The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 09, 1903, Image 2
Tfa jtttwk Jnhnyh M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance And Bonvor City has a Womans Suf frage Jlub Holy smoke Fletcher AeconDiNG to the Lincoln Journal the railroads of Nebraska have placed the pooplo of Nebraska under everlasting obligation again by relieving their chosen servants of all tho worry and labor of organizing tho legislature And they did it too with all tho disinterestedness of a chicken eating sow in a lot of goslings The Tribune has occasion to believe that no crop can excel tho sugar beet crop for profit in this part of Nebraska If any one can call to mind any product of tho soil that can secure a prompt and ready market at a cash price that will exceed tho sugar beet we have spaco for the facts And then we can raise the sugar beets with every reasonable cer tainty and we cant say as much about many other crops Tho sugar beet bus iness at its worst is a good thing and should be pushed along There are eomo aggravating drawbacks but the profit side of tho ledger shows favorably on the side of tho farmer producing them provided the producer is not afraid of work The twenty fifth annual meeting of the Nebraska State Historical Society will meet in Lincoln January 13th and 14th 1903 commencing at eight oclock sharp in the evening in Memorial hall of the state university The -Nebraska Territorial Pioneers Association will meet in Memorial Chapel Wednesday January 14 at 2 oclock p m for social reminiscences and election of officers The Nebraska State Horticultural So ciety will meet in morning and afternoon session January 13th 14th and 15th in Nebraska Hall University Campus A supper and social meeting for members of the above societies and their visiting friends has been arranged for 6 oclock p m Wednesday January 14th at the Lindell hotel Tickets at hotel 50c Tho public is cordially invited to attend these sessions Those having valuable information on subjects to be discussed are urged to be present and those pos sessing valuable historical relics are urged to bring or send them for presen tation at tho meetings Napoleon said that God is omthe side of the strongest battalion and tho good book says that God helps those who help themselves which The Tribune translates to mean that those who will win in an avocation of life must help themselves must bend their best energies toward making a success of any thing they undertake be it in busi ness in professional life or on the farm or in the shop In a word the success ful winning man must not be afraid of work even hard work And the less time he devotes ofhisshortand valuable allowance on earth to fault finding and kicking generally and tho more he hustles the greater will be his measure of success and the fatter his bank-account Now then for the application The Tribune imagines that our farmers have not had all the best of it the last season in the production of sugar beets that is there have been some things not quite satisfactory and clear in a measure due to the fact that we are removed from the factory it would be much better if the beets could be delivered direct to the factory perhaps But under all the circumstances the facts are that those who have shipped beets from McCook and -vicinity have made a very fair profit more than those who raised corn wheat or any other product of the soil We make bold to say that the farmer who does not increase his acreage of beets next season will not act wisely nor in the interest of bis pocket book There are disadvantages in all lines of business but the profit side othe sugar beet raising business is way above all its drawbacks Push it along Increase the acreage and pro duction There is money in it It will increase the valuo of jour land Its a good thing Low Rates to Kansas City The Burlington will sell tickets tp Kansas City and return at greatly ret- duced rates on January 12 and 13 1903 Good returning until January 31 1903 Ask the Burlington asjent Dvspeosia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ol food It gives instant relief and neve rails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive fitomaclis can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have heen cured after everything else failed It preyents formation of gas on he stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dietingunnecessary Pleasant to take It cant help M but do jfoa kgootf Prepared only by E O DbWitt Co Ghlcaga Sfco L bottle contains S times tho 50c size CITY CHURCT ANNOUNCEMENTS CathoCic Order