The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 03, 1902, Image 4
id a ra Fifty Years the Standard Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair Highest tests US Govt rh -- fkt It1 Jnhuqt iy F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN TICKET CONGRESSIONAL Congressman Georgo W Norris McCook STATE Qovornor John H Mickey Lieutenant Governor EG McGilton Socretary of State Georpo W Marsh Treasurer Potor Mortensen Aud i tor Charles Weston Attorney Genoral Frank N Prout Land Commissioner GeorRa D Follmor Supt Public Instruction Win K Fowler LEGISLATIVE State Sonator 29th District D Representative J E mklliMitl9Vvmflm S Hasty Hathorn COUNTY County Judge S L Green County Attorney C E Eldrcd Commissioner First district D AWatorraan i Government ownership of coal mines is gaining not a few adherents these turbulent strike dajs General Russell A Alger has been appointed United States senator by Gov ernor Bliss of Michigan to succeed the late Senator McMillan Our Man Mickey seems to be the storm center of the campaign And it will not surprise us to see him elected by the largest plurality of any candidate on the Republican ticket With an almost unequaled percapita of money circulation Uncle Sam has to use every spare nickel just now to move the unprecedented crops and to transact the matchless business of the country So far the opposition has signally failed to score once against Judge Norris but on the contrary he grows steadily in popularity and strength and his election seems to be more and more a question of plurality as the campaign proceeds and progresses A vote for Judge Norris for congress man will be a vote of confidence in Presi dent Roosevelt as well as a vote to elect an able man to congress who is in sym pathy with the present national adminis tration Both are worthy motives and appeal to the thoughtful patriotic citi zen So far the only people in the state who express dissatisfaction over the nomina tion of J H Mickey are democratic ora tors The populists who know the nomi nation of Thompson sounded the death nell of their party are not denouncing Mickeyneither are they praising Thomp son and when they go to the polls next November they are more likely to vote for Mickey than they are for Thompson North Platte Tribune WilliamMcKinley once gave a defini tion of the Republican party He said You do not have to guess what the Re publican party will do The whole world knows its purpose It has embodied them in law and executed them in ad ministration For more than fifty years it has been the party of sturdy American principles progressive and conservative accomplishing what it advocates and advocating what best represents the ideals of the most progressive people in the whole world One charateristic of the party is that it is never influenced by historical impulses but resists that tendency within its own ranks and with stands it in the assaults of its opponents In this same definite manner it will fin ally deal with trusts The effort will be to maintain the rights of the people Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ot food Itgives instant relief and neve fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cared after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on thestom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take it cant help but to you good Prepared only by EODWiTTOoChIcaga vfce ci bottlo coBUlsStf timcathogOcslx The Democrats of Virginia are so jealous for tho purity of the ballot that they not only disfranchised the negro but have in their new constitution disfranchised 3000 vetern soldiers in the National Soldiers Home at Hampton Va A vote for the entire Republican ticket will be a vote for the continuance of good government in nation state and county Indeed none want a change from the present prosperous peaceful and splendid condition of our country but those who want in themselves W K Fowler has given excellent satisfaction as state superintendent of public instruction and deserves a hearty indorsement on the part of the voters He has proven his adaptability for the position beyond question and it would be the part of unwisdom that Nebraska voters are seldom guilty of to ignore his claim for reelection Norfolk News The Alliance Grip is of the opinion that Editor Rosewater must bo getting in his dotage when he thinks he can run up against four railroad companies in Omaha in packing primaries for the nomination of any man for any office Of course the Grip is simply joking neither Rosewater nor any of the four railroad companies in Omaha would be guilty of such a rape of the election laws of Nebraska as to pack primaries Some people never learn anything by experience That is the way with the crop of new statesmen who are run ning the Democratic party just at pre sent They do not have to hark back over the trail more than six or eight years to find the ashes of the camp fires of free trade times when there was no bacon in the frying pan nor coffee in tho pot And yet they want their followers to camp there again The Democratic leaders may not profit by experience but the people will You wont catch some of those wily old Democrats in therural districts again in any such fix They have learned that the Republican camp fire is the place where the bacon is plen tiful the coffee good and strong and there is fodder for the horses and water for the cattle That is where they are going to unhitch and camp on this trip This is a great country but did you ever stop to think which party is respon sible for its greatness Look over the record and point to anything in the last tbirty seven years that the Democratic party has done in the way of practical and beneficent achievement Not a thing The Republicans have done it all They put the country on its feet after the civil war put the money of the nation at par in the worlds banking houses start ed the industries going which today give renumerative employment to