Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1902)
1 1 t tv J M i - H ft ff I h I K A x a TWENTY FIRST YEAR Destructive Work of Flames About cloven oclock Tuesday night tho Patrick Walsh ranch on the D rift wood was viHited by 11 destructive firo entailing a loss of about 2000 on Mr Walsh and John W Randell who lives on tho ranch and is it terestod with Mr Walsh in tho stock etc Mr Randell raado a heroic effort to savo the live stock but the flames had made such headway whon tho fire was discovered that nothing could bo done and four head of horses fell prey to tho flames together with a large barn a stable granary corn crib fencing about sixty tons of hay a largo assortment of farm implements five sets of harness a buggy etc in all at least 2000 worth of prop erty upon which there was but 200 of insurance Among the buildings burn ed was a log stable built by Mr Stone the former ownertwonty eightyears ago and which had been preserved intact by Mr Walsh up to this time The origin of tho lire is unknown and indeed no theory has been evolved by any one that can satisfactorily explain the matter Mr Randell was quite severely burned in his attempt to rescue tho horses and eels much cut up over tho affair which brings a heavy loss upon Mr Walsh and himself and Redwiliow county has no harder workers than John Randell It is a lamon table occurrence and much sympathy has been expressed for the losers Spauldlng Stephens Marriage Wednesday November 19th 1092 at the Methodist parsonage Boxelder Nebraska James I Spaulding and Mollie Stephens both of that place were made husband and wife by Rev MSSatehell The ceremony was performed in the presence of relatives and a few friends after which a wedding supper was spread at tho home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs J II Stephens Tho young friends have the best wishes of many warm friends for their future happiness ROXELDER NOTES Protracted meetings now in progress at Boxelder You are invited First quarterly meeting was held on last Sunday Presiding Elder Hardaway was present and preached a fine sermon to a largo audience There were two accessions to the church Mr and Mrs Frank Sherman I have made my sec ond trip over the work since conference and everything looks fair for a prosper ous year in this pastorate COMMUNICATED First Dance of the Season The Fortnightly dancing club has been reorganized and will hold the first dance of the season in the opera house on Friday evening of nxt week Novem ber 28th The new officers are C F Heber president S B McLean secre tary II II Tartsch treasurer H D Stewart and F A Pennell directors The officers and directors named consti tute the board of directors The present membership is about thirty five and the club enters tho season with every prom ise of an enjoyable season The Postoffice News Depot Having purchased the paper and peri odical business of Dr Green we shall serve his old patrons with ours to the best of our ability and deliver papers in the future as in the past We solicit jour subscriptions for any paper book or magazine published All papers and accounts must be paid every month Yours for patronage Postoffice News Depot Linford Fitch Follows Frank Linford R Fitch of Lincoln and Miss Christina Schmidt of Falls City were married Saturday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Fitch 510 North Fourteen street Tho Rev Mr Smith pastor of Emmanuel church performed the ceremony Mr Fitch is employed at the Commoner office and the couple will make their home in Lincoln Lincoln Evening Star 17th Sutton carries the Mathushek Story A Clark Bush Gerts and Cable line of pianos in all styles and prices and on easiest possible terms It will bo your mistake if you buy elsewhere be fore seeing his stock and learning his prices and terms Dont make such an orror Save money and trouble by buy ing right at home Cooking is a fine art You will get a scientific exhibition of it at W T Cole mans all next week with a free lunch thrown in and a complete set of ware free if you purchase a Majestic range the best the world affords Dres Skirts to your measure 50 kept made up ready to wear 250 to 750 to your measure at same price 300 pieces of Dress Goods to select from The Thompson Dry Goods Co It is not too lato to get wall paper remnants Just enough for a room at ridiculously low prices at McConnell Berrys While waiting to have those three minute biscuits baked look over the holiday goods on display at W T Cole mans next week Childrens fleece lined Underwear 5c to 45c Also half wool and all wool 25c up The Thompson D G Co Dressing Sacques of Eiderdown or Flannelette at The Thompson DG Co 05c to 350 Ladies solid black Satine Wrappers at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Boys