i I tittiouncefficfi I JK i i Jt 1 It is with great pleasure that we announce to our patrons and the public the opening of our new holliday line in our new store room secured and especially fitted for the purpose just one door south Owing to the constant increase in our business we have been forced to find larger and more con venient quarters to better serve our patrons in the holiday trade Just think of a whole store room filled from floor to ceiling with good things for Christmas presents It would be impossible for us to describe each line but will say that we have good things that will make suitable presents for young and old and you will need to pay us a visit before you can form any idea of the variety you have to select from Our goods are all marked in plain figures with one price to all and that the lowest We invite you all to come If you are ready to buy come if you never buy come come anyway Yours for the holiday business THK FIRST iSWWAWktfVAJ sra l3ee Hive Mcooit l Jfh if ftT rffa Jra Ah Ai f jfla jU 8k aLjtffcjSg iJir ifir itriffk jgn ifflc jtjgi 5 V FRANKLIN President w A C EBERT Cashier fy S I CITIZENS BANK it OF McCOOK NEB a a a 4 Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 f DIRECTORS K VytlANKUH WFRcFARLANB A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD His irTVjguulgirW iSt rfTrcnlV jOt Tfa tV t AAAi tJvl jvwimwvvwwiivavwvvwvwvv yj rsr 3f 5 3 C a NATIONAL n LA Anthnnivrl ClaTiial 111 nnn Capital and Surplus 60000 ooo G0 HQCKNELL President B M FREES V Pres c a Dcuueii nu t IHI t bb lUOH 4 UAMfBtLL Director u J rLTI Director J F B BUKGESS i Plumber and I Steam Filler McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building Kodol Dyspepsia Gura Digests wiaat you eat A Good Thing German Syrup is the spocial prescription of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortun ate dit enveries in medicine It quickly enros coughs colds and lung troubles of the severest nature removing the canso of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condi tion It is not an experimental medicine but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction in overycaso which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Boschoos Gorman Svrup was intro duced in tho United States 1863 and is now sold in every town and villago in the civilized world Three doses will relievo any ordinary cough Price 75 cents Get Greens Special Almanac It excites the wonder of tho world a magic remedy liquid electricity that drives away suffering and disease Rocky Mountain Tea 35c McConnell Berry Ill bravo tho storms of Chilkoot Pass Ill cross tho plains of frozon glass Ill leave my wife and cross the sea Rather than bo without RockyMountain Tea McConnell Si Berry CULBERTSON B Conway is transacting business in Omaha this week W E Jrowell had a now floor put in his meat market last week R J Colo and Ed Donley departed Friday morning for Denver Prnf Meyers attended tho teachers meeting at Stratton Saturday Supt JumeH OConnell visited several schools in the county this week Miss Clara Gaardar began a torm of school in tho Wolf district Monday Mrs W W Welty of IIopo visited friends in town Saturday and Sunday Galen Baldwin opened up a feed store ono door north of tho bauk this week J W Fordyce and daughter Miss Maud of Bovorly were in town Satur day Miss Helen Kleven entertained a num ber of her litt e friends lat Friday even ing it being the occasion of her tenth birthday George Metzer and family moved into the Stoinhouse house in the south part of town last week S E Solomon is making some sivo improvements on his residence in the northwestern part of town Mathow Newlon went down to Mo- Cook Wednesday wherw ho will clerk for F M Colson in The Bee Hive Miss Viola Ferrier resigned his posi tion as clerk in P G Brotzmans store Friday She expects to make an extend ed visit at Alliance Dick Betz went up to Stratton Sun day night whete he will reside this win ter Ho has a large class of music pupils at Stratton and Bonkelman Mrs L J Rittonhouso of McCook was in town Monday for the purpose of or ganizing a hive of L O T M an auxil iary organizution of the K O T M Charley Korrell and family and Frank Short and fumily moved from hero lust spring to New Windsor Colorado Thoy expected to find a country better than this but after a years trial they have returned satisfied that Southwestern Nebraska is not the worst place for a poor man to make a living in The usual annual election of tho offi ceisofthe Degree of Honor lodge was held Friday evening and the following were elected Chief of Honor Mrs C G -rows Lady of Honor Mrs F P Fellows Chief of Ceremonies Miss Ona Reynolds Recorder Miss Nannie Cole Financier Miss Belle Turner Receiver Miss Belle Gesslemen Usher Miss Goldie Newlon Inside watch Miss Isa Shumakor Outside watch Miss Ethel