The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 21, 1902, Image 4

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    Fifty Years the Standard
cE4 V
Highest Honors Worlds Fair
Highest tests US Govt
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Yp r in Advance
The fact that Judge NorriB is quite
likely to remain on the beneh of the
Fourteenth district until about Mach
1st will have a tendency to cool the ardor
with which the numerous patriots are
pushing their candidacy for the appoint
Mrs Prof
Casner is o i the
sick list
Miss Mona Thacker has been quite
Mitch Young of Danbury was in Indi
anola Friday
Jake TCearn and family drove down to
Bartlej Sunday
Everett Moorehas taken Ed Sullivans
place in the mill here
Mr and Mrs Clarence McCord were
Bartley visitors Sunday
Mrs Hamilton of Bartley was in Indi
anola on a shopping tour Monday
Miss Jeanette Short is visiting rela
tives in the eastern part of the state
Miss Daisy Slutts spent last Satur
day and Sunday at her homo in Lebanon
Rev iJalberslaben who has been quite
sickwasable to attend to his ministerial
duties Sunday
Miss Cassio Harrison accompanied
Father Lutz on his regular trip to
Cambridge Sunday
Mr and Mrs Newman Dutcher left
Thursday of last week for Greeley Colo
where they will spend the winter with
their daughter
Mr and Mrs David Broth well stopped
over night with L 13 Krn and wife
la t Ratutday enroute fmm their home
in St Paul Nebraska to Logan Kans
on a visit
Rt v Ilardaway who conducted the
sacramental services at theM E church
last Sunday evening was greeted by
quice a large audience The Methodists
are as yet without a minister but ex
pert to bo supplied soon
Friday morning Mrs I M Beardslee
received a dispatch from Cripple Creek
stating that Charlie was dangerously ill
at that place Mrs Beardslee drove to
McCook in time to catch No 1 At last
account Charlie was thought to be some
Send For Your Friends
A little more than half the one way
rate will be the cost of second class one
way tickets -from Chicago St Louis
Kansas City Omaha and other prom
inent eastern terminals of the Burlington
Route to this territory on these dates
December 2 and 16 January 6 and 20
February 3 and 17 March 2 and 17
April 7 and 21
The west is in splendid condition now
and it is a good time to show it off to
your eastern friends The low rates an
nounced on the above dates will un
doubtedly prove attractive to those con
templating western trips Send me
the names and addresses of your
friends who might be induced to take
advautago of these rates and I will
supplv them with complete information
11 21 ots J Fkacis GPA
Burlington Route Omaha Neb
Licenses to wed have been
follows this week
James I Spaulding and
Stephens both of Boxeider
Albert Axtell and Etta May
issued as
both of Danbury
Herbert Allen and Martha Jane Gress
well bith of Cambridge
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Butter TP4
yspepssa i ure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds ol
food It gives instant relief and neve
fails to cure It allows you to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
stomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cored after everything else failed It
prevents formation of gas on thestom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take
it cant help
but do you good
Prepared only by E ODEWrrrOp Ohlcaga
3bofl bottle contains2 times the 50c size
Southwestern Nebraska leathers Assn
The next annual meeting of the asso
ciation will bol eld in Cambridge Friday
nnd Saturday November 28th and 29tb
iu the Cambridge opera house
Below is the arranged program
Art in tlio Public School
Miss Flora Quick Indinnoln
Discussion Miss Carrie Uudlong McCook
School Room Decorations
Miss Mitrio Chambers Arapahoo
What Can Ho Dono to Decorate a Country
School Room Mrs 15 B Young Dan bury
Laboratory Work iu a Small High School
StiptE M Vroman Alma
Dhcussion C W McMichacl Arapahoo
Address The Normal School Problem in
Dr W A Clark Pres Neb State Normal
What to Empasize and What to Omit in
ArithmoticriuptA O Hinon Beaver City
Discu sion Stipt P P Hentlcy Orleans
Leeturo A Trip Through thu Enteral Isle
Dr J F Bmry Chicago Epwortli Herald
Address Lend a Hand
Dr J F Horry Chicago
Modern Mothods in School Discipline
IrincipnlJ I Burwell Wilbouvillo
Discipline in n Prnniirj Room
