The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 26, 1902, Image 2

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Commends Peruna to All Catarrh Sufferers
Hon Louis E Johnson is the son of the late Reverdy Johnson who was United
States Senator from Maryland also Attorney General under President Johnson and
United States Minister to England and who was regarded as the greatest constitutional
lawyer that ever lived
In a recent letter from 1006 F Street N W Mr Johnson says
No one should longer suffer from catarrh when Peruna is ac
cessible To my knowledge it has caused relief to so many of my
friends and acquaintances that it is humanity to commend its use to
all persons suffering with this distressing disorder of the human
system Louis E Johnson
Catiirrli Poisons
Catarrh is capable of changing all the
life giving secretions of the body into
scalding fluids which destroy and inflame
every part they come in contact with Ap
plications to the places affected by catarrh
can do little good save to soothe or quiet
disagreeable symptoms Hence it is that
gargles sprays atomizers and inhalants
only serve as temporary relief So long as
the irritating secretions of catarrh continue
to be formed so long will the membranes
continue to be inflamed no matter what
treatment is used
There is but one remedy that has the
desirable effect and that remedy is
k Wanted CO00C pounds
E of cootl fct birds for
the holidays Also chickens aucK ana geese
nutter ana czes Write for taes ana prices
KHtRbUshea 1S70 Omalin
npw mscoVERY rives
Tllr willflf pTifl mirpRlvOrflt
toy m m uwv - v- -
r utrfl HOOK OI lCSUHluaunuui
Want Bevery thins always carries an
empty belly
Peruna This remedy strikes at once to
the roots of catarrh by restoring to the
capillary vessels their healthy elasticity
Peruna is not a temporary palliative but a
radical cure
Send for Dr Hartmans latest book
sent free for a short time Address The
Peruna Drug Manufacturing Co Co
lumbus Ohio
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna write
at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleased to
give you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio
Better keep on the safe side
Dont use a liniment youre not sure about
If you have an Injury an Ache a serious Cut or Bruise
Lnmbago Neuralgia or anything that is curable by a liniment
It cured aches and injuries of Man and Beast before many of you
ere born It was found to be reliable by your sires and
grandsires it will be found so by you
aw Rival paripp RpnAPr -3
F you are looking for reliable shotgun am
munition the kind that shoots where you
point your gun buy Winchester Factory
Loaded Shotgun Shells New Rival loaded with
Black powder Leader and Repeater loaded
with Smokeless Insist upon having Winchester
Factory Loaded Shells and accept no i others
WWM Moat
i 1
In our mammoth kitchen we emploj a Chef
who is an expert in making raince pies He
has charse of making all of Li boys Mince
Meat He uses the very choicest materials
He is told to make the
Ever sold and he does Get a packageat
yoor grocers enough for two large pies You
will never use another kind again Ubbys
Atlas of the World with 32 new maps size 8x11
inches sent anvwhere for 10 cents in stamps
Our booklet How to Make Good Things
to Eat mailed free
Game is always scarce where Poor
Hunter lives
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use in the market and who
is reasonably satisfied with the old
we would suggest that a trial of De
fiance Cold Water Starch be made at
once Not alone because it is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be
superior to any other brand hut be
cause each 10c package contains
16 ozs while all the other kinds con
tain but 12 ozs It is safe to say that
the lady who once uses Defiance
Starch will use no other Quality and
quantity must win
A blind horse can see what his own
er is driving at
Rice in South Texas
The Government report for 1902
shows that Texas holds the worlds
record for the production of rice
Some of the best rice lands in the
State are along the line of the M K
T Ry An interesting book on
Texas will he sent on request
James Barker Genl Pass Agent M
K T Ry 501 Wainwright Bldg St
It takes a rich man to enjoy the
pleasures of poverty
Keep them white with Red Cross Ball Blue
All grocers sell largo 3 oz package 5 cents
It takes a photographer to throw
light on his subject
Try me just once and I am sure to
come again Defiance Starch
Hot Head fills the pipe of peace from
the powder horn
Responses from Interested Govern
ments Regarding Settlement
WASHINGTON Secretary Hay has
ceived partial responses from the
governments of Great Britain Ger
many and Italy respecting the pro
posal to arbitrate the Venezuelan dif
Great Britain is favorable to arbitra
tion with proper safeguards Germany
accepts arbitration in principle but
finds a multitude of small adjustments
to be made before entering into the
agreement Italy as the junior part
ner of the allies declares that it is
favorable to arbitration but would be
bound by the action of the senior
As far as England is concerned the
safeguards referred to are believed to
relate to the question of guarantee
which is full of difficulties In this
connection some consideration is
again given to the feasibility of re
