The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 30, 1903, Image 5

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TJ5 - -
- J
I am now prepared to take your orders for
shipment for car lots of hogs and cattl
Will also buy on same days
B M meat market F
Directions For Big Wolf Hunt
At a mooting of tho wolf hunters of
the Willow the lines were established as
follows Southsido to bo on line with
the Redwillow school house which is
also to be point of meeting for south
side east division on Carmlchael lino
north to bo on the north line of tho
Dole place west to be on west lino of
S C Kings place-
It was decided to have three cap tame
on a side namely South side M
Kink W Randel and W Moyers east
side R Barber W Carmichael and A
P Day north side M Morosic A
Wilson and J Modrell west P Lytle
C Monday and J K Gordon Charles
Masters was elected commander-in-chief
Shot guns but no rifles of dogs are to be
used Captains will see that this rule
is enforced
The time was sot for Thursday Feb
5th at 9 oclock a m sharp The place
for the round up shall be on A R
Clarks timber claim section 18
A bounteous oyster supper on Friday
evening February 6th will be given by
the same parties at Dist No 66 school
Come early not lato
But come sure as fate
To the groat wolf hunt on tho Willow
Well show you some fun
For the shot gun
And plenty of sport to fill you
C T Littel Secretary Pro Tem
Unconscious From Croup
During a sudd on and terrible attack of croup
our littlo girl was unconscious from strangula
tion says A L Spafford postmaster Chester
Mich and a doso of One Minute Cough Curo
was -administered and repeated often It re
duced the swelling and inflammation cut the
mucus and shortly tho child was resting easy
and speadily recovered It cures coughs colds
lagrippo and all throat and lung troubles
One Minute Cough Cure lingers in the tiiroat
and chest and enables tho lungs to contribute
pure health giving ozygone to tho blood
McConnell Berry
South Side Wolf Hunt
To take place on Tuesday Feb 3rd
Tho east men will meet on west side of
the Driftwood at John Handels to join
the line along the Driftwood south with
Elmer Wright as captain Tho south
side men will join at J M Baldwins
with Oscar Dutcher as captain
Tho line to meet the men on the
east the west line to run in northwest
erly direction to meet the men that are
coming from the west The round up
will be on both sides of the river south
of Perry the south side men halting on
the blufls until the north side men get
close to the river The starting time for
south side will be ten oclock central
time J C Acheson Captain
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
Laxative Brotno Quinino Tablets cure a cold in
one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents
In the matter of the necessary expenses dur
ing the year on motion the estimate for tho
eamo for tho year 1903 was fixed as follows
County General fund 12000 00
County Rridcefund 5000 00
County Eoad fund 4000 00
Soldiers Relief fund 500 00
Willow Grove precinct 1700 00
Bartlcy VillaRe bond 400 00
McCook City bond 200 00
North Valley precinct 500 00
School District bonds S000 00
E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Neb Jan 13 1903 1-26-1 ts
The northeast quarter of section five in town
one norih ranire twenty nine west and Henry
Ambler defendants will take notico that on
tho 29th dav of Januan 1903 Edward BCowlcs
plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district
court of Red Willow county Nobra ka against
said defendants tho object and prayer of which
are to forecloso a tax purchasers lien upon the
land above described for the taxes for the rears
1899 1900 1901 There is duo to plaintiff the
sum of 26 15
Plaintiff prays for n dpcreo of foreclosure of
said tax lien and a sale ofsaid premises You
are required to answer said petition on or be
fore tho 9th dav of March 1903
Edwakd B Cowies Plaintiff
Office at the
A Most Liberal Offer
All our fjirmer reader should UiUv
advantage of the unprecedented club
bing offer we make this tear whiel
includes with this jajer tin
Iowa Homestead its special Farmers
Institute Editions and the Poult ly
Farmer These three publication an
the best in their class and should be ii
every farm home To them we add foi
paper of the west tho Poultry Farmer
is tho most practical poultry paper for
the farmer while tho Special Farmers
Institute editions are the most practical
