The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 07, 1902, Image 7

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i iiifl m
Atrtborot Mysterious Mr Howard Till
Dork Stranger Charltc Allcudaloa
Donble Etc
Copjrctsbt 1877 bj Bobxbt BOKKEB 8031
All rtcbu reMrred
CHAPTER XI Continued
What do you think it is captain
Paul asked his companion
It is not a stone Crack lash
No I can see it move
That is why I know that it is an
animated object
Perhaps it is a horse
The old man shook his head say
No horse could climb these steeps
Then it may be a polar bear
More likely that than a horse and
yet I think it is neither as a polar
bear is white and this object has
some black spots on it
They journeyed on until nightfall
and went into camp in a spot some
what screened by rocks Next day
they resumed their weary march
through the most desolate country
The skies became overcast and the
A snow began to fall in great white
flakes which rapidly covered the
When night camo they halted under
the shelter of some rocks and thick
bushy top spruce pine A blanket was
stretched over them forming a par
tial shelter
We are almost out of food the
captain said as they ate a small por
tion of the dried moose meat
How are we to replenish our
I dont know
It was a painful subject to discuss
Their chances of ever reaching a civ
ilized camp were gloomy indeed
Pauls fortitude was tried to its ut
most when weak and faint he was
continually spurred on by the remem
brance that Laura was in the wilds of
About the middle of the afternoon
the snow ceased falling ana the two
men trudged on sinking into the
white covering almost to their knees
Suddenly the hermit stopped and
Do you see that
He was pointing to a trail made In
the snow by some animal and Paul
Yes what made it a bear
No It is either a dog or wolf
The thought of a supper on either
was repulsive and the two trudged
on in silence A mile farther they
saw a white dog with black spots on
the side of his head drinking at one
of the lakes Paul reached for his
rifle but the captain said
No dont shoot him he may prove
our friend
Paul began to call and whistle to
the dog using terms like the Esqui
maux The animal gave them a look
of surprise and then bounded toward
them yelping In his joy at meeting a
human companion
He has a collar about his neck
said Paul
I say captain if we release him ho
will go back to his master will he
Then we may make a courier of
him Let us write a message tie it
to his collar and send him away
An excellent idea
Paul had a small strip of seal skin
and under the embankment he dug
out a bit of red chalk or ochre usully
called keel and dressing one end to
a pencil point wrote
We are in the forest out of food
and starving Follow on the trail at
once and find us
When this had been fastened about
the dogs neck he was released and
sent bounding away through the for
When the dog courier had been dis
patched with his message the two
men trudged on a mile or two farther
and halted Evening was approach
ing and they were on the banks of
a lake in a marsny ground covered
with a thicket of bushes Here they
built a small fire and made a supper
on a part of their slender stock of
Suddenly they were startled by a
crashing in the bushes accompanied
by a snort half of terror and half of
defiance Paul seized his rifle and
both leaped to their feet
A moose
The captain nodded
It is our only chance for life
Again the captain nodded Paul
gave him an inquiring glance and the
captain made a sweeping motion with
his left hand at the same time dis
appearing on the right
Slowly and carefully through the
melting snow and tangled thickets
Paul groped his way holding his rifle
in one hand and parting che bushes
with the other Hour after hour he
trudged on pausing occasionally to
listen At last he was about to give
iup and return to the camp when the
crashing of the bushes not far off
again aroused his hopes
Suddenly a dark object loomed up
through the night He only caught
a glimpse of it and before he could
raise his rifle to his shoulder it was
Wet to the waist tired out and de
spairing he sank down upon a stone
to rest A dense fog had settled over
the low ground and Paul felt damp
and ckilly He was stunned and con
fused and only half conscious when
there came on his ears the sound of
splashing feet
I Next he was conscious of a large
dark object coming through the
woods A large animal was drinking
at the lake Ho roused himself In a
moment raised his gun brought it to
his shoulder and without hardly tak
ing aim Xrcd
There was a wild spasmodic leap
a splafening and plunging Ho flred