Fellows How to Prevent Croup It will bo good news to the mothers of small children to learn that croup can be prevented The first sign of croup is hoarseness A daj or twoboforo tho the child becomes hoarse This is soon followed by a peculiar rouch cough Give Chamberlains Cough Remedy freely as soon as tho child becomes hoarse or oven after j tho rough cough appears and it will dispol all symptoms of croup In this way all danger and anxiety may bo avoided This remedv is used bs many thousands of mothers and has nevf r teon known to fail It is in fact the only remedy that can always bo depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take For salo by McConnell Berry INDIAN0LA Marion Dow has been quite sick Mrs Walters has been on the sick list Albert Price is able to be down town again A C Teel was a Danbury visitor one day last week Miss Clarence McCord drove down to Bartley Friday Marion Powell was out from Lincoln the first of the week Miss Ena Gamsby spent last Saturday and Sunday at home W P Elmer is putting in a new pair of scales at his coal office Otto Halberslebeu returned to his studies in Franklin last week B B Duckworth visited his son Charlie at the Bluffs last week The school will give an outertainment in tho near future Particulars later Miss Lena Uill is home from Dpnver She expects to stay until alter the Xmas holidays K E Smith who has been in the eastern part of the state for some time is expected home this week Mrs A C Teel left Friday for differ ent points in Colorado where she goes to organize lodges She was accom panied by his daughter Gertie Theyoung friends of Miss Cora Thomp son treated her to a surprise party in honor of her thirteenth birthday last Saturday afternoon from two to five The school board has deemed it advis able to expel a certain youthful member from tho school for the term of ninety days on account of his fighting propen sities The social and bazaar given by the D of H last Saturday was a success orvrtlollif iTlrl nninninllif Tn Hw nimninf OUOtCAlJ UUU llUtUUIUUJ JLll U U Vy UVCUIUL f Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska Docembr 9 1002 Board of county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment Present D A Waterman Maurice Roddy and J H Bcnnutt county com missioners ami E J Wilcox county clerk Tho minutes nf the previous meeting woro read and approved The following official bonds woro oxnmined and on motion approved Soren Simonson ns jsior for Beaver precinct James Curmichael Fritsch John Hammell Valley Grango W C Shockley J P for Danbury prpcinct Taylor Gintlier ovcrsoor road district No 2 Uon W Dillion b Samuel Ellis Jnroes Lnwthors E A Phillimti Joseph Junker Albert Weeks Mitchell Yonng A lux Brown W L East CGWilholm Johnlleinloiu John Droll G O Loncneckor O G Brornau F A Traphagnn The lowed 14 IS 21 22 a7 41 43 Annual settlements of the following ovorsoora were examined uid on motion approved and clerk instructed to draw certificates on road districts in tmwnent thereof ns follows W S Fitch Dist No J Cortif No 281 50 00 41 282 HO 00 1C as a uu 40- 234 so 00 19 233 M 5 2SG ISO 00 SI 237 150 U as 2a8 aooo following claims were audited and al and on morion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on tho county general fund levy of 10U2 in payment theieol as follows James mdsu for pauor 24 X G W Short Mimo 35 76 G W Short rent for paupers 12 00 J A Wilcox groceries for pan tiers 7 CO Gooruo B Morgau mdsu for paupers 11 05 E G Caino Co coal for paupers 12 25 A McMilleu drugs for paupers 13 40 X P Welles tirofexsional services 45 00 O E Robinson same ai 50 The Ropublican supplies 12 00 L S Phillips same 4 50 State Journal Co aamu 91 X School Dist No 51 use of building for election a 00 School Dist No 31 same 3 00 C Cowles samo 1 50 T M Campbell samo 5 00 C 11 Ilarinuii mtiking and putting up booths 2 50 Alex Ellis same 2 IX K b Uiltclier itnco expen e McCook Electric Light Co light and heat for November eorge Elbert painting hitching posts P Walsh ice for courthouse for tho season 7 2 81 19 1 50 6 0 Andrew Phillips services as janitor for November IS 00 Ed Flitcraft mulching for court house grounds 5 00 John Castillo repairing plow 75 G O Loiienuckur same 1 65 A C Crabtreii distributing ballots 10 00 E J Will ox salary fourth quarter 02 50 J H Bennett railroad faro for pauper- 3 J5 J II Bonuott money advanced for pauper- D A Waterman services as commis sioner and mileage Maurice R ddy same J II Bennett sime 1 C5 29 60 26i0 19 00 and on county bridge fund levy 1902 as follows W V M iller bridge work 7 rO G W Wejeneth 8 75 T PGockley same 5 50 G O Longnecker samo 10 10 Louis Longneckor samo 2 50 I II Harrison same 3 0 Edward Carber nails 4 50 Barnetr Lumber Co lumber 1CS 40 EG Caino Co lumber C8 5 on county road fund levy of 1902 as follows CC Burt road