and
has restored thousands to health
Hiss Paines Experience
I want to thank you for what you
have done for me and recommend
Iiydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound to all girls whose work
keeps them standing on their feet in
the store The doctor said I must
stop work he did not seem to realize
that a girl cannot afford to stop work
ing My back ached my appetite was
poor I could not sleep and menstrua
tion was scanty and very painful One
day when suffering I commenced to
take Jjydia E Pinkhams Vege
table Compound and found that
it helped me I continued its use and
eoon found that my menstrual periods
were free from pain and natural
everyone is surprised at the change in
me and 1 am well and cannot be too
grateful for what you have done for
mo MisB Janet Paine 530 West
125th St New York City 5000 forfeit
If original of abova tetter proulng genuineness can
not be produced
Take no substitute for it is
Iiydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound that cures
Little Animositys Curve
A man of geometry and trigonome
try figures out that Little Animosity
the baby 16 inch gun at Sandy Hook
fs a certain failure in a light breeze
It witnessed the three shots fired
he says and noticed that the projec
tile described a curve to the right
equal to about one fifth of a degree
or twelve minutes Now supposing
that this deflection from a straight line
had been continued throughout the en
tire range of the gun which is said
to be between twenty and twenty one
miles what would have happened
The projectile would have described a
complete circle coming back to its
starting point If this could be safely
accomplished in practice it would
mean a great saving as the shells
could be repeatedly used New
York Press
Could Be Seen
Cassells Journal The scarcity of
servant girls led Mrs Vaughan to en
gage a farmers daughter from a rural
district of Ireland Her want of fa
miliarity with town ways and lan
guage has led to many amusing scenes
One afternoon a lady caTied at the
Vaughan residence and rang the bell
Kathleen answered the call
Can Mrs Vaughan be seen the
visitor asked
Can she be seen sniggered Kath
leen Shure an Ci think she can
shes six feet hoigh and four feet
woide Can she be seen Sorrah a
bit of anything else can ye see whin
shes about
He Went West and Prospered
Freeland Kan March 9 th One of
the most prosperous farmers in Har
per County is Mr N H Mead Some
thirty four years ago he left his home
near Clarence N Y and came to Kan
sas Here he has thrived splendidly
and last year harvested over one hun
dred and forty acres of wheat alone
But everything has not gone well
with Mr Mead for his health has not
been good for the last few years He
has suffered a great deal with Kidney
and Bladder Trouble and could get
nothing to stop it Lately however
ho has improved a great deal and he
says that he has none of the old
symptoms left and is feeling splendid
again He used Dodds Kidney Pills
and this remedy seemed to work won
ders In his case He says himself
Dodds Kidney Pills have made me
well They are all right and a reliable
remedy for Kidney Trouble They
helped me right from the start giving
me great relief and finally cured me
The puffin is the most punctual of
birds in the matter of its annual mi
To Care a Cold in One day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure 25c
- Irony is an insult conveyed In the
form of a compliment E P Whip
The well earned reputation and increas
ing popularity of the Lewis Single
Binder straight 5c cigar is due to the
maintained high quality and appreciation
of the smoker
Industry may not be ultra fashion
able but it is deserving
SrATB op Ohio Citt of Toledo jc
Lucas county f
Frantc J Cheney makes oath that he Is the
senior partner of the firm of P J Cheney Cot
doinfr business in tho City of Toledo County
and Stato aforesaid nnd that said 11 rm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every case of Catarrh that cannot ho
cured by tho use of Halls Catarrh Cure
Sworn to before aie and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day of December A D 1884
rcr i
IEAi j Notary Public
Halls Catarrh Care Is taken internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system Send for testimonials free
F J CHENEY CO Toledo a
Sold by Druffgists 75c
JOaUB Family Fills are the best
Do ofc hold everything as gold
wnich Chines like gold Alamis de
The Senator from Alabama Prints and
Distributes a Number of Voluminous
Documents Attacking the Isthmian
WASHINGTON Senator Morgan
on Friday secured his first material
concession in connection with the
canal treaty This consists of an
agreement to attach the Spooner ca
nal act bodily to the treaty
This change was made in compli
ance with a request presented by
