The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 06, 1903, Image 1

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St Patricks Catholic Church Destroyed
Tiro destroyed St Patricks Catholic
church last Sunday morning about
eleven oclock The alarm was sounded
shortly before that hour while high mass
was in progress and by half past eleven
the entire structure with much of the
furniture and furnishings were in ruins
Thoro was no panic and nil the wor
shippers succeeded in getting out of the
burning church without injury The
emptying of the church of people and
the removal of considerable of the sac
red furnishings wore made easier by the
fact that the fire originated in the north
eastern part of the structure between
tho ceiling and the roof
The fire department responded as
rapidly ns possible but the long run up
tho hill through the snow pulling the
heavy cart made progress slow aud by
the time tho boys arrived on tho scene
it was not possible to save the church
and attention was directed to saving tho
parsonage adjoining in which they were
entirely successful although tho wind
at times made the outlook discouraging
The church was built in 1S85 and first
and last cost the Catholic people about
8100000 Upon the church building
there was an insurance of 180000
Tho furniture and furnishings of the
church cost 200000 and upon them
was an insurance of 120000 Consider
able of tho furnishings were saved how
over although tho furniture was practi
cally a complete loss The parsonage
adjoining tho church on the east was
but slightly damaged But there was
a small damage upon tho furniture re
moved there from However the insur
ance of 120000 upon- parsonage and
furniture covers all possible loss
When the fire was discovered by
Father Loughran Father Brenning was
just closing mass and Father Loughran
had just entered the sacristy by the side
door preparatory to preach the sermon
of tho morning
The indications are quite conclusive
that the church caught fire from a de
fective flue as the fire evidently caught
between tho ceiling and the roof near
the flue The indications are too that
the fire had been smouldering for some
time before it was discovered This will
explain why the building burned so
fiercely so soon after the flames burned
through the roof and a draft was created
The people of McCook irrespective of
creed sympathize with the Catholic
brethren in this misfortune
The Tribune is pleased to learn that
tho official members of the church and
members of the congregation mot on
Monday evening and decided to rebuild
at once The new structure will be of
brick and will be more commodious and
better appointad than tho one destroyed
by fire Work will begin as soon as
plans and specifications can be prepared
and the necessary preliminaries arranged
Until the new church is completed
Catholic services will be held in the
court house every Sunday at tho usual
The indications are that a new stone
and brick church to cost about 600000
will be completed by September
The loss oil the parsonage and furni
ture is placed at 33000 which is fully
covered by insurance
In the name of the Catholic people of
McCook I wish to thank all who so nobly
and heroically assisted us in saving the
parsonage and goods from the flames
which devoured tho church last Sun
day morning Special thanks are duo
the firemen for their quick response to
the alarm and their heroic work in the
face of the flames As a personal mark
of appreciation of their noble work
among the flames and burning cinders
I wish to give them a smoke of a better
flavor I have placed with Chief Tartsch
a box of cigars and he will see that all
the fire fighters get a smoke out of it
J J Loughran
For Thirty Days Only
I will offer for sale my GO acre farm
-two and a half miles southeast of Mc
Cook Is low land well adapted to
raising sugar beets Ten acres can be
planted to beets this season Price
A C Marsh McCook Neb
A carload of new buggies just received
at W T Colemans
Stop that cough Cure that cold
McConnells Balsam will do it
Mens cotton worsted pants 21 ounces
to the pair for 90c at Tho Thompson
Dry Goods Co
A Low Price
We are now selling new crop
EnglishjTTiralnuts in lots of ono
pound or more at 15 cents a
pound Mixed nuts all bright
new stock 15 cents a pound two
pounds for 25 cents
The Bee Hive
JMtVjJ m tjNi
MrsRA Byrnes is quite seriously ill
Mrs W W Arciiihald is visiting in
Denver this week
Mrs S S Garvkv has been quite ill
for tho past week
Mrs S V Ives is visiting friends in
Lincoln this week
Mrs C R Liggett is visiting Frank
lin relatives this week
Mrs II HKingshury and daughter
