The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 07, 1902, Image 1

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Some Sugar Bect Shipments
Notwithstanding the difficulty of get
ting labor sufficient to handle the har
vesting and marketing of sugar beets
shipments nro steadily going in from this
point and the returns to the farmers aro
very satisfactory
Gerald Wilcox has so far been tho
largest shipper having at tho writing
of this article twelve cars to his credit
with a total tonnage of over 500 Re
turns from four cars recently shippod
were as follows as to sugar per cent and
purity per cent 135 and 82 1 1400 and
S22 133 and 79 5 1G 6 and 849 the
best shipment bringing him 465 per
ton His beets will average about 20
tons to tho acre and his total crop will
bo between 1000 and 1500 tons with a
money value of 84000 to G000
William Byfield is another of tho
larger shippers and most successful
sugar boet raisers lie has already ship
ped to the factory about 300 tons and
Teports an average of 20 tons per acre
on part of the beets he has harvested
One car recently shipped brought him
422 and another 477 per ton
Resolutions of Respect
McCook Neb November 4 1902
McCook lodge Degree of Honor No 3
Whereas It has pleased the Almighty
Father to remove from our midst Sister
Anna Simmerman
Resolved That tho lodge has lost a
worthy member who was constant in
attendance and faithful in the discharge
of every duty
Resolved That the sorrowing family
which has lost a kind and loving mother
be tendered our most sincero sympathy
Resolved That copies of these resolu
tions be sent to tho bereaved family to
tho local papers and be spread upon the
records of our lodge and that our lodge
and charter be draped for thirty days
May Walker
Committee Matie Welles
May OConnell
An Interesting Experiment
About 448 head of cattle were driven
in from the Rockafellow ranch in Raw
lins county Kansas arriving here last
Thursday 222 were placed at E B
Stilgebouors and 226 at F G Stilge
bouors Their owner N J Walden
has shipped in an 8 horsepower gasoline
engine and a large silo cutter with
which to cut up the alfalfa hay which is
to bo mixed with cotton seed meal for
fattening purposes Tho experiment
will be watched with interest by feeders
all over the country Danbury News
October 30th
Supt Phelan Has Painful Illness
A special train from Ravenna brought
in J R Phelan this morning at eight
oclock He accompanied the Elliott
Holdrege special east but was suddenly
stricken with congestion of the kidneys
and suffered a great deal being carried
to his home on a stretcher The attend
ing physician states however that Mr
Phelan is much relieved and it is the
belief that he will be around again in a
few da3rs as well as usual Alliance
Times last Friday
Mrs Spalding Weds Again
Mrs Mary Ellen Spalding and Mr
Perry Lawrence Paul were united in
marriage at Riverton Nebraska Thurs
day October 30th 1902 They will be
at home after December 1st at
Helena Montana The bride is well
known in McCook as the former wife of
Morillo A Spalding
District School Report
Report of school in Dist No 32 for
the month ending October 31st 1902
No of boys enrolled 3 No of girls en
rolled 4 total attendance 7 average at
tendance 6 Those neither absent nor
tardy during the month are Jesse Doyle
Earl Doyle Iva Doyle
Julia Sly Teacher
Found in the Home Barn
Gerald Wilcox had the neighbors all
out one night last weekto assist him in
finding one of his boys who disappeared
from the parental roof without indicating
his destination After the neighborhood
had been pretty thoroughly covered tho
lad was located in the home barn much
to the relief of his parents
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 35
Wheat 47
Oats 40
Rye 32
Hogs 05
Eggs 20
Butter 17
Kempton Komedy Kompany at Men
ards opera house three nights and Sat
urday Matinee commencing Thursday
November 13 This companys opening
play is the greatest comedy drama ever
written in 4 acts The Night Before
Christmas 13 people lots of up to
date specialties Prices 25 and 35 cents
Seats on Sale at McConnell Berrys
drug store Same company that played
during Hastings street fair
Atlanta a village eight miles south
west of Holdrege is soon to have a
bank It will be called the Atlanta
State Bank and M A Fulk will be
president and cashier and his daughter
Florence Fulk will be assistant cashier
The capital stock will be S1000000
E G and G H Titus of the First
National Bank of Holdrege are inter
ested in the new financial concern
Thanksgiving day will soon be here