again and again at the struggling
beast With a snort of agony it made
a few plunges blindly Into the thick
et and fell
Paul roused himself In a moment
and rushed to its side Despair quick
ly gave way to joy for here was food
The moose was a giant In size and
would furnish them with food for
days He cut its throat with his knife
and then for the first time thought of
his companion He called aloud and
flred a shot in the air but only the
echoes answered him
He will get on my trail and follow
me thought Paul and began to skin
the dead moose without feeling in
the least uneasy Having at last com
pleted his task ho built a fire and
cutting off some of the choicest steaks
began to broil them over it Paul had
been on short rations a long time and
never steak tasted better
Paul wrapped himself in his blank
et and lay down by the fire to warm
himself and dry his clothing The
night passed in troubled dreams
When he awoke it was broad day
When it was noon and Pauls com
panion did not come he began to feel
uneasy Could it be they were lost
To become separated he thought
would be fatal to both He roasted
and packed away all the moose meat
he could carry and after another rest
less night started out to return to the
spot where he had last seen his com
The lowering skies portended anoth
er storm and before he had gone five
miles the snow was falling in blind
ing fury completely obliterating the
trail For hours and hours Paul stag
gered on until he came upon a great
high wall of stone which barred his
farther progress and partially shelt
ered him from the driving storm
He spread his blanket above him
and finding some dry pine sticks
kindled a little fire over which he
stretched his half frozen fingers His
suffering throughout that night was in
tense and it is a wonder that he did
not perish
But -morning came and cold and
hungry anl In despair he crept away
from the great cliff under shelter of
which he had passed such a miser
able night
He reached a deep ravine in which
was a great deal of dry pine wood
and he proceeded to make a fire The
fire blazed and roared and gave out a
generous heat He was soon warmed
and wrapping his blanket about him
slept throughout the day Night came
and he awoke and building another
fire slept throughout the night
Next day the sky was clear and he
started on his wandering going in the
direction of the Yukon He slept that
night in the shelter of a rock and the
next morning started again on his
About the middle of the forenoon
he saw a party of men coming toward
him and shouted and danced for joy
He ran to meet them yelling like a
At last he came up with them The
leader was a tall man about his own
age He gazed on the being whom
hardship exposure and toil had so
completely metamorphosed that he
was unrecognizable and asked
Who are you and what are you
Paul started back with an exclama
tion of horror and well he might He
was face to face with his most bitter
enemy Theodore Lackland
It is necessary at this point in our
story that we take leave of Paul for
the time being and return to the brave
girl whom we left hastening to the
dangers and wilds of the polar world
for the man she loved
Laura kept up bravely so long as
she could discern the form of Mrs
Miller on the dock but when it faded
from view she fell upon a steamer
chair and burst into tears A hand
hardened by toil and softened by love
was laid upon her shoulder and a low
gentle voice whispered in her ear
Dont cry pretty one Its a hard
lot yeve chosen but theres a rich
promise in the future for ye
Looking up she saw the kind face
of the woman called Kate Willis bend
ing over her
I know child Its tough on ye t
go away from friends and relations
perhaps but yell find friends where
yer goin thatll be true to ye
I dont doubt you my good woman
I dont doubt you Laura declared
Pardon this weakness and let me as
sure you that it will not last long
The knowledge that I shall perhaps
never see the face of that dear friend
has quite overwhelmed me for the
time being
Oh its nothin my dear after ye
git used to it but gittin used t its
the trouble I tell ye Laura Ill look
after ye when we git to Alaska Ye
shant work Ill do it for ye Them
pretty little hands shant do any
thing to spoil em
I am not going to the Klondyke to
work answered Laura
Not goin there V work
That is I am not going to dig
gold from the mines
Well what are ye goin for
It was a long sad story but Laura
was a confiding creature and told her
When she had finished tears were
trickling down the fui rowed cheeks of
her companion
Ah child yer story is so like my
