The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 26, 1902, Image 7
N N 4 Ufldfeputcd fop Half a Century v It is a remarkable foot which for lialf a century has not onoo boon dis puted that St Jacobs Oil never alia to euro shooting pains ki tho arms logs sides back or breast or soreness in any part of the body It has for fifty years boon guaran teed by tho proprlotors St Jacobs OH Ltd Baltlmoro Md to promptly euro lameness sciatica rheuraatlBm lum bago stiff and swollen Joints stiff back and all pains In tho hlpa and loins strains brulsos burns scalds toothache chilblains and all aches end pains St Jacobs Oil costs 25 eta and 50 cts sold wherever a drugglBt is found If beats the devil all bow b o m o dealers will 1m roee on heir customers by uttering them wboa Ato bastlno is uiulwl for cheap Kalsomines mat win spoil tueir waiis bucn action Is certainly prompted by and suob meth o d s will not commend themselves to honest dealers Alnbastine a durable cement hasfi wall coating not a kalsomlne costs no more to apply than cheap dope that spoils your walls and Injures the health of your family Alabastino i3 a dry pow der comes In packages mixes with cold water In white and fourteen beautiful tints for use on plastered walls wood celling brick or canvas superior to palntor paper Full directions on every package Ask druggist or paint dealer for sample card or tints or write to ALABASTINE COMPANY GRAND RAPID6 - MICH AWYERS W jgi fjfk Pommel Slickers Keop the rider perfectly dry No crater can leak la on the saddle out extra wtdo and long in the klrt Kxtra protection at nhoal der searai AVorranted wo tcrproor Ifyour aeaier Qoeso i havatherawrlta far catalogue to U JL SAWYKR Jk SO t Sale Mfr ktv teF3Ba3 Eut Cambridge Bm Old Shoes Made Into Morocco In France old Bhoes are bought up In quantities by rag dealers and sold to factories where they are taken apart and submitted to long process es which turn them Into paste from which tho material is transformed into an Imitation leather appearing muob like the finest morocco Upon this material stylish designs are stamped and vall papers trunk coverings and similar articles are manufactured from It Bven the panhandler can become strenuous long enough to raise the price of a drink Tokos tbe burn out beals the wound cures tbo pain Dr Thomas Eclectric Oil the household remedy Stolen sweets are often indigestible Its too bad that some things seem too good to be true GREATLY REDUCED RATES VIA WABASH RAILROAD HALF RATES round trip plus 200 to Sandusky Columbus Tolodo Cin cinnati Indianapolis Louisville and many poIntB In INDIANA OHIO AND KENTUCKY Tickets sold September 2 9 16 23 LESS than half rates to Washington D C and return Tickets sold Octo ber 2 3 4 6 HALF RATES round trip to Buffalo Toronto Niagara Falls Pittsburg Detroit Cleveland Columbus and many points in MICHIGAN INDIANA OHIO PENNSYL VANIA WEST VIRGINIA AND KENTUCKY TICKETS sold Oc tober 2 3 4 5 HALF RATES Boston Mass and re turn Sold October C 7 8 9 and 10 LONG LIMITS and STOPOVERS AL LOWED at Niagara Falls and Detroit on above tickets I For rates and all information call at Wabash New City Ticket office 1601 Far nam St Omaha or write Harrv E Moores Genl Act Pass Dept Omaha Neb The subtle mind is only submissive when submission subserves its inter est ARE YOUR CIOTHES FADED Use Rod Cross Boll Blue and moke them white again Large 2 oz package 5 cents There is a way out of every diffi culty without dying and it pays to find it I pwpPY T fTI P Boeit hto the World with an C V Lwl I wFl ILLy inherited tendency to distress ing disfiguring humours of the skin scalp and blood becomes an object of the most tender solicitude not only because of its suffering but becauseof the dreadful fear that tne disfiguration is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and prosperity Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflicted children to acquaint themselves with the best the purest and most effective treatment available viz THE CUTICUEA TREATMENT r Warm baths with CtmotrnA Soap to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften tbe thickened caticie gentle anointings with Cutkkjra Oint HENT to inatantly allay itching irritation and inflammation and soothe and heal are all that can be desired for the alleviation of the suffering of skin tortured infants and ohildren and the comfort of worn out worried mothers A single set is often sufficient to cure when the best physicians fail Sold hrooshout tie world 5riih Dcoji SM3 Charterhouse Sq London French Dtpott SKaaeM nmf jLutirauan xepoH a iuwna LoOfuiMy ivllk isu au mii wm- Dukaxiw mm Tberearcfesttwoinds of starcru Defiance Starch which 43 the bescyscarchis rxrada and the rest Otbettaesxsctfuair chemicaIs which wocktiar mtatbe clothes rot tnemana cause acm 10 break Defiaace -is mm B ty purtS ft tV gtraranceed peffecriy s3tirfactt3ryo money back The proof is io the doing anH Defiance does 16 ounces tor iv cents Your gFocef sells it MANUFAtfrVREDf BT THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO OMASA jm Town Clock That Has a Peculiar History Perhaps no clock in America hae a Qore interesting history than the m in the steeple of the city hall and narkot house at Alexandria Va It fas installed as the purchase price of gambler In the days befqre the war Alexarv Iria was known by the sporting fra ernity as a pretty rapid place But n those good old days it was square am os and no cheating in the town 5nce however Alexandria was vlsitod y Beveral professional gamblers from he Southwest in search for dupes md a respectable citizen in an evil iour fell into the snare they set for ilm After a series of adverse games ye found himself fleeced out of Bome hing like 3000 He paid without any bickering but lot very willingly Then a lucky bought enabled him to take his re venge on the chief blackleg Somo aow or other he learned that there was an old law in Virginia estab lished while she was yet a colony In jvhich It was provided that if any man ould not show that he was pursuing jome lawful means of obtaining a livelihood he should be sold or hired jut at auction to prevent his main tenance becoming chargeable to tho town Going before a Justice of the peace He citizen entered a complaint against he gamester The man was arrested tried and condemned to be sold at public auction At first he was dis posed to treat the matter as a huge There was a president of a western concern who was asked to come to New York and see J Pierpont Mor gan Mr Morgan and his associates