The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 14, 1902, Image 7

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W v
November Colds Should Not Be
Allowed to Develop Into Chronic
Cures a Cold Promptly
and Permanently
I am glad to recommend Perunaasit
has done so much for inc 1 had been a
great sufferer from catarrhal colds un
til I was urged to try Peruna and I am
happy to say that it has entirely cured
me I shall never he without it and
most cheerfully recommend it to others
who are afllicted as I have been
Katherine Dauter 239 13th St Mil
watilree Wis
Most people think the success of Pe
runa depends upon the use of advertise
ments Undoubtedly the advertise
ments help some But by far the great
est number of people who hear of Pe
runa have their attention called to it
by a friend
Some one gets cured of chronic ca
tarrh by Peruna After he is certain of
his cure he is sure to recommend it to
his friends Friend recommends it to
friend and the news spreads from tongue
to tongue
All the advertisements in the world
could not make Peruna as popular as
it is Peruna cures That is the rea
son people like it Peruna cures a
very stubborn disease That is why
everyone recommends it Peruna
cures chronic catarrh after all other
remedies fail which explains why
lighted Train
W N U Omaha
No 4 1902
neighbor recom
mends it to neigh
bor Peruna cures
catarrh permanent
ly ana this way
has gaineda life long friend
People who have been cured by Pe
runa many years ago have been
eager to recommend Peruna to their
friends ever since This is the way Pe
runa is advertised It advertises itself
Its merits are its chief advertisement
Once cured of so distressing and exas
perating a malady as catarrh it becomes
the duty of every oue to pass it along
to call the attention of those who are
still victims to a remedy that rarely
fails to cure
Bovrnro of
ru na
Cheap Imitations of
Be Sure That Ton
repeat They dont jam catch or fail to extract
In a word they are the only reliable repeaters
Winchester rifles are made in all desirable
calibers weights and styles r and are plain
partially or elaborately ornamented suiting every
purpose every pocketbook and every taste
made for all kinds of shooting in all kinds of guns
Send name and address on a Postal
for our 164 page Illustrated Catalog
Mjjtefr The Chicago Limited
Chicago and the East
There are no substitutes for Peruna
Allow no one to persuade you that there
is something just as good The success
of Peruna has tempted many people to
devise cheap imitations Beware of
them Be sure that you get Peruna
Miss Jennie Driscoll870 Putnam Ave
Brooklyn N Y Writes
I heard so much in praise of Peruna
as a specific for catarrhal affections that
riLSfezpprrit l y yjiriiauMKsa a sjmi srr a
wKjiivrjflrBir v ji iilmi iiiuvinfwi -a ij j - m im
Ticket Office 1504 FamaroSuOroanaT11
5 For SrmVej and sprains
I Mexican ustaag Liniment 1
The pride that goeth before a fall
is of a stiff necked variety
The T M Roberts Supply Co whoso
ad appears In another part of this pa
per has been reorpanlzed and Is now in
good position to take care of your busi
ness See the great bargain they otter
this week
- flkkv
RelieTOi All Dlitrxj of
tne Stomach andrlo4J
csl Dliordtfri
Sold Srerfirlsers
Omaha Nob
1 iNrwlMIII fBijmB i
1111 v mV1I1 1 two weeks my head cleared up I did 1 f r pJLll
life Vln ll 1 not have headaches and in a short time flftl I I
7 i ifll f I i nrfMMii T M TT II
L reggSrtV
when I found myself with a bad case of
catarrh of the head and throat Peruna
was the first thing that I thought 6f
And my convictions were not wrong for
in a few weeks after using Peruna sys
tematically I was entirely rid of this
aggravating and distressing disease
If people knew how efficient Pe
runa was for this trouble they would
not hesitate to try it I have all the
faith in the world in it and have never
known of a case where the person was
not cured in a short time Jennie Dris
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr Hartman giving a
full statement of your case and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus O
a ulok relief and cures worst
cases Book of testimonials and 10 SAYS treatment
D A TE MTO PES co Omaha Nobr
1 tin 8 No Keo Uless Successful
in a kill a w
Patents Bold AdvIcoJree
We aro
ters lor
machines Prices fiom 5 00 up Largest
siock oi records in the west Write for
Prices and Catalogues
Cor 15th and Harney Omaha x
When Students Joshed Tennyson
When Alfred Tennyson appeared in
the Oxford theater to receive his D
C L degree it is said that his dis
heveled hair and general negligent
state provoked the undergraduates
into greeting him with the inquiry
Did your mother call you early call
you early Alfred dear
Negroes Never Insane
President G Stanley Hall of Clark
university has been studying the al
most total absence of insanity among
negroes He believes it is because
being newer to civilization the race
has not run through so many different
and crucial experiences as the white
Soap for India
English firms are trying to secure a
market for soap in India but up to