are visiting in Denverthis week
Mrs C W Dewey and tho baby will
arrive from Danbury close of this week
Miss Alice Carlson who has been
visiting Mrs Ned Fox has returned to
Sherburne Minn
Mr and Mrs W S Perry enter
tained the Alphabet high five club
Wednesday evening
Miss Pearl Zint was hostess at the
latest Awl Osian conclave Wednesday
evening of this week
Mrs W S Morlan is entertaining
her cousin Mrs John G Roberts of
Idaho Springs Colorado
Mrs II C Brown of Denver is hero
on a visit to her relatives and is tho guest
of J H aud I D Moore
Tom OConner has returned to the
city and is now to bo found at his old
haunt Zints barber shop
Mr and Mrs N H Fox departed ou
Thursday morning for Fairmont Minn
to make their homo there
Dr J A Gunn came in from Des
Moines Iowa Monday night and is
visiting the family this week
Miss Jessie Pope visited her sister
Ethel in Lincoln close of last week
returning home on Sunday night
Howe Smith is still quite ill and his
brother-in-law E L Walker is over from
Atwood Kansas helping nurse him
Miss Millie Slaby was up from Re
publican City Saturday and Sunday
guest of her sister Mrs V H Solliday
Mrs Paul E Parsons of Denver is
the guest of Mrs L C Wolff on her way
east on a visit They were schoolmates
W E Bower wont down into Kansas
close of last week on business connected
with some real estate he owns in that
Mrs Sam Patterson came up from
Arapahoe Tuesday and has been the
guest of Mrs H H Tartsch part of the
Mrs M E Battershall and Guy
have gono to Okarche Oklahoma to
live where Delia and Mrs Battershalls
brother Fred Thompson are located
R C Orr the new judge of the Four
teenth district is making McCook his
headquarters His first term of court
will be held in this city on Monday
March 16th
Mrs G A Noren left on No 12 Wed
nesday morning for Lincoln on a short
visit to her daughter Mrs R W Hag
gard She will also visit in Orleans be
fore arriving at homo
Mrs S A Traver organized a lodge
of the Degree of Honor in Holbrook
Nebraska last Saturday night The
new degree starts out with a strong
nucleus for a good lodge
E J Mitchell is enjoying a visit
from his brother-in-law and sister Mr
and Mrs Evans of Sedalia Mo who
arrived in the city close of last week
together with their little son
Mrs G W Conner went down to
Falls City Monday night being sum
moned there by the death of her aged
father Mr Conner and the children
followed on Tuesday evenings train
Charles Brum night man at the
light house departed on Saturday night
for Cincinnati Ohio He is succeeded
by the former night man W H Carr
who has been at Aurora Nebraska
since leaving here
Mrs F M Kimmell gave a kensing
ton yesterday af ternon in honor of Mrs
F L Brown of Menominee Wisconsin
Mrs Albert McMillen served chocolate
during the afternoon and assisted in
serving a three course lunch The
prettily sketched cards heads in pen and
ink were the artistic work of Miss Amy
Miss Nellie Taylor of 918 T street
Washington D C writes the postmas
ter at McCook desiring information
about her sister Guinnmette Johnson
She states that the last she heard of
Miss Johnson she was employed in the
Arlington hotel McCook Nebraska
Miss Taylor adds that their mother is
now dead and she is anxious to hear
from her sister Any one who can give
information will please address as above
The Empire cream separator is caus
ing a peaceful revolution in the separa
tor business They are easy running
have few parts to wash and people who
have used them say they are the best
Ki Jtji
Two Satisfactory Entertainments
Sanford Dodge and his excellent com
pany gave the people of this city two
very satisfactory performances this
week opening on Monday night with a
drama The Gladiator and closing
with a comedy Tho Taming of the
Shrew Tuesday night Both perform
ances attracted fair sized and apprecia
tive audiences Tho plays and actors
were of better grade than most the
people of this city have an opportunity
of seeing and hearing at home The only
fly in the ointment was tho fiercely in
harmonious and persistent attack made
on the piano forto by a misguided mem
ber of the troupe in lieu of an orchestra
Boiling oil were a mercy
An Early Settler of Falls City
George Roy father of Mrs GWCon
ner of our city died at his home in Falls
City Nebraska last Sunday He was
almost 74 years of age His aged wife
and two daughters Mrs Connor of this
place and Miss Josephine Roy of Falls
City survive him The funeral was held
from the Methodist church of that city
Wednesday and was largely attended
The deceased was one of the pioneers
of that city and one of the additions to
that city was laid out by him and named