orsorvices Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Slinday Bchool 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Sunday school a t ten Preaching at 11 by Rev J 0 McLaugh lin of Omaha No services in the even ing account of union services L II Shumate Pastor Congregation a l S u n day sch ool 10 Sacramental sermon and reception of members and the Lords supper 11 am Y P S C E 7 p m Union Mass meeting addressed by Rev Betts of Stillwater Minn Monday annual busi ness meeting of tho church at 8 Wed nesday prayer and conference meeting at 8 All are cordially invited Frank W Dean Pastor L The annual meeting of the Dorcas so ciety will bo held on next Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs T B Campbell Remember the date Jan uary loth Tho annual church meeting of the Congregational church will bo held in the church on the evening of Monday next the 12th instant for the election of officers hearing reports etc ADDITIONAL PERSONALS R M Irwin of McCook spent last week visiting J B Swain and family returning home Friday MrsE L Swain went to McCook Friday to visit her parents for a few weeks Miss Mattio Broyles a niece of Mr Armstrong came up from McCook last Friday to spend a short time visitingMr and Mrs J J Sutton Imperial Republican Joe Hetzel visited relatives and friends in McCook last week Miss Hattie Webber and J Frank Cushing spent Sunday inMcCook Misslsola Neiswanger is visiting with relatives and friends in McCook this week Mrs Waite came down from McCook Wed nesday to visit her sister Mrs D F Neiswanger Misses Edna and Lois Waite of McCook have been spending the holidays with their cousins Misses Isola and Gladys Neiswanger C F Babcock and wifo of McCook ate Christ mas dinner with his brothers W E and J W and their families at the home of J W Babcock Cambridge Clarion O G Coppom spent the holiday week in McCook Will Sexon of Indianola spent Christmas with his brothers south of town Marion Lucky Jake Pat terson and several others are at McCook helping the B M put up ice Gibson Wolford of McCook has been visiting his sister Mrs A W Schroeder the past week Miss Christina Nel son of JVlcUook Has been visiting ner sister Mrs Mark Lawritson during tho holidays Hans Olson of McCook was in town several days He came in to be present at the wedding of his sister Holbrook corCambridge Clarion LEBANON D F Hupp returned from Denver Saturday Mrs M P Mulford has been quite sick -but is reported better J L Feichter and wife moved into their new home first of the weeK Miss Hannah Poole is staying with Mrs Sweeney at the depot this weeK Several of our citizens attended the funeral of William Hunt at Wilsonville SKating on the McCarty dam was all the go last weeK no casualities so far Miss Florence Widner spent last Sat urday night and Sunday with Miss Viola Devoe A C Teel the insurance man of In dianola was in our town on business last week Miss Louisa Longmade came down from Danbury last Friday to do some sewing for Mrs Schofield Miss Alice Poole who has been spend ing her vacation at home returned to her worK in Denver Friday We understand that John Feichter has bought S R Jollys interest in the hardwaro store of Jolly Feichter The Christian Endeavor united with the Epworth League in a union service at the M E church Sunday evening Charles HecKman und wife formerly of this place but new of Red Cloud are visiting his brother FranK of the Sappa country The meat marKet changed hands last weeK F M Pennington bought Burgess Bros shop and combined it with that of F W Pelton Rev Howe and wife of Oxford arrived here Tuesday He will assist Rev Pogue in the revival meetings at the Methodist church Tho communion services at tho Pres byterian church Sunday were well at tended Four new members were re ceived into the church The infant child of Mr and Mrs Barnhart died Saturday morning Jan 3- 1903 Funeral services were con ducted Sunday at 2 p m by Rev W H Schofield at the Presbyterian church Miss Fannie Purviance accompanied bytho Misses Vincent and Slutts re turned from Geneva Nebraska last Saturday where they had been spend ing iho vacation at the home of Miss Purviance v The Royal Highlanders have replaced theirkiard in The Tribune this week giving the names of their new officers These cards are a convenience to the members in keeping public the meeting nights and the names of the officials A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach a bad digestion a bad liver Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure con stipation biliousness dys pepsia sick headache 25c All druggists Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Then