Ssenator Lodge during the days exe
cutive session of the senate who sug
gested that no injury could result and
unanimous consent was given to the
proposal It was specifically stipulat
ed however that it did not amount to
an amendment
Senator Morgan consumed the en
tire time of the remainder of the clos
ed session discussing the canal ques
tion from various points of view He
discussed particularly the attitude of
the isthmian canal commission
He expressed a desire to have cop
ies of the correspondence between the
government and the nw Panama Ca
nal company on the option to pur
chase the canaJ for 40000000 and
the senate consented to request the
secretary of state for the correspond
The papers had not arrived at 330
and as Senator Morgan said he could
not continue without them Senator
Cullom moved that the senate ad
journ and this motion prevailed
During the day there was more or
less informal discussion of the propo
sition to permit Senator Morgan to
publish his remarks in the Congres
sional Record but no effort was made
to reach a decision Senator Cullom
takes the position that this permis
sion should not be granted unless
Senator Morgan will agree to allow a
day to be fixed for a vote
During the day Senior Morgan dis
tributed copies of eight pamphlets on
the treaty in which he attacks it from
almost every conceivable ground He
declares the new canal company ille
gally constructed the arrangements
with Colombia of doubtful validity
and repeats his charges of oribery
Senate and House Had Their Hands
on Big Bunch of Bills
WASHINGTON Alexander McDow
ell clerk of the house of representa
tives Monday made public an official
compilation by Tally Clerk Wakefield
showing the work done by the Fifty-
seventh congress It shows that the
longest day of the session lasted with
recesses 144 hours during which
eighty rolls were taken
The number of bills and resolutions
introduced in the house during the two
sessions of the congress was 18420 on
which reports were made on 2810 bills
and resolutions The senate sent to
the house 1136 senate bills and reso
The house disposed of 2413 of the
measures originating with it and of
1012 of the senate bills and resolu
tions making it a total of 3430 bills
and resolutions acted on It left on its
calendars 405 house and 118 senate
bills and resolutions Fifteen of the
members of the house died during the
congress seven resigned and Messrs
Rhea of Kentucky and Butler of Mis
souri were unseated the later twice
Cruise in West Indian Waters
WASHINGTON D C Secretary of
the Navy Moody Postmaster General
Payne Senator Hale of Maine Repre
sentative Cannon of Illinois Repre
sentative Foss of Illinois Judge James
R Dunbar Joseph H Carl of Haver
hill Mass Mr Moodys law partner
and Fred L Fishback -Mr Moodys
private secretary left here Tuesday
for a cruise in West Indian wafers
Senator Proctor of Vermont and Rep
resentative Gillette of Massachusetts
will join the party in Florida
Castro Raises Import Duties
tice of the extraordinary war tax
which President Castro created on the
lifting of the blockade has been re
ceived at the state department from
United States Consul Russell at Car
acas There is a 30 per cent increase
in the duties on imports
Funds for Irrigation Congress
SALT LAKE CITY Utah Governor
Wells Tuesday signed the bill making
a state appropriation of G000 to aid
in carrying out the program of the
national irrigation congress which
meets in Ogden September 8 to 11
Outside of this President Kiesel of the
congress said that ample funds had
already been subscribed to carry out
the most elaborate program yet at
Introduced During Session 17500 and
Passed 2000
WASHINGTON D CThe number of
bills introduced during the Fifty-seventh
congress aggregated 17500 of
which 3918 were reported and more
than 2000 passed The house calendar
is clearer at the close o fthis congress
than it ever has been before only seventy-eight
bills remaining undisposed
of In the Fifty fifth congress 2214
bills were reported and 1473 passed
in the Fifty sixth congress 2787 were
reported and 2204 passed The near
est approach to the number of bills in
troduced in the Fifty seventh was in
the Fifty sixth congress when 14399
were brought in and the greatest
number reported were in the Forty
ninth congress the aggregate being
The number of private bills passed
by this congress have been exceeding
ly large
Fifty members of the house died dur
ing the congress just closed an un
usually large number
Cornell Will Retire Teachers at the
Age of Seventy
ITHACA N Y Announcement was
made Friday of a scheme for the pen
sioning of Cornell university profe
sorss who under the rule adopted by
the board of trustees last fall will be
retired after attaining the age of 70
years A fund of 150000 has been