Corduroy Suits 325 The Thompson Dry Goods Co Childrens School Jackets 1 to 350 The Thompson D G Co Go to G L DeGroff Cos for Sorosis Skirts m 4nri - mf r rj MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Miss Minnie Smith is now living in York Nebraska Miss Ruiiv Diehl after a short stay here has gone to Kenosaw Mks W W Brown of Culbertson was a city visitor Saturday last Miss Olive Rittenhouse entertained the Awl Os Wednesday evening Mrs Harmon Thompson is still ill with a stubborn case of stomach trouble Mrs Bert Hall arrived home last week from a prolonged visit is Missouri Mrs L S Watson has been visiting Fort Morgan Colorado friends this week Dr J A Gunn contemplates building him a new home a two story one this time Mrs N E Fahnestock returned from Illinois Wednesday on II to occupy her new homo II P Sutton went up to the Wray country last Saturday on a hunting expedition Mrs F W IIawksworth went down to Omiiha on 6 Monday night on a short visit II E Durham of Hays City Kansas arrived in the city close of last week on business Mrs J H Bennett and Mrs Dennis Cuilen were in Lincoln and Omaha first of the week J W Iluiu is having a two story roomy bay window added onto the south side of his residence Mrs W S Perry and Mrs Mabel Stranahan went down to Lincoln this morning on a shopping trip Mrs Stephen Bolles of Boxelder is visaing her son Steve in Sacramento California arriving there on last Friday Mrs N B Bush came over from Almena Kansas Saturday night and has been visiting the homefolks this week Jessie Pope celebrated her fifteenth birthday Monday evening by giving a party to a company of young school friends Misses Nettie McCool and Edna Reynolds of Indianola were guests of Miss Bessie Endsley Saturday and Sunday Mrs R II Meyer of Kearney who has been the guest of Mrs J E Kelloy for a week or so left on 12 this morn ingfor home Mrs Frank Kendlen and Celestine went down to Lincoln Tuesday morn ing on No 2 on a short visit returning home on 1 yesterday noon Mrs R B Simmons Mrs Samuel Rogers Mrs R A Hagberg and Mrs M Lawritson went into Omaha Wed nesday night on a little jaunt Dr and Mrs W V Gaue and Chief Clerk and Mrs W P Bross were wit nesses of the Lincoln Knox football game last Saturday in Lincoln Mrs Margaret Phelan who has been visiting Mrs Adele Phelan for a few weeks is now visiting her son in Alliance Supt Phelan of the Wyoming division Mrs George Pronger has gone to Chicago to make her home with a bro ther Mr and Mrs H E MacKain are making their home with the father and young son 1 Dr R E Campbell departed for Easiern Nebraska and Buffalo N Y last Saturday night carrying with him a decree of divorce from his wife Helen T secured in the district court of Red willow county last week William Doyle and family moved from their ranch home on the Willow 1 into their residence in the city Monday t They have one of the most comfortable homes in the city over on lower Mc- Farland street Mrs Howe of Omaha and Mrs Min- ard of Blue Island Illinois cousins of Mrs J A Gunn arrived in the city Wednesday and are making a brief visit 1 in the Gunn home They will leave I tomorrow for Denver and later for the Pacific coast Messrs W W and Albert McMillen have the sympathy of many friends in the death of their aged father which occurred in Centerville Penn suddenly last Sunday Funeral was held on 1 Thursday Wallace McMillen being ent from our city George Thummell clerk of the fed- eral court was in the city Wednesday appraising theCommercial hotel property preparatory to its sale under an order from the United States court Mr Thummell is a well known Union Pacific 1 politician and hails from Grand Island Deputy J W Robinson of Franklin has been in the city past week assisting i in the effort to recruit No 61 A O U i W up to the 600 notch in which he has met with his usual success It is ex- pcted that the mark will be reached at any rate before the end of the year Push it along Miss Mary T Watson came up from i Lincoln Saturday night and is a guest in the home of J A Wilcox this week Miss Mary was a stenographer in Re publican state headquarters during the last Nebraska campaign and easily grows eloquent over the victory achieved She is being warmly greeted by many admiring friends in the city where she formerly lived The Tribune and The American Boy one year each for 150 Send to the Sprague Publishing Co Detroit Michi 1 gan for a copy of the October number Ladies Sackets at 250 3 1 490 6 3 10 1150 at The Thompson D G Co Ladies Fur Collarettes 175 375 175 5 550 6 at The Thompson D G Co Ping Pong and Table Tennis 50cts to 500 per set McConnell Berry The Tribune is only 100 a year - - V JLiUimJiffffr nmmtw - Mr Goss has surely made it plain