You will find the largest assortment of
carving sets and self basting roasters at
W T Colemans
It is not too late to get wall paper
remnants Just enough for a room at
ridiculously low prices at
McConnell Berrys
For Sale First class folding bed
Inquire at Morgans clothing store
For an off year the Republicans scored
a great victory
Mrs Mary Eaton has gone to Wil
limantic Conn
Mrs O D Keith who has been ail
ing for some time is better
Tifk Babcock of Yuma Colorado was
tho guest of his brother CF yesterday
Ray McCArL was up from Lincoln
Tuesday to exorcise his right of fran
Mrs George Willetts went up to
Denver Wednesday on 13 on a short
Miss Eva Thompson of Trenton is
visiting her sister Mrs Frances Barclay
this week
Mrs Nancy Dawson of Cornell
Hitchcock county is visitiug McCook
Frank Jones extra brakeman made
his parents a visit at Trenton close of
last week
D F Coffey is hero from Brunswick
Missouri and will probably locate in
this vicinity
E B Nelson of Guthrie Iowa has
arrived here with his family and will
locate in this vicinity
Mr and Mrs W D Kyle of Iowa
have been the guests of Mr and Mrs
William Lewis this week
V Franklin went up to Benkelman
Wednesday night on 5 on business re
turning home Thursday morning
Mrs T II Bales departed close of
last week for Sheridan Wyoming
where two of her daughters children
are ill with fever
Mr and Mrs E E DeLong have re
turned to McCook after a weeks visiting
with W A Mitchell and family Red
Cloud Advertiser 4th
Frank Dolan of Indianola and Miss
Josephine Happersett of Los Angeles
California will be united in marriage in
Los Angeles November 19th
George Campbell witnessed the
game at Lincoln Saturday between the
University and Haskell Indians in
which the latter were shut out
Miss Mabel Fleming of Lebanon is
is the guest of her aunt Mrs Peter
Carty this week Miss Mabel came
over to attend the tenth grade party
Mrs C A Dean who has been visit
ing Cambridge friends came up to the
city on 5 Wednesday night and is the
guest of her son Rev Frank W Dean
F S Wilcox and wife drove over
from McCook Wednesday to visit with
Mrs Rockwood Mr Wilcox is a cousin
of Mrs Rockwood Curtis Enterprise
Mrs W H Campbell is in the hos
pital Omaha under the care of DrBB
Davis We understanil that she is get
ting along nicely and is anxious to get
Miss Hannah Stangland was home
from Lincoln Saturday and Sunday
coming up on 3 Friday night and re
turning to her university work Monday
morning on 2
J A Wilcox arrived home last night
from his trip east He reports having
had a grand tripseeing WashingtonNew
York aDd other cities and enjoying one
of the visits of his lifetime
Mrs J F Forbes and mother Mrs
HFTomblin of Arapahoe arrived home
from Denver last Saturday having ac
companied Mr and Mrs F F Tomblin
there on their way to California
MesdamesTB Campbell CE Pope
and Emerson Hanson went up to Fort
Moigan Colorado Tuesday night on a
flying visit to Mrs U J Warren return
ing home on 6 Wednesday night
Mr and Mrs James Farrel of Bart
ley returned home last Sunday night
after a short visit tc Yardmaster and
Mrs Peter Carty J M Farrel of Leb
anon also made them a short visit
n WKeyes of the Republican county
central committee was up from Indi
anola Tuesday night to be at head
quarters to receive the news of the com
plete Republican victory in Redwillow
A C Hipple mother and sister ar
rived last night from Parkston S D
and are locating on the Norval farm at
Perry station purchased by them last
spring A brother is expected today
with a carload of goods
Dr Robert E Campbell who occa
sionally makes his home here has filed
his petition in the district court of this
county praying for a divorce on the
ground of wilful abandonment without
good cause for the past two years
Hon Justin A Wilcox of McCook
Nebraska has been visiting his cousin
Dr Hubbard of Broad street Mr Wil
cox is a veteran of the Civil War and
participated in the recent meeting of the
G A R in Washington Chester Pa
Daily News
William Baird general car foreman
was up from Lincoln yesterday show
ing his successor Mr Barstow around
and introducing him to his new duties
Baird goes to St Joseph in the same
capacity for the Burlington with an en
larged field
Mr and Mrs C W Goheen and
Mrs J W Higby were involved in an
ugly runaway Sunday last at the Meth
odist church in which the buggy was
considerably damagedbut the occupants
all escaped without injury by a fort
unate circumstance
Mr and Mrs T R Stockton left on
No 1 2 this morning for Beaver City
on a visit to a relative From there
