The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 09, 1903, Image 3
k tt ft i k s v INDIANOLA Several of the Bartloy boys skated up to Indianbla Saturday - Harlow W Koyes had business in the county capital Tuesday evening R E Smitlf Sundayod at McCook returning Monday morning on 12 Mrs Gano wife of the captain of the Salvation Army has been quite sick Mno Moore spent her vacation with hnr sister Birdie Davis near Lebanon Miss Bessio Peterson of McCook vis itnd Mrs Charlie Walls a few days last week Alex Thackor was on the sick list a few days last week and Harry had to do his own butchering Ttov Shumate of McCook will preach in the M E church at this place Sun day morning and evening Mrs McClung returned from Alliance close of last week her sister Mrs B S Marvin accompanying her as far as Lin coln Frank Tlardesty and family returned homo from Kansas Saturday morning whore they spent their Christmas vaca tion Claudia Hatcher who has been spend ing her vacation at home returned to her studies at the Lincoln universitv Sunday Misses Ida and Ethel Gotschall of Danbury spruit Thursday evening and Friday as the guests of W H Smith and family Mrs Gray who has been visiting her mother Mrs C B Hoag the past week returned to her home in McCook Sun day evening Joe Vering left Sunday morning for De3Moines Iowa whero he will enter the Highland Park college for the study of pharmacy A merry crowd of young people went out to the homo of Joy Holland New Year eve and spent the evening in the usual happy manner Rev Ernest Crippen of Curtis and Fred Premer of Bartley visited with J Kern and familyThursdayand attended the Salvation Army meeting in the even ing At the home of the brides parents New Year eve the ceremony was per formed in the presence of a few relatives arid friends which united the lires of Miss Lizzie Carmichael and Frank Lakin Rev Halberslebenofthe Congregational church officiating Tho Bartley Inter Ocean suggests that they raise less cain down in that neighborhood and more sugar beets One Hundred Dollars a Box is the value H S IKsdale Snmmcrton S D places on DoWitts Witch Hazel Salve He says I had tho piles for 20 years I tried many doctors and remedies but all failed except DoWitts Witch Hazel Salvo It cured me It is a combination of healing properties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics and emollients relievos and permanently cures blind bleeding itching and protruding piles sorescuts bruises eczema salt rheum and all skin diseases Mc Connell Berry New Century Comfort Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Bucklcns Arnica Salve It kills pain from burns scalds cuts bruises conquers ulcers and fever sores cures eruptions salt rheum boils and felons removes cornsand -warts Best pile cure on earth Only 25c at McConnell Berrys drug store When come put a churn is an proverb It work the butter wont penny in the old time dairy often seems to though no one has ever told whv When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scotts Emul sion It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it Scotts Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants For all weak and pale and thin children Scotts Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat ment We will send you the penny e a sample free Be sure that this picture in the form ot a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409 Pearl St N Y 50c and fioo all druggists assgtfaSWiwS PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES A now list of 50 books received at the library this week Among the number are some of the later novels some juveniles a number of Rileys charming books of poems and some for mature readers The Herr Doctor by McDonald is the kind of a story that everybody loves and few can write It is a love story without a shadow of gloom or sugges tion of wrong It is full of brightness and humor and has an entirely unex pected and satisfactory ending It tells of two American women traveling abroad The aunt is taken suddenly ill and much against her will is put under tho caroof a physician supposed to be a simple country doctor Given the niece a pretty American heiress and a good looking charming mannered and mysterious Herr Doctor the tale pro ceeds all too quickly to tho end Two books contributed by Bessie Borneman formerly a resident of Mc Cook are Tom Brown at Rugby and The Boy Spy a story of the actual adventures of a boy in the war of tho rebellion Part of these adventures wore recorded in tho press of the coun try at the time of their occurrence Another book in two volumes more interesting to serious minded readers is E E Hales Memories of 100 Years A Little Captive Lad is a historical novel of the Cromwell period and has to do with winning the affections of a young cavalier aged nine by an older brother of the Roundhead persuasion It is a simple story without plot or ad venture and fairly well told The chief interest lies in the grave and reverend brothers effort to overcome the boys resistence to being cared for and pro tected by one of the despised party even though that one bo his legitimate guar dian The little fellow is a loyal lov able natural child whom the reader follows carefully to the end A New Idea In Farm Papers Farmers are getting over the idea that farm papers are edited by some man sitting up in an office in the city trying to tell them how to make farming pay and that tho articles are written by theorists and dreamers who know noth ing of the needs of practical farming That may have been the case some years ago but with a modern farm magazine like the Twentieth Century Farmer the oditor is