The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 24, 1902, Image 1

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Meets Death Between Cars at Holdrege
Last Saturday Evening
Brnkomnn Hugh J Ilines was fatally
squeezed between the engine and bead car
of freight train No148 Saturday ovening
Inst 645 oclock in the yard at Ilold
rego The train had been backed into
a sidetrack and he had uncoupled the
engine and given the engineer a signal to
go ahead Almost immediately how
ever he discovered that the train would
not clear the adjoining main line and
ho reached forward to set the air on the
engine tank when the slack of the forty
cars in the freight train caught him and
crushed out his life against thebumpors
of the tank Ho expired in about an
hour and a half The remains were
brought to McCook on 3 the same night
for preparation for burial
Thus is briefly told the story of the
sad and tragic and untimely death of
one of the Burlingtons popular young
freight brakemen
His young wife a bride of less than a
year has the deepest sympathy of the
entire community in the crushing blow
of sorrow which has so suddenly come
into her budding life And the deeply
distressed fathers sisters and brothers
are not forgotten by sympathetic friends
Hugh J Hines was born in Science
Hill Pulaski county Kentucky March
16th 1877 Died inHoldregeNebraska
October 18th 1902 A bride of less
than eleven months survives him be
sides the father two sisters and four
Deceased has lived in Nebraska a lictle
less than five yearsand of this time about
three years have been spent in the Bur
lingtons train service out of McCook
He was united in marriage to Clemen
tine Ploussard last Thanksgiving day
morning in St Patricks church of this
The funeral services here Tuesday
afternoon were attended by the father
of the deceasedShelton Hines of Science
Hill Kentucky a sister Miss Dora Hines
of Kenesaw Nebraska four brothers
H M Hines of Somerset Kentucky
T J Hines of Kenesaw Nebraska
W C Hines of Norfolk Nebraska an
employe of the Elkhorn E E Hines a
Burlington brakeman out of Omaha
and an uncle Anderson Hines of Hast
ings Nebraska The sister living in
Texas failed to receive her telegram in
time to be present
Deceased was a member of the B of
R T in which ho was insured for 1200
the A O U W where his policy calls
for S1000 the Burlington Relief in which
lie carried 1000 and in the Northwest
ern Life and Savings Association for
300 and was a social member of the
K of P and I O O F
The funeral services were held in St
Patricks Catholic church Tuesday
nan conducting brief services with
choir The remains were interred in
Calvary cemetery where the Knights of
Pythias ritualistic services were used
The remains were escorted from the
Ploussard home to the church and
thence to the cemetery by the Bof RT
A O U W and K of besides a
Ladies pure white ribbed fleece lined
Vests at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
All the new up-to-date Books at
Oliver Rees and family have moved
to Fairbury this state
E A Phalen is now located at Ocon
to Custer county this state
Miss Lillian Burnett visited Red
Cloud relatives and friends close of last
Miss Lucile Mousel of Cambridge
has been visiting Mrs Frank Calhoun
this week
Mr and Mrs W C Bdlger of El
Paso Texas announce the birth of their
first born a son
Mr and Mrs J G Schobel were
guests of her parents in Minden Satur
day and Sunday
Mrs Mabel Stranahan had the fort
nightly convocation of the Awl Os this
week Tuesday evening
Snapper A S Kennedy the well
known baseball artist has purchased
the Hackman cigar store
Ray McCarl who is attending the
law department of the Nebraska univer
sity spent Sunday at home
Albert G Dole late of our city but
now of Missouri Valley Iowa has been
granted a pension of 10 a month
Mrs George D Leach arrived home
Sunday night on 6 from her absence in
Denver of a few weeks visiting relatives
Mrs Thomas Marsland came up from
Lincoln Tuesday night and has been
the guest of Mrs A P Thomson for
a few days
John F Helm of Redwillow already
has planted 500 acres to fall wheat and
200 to rye making an acreage of fall
grain of 700
Mrs J M Trammell who has been
visiting her old home in Maryland for
a number of weeks returned home
early last week
Mrs Richard May of Hayes Center
has been the guest of Mrs F G Stokes
a few days this week while on her way
home from a visit east
Dr and Mrs C L Fahnestock ar
rived home Sunday night from their
wedding trip of two or three weeks
through the northwest