Miss Elizabeth Thomson McCook
Discussion on Above Pa
Bessie L Enlow Cambridge
Principal AJ Casner Indianoln
The Value of Technical Grammar and How
to Teach It
Principal Cora L Vincent Lebanon
Addr Ss Education and Labor
C M Brown Cambridge
Training For Citizenship
Supt George H McCook
Teachers and Certificates
J L McBrien Deputy Stato Supt
Business Session Election of oflicers and mis
cellaneous IUM1HS
Southwestern Nebraska Declamatory Contest
Burlington h 11 granted a one and a
third rate and No 3 will stop at Cam
bridge Thursday night of the 27th
Board and lodging at Cosgro hotel 2
per day Weeden hotel SI private houses
1 Miss Alson G Johnson can arrange
in advance for ou upon request stat
ing date and train of your arrival
The annual membership fee is 50c
A receipt for this fee will be given
which will entitle the holder to admit
tance and to a reserved seat at Dr
Berrys lecture Friday evening and to
the contest Saturday evening Those
not enrolled will be charged 35c for a
reserved seat for each of these evening
meetings All persons whether enrolled
or not are welcome to attend the day
sessions without am charge
Advertised Letters
The following letteis were advertised
bv the McCook postoffice Nov 17 1902
E E Elder R O Kior
Wm Patterson Mrs Margaret Skinner
Miner Stephenson 2 Earl Stark
L II Volbrecht C It Walker
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimjiell Postmaster
j tsfi ij iq sa sj
sV r KXj zA -- -ix
In each pound package or
Beautiful Clear Skies
Herbine exerts a direct influence on tho tow
els liver and kidneys pnrifjing and strengthen
ing these organs and maintaining thoin in a
normal condition of health thus removing a
common cause of yellow mothy greasy skin
and more or loss of pimples blotches and black
heads 50c at A McMilleng
from now until Christmas will
be found a free game amusing
and instructive 50 different
Get Lion Coffee and a Free Gains
r vw jrn e
Ub 1VU1 UiUVla g
Ed Hammer of nenlo Kansas is here
visiting his sisterMrs Clarence Burgess
Mrs John Barnhart is still under the
doctors care but is reported to be im
CommissionerWaterman accompanied
by I W Horton went to McCook
J W Hupp of McCook made one of
his periodical business trips to Lebanon
this week
Miss Daisy Slutts who is attending
school at ludianola visited home folks
Saturday and Sunday
J D Wickham of Lyle was taking
advantage of some of the splendid bar
gains offered by our merchantsSaturday
A P Bodwell and J L Townley
Mont Breach and Weathernox shipped
two cars of hogs from Lebanon Wednes
day morning
Ward Hunt and family of Holdrege
came in Sunday night via Bartleyfora
short visit with their many relatives and
friends in and around Lebanon
George Cress of Effingham Kansas
came in Wednesday on business and
also to visit his many friends and rela
tives here returning home Saturday
W C Hnntsinger returned from Mc
Donald Kansas where he has been
living for the last two years He will
reside next year on J W Slutts farm
near here
Rev Shulers the Baptist minister at
Wilsonville preached at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and evening
He was greeted by a good audience and
his address was appreciated by all
Rev L P Huntsioger who has been
absent for several months on an evange
listic tour returned home last week
While away he visited his sod J H
Huntsinger and family of Wichita Kas
Townsend Bros of the Sappa country
shipped in a large bunch of cattle
day They were mostly calves and
yearlings and they came from Denver
It is their intention to rough them
through the winter
W S Frey and family of Riverside
California arrived here Friday on a
short visit to his uncle W S Fosick
They were oe their way to their old home
at Dayton Ohio and had a three days
stop over at Lebanon Sunday night
Mr Fosick took them to Bartley but as
the fast train did not stop there they
drove on to Cambridge Mr Frey was a
resident of this vicinity for a short time
fourteen years ago
OX nlostoii Texas
Wine of Cardui is indeed a blessing
to tired women Having suffered for
seven years with weakness and near-
mtf down pains and having tried sev
eral doctors and different remedies
wih no success your Wine of Cardui
was the only tiling which helped me
and eventually cured me Itseemcd to
build up the weak parts strengthen
the system and correct irregularities