sponsible parties assuming responsi
bility for any award assessed against
If this can be arranged the United
States government will do what it
can to reduce their risks
The feeling is growing here that
The Hague tribunal should undertake
the case if arbitration is agreed to
Mr Bowen it is reported wishes to
come to Washington in order person
ally to effect an adjustment with the
resident ambassadors of the allies
but while the State department makes
no statement on the point it is be
lieved that it does not regard this
plan- with favor It is also pointed
out that in some phases the disputes
will not admit of arbitration Such
for instance as the attacks on Brit
ish and German subjects and the Ger
man legations at Caracas and the ar
rests of consular officers
The United States government in
clines to the view that there is a dis
position to insist needlessly on guar
antees for payment of any judgment
that might be rendered by the arbitra
tors It believes that the force of
public opinion would absolutely in
sure a settlement
3P -1
Certainty that Venezuelan Prob
lems Will Be Solved in the Near
Future Through the Medium of Ar
WASHINGTON President Roose
velt has proposed to the allied pow
That the Venezuelan dispute he
submitted to the arbitration of The
Hague tribunal
The powers have replied with a coun
ter proposal tljat President Roosevelt
himself arbitrate tile issue
If an agredment is reached on arbi
tration the procedure would be for Mr
Bowen representing Venezuela as a
plenipotentiary to sign with the repre
sentatives of the allies a protocol stat
ing that the case is to be submitted to
arbitration that Venezuela admits the
right of diplomatic intervention in be
half of a claimant a principle she has
always resisted and that the details of
the arbitration shall be arranged in a
formal treaty which she pledges
to sign This treaty will provide
in the greatest details for the security
of foreign interests against vexatious
and extortionate interference on the
part of the Venezuelan government
hereafter and will insure the adminis
tration of exact justice in the settle
ment of claims and especially will it
relieve foreign residents of Venezuela
from forced loans and persecution in
times of revolutions
The status of the arbitration nego
tiations as disclosed at the State de
partment was that the powers were
Avaiting for an answer from the presi
dent to the proposal that he himself
undertook to arbitrate the Venezuelan
difficulty The presidents answer can
only be guessed for the officials de
cline to express any opinion of their
own However it is believed to be a
safe prediction that he will renew his
suggestion that the case he submitted
to The Hague tribunal adding to the
argument he has already produced the
fact the United States having claims
of its own against Venezuela to the
amount of about 100000 is a party in
interest and it would be unfair to put
the president in the position of having
to arbitrate his own claim For their
part the powers bring against The
Hague proposition the argument that
President Castro would feel lightly
bound by any decision by that tribunal
but would be certain to heed a judg
ment rendered by President Roosevelt
It is said at the State department that
no matter how these two propositions
are disposed of there will be no back
ward step and that an agreement of
some kind which will bring about a
peaceable settlement of the Venezuelan
trouble will result from the present nc
Collision in Which Many Lives Are
Lost Results
BRYON Cal Sixteen nersonq were
kilted and twentJuten In Wed in the
collision lasrnighToVtween the south
bound Los Angeles Owl and the
Stockton flyer The engine of the lo
cal plowed its way Into the last
coaches of the Owl which were
filled with Fresno people The pas
sengers were hurled to the fore part
of the coach and hemmed in by a
mass of debris their suffering and
danger intensified a Inmdred fold by
clouds of scalding steam that poured
from the shattered boiler of the Stock
ton engine
After the Owl left the Oakland
mole it was noted that there was a
leak in the flue of the engine This
increaseJrtO such an extent that it
was deemetV advisable to taice up a
freight engine for renef The train
officials knew that the Stockton lo
cal was following half an hour behind
and sent a flagman down the track
to give warning
It is said that the Stockton train
got the warning signal in time and
gave the usual response with whistle
blasts Why the incoming train was
not checked however has not been
thus far explained the men who could
tell being among the badly injured
Simple and Impressive Services At
tended by Many Friends
NEW YORK In the mausoleum on
Riverside Drive brief and simple ser
vices were conducted over the remains
of Mrs Ulysses S Grant In addition
to the members of the family there
were present among the 500 persons to
whom had been sent Gov
ernor Odell Mayor Low Secretary
Root Rear Admiral Barker and staff
General James Grant Wilson General
Grenville Dodge General Horatio King
General Charles F Roe and staff Mr
and Mrs Andrew Carnegie and many
federal and municipal officers and offi
cers of the army and navy stationed in
the city
General Frederick D Grant and
other members of the family occupied
seats overlooking the crypt The ser
vices were conducted by Bishop E G