after him Mrs Conner husband and
children attended the funeral
Wasson Jaques Marriage
Sunday at high noon the wedding of
Charles A Wasson and Anna M Jaques
was celebrated at the home of the
grooms father Captain I II Wasson
in the presence of a company of near rel
atives and friends of tho young couple
Elder II II Berry performing the cere
A wedding dinner of delicious details
followed tho ceremony
They will make their home on the S
C King farm on Dry Creek
The congratulations of many friends
and well wishers are theirs
Public Sale of Fine Stock Etc
Marion Plummer will have a public
sale at his farm six miles west of Mc
Cook and one half mile north of Perry
station on Thursday March 12th 1903
commencing at ten oclock a m Tho
offerings comprise a lot of registered and
eligible-to-be-registered Cleg Wright
horses 16 head of cattle among them
some choice milk cows that are now giv
ing milk or soon to be fresh also a lot
of farm implements This is a rare oppor
tunity to get excellent stock and good
blood Usual terms of sale
H H Berry Auctioneer
It Will Go to Mrs McCarl
The life benefit in the Burlington re
lief department waiting for the heirs of
the late Mr McCarl will go to Mrs Jan
nette McCarl A decree was entered in
the district court Saturday morning giv
ing the fund to the widow Mr McCarl
was killed while employed with the Bur
lington some time ago His benefit had
been made out in the name of the
mother and owing to some disagreement
the Burlington did not know whom to
pay The mother also died a few months
ago Lincoln Star 28th
Special Prices on Wall Paper
Until March 15th will sell last years
patterns of wall paper at reduced prices
to make room for new stock Now is
the time to get bargains
Yours for business
A McMillen
For Sale
Folding bed At a bargain
L W McConnell
If you are saving green stamps then
you are right
Boys knee Pant suits 75c 125 150
2 at The Thompson D G Cos
Wall Paper Buy it this month of
Cone Bros and save 50 per dent
New walking skirts and dress skirts
from 150 to 6 just received at The
Thompson D G Cos
Cream received at W T Colemans
from any centrifugal separator any day
in the week at the highest market price
He pays twice a month too
People who bought their garden seeds
of W T Coleman last year are in buy
ing early while the assortment is com
plete They know good seeds when they
have tried them
Best table oil cloth 15c yd Best
apron check ginghams 5c yd Best indi
go dyed dress prints 5c yd American
A 2 bu seamless grain bags 16jc
Mens heavy seamless Rockford sox 5c
pair at The Thompson D G Cos
The library has received a few new
books Among them is Pools Index
which is an index to all magazine articles
published in the past five years which
together with the volumes of old maga
zines now on hand and those that may
by contributed makes a very valuable
addition to the library Look at it and
bring in your old magazines
Conrad Yost is taking a short layoff
B A Murdock is back from Aliianco
Helper E M Dawson is sick and off
E Welch is a now wiper in the round
Engine 3705 broke a sidorod Tuesday
at Sutton
II P Smith is a now helper in tho
Ernest Welch is a now helper in the
G C Adams paint clerk resigned
first of week
Fireman A F Fitt is visiting in Don
uer this week
E M Dawson of blacksmith force is
on tho sick list
R D Smith S M P was in this
city Wednesday
T E Calvert General Supt was in
the city Wednesday
John Brening Jr is inproving his
front porch this week
Machinist Walter Duffy has resigned
and returned to Denver
I F Wolfe is a new fireman here
transferred from Red Cloud
Glen C Adams went down to Lincoln
Wednesday night on No 6
Ernest Colo went down to Oxford
today on a short visit home
Fireman W A Lauby returned from
his trip to Ehvood first of week
Frank Green of the blacksmith force
visited in Curtis last of last week
E C Pierson is a new boilerwasher
helper in the roundhouse this week
George Enoch was working in Repub
lican and Oberlin first of the week
F J Zajicek is a new fireman trans
ferred from Oxford first of the week
Frank Hammell of the roundhouse
has been transferred to the blacksmith
C Bunstock is a new fireman out of
here transferred from Oxford first of
wSuk -
Ned Fox of night force has resigned
and expects to go to Omaha in the near
Fireman B F Briggs returned from
his trip to Shenandoah Iowa last of
last week
Jacob Schlagel who has been on the
sick list for the last month returned to
work Thursday
H n Phillippi roundhouse man at
Wray was down visiting the boys here
last of last week
D W Ferree machinists helper in
the roundhouse is visiting his parents
at York this week
