The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 14, 1902, Image 1

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Tho dancing and musical party which
had its setting in the Menard opora
houso Wednesday evening was one of
the most delightful and brillant social
afTairs of an unusually gay season
About 100 guests participated with
every appearance of real pleasure
Tho hosts and hostesses of tho even
ing Mr and Mrs Ray P Vahue Mr
and Mrs James Hatfield and Mr and
Mrs Frank S Vahue received their
many guests at tho hall door MrsOM
Knipple and Mrs Albert McMillen di
rected to the cloak rooms
Refreshments simple i n character
were served on tho stage Mrs P G
Westland and Mrs C II Boyle assisting
in this feature of the occasion
Miss Lillian Roman and Miss Lottie
Knipplo served punch from a cosily pro-
pared booth in a corner of tne mam hall
No eiFort was attempted in decorating
the main hall but tho stage was ren
dered very attractive by a liberal and
tasteful disposition of appropriate furni
ture portieres laco curtains rugs etc
Palms ferns chrysanthemums and
other floral effects together with a
pretty display of candelabra further
heightened the pleasing vision
Mr and Mrs II C Clapp led in tho
grand march after which followed the
evenings program to which were added
a few specials
An orchestra of four instruments fur
nished music for tho occaston
The several musical numbers on tho
program were warmly applauded and ar
tistically responded to in each instance
The following is the formal program
of the evening
Grnnd March
Duot Tell MnWill Mr Dream ComoTruo
Heoro H JJramliall Misses JUcUarl
lioninm Solo Tho Sonc That Reached
Mr Heart Jordan F A Pennoll
Two Stop
Solo Conquered Edward St Quentin
HC Clapp
Two Stop
Solo Tho Wind is Awake Homer N Bart-
lett IJlancho McCarl
Thursday afternoon from 2 to 5 Mrs
A J Chambers was at home to about
100 lady friends
The hostess received her guests at the
door and Mrs Sylvester Cordeal and
Mrs R M Douglass ushered into tho
several apartments The parlor was in
red American Beauty roses
The dining room was in red roses
and carnations and Mrs W T Cole
man and Mrs E D Reed assisted by
Mrs J H Moore and Mrs L W Stay
ner served tho refreshments which har
monized in color with the general color
Mrs C H Meeker assisted by Miss
Addie Doan presided in the coffee room
which was in blue and white serving
coffee and wafers White chrysanthe
mums were the floral feature
In an upstairs roomdecorated in green
each guest was presented with a hand
painted Au Revoir souvenir leaf by
Minnie Berry and Ida Anton
Clematis was used in profusion
throughout the house with tasteful
It was a very clever affair throughout
In the evening Mrs Chambers enter
tained the young ladies of the Awl Os
club and their invited gentlemen friends
in all a company of about fifty
Mrs Chambers welcomed the young
people at the door and Miss Addie Doan
Tho decorations of the afternoon re
ception remained intact for the soiree
Miss Marie Gibbons and Miss Maud
Cordeal assisted by Miss Nellie Smith
and Miss Kate Sawyer served refresh
ments in the dining room
In the coffee room Mrs R M Doug
lass and Mrs J G Schobel presided
ooriTinir rrffpft nnrl writers
Games absorbed the attention and oc
cupied the time Miss Laura McMillen
won the poetry guessing game ana a
handsome bouquet of American Beauties
Roy Kleven was successful in answering
the questions of another game and was
rewarded with a pretty bouquet of white
Piano numbers by Mrs Mabel Stran
aban and Miss Blanche McCarl and
vocal efforts by Misses Ida and Blanche
McCarl were among the items which
summed up an evening of much joyous
Ruby Fitzgerald was the object of a
happy surprise party by the girls of the
tenth grade Wednesday evening at her
liome on North Marshall The young
friends played various games light re
freshments were served there was music
and an enjoyable time generally
Mrs F M Kimmell entertained the
members of her Sunday school classlast
Saturday afternoon Games and refresh
ments made glad their youthful hearts
and each carried home a hand painted t
souvenir of the little party
ThA Awl OVs indulged in tho delights
of a taffy pull with pop corn trimmings
at the home of Mrs Mabel btrananan
Tuesday evening
Having purchased the paper and peri
odical business of Dr Green we shall
serve his old patrons with ours to the
best of our ability and deliver papers in
the future as in the past We solicit
your subscriptions for any paper book
or magazine published All papers and
accounts must be paid every month
Yours for patronage
Postoffick News Depot
It is not too late to get wall paper
remnants Just enough for a room at
ridiculously low prices at
