The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 14, 1902, Image 3
jt LS BU hD f V v X i lie H m By JOHN R MUSICK Astker of Mysterious Mr Howard Tha Dark Stranger Charlie AllendaUa Doable Etc Copyright 1897 by Bosur Bosfxra Boss All rlrtu rMtrred CHAPTER XVIII The Lost Found While the stirring events just nar rated were transpiring in the grotto two men but a few miles below the valley were making their way along the trail made in the snow by old Ben Holton and the Indians Can you follow it Glum asked the young man who was Clarence Berry Yes I kin follow it he answered The two travelers followed the trail until they came to where a portion of the tracks led up the stream and some went across the river Here Glum Ralston called a halt He stood looking at the foot prints in the snow and shook his great shaggy old head like one in doubt Wall I want t tell ye Im a mite wool gathered the old man growled j as he gazed at the foot prints Its my opinion that well find the camp on the other side I see a light exclaimed Clarence Glum Ralston turned his eyes in the direction indicated and said Yes now I see it now I dont It seems moving about There is some one in the valley They could not only see a light but figures moving about and Clar ence added Glum let us go over there first Well come on the old ex sailor grunted and they started over the frozen river When nearly across they discovered people running about in great excitement and loud cries mingled with which was the shriek of a female voice Then came the re port of a gun followed by two or three more in quick succession Ho Clarence git a move on ye theres a fight over there cried Glum Jtalston and the two increased their speed to a run We will precede Clarence Berry and Glum Ralston to the little camp and explain the cause of excitement When Lackland left to send rein forcements to kill or capture the old man from the mountain whom he was quick to perceive was inimical to his interests he little dreamed they would be coming to meet him The old man of the mountains or hermit as wo have known him watch ed Lackland across the river but did not see him meet Cummins Know ing it would be some hours before he would return he did not consider haste necessary We will be gone my dear child before that man returns he said in a kind fatherly way that won the heart of the girl What do you propose she asked eagerly Across this frozen river the ice of wtjich will bear your weight as I have tested it myself we will find a deep dark cavern Now we will cross the river and I leave you there - Why leave me there Why not take me on to Paul she asked Because you would be a hindrance to my rescuing him No no You must consent to stay in the cavern or we will have to abandon the pro ject of rescuing Paul I will I will do anything They began the search for capsules lozenges and buttons of compressed and dessicated food which took up little space and the weight trifling in comparison to the original food All this took time and there came one delay after another until hours had glided by before they were ready to depart At last everything was ready Now my dear child we are ready to go I hope you wont find this journey too much for your strength Dont consider that for a moment Hark I hear footsteps approach ing Some one comes she gasped turning deathly pale The men approaching the house were Lackland with Cummins Allen Padgett and Ambrose They had seiz ed pine knot torches and were creep ing stealthily toward the tent The keen eye of the hermit had seen them and he hastily formed a little barri cade behind which he crouched a revolver in each hand Ho there called the hermit cap tain Dont advance too near until you explain what your mission is My mission is to get to my tent interposed Lackland Who are you who presumes to take our camp from us Keep off One of the men behind Ned fired at the old captain and the bullet grazed the top of his cap You got him shouted Ned Weve got him this time and struck a blow at his head with his knotted stick The stick fell on the sled runner and there came a blind ing flash a stunning report from the door of the tent Ned staggered back and fell to the earth For a moment his companions were appalled Tom Ambrose fired two shots at his cap tain but the mutineer was excited at the death of his companion and aimed high The hour of vengeance has come an awful voice shouted from the tent and another report shook the air and Tom Ambrose sank a bullet in his brain This unexpected resistance appalled and unnerved Lackland and his com panions who beat a hasty retreat to ward the river They wero nearly to the river bank when two men leap ing from the Ice ran toward them crying Hold What does this mean Lack land you here Clarence Berry Im undone Then followed by his men he ran up the stream instead of across it Let us follow them said Clarence No lets go to the tent Theres been bloodshed there They ran to the camp now deserted by the Indians and Esquimaux Two men lay where they had fallen the snow crimson with their blood An old man came from the tent holding a pale trembling girl by the hand Clarence snatched up a burning brand that had fallen from the hand of some fugutive and at a glance cried Laura Laura Kean His shout was drowned by a roar from Glum Ralston My captain oh my captain found at last and in a moment those griz zled men lost to each other a score of years were clasped in each others arms CHAPTER XIX Conclusion The reuinon of the sea captain and the faithful sailor was mild compared to a reunion that quickly followed Another party was coming across the ice The long Arctic night was spent and the opening door of dawn was