Since March 1st Fred Irwin has been
a full fledged journeyman blacksmith a
deserved promotion
Airjacks for raising locomotives are
being gotten in readiness for shipment
to Sheridan and Alliance
Fred Breme of the night gang has been
transferred to day work and Fred Du
laney has his night job
Fireman G C Wolford fell off an en
gine near Bartley Monday and in con
sequence is on the relief
Fireman Remington of the goat has
a mashed finger and is visiting at Wray
Colorado while it repairs
Ono of the new signs of spring is that
W H Morrell and H E Mackain have
had their beards shaved off
C O Doing of the blacksmith force
was called to Stockville Thursday on
account of the death of his cousin
Fireman I L Rodstrom who has been
off on the sick list on account of a sprain
ed wrist returned to work Tuesday
Castings are here for Mack Hughes
new case hardening furnace which he
hopes to have built in the near future
Tom Saunders carrepairer had the
thumb of his right hand dislocated by
petting it caught in the airmotor Wed
Fireman George Hoxie went to Lincoln
on 76 Monday He bought a horse here
the other day and took it down to his
folks there
Engine No 2S5 which was badly
smashed up in the Sterling wreck of last
week is in the shop being gotten ready
for moving to Havelock for an overhaul
ing It is a sorry looking mill
A bulletin has been posted announc
ing the enlargement of C E Emersons
authority Commencing with March 1st
he will have charge of all carwork re
pairing inspecting and cleaning and
supervision over all carmen
uujj jjiMBawjjvyfliF
Redwillow and Decatur Counties Join
A joint meoting of tho teachers of Rod
willow and Decatur counties will bo held
in Danbury March Mth Tho session
will open in tho Methodist church at 130
in the afternoon Below is the program
Vocal duot MishOH Irouo and Hollo Ruby
Paper How to Tench Children to Study
J E Hojd Redwillow county
Discussion Edna Cntlicnrt Decatur county
Class drill Pupils of Intermedin to Grade
Paper Foundation Work in Arithmetic
Emory VunVleet Decatur county
Discussion Viola Duvoe Redwillow county
Vocal solo Miss Maudo Ruby
Paper Value of Technical Grammar
Cora L Vincent Redwillow county
Discussion Lillio Wolfe Decatur county
Paier Rrond vs Deep Culture
Perry Petors Decatur county
A JCabnorVanchoPlumbRed willow county
Mr and Mrs Pokijo
Mrs McDonnld and Clifford Nadon
Rusinees session
It is expected that every teacher in Redwillow
county will become a member of the Redwillow
County Teachers Association If any ono bus
not enrolled ho is ured to do so at onco Tho
annual feo of 21 cents can bo paid to Mr J K
Uoyd treasurer at somo association mooting
This enrollment fee is imperatively needed from
each teacher to defray tho years expenses
Wilbur McClain is tho west side jani
tor during the illess of Howe Smith
who is now mending
The schools are arranging for an enter
tainment to provido funds with which to
defray expenses incurred in buying pic
ture frames etc in December last
Those having children of school age
whom they wish to enter in the begin
ners class this spring are requested to
notify tho superintendent or Mrs Seho
bel in South McCook or Miss Thorn
son at tho West ward building Inas
much as we must know the probable size
of the class in ordor to make room for
the additional pupils it is hoped that
parents will bo prompt in making their
applications and in no caso later than
March 11 Notice will be published next
week of the time when tho beginners
class will be started
G II Thomas Superintendent
Dies in the Lincoln Asylum
Ed B Lincoln who was recently taken
to Lincoln and placed in the asylum
after killing his brother-in-law Richard
G Mitchell died in the asylum Thurs
day of last week Tho deceased had
been unconscious from tho time of his
arrival in Lincoln and his death was
expected from lack of nutrition and weak
ness The remains wero taken by his
brother Joe to Pacific Junction Iowa
for interment Thus closes ono of the
saddest chapters in local history The
family has tho profoundest sympathy
of all in this latest affliction
A Butchering- Difference
is tho difference between our way and
other ways the difference between good
meat and poor meat and our customers
gain by the difference in methods Wo
are careful in selecting and killing our
meats and in selling aim to please our
patrons Mrsh Meat Market
Estrayed or Stolen
Two bay mares coming four years old
One has wire mark left front foot Other
has fistula mark One has star on fore
head Suitable reward paid for recovery
Frank Stillman
Regular Dorcas Meeting-
Regular meeting of the Dorcas society
will be held at the home of Mrs II P