Andrews of the Methodist Episcopal
church and the Right Rev Alexander
Mackay E Smith bishop coadjutor of
Pennsylvania and opened with the
hymn Lead Kindly Light after
which the burial services of the Metho
dist Episcopal and the Protestant Epis
copal churches were read The services
were closed with the reading of a
poem The Land Beyond the Sea
which had been a favorite of Mrs
Grant and the singing of the hymn
Abide With Me
Golden Rule Jones Talks
Strike Settlement
CHICAGO Theodore Roosevelt is
a man greater than the government
he represents While the govern
ment of the United States was unable
to restore peace in the anthracite re
gion Roosevelt not as president but
as a man suggested a rational way
to settle the trouble The man tri
umphed and the problem was solved
Thus spoke Golden Rule Jones
mayor of Toledo O before the Chi
cago Peace society Sunday He
sought to show that force of arms
was futile that it was inexcusable and
that killing in battle was murder
Four Hundred Thousand Finlanders
Reported Starving
ST PETERSBURG Four hundred
thousand persons are reported to be
destitute and starving as a result of
the crop failure in Finland The Anglo-American
church here has under
taken to feed and clothe the school
children of four Finnish parishes and
Pastor Francis has issued an appeal
for assistance in this work He says
the conditions today are worse than
those of 1867 when 100000 persons
Pension Appropriation
WASHINGTON The senate on
Wednesday passed the pension appro
priation bill without discussion It
carried 3 3984700 An urgent defi
ciency bill was also passed The
amount carried by this bill is 114S
400 and includes an item of 500000
to enable the secretary of agriculture
to stamp out the foot and mouth dis
ease which has become epidemic in
the New England states
Jury Convicts Bribers
ST LOUIS The joint trial of five
former members of the house of dele
gates on charges of briber- which be
gan on Tuesday ended Friday night
in a sentence of five years for each
man The defendants John A Sher
idan Charles J Denny Charles Gutke
Edmund Bersch and T E Albright
after hearing the verdict filed motions
for a new trial and were released on
Combination of Interests Consolidates
Management in Individual Hands
The Result is Disastrous to Public
- -
WASHINGTON The tendency to
combine continues the most significant
feature of railway development ac
cording to the annual report of the
interstate Commerce commission
just issued The report says
It is not open to question that tho
competition between railroad carriers
which formerly prevailed has been
lately suppressed or at least brought
to the condition of effective restraint
The progress of consolidation in
one form or another will at no dis
tant day confine this competition with
in narrow and unimportant limits be
cause the control of most railroad
properties will be merged in a few in
dividuals whose combination inter
ests impel them to act in concert
While this will insure as prob
ably nothing else can in equal de
gree the observance of published
tariffs and so measurably remove
some of the evils which the act was
designed to prevent the resulting sit
uation involves consequences to the
public which claim the most serious
A law which might have answered
the purpose when competition was re
lied upon to secure reasonable rates
is demonstrably inadequate when that
competition is displaced by the most
far reaching and powerful combina
Some great change in the condi
tions calls for a corresponding change
in the regulation of the statute
The commission reaffirms its
for amending the in
terstate commerce law and urges the
grave necessity for legislation
Tbe report says that the fact that
no convictions have yet been obtain
ed nor indictments found in the cases
of the roads which were shown by an
investigation last winter to be given
secret rates to grain shippers em
phasizes the fact that the criminal
provisions of the present interstate
law are practically a dead letter
The commission says that the effect
of injunctions to compel roads to ob
serve published tariffs has been to
materially advance the rates actually
received by the carrier and paid by
the shipper and that their operation
enables advances which otherwise
might not be made
But while the producer will un
doubtedly pay from now on from 5
to 7 cents per 100 pounds more to
transport grain from the field to its
destination than lie paid before these
injunctions took effect that must not
be regarded as an argument against
the injunctions There ought to be
some power to compel the carriers
to maintain the published rate and
to publish a fair and reasonable rate
Tvr r
Advises the Navy Department Where
Ships Will Go for Christmas
WASHINGTON The navy depart
ment has received a cablegram from
Admiral Dewey announcing the pro
prosed itinerary of the vessels of his
fleet during the Christmas holidays
Admiral Deweys cablegram dated
San Juan December 14 is to this ef
Prnnnoorl ititinrarv nf vpcrcole fnr
Christmas holidays Kearsarge Ala
bama Massachusetts Iowa Scorpion
Trinidad Illinois Indiana to St Thom
as Texas to Chicago
New York Eagle to Curacoa San
Francisco Albany Wasp to Maya
guez Cincinnati Atlanta Prairie tugs
and torpedo boats to San Juan Cul
goa to Mayaguez and San Juan
Olympia Nashville and Machias to St