own I can but believe yer livin over
my own sad life When I was young
like you and some said pretty I had
a lover a gallant young sailor lad
He always told me how he loved me
and wouldnt never marry another
We were gom t be married when
jack came back from the next eruisa
He was tired o tho sea and I was
tired o havln him go away so much
so we decided that It was to be the
last voyage He sailed t the north in
the Arctic seas somewhere an never
came back Sho sobbed a moment
in silence and resumed
A long time I couldnt give him up
I didnt believe that he was dead but
at last I had to give In that ho was
Two years after a sailor came into
port who had been in Jacks crew and
he told how Jack and his captain had
been led out into the forest by savages
on promises o findin a great amoua
o gold and both killed
Laura who was very much interest
ed in her sad story asked
Why are you going to tho Klon
I am goin where I kin make
money where I kin git rich and help
young people so they wont suffer
as I have
From that time on they became the
best of friends They were together
most of the time and exchanged hopes
and fears and both kneeled at nighS
to ask God for guidance in their
course in the future
Their long voyage was at last enT3
ed The great engine was slowly puf
fing as the vessel was driven slowly
into the bay
The vessel ran to within three
fourths of a mile of the shore and
dropped anchor
They had been discovered by the
people on shore who were wavicg
handkerchiefs and hats firing guns
and pistols in the air The boats were
lowered and mn climbed Into them
Dont be in a hurry to go child-
whispered Kate who exercised a sort
of motherly control over the girl
Theres anotner ship in
Where did it come from Laura
San Francisco Im thinkin Fact
I know its from San Francisco
Poor Laura little dreamed who had
come on that vessel starting after
she did but beating her to the land of
gold Even had she known whom the
vessel brought she would not have
been able to guess his object in com
ing to this country
They went out on deck again to
find it cleared of passengers Another
boat was lowered and they were asked
if they wished to go ashore
Certainly said Laura They de
scended to the rocking boat and were
pulled ashore by eight sturdy oars
men A porter came from the boat
with her pretty whie bag which
seemed in harmony with the upotless
purity which surrounded them
She thanked him and gave him a
silver dollar for his trouble Then
she turned to go with Kate to the
hotel when she suddenly stopped
started back and with a cry of alarm
fell into the arms of Kate Willis Be
fore her stood Theodore Lackland a
smile on his contemptible features
Kate Willis was dumbfounded at the
conduct of her charge She knew the
girl had unexpectedly met some one
and the meeting was highly disagree
able but could not of courss under
stand the true cause Kate knew the
man before her was the cause of the
trouble and at once began to berate
You unprincipled scoundrel she
cried What do you mean bv comin
here to frighten this poor child to
In a moment Laura had recovered
her self possession while Kate con
You ugly hatchet faced spider
legged kangaroo You flannel mouthed
red headed dude with brutes milk
eyes You three card monte faro
bank shark with a tongue as black as
your heart You
That will do Kate interrupted
Laura regaining her speech Thii
mans sudden appearance startled
To be continued
As to Two Evils
Theodore Hallam one of the mosi
celebrated of legal practitioners once
defended a burglar and the case gav
him a story that he never tired of tell
ing The prosecuting attorney was
fighting vigorously and had the de
dendants wife on the stand
You are the wife of the prisoner
he asked her
Yes she replied
Did you know his mode of life
when you married him
I did sir
Will you tell us then went on
the prosecutor surprised by this ad
mission how you came to contract
an alliance with one of his kind
Well she answered Ingenuously
I was getting on the other girls had
all been married and I at last had no
choice but between him and a lawyei
who was courting me
Look Out for Your Pate
So pate is slang for head eh
Wherefore Surely the word is used
in a trivial or derogatory sense as
noodle noggin cranium brain pan
etc but its origin is eminently re
spectable Shakespeare says the
learned pate ducks to the golden
fool Popes epigram is good
You beat your pate and fancy wit
will come
Knock as you please theres no
body at home
We have bald pate and shave
pate Why the word is used once
in the Bible and by David in Psalm
vii 16 His mischief shall return