Bv tired -women Mrs Adama
means nervous women who have
disordered menses falline of the
womb ovarian troubles or any of
these ailments that women have
You can cure yourself at home with
this great women s remedy W ine
of Cardui Wine of Cardui has
cured thousands of cases which
doctors have tailed to bencnt v ny
not begin to get well today All
druggists have 100 bottles For
any stomach liver or bowel disor
der Thedfords Black Draught
should be used
ForiulvIcctmdltteraturcnlfress Riving
symptoms Tlio Ladies Advisory Depart
ment The Chattanooga Medicine Co
Chattanooga Tcnn
Tank Kee
McCook is to have a rare treat in the
entertainments given by Gen G W
Bailey at the Baptist church Monday
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings No
vember 21-25-26 and Tuesday afternoon
November 25th
Gen Bailey brines with him a wonder
ful museum of Chinese costume- and
curiosities exquisite ivory carvings
weapons of war and embroidery that
makes ordinary needlework seem very
simple He is a bright and humorous
sppaker He is witty entertaining and
instructive has a rapid flow of language
and keeps his audience constantly con
vulsed with laughter
See bill boards Reserved seat tickets
for sale at Post office lobby You will
get the best reserved seats with course
Degree of Honor Team
The Ladies of the Degree of Honor
who have signed to join the team are
requested to meet in the lodge room
next Saturday afternoon at 230 to per
fect the organization and attend to other
matters pertaining to that work Every
member will it is hoped be present
Axtell Erwin Wedding
Wednesday afternoon of this week
Albert Axtell and Etta Erwin both of
Danbury were united in marriaee at the
National hotel parlor Rev George L
White of the Baptist chinch officiating
A number of relatives and friends of the
contracting parties witnessed the cere
Notice of Estray
Came to the farm of the undersigned
five miles east and one mile south of Mc
Cook two weeks ago one white mare
Owner can have same by proving prop
erty and paying charges
John B Fipchtneb
come put
the butter wont
a penny in the
work though no one has ever
told why
When mothers are worried
because the children do not
gain strength and flesh we
say give them Scotts Emul
It is like the penny in the
milk because it works and
because there is something
astonishing about it
Scotts Emulsion is simply
a milk of pure cod liver oil
with some hypophosphites
especially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally
because they like the taste
and the remedy takes just as
naturally to the children be
cause it is so perfectly adapted
to their wants
For all weak and pale and
thin children Scotts Emulsion
u the mosc satisfactory treat--pent
We will send you
the penny
sample free
e a
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
EmuLion you buy
409 Pearl St N Y
District Court Proceedings
I The following cues were dinpood ofnt the
tho late term of district court which closed
lust Saturday
DWCBeck vs SolotnonPrcmor confirmation
Henry Boutty vh William ColIitncouflrnintinn
Georco Masker vs Masonic Temple nssn
mechanic li n
John Gunn vs Jeliuio Russell appeal con
tinued by agreement
In tlio matter of thoostnto of Joseph Willinnis
deceased licenso to sell
1 nines Pine vs Dnni MaiiRiiR equity
Paul Porrennud vs John Helm damage
Willium Hyfleld v John Holm dumHii
Steele Wi dels Co vs David Diamond equity
Solomon Wells vs James Porter confirmation
Josephine Sutton vs Eva Goodner confirma
GeorRo Bull nnd Thomas Ball vt William
Huinphrev garnishee
State vs W F Evorist misdemeanor
KHu Benjamin vs John Brown confirmation
Statu vs Lawornnco misdfmeanor
John Murphy vs JosophinoEmil confirmation
James McAdams vs City of McCook damage
continued hy aKreeinent
Vocnnces Franklin vs City of McCook
dHtnaK continued hy aKreoinent
Gottlieb DuerliiiK vJoseph McBrayerequity
William McCool vs William Bond equity
John Riti r vs Adolph Schmidt nppcnl
Angolo Welles vs Littio Whittaker attach
Joseph McBryor vs Edward Jordon equity
Elias Doan vs J S McBrayer appeal
MrKinle Lunning Loan fc Trust Co vs Mar
tha Johnson equity
Western Land Co vs George Cartel equity
Western Lund Co s John Smith equity
Western Land Co vs Edward McCaudlass
Mrs J C Laflorty vs William DeJIny equity
W S Perry vs William Duborko equity
Anna Blntt vs Phillip Blatt divorce
Alice Tukuo vs Joseph Taue divorce
