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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1902)
ir lit W irv i Y A 1 4 - TWENTY FIRST YEAR Simple Services of Love Last Saturday afternoon after simple touching services at the home the re mains of Eva Lewis were tenderly min gled with Mother Earth in Longviow cemotory whither many neighbors and friends followed in paying the last tri bute of sympathy and lovo Services at the residence were con ducted by Rev Frank W Dean of the Congregational church and wore numer ously attended the members of the Awl Os social club of which departed was a -member attending in a body The floral tributes wore especially Javish that of tho Awl Os a harp done in white and yellow with tho name of tho club done in purple was particu larly beautiful Wreaths pillows etc tind pink and white carnations fairly cov ered tho casketln their profusion The pall bearers were young men schoolmates of tho departed OBITUARY Eva Lewis only child of William and Adelo Lewis was born in Villisca Iowa September 2nd 1882coming to McCook Nebraska two years later with hor par ents and making this her home contin uously except two years 1891 2 spent in Culbertson Eva was a member of the class of 1901 but at the close of her jun ior year was obliged to give up school work on account of failing health Do- spite every effort made to restore health and vigor she joined those on the other side Thursday October 2nd 1902 De parted was an exceptionally sweet and lovable girl and was loved by all The heart of the community goes out to the bereaved parents A CARD OF THANKS We -desire to return sincere thanks to the many friends who showed their sym pathy during the years of Evas illness nd who rendered such kindly service in the closing hours of her life From full hearts we are grateful to them all Particularly do wo wish to thank those who sent such beautiful floral tributes to her whom we loved Mb and Mrs Wm Lewis John Flohr At Rest Sunday morning about four oclock John Flohr an aged resident of South McCook passed away after a prolonged and painful illness The deceased was 73 years of age at his last birthday Feb ruary 11th He was born in Germany but spent many years of his life in Amer ica perhaps fifteen years in McCook His aged wife survives and quite a large family of grown children none of whom however have lived here for years and none were present at the funeral Kind friends made the old mans de clining days as comfortable as possible and assisted in his burial which took place on Monday afternoon at three oclock from the residence in South Mc Cook Rev Frank W Dean of the Con gregational church officiated at the fu neral conducting brief touching ser vices at the home after which the re mains were laid away in Longview ceme tery a fevv friends and neighbors follow ing the remains to their last resting place and paying a tribute of flowers and sympathy The deceased was especially well known among the railroad men in the round house for whom in years agone he and his wife washed before disqualified by old age and disease The aged bereaved wife is the object of tender sympathy and solicitude Izzer Izzer whos got the Izzer The Thompson D G Co has and no one else and please dont forget it No Batt begins to approach it in any point Most weight Right size Big point is they unroll and open out almost as freely as a piece of cloth Price 10c each The Thompson D G Co J H Ludwick is settled in his new quarters a building especialy adapted for the furniture business He is show ing a fine line of buffets sideboards book cases folding beds etc 40 styles of iron beds Upholstered goods have been added A complete line of stoves See them Why dont you paint your house There are but few that dont need it The Mound City paint is the best It spreads farther and lasts longer than the most of paints Give it a trial W T Coleman Childrens SchoolJackets 1 to 350 Long Coats 350 to 8600 Misses and Ladies Jackets and Automobiles from 300 to 1150 Ladies fur trimmed seal plush Capes 500 The Thompson D G Co Ladies when you are down town step in Ludwicks furniture store and see some of the new styles Mens well made and perfect fitting Black Clay Worsted Suits 750 The Thompson D G Co Dont fail to see the decorated crepe tissue at Cone Bros MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mayor Eldred was a Lincoln visitor Tuesday John R Roxby