The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 10, 1902, Image 6

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Congressman George W Norris McCook
Governor John H Mickey
Lioutonant Govornor EG McGilton
Socretary of State George W Marsh
Treasurer Potor Mortcnsen
Auditor Charles Weston
Attorney General Frank N Prout
Land Commissioner Georjo D Follmer
Supt Public Instruction Win KFowler
Stato Sonator 29th District D S Hasty
Representative J E Hathorn
County Judge S L Green
County Attorney C E Eldrcd
Commissioner FirstdistrictD AWaterman
Theke is room for difference of opinion
about D E Thompson in a number of
respects but that he will make a thor
oughly business like and wideawake
minister to Brazil for Uncle Sam is un
Senator Jones of Arkansas the
Democratic Moses who has never
yet in his career tasted the sweet fruits
of national victory is busily engaged in
a claiming contest Ho has already
attached to the Democratic congressional
column all the close districts in the
north south east and west and is now
awaiting advices from Porto Rico and
Hawaii Senator Jones ought to make
good once in a while for he has been in
training many moons as a rainbow chaser
With Judge Norris in congress the
people of the Fifth district will have a
member in touch with the administra
tion and in the matter of pensions
postofiices mail routes tariff matters
and the various other things that come
up will be in a position to accomplish
results more quickly and satisfactorily
than one who is all the time fighting
the administration People should
think of these things when they cast
their votes for congressman Minden
The barometer of prosperity is steadily
showing an upward tendency Treasury
receipts from customs indicate the pur
chasing inclination of the people and
measured by this test national prosper
ity has been rising eversince the passage
of the Dingley law The increase in
customs receipts for the current month
thus far exceeds by 2500000 that of
the corresponding period a year ago
The accumulation of gold in the treas
ury vaults has now reached the sum
unprecedented in this country of 5S0
000000 An abundant harvest is yet to
be gathered Truly are these Republi
can years of fatness
It is an unprecedented honor in the
history of Redwillow county save in the
case of Dr J E Hathorn for any man
to be named for representative for the
third time The exception in this in
stance is the more notable for the reason
that the doctor did not seek the honor
which the people of this county have
thrice thrust upon him He was named
in the first instance on account of his
fitness and qualifications which being
found in fact in his record his succeed
ing nominations came naturally and
wisely He will be elected and to the
best of his ability and information will
faithfully represent this constituency
J Pierpont Morgan who is now
essaying the somewhat difficult role of
running the earth is quoted as op
posing the renomination and reelection
of President Roosevelt on the grounds of
opposition to the chief executives views
on trusts So bo it If J Pierpont is
determined to be reckoned with The
Tribune knows of no man in America
who is better equipped for the work than
is Theodore Roosevelt And the Ameri
can people are daily growing more im
patient to give Mr Morgan and his
trusts a turn McCook Tribune
That is what Mr Bryan thought
Possibly the spectacle of his assisting
Mr Roosevelt in giving Mr Morgan a
turn may yet be witnessed
Well The Tribune will give Bryan
one unmistakable credit mark if the
prophecy is realized Stranger things
have and are happening
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
Shis preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds ot
food It gives instant relief and
fails to cure It allows you to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
stomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed It
prevents formation of gas on thestom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take
ft cant help
but o you good
Prepared only by E0 DkWitt Co Ohlcajja
JEho SI bottle contains 3 times tbe 50c sixa
Absolutely Pure
Have Shelly Licked
J P A Black of Bloomington in the
city yesterday spoke of the political
situation in the Republican valley I
guess weve got Shelly beat said Mr
Black It looks that way now and I
think his friends realize it Its an in
teresting contest there between Norris
and Shallenberger Both men stand
well personally Both are good mixers
with the people and both are good speak
ers so that the contest between them
makes an interesting fight The advan
tage of Judge Norris the Republican
candidate and the thing that in my
judgment will turn the scale in his favor
at the election is the steady desertion of
the fusion cause by men who were for
merly Republicans They are coming
back They are coming back quietly a
man here and another there in every
community in the Fifth congressional
district As a rule the political meet
ings are not very well attended The
voters are too busy for that The can
didates on both sides are exerting them
selves to the very utmost in their mixing
among the people At first sight it
might seem that Shallenberger had an
advantage in this having already made
a personal canvass of the district two
years ago But the Republicans have
been pleased to discover that Judge
Norris is able to hold his own at this
kind of work and a little more Norris
is a man who in his personality appeals