a man who is closely in touch with all the questions that come up re garding how to make farming pay better The articles in this paper are all by practical men and the farmers who are reading what they say find that it pays to keep posted on the progress which is being made in their own line of work No doctor would think of practicing medicine without taking several meaical journals neitner can a farmer keep up with progress in farm ing unless ho takes a maga zine like the Twentieth Century Farmer For example some of the contributors whose articles will apper during the nest few issues are F D Coburn sec retary Kansas state board of agriculture Prof C F Curtiss Iowa Agriculture college Colonel F M Woods the noted live stock auctioneer Charles E Bessey the great botanist John Gosling the noted beef expert Frederick W Taylor director of agriculture at St Louis Worlds fair and nianv other well known men whose ideas are worth dollars to every progressive farmer and stock raiser If you are interested send 25 cents for three months trial subscription or 100 for a years subscription addressed to the Twentieth Century Farmer 2051 Farnam street Omaha Nebraska or send your name and address on a postal card asking for a free sample copy if you have not looked one over at your neighbor s Rev Carlisle P P Martin L L D Waverly Texas -writes Of a morning when first rising I often find a troublesome collection of phlegm which produces a cough and is very hard to dislodge but a small quantity of Bal lards Horehound syrup will at once dislodge it and tho trouble is over I know of no medicine that is equal to it and is so pleasant to take I can most cordially recommend it to all per sons needing a medicine for lung or throat troubles Price 25c 50c and 100 bottle at A McMilllens A Most Literal Offer All our farmer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented club bing offer we make this year which includes with this paper the Iowa Homestead its special Farmers Institute Editions and tho Poultry Farmer These three publication are the best in their class and should be in every farm home To them we add for local county and general news our own paper and maKc tne price oi tne lour one year only 125 Never before was so much superior reading matter offered for so small an amount of money The three papers named which we club with our own are well known through out the west and commend themselves to the readers favorable attention upon mere mention Tho Iowa Homestead is the great agricultural and live stock paper of the west the Poultry Farmer is tho most practical poultry paper for the farmer while the Special Farmers Institute editions are the most practical publications for the promotion of good farming ever published Tako advant age of this great offer as it will hold good for a short time only Samples of these papers may be examined by call ing at this office Best Liniment on Earth Ilenry D Baldwin Supt City Water Works Shnllsburg Wis writes I haTe tried many kinds of liniment but have never received much benefit until I used Ballards Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pains 1 think it the best liniment on earth 25c 50c and 1 bottle at A McMillens hiss The Keystone of Good Health is pure food Coffee I is all coffee no glazing of fects and cheapen its quality Fresh and uniform rich in flavor because always in scaled packages never in bulk SflSH BOX ELDER Mr Bagley of Kansas is visiting Paul Stone and family Charles Bolles returned to tho univer sity last Sunday Tho Shepherd boys are cutting wood for Stephen Bolles Mrs W X Johnson visited Boxelder friends last Friday Mrs Roy King is visiting her brother James Modrell this week School commenced again Monday morning after two weeks vacation Mrs Hattie Wilson visited with her brother T M Campbell Saturday Messrs Younger and Foye are doing some work on a bridge near McCook A W Campbell has arrived from his New Year trip but who knows where Rev and Mrs Satchell Visited with Mr and Charles Masters last Monday J K Gordon is cutting a fine lot of wood to fill a contract in town N H Tubbs is assisting him Maud Harrison who has been with her sister Mrs John Miller of Friend re turned home last Friday night An oyster supper was given to a few invited guests at the home of Mr and Mrs W B Wolfe New Year night Fred Rang has sold all of his property excepting his farm to will Stone Fred is thinking about going to Montana in the spring Colonel Stephens gave a dance on New Year night While there were not many presentthere were enough so they spent a pleasant evening Will Stone returned last Saturday to his home at Garnett Kansas He has rented Fred Eangs farm and will return in the spring to take charge of it Never in the history of Nebraska have the roads been in so bad shape as they are now Every one who has hauling to do are getting their horses shod then it is hard to got a load to town Mr and Mrs Charles Masters Mr and Mrs Matt Stewart Mr and Mrs George Younger and Mr and Mrs George Shultz took New Year dinner with Mr and Mrs John White Mr and Mrs I A Harrison gave a turkey roast New Year just for the old folks Those present were Rev and Mrs Satchell Mr and Mrs Stephen 1 Bolles Mrs Martha Johnson Mr and Mrs James Modrell and Mr J K Gor don and family A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs James Carmichael on Wednesday afternoon December 31 when Frank Lakin and Miss Lizzie Car michael were united in marriage in the presence of a few invited guests Frank didnt think it so quiet though last Mon day night when about twenty of the boys gathered up and gave him a genuine old charivari All of