The Second district comprises all of the pre
cincts of the Second commissioner district
Tho Third district comprises the eight western
precincts of Red Willow county
The county commissioners reserve the right to
reject any and all bids
E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Nebraska January 12 1903
Notice is hereby piven that tho county com
missioners of Red Willow county will receive
scaled bids for the printing of commissioners
proceedings legal notices and delinquent taxes
for the year 1903 parties receiving contract to
furnish good and sufficient bond for tho faith
ful performance of said contract Said bids to
be filed with the county clork on or before
February 3rd 1903 and to be endorsed thereon
Bids for the counts printing for tho year 1903
Commissioners reserve tho right to reject any
and all bids
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Dated this 13th day of January 1903
To John Hummell John T Farrell Edward
Farrell Hannah Doyle Mary Farroll Albert C
Latham Mary Ann Fitzgerald Minnie Farrell
and Mary Aun Farrell and to all whom it may
Tho commissioner appointed to locato a road
commencing at the southeast corner of section
twenty nine 29 township number two 2
north in range 26 west of the 6th
p m thence we9t on section line two miles to
tho southwest corner of section thirty 30
thence north one mile to the southwest corner
of section nineteen 19 and terminating there
at in Tyrone precinct Red Willow county
Nebraska has reported in favor of tho location
thereof and all objections thereto or claims for
damages must bo filed in the county clerks
office on or before noon of the 17th day of j
March A Ii 1903 or said road will be estab
lished without reference thereto
E J Wilcox County Clork
To Gottlieb Weyeneth and Marion Powell
and to all whom it may concern
The commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at the southeast corner of section
twenty nine 29 township one 1 range twenty-eight
28 as a starting point thence west on
section line between sections twenty nine 29
and thirty two 32 about 638 feet to tho bridge
thence in a southwesterly course 1840 feet to a
point 232 feet south of the section line
between sections twenty nine 29 and thirty
two 32 thence in a northwesterly course
683 feet to a point on the said section line 300
tefteast of tlie bridge on said section line that
is located near the quarter section line Iris re
ported in favor of the establishment thereof as
Commencing at the southeast corner of sec
tion twenty nine 29 township one 1 range
twenty eight 28 as a starting point thence
west on section line between sections twenty
nine 29 and thirty two 32 nine 9 chains and
thirt threo 33 links thence southwest twenty
three 23 degrees thirty 30 minute- fourteen
14 chains and thirtwfour 34 links thence
northwest eighty nine 1SO1 degrees fourteen 14
chains and thirtj two 32 link- to section line
between sections twentv nine 29 and thirty two
32 terminating thereat
And all objection thereto or claims for dama
ges mut ho filed in rho county clerks office on
or before noon of the 17th day of March A D
1903 or said road will bo established without
reference thereto
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Style Is The Distinguishing
Feature About AH the
flodel Footwear
Yet style does not obscure the presence of
abandon qualityquality that means elegance
that insures ease and durability
Nothing But Good Shoes Here
The best dressers men and women wear
Model shoes on all occasions Different kinds
for different uses
The Model Shoe Store
flcCook Neb
tflEj COT
is r
Ait Order Thnt Wiim lruimitly Hob
ored at lie Dux OUlce
Once when Nat Goodwin was play
ing in Chicago two men approached
bis manager who was standing In the
lobby of the theater and introduced
themselves as a couple of actors Their
names were entirely unknown to him
and they had nothing to show that
they were what they claimed to be afore them children
Accordingly he refused to give them
seats but they were persistent One
of the men in particular was offensive
ly so He shook his fist under the
managers nose and demanded who it
was that dared refuse him passes
Ill see Mr Goodwin he declared
Ill see if a little whlpper snapper
like you can refuse me seats You dont
know who we are eh Well who are
you Lets see your card Ill see Mr
Goodwin about it
The manager who feared a scene
handed over one of his cards and told