H D Stewart L R Kleven and W
D Darnell gave the game and residents
in the vicinity of Sacramento Nebraska
the scare of their lives Sunday past
Mr and Mrs George Sheppard
who have been living in Cambridge for
the past year1 have returned to McCook
to make their home here during this
Mrs J A Colber nee Josephine
Menard departed on 12 Sunday morn
ing for Chicago where she will make
her home for the present Her son
Mr and Mrs James Boatman return
ed Tuesday night from spending the
summer in Oskaloosa and will likely
remain here during the winter They
report an unusally wet summer in Iowa
Mrs Imogens Gray apd daughter
Grace Rowell arrived in the city on No
numerous company of relatives and sym- 3 Tuesday night from their home in
pathic friends The church was entirely Mt Ayr Iowa and will be here a few
inadequate to accommodate all who weeks guests of Mr and Mrs C B
annlied for admission I Rowell
cakd of thanks
For every act of sympathy and assist
tance rendered us since the death of our
dear one we wish to express the grati
tude of our hearts which are bowed
down with the great sorrow which has
come into our lives so suddenly
Mrs Clementine Hines
Shelton Hines and Family
Whereas It has pleased Almighty
God the Creator and Preserver of the
Universe to remove from earth our
worthy brother Hugh J Hines there
fore be it
Resolved by McCook lodge No 61
A O U W that in the death of Bro
ther Hines we lost a worthy brotherthe
community an upright citizen and his
wife a kind husband Be it further
Resolved that the sincere sympathy
of this lodge be and
to the bereaved family in this hour of
bereavement and be it further
Resolved that a copy of these
luwuuouooouKw iuc vi iic ui biicueueaseu i
brother and the city papers be requested
to publish the same
WW Prall
F E Palmer
J M Smith
The ladies of St Albans guild will
have home made bread and cakes for
sale at Odells store Saturday October
C F Lehn has purchased tho two
lots on Madison street just south of
Walshs residence and will build two
rental dwellings thereon They will be
five room buildings 24x24 with 12x12
Mrs Fred S Harris came down from
Denver last Thursday night to assist
her mother Mrs Joseph Menard in last
Friday afternoons High Five party
Her daughter Aimee acccompanied her
They returned home Sunday
Mrs Justin A Wilcox was one of
the assistants at the
reception last Wednes
day instead of Mrs Fowler S Wilcox
as erroneously reported in last weeks
Miss Nellie West who taught the
seventh grade of the McCook schools last
I i
is hereby tendered term was married to jrrot
or Kiverton Nebraska
doing the pedagogic act in years past
They are now enjoying their honeymoon
in Colorado and other western states
Mrs U J Warren visited her bro
ther Elmer and family near Max last
week on her way home to Fort Morgan
Colorado and reports Elmer as looking
better than he has in five years They
were just moving into their new home
and will be nicely and comfortably locat
ed for the winter with added farm and
and household conveniences This will
be welcome news to Elmers many Mc
Cook friends
afternoon at 330 Rev Sebastian J Chester accompanied her
G M Caster
Wednesday of
last week at the home of her parents in
Red Cloud Mr Caster is feeding stock
and practicing law now but has been
Roehr Clark Marriage
At high noon Wednesday at the
homo of the brides parents on Red
willow creek Anna L Clark was united
in marriago with George W Roehr of
Bush ton Kansas Miss Anna Clark is
a charming vigorous daughter of Red
willow county and a graduate of Mc
Cooks high school class of 1900 Mr
Roehr is a well-to-do Kansas wheat
The ceremony was performed by Rov
LflShumate of the McCook Methodist
church in the presence of a goodly com
pany of relatives and friends Fred
Clark of Albia Iowa standing up with
the contracting parties
A wedding dinner was served after the
ceremony and the afternoon spent in
happy social ways Tho young couple
left on 6 same night for their future
home in Bushton Kansas with the best
wishes of many friends for their happi
ness and prosperity
There were a number of wedding
presents in silver and linen
Mrs I J Starbuck of Salt Lake City
Utah and Fred Clark of Albia Iowa
were tho only guests present from away
Palms carnations etc were the floral
Their Anniversary Occasion
Twenty six years ago last Saturday
evening Dr and Mrs J A Gunn were
made husband and wife back in Iowa
and the occasion was duly observed and
celebrated by them with the willing
assistance of a score or more invited