they will go to Red Cloud and Hardy
and thence home to Chicago They
have been the guests their daughter
Mrs A C Ebert for a few months
Morris DesLarzes a former resident
of our city came in from the west first
of the week and is visiting here while
on business Morris has recently re
turned from Alaska and sums up his
idea of that great country by stat
ing that it is too near the north pole
although acknowledging it has every re
source to make it rich and great Morris
looks as natural as life and recalls old
times in McCook
ii inn i ii
One of the leading Halloween events
was the party at the residence of H P
Waite given by Edna Waite Lillie
Campbell and Emma Perry last Friday
evening to about fifty guests
As guests reached the portals tho
doors opened by invisible means and tho
guests followed tho string to the cloak
The porch and interior of the resi
dence was lighted by candles in pump
kins and the electric lights were sub
dued with colored crepe paper Apples
and corn were strung in portiere effects
Louella Thompson and Clifford C
Brown played selections on the piano
and a large music box completed the
musical program
The dough nut biting game was won
by Rose Elbert with George Campbell a
close second There was also an inter
esting nut guessing game
Partners for refreshments were chosen
by duplicate cards Apples dough
nuts pumpkin pie grapes in cabbage
cases and stilted peanuts in turnip cases
were served
Supt Thomas Miss Gorby and Miss
Smith of the high school were among
the guests
Tho Awl Os celebrated Halloween
with a grand masquerade hen party in
the district court room in the court
house There was an attendance of
about 25 of the members
The costumes were varied in charac
ter and some of the disgruntled old
bachelors claim that not a few of them
were quite natural and becoming but
this deponent sayeth not
Basket ball and other games were
played At midnight there were ghost
stories on lap and the cot stitution of
club was read under the most solemn
surroundings and with appropriate pomp
and circumstance It was an impres
sive scene
Three new members Misses Stella
Fuller Edna Yarger and Blanche Mc
Carl rode the Awl Osian goat to final
A chafing dish luncheon of appropriate
menu was served Tho young ladies aro
quite at one that it was one of the swell
est events over conducted under the club
auspices if it were a sort of Adamless
Eden affair
Mrs W B Mills and Mrs Charlotte
Brewer entertained about forty lady
guests Thursday afternoon at a High
Five card party to meet Mrs Mills Sr
of Grand Rapids Michigan
Mrs G A Noren won first prize and
Mrs J E Kelley the booby
Meteor rises and red and white carna
tions in bouquets were the house deco
A four course luncheon was served
the hostesses being assisted by Mrs J
F Brewer and Mrs F G Westland
Miss Ethel Pope gave a birthday din
ner last Saturday evening of very happy
details It was her seventeenth anni
versary and the invited guests numbered
one more than sweet sixteen It was an
elegant four course dinner Mrs J A
Gunn Mrs W D Burnett and Mrs
C H Boyle assisting in serving the
same A large basket of luscious fruit
set in autumn leaf decorations formed
the handsome centerpiece Miss Ethel
returned to her studies in the state uni
versity Lincoln Sunday night on 6
A very enjoyable masquerade given
by the girls of the tenth grade at the
home of Winnie Brown on North Man- j
Chester street was one of the events of
Halloween The decorations o f the
several rooms were in autumn leaves and
pumpkins Refreshments were served
Clarence Stokes added the musical ele
ment The party closed with an old
fashioned Virginia reel after which
each departed wishing the other many
happy returns of the Een
clarence stokes entertains
Wednesday evening Clarence Stokes
entertained about twenty five of his j
schoolmates in the parental home on
North Marshall Games of various sorts
were played and refreshments appealed
successfully to the youthful inner man
There was music and a happy time gen
A surprise was given Robert Ritten
house by his mother last Friday even
ing from 630 to 8 30 which was a source
of much joy to Master Robert as well as
to his young guests of the evening Re
freshments were served and appropriate
games played
Roy E Cramer has gone to Repub
lican City
Mrs H F Tomblin came up from
Arapahoe Tuesday
John Stevens has been down from
Denver this week on business
John Haffner formerly employed in
DeGrofts is in the city this week on a
Mesdames L E Cann and Mabel
Stranahan sjient yesterday visiting in
Mrs H L Kennedy of Cambridge