McConnell fc Berrys
Two and a half yard Waist Patterns
in large variety at 41c 63 88c 125
150 and 200 per pattern at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Miss Mayme R Kino is a guest of
R E French
John Clark departed on G last Sat
urday niiiht for Albia Iowa
Mr and Mrs A Barnett drove over
to Danbury and back Sunday
Mrs E A Moranville of Red Cloud
is visiting her son James of our city
C F Babcock has- been in Omaha
this week serving on the federal jury
J M Sewell the Hastings elevator
man was a McCook visitor Sunday on
Postmaster J II Christner of Hayes
Center was a city visitor Monday on
Rev L J Harrington of Orleans
was registered at the Commercial hotel
Saturday night
J W Dolan of Indianola had busi
ness in McCook Wednesday coming up
to the capital Tuesday night
Mrs G A Norkn went down to Lin
coln Wednesday morning to visit her
daughtor Mrs Ralph Haggard a few
E B Perry of Cambridge who will
represent the 61th district in tho next
legislature had business in the district
court here this week
O G Vahue departed Sunday night
for his home in Allegan Michigan The
niece who has been visiting Mrs Ray P
Vahue accompanied him
L II Gray who was a clerk in the
U S land office during the
regime spent Tuesday in tho city
on his way east from Utah where he is
now living
Mrs J W Gray and daughter Miss
Grace Rowell departed on ll last Fri
day night for their homo in Mt Ayr
Iowa after a pleasant visit of a few
weeks hero with relatives
J N Purvis was down from Fremont
over Sunday He left for homo on 6
Monday night and will visit Hastings
friends briefly en route Jasper is well
pleased with his new home and is pros
Mr and Mrs Louis Suss returned
home Tuesday evening on 5 from a
short visit to his parents near Crete
They were accompanied by his two
daughters who will make their home
hero in the future
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Preaching services morn
ing and evening at usual hours by Rev
WF McCormich Services every even
ing of next week You are invited You
will be welcome to any or all of these
Congregational Sunday school 10
Preaching subject Reading Gods
Word 11 Y P S C E 8 Preach
ing subject Breaking Fast With
Jesus 8 Prayer meetiug Wednesday
evening 8 All are cordially welcome
Frank W Dean Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 945 a m
Preaching 11 a m and 8 p m Young
Peoples meeting 7 Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening8 RevSnyder will
preach at Zion Hill and Pickens school
house at the usual hours and help in tho
service in McCook Sunday evening
There will be baptismal services Sun
day morning G W White Pastor
The Kings Daughters will give a
social and eutertainment at the B M
eating house this Friday evening All
are invited
Gen G W Bailey will lecture at the
Baptist church on China and the Chi
nese Monday Tuesday and Wednes
day evenings November 24-25-26 and
on Tuesday afternoon November 25
A union Thanksgiving service will be
held at the Congregational church on
Thanksgiving morning The pastor of
the Methodist church will preach the
sermon No doubt the business houses
will all close for this service as they
have heretofore
Pastor Dean of the Congregational
church who is a member of the board of
trustees of the State Sunday School as
sociation is making arrargements to
have Profes or Steidley of Nashville
Tenn here for a union mass meeting
Sunday night Nov 23 Prof Steidley
is just enteriug upon his work as field
secretary for the Nebraska Sunday
School association and will speak on
Sunday school work See further notice
next week
The Dorcas Society Entertainment
Tho program for the social at the
Congregational church next Tuesday
night at S is to include about twenty
five of McCooks best known young
people Longfellows Lady Went
worth will be presented in pantomime
with ten characters Lowells The
Courtier will introduce Zekel Huldy I
and her ma The two patriotic tableaux
The Birth of the StarSpangled Banner
and The Union will stir your loyalty
and every musical number including
piano violin clarinet and vocal solos
and piano duets will please you At the
close the Dorcas society will serve a
fine supper A 25 cent ticket admits
to all
We Sell
Izzer Cotton Batts 10c American A
2 bushel seamless Grain Bags 16c
Best Table Oil Cloth 15c Best Carpet
Warp on spools 18c pound Best Apron
Checked Ginghams 5c yard Our own
make Bed Comforts 165 Dress Skirts
to your measure 8250 to S900 Mens
heavy fleece lined Underwear 38c
Ideal flannel and silk Waists 50c to
450 Mens winter weight Black Suits
Clothing 500 We solicit your trade
The Thompson Dry Goods Co One
price plain figures cash only
Remember the exhibit Nov 24 29
