The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 14, 1902, Image 6

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    H -
Even Manila Is Not Free from Depre
dations of Armed Guerrillas Number
ing Many Hundreds Who Live in
MANILA The government ia
adopting vigorous measures to sup
press the ladrones in the provinces of
Cavite Rizal and Bulacan A zone
embracing these provinces and sur
rounding Mailt is the scene o con
stant petty disorders Several armed
bands some of them numbering 200
are operating in the district and have
committed various depredations aft
erward finding a safe refuge in the
The government intends to employ
the military to suppress these brig
ands and it is probable they will be
requested to protect the more import
ant towns while the constabulary
conducts the field operations
It is thought that martial law in a
modified form will be declared and
the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus suspended in Cavite province
rhich has been the home of ladrones
for ages
Military control of Cavite province
is not contemplated It is intended
that the military and civil authorities
shall work in conjunction the belief
being held that advantage has been
taken of the complete inactivity of
the soldiers in some parts of the is
land and it is thought that the use
of the army by the civil authorities
will have a beneficial effect
The vigorous campaign against la
drones conducted by volunteers in
Bulacan province has resulted in driv
ing many refugee bandits into Rizal
where the campaign is now opening
General Davis is co operating with
Governor Taft He has strengthened
the garrisons in Rizal and is support
ing isd assisting the native constab
ulary which is now afield The oper
ations in Cavite province will com
mence shortly
Twenty Envelopes Taken from Oma
ha to Chicago Are Found
WABASH Twenty envelopes
which had apparently been used by
an express company to ship 18000
from Omaha to Chicago over the Bur
lington were fouird on a saw mill car
rier at Treats Friday The seals
had been recently broken
They bore date of August 19 and
it is supposed by the Wabash agent
to whom they were turned over that
they had been rifled of their contents
by men who robbed the train
It is thought the criminal entered
the mill during the night as the en
velopes were not on the carrier the
day before
Shot Down by Burglars
POMEROY O Harry Allemang
who patched in the Southern league
this season and who has signed with
the Cincinnati team for the coming
year was shot and mortally wounded
at Mason W Va his homo early
Sunday Allemang had been out with
friends and was returning home He
found burglars at work in the post
office A sentry on the outside order
ed Allemang to halt No attention
was paid to the command and the
sentry fired upon Allemang the bul
let entering his back and lodging in
the left lung When Allemang had
fallen to the ground the robbers took
980 from him
Portfolio for Mr Sagasta
MADRID As a result of a prolong
ed cabinet council meeting held to
discuss the recent attacks made upon
the government b leaders of the op
position an official note issued Sun
day says the ministers are ready to
place their portfolio at the disposal of
Premier Sagasta if this step is neces
sary and that they have unanimously
decided to give the premier full power
to act as he considers best in the in
terests of the country and his party
Premier Sagasta is to have an audi
ence with King Alfonso tomorrow at
noon It is expected that a crisis
and the reconstruction of the minis
try are imminent
f Kitchener Opens a College
CAIRO Egypt Lord Kitchener
Who is in Cairo on his way to India
formally opened the new Gordon col
lege here Sunday in the presence of a
number of notable persons He deliv
ered a long speech in which he dwelt
on the progress of the Soudan and its
Shuts Out Standard Oil
LONDON A special dispatch re
ceived here from Calcutta says that
the Indian government has refused the
Standard Oil company permission to
prospect in the oil fields of Burmah
in mi 1 1 ij iiw TniieatiiBwttM
Cuba Wants Fifty Per Cent Rebate
on Sugar and Tobacco
WASHINGTON Cuba not having
returned the draft of the treaty pro
posed by the United States officials
here are officially Ignorant of the na
ture of the changes the Cubans de
Of course they are known to be con
nected with the increase of the rebate
to be allowed on Cuban sugar and to
bacco and there are indications that
the administration may be willing to
yield slightly on this point If no un
seasonable delay is exhibited in tbo
The rebate proposed in the original
convention is 20 per cent and it is
gathered that the Cubans want 50
per cent This rate cannot be allow
ed in view of the belief that congress
would certainly not sanction such a
cut in duties but between these fig
ures there is so wide a margin that
there is room for compromise
The coaling station matter is for
the time being held in abeyance The
1000 tons of coal belonging to the
United States navy now laying in a
warehouse at Triscornia is being di
minished according to the needs of the
navy in gulf waters so that the Cu
ban complaint of the existence of an
American naval station in Havana har