upon his own head and his violenf
dealing shall come down upon hi
own pate Accurately pate does nof
mean the head but the crown of thf
Preventing Lead Poisoning
Improvements in the arrangements
of two large factories in England re
duced the number of cases of lead
poisoning in one year from 173 to 74
Author of Mysterious Mr Howard Tfas
Bark Stranger Charllo Allendales
Double etc
Copyright 1897 by Rodbbt Bohxksi Sons
All rtzbu reserred
Dye know him Kate asked
Yes I have seen him
Ye know no good o him I be
bound and Im one as is not slow in
expressin my mind about such cat
Dont Kate I beseech you
All the while the marble white faco
of Theodore was unmoved
Is this your hand bag Laura he
asked picking up tho pretty white
bag where the porter had left it
Let me carry it to the hotel for
you This good woman will assist
you come there is but one hotel in
the place and there is no missing it
It is a long way from the landing with
no cable line
In a maze the unfortunate Laura
was led from the landing back toward
the hotel She had left home hoping
to be rid of her persecutor and found
him waiting at the landing for her
She longed to know and yet dreaded
to ask him why he had come to
Alaska Her heart told her he was
on his way to the Klondyke and sho
felt a straige dread of him
On reaching the hotel which was a
miserable affair made of boards and
but roughly finished she ordered a
room and was taken to it Kate was
assigned a miserable little apartment
near the kitchen where she could
smell the beef roasting and hear the
cooks quarreling
Laura had not been long in her
apartment when there came a tap at
her door and a boy with tangled red
hair entered and said
Ef yer please mum thars a feller
downstairs who gin me this keard fer
ye an says hed like ter chin yes a
Laura took the small neat card
from the dirty hand of the boy and
glancing at it read the name of Theo
dore Lackland Should she see him
She knew the interview must come In
fact she wished for it on her own ac
count so why not have it at once
understand each other and have it
over with
She told the boy that she would see
the stranger at once and he bowed
his red head and retired from the
apartment She nerved herself for
the coming interview
There came a light rap at the door
Come in she said
The door opened and Theodore
Lackland entered the apartment
There was an insidious smile on his
face as he said
You did not expect to meet me
did you
I certainly did not she answered
her eyes growing round with astonish
I hope my appearance did not
cause any unpleasant shock to your
nerves and now that it is over I trust
you will be glad to have a friend in
this strange wild land
There was a short pause after
which he went on
I will be frank with you Miss
Kean I came that I might be near
I am capable of taking care of my
self she answered
But while I concede all that I
reasoned that you were coming to a
land beset by many dangers and
could not feel comfortable in the
thought that you were alone I had
leisure and means and consequently
why not devote them to your ser
vice Oh Laura and he drew his
chair a little nearer to her I know
you spurn me I know you believe me
to be a deceitful hypocrite but I am
not so bad as you think I am your
friend your best friend if you will
only permit me
I cannot
You have mistaken me all along
Perhaps at times I have but I
know you now
Laura will you listen to me a
moment just one moment
Yes I will have to do so as I have
no other choice
His voice regained its calmness but
his manner was still agitated
I may serve you even yet he
said I have done you much wrong
I know that and him too I did
you and him a wrong knowing I
would repent it to the last hour of
my life but I was driven to it I had
no power to resist it it mastered me
then it masters me now
Theodore had risen and took a step
Laura he said and his voice fell
to a broken whisper I love you so
I can see you the wife cf another if
he can make you more happy than I
Do you believe there can be an unsel
fish love I know it and I swear that
f you can be more happy as the wife
of Paul Miller then I will go with
rou all over the world to find Paul
Miller and if he be living will find
him and give him to you
His words had produced a profound
effect on Laura and she could only
gaze on him in wonder Overwhelm
ed by the ardent manner of the man
she was speechless and dumbfounded
When she could regain her voice she
Heaven forgive me Mr Lackland
If I have done you injustice
I freely forgive you It is so diffi
cult for us to understand each other
that we are continually blundering