Anothei new lot ol books was received
this week among them Confessmns of
a Wife by Mar Adams This remark
able storv which has attracted so much
attention as it has been running serially
in the Century i already much talked
about The Omaha World Herald sas
of it Tho sources of popularity of
these confe sions are not far to seek
Tho leading socialogical questions of the
da are marriage and divorce and the
author treats of them profoundly The
book presents not onl a series of inter
esting incidents but treats with sin
cerity and not flippam y of the trials of
a sensitive high strung wife deserted by
her husband The book is written in
the form of a dian and letters which
tell the heart and soul story of Maurice
Trent wildern ss girl and deserted wife
It is wholesome and intensely absorbing i
Another new book is The Little
White Bird by Barrio Miss Gilder
in the Chicago Tribune says of it It
seems almost like a parable or an alle
gory for it is fantastic in its manner yet i
with a gentle touch of humor running
through all anil side by side with these
touches of humor little touches of
pathos for which the humor would
to apologize When yuu sit down to
read it ou have to give your mind to it
otlierwi e you wont know what it is all
about It is not necessarily so profound
that one must keep his wits about him
but it is so touch and go It is a
charming story even better than Sen
timental Tommy ai d shorter
really a new kind of a novel
The Orohsird House home of Louise
M Alcott author of Little Women is
about to be sold again In 1884 it was
was sold to W T Harris with the
authors consent Although the home
ot Miss Aleott her parents and sifters
for twenty -five ears she had no senti
mental feeling about its sale as she said
that places had no hold on her when the
persons who made the memories were
gone This time it will probably pass
into the hands of a Boston broker It
is situated in the old town of Concord
No wonder that the citizens of the town
so full of historic landmarks do not pre
serve them for future generations
Dri and I Janice Meredith and To
Have and to Hold are books for which
calls have been made They are now on
the shelves Pools Index will bo here
as soon as published Among the new
juveniles are City Boys in the Woods
Through the Farm Yard Gate Little
Helpers Guess and Guess Again
The books in the library are abso
lutely free to all and yet some are abus
ing the privilege by taking out a
lar book reading it and then loaning it
to those w ho have not taken the trouble
to procure application cards or place
their names on our books as readers
The football team will meet the Frank
serious illness of her sister
The program for the assembly
morning was as follows
Morning hymn School
Vocal solo Mis C L Fahnestock
Piano solo Miss Mabel Stranahan
Song School
March Bessie Peterson
Report to board of education for the
month ending October 31 1902
grades McCook schools
Numbers of boys- enrolled 377
Number girls enrolled 410
Transferred 26
Withdrawn but not reentered 51
Present membership
Average daily attendanceboys 312
Average daily attendancegirls358
Average number belonging
Per cent of attendance on en
Per cent of attendance on num
ber belonging
Not absent during month
Half days absence
Cases of tardiness
Number persons tardy
Visits by superintendent
Visits by others
Half dajs teachers were absent
Betz Groves Marriage
District court proceedings will appear
in full in next weeks issue
For Sale First class folding bed
Inquire at Morgans clothing store
Fur Scarfs 125 to 4 50
175 to 6 00 Muffs SI 25
The Thompson D G Co
to 350 at
No North No South The Union
Forever See the tableau at the Con
gregational church Tuesday evening
The Tribune and The American Boy
one year each for 150 Send to the
Sprague Publishing Co Detroit Michi
gan for a copy of the October number
Oscar Sampson spent part of last week
visiting Oxford
George Casten has moved into quar
ters over James McAdams storo
Otis Farrer has gone to Havelock and
entered the waterier vice of tho company
Major E M Snyder was a guest of
Switchman A P Ely Red Cloud close
of last week
The lepair house in the Burlington
yard at Hastings was damaged by fire
Sunday night
Switchman M G Stephenson now oc
cupies tho north half of the old Athletic
club quarters
M E Wells of Sheridan Wyoming
has been here part of the week on busi
ness of inspection
Agent W F Pexton of Stamford and
A Draper agent at Bird City have
swapped stations
Conductor Steve Dwyer was down
from Denver Saturday last on business
and to visit relatives
Frank R Dobson of tho boilermaking
department has been suffering with
rheumatism for the past day or two
Night Operator Louis Ma tthis of Arap