has been Mrs Albert Barnetts guest
part of the week
John F CoRDEALleft this afternoon
on delayed No 1 for the Northwest to
look over the country with a view of
locating in the practice of law
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Nov 3 1902
JnoFagen Albert Hofiard
Mrs Bane Kingey H G Lan Bach
Chas McCauley Edward S Magill
Bobert Nichols E B Perry
AE Scoot Alva Vauner 2
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
The Tribune and The American Boy
one year each for 150 Send to the
Sprague Publishing Co Detroit Michi
gan for a copy of the October number
George Lellow is braking on freight
W S Toralinson is in the train service
again as a flagman
A R Dennis has retired from tho
storehouse service
Brakeman C A Garner went down
to Red Cloud to vote
Blacksmith George Casten returned
to work Monday morning
Brakeman L M Best has been off
a few days on business this week
Switchman R A Byrnes is off duty
on account of the illness of his wifo
E Ballance is a new machinist this
week He hails from Plattsmouth
Brakeman Wilber Fisk went up to
Wray Colorado to vote and will visit at
home a few days
Conductor C E Pope arrived home
close of last week from an absence of a
few weeks in the east
The shop boys went down to IIol
brook today to give the farmers a
tussle with the pigskin
Way car 144 is back in the serviceNo
55 went out of the shop today and 145
is in for an overhauling
Chief Clerk M Lawritson is having
quite an addition built to his comfort
able home on North Marshall street
Brakeman F E Brigner is still with
his brother Fireman Brigner who is
very low at Oxford with typhoid fever
Engine 58 was taken into the shop for
an overhauling this week No 212 is
just out and 267 is down on her wheels
Q engines 1721 1725 1726 1758 were
received on the Wyoming division last
week They are just out of tho Baldwin
Herbert Frey has gone down to Omaha
to have his eye operated upon The
trouble is the result of getting a chip of
steel in the eye
Two more rip tracks are being laid
north of the present lino of rip tracks
in order to accommodate the increase of
work in that department
Blacksmith Ed McKenzio and wifo
are up in Alliance preparing to bring
their household goods to McCook and
settle down to keeping house
Brakeman and Mrs E E Stayner
went up to Hayes county on a short
visit first of the week to enable him to
vote and her to visit her folks
James Rivett superintendent of
bridges and buildings was up from
Lincoln yesterday looking after the
building operations now under way
Conductor C W Bronson has been
off duty a few days and Conductor Fred
Washburn has had his run Conductor
L S Watson has had way car No 150
Conductor Herman Hegenberger has
returned from the Cheyenne Holdrege
line and will run out of McCook in the
future Conductor Elmer Engberg has
taken his place
O D Keith has gone to flagging out
of McCook vice G L Burney who is
braking on a passenger in place of C A
DeLoj who has been given a freight
run as a brakeman
Conductor Elmer Engberg has been
transferred to the Holdrege Cheyenue
branch His headquarters will be at
llolyoke Colorado whither he went
Sunday night via Holdrege
T D Joy who has been switching- in
the Akron yard for the past year has
resigned and quit the service entirely
Switchman W F Jones went up to
Akron Wednesday to assume his place
in that yard
Mr and Mrs F F Tomblin departed
for California close of last week after a
short visit in the city guests of Chief
Dispatcher and Mrs J F Forbes Mr
Tomblin is a brother of Mrs Forbes and
has seen years in the Burlingtons station
service They go to California for Mrs
Tomblins health
President Harris of the Burlington has
made a proposition to buy for the Bur
lington the Quincy Railroad Bridge com
pany paying 8200 per share for the
stock payment to be made in Chicago
Burlington and Quincy railroad bonds
The officials of the bridge company ad
vise the acceptance of the offer
The plan of the post check currency
bill is to make money of small denomi
nations pajable to order at any postoffice
I All classes of people sending money by
j mail are interested in it It saves time j
is convenient lessens me expense ana
guarantees an absolutely safe way for
the transmission of small sums by mail
The plan is practical and has been en
dorsed bv many of the best newspaper
men It is applicable to the farmer on
the rural mail route the merchant in
the country and city the publisher and J
manufacturer in all sections The idea
i is simply an evidence of the spirit of
j evolution characteristic of the American