and making mistakes But now that
aiy motives are plain now that you
see how unselfish I am I hope you
will tmst mo implicitly You may
think you havo money sufficient to
push tills search and may bo mis
taken all I ask of you Is that you
allow mo to furnish the funds you
need You shall not lack means to
find Paul
Tho man watched with anxious eyes
the face of tho girl to read tho im
pression his great generosity would
It was favorable and his delight ar
rho discovery was almost diabolical
Thank you Laura You have made
mo supremely happy by accepting my
favor I will endeavor to find Paul
for you We will go together and do
all that can be done to find him
Ho bowed and went out She bow
ed her face in her hands and wept
My heart misgives me she sob
bod He talks fair and seems hon
est but something within keeps say
ing Trust him not
Ben Holton who had remained be
hind to look after her heavier luggage
arrived at the hotel and went to con
sult with his mistress about some
missing packages On his way to her
room he met Lackland and was much
astounded to see a man whom he
thought in Fresno that he was half
inclined to think himself mistaken
I say Miss Laura was a feller in
here a minit ago he asked
He looked just like Lackland
It was Lackland
Well Miss Laura I jist bo dod
gasted if hes here for any good Hes
after grub stakes ye kin depend on et
Look out for him
She then told her faithful employe
the proposition he had made and old
Ben listened carefully to her and at
the conclusion said
Ill bet my head for a football that
its a salted mine hes a plantin Dont
ye bite at his bait Miss Laura dont
ye bite
Laura was more distressed after the
departure of Ben Holton than before
She began to realize how utterly help
less she was
There was quite a change in the
expression on Lacklands face after
he left Lauras room All the benevo
lence and unselfish concern for the
girls welfare gave way to a look of
selfishness and he chuckled in tri
I will have her yet She will be
wholly in my power A few weeks
more another turn of the cards and
the game is mine
At a low groggery in the town he
found his two employes Ben Allen
and Horsa Cummins
Well how are you faring asked
Dry growled Cummins
Come Cummins you remember
me ODiigation imposed on you wneu
you were employed you were not to
Yes but that makes me dry said
Cummins with a wink
Now you have both been here be
fore have you not
Do you know where to procure
good outfits
Right here is the best place in
Alaska declared Cummins
How much will a first class outfit
Cummins reflected a moment and
Well I think it will take about two
thousand dollars
Without returning a word his em
ployer counted cut the money and told
him to go and procure it at once
Cummins and Davis set out and
next morning reported that all had
been secured
It is well declared the shrewd Mr
Lackland Be prepared to go when
even I give the word
Well be ready
When his Lirelings had gone Lack
land went to the hotel and sent up his
card to Miss Laura Kean She admit
ted him and he asked
Miss Kean when are you going to
cross the pass and start for the Klon
As soon as I can I want to go
with the first train
There are some gentlemen ready
to start in the morning
Then I can get ready I will go
with them she declared
Would you like my services in
securing you an outfit
Yes yes if you can secure me
an outfit at once
Ill do so I would as soon start
myself to morrow as any other time
You will want Indian porters for your
luggage and a sled and dogs for your
self Have Ben Holton pack un all
your effects and be ready and he
Ben Holton was only a stupid fel
low but he declared he did not like
the arrangements at all and smelled
a greatbig mouse somewhere Never
theless Ben went to work packing up
the goods and preparing for the
Laura took her place on the sled
and the Esquimau with big snow
shoes came to strap her in and draw
the robes and furs over her
Are you strapped in securely
Lackland asked Laura
Do you think you will be comfort
I know I shall
They were soon in tho midst of a
driving snowstorm and Kate Willis
declared that she just knew that
child would freeze
They halted before teaching the
summit and camped Tents had been
brought and every precaution was
taken to provide for the comfort of
Laura Kean She and Kate were
housed in a tent warmed by a gasoline
stove which made it quite comfort
Next day they resumed feeir march
crossed the summit and began
Lackland was often seen talking
with one of tho Indians who spoke
English fairly well and was a big
burly villainous looking fellow One