the present time that country has re
mained practically soapless Indeed
throughout Hindustan soap is regard
ed as rather a curiosity and rarely
if ever kept in stock by the native
When you loan anything be sure
that its loss will not inconvenience
Green Countys Sensation
Catskill N Y November 10th Ul
ster and Greene counties are ringing
with the news of the wonderful recov
ery of George F Ayers who lives at IS
Division street in this city One year
ago Mr Ayers was suffering from
Brights Disease of the Kidneys and
the doctors gave him little relief and
less hope To day Mr Ayers is as
well as man could wish He tells the
following story
About a year ago I was at West
Camp sick with Brights Disease and
without hope of ever being better
when an old gentleman from Bath
N Y advised me to take Dodds Kid
ney Pills telling me they had cured
him of the same disease
I had tried so many remedies that
I was past hoping and told him so
but when he bought me a box of
Dodds Kidney Pills and coaxed me to
try them I did so just to humor his
That was the means of saving my
life I took that box and half a dozen
more Thanks to that old man and
Dodds Kidney Pills I am cured
If half the world knew what the
other half were doing wed be kepi
busy turning green with envy and
melting with pity
Why Borchers Boys Murdered Their
Stepfather in Cold Blood
COLUMBUS Excitement over the
disappearance of Gerrard Borchers
from his home near Humphrey was
greatly increased by the report that
the skeleton of a man supposed to be
Mr Borchers was found in the re
mains of a straw stack on his farm
burned since he left home All the
flesh except a part of one foot was
burned from the bones and one of the
bones of the leg was broken
Later Herman and August Borch
ers two of the three boys who were
brought to Columbus by Sheriff
Byrnes to answer to the charge of
murdering their stepfather Girhard
Borchers and cremating his remains
in a strawstack at their home near
Humphrey are in jail pending pre
liminary hearing John the youngest
boy was permitted to accompany his
uncle George Borchers to the latters
homo near Humphrey the officers
considering him innocent of real com
It is now said that the hoped for ac
quisition of the farm prompted Her
man the 14-year-old boy to plan the
crime and that they believed them
selves proprietors of the place is evi
denced by the fact that two days af
ter the tragedy and before the dis
covery of the cremated remains the
boys drove to Humphrey and ordered
a windmill to be put up on the farm
remarking that as their father had
disappeared they thought they would
fix the place up
It has come to light that the two
older boys commonly known as step
sons of the deceased were in reality
the illegitimate offspring of the de
ceased mother by a German before
her removal from the old country It
is also said that the father of the
boys was an unprincipled scoundrel
and it is thought that the depravity
manifested by the boys was inherited
from the father
Confession of the crime is this
That about 9 oclock Friday morning
the father was sitting in the kitchen
reading a newspaper when Herman
slipped in and placing the gun within
two feet of his fathers head fired with
deadly effect After having done the
shooting he proceeded to the barn
harnessed a team hitched to a plow
and plowed a fire line around an old
straw stack which stood about twen
ty rods from the house Then he
went back to the house fastened a
rope around his father and dragged
him out into the straw stack Then
Herman hitched to the plow and
plowed up to the house covering the
stains of blood The boy then hitch
ed the team to the wagon and got a
load of fresh straw and piled it on the
body and cremated it wth the ex
ception of one foot which was the
only portion of the body left
Land Entries in Nebraska May Be
1 Washington dispatch The interior
department has suspended with a
view of cancellation a large number
of alleged fraudulent land entries in
Nebraska made by soldiers widows
who it is charged have entered into
an agreement for the transfer of the
lands to cattlemen W N Lesser of
Iowa a special agent whose head
quarters have been for several years
at North Platte Neb has been sus
pended in connection with these pro
The action follows an investigation
that has been quietlv conducted in
Nebraska by Colonel John S Mosby
the former guerrilla leader who is
now a special agent of the general
land office The exact extent of
these operations is not disclosed but
so far as known there are about forty
five or fifty of them each entry being
for 160 acres The government re
cently has been enforcing its regula
tions for the removal of fences erected
by cattlemen on public lands and an
effort to validate as far as possible
the land now occupied by cattlemen
Under the law soldiers widows have
a right to make entries of public lands
without any residence requirements
but they are required to make im
provements and cultivate the lands
It is understood that the women
who made the entries are mostly Chi
cago people who were influenced to
take these steps by the agents of