Kitts Detroit to Antigua Mayflower
and Vixen to Porto Rican waters and
vicinity and Dolphin to Antigua and
After Deserting Husbands
While speaking of his proposed bill
for the imprisonment of all husbands
who are found guilty of deserting their
wives and families Chief Donahue of
Seeks to Learn Fresh Lessons from
This Great Republic
NEW YORK- Tho sixth annual din
ner of tho Canadian society of New
York was given at Delmonicos Friday
nlghL Dr James Douglas president
of tho society presided and among tho
guests were Sir Frederick W Borden
K C M G minister of militia and
dofense of the Dominion of Canada
Colgate Hoyt president of tho Ohio
society W A HIgglnbotham presi
dent of the Canadian club of Philadel
phia and Sir Percy Sanderson British
consul general
The first toasts were The Presi
dent and The King after which
followed others to Canada and tho
United States
Sir Frederick Borden In speaking
on -Canada said
I say in all frankness that we up
there in Canada thank the people of
the United States for teaching us self
reliance Wo also want to always
have friendly rivalry You hear a
great deal said as to what is to be tho
final destiny of Canada We arc abso
lutely satined with our present posi
tion We intend going along on tho
lines we have followed for some time
and we think the best friend we have
to help us is this country
I believe in the Monroe doctrine
and when it was promulgated the lead
ing Britisli statesmen approved it Tho
Monroe doctrine is a good thing for
our country and is a guarantee against
coercion and oppression It is as
much in favor of Canadian integrity
as it is for the protection of any oth
er portion of the American continent
Venezuela Could Put 400000 Men in
the Field
PARIS M Thiessc formerly min
ister of France to Venezuela who ne
gotiated the convention of 1885 and
who has lived many years In Vene
zuela has been interviewed concern
ing the situation there He said
Venezuela can put 400000 men in
the field and even foreigners thero
are liable for military service The
regular Venezuela army numbers only
10000 A number of the younger of
ficers received their education in the
military schools of France and Ger
many The Venezuelans are armed
with Martini and Remington rifles
and have a few Maxim and Krupp
guns They have no cavalry Caracas
is almost impregnable owing to the
fact that it is situated on the other
side of a mountain range about GO0O
feet high These mountains rango
are impassable except by steep mule
paths where twenty men could stop
a whole regiment There is a rail
road from La Guayra to Caracas but
the destruction of a single bridge
would render the line useless If by a
miracle Caracas was taken the Ven
ezuelans would wage a guerilla war
faro as they did against Spain
Arguments Are Reneved Before Judge
Grosscup in U S Court
CHICAGO The noted beef trust
case was again revived Tuesday in ar
guments before Judge Grosscup in the
United States circuit court
In the demurrer which was filed in
August the packers asserted that the
bill for an injunction was multifar
ious and did not refer to any offense
constituting a violation of the United
States statutes with sufficient particu
John S Miller representing the
packers declared that the bill did not
allege any restraint of interstate or
foreign commerce and that the ship
ment of commodities by the packers
to their agents in any state did not
constitute interstate commerce
The acts of the packers he said
were in furtherance of trade rather
than in testraint
Vote on a Co Operative Plan
PITTSBURG Notice has been re
ceived at the office of the Amalgamat
ed Association of Iron Steel and Tin
Workers from the Republic Iron and
Steel company that a plan for making
the workmen in these plants stock
holders in the company will be pre
sented to the next convention at Co
lumbus O Plans are now being con
sidered by which the puddlers and
finishers employed in the mills of this
company can become stockholders
1 and it is probable the scheme will be
Omaha stated Friday that he had ratified by the convention
ed the measure in the hands of a cjais of the Republic Iron and Steel
ber of the state legislature and that company have decided that if the
it would be carefully investigated also j pan is adopted the men will be given
by the members of the state board of representation on the board of direct-
corrections anu cnariucs ine cniei ors
has received a letter from Frank W
Bryant of North Platte in which the
writer states that the measure as pro
posed by the Omaha chief is one that
should be given the support of the
legislature and that the residents in
that vicinity are in accord with it
Vanderbilt is Improving
NEW YORK Cornelius Vanderbilts
condition showed considerable im
provement Sunday there being a re
duction of 1 degree in his tempera
ture during the evening hours He
rested well throughout the day
France Wants the Money
j LIMA Peru The French legation
here presented to the Peruvian gov
ernment on November S a claim for
810071940 in favor of the Dreyfus
brothers of Paris in accordance with
the finding of the Lausanne court ol
arbitration Up to the present time
the government has made no reply
to the presentation of this claim and
it is probable that the French lega
tion tomorrow will
reiterate Its
quest for a settlement in stronger lan
rL Jl