neighbors and friends at a dinnor party
The dinner was an appealing four
course affair served with every tastful
accessory Mesdames C E Pope Vina
Wood J A Wilcox and Mabel Strana
han assisting Miss Nellie Gunn in the
White and pink carnations sweet peas
cosmos etc were the table decorations
Ping pong and cards furnished the
social diversion of the evening
There was a handsome token in cut
glass from the guests
The Tribune has an unanimous sec
ond to the sentiment May the doctor
and wife live to celebrate many happy
returns of the auspicious day
Griggs Odell Marriage
Last Sunday evening at seven oclock
Mark H Griggs and Sadie Belle Odell
were united in marriage by Rev L H
Shumate of the Methodist church
The ceremony was performed at the
Odell residence in West McCook in the
presence of the relatives and a few near
friends of the family
After the brief simple ceremony and
congratulations light refreshments were
The bride is the only daughter of Mr
and Mrs E B Odell and has come to
young womanhoods estate in this city
The groom is a flagman in the Burling
tons train service
They will occupy part of the Odell
residence in West McCook and at once
go to keeping house with the best wishes
of their friends
Mrs Anna Zimmermans Decease
Mrs Anna Zimmerman died last Sun
day night in the home of her sonHenry
Housh of South McCook Deceased
was 45 years of age
Funeral services were held in the
Baptist church at 130 oclock Tuesday
afternoon Rev G L White officiating
after which the remains were buried in
Longview cemetery
Fltch Wickham
The Tribune is pleased to announce
the marriage of Frank A Fitch and Una
Wickham at Salem Richardson county
Nebraska Wednesday October 22nd
Frank is the eldest son of W S Fitch
of Driftwood precinct and is employed
in the Burlington freight house Lincoln
where they will be at home after No
vember 1st
Always reliable always dependable
wtfat you buy at Marshs meat market
W T Coleman
ladies to call at his store at any time
and look over his line of kitchen novelties
and silver ware He will be glad to
show you the goods even if you do not
care to buy
Just received Splendid values in
Mens Suits from 500 to 1250 Good
Black Suits at 500 Mens Corduroy
Pants 200 Boys ditto 50c Mens
Corduroy Suits 750 These are
cash prices and spot cash values
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Childrens School Jackets 100 to
350 Long Coats 350 to 9 Ladies
1150 For 490 a splendid 27 inch
Coat with inlaid Velvet Collarr good
lining latest sleeves In three colors
The Thompson Dry Goods Co One
price plain figures cash only
Sunday November 2nd at 2 a m No
j special changes on the Western division
cordially invites the j passenger trains The summer
sion train on the Lyons branch will
however be taken off as usual in the fall
after the excursion season is over
Fireman Will Williams was let out of
the service last Friday
Major E M Snyder was a Red
Cloud pilgrim Sunday
Harry Crawford has entered the Burl
ington sorvico as helper at Akron
Fireman Kubicek visited his parents
and the family here first of the week
Don Thomas is downfrom Benkelman
and hopes to get into the train service
Brakeman and Mrs T A Nash have
gone to Kansas City Mo on a 30 days
Engineer II D
brother Harry at
last week
Bayless visited his
Holyoke Colorado
Some of those new big locomotives
would come in handy during tho rush
if we had em
Trainmaster Kenyon was called in to
Lincoln Monday night on new time-
card business
Conductor William Cropp arrived
home last week from a months vaca
tion in the south
Foreman and Mrs F C Fuller arrived
home fore part of the week from an
absence in Illinois
They have been taking on new brake
men by the dozens the last few weeks
in the train service
Miss Lillian and Darby Burnett re
turned home Sunday night from visit
ing Red Cloud relatives
Brakeman and Mrs Mose Colfer are
enjoying the week visiting relatives and
friends in Nebraska City
Fireman Brigner is quite sick and
Brakeman Brigner is laying off helping
care for the sick brother
There are 21 regular train crews on
the main lino now 7 out of Oxford and
2 out of Republican City
Dispatcher Mills his wife and mother
were passengers on 13 Tuesday for
Denver on a visit of a few days
The Canadian Governmental Railway
Commission in their special car passed
eaht Tnursday morning attacnea to
No 2
Irv Brigner is said to be very ill with
typhoid fever at Oxford Both of his
brothers the brakeman and the fireman
are at his bedside
Brakeman Robert Nichols who was
called to Eustis Nebraska recently