filling all the eastern Heavens with glory when Paul Kate old Ben and their faithful canine friend sprang from the ice and hurried up the hill to the narrow valley where the camp was Paul led the party with Kate close behind The first object he recogniz ed was his faithful old friend who had long mourned him as dead Glum Ralston The meeting can be better imagined than described He was told that Laura was inside with Clar ence and the long lost captain who was making desperate efforts to ex plain something which had befuddled everybody and Paul tumbled head first into the tent the worst befuddled of any one and embraced Laura and Clarence and for several moments the only rational being in the party was the faithful unknown dog who sat on his haunches and panted It was fully an hour before every body inside and everybody outside were at all themselves Paul after ward had a dim recollection of hearing a voice very much like Glum Ralstons roar Aint you Kate Willis my Kate and then he heard a voice which sounded very much like Kate crying Aint you Jack Ralston my sailor boy Then there was a collision explo sion and the hub bub increased At last when all had time to re cover Kate and Jack as she still call ed him entered the tent she declaring she would never permit him to leave her again Jack explaining that he was staying in Alaska in compliance with an order from his captain to the effect that he was to never leave until he returned And he has returned said Jack He has come back aud is here now and Kate I am ready to go The man Avhom we have known as the hermit captain said My friends this is the happiest day I ever knew But one person more is necessary to make the reunion com plete and my cup of happiness run over I want to ask some questions and then make some explanations First is your name Paul Miller Yes sir Paul answered Who was your father and where is he My father was Captain Joseph Mil ler who was lost before I can remem ber in Alaska or some of the islands of the Bering Sea Do you know the name of the ship he last sailed in and from what port Mother told me he sailed from San Francisco in a sealing schooner call ed the Eleanor Jack Jack Have you been with him all these months and not know this Glum Ralston leaped to his feet with a startled yell and cried Crack lash A Miller son of my captain Why by the name of Nep tune didnt ye tell me ye had some other namen Crack lash Paul was dumbfounded He had heard a hint that the hermit was his father but the old man had so stub bornly denied it that he had conclud ed it must be false Why did you deny I was your son when those men threatened to hang me Paul asked My boy I knew it then as well as now but to acknowledge you to be my son was to be your own doom Theyd a hung ye then for sure or tortured us both What was they goin to hang Crack lash for asked Jack Ralston Because I wouldnt tell where Id cached a fortune in gold I got from the Alaskan mines So long as they didnt know he was my son they could not force the secret from me tiat way Well capn you played your part very fine an now that we have out witted em an all goin home soon can you find the place where the gold is cached If I had a certain walrus hide I could It is the one my son took from the cave I gave it to you Glum And Ive got it safe at camp In the midst of their rejpicing Paul did not forget the poor wretch who was lying in the cavern mangled and torn by the dog Clarence and two Indians went and brought Morris to the camp where Kate carefully dressed his wounds He was the only man living save Belcher who had robbed Paul and told them where the treasure could be found also making a full confession of his crime admit ting that Lackland had hired them to detain Paul in Alaska until ho Lack land should win a certain ladys hand and heart The second day after the startling incidents narrated above the little camp was broken all the dog sleds secured and porters packers and Esquimaux set out for the Klondyke Providence favored them for there was no snow fall during their march At the Klondyke Ethel Berry gave them a reception in her shanty Her amazement was unbounded to learn that Laura was In Alaska and still strangest of all Paul had found a father who had been dead twenty years Kate went to Dawson City and established her laundry though Jack tried hard to dissuade her She said until she was Jacks wife she would support herself and as there was no priest or parson on the Klondyke she saw no chance to marry until they left Kate did a big business that win ter and as soon as the spring of 1897 came and the pass was open our friends went to Juneau and took a ship for San Francisco Paul had not only recovered his gold but much more which he took out that winter while his father re covered his gold Jack Ralston was worth seventy five thousand dollars while Clarence Berry and his sweet brave little wife were rich several times over It was several months before the real fate of Lackland and his compan ions was known After their failure to abduct Laura Kean the three men dared not return to the land of civili zation but went to Sheep Camp One morning while the camp was still buried in sleep there came a peculiar rumbling sound from the southwest side of the mountain and like an avalanche the great glacier came rumbling thundering down burying tents and shanties and men beneath it Some fled and a few escaped but when the debris had cleared away several were missing Buried deep under the landslide were Lackland Cummins Allen Morris and Belcher Some one had gone on to Fresno and broke the news to Mrs Miller by degrees She could at first hardly be lieve her son alive and it was