George W Dillon vs Maggie Dillon divorce
Samuel King vsNeb Kans Farm Loan Co
Henri Smead vs Frances Chessman Con
firmed 25 of surplus to bo paid to plaintifF
uud balance to defendant
Nebraska Loan Trust Co vs Charles Ebert
Settled puid and dNmis ed
J W Hupp vs John Kiimmer attachment
John Crook as executor vs Richard Moore
Confirmed Forty days allowed to servo bill of
11 T Church vs Morillo Spaulding
Lovi Hendershot vs Emma Morris
Henry Norton vs James McLaughlin De
ficiency judgment a46i2 and ton per cent
Jennio Welborn vs James Hcnrick
In the matter of tho estate of Curtis R Hile
man deceased
In the matter of tho estate of Gottfried Lnnk
wetz deceased Petition
Jose Triplett vs Clarkson S Triplett equity
S W Clark A L Cochran and J S LoIIew
appointed referees
Mary R Harpendiug vs Frank Few el et al
Western Land Co vs John J Gould et al
Ellen N Gold vs William A Gold Divorco
granted plaintiff at her costs
Mary L McMains vs Bnrtis L McMaius
Margaret Heinlein vs JohnlFeinloin Divorco
granted plaintiff Aliiuonj 700 and 8 per cent
Judgment against defendant for cost
Mary L Pratt vs Henry Pratt Divorce
granted at cost of plaintiff
William Tnttle v Lutetia Tattle Divorc
granted at of plaintiff who gets custodi of
minor sou William
Clarence L Fenn vs Ida M Fenn Divorco
granted Custody of Mj rtle awarded plaintiff
at liis costs
Marie Shoemaker vs Charles C Shoemaker
Divorce granted at plaintiffs costs
Robert E Campbell vs Helen T Campboll
Granted at plaintiffs cost
Sarah A Pronger vs George F Pronger
injunction Trial to court Divorce granted to
plaintiff Alimonj 1700 and co ts and per
month for support of minor child Arthur
Pronger while he hall reside with plaintiff
Frederick Plasmj ere vs Julia A Allen and
Frank P Allen Alias order to isue on request
Mathias Fossen vs Nicholas Uhren Decree
Due plaintiff C4fij and S per cent
Charles GCais vs Robert P Barr deceased
Decree Due ljV5 and interest
Samuel Ball v j Shelley Rogers Co Verdict
for defendant For- days allowed to serve hill
of exceptions
John E Kelley v Abbie Smith Dismissed
William Hall vs Anna Hall Title to real
c tate quieted in plaintiff
The McKinlcjt Lanning Loan Trut Co t
Oms Lnyenrt ctal Decree J E Kelley
rl i nlrl fimA rliirv
cnurn is an oia time dairy
pointe1 Klarl an nil litein for Jm nor3 Duo
nroverh It often sppms tn 10i1 12 ini percent
Kate Carroll vs Edwin N Benjamin et al
Decree Due 1413 and 10 per cent
Thomas II Strj ker vs Albert W Corey et al
Decree Due plaintiff 201632 and 10 per cent
William TWootton vs Samuel X Troth et al
Decree Due 02 05
The Western Laud Co v- The Iowa MorticaKO
Co et al Decree Due 10090 and 10 ier cent
The Western Land Co vs Jacob Miller et al
Decree Duo 702 and 10 per cent
J P A Black vs Georpe W Bowden et al
Decree Due 20290 and 10 per cent
The Wester Land Co vs James Mitchell et al
Decree Due S4G17 and 10 per cent
The Western Land Co vs Mary Leavette et al
Decree Due 12305 and 10 per cent
Josephine Bisbee vs Hannah E Lamborn et
al H W Kejes appointed guardian ad litem
for minors
John Stevenc vs Mary J Ryan et al Decree
Due 1267 and 10 per cent
J F Cordeal vs Ephran S Dutcher Decree
Due 9s0nG and 10 per cent
Straus Brothers Co vs Mitchell TJ Clyde et
al Judgment given Straus Brothers Co for
202010 and G per cent
W S Perry vs James M Huet et al Decree
Duo S79091 and 10 per cent
George F Andrews v George Fowler et al
Default of all defendants except Western Land
Emma Kors tian v Patrick Cashen et al
Decree Due 1 6085 and interest
Fred P Stone vs Mary Anna Jacobs et al
C E Eldred appointed guardian ad litem E
J Wilcox J E Kelley and C F Lehn appoinU d
sheriff to execute deed
John C Fetzer vs P A
issue on request
Wells Execution to
John Helm vs William Moore appeal Er
roneously on docket
Mabel G Hall vs James Hall Sr and James
Hall Jr Dismissed at cost of plantiff
State vs Sadie F Gentry misdeameanor
Dismissed by county attorney
Jennie A Miller vs James G Ward et al
attachment Settled and dismissed at cost of
In tho matter of the estate of William T
Stone deceased license to sell W S Morlan
appointed guardian ad litem for minor heirs
State vs Joseph Dawson felony Dismissed
by county attorney
State vs J K P Frv misdnmnannr Tnrr
50c and 100 all druggists I
found DOt guiIty
Is felt by the many satisfied -customers
trade with
Honest John