that the way of the transgressor is hard Janey Josie and Joe by Gertrude Smith is a charming juvenile In it we t make the acquaintance of Janey Josie 1 and Joe their three ponies their dogs and other pets their father and mother and their Aunt Susan Nuhitable dear We grown ups may well rejoice over a book which can be read to the children word for word as it is without any ex planation of our own ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Charles Wands is away on a visit this week Machinist Rogers was in Denver Sun day and Monday J F Schwarb is a new machinists helper this week II P Conyers and family went down to Holbrook today on a visit James Cummincs machinists appren tice has gone to Exeter on a visit Louis Herstrom machinist helper laid off yesterday with an injured back Walter Duffey son of Patrick Duffey of Denver is a new machinist this week The machinists force has been re inforced by J II Thompson this week Claude McKillip returned home mid week from his visit up in Hayes county Gus Budig and Ed Reed are in Colo rado installing the machinery of a min ing plant Warren Traver went down to Lincoln Sunday night on a visit returning home on 1 Wednesday L P Forsman of the flue department was an Amherst visitor the first of the week to attend the wedding of a friend An air reservoir hns been received from Havelock and placed in the shop here It is used to give extra pressure to the telescope air jacks in raising en gines and is of 210 pounds pressure ca pacity Fred Irwin is on the relief with a sore hand caused by getting a piece of steel into the member The surgeon cut out the steel and the hand is healing nicely Oscar Sampson has been on tho big fire in the meantime CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass S a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun- day J J Loughran Pastor i C jngregational Sunday school at 10 Preaching morning and evening at usual hours Prayer meeting on Wed- nesday evening at S The union meet ing to be addressed by Professor Steidley of Nashville Tenn has been called off on account of the inability of the pro fessor to be present at that time Frank W Dean Pastor Christian Tonight W F McCor mick will speak on the theme An Appeal From Revelation to Reason and Its Sequel Tomorrow at 11 a m he I will tell The Difference Between a Sabbatarian and a Christian At the evening service he will raise the question Whv Did Jesus Choose Judas On Lords Day a 111 God Speaking p m Paul Before Agrippa Baptist Sunday school 945 a m Preaching 11 a m and 8 p m Young 1 Peoples meeting 7 p m t The annual meeting of the church will I occur Wednesday evening December 3rd Supper will be served in the church at 7 oclock Every member is requested to be present Further announcement next week Gen Bailey will give four entertain- ments in the church Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings November 24th 25th and 26th and Tuesday after- noon November 25th See bill boards Get a good seat by buying a course ticket at the Post office lobby Free lunch all next week at W T Colemans during the cooking exhibi tion A cup of fine coffee and a splen did three minute biscuit Dont get left Fob Sale First class folding bed Inquire at Morgans clothing store I Black Taffeta Silk Waists 350 and 150 at The Thompson D G Co 1 iyiw s PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES Nearly a hundred new books were re ceived this week histories and science The standard histories of the various countries Gibbons Rome Prescotts Peru and Mexico Grotos Greece Guizots France Greens England and many others Among the science books may be founoS Bacons Novum Organum Spencers Philosophy Tyndalls Frag ments of Science Adam Smiths Wealth of Nation besides standard authors on electricity chemistry geology botany astronomy natural philosophy philoso phy of history etc The Two Vaurovels Cum nt Litera ture says Booth Tarkingtons new story is somewhere between The Gen tleman From Indiana and Monsieur Beaucaire Politics and romance are nicely mixed and over all there is that vein of poetry which is really charac teristic of the work of the Indianian The book has charm interest and poetry The Loom of Life by Charles Fred erick Goss is another new book worthy of notice The writer strives to impress hi- readers with the idea that it is folly to substitute human for divine retribu tion Phillip Gurney a rich lawyer wins tho love and ruins tho life of his hosts daughter Helen Braithwaite She follows him with revengeful hatred She breaks off his marriage with an heiress rattles him when he tries to speak in tho court room frustrates his political ambitions and even follows him to Europe where she continues her per secutions All this time she is aided