was up from Arapa hoe Monday on business Miss Lena Newmann is home from Collegoview near Lincoln Mrs J C Nve departed Tuesday for her home in Ogden Utah J M Sewell the Hastings grainman was up on businessSunday J W Tomblin tho Arapahoe banker was a Commercial guest Monday Mrs C J Ryan arrived home Sun day night from her trip to Illinois D C Benedict of Culbertson was with us briefly in the flesh Monday Mrs Sanford Lewis is visiting in the city guest of Mrs Barney Lewis A Galusha of Red Cloud was a Sun day pilgrim to this all around mecca Mrs George Martin has been visit ing her parents in Hastings this week Mrs F G Westland is absent from tho city visiting relatives and friends in Lincoln Harlow W Keyes of Indianola had business of the law in the capital last Saturday A Barnett went to Hastings on 2 Wednesday and on to Omaha on 12 same day E E Emmett the Arapahoe banke examiner was a Commercial guest Sun day evening Dr and Mrs H L Prevost are vis iting in Kansas City this week during tho carnival Mrs J A Colber returned Saturday night from visiting her sisterMrs Fred Harris in Denver E S Hill drove an old army comrade up from Indianola Wednesday to catch No 1 for the west J G Erwin of the Beaver country was a business pilgrim to the countys capital city Monday M H Holmes returned first of the week from a short visit in Omaha to his mother and sister Mrs P M Peirce and Miss Maud Peirce of Wilsonville were guests of Mrs Delhunty Monday J L White the Brobdingnagian referee in bankruptcy from Curtis was here on business Saturday Mrs John T Brady returned Tues day on 1 from her sad trip to Illinois to bury the remains of her husband Mrs William Wood and children of McCook are stopping in the city with her father J O Lindley Red Cloud Argus Oct 3 Mrs H P Henckle and Mrs Emil Henckle went down to Hastings Wed nesday to see some of the sights of street fair week P A Wells who has been in this part of the state on business for the past week departed for South Omaha last Saturday night Mr and Mrs Louis Suess returned last Friday night from their wedding trip to Chicago and are temporarily at the Commercial hotel Mrs L E Cann and Miss Marie Gib bons returned home last Friday night from a brief visit with Mrs A S Camp bell on the Kilpatnck ranch up in Chase county Mrs E L Hickman of Chariton Iowa who has been here for some time on a visit to her sister Mrs A R Clark departed for her home on 2 Saturday morning last Mrs S C John is entertaining her mother Mrs George Morris and her bro ther H B Westley both of Panora Iowa who recently arrived on a visit of a few weeks Mrs George D Leach went up to Denver last Saturday night on a visit to her sister Mrs C K Coleman and to her parents now located near that city on a new ranch home Mrs James Kilpatrick of Whatcom Washington recently suffered the frac ture of her left arm in falling down stairs but is gradually recovering from the unfortunate accident Dr and Mrs C L Fahnestock have gone to Seattle and the northwest on their deferred wedding trip Dr W H Polley of Chicago is supplying the relief service during the absence of the regular physician C H Meeker as a Nebraska repre sentative took in the great irrigation convention at Colorado Springs Colo first of the week going up to Denver Saturday night It was doubtless the greatest irrigation gathering ever held in America County Teachers Association Tho Redwillow County Teachers asso ciation will hold a session in the Presby terian church Lebanon Saturday October 11th Following is the program for tho occasion 10 a m Song Minnie and Gladys Adams Invocation Rev II W Scofield Paper Opening Exercises Of What Shall They Consist and What is Their Ultimate Purpose Miss Ada E Fair Discussion Miss Dora Walkington Recitation Elwin Devoe Adjournment for Dinner 130 p m Song School Paper What is the Ultimate Aim of School Government JACasner Discussion Miss Gorby Paper What is the Practical Value of Agriculture How teach it in the Public Schools Perry Ginther Discussion James Finnigan Solo Eunice Kinkead Paper Tho Teachers Means of Self Culture Miss Flora B Quick Paper Methods in Teaching Arith metic Miss Ena Gamsby Song Young Mens Quartette Transaction of Business Enrollment of Teachers Supper 730 Song Young Mens Quartette Invocation Rev Dutcher Song Ladies Quartette Lecture Hon G W Norris Song Young Mens Quartette Resolutions of Respect McCook circle Ladies of the G