Franks friends and he has many in this community wish him and his bride long life filled with joy and happiness If Unwell j w uvwu o uu uvu uu im I provement speedily effected in your Appetite Energy Strength and Vigor Watch how it brightens the spirits gives freedom from Indi gestion and Debility 1 Isaac Story Ava Mo writes Sept 10 1900 I was in bad health I had stomach trouble for 12 months also chills Dr J W Mory pre scribed Herbine it cured me in two weeks I cannot recommend it too highly it will do all j on claim for it Sold by A McMillen Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook pbstoffice Jan 5 1903 B J Converse H V Fclton W T Felton Mrs Hattie Gordon Mrs Lizzie Samon Mrs Almira Johnson Leslie Lawton Mrs Maggie Rebeke S G Robinson Mrs B Skaller Alreno Schwartz Mrs Lew Wood 7 Woolfenden Fred Wilhelm F A McGiffin When calling for these letters please say they were1 advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents Lakin Carmichael Wedding Miss Lizzie daughter of Mr and Mrs James Carmichael was married to Frank Lakin at the home of her parents near Indianola Wednesday of last week Rev Halberslaben performed the cere mony in presence of a small company of relatives and friends A wedding feast was afterwards spread Notice of Dissolution Tho firm of McConnell Berry has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent L W McConnell will collect all outstanding accounts and will pay all obligations of the late firm He will also continue the business at the old stand LWMcConnell George B Berry McCook Neb Jan 1st 1903 Abandoned Her Infant Child Tho city authorities had a sad caso to deal with close of last week in arrest ing and taking from a disreputable house an erring mother who had aban doned her infant child After being hold in the city jail about 21 hours the unfortunate woman was released under promise to leave tho city which she did The Great Profit Sharing Company Shipping Gold Mine Advanced 20 per cent January Today shares six cents par value 100 full paid and non assessable Positively advances 16 per cent February 10th Owns outright 170 acres rich mineral land Tunnel driving on pay ore Dividends assured Smelter returns Safe and reliable 000 buys 100 shares 3000 buys 500 shares 6000 buys 1000 shares 1000 cash I and 500 monthly on each 1000 shares if desired Treasury reserve 1000000 shares Bank references Tho Wil liams Fork Mining Milling Co 47 Bank Block Denver Colorado PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS Rev F W Dean addressed the assem bly Tuesday morning Tho first semester will close on Jan 23rd and the usual mid year promotions will then be made Mrs Ida White of the primary depart ment resumed her work with tho open ing of school after the holidays The opening attendance after vaca tion was large in tho neighborhood of 775 All the grades and rooms are well filled some overcrowded The boys of the high school met in the gymnasium recentlyand organized base ball and football for next season Bruce Campbell was chosen captain Lloyd Wood manager and George Campbell treasurer of the football team Robert Traver is captain and Chester Rogers manager of the baseball team Miss Nancy Hewitt the new assistant in the high school comes from Hiawa tha Kansas Is a graduate of Wellesley and taught very satisfactorily for two years in her Massachusetts home and afterwards was professor of Latin in the Grand Island College She is doing good work at the outstart and will re lieve the too heavy work on the old corps BANKSVILLE J E Dodge after occupying the N J Johnson house for two years has moved back into his sod house H I Peterson drove a bunch of cattle to McCook last Saturday for Wilcox Hileman which had been cared for on the farm of A V Olmstead Eugene Dunham who has lived on the head of Dry creek for the past 10 years will soon become a Driftwood precinct He will citizen of move onto the Pickrell farm William Relph who left here some two or three weeks ago for an extended trip along the Gulf coast is at present visiting with his daughter Mrs C M Lofton in Okemulgee Indian Territory Mr Relph was one of the first settlers of Gerver precinct where he located nearly twenty three years ago There is no part of the county more thoroughly represented by hand cream separators than this and yet with all their advantages there is considerable dissatisfaction among the patrons ow ing to tne cream test of tne Beatrice Creamery company Tho separators were invariably sold through their agent with the understanding that the cream should be shipped to them they to retain one fourth of the money for the cream as payment for the separators Some of the patrons do not go behind the bush to express their dissatisfaction The snow is mostly gone B W Benjamin took cream to Traer Tuesday W II Benjamin accompany ing him and it was tho first that W H has been out since the storm The people about Traer are all talking cow and hand cream separator and it is a very sensible subject for consideration Hand cream separators and cows will help the farmers to solve the problem of making a living and taxes which many have failed to do by cropping their land Grass is the most sure of any crop in southwestern Nebraska Watch the hand cream separator The crown heads of every nation The rich men poor men and misers All join in paying tribute to DeWitts Little Early Risers H Williamson San Antonio Texas writes Little Early Riser pills are the best I ever used in my family I unhesitatingly recommend them to everybody They cure constipation bilious ness sick headache torpid liver jaundice malaria and liver troubles McConnell Berry COLEMAN