and protected by another rich lawyer all the characters have riches in the i story Dean Ilervey After years of i patient waiting he wins her from her passion for revenge and marries her Then she grows remorsefjul and tries to 1 obtain forgiveness from Gurney but only succeeds in causing his death RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS A C Nieh is a new machinist in the round house this week Switchman E L Hawkins is passing a brief lay off at Red Cloud George Burgess was over from Almena Kansas Sunday visiting tho family Conductor T E McCarl witnessed the football game in Lincoln Saturday Machinist Floyd Berry has been off duty this week with a sore right hand Brakeman B J Converse relieved Brakeman Lundberry at Oxford first of the week Foreman and Mrs C A Ward and joung son returned from Denver on 6 Tuesday night Brakeman F W Wagner was called to Arapahoe first of the week by the illness of his mother Dispatcher and Mrs W F Pato re turned Tuesday night from their visit to Sheridan Wyoming S B McLean of the superintendents office saw Lincoln shut out Knox in Lincoln Saturday last Conductor Arthur Lyman is indulging in a short lay off and Conductor L S Watson of headquarters is relieving him Brakeman C S McElherron arrived home Monday night after a months absence and resumed his run Wednes day Brakeman I N Meyers and wife are spending a ten days vacation in Denver b J Laugbhn is relieving him mean while Conductor F W Washburn has pur chased Dr J A Gunns residence on Madison street opposite tho Congrega tional church Agent O P Yarger of Scottsbluff and family came up from Red Cloud on 3 Monday night and are the guests of his parents this week Engineer Steve Finn was transferred from McCook to Akron Tuesday He will be in charge of the helper engine out of Wray and Brush and points west of Akron where needed Brakeman Carl B Clark departed Monday night for his home in Rocky Ford Colorado on a visit of a week or two to the homo folks Brakeman M S Jennings is with Conductor A P Bonno meanwhile Brakeman C L Fenn and Miss Alice Arnold of Bartley Nebraska were united in marriage in Council Bluffs Iowa Monday November 17th They at once came to McCook and are now cosily sit uated at housekeeping LH Mosher has been appointed night chief train dispatcher at Alliance W J Ryan has been appointed travel ing engineer on the Deadwood line and on the main line between Edgemont and Newcastle Alliance Grip 14th A certain trainmans wife found a poker chip in her hubbys packet not long since which he explained to be only a dyspepsia tablet The trusting wife being a sufferer from that ailment didnt do a thing but swallow the tablet The doctors bill exceeded any jackpot captured by tho aforesaid trainman in many moons Walter Thorgrimson of tho master mechanics office expects to leave for Lincoln Sunday to enter the office of Dr Scroggs the Burlington medical examiner for Lincoln and Havelock Walter has developed into one of the Burlingtons most efficient stenographers and clerks and we congratulate him on this advancement Dispatcher andMrsLECannandMiss Marie Gibbons departed on 13 Monday for Salt Lake City Utah where they will make her parents Mr and Mrs Patrick Gibbons along visit Mr Canns health has been rather indifferent for some time and it is hoped the change of climate may prove beneficial Such is the fond hope of many warm friends The American railways are increasing wages to meet increased cost of living and to secure a mt re equitable scale of wages among the different departments of service The increase amounts to from 8 to 13 per cent and in case of the Pennsylvania railroad alone will sum up over a million dollars per annum Burl ington employes have have profited materially in the adjustment on this system Dispatcher A J Welch of the third trick in the Denver office has resigned and gone to Pocatello Idaho where he goes into the Oregon Short Line service Dispatcher Jesse S Chambers of the McCook ofiice succeeds him going up to Denver yesterday to assume charge of his new trick Genial Johnnie Morrissey has fallen heir to Jesses trick in the McCook office The Tribune congratu lates all around Sutton the jeweler has a reliable op tician in his store all the time Eyes tested and glasses fitted scientifically and satisfaction guaranteed Hundreds of people in McCook and vicinity will bear testimony to the high excellence and reliability of his optical work If your eyes need attention dont wait until some pilgrim comes along but go to Sutton at once He remains here to warrant his work Conductors A L Knowland and JJ Curran are in Chicago as witnesses for the company in a law suit Conductor L C Wolff has Knowlands and Con ductor F W Washburn has Currans run in their