The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 21, 1902, Image 3

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The Remarkable Experience of a
Prominent Statesman Congress
man Meekison Gives
a High Endorsement
Congressman Meekison of Ohio
Hon David Meekison is well known
not only in his own State but through
out America He was elected to the
Fifty fifth Congress by a very large
majorityandisthe acknowledged leader
of his party in his section of the State
Only one Haw marred the otherwise
complete success of this rising states
man Catarrh with its insidious ap
proach and tenacious grasp was his
only inconquered foe For thirty years
he wagcl unsuccessful warfare against
this personal enemy At last Peruna
came to the rescue lie writes
I have used several bottles of Pe
runa and I feci greatly benefitted there
by from my catarrh of the head I
feel encouraged to believe that if I use
it a short Vme longer I will be fully able
to eradicate the disease of thirty years
standing David Meekison Member
of Congrsss
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr IJartman giving a
full statement of your case and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis
Address Dr Ilartman President of
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus
IT afflicted with
sore cures uno
1 M
o iuwfgsggi
UH zr I
Thompsons Eye Wafe
Bcckman Bros
We make all kinds of scales
Alia BB Pumps wrBo
and Windmills micas
Des Moines Iowa
SUES CO Omaha Xobr
N Fees buccesnrul
Xutouttauii Advice iree
Osr SALESMEN Make JfO 80 to Y
Crayon PuriralU i Ge I am 11 r Itecnrd be 1ictnres tud Frame whjlf
tsl0prcesiolaet KrftnttUUlliitttot2iIC3utlU IKpUiU
j U quick relief and cures worst
cases Hook of testimonials nntl 10 SAYS treatment
wmMM caput
earn t
Iff GxaiSNJvkv I
Wnrrcnlcd waterproof
Made to Ftand hint work and
rough weather Look fur trade
icarL Jf jour dealer doen t
ha e thcra send fur catalogue to
Sole 31fr
Ent Cambridge Man
Bret Hartes Complaint
In an article of reminiscences Mary
Stuart Boyd says that the late Bret
Hurte never obtruded his personality
Ho also had a dread of people re
garding him for his work only not
for himself Why didnt you tell me
it was Bret Harte who sat next to me
at dinner last night wailed one of
societys smartest young matrons
in a note to her hostess the morning
after a large dinner party I have
always longed to meet him and I
would have been so different had I
only known who my neighbor was
Now why cant a woman realize this
sort of thing insulting queried the
author to whom the hostess had for
warded her friends letter If Mrs
talked with me and found me
uninteresting as a man how could she
expect to find me interesting because
I was an author
Controlling the Press in Turkey
All printing establishments in Tur
key according to a new law just pass
ed may have only one door and that
opening on the street Windows must
be covered with close me3hed wire
netting so that no papers can be
handed through A statement must
be made a year in advance of the
amount of ink required which will
be supplied by the state A specimen
of everything printed is to be kept
and must be shown at any time to a
police inspector on pain of a fine
Honduras Stamps to Be Made Here
The government of Honduras has
decided to have its postage stamps
and postal cards engraved abroad this
year and the work is to be done in
the United States according to a re
port from Consul W E Alger of Puer
to Cortez The government has also
arranged for a supply of silver coin
to be minted in Philadelphia
I owo my wholo lifo to Burdock Blood
Bittors Scrofulous soros covered my body
I boomed beyond euro B B B has made
mo a perfectly well woman Mrs Chaa
Button Borvillo Micb
When faith is lost and honor dies
the man is dead Whittier
aieei rramo and Royal Scale Rack
PPSs wi -
j5S J3 5S1 asSw
8 CuiSs
Old Sores and
All Open Wounds
Jw lb
0 Chicago and the East
Ticket Officel504feroaiSL
O o
71 o
t 2
- ras e g tiara j
Official Slock Scales ct Worlds Fair Chicajo 1893
also at Trans Mississippi Exposition Omaha 1898 1899
Pest niid cheapest reliable U S Standard scales made
Many useful articles for farmers ut wholesale prices
Catalogues prices and Information furulnhedfrcc
292 294S28S Jackson Boulevard Chicago lllinios
To prove the healing and
cleansing power of 1avtlno
Toilet Antiseptic we will
mail a large trial package
with book of instructions
absolutely free This is not
a tiny sample but a large
package enough to con
vince anyone of its value
Women all over the country