uao BUCKINGHAMS DYEIIK 60 CTS OF DHUOStSTS OR R kaMHaMMMM P HlL A CO NAJHU NH A New Years Picture Oil New Year thou blest forever Look thou upon this picture I would that time could never sever But tis of a timely fixture On which lifes cares soon must fall Two babes pare and innocent And upon their brows to tell Of trials so unexpectedly sent New Year thou hast deigned to call All things thine whilst thou art Ruler of all this earthly hall Take thou not tho babes apart Sitting now npon tho floor With hearts that know no sorrow With souls pure as heavens door Crowning each tomorrow Tho pride of a mothers heart A fathers joy and pride To make sunshine is their part And in lovo they abide Hartley R Corner Orleans St Francis Orleans Neb Jan 6 1903 Special to The Tribune 1902 was a prosperous year for the Orleans and St Francis branch favored with a heavy wheat crop very healthy alfalfa harvest a good showing in live stock poultry and various products the farmers have bank accounts in their fa vorandthemercbants never did a more prosperous business The Burlingtons traffic in hauling wheat and merchandise has been a record breaker Trains arrived daily at Orleans with 1000 tons of wheat and extras had to relieve the over burdened regulars to raise the wheat blockade This was the situation until the great demand for coal cars to relieve the eastern coal famine with Colorado coal sent the box cars eastward and today a large amount of choice wheat is in the farmers granaries from Orleans to St Francis Herndon Kansas has the proud dis tinction of being the banner district for winter wheat in all Kansas Three fields yielded between 50 and GO bushels per acre and of a quality that makes the miller glad Grain men from Kansas City and other points have been making the line and the competition has been close The winter wheat crop of the St Francis branch this year has seldom been equaled and never surpassed Marked improvements are seen along the valley harbingers of prosperity and wealth Powell Nilsson have erected an up-to-date grain elevator at Marion the youngest child of the family of the St Francis stations Dryden Pew has buiit a splendid twostory modern brick at Wilsonville arid the Masonic brethren have a first class hall above his new drug store E C Parker is building a double two story brick on the south Wilson ville is growing Along the valley the thrifty farmers are building large red barns and substan tial dwellings alfalfa live stock and wheat the trinity of success that has made this branch famous has brought forth these blessings and made the prac tical farmers independent with a good bank account surrounded with evidences of thrift that is the backbone of national prosperity The heavy snows that fell a few weeks ago covers the ground and winter wheat is in prime condition Hon W B Lockwood member elect from Cheyenne county Kansas starts for Toneka next veek for the tlir Mr Lnnkwnnrt is the first rfinnh 1 Engineer H lican elected from Cheyenne county in ten years He is a banker stock raiser and farmer and will make a good rep resentative Lena Beck Weds A pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mrs C W Beck of University Place on New Years day at noon when Miss Lena Beck and Gustave W Dishong were united in marriage by Rev W J Crago The house was tastefully decorated in white and green and red hearts As the bridal party entered the room the brides sister sang All for You and during the ceremony the strains of the Flower Song vi brated softly through the rooms Mrs Davis Evans sister of the groom was bridesmaid and John C Beck brother of the bride acted as best man A dainty three courso luncheon was served The bride was dressed in sheer white with point lace and carried white roses The young people received many pretty gifts They have gone east on a short wedding trip Sundays Journal Destruction Was Practically Complete Speaking of the accident at Cambridge Wednesday of last week the Clarion says the destruction was practically complete The team killedbelonged to Ralph Ed wards who had narrow escape from death himself Both horses were killed one of them being thrown about fifty feet into the tender of a switch engine standing on a siding the other being carried under the engine about a quarter of a mile and ground to pieces The wagon and harness were utterly smashed and cut to pieces Edwards loss is placed at 320000 Responsibility Makes Heroes The average man is really tho standard by which socioty must bo judged in 1903 A D Taking him as tho standard this wicked old human race is pretty good