to the voters as fast as he meets them
individually attracting at once both
their high respect and personal good will
Yes said Mr Black I think weve
got Shelly licked Lincoln Journal
October 7th
Forty Years Torture
To be relieved from a torturing disease after
forty years torture might well cause the grati
tude of anyone That is what DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve did for C Haney Geneva O Ho
says DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvo cured me
of piles after I had suffered forty years Cures
cuts burns wounds skin diseases Beware of
counterfeits McConnell Berry
Keep A Comlng Boys
You cant fool even Democats all the
time They can be jollied along by their
leaders for a while lured by the siren
song of the specious and glittering argu
ments which their leaders know so well
how to advance But in the past few
years the boys have been dropping out
of the Democratic procession in numbers
and lining up with the Republican pa
rade They have contributed to the
Republican success and made possible
the execution of the splendid policies
under which the country is thriving like
the proverbial green bay tree
Keep a coming boys there is plenty of
room for you and a hearty welcome If
you stick with the Democratic leaders
you will feed on husks as sure as fate
Every time you vote the Republican
ticket you cast a vote for good times
good government and the betterment of
the great big nation of which you are
justly proud
In this connection perhaps there is
but one suggestion to offer G WNorris
the Republican nominee for congress in
the Fifth district is in harmony with the
party and administration now conducting
the nations unprecedented campaign of
prosperity and commercial supremacy
If you like prosperitys fruits why vote
for Norris He will support the president
who executes the will and pleasure of
the party responsible for the policies now
holding America in the front rank of
the worlds progress and prosperity
A Liberal Offer
The undersigned will give a free sample of
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets to
any one wanting a reliable remedy for disorders
of the stomach biliousness or constipation
This is a new remedy and a good one
Is Worthy Your Support
The Republican party is worthy of the
support of all good citizens because
It disfranchises no class of citizens
It has the courage of its convictions
Its history is the history of the best
years of the Republic
Judgment and not emotions has gov
erned the councils of the party
It does not slander the soldier who up
holds the honor of the flag
It has fulfilled every government obli
It has made it possible for the United
States to borrow money cheaper than
any other country on earth
It has always kept its platform pledges
and never attempted to gain power by
false pretenses
It has never advocated a policy that
would tarnish the good name of the
Pennsylvanias entire military force
has been called out for strike duty the
first time the entire division of the Na
tional guard has been called out since
the great Homestead riots
CEEldred has made amodol county
judge He now seeks the position of
county attorney It is unnecessary for
us to add that his personal and legal
qualifications for prosecuting attorney
are unquestionable His election by a
large plurality is absolutely certain
It is not a creditable matter that con
gress should vote extravagant and un
necessary sums for such a public build
ing as is now being completed in Omaha
when the mere item of decorating a room
or two would give such a town as Mc
Cook a public building that would meet
every reasonable requirement Verily
to him that hath shall be given while
the needy hold the sack
The Lincoln Evening Star D E
Thompsons new daily newspaper is
now a reality Though issued under
some difficulties it presents a handsome
appearance resembling the Journal
somewhat Mr Thompsons signed
foreword is a manly businesslike pro
duct and if the sentiments therein con
tained shall be realized the Stars future
is assured In fine the Stars mission
is to fill a long-felt-want and incident
ally to see that the Journal doesnt get
too gay
The only Federal law ever passed for
the regulation of trusts was passed by a
Republican congress Dont overlook that
fact The Democrats subsequently had
control of congress as well as of the
presidency but not only did they fail to
pass anti trust laws through their con
gress but their president and attorney
general failed to execute the laws that
actually were on the statute books
placed there by a Republican congress
When Democrats talk about the great
things the Democratic party would do
against the trusts just spring that
record on them
The successful farmer or the good
business man who has in his employ a
faithful hand or a good employe seldom
discharges him to make room for a new
man untried and of uncertain quality
The same rule should apply in the man
agement of the affairs of the state Good
men should be retained For the past
two years the business of the state has
been handled in a business like way and
very economically A surplus exists
where usually a deficit is found The
boys at the state house have been faith
ful to the trust imposed on them and are
deserving of re election by an overwhelm
ing vote If you are satisfied with the
good showing made vote the Republican
Every student of political economy
knows that the so called trusts aro the