are praising Paxtine for what
it has done in loeul treat
ment of fcmalo Ills rurimr
all inflammation and discharges wonderful as a
cleansing vaginal douche for sore throat nasal
catarrh as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth Send today a postal card
will do
fcoUlbvdrngelstsorscntpostpnldbyns 50
cents larco box Satisfaction guaranteed
THIS K lAXTOS CO Boston Mass
Sl 1 Columbus Ave
y tyj jtftsg Wcfs
Electric SMmSi
Lighted Train
IMi7s Oirapa Tqsibg ups orast apaf Ioib
TVhen the bowels move irregularly the entire
bodily system must suffer Constipation more
frequently occurs among women and it mani
festo itself in provoking profuse leucorrhea
and other serious female diseases Eegular
bowels will result in a complete cure whenvou
use Mulls Grape Tonic Unlike pills and
ordinary cathartics this remedy is a mild
gentle laxative in addition to being a greater l
flesh builder blood maker and strength giver I
mancoa liver on or any otner preparation
recommended for that purpose Mulls Grape
Tonic will permanently cure the most obstin
ate case of constipation and the numerous
afflictions that invariably follow in its wake
No matter if it is piles liver complaint kidney
disorder vertigo palpitation of the heart
diarrhea or the self rjoisoninr which follows
when the undigested food remains in the bowels where it putrefiesand
j empties highly diseased germ3 into the blood such as typhoid and
malaria Mulls Grape Tonic will positively cure Large sample bottle
will be sent free to any address on receipt of 10 cents to cover postage
by the Lightning Medicine Co Kock Island I1L Send name of your
uruggisu mi uruggisra seii juxurs urape xomc at u cents a bottle
When Stars Are In the Skies
When stars are in the quiet skies
Then most I pine for thee
Bend on mo then thy tender eyes
As stars look on the sea
For thoughts like waves that glide by
Are stillest when they shine
Mine earthly love lies hushed in light
Beneath the heaven of thine
There Is on hour when angels keep
Familiar watch oer men
When coarser souls are wrapped In
Sweet spirit meet me then
Thero Is an hour when holy dreams
Through slumber fairest glide
And in that myfitic hour it seems
Thou shouldst be by my side
My thoughts of theo too Bacred are
For dayllghtB common beam
I can but know ther as my star
My angel and my dream
When stars are in the Quiet skies
Then most I pine for ihoe
Bend on me then thy tenflcr eyes
As stars look on the sea
Lod Lytton
Copyright 1C02 by Daily Stouy Publishing Company-
Helen Harvey was to spend her va
cation at her aunts cottage in She
boygan where the wash o old Lake
Michigan should take the place in her
ears of the buzz of a department
She was full of anticipation as she
sat in the northbound train Two whole
weeks to be out of doors and free
and Tom was coming up by Sun
Dear old Tom She thought of
Decoration Day when he had told her
his dream of fitting up a little flat
and making a home for her some
She had given him no answer as
yet but had promised to decide be
fore Sunday
He was her kind friend but like
many other young girls she still
waited for the hero of her dreams
and started out on her little outing
with all kinds of delightful possibili
ties in her mind of meeting the un
Meanwhile Tom stood behind the
counter and measured off laces and
ate cheap lunches that he might buy
a box of Allegrettis for Sunday even
Helen tried to read but enjoyed
more looking out at the dense
woods through which they were
passing Suddenly she was minded
to look at her purse and see
if her trunk check and the two crisp
five dollar bills which she had bought
for return fare and extra expense
were safe
The check had slipped out of sight
and in searching for it she held the
bills between her fingers
The train turned a sharp curve just
then and a strong current of air
swept the car Instantly the money
fluttered from her fingers and out of
the open window
Passengers and trainmen were kind
and sympathetic and the conductor
gave her a stop over check at the next
station that she might walk back and
look for the money and come on by
a later train
She remembered that it was just at
the curve and the conductor said it
was about two miles back so she had
some hope of finding it
But the tears would come as she
thought of the precious money so
hard to earn and so hard to save and
of how she must write home for
In spite of her trouble she was in
fluenced by pure air and beauty of the
scene to stop to pick some wild roses
for her belt
But as she neared the curve she
became absorbed in her search so