after all The old year wont out with plenty of evidences of it Tho wrongs that tho old year be queathed to the new year the miseries that will continuo in 1903 are not so much because men willfully create them as becauso tho average man does not feel responsible for them Responsibility is tho tremendous fac tor in this world It transforms ordinary men into George Washingtons and Abra ham Lincolns The Post recently told the story of a man named C A Marooney who hap- psned to bo the fireman on Engine 59 drawing Burlington express No 2 speeding eastward from Denver Marooney is a specimen of the great mass of tho people who say thoughtlessly but really meaning it A Happy New Year They do not feel called upon to do anything in particular to make anybody happy but their friends and families But responsibility makes a wonderful transformation The ordinary man con fronted with tho lives and happiness of others actually depending on his nerve and courage on his self sacrifice does what Marooney did The train was approaching Cuibertson Neb at a speed of sixty miles an hour when a pipe broke overwhelming tho engineer and fireman with a cataract of boiling water and steam The engineer was knocked down and suddenly the young fireman Marooney realized that tho lives of the passengers depended upon his hand Tennysons famous lines about the charge of the Light Brigade eulogized the heroes of England thus Theirs was not to reason why Theirs but to do and die But Marooneys part was to reason why and then do or die Blinded scalded frantic with pain Marooney resolutely stepped into the spouting death by steam and set the air brakes and stopped the train When millions of Marooneys realize that theirs is the responsibility they will not only say but act to make A Happy New Year for this old world every year Ed Fruin is here on a visit W A Colling is coming bacK from Cheyenne Engine 73 has been sent to Havelock to be scrapped Dennis Cullen is visiting in Omaha part of the week JBCumming is laying off an account of slight injuries M Thorgrimson returned to work Tuesday after a short layoff Night Operator Beasley has been transferred from Haigler to Oxford Waycars 121 and 96 damaged in wrecks at Denver are here for an overhauling Charles Overman came down from Palisade Friday to go to wont in the roundhouse Engine 58 is about ready for the road and engines 310 and 289 are in the shop for an overhauling Operator Morton of Oxford went up to Stratton Monday evening on 5 on a visit to his parents It is said that the new time card Sun day will change arrival time of Im perial train to 830 Firemen Carl Berry and W E Knobbs departed on Monday for Pueblo Colo rado where they are employed on the D R D Supt Campbell and Asst Supt Har ris were in Lincoln yesterday on rail road business and incidentally took in the Shrine meeting Tho family of A C Wiehe has ar rived from Salida Colorado and they are now occupying tho old home of Engineer H L Donovan on north Madi son street L Donovan has been off duty part of the week on account of sickness They are now living in their new home formerly the George Leach residence Ed Ballance had one of his hands severely injured the other day and has gone to naveiocK for a few weeks until it heals The hand was caught in one of the machines and the muscles badly torn and lacerated BARTLEY Mr Grisell is so bad yet as to require watchers every night John Clouse went to Omaha Tuesday night of this week on a business trip Mr Groush from Missouri is hero vis iting his -daughters Mrs Clouse and Mrs Fritz The Bush case was dismissed last Saturday on account of the of Oliver and Sampson Mr Hoover has purchased the Ben Sibbett place just west of town and has made up his mind to remain in a good country Report tells us Albert Price and a friend are staying with his father north of town Boys why cant you make him treat Held to District Court Last Friday evening at the instance of Mis Alice Mann an employe of the National hotel Stephen Ray Jones a Burlington employe in tho boilermaking gang ovas arrested and charged with being responsible for the young womans condition The case was postponed until Saturday evening when an exami nation was held before Squire Berry who held Jones to tho next term of dis trict court in the sum of SS00 Being unable to secure bail Sheriff Crabtree took the young man in charge Jones denies the charge turn w wan miff 23e23S2C3C3lS3SK2 doo Now is the time To Save Honey By Purchasing for Next Season Your Blankets Underwear Outing Flannels Flannelettes when all the fall and sold regardless of value The B M