1 -- pedal Reductions of Prices on Our- Enti r Stock of Sh i We Need the Room and the Money You Need the Goods There is no reason why we cant trade and trade quick Nothing to be Reserved You Get the Cut in Anything in the Shoe Line Come in and pick out what you need and we will name a price you cant get away from We Mean Business Bee Hive McCook X V FRANKLIN President THR A C EBERT Cashier fl I CITIZENS BANKl OF MeCOOK NEB a h Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 f b m a a DIRECTORS FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT Iff B WOLFE C H WILLARD WV WNWVW NATIONAL S2 Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 r x6 GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director E D Burgess Plumber and Steam Filter McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun hciipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building Kodol Dyspepsia Cur Digests what you eat J Cancer Cured W W Prickott Smithfleld Illinois writes September 10th 1901 I had been suffering several years with a cancer on my face wliich caused me great annoyance and unbearable itching I was using Ballards Snow Liniment for a sore leg and through an accident I rubbed some of the liniment on the cancer and it gave me almost instant relief I decided to continue to use the liniment on the cancer In a short time the cancer came out my face healed up and there is not the slightest scar left I have implicit faith in the merits of this preparation and it cannot be too highly recom mended 25c 50c and 100 For sale by A McMillen The scratch of a pin may cause the lo3s of a limb of even death when blood poisoning re sults from the injury All danger of this may bo avoided however by promptly applying Chamberlains Pain Balm It is an antiseptic and quick healing liniment for cuts bruises and burns For sale by L W McConnoll druggist Pimples faded complexion chapied skin red rough hands eczema tottor bad blood cured in a short time with Rocky Mountain Tea the great complexion restorer McConnells drug store mrjiAROLA Fred Duckworth ia quite aick with pleurisy Marion Powell of Lincoln was in town this week C S Quick took two cars of cattle to Omaha this week - Mrs Elmer Thompson who has been quite sick is better Loton Duckworth from near Freedom was in town Monday W R Starr of McCook was an Indi anola visitor Tuesday Charlie Beardslee expects to return to Cripple Creek nest week The M W A will give a supper in the Woodman hall the 20th instant Quite a number of the children in town are laid up with the chickenpox Mrs Casner has had charge of Mjss Nettie McCools room during her illness Alex Thackor went up to Wauneta on business Sunday evening returning on Tuesday morning Jim Miller took a small bunch of cat tle from the range to his place south of town Wednesday James Ryan shipped a carload of wheat this week that he had stored from last years crop Miss Grace Andrews has been on the sick list the past week and her school has been having a vacation Miss Maud Allen went up to McCook Tuesday evening to visit a few days with her sister Mrs Hayden Will Sheets purchased a team of horses from Frank Untiedt last week he will do business for himself hereafter MrsWDMackechnie returned home Wednesday morning from California where she has been visiting for several months Percy Bell sold his barber shop this week to a gentleman from Council Bluffs Iowa who took possession Wednesday Rev Owens went down to Omaha Monday to meet his wife who has been visiting at that place She will accom pany him home the last of the week Tendency ot the Times The tendency of medical science is toward preventive measures The best thought of the the world is being given to the subject It is easier and better to prevent than to cure It has been fully demonstrated that pneumonia one of the most dangerous diseases that medi cal men have to contend with can be prevented by the use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy Pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of influenza grip and it has been observed that this remedy conteracts any ten dency of these diseases toward pneumonia This lias been fully proven in many thousands of cases in which this remedy has been used during the great prevalence of colds and grip in recent years and can be relied upon with im plicit conGdeuce Pneumonia often results from a slight old when no danger is ap prehended until it is suddenly discovered that there is a fever and difficulty in breathing and pains in the chest and then it is announced that the patient has pneumonia Be on the safe side and take Chamberlains Cough Remedy as soon as the cold is contracted It always cures For sale by L W McConnell druggist BOX ELDER We were somewhat snowed in last week The oyster supper which was to have been held at the church last Saturday night was postponed until better weather Rev Satchell who is visiting his sis ter near Medford Oklahoma writes that he is engaged in a very interesting meet ing there The Steltzer Brothers have received their new moving picture machine and are now ready to start as soon as the weather settles Capel Terrill gave a nice entertain ment at the school house a week ago last Thursday night There were but a few in attendance on account of the weather They have promised to come back again They showed at the Spring Creek school house on Friday night A few of the Box Elder people attended the entertainment at that place delayed by storm last week Fred Rang is shelling corn Stephen Bolles bought a fine calf of Ira Harrison one day last week