The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 26, 1902, Image 5

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f I wa
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I A U C T 1 ffiN SAIa
5 wBiwnwwawMWMwwwiHWMWiiiti w wfmii
PVf w i 7 ffHwi -ran jiCffcoBwa i oii nniu ii
Blizzard ii Four States
Swift Company
OtotSO Kansas Gty OmahStlooisSlJoscphSLRo
Di C
The Bst
In The Market
In Its Season
All The Time
Oknvki Colo Dec 21 Tho blizzaiu
that raged on Friday and Satuiday n
eastern dlonuio nd Woniing ane
western Kansas and Nebraska was tho
most Si noil in years to the railroads u
far as the interruption of trallic is c
eerm d All trains on tho Uni m Pacific
and Burlington oads were dla i
least twenty -four hours md some trains
duo yesterday morning aiejust jettin
into D nver tonight This is true ol
trains over the Kansas Pacific branch of
the Union Pacific Along this line
snowdiiits from six to ten feei deep
made tho movement of train- impossible
until I he tracks could be cleared
Perhaps tho torm was most severe on
the Denver Alliance branch of the Burl
ington This line runs to the Black
Hilld and trains which left Denver on
Friday were only released from their
position in the drift today
One train which was completely hid
den from sight b the suow was relieved
by snow plows from Alliance Nebraska
A sup ly train was run from Mercer J
Nebraska with fuel and provisions to j
provide for tho n eds of the imprisoned
passengers It required desperato work
to reach the stalled train through the
blinding storm and almost impenetrable
drifts The attention of tho railroads
today has been directed almost exclu
sively to getting tho trains to going on
schedule time acain and bv tomorrow it
it is expected usual conditions on the onouS
Burlington and Union Pacihe will j
m M wiun TB
do you suppose dip
into that bulk coffee
before you buy it
comes in sealed air
tight packages no
chance for handling
or dirt or things to
get in
Clean Fresh and Fragrant
Carnegie too Poor
NkwYokk Dc 22 The Eev Dr
David James Burrell known to all New
York as the pastor of the Marble Collegi
ate church on Fifth avenue has thrown
a bombshell into the ranks of his rev
erend brothers in an address delivered
to a congregation at Brick Church NJ
Dr Burrell anxious that the full force
of what he said should not be lost ex
plained his meaning today more fully
He said Tho majority of ministers
preach too long and dont say half
half of the younger school of
clergymen have any appreciation of the
meaning of words or of how to reach the
Denvers Snowbound Travelers Rescued hearts of their hearers They are too
Lincoln Neb Dec 22 Fifty pas-
apt to read from a sermon carefully
written overnight every period
sengers on train No 302 on the Burling- full rounded oil every sentence in per
ton running from Denver to Deadwood feet rhythm And the sermon hasabout
were buried beneath ten feet of snow for j as much effect upon the congregation as
twenty hours They were ret cued last water thrown upon a rock
night after ten hours work by a relief And wht n it is over the women old
force sent from Sidney Nebraska The and young rustle up saying IIow per
relief force numbered fifty persons The fectly lovely flow ideally sweet with
littL town of Mercer Nebraska was the out understanding one word of it
home of the snowbound travelers for tho The only fret of his sermon has
ten hours Tho place is only a cluster been to set them looking around at the
of about ten houses and shanties and next womans bonnet
the train was obhged to remain beneath Turning now to the second half of his
the snow until aid could be secured subject Dr Burrell said I repeat
from Sidney fifteen miles away
Ill brave tho storms of Cliilkoot Pass
Ill cross tho plains of frozen glass
Ill leave my wife an the -pa
Knthor than bo without Rock Mountain Tea
McConnell fc Herry
Silver leal
Glt1 trtIJi ItJv Lard 7
IHV ukhBIf
contrarv to the generally accepted theory
that Mr Morgan and his contempor
ary influences cannot with all hi
wealth buy an inch of ground in the
holy house to the exclusion of his
Christian brother
tv ything no w
-At the-
in i H
n tai i
s ain w i P n
swl mi T i r i
s hi- lh get i c
aiio in r lh im y r
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer Wrong feeding is
loss Right feeding is profit
The up-to-date farmer knows
CO Store McCook Nebraska
Efich Hiid every afternoon and evening
TAiX30 A 3R V 3133
ii 1 1 7 i ii i ii iiiii mn ii in i 1 1 i inrmr nr n - jpearawajTC mrmu hai ii KliiWiMwMMHaHHiMai
id If not at one price at another
Icnhi 11UW dd was in Lebanon
Won ii iiiil i iii iLiv
vl i in Hum outturn made u bubinets
Li i o ludianohi Sutuiday
ISdiu Furniaii ot the News made his
w ekK trip t Lebanon Tuesday
A U Abbot wi nt to Bt aver City
Tueauny ieturuiug ou Wednesday
iiiss Fainy Purviance left last Sat-
hie vveic h Inu tvo pa- -en is urua for her home in Geneva
k 1 l e gl t -ix la t ear and
2342 i niu d aga n t 1780
last ear
The number- f - engers killed was
at tho rate of one to iH8tiT4 and the
nu er injured i e io 101911
Of the eiiiplou s 1137 hae pen killed
aganr 937 1 year and 17571 injured
against ir46 last ar The totat num
ber of eni low s is 77798 an increase in das
mas duy to SIUud tun
two years oi 7ubl
The casualties among persons other
than employes and passengers were 20G4
killed and 2817 injured Lat year
there wire 20l7 killed and 2601 injured
All told there were 3273 persons killed
and 22780 injured or a total of 20053
Last ear the total number killed of all
classes was 3080 injured 19387 total
22 917
Fifty Cents Saved
The Semi Weekly State Journal is
100 per year and The Western Swine
Breeder is 50 cents a year but if ou
send one dollar to the State Journal you
can get both papers a whole year The
Journal is the paper of all papers to read
legislative year and the Swine Breeder is
a hummer Ask them for a sample copy
if you havent seen it Lincoln is the