still more difficult to believe the husband whom she had for twenty years thought dead alive When she was told that she would see them that very day she swooned for ojy She was at the depot when the train came in and Captain Miller shaven and shorn and dressed in the garb of civilization looking twenty years younger than when a wanderer in the Klondyke stepped from the train to receive his fainting wife in his strong arms There was a wedding of course there was No story would be com plete without a wedding and in this there were two for Jack Ralston would insist on being married to his faithful Kate on the same day Laura and Paul were wedded Clarence and Ethel Berry who contributed so much to bring about the happiness of their friends were present and declared they never en joyed but one other event more that was their own wedding of course As these young people are wealthy beyond their fondest dreams as they have tasted the bitter cup of poverty and take delight in making others bappy it is safe to predict that their millions will not be squandered in frivolity but the world will be better by their having lived toiled and suf fered May they live long to enjoy the golden riches taken from the treasure house of the Ice King on the Klon dyke The End THOUGHT IT WAS PIGS Young Girls Apt Description of Cham pion Snorers Efforts Mr J has a great and growing rep j utation for snoring his intimate friends say he is in a class all by him self and cannot be matched A few summers ago while J and his wife were on a driving trip they stopped overnight at a hotel in Sulli van county says the New York Trib une The hotel was a frame building the bedrooms were divided by thin board partitions and the accoustic properties were so good that any sound much louder than a whisper in one room couid be distinctly heard in the room adjoining Shortly after J and his wife were shown to their room another party consisting of a mother and two young daughters arrived and were put in the room adjoining that of the Js That night J being very tired slept soundly and his wife says nobly sustained his reputation as a sound producer The next morning while they were seated at breakfast the new arrivals or the night before were ushered into the dining room and were given seats at the same table opposite J and his wife The younger daughter was of a very talkative disposition and after giving her views on things in general sud denly broke out with Oh mamma this place is just like the real country every time I woke up last night I could hear the pigs J and his wife resumed their driv ing trip immediately after breakfast In Hi3 Fathers Place Benham I believe our boy is gbing to be the fool of the family Mrs Benham Its quite probable its very likely that he will oatlive you TAEIFE AND POLITICS NO PROSPECT THAT THEY WILL BE SEPARATED So Long as the Democrats Keep Up Their Fight Against the Protection Policy the Two Parties Must Con tinue to Divide on That Line In the notable speech which he de livered upon the subject at Logans port Ind the President expressed the opinion that the tariff ought to be taken out of politics and treated on business principles simply as a busi ness proposition This Is a suggestion whose theoretical soundness does not admit of intelligent dispute All com petent and disinterested students of the question are agreed that the tariff constituting as it does the basis upon which the trade commerce and manu facture of the country aro conducted as a matter which ought not to be ex posed to the uncertainties of politics or subordinated to the interests of con tending political organizations There is nothing so harmful to business nothing which so certainly and promptly blocks the wheels of prog ress paralyzes the energy of the en terprising alarms the timidity of cap ital changes activity to stagnation and prosperity to distress as that feeling of uncertainty and suspense which is inevitably aroused by the demonstra tion of a serious danger that the schedules of the tariff may be dis turbed in manner antagonistic to the maintenance of the protective prin ciple This has been shown by experience time and again It has been shown upon every occasion when the de scribed demonstration has been made Business men if they are allowed suf ficient time can at the cost of a less or greater sacrifice adjust their tran sactions to almost any conditions which include the element of perma nency but they cannot do business except in a hand to mouth kind of way when they do not know from one day to another what to expect when they are without any assurance upon which to rest their calculations Mr Roose velt recognizes the truth of this as others have recognized it before him He perceives that nothing is more harmful to the national prosperity than to unsettle the public mind upon this question of the tariff and it is in order to avoid doing so that he wishes the divorce of the tariff from politics to be proclaimed He did not in his speech at Logansport exactly define the means whereby in his judg ment this result as to whose desir ability there will hardly be any seri ous difference of instructed opinion could be attained That lay beyond the scope of the occasion But he said enough to indicate that he favored the creation of an expert body to which should be intrusted the responsibility of determining in what cases and to what extent changes in the tarift should be made In other -words the President is inclined to think that the result he has in view could be at tained through the instrumentality of a tariff commission It might if congress would abdicate its powers and prerogatives in the premises and consent to be bound