bor is adjusting itself without fric
tion and indeed it is said the mat
ter has not been officially mentioned
English Syndicate Makes Application
for the Franchise
MANILA The English syndicate
which operates the Manila Dagupan
railroad has applied for a franchise
to construct a railroad from Guiguin
to province of Bulacan to Cabanua
tan province of NuevaEouija The
syndicate contemplates later the ex
tension of the road to Appari on the
north coast of Luzon It wants the
government to grant a right-of-way
and to make certain tariff taxes and
concessions for a term of years
The commission is preparing to en
act a railroad law and it will not
grant the franchise applied for by the
English syndicate unless Americans
have had a chance to examine the line
of the proposed road and submit pro
posals The line to Appari will be
part of the future Luzon trunk line
and the granting of a franchise for
its construction is therefore a matter
of importance
People of Mexico Fleeing from the
Burning Mountain
ATLANTA Ga A special to the
Constitution from Guadalajara Mex
ico says An eruption of Colima vol
cano is threatened and the people liv
ing in the valleys at the base of the
mountain are fleeing to Manzanilo and
other points of safety A dense vol
ume of smoke has been pouring from
the crater for several days and dur
ing the last forty eight hours deep
rumbling and sharp reports have come
from the interior of the volcano
It is reported that an order has been
issued to suspend construction tempo
rarily on the Colima extension of the
Mexican Central railroad as the na
tive laborers cannot be induced to
work so near the volcano
Board Decides Any Alteration Shall Be
Paid from November 1
SCRANTON Pa The anthracite
strike commission officially decided
that if any change is made in the rate
of wages of the men it shall date from
November 1 This announcement was
made by the commission through Re
corded Wright in the following brief
Voted unanimously that if the com
mission at the conclusion of its hear
ings and deliberations makes any
award affecting existing rates of wages
such award shall take effect from No
vember 1 1902
Time is Again Extended
WASHINGTON The Danish min
ister Mr Bruen called at the state
department Thursday and with Sec
retary Hay signed an additional ar
ticle to the reciprocity treaty relative
to the Danish West Indian island of
St Croix extending for one year from
November 19 the period of time al
lowed for the ratification of the docu
Cuban Treaty is Discussed
HAVANA President Palma says
instructions regarding the commercial
treaty between Cuba and the United
States have been sent to the Cuban
minister at Washington
He has every reason to believe that
Senor Quesade was in consultation
last Monday with Secretary Hay with
regard to this treaty
No Foreign Ships There
MELBOURNE The commonwealth
government is preparing a bill to ex
clude foreign owned ships from the
Australian coastwise service
and Kansas City
CATTLE There were not enough corn
fed steers to tell much about the market
but for the week the tendency of prices
has been downward The market
though has been very uneven all week
and owing to the big break at Chicago
during the last two weeks buyers havo
been very bearish The cow market did
not show much change here Buyers
went around and bought up practically
everything In the yards at steady prices
The market has been In very satisfactory
condition all the week There were only
a few stockers and feeders In sight yes
terday so that prices on anything good
held just about steady As compared
with the close of last week the deslrablo
grades are fully steady while the com
mon stuff If anything Is a little easier
The cattle weighing from 830 to 1000
pounds are now In the best demand
There has been a good demand all the
week for western beef steers and the
market mav be quoted firm The quality
of the offerings though has been de
HdfMllv on the common order Western
feeders are also firm if good but weak
if common Range cows are strong to
lOfloc higher where the quality Is de
HOGS Therp was a liberal supply of
hoers and as all other points were quoted
fully lower the market declined about a
like amount The local demand though
was In good shape so that the market
was quite active and practically every
thing offered was dlsnosed of in good sea
son There was verv little change in the
market from start to finish and the
trains arrived in better season than us
ual The bulk of the sales went from
Jfi52 to GoiV with the long string at
W53 Choice light and butcher weight
hogs sold from JGC0 to S665 while the
common and heavy packing grades sold
from JBn2 down
SHEEP Quotations Good to choice
yearlings 3753400 fair to good S TK
361 good to choice wethers 3503 65
fair to prood wethers 3101333 choice
ewes S27otf7325 fair to good ewes 225tfD
265 good to choice lambs 1750500 fair
to good lambs Jl00tfM65 choice native
lambs S00tf550 feeders wethers 275
300 feeder yearlings 290tf325 feeder
lambs S300tf400 cull lambs 150tfJ250
feeder ewes 123tf72C0 cull ewes 75c
125 stock ewes 2507323
CATTLE Stockers and feeders dull and
weak cows steady Quarantine slow and
barely steady choice export and dressed