AR No 33 Whereas Our Almighty Father in his judgment has seen fit to remove from our midst our worthy comrade Lyman Miller Be it resolved that we extend to our dear sister Miller our deep and heartfelt sympathy Resolved that a copy of these reso lutions be presented to our bereaved sister and to the local papers also that a copy be preserved upon the records of our circle Mary Walker Laura E Starr Matie G Welles Willow Grove Precinct Primary The Republican voters of Willow Grove precinct Red Willow county Nebraska are requested to meet in pre cinct primary at the office of H H Berry on Saturday October 11th 1902 at 8 oclock p m for the purpose of placing in nomination precinct officers and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the primary C B Gray W T Coleman M Lawritson T J Smith Committeemen Sewing Machines I have in stock the Wheeler Wilson Household and many other makes of machines I have drop heads as low as 1235 and from there up to the finest cabinets at 50 It will pay anyone to look my assortment over before buying W T Coleman Dewey Hack Tuesday of this week William F Dewey and Fannie Hack both of Tren ton were united in marriage at the Con gregational church by Rev Frank W Dean White Face Lows Eor Sale Twenty head of 3 and 4-years-olds with calves Inquire at this office Everything that is best in paints is found at Cone Bros Rags dirty rags are put into a picker and picked to shreds and lint Factories fill Bed Comforts with that out put and call them wool filled We buy no factory Comforts We make hundreds of Izzer Comforts 14 yds Cloth 6 Izzer Batts Well tacked and hemmed 165 to 275 The Thompson DGCo W T Coleman cordially invites the ladies to call at his store at any time and look over his line of kitchen novelties and silver ware He will be glad to show you the goods even if you do not care to buy Childrens good fleece lined ribbed Underwear at 5c 8c 10c 13c 15c etc Also the half wool Also the pure fine all wool Buckskin quality in all sizes at The Thompson D G Cos Bright Dressy Right That de scribes our juat received Fur ScarfsFur Muffs Fur Collarettes Scarfs from 125 up The Thompson D G Co 50 Dress Skirts of our own make dis played 250 to 750 To your measure at same price 300 pieces Dres3 Goods to select from The Thompson D GCo - i4 jf iiucCooh RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Brakeman Frank A Henderson is off duty with a sprained wrist Fireman Harry Jones was at head quarters Saturday and Sunday Switchman M M Fisk has been in Wray part of the week on business Some of the new freight cars have tho enormous carrying capacity of 100 tons The Burlington handled 5168 cars of stock in its Lincoln yards in September Brakeman P V Royse is off duty on account of illness of his wife and baby Brakeman H L Holder is temporarily unfitted for service by an attack of ton silitis The Lincoln round house turntable is now being run by an 8 horsopower gaso line engine Supt Campbell took in part of the street fair at Hastings occupying his private car 10 Engineer W H Morrell has been transferred to Akron Colorado to run on tho west end The express storage given a new floor and room has been other improve- ments this week Brakeman II R Childress has been called to Orleans by the serious illness of his aged mother Conductor O R Amick who has been sick for some time was able to be out on the streets this week New brakemen C E Hoffman W F Wagner J W Tillman Emil Eng berg and C L Fenn Brakeman F E Brigner at Oxford is sick and Brakeman C E Hoffman has gone down to relieve him Engineer and Mrs Walter Stokes havo returned from Akron and he will run out of McCook in the future Havelock repaired and turned out 27 engines during September the best re cord made for that month John Rice clerk for Mack Hughes has been transferred to Trainmaster Kenyons office as caller and clerk Mrs S V Ives came up from Oxford close of the week and they have taken quarters over McMillens drug store The company has put in an extra side track in the east end of the yard for the ac commodation of the sugar beet shippers G R Perkins a former operator in the McCook telegraph office has applied to the company for reinstatement in the service Engineer F G Westland who has been suffering rheumatic pangs these past ten days returned to the road Wednesday The Burlington has ordered the ma terial for a block system which will be placed at the