Bert Wales and Frank Coleman are getting up wood for next summer Thirty miles is a pretty big drive for three little kisses and the roads so sloppy too B F Wilson and one of his boys left for southern California Thursday night of last week and will spend several months in that country On New Year day about forty of the neighbors called on Mr and Mrs E R Divine and spent the day It was Mr Divines birthday and they had a very pleasant time The nicest and pleasantest medicine I have used for indigestion and constipation is Cham berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets says Melard F Craig of Middlegrove N Y They work like a charm and do not gripe or have any unpleasant effect For sale by McConnell ifc Berry Heads Should Never Ache Never endure this trouble Use at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs N A Wester of Winnie Va who writes Dr Kings New Life Pills wholly cured me of sick headaches I had suffered from for two years Cures headache constipation billiousness 21c at McConnell A Berrys drug store Lincoln Daily Star A modern newspaper published every day except Sunday Eight to sixteen pages Full associated press leased wire service full state news by special correspondents a strong editorial page The Star always has an option The Star has many other features which give it a strong individuality It is the most complete newspaper in the state for while classed as an even ing paper it is in reality an all day paper reaching subscribers in different parts of the state in daylight livery edition is complete and contains news from all parts of the country covering the twenty four hours previous to the hour of publication Its first edition at at 11 a m is issued in time to reach many parts of the state by noon or a little later on tho same day it is pub lished This is the first newspaper of the day Work begins at 330 a m It is the Stars Sunrise Edition This edition is followed by other every two hours until the last edition is sent out on late trains to reach all points in time to go out on the rural routes in the morning No other daily paper in Nebraska equals this splendid news service which is given exclusively by the Lincoln Daily Star The coming session of the legislature will be of great interest to the people of Nebraska and the Stars report of legis lative proceedings -will be the best to be found in any paper in the state There will possibly be something doing when the legislature meets and the Star will keep you posted THE BIG SATURDAY STAR with its sixteen pages illustrated full of news and special articles makes an ideal paper for Sunday reading The Daily Star will be sent by mail for one year to any address for J30O six months for 150 or three months for 75 cents j The Saturday Star alone is sent year by mail to any address for 6100 Send for a free sample copy and see t what a real live down-to-date daily newspaper is The Star occupies its own building has the finest equipment in the west and is operated throughout by electric power Visitors to Lincoln I are invited to call and visit our o8icf i corner Eleventh and M streets Lincoln Daily Star J Lincoln Nebraska I Every Bottle Warranted We guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain Cough Remedy nnd will refnnd the mony to anyone who is1 not satisfied after nsing two thirds of the contents This is the bst remedy in the world for la grippe conghs colds croup and whooping cough and is pleasant and fafe to take It prevents any tendency of a cold to resnlt in pneumonia McConnell ft Ber y For a bad taste in the mouth tale a if v do e of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 25 cents Warranted to cure For ale by McConnell A Berry Donjt Be Fooledi Take we genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Onr trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no substl lacoflPonnTcstsE tute Ask your druggist M AiAAArtWWWlAsvS WWS r A T W DISCOUNT on Ladies Coats Capes and Jackets rt and Fur Garments This Week Also on mens overcoats etc Come and see us We can help you save some money if you are in need of something to eat or wear THE was fit u s araaitt tos Q C L DeGROFF CO vt ns ww r McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn 5 37 Wheat g Oats 35 Rye 32 Hogs 514 Eggs 20 Butter xiy A Scientific Discovery Kodol does for tho stomach that which ifc w unable to do for ikclf even when it is nl slightly disordered or overloaded Kodol sup plies the natural juices of digestion and doc the work of tho stomach relaxing tho nerrooH tension while- tho inflammed muscle of that organ aro allowed to rest and heal Kodol digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich red blood McConnell k Borrv Standard American Annual imjp3 and ENCYCLOPEDIA A Statistical Volume of Facts and Figures Containing Over 600 Pages tOOOlOPICS QG0FACTS SPECIAL FEATURES Review of the Coal Strike the Trusts in the United States Full Election Returns and I It PjfitfnrrM of PnlSti nl 0 amZr m afiZ ZZViL m 2ZLZLJ Parties of 1902 Of ficers of the National Committees Federal State and lation Our Insular Possessions- Isthmian Canal Law Civil ernmentforthePhilip pines Qualitications for Votinv in Alii I struction c the Cit oi New Ytrk 0 JfTcrf lt States- Automobil Stat stiCS J raterrri Militar and Patr nt r societies Information on Foreign Countries Thair kulers and Oow ernments Pular Ex ploration Review of Scientific Ache c tnents Tn Seismic o J02 Hon Pelee VtZSr rtLi iiZfc Zf2P IftnnVnrail 7f - r it j wuuirW iJU Ui liirttlWl 1VI U1C j Office the Store and the Home Price 25c On Ftry Jer sotit Postpaid tc any address 35c THE WORLD riiitr r VorSt I1