The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 14, 1902, Image 5
If- r v w 4 mmmmwmmmmmmmmrmmmmmmm n n 3 r U wnamMHi cd r t mn nrr Jpi vVwvb6fe jjruMf mrrrh JJTJTT3 tribune CluMing List For convenience of renders of ThB Tribune Wo hnve made arrangements with the following iewspapers and periodicals whereby wo cansup ply them in comhination with TaE Teibdne at the following very low prices with PUBLICATION TRICE TEIBUXE Detroit Free Press 100 150 Leslies Weekly 4 OJ 8 00 Prairie Farmer 100 1 2J Chicago Hi tor Ocean 1 00 1 35 Cincinnati Enquire 100 150 Now York Tribune 103 125 iemorests Magazine 1 00 1 75 Toledo Blade 100 125 Nebraska Farmer 100 165 Towa Homestead 100 125 TinroJn Journal 100 I t5 ampboirs Soil Cultttre 1 00 Now York World 100 osmopolitan Magazine 1 00 t Louis Bepublic 100 Kansas City Star 25 Earm and Home 100 Word and Works i w 00 -renewals Wb are prepared to fill orders for tiny other poiblished at reduced rates apers Thb Teibune ltCook Neb S3i JUSlIZL Jk y 1 trBLijnO oirtr rt rra 2 im n IMXCWCll vBLJ i r VA S tWVMVV vi 0 I i0 Premium I llfeiamsHBacon 5 1 SSMfo KVSilverLeai CIDQT mrw Thf Bpst Remedy Croup From the AtchisonKtthDaily Globe Thi i s the vaon wlnln the woman who knows the bes t ritnudics for croup is iu demand ia every neighborhood One of tho most terrible thins- in the world is to bo awakened in the middle of the nitrht bj n whoop from one of iho children The croup remedies are almost sure to be lo t ill case of croup as a revolvor is sure to bo o t in case of burglars There used to be an old fashioned remedj for croup known as hive Syrup and tolu but some mtrJern mothers say that Chamberlains Cough Remedy is bet ter and does not cost to mtfeh It causes the patieutto throw up the phlegm quicker and gives relief in a shorter time Give this remedy as -soon as the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack It never fails and is pleas ant and safe to take For sale by McConnell Berry A Dangerous Month This is the thonth of coughs colds and acute catarrh Do you catch cold easily Find your self hoarse with a tickling in your throat and an annoying cough at night Then you should alwaysliave handy a bottle of Ballards Hore hounu Syrup J A Anderson 351 West 5th St Salt take City writes We use Ballards Hdrehound Syrup for coughs and colds It gives immediate relief We know its the best remedy for these tronbles I write this to induce other people to trythis pleasant and efficient remedy 25c 50c and 100 at A McMillans Jnr from now until Christmas will be found a free game amusing I and instructive 50 different - kinds Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game f at Your Grocers Eeports of depredations against vacant houses on city outskirts and farms in the neighborhood reach this office Numerous window panes have been broken by stones and gunshots Infor mation leading to conviction of the guilty will be liberally rewarded It is hoped to make an end of such contempt ible work For a Bad Cold If you have a bad cold you need a good reli able medicine like Chamberlains Cough Rem edy to loosen and relieve it and to allay the irritation and inflammation of the throat and lungs For sale by McConnell Berry That all marriages are not made in heaven is fully proven by the record of divorces granted during the present term of district court Consult your doctor If he ya take it then do as he says If he telU you not to take It then dont take It He knows Leare it with him We are -willing JC AYEK CO LoweUiUst The Chrstmas Delineator To do justice to this number which for beauty and utility touches the high est mark it would be necessary to print the entire list of contents It is suffi cient to state that in it the best modern writers and artists are gener ously represented The book contains ovr 230 pages with 34 full page illus trations of which 20 are in two or more colors Tho magnitute of this Decem ber number for which 728 tons of paper and six tons of ink have been used may be understood from the fact that 91 presses running 14 hours a day have been required to jfint jt the binding alone of the edition of 915000 copies representing over 20000000 sections which had to be gathered individually by human hands Best Liniment on E th I M McHany Greenville Tox writes Nov 2d 1900 I had rheumatism last winter was down in bed six weeks tried everything but got no relief till a friend gave me a part of a bottle of Ballards Snow Liniment I used it and got two more bottles It cured me and I havent felt any rheumatism since I can recom mend Snow Liniment to be tho best liniment on earth for rhenniatisni For rheumatic sciatic or neuralgic pains rub in Ballards Snow Liniment jou will not suffer long but will bo gratified with a Lpefd and effective cure 23c 50c and 100 at A McMillens I iWMl fiTim mii I I Colds li SMiivf ftjuvii I had a terrible cold and could hardly breaihe 1 then tried Ayers jj Cherry Pectoral and it gave me l mediate relief g W C Layton Sidell 111 How will your cough be tonight Worse prob ably For its first a cold then a cough then bron chitis or pneumonia and at last consumption Goughs always tend downward Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayers Cherry Pec toral Three sites 25c SOcSl At drarrjsts We are still head quarters for heating stoves We have the well known Beckwith Round Oak Radiant Home and several other good heaters in all sizes If you need a heater BUY NOW The assortment i s complete and you can get just what you want We also have a nice line of steel ranges and cook stoves H T Wait t I 4 Having been requested by many of our customers to give one of the popular GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE EXHIBITS we have decided to give one from November 24 to 29 Incl usive rUVTD WWrfi D UCCI rU 211 wiju wnvLL rv lliv wucii wc win give rKcc yviin n H each sale a complete set of ware made of heavy Copper Zt Nickel and Enameled worth 750 with each range V Dont fail to call and get a GOOD CUP OF COFFEE and HOT BISCUITS and seethe working of the Best Steel and Malleable Iron Range on earth A range that will cook with half the fuel you are now using and last a lifetime Early callers get a Majestic Souvenir November 24th to 29th Both Inclusive W T COLEMAN McCook Nebraska 2g Swift Company THAT s 5 O ill 4 o fifc rl O f a 5 ft AT THE OLD STAND 1 16 DGS MljifBil ttti JTBliL jKi K In each pound package of S3 mmiww aneai iiiiw Come at once and see our New Stock of Faff and Winter Good Assortment is better than we have ever been able to offer New Suits for Men and Boys New Overcoats for Men and Boys New Suits for Ladies New Coats and Jackets for Ladies and Misses New Furs New Dress Goods New Underwear New Line of Shoes for all Our Prices are always the lowest quality con sidered Send us Your Grocery Orders TfxB ti C s as it l3argait Ii3i w C L DeGROFF GO StortSVSW 0 s