new bridge over the Mis souri at Plattsmouth On of the results of the Union Pacific strike will be the abandonment of the shops at North Platte Grand Island and Sidney will be the beneficiaries Freight traffic on the Western division just now is the greatest in the history of the division and the management is put to it to keep motive power in shape to move the business On account of the heavy business two new way cars have been equipped and placed in service Conductor William Wasburn has the No 149 and Con ductor L S Watson the 29 Effective October 1st the yardmasters of the Wyoming division will receive an increase in salary The raises will effect all the day and part of the night posi tions Alliance Grip Oct 3 The Tribune is pained to learn that Walter Clark who was injured in a rail road accident sometime ago will always be a cripple in a measure as a result of his misfortune He is located at Sapula Indian Territory After having made exhaustive trials of American and British built locomo tives on the government railways of New Zealand the officials at Wellington report that the best results have been achieved with the American machines Q fast mail train No S eastbound was wrecked at Galva Illinois Tuesday night A coal gate had been dropped from a tender of a westbound train and lay upon the south track This derailed the fast mail Fireman Mahlon Sands of Havelock Nebraska was killed G R Johnson formerly engineer out of McCook has entered the service as brakeman on the Deadwoocl line Mr o i inMJjiWiniiii in Holdrege District Appointments Tho West Nebraska Methodist con ference closed at Ord Monday Tho appointments made for tho Holdrego district of the conferencearo as follows Holdrege district W E Hardaway presiding eldor Holdrego Alma and Republican Erastus Smith Arapahoe Si McAllister Atlanta B F Eberhart Axtell H C Lawyer Bartley G B Mayfield Beaver City W H D HornadayjBenkolman andHaiglerR II Chrysler Bertrand and Loomis WJ Douglas Bloomington E II Gould Box Elder M S Satchell Cambridge S J Medlin Cambridge circuit I W Owen Culbortson M L Gardner Dan bury and Lebanon R E Pogue Frank lin and Macon A A King Hildreth and Huntley M B Carman Holbrook S W Longacre Holdrege A P Beall Indianola J W Waters Max to be supplied McCook L II Shumate Minden C C Wilson Norman to be supplied Orleans and Stamford E E Crippen Oxford B Howe Riverton T F Ashby South McCook to bo sup plied Trenton and Stratton to bo sup plied Upland and Campbell C A Nor- lin Wilsonville J F Mahoney Wilcox and Ragan W J Boyd I W Dwire missionary in N Mexico J C Street left without appointment to attend some one of our schools Sale of Recorded Poland Chinas Thursday October 16th 1902 com mencing at eleven oclock Frank Davis of the celebrated Maple Grove herd of Recorded Poland China hogs will hold his fifth annual sale at his farm 2fo miles south of Holbrook He will offer some rare bargains and all lovers of fine stock should make a point of being there Free conveyance from train to farm Free lunch Send for catalogue today Silverware Silverware When in need of anything in hollow wareof cutlery go to W T Colemans look over his line of silverware and get prices before buying elsewhere He has a complete line of knives and forks teas coffee orange dessert and table spoons Dessert pie and fruit knives Jelly shells gravy ladles berry spoons and everything in the lino of silverware To the Ladies I have a complete line of chaffing dishes timbole irons vegetable slicers pudding and salad moulds potato scoops spirit lamps and all useful kitchen uten sils When you are down town call at W T Colemans store and look over his line of novelties and silverware Culbertson to Hayes Center D M Benedict of Culbertson has secured the contract for carrying the Culbertson Hayes Center mail The first trip will be made October 13th ar riving at Hayes Center at noon and re turning at 1 oclock Hayes Center Times Salesmen Wanted to look after our interests in Redwillow and adjoining counties Salary or commission Ad dress The Harvey Oil Co Cleveland Ohio Childrens fleece lined ribbed Union Suits at 25c to 50c Ladies at 50c to 125 Mens heavy Double brested and Double backed all wool Undershirts for 125 Drawers of same material The Thompson D G Co Those 35 45 and 50 buggies are dandies and the best values ever offered in the city The 75 rubber tired ones are beauties Call and see them No trouble to