the men he was responsible and quite
willing to take the consequences of re t
fusing to give them seats
A few minutes later the two men
came back to the theater One of them
had written Pass two on the man
agers card He presented the card at
local county and general uewsour own the box office and it was promptly
paper and make the price of the foui honored Then they went in
onevenronlv 8125 Never before was When half an hour later the man
so much superior reading matter offered aGerB attention was called to what dQ
Sam Jones to Reporters
A prominent Baltimore physician
tells in the Baltimore Sun the follow
publications for the promotion of gopd Jug anecdote about Sam Jones the
farming ever published Take Georgia evangelist
ago of this great offer as it will hold
When several years ago Mr Jones
good for a short time only Samples of was at Emory Grove camp the news-
these papers may bo examined by call
ing at this office
Notico is hereby Riven that sealed proposals
will be received by the county commissioners of
paper reports 01 uis seruiouB i uubcu
him to complain
At the last service he looked down
at the reporters who sat at a table
just in front of the pulpit and said
And I want to tell you fellows that
Red Willow county Nebraska at the office of J like VOU a lot in spite of your
the county clerk up to noon February 3rd 1903 v i
ld faults You boys dont treat me
for such medical services of physicians as may
be required by tho poor of Red Willow county right though YOU take my sermons
th fllowiD8 diStrictS
SESid county vfc and pick out a piece here a piece there
Tho First district comprises tho fix eastern and a piece somewhere else Then
precincts of the First commissioner district
you string the pieces together and
naturally they read funny
Now suppose 1 reported the Bible
that way A man asks me what the
Bible tells him to do I read in one
place And Judas went out and hanged
himself I turn over and read Go
thou and do likewise And in another
place I find And do it quickly
Now you see boys that sort of
thing wont do It aint fair
How a Great Sargcon TJicd
While Bichat the famous surgeon
was dying of typhoid fever he turned
td an old colleague wh6 was sittifig be
side his bed and said to him
My friend I am lost but it is some
consolation to know that my case
very curious During the last few
days I have noticed some odd
Hares That Swim
I have many times seen hares sever
al of them at a time cross a stream to
feed on summer evenings and coolly
return in the same way back to the
woods says a writer in London News
The act has been quite voluntary but
one thing I have noticed they invaria
bly sat up to see if they had time to
cross before any surprise came For
instance the movements of a person
walking along a footpath in the dis
tance would be watched with some
anxiety before the plunge was made
I have also seen snakes swim across
streams in the same way apparently
to bask on the sunny side
Mamma she said what preacher
do you think I ought to have marry
Cecil and me I feel as though Mr
Goodman is so young and not being
married himself he could hardly
Oh pshaw Ilave Dr Easleigb
Ive had him for four of mine and he
always gave thorough satisfaction
Chicago Record Herald
Showed AVhat She Conlrt Do
Phoxy I got a good square meal last
night the first in several weeks and I
have you to thank for it
Friend- Me to thank Well thats
news to me
Yes 1 know I telephoned to
my wife yesterday morning that you
were coming out to dinner with me
Philadelphia Press
A Good Talker
Clara Is Mrs Flitter a good
Dorothy Yes indeed She makes
you think of lots of good things to
say but talks so much that you dont
get a chance to say them Detroit
Free Press
Why should religion and science
Why indeed
Why not say that man is descended
from the monkey Eve made of Adam
and let it go at that Puck
ganrawa mrwjts
GoIuk the Limit
A drurer named Pock put up at a
hotel In Oklahoma the landlord of
whlh was the president of the school
board The lanriLrd who was a Jolly
whole souled fellow suggested that
they visit the schools the president of
the board first putting on u long tailed
coat saying
She adds dignity an then so hides
my gun winch re a bad sample
I dont approve
of anybody under fourteen carryiu a
After returning to the hotel from the
vlslt of Inspection the presldjnt of the
board now transferred into a land
lord said
Peck youre a good feller Yoif
aint goin to let your light be hid un