beef steers 650725 fair to good 235
n d45 stockers and feeders 250tf440
western fed steers 370tf5G0 Hexas and
Tndinn steprs 333tfT425 Texas cows 233
300 native cows 175f450 native heif
ers 250tfi1400 canners 100tfJ225 bulls
3125425 calves 225tf600
HOGS Market opened 2155c higher
closing steady with vesterdays advance
lost top 565 bulk of sales 6520060
heavy 3655tf7665 mixed packers 643tfD
665 light 645tf7655 yorkers 650tf655
pics 5 S5tf7652i
SHEEP AND LAMBS Market steady
lambs weak and lower native lambs 360
0525 western lambs 3000520 fed ewes
31057375 native wethers 3050410 west
ern wethers 3000400 stockers and feed
ers 1930323
Judge Overrules Motion of Attorney
for New Trial
PIERCE Neb In the district court
here Judge Boyd heard the arguments
for a new trial in the murder case of
Gotlieb Niegenfind the murderer of
Albert Breyer and Anna Peters
The argument was presented by
George T Kelly attorney for Niegen
find After hearing the argument
Judge Boyd refused to grant a new
trial He then sentenced Niegenfind
to hang by the neck until he is dead
on March 13 1903
Methodist Committee Continues the
Work of Distribution
committee of church extension of the
Methodist Episcopal church in ses
sion here continued the apportion
ment of the church building fund
among the 126 conferences Some of
the apportionments made were
Colorado 4000 Arizona mission
500 Arkansas 550 Austin 750
Black Hills 500 Blue Ridge 675
California 4000 California Ger
man 375 Central German 7800
Central Illinois 2000 Central Mis
souri 700 Central Swedish 800
Columbia river 4000 Dakotas 2
000 Des Moines 3000 East Ger
man 4000
The Colorado Legislature
DENVER The incoming legisla
ture according to the latest returns
will be sonstituted as follows Sen
ate Democrats 24 republicans 11
House Democrats 29 republicans
36 Total on joint ballot Democrats
53 republicans 47 Should the re
publican majority in the house un
seat the fifteen democrats elected in
the Arapahoe district as proposed
the legislature on joint ballot will
be Republicans 62 democrats 38
Indicted on Two Counts
Kay a Methodist minister at Maple
ton Ia who has been in jail for two
weeks at Onawa charged with as
sault upon Ida Kraft 14 years of age
and secduction of her sister Clara
Kraft aged 16 years was on Friday
indicted in both cases by the McJona
county grand jury He waived pre
liminary hearing and in default of
1000 bail was returned to jail until
his trial
People who waste their own time
tlways want to waste everybody
Storekeepers report that tho extra
luantity together with the superior
uality of Defiance Starch makes it
lext to impossible to sell any other
Dont cry over spilled milk Ice
ream is just as good this season
FOR 1903
elx sheets 10x15 inches of beautiful
reproductions in colors of pastel
SrawingSby Bryson Is now ready for
distribution and will be mailed on re
ceipt of twenty five 25 cents coin
or stamps Address F A Miller Gen
eral Passenger Agent Chicago
The best woman on earth is the
ombinatIon of perfect lady and
perfect gentleman
EIVQ permanently curen NofltsornerrousnessaftOT
I I d first day use or Dr KlineB Great NerroHestor
ir Send for FUKK 8200 trial bottle and trcatlH
DR R II Klink Ltd 931 Arch 8treet Philadelphia
Most women haters are floor-walkers
in department stores
stain the hands or spot the kettle ex
cept green and purple
There are few faces that can afford
not to smile occasionally
Use Rod Cross Ball Blue It makes clothes
clean and sweet as when now All grocers
Equality is a pipe dream Fig leaf
costumes have had their day
Some peoples lack of sense is more
conspicuous than their lack of dollars
Years of suffering rolloved In a night
Itching piles yield at onco to tho curative
properties of iJoana Ointment Never fails
At any drug store 50 cents
A man may gush over a woman or
vice versa but the gushing is seldom
ttoen you ijuy starcii
buy Defiance and get the best 16 oz for
10 cents Once used always used
Some men spend half their lives in
making a reputation and the other
half in trying to live it down
Iowa Farms 4 Per Acre Cash
balance i crop till paid MULIIALL Sioux City Ia
It sometimes happens that a mar
ried man dislikes to visit people who
try to make him feel at home
The New York Press on the New
Show Places in New York
What are New Yorks show places I
It would be right bard to enumerate
them on short notice Perhaps the
following question and answer may
appeal to some Resident to New
Arrival Now tell me what you
would especially like to see New
Arrival Oh just show me New
York I think that very good But
it is no easy matter to show New
York To our list of show places
whatever they may be we must add
the new waiting room at the Grand
Centrai Station When strangers go
there they cry Enchanting
Grand Palatial Purtiest thing
I ever saw Finest thing in the
world Aint it splendid etc Mr
Daniels fas reascn for the new elas
ticity in his step On the Tip of tho
Tongue in the New York Press
Many women never turn to piety
until after they have exhausted the
World the flesh and the devil
Si 5 -
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iK AffirHSB
A nervous irritable mother often on the verge of hysterics is