ahoe has been transferred to Blue Hill
and R L Berger operator at Blue Hill
goes to Arapahoe
The new telescope air jacks for raising
locomotives have arrived and are in use
With them an engine can be raised with
It is j the greatest ease
Dr J A Denny of Chicago superin
tendent of tho Burlington Voluntary
Relief was here on a trip of general in
spection this week
Tho Santa Fe flyer New York to San
Francisco will make the run in 84
hours This Calilornia limited goes
into effect November 16th
F O Gray formerly agent at Indian
ola late of Provo Utah has returned
to Nebraska and is now at Arapahoe
He expects to reenter the Burlington
I The shopboys met the Ilolbrook corn
i huskers on the gridiron at Ilolbrook
1 last Friday and in tho ensuing contest
with the pigskin were shut out by a
score of 6 to 0
j Master Mechanic Archibald and Fore
man Ward went up to Denver last night
on No 3 to set tho foundation for a
gasoline engine and air compressor in
the Denver shop
j Agent W Bardon of Oberlin Kansas
who has been away on a vacation re-
I turned to duty Wednesday Acting
1 Agent E N Stever was the supply dur
ing his absence
Mrs B S Marvins sister Mrs Ttfc
Clungof Indianola arrived Tuesday to
This is manifestly unjust to the others make a visit here Mrs
as by that method the book does not re
turn to be sent out again on cards We
desire to give all a fair chance therefore
readers will please return books as soon
as read
McUlung is
lin boys Saturday on the academy just out of the shops from McCook first
Inspector J W Crabtree of tho state
university visited our schools Wednes
day afternoon
invalid and has stopped in tho city here
tofore Alliance Times
The engine of No 148 and three
freight cars were off the track in the
Bartley yard Wednesday morning
caused by a rail turning The damage
was slight and no one was hurt
Engineer Benedict brought engine 120
of the week and traded for engine 45
Engineer Vierson will hold the throttle
on the new engine Oxford Standard
A V Zenor a Burlington switchman
Miss Mary Powers was summoned to was killed at midnight last night by a
Trenton Thursday morning by
switch train crossing Nineteenth street
He was caught between a boxcar and a
platform and crushed to death by the
slowly moving car Saturday evening
Times Denver
The Burlington section men are tak
ing up the switch track at Enders and
putting it in at Woods Bros ranch
This is a great convenience for the
ranch and is no detriment to the ship-
ping public as it was never used by any
one but Woods Bros for the past two
years Imperial Republican
Dispatcher W F Pate has gone up to
Sheridan Wyoming on a short visit
and will be accompanied on his return
by Mrs Pate who has been visiting rel
atives there for a few weeks J S
Chambers has had his trick meanwhile
and Roy Kleven has been assistant dis
patcher and on duty from 12 midnight
to 8 in the forenoon
The carpenters have placed in the K
C depot 200 new cells for telegraph pur
poses The sixty old cells were taken
out of the waiting and the new ones
have been placed in a room by them
selves in the east part of the building
The telegraph line will be extended
direct to Lincoln without relay at Sutton
as now All this indicates that the
south line of the B M will be moved
up and Alma will become the most lm
nd raiad statio
Tuesday morning at the National hotel porntRtelrpphu and
Kev j u Wnite united in marriage
John Betz and Mrs Loretta Grovesboth i
well known residents of Coleman pre
cinct about fifteen miles northwest of
the city The groom is 64 years of age
the bride 59
Jkl uuu ir U -- imv Ui
McCook Alma Journal Nov 7th
The Burlington was strongly repre
sented here officially last night at the
monthly meeting of the Railway Mens
club Among those in attendance were
Asst General Supt Rhodes of Lincoln
Master Mechanic Hawksworth of Platts
mouth Chief Piecework Inspector
Brickerof Lincoln Chief Draughtsman
Fitt of Lincoln General Foreman M E
Wells of Sheridan General Foreman
Ballance of Denver Round house Fore
man Callahan of Denver Foreman Hol
lister of Red Cloud Foreman Burton of
J Oxford Foreman Hutchinson of Hold-
rege Foreman Paver of Akron
Johnnie Morrissey is a past master in
the fine art of suggestion and has an
altitudinous standing with the boys at
telegraph headquarters as a hypnotist
of rare skill and practical utility When
he is moved to a hankering desire for
a succulent juicy stew the mere sugges
tion to Roy Kleven who is subject to
If you are an early bird after holiday Johnnies winsome winning wavs and
goods dont overlook the best stock from occult influences that Bob Simmons
which to select goods in Southwestern natal day is a condition and not a theory