der a bushel Peck
No I aint said Mr Peck rather
dubious as to fhc compliment
Well I tell you what Im goin to
do fer you Bein as youre a good fel
ler Im a goin to have clean sheets put
put on your bed dad me If I aint
for so unall an amount of money a CCD UOUL ue WUB a mBt What is the matter my dear asked
to take some severe action but later
- i i Mr Norton
Tho three papers named which we clul
he saw the joke on himself
x lave Jusl oeen caning on Mrs
with wpII known thrnnirh J
nnr own jire 1 - IT J J l 1 111- iww
---- - - -- --
Mrs Norton came home from a call
one day in such a disturbed condition
that It was evident tears were not far
in the background She lost no time in
beginning her explanation
John she said to her husband I
am so mortified I dont know what to
ljeLlueiu uiuue ucniiu xa hjcj c rT v i k inknni u
out the west and commend themselves g0t nerve enough to do that they are peverluf
to tho readers favorable attention upon entitled to seats You had better send ycs
is usher down and ask them if they
mere mention The Iowa Homestead an Wel j haye earned todayj tQ
tho freat ifrnmiltura ant live fitoek wumuu l ium a uu vjuiifeu
my horror that major isnt his title
at an Major is nis nrst name
Why certainly Ive always known
that What is there so mortifying
about it i
Nothing said Mrs Norton with a
groan only that Ive been calling him i
major every time Ive met him for
the last six months London An
Tlie Cry of Silk
One of the most peculiar features
about manufactured silk is the rustling
sound familiar to every woman In
the silk trade they call it the cry or
sometimes the scroop Of all textiles
silk is the only material which pos
sesses it
As everybody knows the sound is
heard especially when silk is subjected
to friction What is not so generally
known is that the quality is found in
silk yarn before it is woven A skein
of silk unless it has been so treated as
to kill this property in it will when
opened up emit the noise slightly
When the skein is squeezed in the
hand the sound becomes quite audible
The cry is considered a very desir
able quality in silk Dyers try to de
velop it as much as possible
Unexpected Applause
Shortly after Mr Wilson Barrett
joined theatrical profession he be-
came a member of a rompany
xne unoys tnat ye re a orotner or ine
man that was hung A Fenian named
Barrett had that morning paid the ex
treme penalty of the law
this irritating tax is that cr
cities Vienna is earliest to Lc
Sparing Ills Feelings
Hettie Now that you have broken
your engagement with Fred shall you
return to him the diamond ring he
gave you
Minna Certainly not Hettie It
would be cruel to rive him a thing
that would be a constant reminder of
the happiness he had missed Boston
Blond persons are more apt to be
somnambuli than dark folk and in
cold climates there is more somnam
bulism than in warm ones In certain
Greenland xillages the hut doors are
locked from without by a watchman in
Badly TiTeil Metaphor
i luu 111--- 1 the following
rlwt enci iuni on the part
I Ish politic We shall
i vi see the British Hon
i 0 Ii hand with the
of democracy- St James
If you have diamonds be thikful
It dont held them up to the e es of
poverty in a street car Schoolmaster
JVlatiij Ileitis
Wearing fpare
You can buy now prior to our annual inven
tory at almost your own price
It will pay you to call and see what liberal of
fers we are making on good and desirable
Ladies Suits
Jackets and
Fur Garments
we are selling regardless of cost
was i
toi c
tyltyWS 6ifc V-
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
- i ii frirn ot1 T vis R C I P A -Lodge No 612 mectb first and
1U UL -- u J -
third Thursdays of each month McConnolls
His part naturally was a small one hall 830 pm E B Hudeb President W S
and greatly to his surprise his first Guyer Secretary
speech was greeted with a round of
nnnlnCn Th nlll for triWo OY AL HIGH LAN k
i t in i vv - u v uuv iodce mo JUY meets on second and lonrth Mon-
J b i iatjCl the young actor and he exerted day cveninjrs of each month at eight oclock in
Wmcolf tr cncfcln lo rnnrt imncmn McConnell liall R W DEVOE IllUbtrioUS Pro-
Oh said the - T V ---- tector J u Mitchell becretary
you may recover yet on u mc
Ju J - j
jlfi appeared to have made Just as he -
znenu i 1 1 1
That is impossible replied Bichat
and if it were not for one thing I
would be quite willing to die
What is that asked the friend
I am exceedingly sorry answered