absence Conductor J F Utter has way car 150 and G W Bunt ing is making Wolffs runs meanwhile Conductor P F McKenna left on 2 this morning for Chicago to appear as a company witness in the same case GuyTomlinson of Storekeeper Britts force took his departure last Friday night for Omaha where he enters the office of asst general freight agent with a material increase of salary in early prospect Guy is one of the boys McCook people feel proud of and he is being warmly congratulated upon this j merited advancement We all expect to hear reports of his continued good for tune in the Burlington service at head quarters McCook to Have Art Exhibit The library board has arranged to havo an art exhibit December 3 4 5 6 with the admission only 15 and 10 cents Tho exhibit will embrace 150 copies of famous paintings such as Have been shown with great success and satisfaction in Lincoln Beatrice and other important Nebraska towns and The Tribune hopes the peo plo of our city will take fullest possible advantago of this opportunity to see copies of great works of the worlds great artists The exhibit covers a wide range of subjects and will bo highly educa tional and stimulative Keep in mind tho dates December 3 4 5 6 The Football Game at Franklin The football team of rhn McHnnlr tnrl school was defeated at Franklin lnr Saturday by the academy boys by a score of 8 to 0 Notwithstanding our boys failed to score in view of tho greater ago and weight of tho academy boys they do not feel so badly as they would otherwise Franklin outclassed our boys physically but better team work on the pare of the high school aggregation would enable them to give a much better account of themselves nevertheless Tho two teams expect to play on the athletic club grounds hero on Thanksgiving day A Lecture Course Contemplated The members of the library board are canvassing tho city in the interest of a lecture course for tho city to embraco a number of tho best artists on the Ameri can platform The Tribune has seen prospectuses describing the program contemplated and if it shall bo realized our people will be greatly blessed and instructed this winter Give the matter your hearty encouragement and support Baby IlcAdams Joins the Angels Saturday night last baby Helen in fant daughter of Mr aud Mrs James MeAdams passed away after a short illness at the tender age of five weeks Brief services were conducted by Rev J J Loughran in St Patricks church Monday morning after which interment was made in Calvary cemetery All hearts yield willing sympathy to tho be reaved parents Union Thanksgiving Services Union Thanksgiving services will bo held in the Congregational church Thanksgiving morning at eleven oclock Rev L II Shumate of the Methodist church will preach the sermon It is hoped that there may bo a largo attend ance of the people of the city who have much occasion for thanksgiving and gratitude Frank Dobson is Better Frank Dobson who has been suffering greatly for several weeks with inflamma tory rheumatism was taken seriously ill on Tuesday morning and had a battle for life all day but since has been better The rheumatism affected his heart A host of friends hope for bis continued improvement For Sale Bed room set lounge refrigerator Riverside range Round Oak heater and a quantity of canned goods Inquire of S A Moore From Monday November 24th until Saturday November 29th both days in 1 elusive the Great Majestic range cook ing exhibition at W T Colemans Dint fail to call and get a cup of good coffee and a fine three minute biscuit any day during the exhibition There are some things Sutton does not offer or agree to do He doesnt agree to sell a 30 piano for S165 But he will sell you for 165 the best piano on earth for that amount of money And its a good inst ment too The nicest in fine china at Suttons The holiday season approaches and you will want to know where to buy something nice in chinaware for a gift It will not 10 necessary to go farther than Suttons Best Table Oil Cloth 15c Best Apron Ginghams 5c Best carpet warp on spools 18c Am A 2 bu seamless Grain Bags 16J c Warm Blanket lined Duck Coats 1 The Thompson D G Co The Tribune has added to its corps of correspondents a regular reporter who will give the news of Box Elder and vicinity Now v hats the matter with Danbury All next week during the Great Ma jestic cooking exhibition at W T Cole mans a full set of ware worth 750 will be given free with every Majestic rauge sold The Omaha Bee of Tuesday announces the issuance of a marriage license in Douglas county to Dr Charles M Dun can and Miss Grace Coons both of Mc Cook This is the time to make your pur chases of underwear and at C L De Groff Cos is the right place to get the best goods at the right