work 1125 James Ryan ame 6 10 William llammoll samo 150 W L East samo 10 00 rO Dotts i amo COO C N -until samo 27 00 John Penny samo 2 50 J W Harrison same GOO On motion tho demand of J II Mooroon tho cunty treasurer for tho refunding of taxes il legally assessed against him amounting to 1260 in Driftwood precinct for the year 1900 which demand was certified by tho county treasurer to the county commis ionors allowed On motion tho board adjourned to meet January 0 190 Attest E J Wucox County Clerk D X Wateksian Chairman KEP0RT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Citizens Bank of McCook of McCook Nebra ka Charter No 276 Incorporated in tho tatn nf Nebraska at tho close of business November 25th 1902 KESOUKCE8 Loans and Discounts 133073 21 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 1603 59 Stocks securities judgments claims etc Other real estate Current oxptne3 and taxes paid Due from national state and private banks and bank ers 17635 81 Checks and items o f ex change 5S3 00 Specie 2610 67 Cash f Bills 8924 00 1552 tf 12000 00 2903 71 Total cash on hand 29 - i iii feature of which was a Tom Thumb wedding A Timely Suggestion This is the sea oa of tho year when the pru 7SS51 Total 5 1S592C41 IIABHITIKS Capital stock paid in 50000 00 Surplus fund a000 00 Undivided profit 6472 44 Individual deposits subject to check S62SC3 62 Demand certificates of de posit ssirx Time certificates of deposit 21273 02 Cashiers checks outstanding 8ia 03 Due to state ami private banks and bankers S590 33 126 97 Total 133926 11 State of Nebraska couuty of Eedwillow ss I A C Ebert cashier of tho above named bank do solemnly swear that the above state ment i i correct and i true copy of the report made to thestato banking hoard Attet A C Ebekt Cashier V Franklin Director W B Wolfe Director Subscribed and sworn to before mo this Cth dav of Decomber 1902 seal II H Bekkt Notary Fublic LEGAL NOTICE In tho district court of Lancaster county Nebraska In tho matter of tho application or Lillian McAlpiuo guanliau of Maud McAlpinc J Flovd McAlpine Harry MeUpino and Marian Mc Alpino minors for license to sell real estate Notice is hereby given that on the 29th day of December 1902 the said applicant Lillian Mc Alpine guardian as afore aid under and by virtue of a licence to her granted by said court at the front door of tho in tho city of McCook in Red willow comity Nebra ka and at the hour of two oclock in the afternoon a TirniTiimmR was rpndfirprl tho nrin final of said lav will soil at public vendue to tho dent and careful housewife replenishes her lone north range twenty sis wetof the sixth supply of Chamberlains Cough Remedy It is cortain to bo needed before the winter is ovor and results aro much moro prompt and satis factory when it i3 kept at hand and given as soon as the cold is contracted and beforo it has become settled in the In almost every instance a sevoro cold may bo warded off by taking this remedy freely as toon as tho first indication of tho cold appears Thero is no danger in giving itto children for it contains no haTmfnl substance It is pleasant to take both adulta and children like it Buy it and you will get tho best It always cures For salo py Mc Connell Si Borry BANKSVILLE A mild cold wave hit us again Wed- nesday A M Benjamin has moved into his new soddy at Banksville Benjamin Bros are delivering cream for shipment to Truer Kansas J II Relph and the school teacher were McCook traders last Saturday Mrs Cora Hartman Miss Jessie and Glen were Banksville visitors Saturday Jake Wesch was out picking corn Tuesday getting an oar occasionally by careful searching Favorite Family Remedy Frequently accidents occur in tho household which canso burascuts sprains and bruises for use in such cases Ballards Snow Liniment has for many years been tho constant favorite fam ily remedy 23c 50c and 100at AMcMillons hiches t bidder thernfor the following described lands owned by said minors her wards that is to ay The undivided ono half of tho south half of the southwest quarter of section thirteen and the undivided ono half of the northwott qnarter of section twentj four all in township D Principal Meridian in Rodwillow county Ne braska Said lands will bo sold subject to an incum brance of a life estate belonging to Lillian Mc Alpine in an undivided one third thereof And said sale will bo held open for one hour from two oclock till three oclock of said day Lillian McAlpine Guardian as aforesaid The Pride of Heroes Many soldiers in the last war wrote to say that for scratches brnises cuts wounds corns sore feet and stiff joints Bucklens Arnica Salve is the best in tho world Samo for burns scalds boils ulcers skin eruptions and piles It cures or no pay Only 23c at McConnell Berrys drug store ONT IHCOnPORATC3t82 bE rOOLEDl Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade murk cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no substi tute Ask jour druggist ihitm jrr riiriJUa itj lieu jnt vfl tm3t9Cmftn How Suit right here at home it is finished suits Now clothing is the BUSINESS SUITS Come and Great Tonic braces body and brain drives away all impuritiei from your sjstem Makes you well Keeps jou well liocky Mountain Tea i3c McConnell Berry Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R O 1 P A -Lodge No G12 meets first and third Thuradays of each month McConnells hall 330 p m E B IIubek President W S Guyee Secretary ROYAL HIGKLANDERS McCook lodge No 307 meets on second and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConnell hall J It McCacl Illustrious Pro Robt W Dkvoh Secrotarj DR W V GAGE FicCook Nebraska C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Buildln Saved at Graves Brink I know I would long ago have been in my grave writes Mrs S If News om of Decatur Ala if it had not been for Electric Bittern For three years I suffered untold agony from the worst forms of indigestion waterbrash stomach and bowel dyspepsia Bt this excellent medi cine did me a world of good Since using it I can eat heartily and have gained i3 pounds For indigestion loss of appetito stomach liver and kidney troubles Electric Bitters are a posi tive guaranteed cure Only 50c at McConnell Sz Berrys drugstore A Million Voices Could hardly express tho thanks of Homer Hall of Wost Point la Listen why A severe cold had settled on his lungs cau ing a mot obstinato cough Several physicians said he had consumption but could not help him When all thought ho was doomed ho began to use Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption and writes It completely cured mo and saved my life I now weigh 227 lbs Its positively guar anteed for coughs colds and lung troubles Price 50c and 1 W Trial bottles free at McCon nell Berrys s About That of Clothes There are many kinds of clothes There is one kind some people call tailor made which they send away for This kind we do not sell THE KIND WE SELL ARE MADE BY FIRST CLASS WORKMEN and fitted on you before That is the only tailor made see m e time to H i order one 25 PANTS 650 before you buy Yours for Business L 0 Mehns9 Tailor Ot I had a most stubborn cough for many years It deprived me of sleep and I grew very thin I then tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral and was quicklv cured R N Mann Fall Mills Tenn Sixty years of cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayers Cherry Pectoral will do We know its the great est cough remedy ever made And you will say so too after you try it Theres cure in every drop Tbree sizes 25c 50c SI All drnjjisls Consult your doctor If lie says take it then do as ho says If ho tells you not to take it thou dont take it Ho knows Leavo it with him Wo aro wllliri J C AYKU CO LowoII Mass Good Advice Tho most miserable lieings in tho world aro those suffering from dyspepsia and liver com plaint More than seveniy fivo per cent of the people in tho United States aro olHicted with these two diseases and their effect such as sour stomach sick headache habitual costive ness palpitation of tho heart heartburn water brash gnawing and burning pains at the pit of tho stpmach jellow skin coated tongue and disagreeable taste in the mouth coming up of food after eating low spirits etc Goto your druggist and get a bottle of August Flowor for 75 cents Two doses will relievo yon Try it Get Greens Special Almanac II P SUTTON McCOOK V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS E J MITCHELL NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska EerAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First d ir north ol Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Office over McMillons drug storo Rosidonco 702 Main Aveuuo Kesidenco phono K Oflico phono 28 Calls answered uighcor day - AUOTIOiYEER Phonos Oflico 17 nidonco 93 Write or Phone for Terms and Date DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE HO 160 OVGR MCCONNELL Ei BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA EARL MURRAY Bates Did Stand McCook Neb Shave flair Cut Sham pooanvthingin my lino in an artistic manner Qlve mo a call and trial L PREVOST DRNTIST Gradiate of Kansas City Lintal College OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska gpr rfV sf Jb auttofojSg All Calls For The I wifg u Answered by the BLUR FRONT LIVERY BARN g Will make all trains and an- swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman r McCook Nebraska JW i 1- J W m iu jij 11 1 v 9l 1 I- 111 wi iiiii 11 I ii 1 ii 1 11 in 1 h 1 in 111 1 iii 11 11 yr vi r 1 1 11 1 1 m 1 T Cure a Cold la One Bayj I Take Laxative BriHO IJiPIile TaMsts v W 01 every I 1 Seven Minion boxes sold in post 12 months TMs sgaatare9 OX 25c 1 1 V