ppople It should become a law and be
made a part of our perfect commercial
i system News Taconia Washington
The thought that we are the actual
1 creators of the worlds future is one that
j must load us with a sense of responsibil 1
ity mL wui ub luiuierauie or inspiring
according to our disposition Yet when
we speculate about the condition of the
world in the coming century we do not
realize that things in that age will be
what we make them Mr Wells makes
this point very clear in his study of
Mankind in the Makingin the Novem
ber Cosmopolitan
And Colorado came back to the fold
The entire state ticket save the state
superintendent is Republican two con
gressman and a probability of controll
ing the legislature and securing a United
States senator
Redwillow county was the banner
county for Congressman Norris but
McCook should have done better
Oil heaters at Colemans
Shrill nit
Mr Spearmans new novel Dr Bry
son needs no further advertising in
McCook The library copy is out all
the time Several copies havo been sold
by local dealers and still tho demand
continues Although we can not supply
tho demand for Dr Bryson wo have
other new and interesting books
Tho Cantain of th fimv Uni cn
Troop is an American novel of lovo
and adventure in tho West xpart from
the originality and dramatic interest of
the story it gives a fine picture of front
ier life on tho plains and in a Western
Army Post
The First Schoolmaster by tho
Austrian novelist Peter Roseggor is
well worth tho time to read it This
is tho first English translation of tho
popular Austrian writer and no better
choice among his writings could have
been made through which to introduce
him to tho American public It is a
strange sweet tale this story of an
isolated forest community civilized and
rojuvenated by the life of one man The
translator has caught the spirit of tho
worK ana Koseggers virile stylo loses
nothing in the transposition
Since September 10th 4404 people
have visited the library 480 persons hold
application cards 1791 books have been
read and returned and over 300 are out
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 2130 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 Sermon at 11 Y P S C E at 7
Sermon at 8 Prayer meeting on Wed
nesday evening at 8 oclock Cordial
welcome for all
Frank W Dean Pastor
Baptist Sunday school 945 a in
Preaching 11 a m and 8 p in Young
peoples meeting 7 p m Miss Martha
Van Ness who represents the womans
mission society will speakSunday both
morning and evening Miss Van Ness
is a large hearted Christian missionary
and will do all good who hear her
Rev Gustavo Henkelman is the new
minister in charge of the German Con
gregational church preaching his first
sermon Sunday last
License to wed was granted B Byron
Bobb of Denver and Sarah Matilda
Hotze of Indianola first of tho week
Judgment has been rendered for 723
G4 and costs in the County Court in
the suit of Straus Bros Co vs M U
J E Boyd and wife were Wilsonville
visitors Saturday
H E Waugh carried the ballots to
McCook election night
Mrs John Porter visited Wilsonville
between trains Saturday
Mrs S E Ralsten has been quite sick
but is able to be around again
Robert Devon deputy county clerk
visited home folks in Lebanon Tuesday
N S West who has been sojourning
in Colorado for a month returned to
Lebanon Monday
Grandma Hoobler and Grar dma Jones
are still very sick and not much hopes
are entertained for their recovery
Charles McCombs of Wilsonville
bought a car of hogs here Tuesday
shipping them Wednesday morning
William Hiersekorn and daughter
Bertha went to Hastings Friday to
visit relatives returning home Monday
Henry Willers who has been attend
ing college at Lincoln came in Monday
to look after his interests here and also
to vote
Arthur Allen has started his alfalfa
huller The seed crop is not very good
this year making from one to three
bushels per acre
Mr and Mrs John Porter were married
thirty years ago last Friday Their
many friends gave them a surprise sup
per in the evening
Miss Hallie Sullivan gave an oratori
cal recital ai the Methodist church
Monday evening under the auspices of
the Ladies Aid society Miss Sullivan
spoke to a crowded house no admis
sion being charged A collection was
The election passed off quietly here
there being 112 votes polled out of a
voting population of about 130 D A
Waterman received a majority of sixty
votes the majorities being around forty
10 The following were elected precinct
officers Justices J B Cummings and
A C Abbott constables C F Water