given the university for this purpose
and this amount will toe placed at com
pound interest until 1914 when it will
amount to 250000 Each professor
retired will receive an annual pen
sion of 1500 three fourths of which
will be paid from the pension fund and
one fourth of which will be contributed
by the professors
It is expected however that profes
sors who reach the age limit before
1814 will also receive the benefits of
the pension scheme
Did Not Help Shipwrecked Americans
in Bermuda
has been made to the state depart
ment of the conduct of the United
States Consul W Maxwell Greene at
Hamilton Bermuda in connection
with the casting away of the steamer
Madiana It is alleged that the consul
showed absolute indifference toward
the shipwrecked passengers and took
no part in their rescue The local pa
pers in Bermuda commented on this
matter and the papers have been sent
to the state department which will
institute a prompt investigation of the
consuls conduct
Mr Greene was appointed to his
post from Rhode Island in 189S
Convention of the Railway Christian
TOPEKA Kan President Roose
velt will be present at the interna
tional convention of the Railway
Young Mens Christian association
which will be held in this city from
April 30 to May 3 He has not desig
nated the date of his visit An effort
will be made to have him officiate at
the laying of the corner stone of the
new Railway Young Mens Christian
association building the money for
which was largely furnished by Presi
dent Ripley of the Santa Fe
Miss Helen Gould of New York and
other well known people will attend
the conference Delegates will be
present from all parts of the world
Western Lumbermen Cut Loose
ern Retail Lumber Dealers associa
tion withdrew from affiliation with the
National Association of Lumber Deal
The Western Retailers announced
their relations with the wholesalers
would continue to be friendly but the
retailers were unable to live up to tho
agreement signed at Boston in 1S92
It was pointed out that courts in the
west have decided that such an agree
ment is in restraint of trade and there
fore unlawful
Plague Record at Mazatlan
MAZATLAN Mexico The number
of deaths here in February was 107
of which fifty were from bubonic
plague From January 1 to March 1
there were burned by the sanitary au
thorities 291 houses of a cheap class
for which the owners were paid 73
Idaho Irrigation Project
TOCOMA Wash Contracts have
been let for damming the Snake river
at Idaho at a pointtwenty five miles
above the Shoshone Falls and building
sixty five miles ofucanal on the south
side of the river and twenty four
miles on the iJsdenot including
laterals which will reclaim 340000
acres of land nder ttjjiVhew govern
ment irrimiUnn lnw Thf flam IS to
cost 40000 pjQmjojgjjjWd the canal
2500000 UJf 8j J
ft f V -
Some Think It an Important Question
That Might Be Delayed Until Regu
lar Session of Congress Miscel
laneous Washington Matters
WASHINGTON The senate com
mittee on foreign relations on Monday
agreed to favorably report the Colom
bian canal treaty to the senate
No action was taken on the Cuban
or other reciprocity treaties The
Colombian treaty was reported as in
the former session without amend
When the senate went into executive
session Senator Cullom reported the
treaty and it was ready at length as
the rules of the senate require Un
der the rules an objection carried the
treaty over for one day before it could
be considered
Senator Morgan objected to its con
sideration He stated that he desired
to have the Spanish copy of the treaty
so as to compare it with the English
text It is expected that a draft in
Spanish will be sent to the senate by
the state department
Members of the committee on for
eign relations express the opinion that
there will not be any great delay in
the ratification of the treaty In the
committee meeting Senator Clark of
Montana who succeeds Senator
Bailey as a member was present
During the session of the committee
Senator Morgan offered to consent to
a vote on the canal treaty on Satur
day providing the senate would allow
him to print such remarks as he want
ed in the Congressional Record or as
a public document
Members of the committee later dis
cussed the Dronosition with other
senators and the consensus of opinion
seemed to be against granting this
permission Some of the remarks here
tofore made by Senator Morgan re
flected rather severely on the Colom
bian government and especially on
the presiednt of Colombia and sena
tors think it would he inadvisable to
give official sanction to such utter
ances It also is feared that the
Colombian government might take of
fense and fail to ratify the treaty
The committee will take up the
Cuban treaty on Wednesday Quite a
number of democratic senators are op