cattlemen with the agreement to
transfer the land to the latter by
leases wijth the right to purchase it
Valnut Stumps Become Valuable
Walnut stumps have assumed an
unlooked for value in Tennessee where
an Indiana firm has been buying all
that it can lay hands upon The
stump of a tree felled several years
ago consequently brought more than
its trunk and branches formerly did
The uglier and knottier the stump the
better the price It is said that the
stumps are used in making veneer
ing material used in the manufacture
of high grade furniture
Burglars got into L C Weber
Sons drug store at Arlington The
safe was blown all to pieces and about
00 in money and 54 In jewelry taken
The Beatrice canning factory has
put up 15000 bushels of apples this
year and recently sent five cars of
canned corn to New York in one ship
The 10000 libel suit brought by
Mrs Martha Daniels against Ham
mond Bros publishers of the Fre
mont Tribune has been dismissed by
the plaintiff and the cost paid by her
One day last week an elderly wid
ower named Thomas who has been
residing on his farm ten miles south
east of Fremont was found dead in
bed His demise is attributed to heart
The Catholics of Battle Creek and
vicinity are making great preparations
for the dedication of their fine new
brick church at Battle Creek The
building is 37x70 with all modern
L W Holland of Osceola was found
one mile west of Ogalalla by section
men with both legs cut off below the
knee He was enroute to San Fran
cisco with a car of chickens and fell
beneatli the cars
James Babbit a young man who
has been in the employ of the Union
Pacific railway at North Platte for
somo years became despondent and
attempeted to end his life with a dose
of carbolic acid Medical assistance
saved him
The woman in black has made
her appearance on the back streets of
Falls City again always appearing
after dark It molests no one hut
woman and girls by following them
Women are afraid to venture out after
dark alone
The following are the farm and city
mortgages filed and satisfied in Saun
ders county for the month of October
Farm mortgages filed 9 amount 8
000 satisfied 22 amount 2220841
city mortgages filed 10 amount 3
90999 satisfied 20 amount 1172391
Charles Margeleth an old settler of
western Nebraska killed himself at a
school house ten miles north of North
Platte He went from his farm to
the school house pulled off his boots
and shot himself through the heart
with a revolver He had been acting
queerly of late
While Ovid Lemise and a Mr Dyer
of Polk county were stacking straw for
a neighbor who was threshing the
machine was stopped from some cause
and the two men commenced scufiling
in play Both fell to the ground a
distance of only five or six feet Dyer
was not hurt in the least while Le
mise sustained injuries to his spinal
column which resulted in his death
The Fremont Commercial club has
adopted a resolution expressing its
sense tbat the action of the Union
Pacific Railroad company in causing a
grain elevator to be erected on its
line at Mercer Siding a new station
just east of that place is an encroach
ment on the citys legitimate territory
The Union Pacific officials will be not
ified of the sentiment of the club
Two suspicious appearing men ar
rived in Stanton and were taken into
custody by Sheriff King after they
had disposed of a 12 suit pattern for
3 Later it was learned that a store
at Norfolk had been broken into and
robbed the previous night The men
proved to be the ones wanted and
Madison county officers took charge
of the prisoners
Clasped in each others arms lying
on the floor of the pastors study in
the German Baptist church in Omaha
the other day Oscar Berndes janitor
of the church discovered the dead bod
ies of Rev W C Rabe pastor and
Augusta Busch a missionary An
open gas jet attached to a small stove
and a room full of gas told the cause
of death The asphyxiation is sup
posed to have been accidental
A mail sack which was lost off pas
senger train No 6 about August 12 a
few miles west of Exeter was found
by a farmer in a small pond Diligent
search was made for the sack at the
time of its loss and it was thought
to have been destroyed by someone
The sack contained a number of let
ters The strap on the sack was cut
but the mail matter had not been mo
lested which was in bad condition and
thoroughly soaked
Seth P Mobley chief of the consular
and statistical department for the
United States in Manila formerly edi
tor of the Independent of Grand Is
land Neb was in Omaha the other
day making preparations for return
to his official post in the Philippines
Hr Mobley is greatly pleased with
his personal affairs and conditions in
general in Manila and asserts that
American influence has wrought a
wonderful change and will produce a
still greater change for the better in
Case No 49703 Mrs M latort or
3207 Strn d street Galveston Tex
who is proprietor of a boarding hoimo
nt that address numbering among
hor boarders a dozen medical stu
dents says I caught cold during tho
flood of September 1900 and It set
tled In my kidneys Despite tho fact