by such a commissions recommendations It might if the Democratic party would agree that the tariff is not rightfully and should not be made a political issue if it would admit that protection has been definitely and irrev ocably adopted as the national policy of the United States and that from among the possible planks included in its hetereogeneous collection the useful old plank of tariff for revenue only should be conclusively elimi nated Unfortunately or otherwise neither of these things is in the least likely to happen There was a tariff commission under the Presidency of Chester A Arthur and how much at tention does any one suppose that Congress paid to its recommenda tion No attention at all Congress will never submit to surrender any of its powers in this or any other connec tion while the possibility of the Demo crats agreeing that the tariff should be taken out of politics is simply un thinkable It follows that the Presidents vision of a time when the tariff will be treated by a body of experts as a business proposition is what the late Senator Ingalls might have called an iridescent dream The only safe guard against the evil of tariff tinker ing is still and is likely to remain the election of a stalwart Republican Congress Philadelphia Inquirer A Large Sized If If the tariff were taken out of poli tics as it ought to be says the Bos ton Journal It is a large sized if that qualifies this proposition The tariff cannot be taken out of politics so long as there is organized party re sistance to the principle and policy of protection If free traders were to abandon their hostility to the Ameri can system once and for all time then could the tariff be removed from politics but not until then And so long as the tariff remains In politics the tariff commission idea will not be realized Non partisanship on the tariff question does not exist Bi-partisanship would be an irrepressible conflict between the protectionists and the tree traders of the commission and its findings would win respect from no body The country will have to wait a long while before a tariff commission becomes anything more than a toy balloon for tariff tinkering theorists to play with The McKinley Idea I favor such reciprocity as will not take from one single American work Incman his job William McKinley PROSPERITY AS AN ISSUE With Men Who Are Making Money It Carries Great Weight It is not astonishing that tho Demo cratic leaders have been unablo to in terest tho country in tho so called issues upon which they aro trying to make tho coming campaign They found out as the last session of Con gress came to a close that the syndi cate of vituperation and the Boston junta had failed to create any popular dissatisfaction with tho sane and humane Philippine policy of the ad ministration Their signal failure to come to tho assistance of the senators who were trying to secure reciprocity with Cuba made any criticism of the party in power on that issue out of tho question and they turned in de spair to the trust and tariff questions The fact that they did not do so be fore shows that they realized the diffi culty of attacking the fiscal policy of the party under which tho present era of prosperity began There is a world of truth in the bald assertion that the issue of the day is prosper ity The country looks for bettor iegulation of the trusts there is a growing sentiment in favor of a re duction of certain duties but there is no inclination to jeopardize prosper ity The bank deposits of the country show in some measure what this prosperity had been In 1893 they amounted to 463049015G and in 1S97 to 519G847530 a gain of 506357374 In 1901 they amounted to 8535053 13G a gain of 3 338205G00 The dif ference in the bank deposits of tho country at the beginning and end of tcur years Republican administration was five times as great as it was at the beginning and end of the preceding Democratic administration Astute Democratic politicians must have seen that they could not hope to reduce much less overcome tie Republican Congressional majority in the face of such figures This accounts for tho way in which they have taken to the woods They were looking for cover long before Congress adjourned leav ing the callow orators from Tennesseo and Colorado to wrestle with defeat Until the Republican party is guilty of some astounding blunder or tho Democratic party undergoes regenera tion the people will be willing to heed the advice to let well enough alone It is not an inspiring campaign slogan but with men who are making money it carries great weight Chicago Trib une Not Now This paper is very glad to be count ed among those that favor tariff re vision The tariff schedules ought to be revised from time to time They always have been and always will be unlesst the party that believes in the tariff goes to sleep and dies in his own tracks Progress means changes changes in the tariff among others There is nothing in which this paper believes more sincerely But the ques tion of the time and the manner are important enough to be the essence of the whole matter In times like these of industrial prosperity on the one hand and industrial uncertainty as to the future on the other it is better to conserve than to tear up things through agitations Too many people have become excited on this question to permit calm action to be taken Tho tariff is too partisan and too factional a question now to permit business ac tion to be taken This strikes us as a good time to wait and watch and study We should not be surprised but what a whole revision of the tariff after the manner of the Dingley revi sion ought to be made following 1904 The present