result of present wonderful industrial
conditions It is simply evolution
Just as the individual manufacturer in
his small shop or house gave place to
the joint stock company and the factory
system so the combination of factories
and plants succeeds the smaller corpor
ation President Roosevelt rightly says
they will be a wonderful benefit to the
country if handled by prudent men in
the right manner The Republican
party has never been found wanting in
an emergency If government by the
people is a success the Republican party
will see that the rights of the people are
adequately preserved and protected at
this critical stage of American progress
The people must look for aid to the
party that does and need expect noth
ing from the party that doubts
We are still head
quarters for heating
stoves We have the
well known Beckwith
Round Oak
Radiant Home
and several other good
heaters in all sizes
If you need a heater
The assortment i s
complete and you can
get just what you
want We also have
a nice line of steel
ranges and cook stoves
H P Waite
No Ha in
My hair was falling out very
fast and I was greatly alarmed I
then tried Ayers Hair Vigor and
my hair stopped falling at once
Mrs G A McVay Alexandria O
The trouble is your hair
does not have life enough
Act promptly Save your
hair Feed it with Ayers
Hair Vigor- If the gray
hairs are beginning to
show Ayers Hair Vigor
will restore color every
time 100 a bottle All druggists
If your drugcist cannot supply you
send us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle Ho sure and give the name
of your nearest express ollice Address
J C AVEU CO Lowell Mass
His Election Occurs November 4th
A prominent Frontier county Populist
was this week heard to say I voted
for Norris for judge three years ago be
cause he had made the best judge tho
district ever had During the seven
years he has been district judge he has
by his fairness and fearlessness saved
the county thousands of dollars I will
not vote for him for congress because as
a taxpayer of Frontier county I want
him to continue on the bench There
is no one in either party who can make as
good a judge as Norris has And the
man was sincere in what he said The
Clarion admits that Norris has been the
best judge the district ever had and
that it will bo difficult to find a man
who can fill the place so well But the
needs of the congressional district are
greater than of the judicial district
The Fifth district has been misrepre
sented in congress long enough It is
high time for us to select a man who
knows our wants and who has the cour
age and ability to make them known
Mr Norris record as a judge proves him
a man of the people his popularity at
tests his fairness and honesty his suc
cess on the bench bespeaks his ability
and integrity No matter what the
needs of this judicial district may be the
Fifth congressional demands the servi
ces of George W Norris in congress
His election occurs November 4th
Cambridge Clarion
A New Idea
Congressman Shallenberger hands us
something novel in the way of campaign
argument He is endeavoring to induce
the voters of his district to vote for him
upon the plea that he secured the public
building for Hastings The idea that a
Republican Senate and House passed
that appropriation in order to accommo
date a Populist member of the lower
house is so altogether novel that we con
sider it worthy a place in theImportant
If True column of the Congressional
Record Mr Shallenberger was a gold
Democrat until he saw a good opening
whereupon he changed his mind about
the money question He might think
this matter over again and see if it will
not be possible for him to come to the
conclusion that a reluctant Me too
was about all the work he did for the
Hastings building bill Lincoln Star
Oct 7th
Out of Deaths Jaws
Wlien death seemed very near from a severe
stomach and liver trouble that I had suffered
with for jears writes P Muse Durham NC
Dr Kings New Life Pills saved my life and
gave me perfect health Best pills on earth
and only 2oc at McConnell Berrys drug store
Help Yourselves
Before voting for Shallenberger the
intelligent farmer should try to figure
out why he is doing it What has Shall
enberger done for his district ne can
accomplish nothing in congress and it
seems a poor policy to send a man to
Washington for the sole purpose of draw
iog a salary To send a Democratic con
gressman to the capital is as foolish as
it would be to send a landsman to sea
expecting him to take part in navigating
a vessel Judge Norris on the contrary
will be in a position to help his district
and the state and he will be as eager as
well as able to do it Friends and coun
trymen in this matter of electing repre
sentativeslet us have more than enough
sense to get out of the rain Let us help
ourselves as well as the man we vote
for In order to help ourselves it is nec
essary to vote for the Republican candi
date Arapahoe Public Mirror
He Learned a Great Truth
It is said of John Wesley that he once said to
Mistress Wesley Why do jou tell that child
the same thing over and over again John
Wesley because once telling is not enough It
is for this same reason that you are told again
and again that Chamberlains Cough Remedy
cures colds and grip that it counteracts any
tendency of these diseases to result in pneumo
nia and that it is pleasant and safe to take
For sale by McConnell Berry
C S VanPelt went to McCook to
day 140 head of cattle which he will
fatten this winter on his Cedar Bluffs