labor and furnish a market for the sale of the far mers products at good prices All the good labor laws good banking laws good pension laws good laws in general have been enacted by the Republicans The Democrats were in charge of affairs for a brief but unfortunate period and all that they demonstrated they could do was to tear down some of the good work of the Republicans and set the country back a half dozen years or so Dont let them do it again No such simple safe and inexpensive method of mail remittances has ever been devised and its advantages to the masses of the people are so many and so great that the only wonder is that there be any opposition to the plan Post master General Payne favors the scheme as does Auditor Castle of the treasury department The utility and simplicity of the post check has appealed to nearly everybody who has given the scheme any thought It has the en dorsement of financial experts and of business men who are dependent on the mails for the receipt or dispatch of money particularly in small sums to a considerable extent It ought to im press congress favorably for it is in the interest of the people Such being the case congress ought not to pay too much heed to those who are opposing the introduction of this form of money on no more worthy grounds than that it will give them a little more work and trouble The pending bill is clearly one in the interest of the masses and the indications are that its adoption cannot ultimately be prevented Denver Post J Coi I have made a most thorough trial of Ayers Cherry Pectoral and am prepared to say that for all dis eases or the lungs it never disap points J Early Finley fronton O Ayers Cherry Pectoral wont cure rheumatism we never said it would It wont cure dyspepsia we never claimed it But it will cure coughs and 1 colds of all kinds We first said this sixty years ago weve been saying it ever since Three tlxes 25c 59c 1 All drnrjisti Consult your doctor It he tay take It than do u be y If he tells you not to take it then dont take It He knows Leave it with him We are trilling J O ATEE CO IrfwelL Hu CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Baptist Sunday school 945 a m Preaching 11 m and 8 p m BYPU 7 p m A specially prepared missionary service has been arranged Prayer meet ing Wednesday 8 p m Rev Snyder will preach at Zion Hill and Perkins school house at the usual hours Geo L White Pastor Congreoational Snnday school 10 a m Sermon 11 a m subject Home Scenes at Bethany YPSCE7 pm Sermon 8 p m subject The Converts Sermon Prayer meeting and confer ence Wednesday 8 pm All are heart ily welcome Frank W Dean Pastor Rev Earl the new Episcopal clergy man has been in tho city part of the week Rev L M Grigsby went to conference at Ord Tuesday and from there will go to his new pastorate at Liberty Gage county Rev Wm Hardcastle who was an nounced to speak at the Congregational churcbcannot be here for next Sunday so the pastor will conduct the services PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS The actual school membership on Wednesday night was 755 Miss Jennie Herman of Hayes Center entered the eighth grade this week Rev L M Grigsby made a farewell visit to the high school assembly on Monday morning and profitably helped in the exercises by a brief earnest talk The high school football team was victorious over a light weight team from the shops at the Athletic club grounds last Friday afternoon The field was slippery and heavy as a result of the rain but the game was well contested the school boys showing better team and individual work on account of their longer practice together Though the day was rainy a crowd of school enthu siasts boys and girls cheered on the scarlet and creams by spirited class and school yells The score was 16 to 0 The following is the music programme rendered at the high school assembly last Friday morning Morning hymn School Piano Solo Lettie Knipple Song School Vocal Solo Hazel Rouch Piano Solo Florence Franklin Song School March Bessie Peterson Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Sept 15 1902 John Ascheucreuner Lillian Baker Mrs P Churchfield MrsEdCurleo Pete Easman When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster What a Father can do for His Son is the title of one of tho most instructive articles which has ever appeared in a magazine Prof Harry Thurston Peck discusses this subject in the October Cosmopolitan in a way to be entertaining to fathers mothers and sons The essay will have a wide range of readers HJEiL IKb We are still quarters for head heating stoves We have the well known Beckwith Round Oak Radiant Home and several other good heaters in all sizes If you need a heater BUY NOW The assortment i s complete and you can get just what you want We also have a nice line of steel ranges and cook stoves H P Waite Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Tribune we have made arrangements with tho following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Tbibune at the following very low prices with PUBLICATION PBICE TBIBUNE Detroit Free Press 1 00 SI 50 Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00 Prairie Fanner 100 125 Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 35 Cincinnati Enquire 1 00 1 50 New York Tribune 100 125 Demorests Magazine 1 00 1 75 Toledo Blade 100 125 Nebraska Farmer 100 165 Iowa Homestead 100 125 Lincoln Journal 100 175 Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50 New York World 1 00 1 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 1 80 St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 FarmandHome 100 120 Word and Works 1 00 1 70 Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00 1 50 -renewals 1 80 We aro prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates The Tbibone McCook Neb When once liberated within your system it produces a most wonderous effect Its worth ones last dollar to feel the pleasure of life that comes by taking