day two men came to their camp
They hold long and earnest confer
ences and when they wont away that
night the man named Ben Allen wont
with them It is perhaps needless
to inform tho reader that tho two men
were Morris and Ned Padgott who
brought the information that Paul and
the old hermit wero prisoners in the
It Is lucky I learned of his cap
ture thought Lackland Curse him
why isnt he dead For over a year
he has been lost in the forest and
thought to bo dead now why isnt
ho dead
Lackland little dreamed that tho
very tools ho was using wero willing
to betray him if they could mako
more out ot it and that they were try
ing by bribes and threats to extort
from tho prisoners In tho cavern tho
secret of the cached treasure
After Ben left the party to fulfil his
orders they camped threo weeks in
a valley
Laura inquired why they delayed so
long but Lackland had abundant ex
cuses and assured her they would
go on before winter set in in earnest
Already lowering clouds had hung
over the valley and covered it with
At last they broke camp and were
moving slowly toward the Yukon
when a dog was discovered coming
toward them Beyond a doubt it was
the property of some of the Klondyk
era Horsa Cummins discovered a
strip of tanned skin about Its neck
and called the attention of Lackland
to it
Pie quickly removed it and read
We are In the forest out of food
and starving Follow on the trail at
once and find us Paul Miller and
The bit of tanned skin dropped from
the trembling hand of Theodore Lack
land He pressed his hand to his fore
head and groaned
What is it boss asked Cummins
Go into camp Wo must start at
once to find some men who aro starv
When they went into camp after
taking care to see that Laura was
made comfortable he took one man
and three Indians and started on tho
back trail made by the dog AH tho
while he was thinking
Paul Miller and one companion
Who can that companion be
Clarence Berry and the Metlakaht
Clarence Berry and his bravo little
wife Ethel continued to heap up their
golden treasure day by day but they
had not forgotten their unfortunate
friend Paul Miller One evening as
they sat in their shanty before the
great blazing fire they received the
usual visitors Long Dick and Gid
Say ef ye want t see d worst old
geesers ye ever clapped yer lamps
upon ye want t go down d camp be
gan Dick
Dun know but it looks mightly V
me like it was some starved out Egyp
tian mummies az had been resurrect
ed from de pryamids
Where are they from
Where is that
An island far away across the
Clarence opened his book again
and casting a casual glance over the
pages remarked that he did not see
what they had to do with the peace of
the miners of the Klondyke Gid was
about to speak when his friend began
Thats where yer off yer trolley
Clarence They come without recom
mendation but they spin mighty
strange yarns and old Glum he put
this thing and that thing together
anl say they got some information
To be continued
Where American Precious Stones
Have Been Found by Miners
The report of the geological survey
just compiled for 1901 shows that
during that year there were mined in
the United States precious stones to
the value of about 300000 When
talking about rare and beautiful gems
ones thoughts naturally revert to
South Africa or the orient or the
mountains of Asia or Europe or per
haps to South America but one is not
likely to think of our own land yield
ing them but the fact is that no in
significant value in gems is taken
from the soil right here at home The
report of the geological survey shows
that during that year we mined in
the United States precious stones to
the value of about 300000
Diamonds represent only 100 of
this amount but the fact that they are
found at all gives encouragement to
the hope that paying fields of them
may some time be found Last year
one diamond was found in Lee county
Georgia where diamonds were not be
fore known to exist New Mexico
furnished 118000 in turquoises and
these have been placed on the market
Montana gave us 90000 in sapphires
which come next They come from
Fergus county Granite county is now
being explored for fancy colored sap
phires that give evidence of being
there in paying quantities Fine and
extensive rhodolite garnet deposits are
found in Macon county North Caro
lina Many dark green blue and yel
low beryls as well as amethysts and
emeralds were found in that state
There is hardly a state of the Union
in which there is not some trace ot
precious stones and it appears not at
all unlikely that before manv years
the we may be competing with the old
J world in furnishing gems