absorbed indeed that she did not no
tice a gathering storm until it burst
upon her
The only thing to do was to push
through the underbrush and seek
shelter in the dense woods Among
the pines it was almost dry and her
footsteps were noiseless on the carpet
of needles
A little way in she stopped startled
for she had come upon habitation a
shelter made of boughs against a rock
Regarded each other Is silence
a smouldering fire and standing be
fore it all looking more startled than
herself a man young tall fair ath
They regarded each other in silence
but the girl felt no fear for she knew
that she had met her hero
The man spoke first Are you a
wood nymph or from whence come
you She told her story sure of
sympathy Too had indeed he said
kindly but will you not accept my
rude hospitality Please como be
Sylvia for my woodland bower
And Helen under the spell of tender
blue eyes cast away prudence and let
herself be made comfortable in the
leafy shelter while her host busied
himself with replenishing the fire
She had a delicious sense that she
was having a really romantic exper
It is very beautiful here she
said Are you camping or fishing
as she caught a glimpse of a skiff
drawn up on the shore and almost
concealed by boughs
Both he answered uneasily hut
you must not ask me about myself
I am Lohengrin Yonder is my swan
Wmw Til
Like a picture against the blue of lake
and sky
boat and unless you believe in me I
shall go away in the boat and leave
you alone in the storm and not pre
pare for you a luncheon of fish and
berries as I plan to do
The fire blazed cozily and the man
built out the leafy roof that she might
be quite dry
The queen must be safe and hap
py he said Helen had never been
called a queen before but she liked
Disappearing for a few minutes he
came back with lisn and berries on
large leaves and a can of water He
cooked the fish deftly over the blaze
and Helen produced from her lunch
box sandwiches olives and cake at
which he exclaimed with unfeigned
delight Such a merry meal it was
and before Helen knew it she was
telling all about herself It is so easy
at nineteen to talk of ones self when
melancholy sympathetic blue eyes are
lavishing tender glances upon one
If I come to Sheboygan may I
come to see you he asked Oh
that charming air of deference It
was just as she always knew the hero
would bo
I believe the rain is stopping she
said at last I wish it might rain al
ways he murmured lying lazily at
her feet This brought the warm
color into her face and looking up
she saw that the sun was beginning to
Really I must go the storm is
quite over she said rising He rose
too and looked at her with grave
sadness saying It will be lonely
after you go but if you will allow
me I can take you almost to the vil
lage in my canoe you are not
No hesitatingly But she went
sitting quietly in the boat while he
stood in the stern and bent to the
Both felt the beauty of the scene
and with that greatest proof of per
fect sympathy were silent
The boat grated sharply on the
sand He sprang out and helping her
took her hand holding it for a mo
ment to his lips
I want to thank you little girl
he said for trusting me as you have
to day It is good Tor a man to be
trusted Think of me kindly some
times but speak to no one of me and
as a pledge I ask for one of these
He touched the roses in her belt
With trembling fingers she gave
him one Then smiling sadly he
pointed down the road to the station
Good bye he said and God keep
Helen saw little of the road for her
tears and it was through a mist that
she looked back once and saw him
standing like a picture againBt the
bluo of lake and sky waving his cat
to hor
At Sheboygan her aunt met her and
chlded hor for being careless about
the money In hor heart Helen won
dered if she had lost or gained
The summer days passed swiftly
but when alone she thought of hit
hero and sometimes of Tom who
would have been quito wretched had
he known how ho suffered by com
parison and how slender his chances
were becoming
But on Sunday he came in holiday
attire and drove up after dinner with
as he said the best singlo rig he
could get at the livery to take Helen
driving They drove to the falls along
the pretty lower road each feeling
the constraint of an important ques
tion to be decided
Tom being more nervous talked
more Funny thing at a little sta
tion down the road he began We
stopped for water and there was such
a crowd that I got out to see what
was up They had just caught n
murderer a man who killed his wife
He was a fine big fellow a college