Misses Florence Younger and Eliza Johnson were McCook visitors last Saturday Rev Satchell took the train Thurs day morning for Phillipsburg Kansas to visit Mrs Satchells folks He may go on to Oklahoma to visit his sister George Henderson was taking two loads of corn over to the McClain place last Monday When he was on the hill above the store one load upset but George soon got the wagon picked up and the corn loaded and started on The blizzard last Tuesday was hard on the people who had to be out Mr Branscomb who carries the mail from McCook got two or three miles north of Boxelder when the storm got so bad he couldnt face it and he turned and went back to McCook The roads are drifted full of snow T M Campbells team got down in a drift Wednesday morn ing as he took Miss Eliza Johnson to her school DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve The only positive cure for blind bleeding itching and protruding piles cuts burnsbruises eczema and all abrasions of the skin DeWitts is the only witch hazel salve that is made from the pure unadulterated witch hazel all others are counterfeits DeWitts is made to cure others are made to sell L W McConnell druggist BARTLEY A brother of Miss Ella King is here visiting her Lizzie Adair is boarding out near her school on account of the bad weather and the roads Ed Price went up to McCook Sunday night and Albert Price came down from Indianola Monday morning The rooms over the postoffice are bo ing replastorod in preparation for Dr Moorfield and sister to begin housekeep ing in them Mr Grosch and two little daughters departed Monday on 12 for their home in Mountain Grove Missouri after a visit of several weeks with relatives and friends We understand that several parties of the city and roundabout had a general mix up at Jacks store Monday night but by a few sober parties taking things in hand the disturbance passed without any lives being lost Died At the home of her daughter-in-law Friday night of last week after an illness of several weeks Grandma Sells of this place Funeral services were conducted by Rev Meeker in the Christian church Saturday afternoon Wo understand that our energetic blacksmiths feel slighted because we do not mention their busiuess and is we dont want to hurt anyones feelings we make this statement Blacksmiths Clouse Wood engaged in a little scrape Wednesday in which both used koives and one life vvas lost No arrests have been made owing to the fact that it was only a hog that lost its life and the same which caused the scrape Thursday morning shortly after 12 a m firo broke out in William Shorts store and soon Shorts store Jack Craw raers store and Fletchers land office were going up in smoke The bell was rung to arouse the people to the danger but nothing could be done to save any thing Both stores carried a large line of merchandise and Short carried a large stock of feed also Nothing has been found out as to how the fire started and as yet the loss has not been fully esti mated None of the building were in sured except Jack Crawmers Better Than Gold I was troubled for several years with chronic iiri pfinn and nervous debility writes F J Green of Lancaster N II No remedy holped me until I began using Electric Hitters wmen did me more good than all the medicines I ever used They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles that they are a irrnnil tnnir and invieorator for weak run down women No other medicine can take its place in our family Try them Only 50c Satisfaction guaranteed by L W McConnell druggist CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS John Barkers little girl is very sick Ed Cochran gave a dance Saturday evening Miss Mabel Rathmeyer is staying at the hotel this week Miss Mabel Park was a Cedar Bluffs visitor Saturday and Sunday J W Miner has commenced to build on his farm just north of town Mr and Mrs Amos Peck have re turned from their Oklahoma visit Mrs John Thiebar and son have been visiting in Nebraska the past three weeks The Woodmen of this place will give an oyster supper Friday evening to the Woodmen and their families Miss Blanche Henderson has resigned her position as cook at the hotel and is now working for Will Miners Messrs Peck and Everist shipped a car of cattle Wednesday morning to Kansas City Mr Peck went with them The public school of this place will give an entertainment Saturday evening February 21st entitled Washingtons Birthday at the new church Mr Dresher the blacksmith intends to move his house to town as soon as the roads will permit which will add another dwelling to Cedar Bluffs Mr Roberson foreman for T D Burns has been pretty busy looking after the sheep and getting them plenty of feed during the storm but reports them doing finely E O Carter has sold his blacksmith shop to Mr Dresher Mr Carter ex pects to build again soon in our city and L go into the windmill and pump business and also drill wells We have needed a well and windmill man for some time One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute because it kills the microbe which tickles the mucous membrane causing the cough and at the same time clears the phlegm draws out tho inflammation and heals and soothes the affected parts One Minute Cough Cure Strengthens the lungs wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of coughs colds and I croup It is pleasant to take harmless and good alike for young and old LW McConnell druggist Stops the Cough and j Works off the Cold i Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents COLEMAN J W Corner is spreading