Nebraska Sutton the jeweler and immediately fills the dispatchers quar
dealer in musical instruments I tors with the rich flavor of a half
dozen stews of choicest blue points In
Everybody enjoys seeing and hearing such and other ways does Johnnie put
the little folks They are given j to good account his turn for innocent
nent parts on the program at the Con- practical jokes and by the same token
gregational church next Tuesday night i reduce Roys chances of celestial bliss j
Be sure to see and hear them and a twanging harp
Death of Fireman Irvin Brlgner
Irvin Bripner who find lunn ill fnr
tho past two weeks and who has hov
ered close to deaths doc r for several
days passed into peaceful rest early
Tuesday morning
Several weeks ago ho came homo from
his work near Hastings and took to his
bed having an attack of what was pro
nounced typhoid fever After a months
sickness ho went back to his work again
apparently in good health Oetobor
15th however ho again camo home ill
and aftor a consultation it was decided
that he was afliicted with abscess of the
liver Sinco that timo until his demiso
he had been a natient sufferer md nl
ized throughout that ho was in his last
Deceased was industrious and saving
and leaves many friends who will learn
with regret of his death Tho funeral
was hold yesterday afternoon from tho
Presbyterian church and was conducted
by Rev Edwards of Orleans assisted by
S S Cameron of this citv Thn flnrnl
offerings wero many and beautiful and
nttesieu to tne nign regard in which ho
was held during his life Tho A O U
W lodge of this city of which ho
was a member and in which he carried
an insurance policy for 1000 had tho
services in charge and acted as his pall
bearers Ho also had 1000 in tho B
ofL F A large procession of sorrow
ing friends followed the remains to their
last resting place in the Oxford cemetery
George Irvin Brigner was born in
Hamilton county this state December
28 loo and camo to this part of tho
country in 1885 In 1890 he moved to
Oxford where he remained until about
threo years ago when ho went to Mc
Cook to firo on tho railroad He re
signed last spring and went to work
for a short timo on a Texas railroad
sinco which time ho has been running a
thresher near Ilastir gs From the latter
place he came to Oxford which proved
to bo his last homecoming Oxford
Standard November 7th
Union of Two Beaver Families
Alfred Ashton and Miss Nancy DeMay
were married at Oberlin Kansas Wed
nesday November 5th 1902 Judge J
W Norris ofliciating
The bride the only daughter of Dr
and Mrs W A DeMay was born in
Redwillow county and has grown to
womanhood in our midst A graduate
of the Danbury high school an accom
plished lovable woman
Alfred Ashton is Mr and Mrs J C
Ashtons only son and is also a home
grown product of the far famed Beaver
valley and like his father who was tho
first man to try alfalfa in this country
is-a-progressive farmer and stock raiser
tending four to six hundred acres of the
best bottom land every year Danbury
News November 6th
A Dorcas Society Social
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church will give a social in the
church on the evening of next Tuesday
November 18th There will be an inter
esting program of pantomimes tableaux
music etc and refreshments of tho usual
standard The price of admission is 25
cents and the ladies propose to make the
affair worth while
How Many Has McCook
Alliance cast a total vote of but 348
for governor McCooks totnl vote for
governor was 623 and it was a very
small vote at that Alliance is credited
with a census population of over 2500
McCook is given 2225 by the 1900 cen
sus Alliance claims over 3000 popula
tion How many has McCook
Retail Clerks Union No 612
Retail Clerks Union No 612 of our
city is arranging to give its first annual
ball in the opera house Tuesday even
ing November 25tb Tickets 100
The clerks are preparing to give the
public a nrst class dance and hope to
receive a liberal patronage
For Sale
Bed room set lounge refrigerator
Riverside range Round Oak heater and
a quantity of canned goods Inquire of
S A Moore
J H Thuman of Cambridge a well-
known cattle and hog breeder as well as
a chicken man has accepted the office
of superintendent of the coming chicken
show This offire was left vacant when
David Magner left McCook Mr Thu 1
man will look well to the interest of the
association in the east end of the county
which together with the largo number
of fowls coming from Trenton and other
western towns will make the exhibition
well worth attending j
Our Ladies 1000 Jackets contain the
best cloth and best lining obtainable
The style the most correct the stitching
and finishing the acme of perfection