man they said It seems she was
much older than he and not his sort
but anyway hed married her and
shed nagged him ever since and fin
ally she said something about his
mother and he struck her she fell
against something and died later
from the effects Meanwhile he got
away Last week the detectives got
trace of him here but its only the
last few days hes been seen poking
about the bushes near the track and
early yesterday morning he came into
town to post a lettor They tracked
him into the woods where hed been
hiding but he eluded them and put
out into the lake in a canoe A little
way out the boat struck a sunken
spar and sank He knew how to swim
but they think ho was hurt by the
spar for after a few strokes he went
down They brought him back intc
the village dead and there wasnt a
thing in his pockets but a withered
rose He had not at all a bad face
but its queer what a man will do
when hes roused isnt it
But Helen was silent and looking
into her pale face Tom exclaimed in
consternation Why did I tell you
about the horrible thing We have
happier things to talk about and
He drew her to him unresisting as
ho whispered You have not forgot
ten dear that you are to give me my
answer to day What is it
Very low it came Yes
The next morning the postman
brought Helen an cnvolope in which
were two rain washed five dollar bills
Lavender Leaves
The wavins corn was green and gold
The damask loses blown
The bees and busy spinning wheel
Kept up a drowsy drone
When Mistress Standish folding down
Her linen white as snow
Between it laid the lavender
One bummcT long ago
The slender spikes of grayish green
Still moist with morning dew
Recalled a garden sweet with box
Beyond the oceans blue
An English garden quaint and old
She nevermoie might know
And so she dropped a homesick tear
That summer long ago
The yellow sheets grew worn and thin
And fell in many ji shred
Some went to bind the soldiers wounds
And some to shroud the dead
And Mistress Standish rests her soul
Where graves their shadows throw
And violets blossom planted there
In summers long ago
But still between the royal rose
And lady lily tall
Springs up the modest lavender
Beside the cottage wall
The spider spreads her gossamer
Acrops it to and fro
The ghost of linen laid to bleach
One summer long ago
Xew England Magazine
Paris Eating Houses
Paris has been described as a gigan
tic mouse trap with three doors la
beled respectively hotel cafe res
taurant The city has about 10000 ho
tels there are restaurants in everj
block and you can find cafes at al
most every step At almost any res
taurant you are sure to good cooking
You can eat well anywhere and at anj
price There are scores of places
where the meals cost as high as ir
the better restaurants of New York
and hundreds where you can get 2
very fair dinner for 50 cents or i
you would have wine for 10 cnts ad
ditional There is one ssjck companj
which does an enormous business ir
supplying cheap and good food foi
Parisians It was founded by a butch
er who has his snops still in differen
parts of the city This company has
100 or more restaurants where yon cai
always be sure of good service an
good food You pay for what you ea
and pay for everything but the price
are low
A Little Too Enthusiastic
One of the many things Prof Brew
er is interested in is the Agricultura
experiment station maintained by th
state of Connecticut in the outskir
of New Haven One day the professo
took his sons through the place ex
plaining to them the different piece
of apparatus They were particularh
interested in a certain machine dc
signed to smoke cigars automatically
whereby the finest ash possible is ot
tained and analyzed
I noticed that the boys were al
trated by this machine and explaine
it to them carefully said the pre
fessor recently I thought no mor
about it however until one Sunday
found our house full of smoke An
what do you suppose Bless me i
those boys hadnt rigged up a simila
machine in the attic and were coloi
ing a meerschaum pipe
Austrias first female watckmaks
M1S3 Gisela Elfreschitz has been ac
mitted to the Vienna Watchmaker
Sirs Clara J Sherbourno profes
sional nurse of 257 Cumberland
street Portland Maine says
I heartily wIbIi those who Buffer
from Borne disturbed action of tho kid
neys would try Doans KIdnoy PIIIb
They would lilto mo be moro than
Burpriscd My back annoyed mo for
years Physicians who diagnosed my
case caid It arose from my kidneys
When the grip was epidemic I was
worn out with constant nursing and
when I contracted it mysolf It left rao