Eocky Mountain Tea 35 cts McConnell Berry THEDFORDS BUCfiDBeiil il 12 THE GREAT IB Thedfords Black Draught has saved doctors bills for more than sixty years For the common fam ily ailments such as constipation indigestion hard colds bowel com plaints chills and fever bilious ness headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary It invigorates and reg ulates the liver assists digestion stimulates action of the kidneys Eurifies the blood and purges the owels of foul accumulations It cures liver complaintj indigestion sour scomacu uizzmess emus Time Card McCook Neb No 5 arrives from east at 8 p HmmA XfeaddeeoodOCQQOOeOOQOOQX rheumatic pains sidcache back ache kidney troubles constipation diarrhoea biliousness piles hard colds and headache Every drug gist has Thedfords Black Draught in 25 cent packages and in mam moth size for 100 Never accept substitute Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga IIedicine Company 1 bdizvz Thedfords Black Draught is the best medicine on earth It is good for any and everything 1 have a family of twelve children and for four years I have kept them on foot I ana ncalthy vith no doctor but Blat Orught A J GREEN lilewara La Take Care of the Stomach The man or woman whoso digestion is perfect and whose stomach performs its every function is never sick Kodol cleanses purifies and sweetens the stomach and cures positively and permanently all stomach troubles indigestion and dyspepsia It is the wonderful reconstruc tive tonic that is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by conveying to their bodies all of the nourishment in the food they eat Eev J Holladay of Holladay Miss writes Kodol has cured me I consider it tho best remedy I have ever used for dyspepsia and stomach troubles I was given up by phy sicians Kodol saved my life Take it after meals McConnell Berry Raised From the Dead C W Landis porter for the Oriental Hotel Chanute Kansas says I know what it was to suffer with neuralgiadeed I did and I got a bottle of Ballards Snow Liniment and I was raised from the dead I tried to get some more but before I had deposed of my bottle I was cured entirely I am tellin do truth too 25c 50c and 100 at A McMillens Linger insr Summer Colds Dont lot a cold run at this season Summer colds aro the hardest kind to cure and if neg lected may linger along for months A long siege liko this will pull down tho strongest con stitntion Ono Minute Cough Cure will break up the attack at once Safe sure acts at once Cures coughs colds croup bronchitis all throat and lung diseases The children like it McConnell Berry DONT E B OOLED Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never 5oId in bulk Accent no 5ubsti iHconpoTcaia tute Ask your druggist Croup Usually begins with the symptoms of a com mon cold there is chilliness sneezing and a sore throat hot skin quick pulsehoarseness and impedded respiration Give frequently small doses of Ballards Horehound Syrup the child will cry for it and at the first sign of a croupy cough apply frequently Ballards Snow Lini ment externally to the throat A McMillen Sick Headache Food doesnt digest well Appetite poor Bowels constipated Tongue coated Its your liver Ayers Pills are liver pills they cure pepsia r biliousness 25c All druggists Want vour moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Then use BUCKINGHAMS DYE SO cts of Druggists or r p moil Co Nashua n h Beware of the Knife No profession has advanced more rapidly of late than surgery but it should not be used ex cept where absolutely necessary In case of piles for example it is seldom needed DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and permently Unequalled for cuts burns bruises wounds skin diseases Accept no counterfeits I was so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much blood and strength says J C Phillips Paris Illinois DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cured me in a short time It soothes and heals McConnell Berry main line east depart No t Central Time 1110 p b0 a m 920 am m main line west depart No 1 Mountain Time 1112 AM i ll4npM 13 825 A M IMPERIAL line No 176 arrives Mountain Time 540 p m No 175 departs 700 AM Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United Statesor Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent McCook Nebraska or J Francis General assen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn 65 Wheat 48 Oats 35 Rye 35 Hogs 06 Eggs 17 Butter 20 A BIG FLOOD IN HONEST JOHNS STORE has compelled us to announce that we are now the best prepared we have ever been to furnish you what you need and want in FALL and WINTER Underwear We have the LARGEST STOCK this year we have ever carried and can suit MAN WOMAN or CHILD in kind price or quality THOSE HEAVY DUCK COATS PANTS AND FALL SUITS are fleece lined and the strongest Nebraska wind cannot get through them Just the thing for this WINTERS WINDY WEATHER We have just received a new up-to-date line of Mens Dress Shirts ranging in price from 75c to 125 Hand some colorings and styles Call and see our beautiful line of Fascinators Merry-go-rounds Childrens Hoods Toques Sweaters Infants Knit Jackets and bootees Get Ye Ready For Winter and Buy Your Supplies of Honest John Special announcement from our grocery dept By placing on the road two delivery wag ons we have been able to systematize the delivery of our goods so that the wagons will leave the store as follows To North flcCook at o and 11 oclock a m To West South East McCook at 11 a m To North and East McCook at 3 oclock p m To South and West McCook at 5 oclock p m Please make note of these hours and by getting your orders in promptly we can in sure satisfactory delivery of your goods mm H RRANN C trvaaiv sbb viijuiivimi MnPnnb Moh 1 BISUUUUIll iiuu f OOOOOOOOO0X fefe Tfib N I Ml HXlOttS to show you some of just received Your boys will want 2L Scftoof Suit Ife GIVE US A CALL BEFORE YOU BUY THE tj was k s argaiti lore C L DeGROFF CO J - r r