Waite Thursday afternoon March 12th
Dwelling House For Sale
Five room dwelling new 62J 6 feet
front Inquire of
2ts Frank Dokson
Mens black suits 6350 5 3650 750
to 31250 at Tho Thompson D G Cos
Drop in at A McMillens and see the
premiums offered for green trading
A largo invoice of Lincoln mixed
paints tho very best just received at
McMillens drug store
Percale wrappers with flounce and
braids in sizes 32 to 4G from 75c to 32 at
The Thompson D G Cos
All lovers of fine perfumes should try
the California odors made where the
flowers grow for sale at Cone Bros
Teeth kept clean and free from germs
dont decay Minardene kills the germ
Made and sold by McConnell druggist
Boys corduroy knee pants 50c Boys
corduroy suits 375 Youths corduroy
long pants 175 mens ditto 2 at The
Thompson D G Co
Easter is only two months away Get
your hens in line with Lees Egg Maker
We have it Small cost big returns
L W McConnell
Whatever the market offers in season
you will find it at Marshs meat market
and the price is always right You will
receive prompt service and courteous
treatment in the bargain which is
always due you
Save money on drugs at McMillens
Now things in fiction at McConnells
McMillens cough euro will stop your
cough Try it
First class meats of all kinds at tho
B M meat market
Whito Pino and Tar Tho best for
coughs Buy it at Cono Bros
Tho B M meat markot soils tho
best of ovorything in thoir lino
Another shipment of new books has
just been received by Cono Bros
Job lot of ladies shoes worth 225 and
250 Special prico S129 DoGroff
Under tho caption Given Free Hon
est John sings you a now songthis week
Irrigated farm for rent tf
C If Meeker
Gunthers candies always fresh
L W McConnell
Liquid Koal and National Dip for sale
by James Cain Kill tho germ of Texas
You want tho best at a right prico
You will got it at tho B M meat
Now medallions esc ti rials and appli
ques just received at Tho Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Free of Charge is the titlo of tho
new advertisement of R L Diamond ife
Bro in this issue
The county commissioners wuro in ses
sion Wednesday April 7th is the date
of tho next meeting
For Sale CO tons of alfalfa hay at 2
and 150 per ton S G Gohekn Mc
Cook Neb
This week C F Lohn closed tho pur
chase of all of Frank Harris South Mc
Cook lots 22 all told
The best bargains in Wall Paper ever
offered to McCook people are at Cono
Bros until March 1st
Trimming buttons in velvetsilksatin
enamel and tinted pearl just received at
The Thompson D G Cos
If you anticipate using wall paper
soon you can save money by calling at
McMillens before March 15th
Use Sherwin Williams paintthis year
and you wont have to paint so often
L W McConnell
For rent KJO aere farm 0 miles north
east of McCook 90 acres under cultiva
tion J C Ball McCook
Tho cheapest easiest quickest and
best way to smoke meat is to uso Mc
Connells Condensed Smoke In 25 cent
Attention is directed to the advertise
ment in this issue announcing the sale
at Marion Plumniers on next Thursday
March 12th
Cards with envelopes to match for at
homes receptions etc for sale at Trijj
une office Same neatly printed rea
sonable if desired
New Panama suitings Coronation
Snow flake suitings Sharkskins and
other Spring dress goods just received at
The Thompson D G Cos
Its by comparing articles andvalues
that wise people are ablejto make intelli
gent decisions as to superiority Tile
Tribune invites comparison
he resignation of County Surveyor
A C Wilson of Danbury has been ac
cepted by the commissioners but no suc
cessor has as yet been appointed
Every cough weakens your lungs
Dont cough McConnells Balsam cures
coughs 25 cents
L McConnell
The county physicians for the year
1903 are First district R B Campbell
of Lebanon Second district JM Brown
of Bartley Third district W V Gago
of McCook
The sale on the Mitchell farm this
week was very successful Mrs Bertha
Mitchell expects to leave next Monday
for Pacific Junction Iowa where she
live with her brother Joe
Those who havo bought the Ocean
Wave washing machine are greatly pleas
ed with them If you wantthe best
and none but the best are good enough
why buy the Ocean Wave
Alex Bergeron the well known piano
tuner will be hero from Denver on his
regular visit about tho first of April
If you need your instruments repaired
or tuned wait for him Leave word at
Suttons jewelry store
There is cane seed aplenty and no lack
of Kafir seed but alfalfa seed is both
scarce and high priced yetJW T Cole
man has succeeded in securing a supply
of some of the choicest alfalfa in the
market There promises to be a great
scarcitv about seeding time Dont get