tariff was not made for all time but the principle under lying the tariff is still sound Cedar Rapids Republican Hypnotic Power To Statesmen Out of a Job Well gentlemen what do you want A change Nominate your poison State the remedy for a general tion of prosperity probably pled in this or any other country Howl to introduce paralysis in the cial world how to stop the hum of machinery how to reduce the demand for products of all sorts how to in- crease wants and diminish the means of satisfying them how to kill indus try to grow paupers to fill charitable institutions and empty workshops these are some of the questions to1 which the massive minds of states- men out of a job are now exclusively devoted The leap in the dark has been tried before The man who tries it knows when he strikes the solid earth In proportion to the distance he has toj fall is the jar when he stops going down Prudent men dont leap in thej dark They dont leap at all after they have reached a certain age Old bones are brittle It is easy to jump down It is terribly hard to jump up Chicago Tribune SCHEME DIDNT WORK CLEVER IDEA THE CAUSE OF MISUNDERSTANDING Possibility That Mrs Titus Might Be Wiser Than Her Mother Had Been Overlooked by the Conspirator Story With a Moral Mr Titus has it in for his father-in-law Tho old gentleman Is In no wise to blame but Titus has to fight it out with somebody so he vents his spleen on the leader of tho opposi tion It all came about through Titus close management Titus owns a fur niture store Ho is not a stingy man by any means but when he married and got ready to furnish a flat of ills own he concluded that it would bo a neat stroke of economy to rid his stoclc of a few pieces of old fashioned furniture that had been marked down 20 per cent by utilizing them In his own housekeeping Until tho advent of the sideboard his wife bore without complaining tho Importation of these antiquated mod els Then she revolted I wont have it she said decisive ly I didnt think that of you Georgo Titus I really didnt I never dream ed that you cared less for me than for the customers that came into your store If I had dreamed of such a thing I wouldnt have married you Titus was dumbfounded Why Laura he said what in the world is the matter with you There Is nothing the matter with me she retorted Its the sideboard It is old fashioned and of a horribly ugly pattern and I wont give it houseroom I want you to take It right back to the store If you dont Ill see father about It Titus meekly promised to think the matter over and later in the evening he saw father himself Oh you mustnt worry about a lit tle thing like that said his newly acquired relation consolingly Lauras like her mother Shes a lit tle touchy thats all Its easy enough to manage her when you know how Just give her rope enough and shell soon hang herself Titus hastened to explain that he was not anxious to precipitate any such tragedy thus early in his mar ried life and reverted to the side board Yes yes said the old gentleman Thats all right I saw the side board and a very nice one it is too the nicest one you had in the store in my opinion If Laura had seen it In the salesroom first she would prob ably have thought so too Youll have to cure her as I cured her mother Pretty soon after we were married she found fault with a sofa I had bought and declared she wouldnt have it in the house I moved the thing away and put it in a roomfull of other sofas The next day I took her down to the store and told her to take her choice whereupon she pick ed out the very identical sofa she had rejected the day before Id advisf you to play the same trick on Laura The plan will be sure to work Titus thanked his father-in-law fer vently I will said he Ill do it to mor row Early the next morning he had the sideboard carted back to the stor and in the afternoon he invited his wife to come down and select another one He led the way into a large room on the second floor where side boards of all shapes sizes and prices reflected the anxious faces of Mr and Mrs Titus as they passed to and fro in review of the shining wares Pres ently Titus adroitly directed her Into the aisle where the discarded side board stood in all its last years hu mility Mrs Titus spotted it ten feet away Good gracious George she said What did you put that thing in hero for Nobody will buy it Youll no er get ride of it unless you give it away It is too prehistoric for any use Then she went on a few stops further and chose the most expensho sideboard in the lot That is why Titus is mad at his father-in-law The old gentleman maintains that it is not his fault if Mrs Titus is smarter than her mother was at the same age but Titus hints conspiracy and storms most unreasonably Philadelphia Ledger WHY HE WAS EXEMPT Vitness Could Not See How Order Applied to Him Recently during the hearing of a charge of felony a young man was called to give evidence on behalf of the accused and was about to be sworn when the inspector informed their lordships that the witness had disobeyed the order for witnesses to leave the court The bench were almost inclined to refuse his evidence in consequence but the witness in the most innocent manner caused a burst of laughter which even the dignity of a whole row of judges was not proof against and the position was saved The inspector addressing the bench said In order that there should be no mistake I distinctly said All witnesses on both sidpa must leave the court until they are railed and then turning to the witness he said You must hac heard the order Yes at once responded the wit ness according to the Detroit News Tribune I did but I am not a wit ness on both sides