account of illness of his mother returned
to duty yesterday morning
I S P Weeks supt of buildings and
bridges has been out on the Western
division with a special inspecting this
week He went west attached to No 1
yesterday W S Perry accompanied
Julian W Andrew machinist left on
Tuesday night for Lincoln where he
will enter the Burlington draughting
department Julian is one of the salt of
the earth and deserves every good thing
that may come his way
Notwithstanding all available men
have been advanced to meet the rush of
business the demands upon the engine
crews are strenuous and pretty continu
ous lay overs being short and as infre
quent as possible
Last week on account of the heavy
traffic another train crew was placed on
tho Oxford Hastings and Oxford St
Francis runs with Conductor H C
Kiser in charge and O B Woods and
W F Hoar as brakemen This is the
fifth crew
Saturday morning No 3 ran over a
man west of Brush Colorado There
are reasons to believe that the man who
is unknown was killed and placed on
the track The engineer saw no one
until the engine was right onto the pros
trate body on the track
A new time card will go into effect
rib till
Progresslve Hlgh Flye Party
Mrs Josoph Menard entertained about
fifty lady friends Friday afternoon from
230 to 6 oclock at a Progressive nigh
Five Card party Mrs H H TartRnh
won tho first prize Mrs Frank Kendlen
the booby
Tho decorations for tho most part were
in autumn leavesand the effect was very
unique and pretty especially as display
ed in tho large bay window Cosmos
wore the floral feature
Miss Aimee Menard assisted by Aimee
Harris of Denver served chocolate and
wafers in tho north room After tho
game a three course luncheon was served
Mrs Fred Harris of Denver Mrs J A
Colber of Chicago daughters of the
hostess Mrs Adele Phelan Miss Pearl
Zintand Miss JosophinoPhelan assisting
It was withal a very enjoyable and
successful affair
In Honor of Mrs Randall
Agent and Mrs A P Thomson dis
pensed a genuine and liberal Scotch hos
pitality Tuesday evening at a dinner
party given in honor of her sister Mrs
William Randall of Omaha Abodt a
score of friends and neighbors greatly
enjoyed the occasion
The dinner was a five course affair
of appetizing details and was served
with pretty and tasteful accessories A
large and handsome bouquet of pink
cosmos was the chief table decoration
A Successful Operation
Norman Campbell was again operated
upon in St Lukes hospital last Satur
day for the relief of his diseased hip The
operation was successful and Norman
is recovering satisfactorily from the same
but the permanency of the relief secured
is a future question Supt and Mrs
Campbell and Dr and Mrs Gage went
up to Denver to be present during the
operation They returned to the city
Sunday morning on No 2 It is to be
sincerely hoped that the relief may be
Silverware Silverware
When in need of anything in hollow
ware of cutlery go toW T Colemans
look over his line of silverware and get
prices before buying elsewhere He has
a complete line of knives and forks teas
coffee orange dessert and table spoons
Dessert pie and fruit knives Jelly
shells gravy ladles berry spoons and
everything in the line of silverware
To the Ladies
I have a complete line of chaffing
dishes timbole irons vegetable slicers
pudding and salad moulds potato scoops
spirit lamps and all useful kitchen uten
sils When you are down town call at
W T Colemans store and look over his
line of novelties and silverware
We are headquarters for Silk Waists
350 and 450 of the Ideal brand
direct to us from the designers and
makers in New York City perfect fit
ting long enough waisted long enough
and wide enough sleeves Wo fit you
when others fail their flannel waists
equally stylish and good their mercer
ized black waists unequalled anywhere
For sale in McCook only by The Thomp
son D r Co
The Great Majestic the Malleable
Climax Quick Meal Jewel Universal
and several other makes of ranges is
what you have to select from when you
want a range Look them over and get
prices before buying
W T Coleman
Handsome bright dressy Furs of all
varieties in Muffs Scarfs Collarettes
and Sets from 125 to 650 Get cold
climate furs if you want brightness and
warmth See ours before purchasing
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Those 35 45 and 50 buggies are
dandies and the best values ever offered
in the city The 75 rubber tired ones
are beauties Call and see them No
trouble to show them at WT Colemans
For Sale A fine lot Poland China