the price we challenge comparisons
anywhere Our Ladies 800 675 and
490 garments are great values For
Children and Misses both long and
short garments 100 to 900 The
Thompson Dry Goods Co j
His heart went pit-a-pat but hern j
went pity Zekel Come and see thenii
at the Congregational church Tuesday
Remember that dainty Majestic i
lunch at W T Colemans Nov 24 29
Everybody invited Dont get left i
Ladies and Childrens thick warm
Woolen underwear at The Thompson
Dry Goods Cos
Do you expect to be in the Xmas
trade A n advertisement in The
Tribune will help
All kinds and all prices of Underwear
from 8c a piece up to 200 atThe Thomp
son D G Co
Remember the date of the Clerks
first annual ball November 25th 1902
First class meats of all kinds at the
B M meat market
seoraska tirM HiLUr
OT ttlh tin
Remember Novombor 21th to 2flth
The Triuunk is only 100 a year
Savo money on drugs at McMillenH
Sugar beets for salo C W Gloheen
It pays to trade with Cone Bros
Try it
Scalo books for sale at Tint Tkiuunk
A lino lino of gold plato lamps at
McMillen s
Hnvn vnn riwul Hw fJ M f V olv
I Dont got left
Threo rooms for rent Inquire of
Frank Traver
Go to C L DeGroff Cos for
Sorosis Skirts
Some good valuos in Petticoats at CL
DeGroff Cos
Tho B M mcatrmarket sells the
best of everything in their lino
Tho best stationery and finest per
fumes at Cono Bros drug storo
Ladies solid black satino Wrappers at
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Ping Pong and Table Tennis 50cts to
6500 por set McConnell it Berry
Ping Pong Flinch combination garao
boards 50 games in one at McMillons
Wanted A girl for general house
work Inquiro at residence of II M
A large stock of holiday goods now on
hand at McMillens a good time to
An excellent room furnished for rent
in tho Everist residence Call at resi
You want the best at a right price
You will get it at tho B fc M meat
Are you getting tho worth of your
money If not subscribe for The Mc
Cook Triuunk
Ladies extra sizes in ribbed fleece
lined Vests and Pants at Tho Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos
See the modern cooking wonder the
Majestic Range at W T Colemans
Nov 21 29 Dont get left
Gunthers candy is scrupulously clean
absolutely pure
McConnell Bkrry
Dont fail to seo the Great Majestic
Range bake biscuits in three minutes at
W T Colemans Nov 24 29 Dont
get left
Dont be a fish See the wall paper
snaps at Cones Bros before you buy
We know where you will buy if you
Youll miss a rare treat if you do not
attend the grand Majestic cooking ex
hibit at W T Colemans Nov 21 29
Dont get left
Handvear of all kinds from 10c to
150 a pair Misses and Ladies Golf
Gloves 25c and 50c The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Cards with envelopes to match for at
homes receptions etc for sale at Triu
unk office Same neatly printed rea
sonable if desired
The amendments both carried in Red
willow county The vote on the amend
ments was For 512 against 125 On
the bounties For 800 against 139
Dr Brvson the new book written by
Mr Spearman and all the other new
issues for sale at
McConnell Berrys
The Postofiico News depot will receive
a new complete and up-to-date stock of
Standard patterns about the 15th Also
fashion sheets and new patterns every
Childrens flece liued Union Suits for
25c Others at 30c Others at 50c and
90c Childrens fleece lined Sleeping
Garments 50c The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
A night cap social will be given in the
M E church next Thursday evening
November 20th 8 p m Refreshments
Baskets 25c Everybody come and have
a good time
A set of 17 copper steel and enameled
cooking utensils well worth 750 abso
lutely free with evert Majestic Rang
soldat W T Colemans Nov 21 29
Dont get left
Our holiday goods are arriving We
have more novelties and odd pieces this
year than ever before Come in and see
them in advance of the rush
McConnell Berry
Are you satisfied with your business
If so advertising has no attractions for
you If you are not and want to in
crease its volume a little newspaper
publicity will help
No ware made compares with th
Majestic The full set is worth 750
but were going to give a set free with
everv Majestic Range sold at our ex
hibit Nov 24 29 W T Coleman
Dont get left
It is a supreme satisfaction to every
housekeeper who takes pride in the
quality of her cooking and in the ease
and comfort with which she accom
plishes the highest results in cookery
The Great Majestic
Lebanon claims the oldest voter in
Redwillow county in the person of M
Devoe who came to the polls Tuesday
and cast his vote Born in 1807 voted
for Andrew Jackson in 1828 and has
voted at every presidential election since
that date Danbury News