ranch Ball Brothers dissolved part
nership last week John taking full pos
session of the ranch and threshing ma
chines Thomas and family are tempor
arily located in Danbury Mr and
Mrs E M Woods leave tomorrow to
attend the national encampment of the
G A R at Washington D C Dan
bury News October 2
has compelled us to announce that we are
now the best prepared we have ever been
to furnish you what you need and want in
We have the LARGEST STOCK this
year we have ever carried and can suit
MAN WOMAN or CHILD in kind
price or quality
are fleece lined and the strongest Nebraska
wind cannot get through them Just the
thing for this WINTERS WINDY
WEATHER We have just received a
new up-to-date line of
Mens Dress Shirts
ranging in price from 75c to 125 Hand
some colorings and styles Call and see
our beautiful line of Fascinators Merry-go-rounds
Childrens Hoods Toques
Sweaters Infants Knit Jackets and bootees
Get Ye Ready For Winter and
Buy Your Supplies of Honest John
Special announcement from our grocery dept
By placing on the road two delivery wag
ons we have been able to systematize the
delivery of our goods so that the wagons
will leave the store as follows
To North FlcCook at 9 and 11 oclock a m
To West South East McCook at 11 a m
To North and East McCook at 3 oclock p m
To South and West McCook at 5 oclock p m
Please make note of these hours and by
getting your orders in promptly we can in
sure satisfactory delivery of your goods
It is no kmger necessary todemonstrate
to the people the benefits to be derived
from a fine circulation of good literature
It has already become a question of try
ing to find additional space for those
wishing to read at the library as the
constant flow of visitors in search of
books break the necessary stillness One
month has elapsed since the opening
aad on Saturday night 317 applications
had been filed 681 books read and re
turned and 231 books now out 1805
parsons have visited the room
All those having files of magazines to
donate please report as a move is on foot
t procure an index to the leading maga
zines which will render them of great
value as reference books This will bene
fit not only the patrons of the library and
the schools but others who have files
of magazines There are many books
on the shelves of interest to the railroad
employes scientific and otherwise
A new order for books has just been
sent This list contains many juvenile
books for which there is an extraordinary
demand We have had several school
boys who have taken out and read from
eight to twelve books each
Mrs Ida E White of the east primary
has been out of school all week on ac
count of injuries sustained in a fall
Mrs P R Dobson has been substituting
for her
The High School cadets have been or
ganized and had their first drill on Thurs
day afternoon after close of schoolSupt
Thomas in command assisted by Rex
Duncan There are about forty boys in
the company
Tho program for this morning was as
Morning hymn School
Piano Solo Winnie Phillippi
Vocal Solo Eva Burgess
Piano Solo Blanche McCarl
March Bessie Peterson
Report to board of education for the
month ending October 3 1902 All
grades McCook schools
Number boys enrolled 366
Number girls enrolled 40G 772
Transferred 2
Withdrawn but not reentered 38 10
Present membership 732
Average daily attendanceboys 328
Average daily attendance girls370 693
Average number belonging 729
Per cent of attendance on enroll
ment 904
Per cent of attendance on num
ber belonging 950
Not absent during month 423
Half days absence 1375
Cases of tardiness 49
Number persons tardy 38
Visits by superintendent 35
Visits by others i v - - 34
Catholic Order of services Mass7
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 10
Preaching at 11 Y P S C E at 7
Sermon at 8 All cordially invited
Frank W Dean Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching 11 Epworth League 7 p m
Preaching at 8 The new pastor L H
Shuemate will fill the pulpit both morn
ing and evening H II Berry
William Small is now a resident of
John Feichters new house is nearin
Congressman Shallenberger was shak
ing hands with the people of Lebanon
Supt E S Dutcher held a special ex
amination in the Lebanon school house
R P High and J B Cumming are in
Washington D C this week attend
ing the G A R reunion
S E Ralsten and F F West returned
from Omaha Monday where they had
been buying goods for the fall trade
Judge Norris will lecture at the Pres
byterian church Saturday night Oct
11th Dont fail to hear him Its free
Mrs Al Johnson and daughter Esther
arrived home from Sweden where they
have been visiting friends and relatives
since early last spring
Wise Wiggins returned from Colorado
Wednesday We understand he has
shipped his cattle to Kansas City and is
now out of the cattle business
Edward J Richmond died Tuesday
morning October 7th at his home three
miles northeast of Lebanon The fun
eral services were conducted by Rev
W H Schofield at the residence Wed
nesday at 11 a m after which the re
mains were interred in the Tyrone ceme
F M Pennington and wife arrived
home last Saturday from Colorado and
New Mexico where they have been visit
ing their sons Ira and Allen They re
port an excellent time and that the boys
are doing well Allen is the oldest fire
man on the Santa Fe and will receive
the next vacancy that occurs among the
The largest variety of steel ranges and
cooks and heaters and the prices are
right at W T Colemans
- f w - - -