boars and S C White Leghorn roosters
All full blood Cheap if taken atpnee
D C Benedict Culbertson Neb
nfiris Tifr3nn TeTin tina fnr vpnrs Hppn I
a meetingof the club held last
the reliable man of all workat the depot night
and freight house will shortly leave for
the west with the wife and family to
seek health for Mrs Larson who has
been ailing for the past few years Chris
has been the embodiment of fidelity and
reliability and will be missed
Operator Chatfield of Oberlin Kansas
has been promoted to agent at Grover
Colorado Agent E R Gastineau of
Jackets Autos and Capes 250 to Grover Colorado has been assigned to
Farnam Nebraska Night Operator
E S Lohr of Cambridge takes Chat
fields place at Oberlin J G Fowler
helper at Akron Colorado succeeds
Lohr as night operator at Cambridge
it was decided to retire from business
and they then and there retired
Those Clothes Wringers with five
years guarantee on them at W T Cole
mans also have some cheap ones at 150
and up
Childrens Sleeping Garments at The
Thompson D G Co
Ping pong
Sets 1 to 5
-the latest society craze
McConnell Berry
Black Electric Seal Fur Collarettes
175 at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
For Sale First class folding bed
Inquire at Morgans clothing store
10111 Wofcy tG
The Tribune is only 100 a year
It pays to trado with Conu Bros
Try it
Scale books for salo at The Tribune
Hastings lose
Three rooms
Frank Traver
is our gain I dont
Bibles new and old versions at Mc
for rent Inquire of
For Rent Two hoatod
Meekor block
to C L
Sorosis Skirts
Furnished rooms to rent
Mrs L E Irwin
rooms in the
DeGroff Cos for
Cupid is doing his perfect work per
fectly just now
Inquire of
Some good values in Petticoats at CL
DeGroff Cos
Tho best stationery and finest per
fumes at Cone Bros drug store
Tho latest in Statuary with oriental
colorings at McMillens drug storo
Spices and flavorings strictly puro
McConnell Berry
If its seasonable and all right you will
find it at D C Marshs meat market
W a nt e d A small sized roller top
desk Barney Hofer at Postoflico lobby
For Sale 20 head of fine stock cows
with calves cheap Inquire at this
A lady desiring board and room in a
desirable family can secure information
at this office
For tho pickle season all kinds of
spices and flavorings Purest made
McConnell Berry
All the new and popular books always
in stock at less than publishers prices
McConnell Berry
Short Kimonas LongKimonas Wrap
pers Dressing Sacques Petticoats 65c
to 350 The Thompson D G Co
Dont bo a fish See the wall paper
snaps at Cones Bros before you buy
We know where you will buy if you
Wanted Pupils for a shorthand class
Good time to begin as a new class is
being formed See L W Stayner for
Cards with envelopes to match for at
homes receptions etc for salo at Trib
une omce bame neatly printed
sonable if desired
At the right price you can always get
the choicest things tho season affords at
D C Marshs meat market At tho old
stand all the time
The saddest feature of the high price
of coal in Indianola says Jasper is the
impending disaster that it is likely to
break up the poker game
Everybody gets a bargain in our wall
paper remnant sale Come early and
get this years patterns
McConnell Berry
We have paint for any purpose
Paints of all grades and prices Dont
buy till you have seen us
McConnell Berry
Our own make of Bed Comforts 14
yd cloth 6 Izzer Batts well tacked and
hemmed 165 Silkolene ones and wool
ones for 250 The Thompson DGCo
Kinds of meat change somewhat with
the seasons but they never change the
quality at D C Marshs market Its
always one quality the very best the
market affords
Attention is directed to tho discount
sale announced by Mrs Delhunty com
mencing Saturday October 25th Here
is a rare opportunity to secure bargain
in millinery notions etc
My selection of hard and soft coal
heaters is not equalled in thi3 part of
the state It will pay you to look at
these heaters before buying Will guar
antee price with quality
W T Coleman
The calls for houses to rent and by
prospective purchasers have induced the
building association people to consider
the proposition favorably to build an
other dwelling house No 1 is fast ap
proaching completion
The postofiice lobby business has been
sold by F D Burgess to Barney Hofer
late of Wauneta but one of McCooks
early settlers He and his wife and
young son are living in part of Ernest
Pearsons residence on Manchester
street Success to the new proprietor
Mr Burgess plumbing business requires
his undivided time and attention