that I tried all kinds of medicines and
was under the care of physicians tho
excruciating twinges and dull aching
across the small of my back refused
to leave and trouble with the kidney
secretions began to set in From
then ordinary Anglo Saxon falls to
describe the annoyanco and suffering
I endured Tho fearful pain through
my body loss of appetite loss of
sleep consequent loss of energy
and Anally indication of completo
dissolution compelled me from sheer
agony and pain to either He on tho
floor and scream or forced mo into
spasms On such occasions my hus
band called In a physician whose mor
phine treatment relieved me tempo
rarily I grew weaker and thlnneraud
so run down physically that nothing
was left but skin and bone All my
friends acquaintances ahd neighbors
knew about my critical condition and
on one occasion I was reported dead
and they came to see my corpse At
last the doctors attending me held a
consultation and agreed that If I did
not undergo an operation I could not
live Preparations wero made a
room selected at the city hospital and
they even went so far as to have tho
carriage brought to the door to carry
me there I dont know why but
something told me not to go and I al
solutely refused Now I want tho
reader to grasp every word of tho fol
lowing A friend of ours a Mr Mc
Gaund knowing that my kidneys
were the real cause of the entiro
trouble brought a box of Doans Kid
ney Pills to the house and requested
me to give them a trial 1 had taken
so much medicine that I was more
than discouraged and had little if
any faith in any preparation How
ever I reasoned if they did not do mo
good they could not possibly make mo
worse so I began tho treatment After
the third dose I felt something dart
across me like a flash of lightning
and from that moment I began to im
prove The pain in my back and kid
neys positively disappeared the kid
ney secretions became freo and nat
ural At present I rest and sleep well
my appetite is good my weight has
increased from IIS to 155 pounds
and my flesh is firm and solid My
friends actually marvel at the chango
in my appearance Words cannot ex
press my own feelings I am not put
ting it too strongly when I say I havo
been raised from the dead I am sat
isfied that had It not been fcr Doans
Kidney Pills taken when they were
I would have been either lying in tho
Lake View Cemetery or an invalid for
the balance of my life I will bo only
too pleased to give minuter particu
lars of my case to any one calling on
me not of course out of idle curios
ity but if they really have kidney
complaint and want to know what
course to pursue to get relief
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
nqy medicine which cured Mrs Isted
will be mailed on application to any
part of the United States Address
Foster MIlburn Co Buffalo N Y For
sale by all druggists price 50 cents
per box
Orders have been given for the re
moval of the wire fence encircling Jo
Should bo in every homo Ask your grocer
for it Largo 2 oz package ouly 5 centts
There are no songsters found in tho
last years birds nests
Stops the CougI and
Works OfT the CoUl 5
Laxative Bromo Quiniiie Tablets Price 25a
Why will a woman wear a fifty-dollar
bonnet and a 98 cent pair of shoes
Mrs IVlnsIows sootlilnK Syrup
For children teething foftens reduces In
fiaimiiatlonallays iialn cures wind colic c a bottle
The man who pushes the grass cut
ter is one kind of a lawn party
Whats tho secret of happy vigorous
health Simply keeping tho bowels tho
Btoiuach the liver and kidneys strong and
active Burdock Blood Bitter3 does it
DcnfiHM Cannot Bo Cnretl
by local applications as they cannot reach tho
fliseabed portion of the ear There Is only ono
way to cure deafness and that Is by consti
tutional remedies Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucus lining of tho
Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed
you havo a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing and -when It is entirely closed deafness la
the result and unless the Inflammation can bo
taken out and this tube restored to its nonnl
condition hearing -will be destroyed forever
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh
which is nothing but an inflampd condition of
the mucus surfaces
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any caso
of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot
be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for
oirculars free
Sold by Druggists 75c
Halls Family Pills arc the best
As between give and take the latter
is the most popular
Diphtheria relieved in twenty minutes
Almost miraculous Dr Thomas Eciectrio
Oil At any drug store
The man who knows it all rarely
knows enough to amount to anything
Oor SALESMEN Make g0 QQ Daiiy
muni oiiica CAiiuoie rsu VivlUw UMIL1
CrftjonPorlrclU ISe mUrIeorde Kcturn aa2 Fnan wkjl
uUpnouClnub ITrxnt tTHilliwu A to Chicago 111 beB
C on
You Buy
Thats the amount you can save by trad
ing with us regularly Seed 15c In coin
or stamps for our 1 100 page catalogre It
contains quotations on everything you
use in life Write TODAY
Chicane 8