Bichat that I shall not have an op
portunity to perform an autopsy on
myself after my death for I know that
I would make some wonderful scien
tific discovery
An hour later he was dead
scene shifters grinningly accosted him
Mrs O B Woods of Oxford is visit-
j and said Sure its got about among ing relatives here this week
Miss Ada Fair is very sick with heart
trouble some bettor at present
Harve Cressman started for his home
on the Willow Monday afternoon
An Alisurd Custom In Vienna
T n Viftnni nxrnrv mnno hnmo ic liic I
this week after a siege of typhoid fever
dungeon from 10 pm to 6 am Vienna
is a city cf flats and at 10 p m the1 T F Ball is shucking corn forM
common entrance door of each block is Weyeneth of Fairview this week and
closed and bolted Thereafter persons last
passing in or out must pay a fine of
Alfalfa buI1DS haS bcen gOIDS on the
rwnnnPP tn tho rnnoior until mid-
la9t two weeks but tho
yied VCTy
night and fourpence from that hour to
G a m To go out to post a letter costs
twopence and the same amount to re
turn To prolong a visit to a friend
after 10 p m means twopence to get
out of his house and twopence more to
enter your own A natural result of
light here
Mrs Ruby and son John have both
been under the doctors care but are
now better
W H Eifert has begun work on the
apital W J Stilgebouer house doing some
of the shop work
There has been no school in the pri
mary room last week or this on account
of the illness of the teacher Miss Fair
By the personal efforts of E M
Wood there was enough money raised to
free the M E church property from
W J Stilgebouer has the cellar dug
and foundation walls laid for his new
house twenty eight feet square oppo
site the M E church property
The coal famine was broken hero last
Friday Barrett Lumber Company re
ceived two cars of coal and on Saturday
J L Sims two cars and one on Monday
Mr J G Evera of Ogden Utah
order that those witiin may not come io5npd his famiIy hpr0 iast Siturday
torui m tneir sleep anu mayue ireeze
to death
The Canalhoat
The captain was leading the horse
and his ILutenant was at the rudder
sd a lawyer in an Ei Ii court re
cet LeseriLing an incident in the
rm of ol
Luro1 HlU
Where was the crewV inquired the neighborhood
fui1 i
and will take possession of the imple
ment business purchased of Mr Sar
The Danbury Telephone Association
is trying to spread itself all over
by the addition of a line to Lebanon and
Cedar Bluffs and a side lino to tho
There has
completed what we want is c nnections
vim iuciooK uet us nave it novs
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package I
Price 35 cents Never sold
In bulk Accept no aubstl
tute Ask your druggist
Thf Secret of Lor ir t if
Conists in koepinfc nil tin main f tho
body in hciltliy regular action mul it nir ly
destroinBloncIlv disoHSi trirm5 HI rtnr Hit
ters refiulato Htomach liver anil kilrrjn purify
thu blood and ivo a spluiidid iiititf lli y
work wonders in curing kidney trouble feiialo
complaints nervoim discse eH cor tipatiiii lyi
pepsia and malaria Vigorous ht iilti and
strength ahvajs follow their nw Ou Ve
guaranteed by McConnell ifc Horry druggist-
Many of the ills from which wonn n -till r ran
ho completely cured with Kock Mountain lea
Rich red blood good digestion and lit mli fol
low its use t cont
Ill IP r Wf
Consu option is a human
weed ii u fishing best in weak
lungs LilvC other weeds its
easily destroyed while young
when old sometimes im
Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear
The best lung fertilizer is
Scotts Emulsion Salt pork
- good too but it is very hard
io digest
The time to treat consump
tion is when you begin trying
to hide it from yourself
Others see it you wont
Dont wait until you cant
deceive yourself any longer
Becrin with the first
to take Scotts Emulsion If
it isnt really consumption so
much the better you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment It iz is consump
tion you cant expect to be
cured at once but if you will
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat-
ment you will win
Scotts Emulsion fresh air
rest all you can eat all you
can thats the treatment and
been nearly enough stock subscribed to thats the best treatment
Imild these additions After thi3 is
We will send you
a little of the Emul
sion free
Be sore that thb picture in
the form of a label is on the
ot every bottle ot
you buy
409 Pearl St N Y
and Si all druggists