in a very serious condition I could
not straighten nor do the most trivial
act without being In torture Tho kid
neys were too active or the secretions
were too copious and I knew what
was wrong but how to right It was a
mystery It seems odd for a profes
sional nurse who hns had a great deal
of experience with modicines to read
advertisements about Doans Kidney
Pills In tho newspapers and it muy
appear more singular for mo to go to
H H Hay Sons drug store for a
box But 1 did however and had
anybody told mo before that It was
possible to get relief as quickly as I
did I would have been loth to believe
It You can send anyone who wishes
more minute particulars about my
case to me and I will be only too glad
to tell them personally As long a8
I live I will be a firm advocato of
Doans Kidney Pills
Cure Confirmed 5 Years Later
Lapse of time has strengthened my
good opinion of Doans Kidney Pills
first expressed in the spring of 1S9C I
said then that had anybody told mo
that it was possible to get relief as
quickly as I did I would have been loth
to believe it Years have passed and
my continued treedom from kidney
complaint has strengthened my opin
ion of Doans Kidney Pills and given
me a much higher appreciation of
their merits
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mrs Sher
bourno will be mailed on application
to any part of tho United States Ad
dress Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
N Y For sale by all druggists Prico
50 cents per box
The laborer is worthy of his hire
but unfortunately worthiness is not
always a winner
thosi who iiav tkiicd it
will use no other Defiance Cold Water
Starch has no iqual in Quantity or Qual
ity 1C oz foi 10 ceits Otner brands
contain only Id oz
Generosity is the flower of justice
FOR 1903
fix sheets 10x15 inches of beautiful
reproductions in colors of pastel
drawings by Bryson is now ready for
distribution and will be mailed on re
ceipt of twenty five 25 cents coin
or stamps Address F A Miller Gen
eral Passenger Agent Chicago
Tho average man meets more than
his match in the average woman
Eleven Points in the Evidence
Fast trains that make time smooth
and level tracks charming sceneiy
luxurious through sleeping cars excel
lent dining cars barber shop and
bath stock reports and daily ami
weekly papers ladies maids and sten
ographers buffets and libraries
courteous and attentive employes and
centrally located stations are a few
of the reasons for the marvelous pas
senger traffic of the Xew York Central
Men are not nearly so wise as wo
men let them think they are
To Cure u Coltl in One rtay
Take Laxative Bromo Uuinino Tablets All
druggists refund money if itfailbtocure lioc
Women dont idealize men for they
never have a chance to
Got Red Cro s Ball UIuo tho best Ball Blue
Largo 2 oz package only 5 cents
Women value dress because men
value it so much more
Plus 200 one way or round trip it
Wabash Railroad Tickets on sale fTst
and third Tuesdays of each month to
many points south and southeast Aside
from this ticKCts are on sale to all thi
winter resorts of the south at grty
reduced rates The Wabash is the short
est quickest and bst line- for St Loui
and all points south and southeast Ask
your nearest ticket agent to route you
via the Wabash
For rates folders and all information
all at Wabash corner 1C01 Farnarn
Omaha or address
Gen Tas Agt Dept Omaha Sl
If all men were wise all women
would be sensible
The best way to cure indigestion is
to remove its cause This Is best done
by the prompt use of Dr August Koe
nigs Hamburg Drops which regulate
the stomach in an effectual manner
If a man isa failure he is sure it is
some womans fault
You can do your dyeing in half an
A man of high berch is one who oc
cupies an upper in a sleeping car
Borne srroccrs say they drjpt keep D
aanc Starch bscaus tlwv ave a stock
In hand of 12 oz brands which they Know
cannot be sold to a cutonvr who has
once ustd the 16 oz pkg Defiance Starch
Kr same money
No one wants to put out the female
who is ablaze with diamonds
lotherGray3woet Powder forCWTdrcn
successfully used by Mother Gray nurse
In the Childrens Home in Xew York Cures
Feverish ess Bad Stomach Teething Dis
orders move and resjulato tho Bowels and
Destroy Worms Over 30000 testimonials
At all drugjrists 25c Sample FREE Ad
dress Allen S Olmsted LeKoy N Y
Dress does not make the woman
but it often breaks the husband
A household necessity Dr Thomas
Iectric Oil Heals burns cuts wounds of
any sort cures soro throat croup catarrh
asthma never fails