out having bought another quarter section A gentleman born in England was driving over this town Monday Protracted meetings at the Coleman school houso have beon in progress this week The Moving Picture Exhibition at the Coleman school house last Saturday evening was not a financial success as only six woro present Why not plant a few acres of sugar beets for feed One acre of sugar beets makes more feed than five acres of corn at thirty bushels per acre Weak and Low Spirited A correspondent thus describes his oxporionco I can strongly recommend Herbino as a medi cine of remarkable efficacy for indigestion loss of nppotite sour tasto in the mouth palpita tion headache drowainoss after meals with distressing mental depressions and low spirits Herbino must be a unique preparation for cases such as mine for a few doses entirely romoved my complaint I wonder nt peoplo going on suffering or spending their money for worthless things when Herbino ia procurable and so cheap SOc a bottlo at A McMillens LEBANON John Fiechter is building a new resi dence in the eastern part of the town Steve Austin of Wilsonville was look ing after his elevator interests hero last week School in district No f5 was dismissed several days last week the school board being unable to secure coal R IT Nichols and wife returned to their home in Nemaha county last woek his mother being some better John Foley and wife returned Sun day from Wilcox being called home by the illness of their daughter Mrs Nellie Boyd Dr Butler of Beaver City was called in consultation Monday in the case of Mrs Nellie Boyd We are glad to re port that she is improving Cured Consumption Mrs B W Evans Clearwater Kansas writes My husband lay sick for three mouths tho doctors stated that he had quick consumption Wo procured a bottlo of Ballards Horehound Syrup and it cured him That was six years ago and since then wo always keep a bottle in the houso We cannot do without it For coughs and colds it has no equal 2c50c and 100 bottles at A McMillens DANBURY W JStilgebouers house is enclosed Miss Fair is on our streets again after a severe illness E E Hayes has purchased the piece of land south of the school house and has had a well drilled this week Mr Walden has returned home after a few days visit in southern Kansas He says it is rather tough on him to leave there and come here They have had no ice or cold weather there this winter Moses Allens sale Tuesday was well attended and most everything sold well Mr Allen and family intend to start for Colorado next week Are You Restless at Night and harrassed by a bad cough Use Ballards Horehound Syrup it will secure you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure 25c 50c and 100 bottles at A McMillens Low Rates West 2300 to Portland Tacoma and Seat tle 82500 to San Francisco and Los An geles 82250 to Spokane 2000 to Salt Lake City Butte and Helena Proportionately low rates to hundeds of other points including Big Horn Basin Wyoming Montana Idaho Ore gon Washington British Columbia California etc Every day February 15 to April 30 Tourist cars daily to California Per sonally conducted excursions three times a week Tourist cars daily to Seattle Inquire of nearest Burlington Route agent Out 4 3 j A Cough I have made a most thorough trial of Ayers Cherry Pectoral and am prepared to sav that tor i eases of the lungs it never points J Early Finley fronton O Ayers Cherry Pectoral wont cure rheumatism we never said it would It wont cure dyspepsia we never claimed it But it will cure coughs and colds of all kinds We first said this sixty years ago weve been saying it ever since Three sizes 25c 50c SI AH druzisJs Consult your doctor then do as he aavs If he says take it If he tells you not to take it then dont take it He knows Leare it with him e are willine J C ATEK CO Lowell Mms w vire re a bie in jb I 9 Take Laxative Broni Qsinsne Tablets Seven Million boxes sold in past 2 months ThlS signature xkMiwmkrWJmyZ McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday nornlng Corn Wheat 50 Oats Rye 3 Hogs Eggs 12fc Butter 1 JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goos anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock salon One per cent on sales 1000 and upward Correapondonco solicited DR W V GAQE flcCook Nebraska C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 H P SUTTON McCOOK Grad late of Kansas City Lntal College If0 ie Day s P O Building JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nebraska HAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office In Court House Phone 181 II i i DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Office over Mcliillena drug store Renidonco 702 Main Avcune Residence phono 5 Oflico phono 28 Call j answered nittlit or day E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEER Phonos Freo Iliouour OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska - 4 All Calls For The Cares Grip fx w wtty Bus Answered by the TT TTT In Two Days on every r m w Wf fiox 25c - 3 DLUn TKUINI LIVERY BARN f 3 Will mofc A oil - 2 s OBica 17 residence 3rjM graphic concert V ho xv torn sale iirwnq before Write or Phone for Terms and Date DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS MCCOOK NEBRASKA ffmMV r3lpPk5l EARL MURRAY Bates Old 4 Stand McCook Neb Share Hair Ctit Sham pooanythiwrin my line in an artistic manner Give me a call and trial H L PREVOST DENTIST uuwau nduis aiiu an- swer all calls to any part of the city 1 2 W H Ackerman S McCook Nebraska PHONE 36 r - - - 3ILK M Jf MJ f n n I r maBmttaigi WJ3MrmXir u Pi 9l m