His goods are guaranteed to
be the best and his
Prices as Low as the Lowest
X Every customer trading the required amount
if receives a valuable
He is Headquarters for
Heinzs Many Varieties
His is the place to buy
Dress Goods and Trimmings
He is the Leader in all
Dry Goods Carpets Shoes and
Time Card
McCook Neb
Xo G Central Time 1110pm
2 605 am
12 920am
No 5 arrives from cast at p m
Xo 1 Mountain Time 11 a m
3 114 pm
13 b25AM
Xo 17Garrives Mountain Time 510p m
Xo 175 departs 700 am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through tranw Ticket s olil
nrt baggage checked to any point in the United
Stsitsor Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis General
asenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
A Desire for a Perfect Figure is Inseparable
from a Leo of te Beautiful
1 Ilie scent of the violet or rose is as
precious as the lovely flowers whose
breath thev are antl w tiile tho lives of
McCook Cooperative Building and Saving Qowers are brief and we can only enjoy
Association vs Joseph W Coher Present them for a day the beautiful woman gives
the pleasure of her fragrance to us as a
permanent blessing The soft fragrance
Df a beautiful woman suggests purity
health and elegance she is the refinement
of civilization an index always of good
taste and an unerring badge of gentility
- A A S
John H Grannis flcCook Neb x
Phone No 16
State vsMerl Paugh felonj Dismissed with
out prejudice
J W Hupp v George S Varnid etal
deed Present sheriff to maktwleed
Frank P Allen etal vs Frederick Plasmyere
injunction Execution to issue for costs at
request of defendant
rr sggiL Rjeurc s assign
bUntU 111 U61
Good News For all Who Suffer With
Rheumatism Free
To all who sutTi r with rheumatism I
will gladly siiul free the wonderful story
of how im mother was cured after yeur
of suffering together with the most
elaborate treatise on rheumatism ever
No matter what your form of rheuma
tism is whether acute chronic muscu
lar inflammatory deformant seiatic
neuralgia gout lumbago etc no mat
ter biw many doctois have failed in
lyourcise no matter how manv smmlleri
sure cures you have tried I want you
to write to me and let me tell you how
my mother was cured
I am neither a doctor nor a professor
simply a plain man of business but
I have a cure for rheumatism and 1
want to tell everyone who suffers with
rheumatism about it I wish to be
clearly understood and trust that all
who suffer with this terrible disease
however apparently beyond the reach
of cure will write to me this day and
will send you by return mail this work
of mine I appeal especially to the
chronically ill who are wearied and
discouraged with doctoring and to those
who have been cast aside as incurable
All you have thought about rheumatism
may be wrong Let me tell you our ex
perience Surely if you have rheuma
tism or have a suffering friend it will
pay you to investigate my offer an v way
and prove foryour elf the claims I make
Send me your address today a postal
card will do and J will mail vou this
wonderful story If you have any
friends suffering with rheumatism no
matter where located send me their ad
dress and 1 will mail them a copv My
address in Victor Raivijolt Bloomfield
A Thanksgiving Dinner
Heavy eating is usually the first causo of in
digestion Repeated attack inflame the
membranes lining th rtnmach expose th
crVM of tlf Htumach producing a swelling
fr atin he rt bur p hadache -our risings
and fi mlh cara rh of the tomarh Kodol rt
Ji v- thi inK in nation protects the m rr s and
curt- the catarrh Kodol cures indigestion
dj ppjia all troubles by cleansing
ard sweetening the glands of the stomach
McConnell Berrv
Sick Headache
Food doesnt digest well
BRADFIELDS Appetite poor Bowels
Female Feaulator constipated Tongue coated
- T 1 I A ri
in regulating the lunar periods in woman
permits of no wrinkles pale cheeks or
tortured nerves and shapeless figures It is
Natures remedy The druggist may offer
something else and call it just as good
but the menstrual organs will not be de
ceived and permanent injury may result
Try our Regulator Of all druggists 1
Our treatise on Woman mailed free
it s yuui liver yer S fills
are liver pills they cure dys
pepsia biliousness
AH druggists
Want your moustaclie or beard a bautilul
brown or nch black Then use
50 ct or DuccitTj an R p Hu Co Nashua n m