center of all things of a state nature and
the Journal prints more state news than
any other paper
Robert Devon came over from Mc-
j Cook Wednesday to spend Christmis
I at home
Miss Pearl Garrett closed a four
monttis school in the Logan district
last Friday
Miss Coia L Vincent accompanied by
Miss Kosa Sluttswent toGenevaChrist
There were Christmas trees at both
tho Methodist and Presbyterian
cnurches Wednesday evening
Born to Mr and Mrs B A Johnson
Wednesday December 17 1902 a boy
Gus hasnt got over it yet but is in a
fair way to recovery
Tho following schools in this vicinity
have a two weeks vacation Lebanon
Himburg Tyrone Beaver Vallty and
the Devoe school
Rev Schaeffer closed the revival ser
vices herelast Sunday in order to spend
Christmas with his family at Curtis
Tnere were fourteen converts
Mrs J B Cumming and daughter
Iva went to Wilsonville Tuesday on the
noon train expecting to return on the
westbound but it happened to be on
ti no compelling her to remain until
what tO feed his COWS tO get in fends and looking after the homo
the most milk his pigs to get MfsaLille
j Burton gave tt Tery nce
the most pork his hens tO entertainment at her school at Dry
get the most eggs Science
But how about the children i
T i BBBHF m tsj4tiK
w w ifWNw TWg
Send for free
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a hbel a ou the
wrapper of every bottle of
Emulsion ou buy
Scott Bowne
409 Pear St NY
50c and 1 j all druggists
A glass or two of water taken half an hour be
fore breakfast will usually keep the bowels
regular Harsh cathartics should ha avoided
When a purgative is neededtako Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablet They are mild and
gentle in their action For sale by McConnell
Mr and Mrs Huntworkare the proud
possessors of a new baby
Mr and Mrs Hathorn expect to go to
Lincoln for a time at least
Mrs Jones is recovering nicely from
the operation performed on her eye
Mr and Mrs S Bentley are here visit-
treat for every one present
Ask Bert Young what he drove down
to Mr Woods gate for the other morn-
Are they fed according to ins and what his thoughts were when
- Via ir oTnTf QT1TOTT
jju nwuv unuj
science a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and weak and a blood
food if there is anemia
Scotts Emulsion is a mixed
food the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes flesh blood and muscle
the Lime and Soda make bone
and brain It is the standard
scientific food for delicate
This seems to be the proper greeting
when speaking to a certain party who
had the misfortune to run against Jim
Arassicks fist Does your face hurt
Great Tonic bracefc body and brain drives
away all impurities from your system Makes
yon well Keeps you well Rocky Mountain Tea
33c McConnell Berrv
Floyd Lafferty is numbered among
the sick
A large congregation greeted Rev
Pogue on Sunday
Mrs Jake Wicks spent a few days
with her mother Mrs H A Bull
Miss Nellie Woods leaves Tuesday
morning for her home at DevizesKans
A goodly number of our young folks
attended the basket supper at Fairview
school house
Owing to the bad weather there was
no entertainment at the Shiloh school
house Christmas eve
Miss Lena Ashton and Jesse Naden
came home Saturday from Franklin
to spend the holidays
Walter McGuire departed Monday
morning via Indianola for Blue Hill
Nebraska to visit friends
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
News from all of the world well
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health tho
homo new books and on work
about tho farm and garden
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Is a member of the Associated
Press tho only western newspa
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the New York
Sun and special cable of the New
York World daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout the county
Subscribe for The Tribune and
The Weekly Inter Ocean one year
both papers for 140
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
Laxative Rromo Qninino Tablets cure a cold in
one day No euro no pay Prico 25 conts
Auctioneer and Manager
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday inoniiuK
S 10
Butter 17
Foils a Deadly Attack
My wifo was i o ill that fjood physician1 wore
unablo to Imlji her writes M M Austin f
Winchester Iul but was completely cured by
Dr Kings Now Lifo Pills They work woiideri
in stomach and liver troubles Cure constipa
tion hick headache 25c at McCoanulI fc JJorryV
drufj store
In tho district court of Lancaster county
In the matter or the application of Lillian
Mc Ylpfno Kuanlian of Maud McAlpino J Flojd
iMcAIpmo Harry McAlpino and Marian Mc
Alpine minors for liccuMt to tell real estate
Notice is hereby given that on the 20th day of
December Wl the said applicant Lillian Mc
Alpine cnardina as aforesaid under and bj
virtue of a license to her granted by said court
at the front door of tho court house in the city
of McCook in Red willow county Nehrni ka
and at the hour of two oclock in tho afternoon
of said day will soli at public vendue to th
j highest bidder therefor the following described
iifius owueii oy baiu minors nor warns Mini i
to say
Tho undivided one half of thns outh half of
the southwest quarter of section thirteen
and the undivided one half of the northuest
quarter of section twentj four all in township
one north range twenty six wet of the sixth
Principal Meridian in Hedwillow county No
Said lands will bo Fold subject to an ineum
branceof a life nitnto belonging to Lillian Mc
Alpine in an undivided one third thereof Ano
said sale will beheld open for one hour from
two oclock till three oclock of aid day 12 12 8
Lillian McAipink Guardian as afon aid
a i lerry Amas
and a
Happy New Year
We feel grateful to
our friends who have
given us their pat
ronage during the
past year and hope
to be better able to
supply your wants
in 1903 than before
Corne and see us
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