posed to it and while they say they
have no desire to prevent a vote they
intend briefly to speak The repub
licans count on three or four more
votes than the necessary two thirds
majority to ratify it There is a prob
ability of some discussion of the con
stitutional rights of the senate to
make a treaty affecting the revenues
of the government without concur
rence of the house of representatives
Some opponents of the treaty have
said that they think it is such an im
portant question that it might be de
layed until the regular session of con
gress Others have suggested that
there should be an amendment pro
viding that the treaty should not be
come operative until its provisions
have been approved by the house
Some members of the committee
think that this much disputed ques
tion ought to go to the supreme court
and be settled there It is the present
intention of the committee to press
the treaty to a vote as soon as the
Colombian nrotocol is out of the way
Exports to the United States Show a
Large Increase
Germans commercial record for the
past year Consul General Frank H
Mason at Berlin in a report to the
state department declares that while
a few branches of manufacture and
trade experienced a partial recovery
the year as a whole belonged to the
period of over production collapse and
panic which began in the summer of
1900 and has caused the condition
still prevalent wherein prices of food
and raw materials are above all logi
cal relation to the market values of
finished products
Referring to German trade with the
United States the consul general calls
attention to the notable increase in
German exports to this country
amounting to 1477S770 distributed
through twenty five consular districts
More Ships More Officers and More
LONDON The British navy esti
mates for 1903 4 issued Monday even
ing provide for an expenditure of
179184205 an increase of 16010000
of which amount 11180000 will be
devoted to ship building and repairs
The maintenance estimates provides
for 127100 officers and men an in
crease of 4600 officers and men
Sf -
Distribution of the 51564108514 Ap
propriated by Congress
priations made during the session oi
congress which closed Wednesday ag
gregated 753484018 as against 800
G24496 for the last session The to
tal for the entire congress footed 1
564108514 or something more than
100000000 in excess of the total ap
propriations of the Fifty sixth con
gress the total for that congress be
ing 1440438
These figures were embodied in a
statement presented to the senate by
Mr Allison chairman of the commit
tee on appropriations
The statement also contained an
itemized statement showing the ex
penditures by the past session by bills
as follows
Agriculture 5978100 array 78
138752 diplomatic and consular 1
968250 District of Columbia 8647
497 fortifications 7188416 Indian
8512950 legislative executive and
judicial 27595953 militaray acad
emy 653248 navy 81877291 pen
sions 139847600 postofilce 153
401549 sundry civil 82272955 de
ficiencies 21561572 permanent an
nual appropriations 132589820 mis
cellaneous 3250000
Homer Bird Who Murdered Compan
ions Protests His Innocence
SEATTLE Wash A special to the
Times from Sitka says
Homer Bird was legally executed
here Friday The execution was void
of accident Bird walked from the
jail and mounted the scaffold without
assistance On the gallows he made
a short speech without visible emo
tion in which he protested his inno
cence Thirty seconds after the trap
was sprung and the murderer died
without a struggle About twenty
witnesses were allowed within the en
During the great Knodike rush of
1897 and 1898 Bird started up the Yu
kon river with two companions One
day the two companions were found
to be missing When questioned
Bird stoutly maintained that they had
gone off on a prospecting expedition
The bodies of the two men were aft
erwards found riddle with buckshot
Birds sentence was affirmed by the
United States supreme court and Pres
ident Roosevelt refused clemency
Governor of Newfoundalnd Reports
Progress in Matter
ST JOHNS N F The legislature
opened Thursday afternoon The gov
ernor announced a surplus in the treas
ury and also that the Bond Hay treaty
negotiations were still progressing
He intimated that measures would be
introduced for the enlargement of the
naval reserve movement the exten
sion of the telegraph system to Lab
rador on the expiration of the Anglo
American Telegraph companys mon
nopoly next year the establishment of
a cold storage plant and the encour
agement of local iron smelting indus
The French shore modus vivendi bill
was introduced and given its first
Site for New Office Building
tives Cannon 111 Richardson
Tenn and Hepburn la the com
mittee which has been considering a
location for an office building for the