meat market sells the best of everything in their line ssaaasaaesissaipsmii B eautiful XliotzaKts The sweet pure breath of the babe is suggestive of innocence and health A mothers yearning for children is in reparable from a love of the beautiful and it behooves every woman to brin the sweetest and best influence to bear on the subject of her maternity To relieve pain and make easy that period when life is born again 111 iers J rieiio is popularlv used It is a liniment easily administered and for external use only Pregnant women should try this remedy it being undeniably a friend to her during natures term of suspense and anticipation flothers Friend if used throughout gestation will soften the breasts thereby preventing cracked rnd sore nipples All muscles straining with the burden -will relax become supple and elastic from its continued application All fibres in the abdominal region will respond readily to the expanding cover containing tne embryo it riotner srnena is applied externally during pregnancy And everything which you will surely need and instead of awaiting until you are obliged to pay FULL RETAIL PRICE supplyjyourself now during our y x Pre Inventory Sale o winter roods are All Mens Trousers Are still Going at Actual Cost AH Work Shirts for 48c Our complete line of Mens Hats must go regardless of cost to make room for our spring stock John H Grannis McCook Nebraska Terms of Court For 1903 Judge G W Norris has announced the following court calendar for the year 1903 Frontier February 9thSeptember 7th Furnas March 2nd September 28th Red willow March 16th October 12th Hitchcock March 30thNovember 9th Gosper April 6th November 16th Dundy April 13th November 23rd Hayes April 20th September 21st Chase April 27th November 30th Unconscious From Croup During a sudden and terrible attack of croup our little girl was unconscious from strangula tion says A L Stafford postmaster Chester Mich and a doso of One Minute Cough Cure was administered and repeated often It re duced the swelling and inflammation cut the mucus and shortly the child was resting easy and speadily recovered It cures coughs colds lagrippo and all throat and lung troubles One Minute Cough Cure lingers in the throat and chest and enables the lungs to contribute pure health giving osygene t o the blood McConnell Berry RHEUMATISM CUREDAT LAST Good News For all Who Suffer With Rheumatism Free To all who suirer with rheumatism I will gladly send free the wonderful story of how my mother was cured after years of suffering together with the most elaborate treatise on rheumatism ever published No matter what your form of rheuma tism is whether acute chronic muscu lar inflammatory deformant sciatic neuralgia gout lumbago etc no mat ter how many doctors have failed in your case no matter how many socalled sure cures you have tried I want you to write to me and let me tell you how my mother was cured I am neither a doctor nor a professor simply a plain man of business but I have a cure for rheumatism and want to tell everyone who suffers with rheumatism about it I wish to be clearly understood and trust that all who suffer with this terrible disease however apparently beyond the reach of cure will write to me this day and 1 will send you by return mail this work of mine I appeal especially to the chronically ill who are wearied and discouraged with doctoring and to those who have been cast aside as incurable All you have thought about rheumatism may be wrong Let me teli you our ex perience Surely if you have rheuma tism or have a suffering friend it will pay you to investigate my offer anyway and prove for yourself the claims I make Send me your address today a postal card will do and I will mail you this wonderful story I f you have any friends suffering with rheumatism no matter where located send me their ad dress and I will mail them a copy My address in Victoi Raineolt Bloonifield Indiana I love thee O yes I love tlii e But itfc all that I can tV r be Tor in my visions in tht night My dreams are KocLj Mountain Tea Low Rates to Kansas City The Burlington will sell tickets to Kansas City and return at irreatly re duced rates on January 12 and 13 1903 Good returning until January 31 1803 Ask tho Burlington agent Simple Colds Cease to bf simnle if at all The Of all reliable druggists jroo per bottle safest way is to put them aside at the very Write for free book on ilotherhood beginning Ballards Horehound Syrup stops a cold and removes tbe cause of colds 2- 30c THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA 6A ami 31 bottle at A licMillen s v- f cf 1