prices Attention is directed to the new adver tisement of Mehus theleading merchant tailor to be found on another page Izzer Cotton Batts 10c Izzer Bed Comforts 165 to 250 The Thomp son D G Co sole agents Dont get left Remember the Majes tic cooking exhibition November 24th 29th inclusive New lot of Monte Carlos at 7 3 and 10 just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Boys warm School Coats for 85c The Thompson Dry Goods Co First clas3 meats of all kinds at the B M meat market Some good values in Petticoats at CL DeGroff Cos Ladies Flannelette Waists 50c The Thompson D G Co tj vtO Utibtttte McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 211902 -- V MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Anns Furs at DeGroffs NUMBER 27 Camera supplies at Cone Bros Monte Carlo Coats at DeGroff s Go to Cone Bros for foot balls Savo monoy on drugs at McMillonw Sugar beets for sale C W Goheen It pays to trade with Cone Broa Try it Scale books for sale at The Truiunk office District court proceedings in full in this issue A fine line of gold pinto lamps at McMillens Threo rooms for rent Inquire of Frank Traver Walsh and Randell will rebuild on the ranch at once Mens Corduroy Suits 750 Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co Tho B M meat market hells the best of everything in their lino The best stationery and finest per fumes at Cone Hros drugstore Childrens Sleeping Garmonts 50c at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Xmas iscomii g soon and headquarters for Holiday goods is at Cone Uros Mens Corduroy Pants 2 boys ditto 50c Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co William M Uindman of Dnnbury has been granted a pension of 12 a mouth DeGroff Co for the best in under wear of all kinds Prices always right Mens heavy weight Black Suits of clothes 5 at The Thompson D G Cos Jing Pong Flinch combination game boards 50 games in one at McMillens Wanted A girl for general house work Inquire at residence of II M Tyler A largo stock of holiday goods now on hand at McMillens a good time to choose You want the best at a right price You will get it at the B M meat market Cone Bros display of Banquet and Reception lamps is attracting much attention Its all next week tho Majestic cook ing exhibition at W T Colemans Dont miss it The Tribunes advertisements will increase any business with which the proprietor is not satisfied Kill two birds with one stone see the cooking exhibition and holiday display at W T Colemans next week Gunthers candy is scrupulously clean absolutely pure McConnell Berry The county commissioners havo been in session this week and their proceed ings will appear officially next weelc A hoy 17 yfirs old wants to attend school and work out of school hours for his board Leave word at The Trirunk office Dont be a fish See the wall paper j snaps at Cones Bros before you buy We know where you will buy if you investigate Cards with envelopes to match for at J homes receptions etc for tale at Trib une oilice Same neatly printed rea sonable if desired Catering by an experienced caterer for parties receptions weddings and 1 banquets Prices reasonable Mr Lawrence Ja Jame9 Commercial hotel Dr Brvson the new book written by 1 Mr Spearman and all the other new issues for sale at McConnell Berrys Diamonds watches clocks jewelrj etc at Suttons the leading jeweler Llrsjest and best selections in all lines and right pricea Warranted repairing Colonel Mitchell is having -his resi i dence formerly U S L O building painted and the foundation repaired in imitation of brick with steel sheeting S Hill of Trenton Nebraskahas some choice single comb Brown Leghorn coek ertls for sale at 75c and 100 each Fine in comb and stvle Four and fiv months old Pianos at Sutton- at from 165 up on j easy payments See him first before making a purchase No one can give you lower prices or better terms for a reliable instrument Our holiday goods are arriving We have more novelties and odd pieces this year than ever before Come in and see them in advance of the rush I McConnell Berry There is nothing so rare as a day in June unless its some of that superb cutglass at Suttons He offers you a stock from which to make your selec tions that is unequaled in this part of the state Not only is the display rich but the prices are reasonable made to fit the purse excellence of goods con- Dr Shwartz the well known eye specialist of Denver Colorado will be at the Commercial hotel November 25 He has had a large experience in his I line of work and will be prepared to correct the various visual defects which j can be corrected Do not miss this opportunity of having glasses scientifi cally adjusted to your eyes Remember I the date November 25th next Tuesday if