use of members of the house of rep
resentatives Monday decided to ask
the secretary of the interior to insti
tute condemnation proceedings to ac
quire a block south of and across the
street from the capitol grounds bound
ed on the east by First street on the
south by C street on the west by
New Jersey avenue and on the north
by B street
Chicago Brokers Break
CHICAGO 111 The suspension of
William Young Co brokers was an
nounced by theposting of a notice on
the board of trade to close all
trades for their account The firm
was not prominent in the grain trade
to which their transactions were large
ly directed although an old concern
the present principal having succeed
ed his father in the business
Appoints a Nebraska Man
PAWNEE CITY Neb Senator elect
C W Fulton of Oregon has appointed
Charles Halderman of this count as
bis private secretary Mr Fulton was
once a resident of this place
Watch for Conscience Fund
WASHINGTON The secretary of
the treasury has received a unique con
science contribution in the shape of a
watch with a gold filled case The
watch came in a package postmarked
Pittsfield Mass The sender says in
an accompanyingletter
Such as I have I give unto you for
the conscience fund The money I
gave for the watch is more than I con
sider I owe the government
2 Tr J
5SaWBnrlmt Mmrf
Changes on the Northwestern
President Marvin Hughitt of tb
Chicago and Northwestern recently
announced that hia company has pur
chased and onterod Into possession of
tho Fremont Elkhorn and Missouri
valley railroad in Nebraska Wyom
ing and South Dakota and that It will
be operated hereafter as the Nebraska
and Wyoming division of the North
western system
Following this notice announcement
was made by General Manager Gard
ner of the appointment of C A
Cairns as general passenger agent
of tho Chicago and Northwestern
with headquarters at Chicago Mr
Cairns has been assistant general
passenger agent of the Northwestern
since 1892 and for several years prior
to that was assistant general passen
ger agent of the Chicago Great West
ern He has been in railway service
since 1878 commencing as a messen
ger in the president and treasurers
office of the Cleveland Columbus Cin
cinnati and Indianapolis railroad
G F Bidwell who has been the
general manager of the Fremont Elk
horn and Missouri Valley is appointed
manager of the Nebraska and Wyom
ing division including the lino from
California Junction to Fremont with
offices at Omaha J A Kuhn form
erly general freight agent of the Elk
horn is made assistant general freight
and passenger agent of the North
western at Omaha W H Jone3 is
made division freight agent and J
W Munn division passenger agent at
Its one thing to write a book and
another to write a right E00K
Fiso Cure for Consumption is sn infaUlbla
medicine for coushs and colds N W Saudxi
Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1900
Canada has 100000 Indians the Uni
ted States 270000
makes top of the market butter
The Colombian truce has heen ex
tended Are they counting the votes
or filling the cartridges
Is because made by an entirely different
process Defiance Starch Is unlike any
other better and one third more for 10
All is not gold that gltsteneth
Middleton A Fair Quarrel
Defiance Starch Is guaranteed big
gest and best or money refunded 16
ounces 10 cents Try it now
The man who is always nowllng at
fortune accomplishes quite as much
as the bulldog baying at the barn
You never hear any one complain
about Defiance Starch There is
none to equal it in quality and quan
tity 16 ounces 10 cents Try it
now and save your money
The house that tells the truth
Greatest cereal food on I
earth JSO bus rJn VtX
Victoria Rape
pakesltpoenlbloto irroT
z2rJ ana t 1
jumutMiiD Mar 1
TelomlTproitflcdoeg well
eTerywhere That Pay I
Bromus Inermls
tnis and Billion Dollar
wuu 10 UIO IWQ aott
rV 1S3r3r2
dnceiS tons and BUllon 2
Grass 1 tons of hay and
125 Vna lotsof PMttrage
besides Der am n
ywhereTer soil u found
8300 and nnbarntt
f 7 - V
Pr Hence
gratteatalogfor i0coS4
Over 2000000 people are now buy-
in roods from us at wholesale
prices savlnff 15 to 0 percent on every
thinz they use You can do It too
Why not ask us to send you our 1 000
pase catalogue it tells tho story Send
15 cents for it today
m0mC I
cartridges and shot shells
are made in the largest and
best equipped ammunition
factory in the world
of U M C make is now
accepted by shooters as
the worlds standard for
it shoots well in any gun
Tour dealer sells it
THe Union Metallic
Cartridge Co
Bridgeport - - Conn
rlerdlngrforlirJE Welta
Orleans CoV Y42I bu per
20th Century Oats
J 3Jer9e10auuie
- -mat fays
Golden Goto r
COWl300buhclrv i
1 truly 0 wonderfnl Tarlety
Macaroni Wheat
1 yield 63 bus peracre
V2acM bT U 8 Dept of
if wonder
1 BDHltT
t W