unfit to care for children it ruins a childs disposition and reacts
upon herself The trouble between children and their mothers
too often is duo to tho fact that the mother has some femalo
weakness and she is entirely unfit to bear the strain upon her nerves
that governing a child involves it is impossible for her to do anything
calmly She cannot help it as her condition is duo to suffering and
shattered nerves caused by some derangement of the uterine system
with backache headache and all kinds of pain and she is on the verge
of nervous prostration
When a mother finds that sho cannot be calm and quiet with her
children she maybe sure that her condition needs attention and she can
not do better than to take Lydia 3K Piiikhnms Vcjjetahlo Compound
This medicine will build up her system strengthen her nerves and
enable her to calmly handle a disobedient child without a scene Tho
children will soon realize tho difference and seeing their mother quiet
will themselves become quiet
Mrs May Brown of Chicago III says
mmmm fLgxj9rimjtiM
A- T jT
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Deak Mits Pijjkiiam Honor to -whom
honor is due and you deserve both the thanks
and honor of the mothers of America whom vou
have so blessedly helped and benefited I have
used Jjvuii JJ JLinkhams vcfretnble Com
pound when I would feel run down nervous
and irritable or have any of the aches and pains
which but few women escape and I have found
that it relieved me at once and gave me new
strength Several ladies members of our Lit
erary Union speak in the highest praise of your
Vegetable Compound as they have been cured
from serious female troubles One lady
who thought she must submit to an opera
tion was cured without usinff anything in
the world but L ydia EPinkhams Vege
table Compound and Sanative Wash
You have hosts of friends in Chicago and
if you came to visit our city we would delight to do
you honor Gratefully yours Mils Mat Brown 57 Grant Place Chicago I1L
How Mrs Pinkham Helped Mrs McKinny
Deab Mrs Pixkhah I feel it my duty to write and let you know tho
good you and your Vegetable Compound are doing I had been sick ever since
my first baby was born and at the birth of my second my doctor as well as
myself thought I should never live through it After that menstruation never
came regular and when it came I suffered terribly I also had womb and
ovarian trouble A friend of my husbands advised him to get Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound for me At first I had no faith in it
but now nothing could induce me to he without it Menstruation has becomo
regular and I feel like a new woman Your medicine is a God send to suffer
ing women I hope this letter will lead others to try Lydia 13 Pinlchans
Vegetable Compound Yours trulv Mns Mildkkd McKiav 28 Pearl
St San Francisco Cal March 10 1901
If there is anything in your case about which you would lilco
special advice write freely to IVIrs Pinlcham Address is Tjynn
Mass Her advice is free and her advice is always helpful
FORFEIT o cannot forthwith produce tho original letters and signatures ot
abovo testimonials which will jroro their absolute genuineness
Iyilia XiukUam ilcillcino Co Lyaa ilafi
ArTr 0w
i r 1- - -- i q ffif PP
Life out of doors and out of the games which they play and the enjoy
ment which they receive and the efforts which they make comes the
greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their
happiness when grown When a laxative is needed the remedy which is
given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs
on which it acts should be such as physicians would sanction because its
component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from
every objectionable quality The one remedy which phj sicians and parents
well informed approve and recommend and which the little ones enjo
because of its pleasant flavor its gentle action and its beneficial effects is
Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should
be usd bj fathers and mothers
Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently pleasant and
naturally without griping irritating or nauseating and which cleanses the
system effectually without producing that constipated habit which results
from the use of the old time cathartics and modern imitations and against
which the children should be so carefully guarded If you would have them
grow to manhood and womanhood strong healthy and happy do not give
them medicines when medicines are not needed and when nature needs
assistance in the of a laxative give them only the simple pleasant and
gentle Syrup of Figs
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the
laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic sj rups and juices but
also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of
the little ones do not accept an- of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal
ers sometimes offer to increase their profits The genuine article may be
bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle Please
to remember the full name of the
the front of every pack-
age In order to get its
beneficial effects
ways necessary
the genuine only
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