man and L F Nichols assessor C H
Nichols road overseers I N Horton
and M S Scarrow
Jack Frost is with us
Miss Ethel Sheridan and Charles
Allen were callere at Banksville Sunday
Thomas Fowler and wife are stopping
at H I Petersons for the present
Election is over It was a very quite
one The vote was practically 16 Re
publicans to 6 Populists
E B Nelson and family arrived here
on the 3rd instant from Guthrie Iowa
and intend to locate in this vicinity
H P Sutton W V Gage and F A
Pennell dropped into our polling place
Tuesday with their fowling pieces to
warm up
Morning Hymn School
Vocal Solo Sadie OConnell
PianoSolo Bessie Peterson
Vocal Solo Rose Elbert
Song School I
March Bessie Peterson i
Stove mats at Colemans
The Tribune is only 100 a year
Sugar beots for salo C W Goheen
It pays to trado with Cone Bros
Try it
Scalo books for salo at The Tribune
Three rooms for rent Inquire of
Frank Traver
For Rent Two heated rooms in tho
Meeker block
Go to C L DeGroff Cos for
Sorosis Skirts
Furnished rooms to rent Inquire of
Mrs L E Irwin
Some good values in Petticoats at CL
DeGroffct Cos
The treo is the mother of tho foun
tain Plant trees
Leave your orders for bound kafir corn
at W T Colemans
Those 1100 cook stoves at W T
Colemans are dandies
Electric Seal Fur Collarettes 175 at
The Thompson D G Co
Tho best stationery and finest per
fumes at Cone Bros drug store
Get your kindling hatchets at V T
Colemans ten cents buys them
Ping Pong and Table Tennis 50cts to
3500 per set McConnell Berry
Two loaves of bread for 5c for thirty
days at the Union bakery 10 31 2ts
American A 2 bushel Seamless Grain
Bags 10oc at Tho Thompson D G Co
Wanted A girl for general house
work Inquire at residence of II M
That triple plated nickelware at WT
Colemans is tho best kitchen utensil on
the market
Very pretty Kimoha Dressing Sacques
G5c 75c and 100 at The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
The Awl Os assembled at the home of
Mrs W T Coleman Tuesday evening
with Miss Nellie Smith as hostess
Remember the Kempton Komedy Ko
at Menards opera house next Thurs
day Friday and Saturday nights
Gunthers candy is scrupulously clean
absolutely pure
McConnell Berry
The Real farm of 400 acres was sold
yesterday for 000000 to Henry Glover
who will take possession in February
Dont be a fish See the wall paper
snaps at Cones Bros before you buy
We know where you will buy if you
Cards with envelopes to match for at
homes receptions etc for sale at Trib
une office Same neatly printed rea
sonable if desired
The Nebraska Telephone Co is ex
tending its lines to Culbertson to which
place they expect to be connected in
about thirty days
Reo the new special announcement in
todays paper of Dr C C Headricks
visit to McCook Saturday Nov 15th
at the Palmer House
Elack Taffeta Silk Waists at 350 in
all sizes from 32 to 44 Handsome Black
Mercerized Waists 75c to 175 in sizes
to 41 The Thompson D G Co
Dr Brson the new book written by
Mr Spearman and all the other new
issues for sale at
McConnell Berrys
Our own make of Bed Comforts 14
yd cloth 6 Izzer Batts well tacked and
hemmed S1G5 Silkolene ones and wool
ones 2 50 The Thompson D G Co
Our holiday goods are arriving We
have more novelties and odd pieces this
year than ever before Come in and see
them in advance of the rush
McConnell Berry
If you dont know call and be con
vinced that W T Coleman has the best
and most complete line of cutlery carv
ing sets cut glass and silverware to be
seen in the west
Childrens School Jackets 1 to 350
Coats 350 to 9 Ladies Jackets Coats
and Capes from 2 50 to 1150 Hand
some 27 in Jackets with inlaid Velvet
collar 4 The Thompson D G Co
Many remarks have been made re
cently about W T Colemans prices on
sewing machines He has been beating
competition and the catalogue prices
An examination of his stock and prices
will convince you
Handsome bright dressy Furs of all
varieties in Muffs Scarfs Collarettes
and Sets from 125 to 6 50 Get cold
climate furs if you want brightness and
warmth See ours before purchasing
The Thompson D G Co
When you are looking for a gift or
remembrance of any kind for a friend
go to W T Colemans where you can
get a present suitable for any one and
for any occasion His large assortment
makes it easy to make a selection
Just received Splendid values in
Mens Suits from 5 00 to 1250 Good
black suits at 500 Mens Cordurov
Pants 200 Boys ditto 50c Mens
Corduroy Suits 750 These are spot
cash prices and spot cash values The
Thompson D G Co
Power shelters hand shellers and feed
grindera at W T Colemans