show them at WT Colemans The Great Majestic the Malleable Climax Quick Meal Jewel Universal and several other makes of ranges is what you have to select from when you want a range Look them over and get prices before buying W T Coleman Mens extra fine and soft all wool med icated scarlet Undershirts and Drawers only 100 The Thompson jj G Cs The Degree of Honor was the first fra ternal beneficiary order to pay insurance on the Max Anton loss Strayed Red and black pig about 10 weeks old Finder will be rewarded by leaving word at Doans mill A car of furniture just arrived at Lud wicks Step in and see some of the new styles The Commercial house laundry is re ceiving repairs this week a new roof etc duuuouu yucu i6 w w - TAacf GhrnU f SI QZ SO m 9 SO for a number of years and was one of the afc The g that made the Burlingtons record run from Chicago toDenver about four years Ping pong ago Alliance Grip Oct 3 Sets 1 to 5 -the latest society craze McConnell Bebby - s a McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING OCTOBER 10 1902 NUMBER 21 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS The Tribune is only 100 a year Fine stationery and books at Conos Scalo books for salo at The Tribune office For Rent Two heated Meeker block Go to C L Sorosis Skirts rooms in tho DoGroff Cos for Some good values in Petticoats at CL DeGroff Cos Big bargains in Bros drug store wall paper at Cone Spices and flavorings strictly pure McConnkll Berry Boys Blanket lined School Coats 85c to 125 at tho Thompson D G Cos If its seasonable and all right you will find it at D C Marshs meat market Tho flight of geese southward is indic ative of the approach of cold weather Always reliable always dependabl what you buy at Marshs meat market A lady desiring board and room in a desirable family can secure information at this office Tho New Palmer bus is outthis week all resplondent in new yellow blue and red pigment For the pickle season all kinds spices and flavorings Purest made McConnell Berry of All the now and popular books always in stock at less than publishers prices McConnell Berry Wanted Pupils for a shorthand class Good time to begin as a new clas3 is being formed See L W Stayuer for particulars Cards with envelopes to match for at homes receptions etc for sale at Trib une otlico Same neatly printed rea sonable if desired At the right price you can always got the choicest things the season affords at D C Marshs meat market At tho old stand all the time Everybody gets a bargain in our wall paper remnant sale Come early and get this years patterns McConnell Berry McCook has more modest business men than most towns of McCooks size and pretentions Only about one in four is bold enough to advertise his goods We have paint for Paints of all grades and any purpose prices Dont buy till you have seen us McConnell Berry Kinds of meat change somewhat with the seasons but they never change the quality at D C Marshs market Its always one quality the very best the market affords An addition is being built by Nicholas Ploussard to his boarding house corner Dodge and Manchester streets The addition is one story in height and is located just north of the kitchen My selection of hard and soft coal heaters is not equalled in this part of the state It will pay you to look at these heaters before buying Will guar antee price with quality W T Coleman A public sale is announced by J W Vaughn who lives at the four county corners 18 mile3 northwest of McCook Sale day is Oct 15 commencing at 10 in the forenoon Will sell stock machm ery household goods etc Usual terms H H Berry auctioneer The Molar Barber College Omaha Nebr wants men to learn barber trade steadypracticequalifiedteachersdemon strationsetcare the advantages Com plete outfit of tools given graduates Board included Catalogue explaining all mailed free All certificates of nomination of pre cinct officers must be filed with the county clerk on before October 15 The precinct officers to be elected at the coming election are assessor justices to fill vacancies constables to fill vacancies and one road overseer in each road dis trict Nebraska Workmen are making a he roic effort to win the prize of 2000 offered by the supreme lodge to any jur isdiction that will make a net increase of 25 per cent in a year The indica tions are favorable for her winning out too and gaining first place in the su preme jurisdiction i