in a large deal which he was en gineering desired control of the con cern of which the Western man was the executive head This gentleman whom we may call Thompson was a large man in his state the thing he was running was immense from the local point of view Mr Thompson arranged to come East It was an occasion of moment He spent a week in studying details had all his heads of departments pre pare voluminous reports which he went over and over again and which he thrust into his trunk ready to flash on Mr Morgan at that point of the long drawn negotiations where he j was sure they would have an oveiv powering effect When the fated hour of departure arrived Mr Thompson said to his manager This business will take at least a week perhaps more You can always reach me at the Waldorf but if it is a matter of importance you can telegraph me at Morgans office gotiating for a couple of hours each day On the appointed hour Mr Thomp son left his cab and climbed the short flight of stairs at Wall and Broad streets up which so many money men have gone He had left hia docu ments at the hotel as he did not sup- 5do but he found out his mistake whn he was taken to a public stand and put up for sale The victim started the bid with Ono hundred dollars Xsro hundred said the gambler And so gamester and victim went on bidding until the amount had reached 2000 Then the gambler begged to be let off pleading poverty but he pleaded in vain There was no alternative The gam bles must either be forced to labor under the supervision of the man who had small cause to love him or he must go on bidding for himself He was actually compelled to do this un tfi the sum had reached 3500 Then he was knocked down to himself and permitted to leave the town The clt iaen gave the proceeds of the sale to tho city to be used for putting a clock in tbe town hall The building was torn down a few years ago to make room for a larger and more impressing one Not many of the citizens knew the peculiar history of the clock and steeple but Capt Edward Dan gerfleld was one who did He told the building committee that he was particularly desirous of having the old clock which had done faithful service so many years repaired and placed in the steeple of the new build ing and he was willing to foot the ex pense His wishes were carried out and to day the peoplo of Alexandria still have their famous clock How Pierpont Morgan Accomplishes a Deal pose they would be needed on the first- day He sent in his card Mr Morgan would see him immediately Glad to see you Mr Thompson How about this business said the boss of financial America We have made up our minds what we can da We will give so much for the con cern payable so-and-so We wani you to remain where you are at so nMich per year We will keep B and L and D We wont need X P and J You may want some time to think this over Will you let me know by 11 oclock to day But I had expected began Mr Thompson I had thought I have some documents I would like Thats all right Mr Thompson We have all the facts we need I have told you what we will do we will dc no more I dont want to be abrupt but It will save time to come righi down to business Can you come in at 11 Me Thompson thought he could in fact that was about all he could cali up to say at that moment Like a wise man he went away like a wiser one he walked in at 11 and said 1 I will probably be there fc q 0ffer Mr Morgan especially as it was nearly 2uuuu more tnan he aad his associates had set as theii eeHlng price Tbe next morning he started foi homo and his board of directors nearly shook his arm off in congratu lattng him on his brilliant financial success Chase for Lost Bill Was Well Rewarded ne was portly and prosperous an alliterative state of affairs that seemed to give weight to his words Therefore the little band gathered in front of an up town hotel and which aad watched with interest and laughed with mean delight at the man who chased his hat two blocks in one of those sudden gales listened with respectful attention to tbe port ly man who had laughed louder than the others and who led the way to the cafe bar -That hat chasing game reminds me of a peculiar thing which happened to me when a boy he began T was brought up on a farm in this state and was one of those happy-go-lucky youngsters always in trouble and with a happy faculty of getting out of scrapes One day my father gave me a 8 bill to go down to the village and buy some things for the farm Boy like I started off holding the biH by the corner and letting the wind flap it about my fingers There camera sudden puff and the bill was torn from my grasp I saw it fly over a bush Limit to All Things During the excitement of Peace Night at Oxford England four or five undergraduates surrounded a young fellow and a girl and in the excess of their patriotic fervor be stowed upon the damsel one by one innumerable and enthusiastic kisses When it came to the last mans turn for a second round the girls com panion opened his mouth for the first time and with Bacchanalian affability and exceeding slowness exclaimed When youve quite--done thats my sister The girl had not pro tested Civilization in Manchuria Jules Legras a French traveler who has made a trip through Man churia on the railway Russia Is con structing there tells of the rapid Rus sianizatkm of the province At a ban- to and started off in hot pursuit II meant recover that bill or get th tors licking that ever a country boj recorded Jumping over the fence I saw the biH dancing merrily along about fiv feet from the ground in a ten acr field and nothing to check its prog reea My how I ran Once or twic I nearly had It when a fresh gust oj wind would send it in another direc tion I chased the bill all around th field and finally panting and ex hausted I grasped it and fell to tht ground The portly man muttered something sounded like sluck ant drained his glass The others fol lowed suit and waited patiently fo3 the climax Gentlemen it is hard to believe bttt when I recovered my breath ant looked at the cause of my furiou obase I found it was a 10 bill tha somebody else had lost Nobody had courage enough to asl what had become of the 5 bill anc the band dispersed in silence Nev York Mail and Express WNWi Quet at Khaitor to celebrate the progress of civilization the Russians and Italians engaged in the railroac building said the usual things abou clvilraztion and the inferior rates when Buddha Rabdanovitch Rabda nov a Bouriote by race gave the eulo giurj this ironic turn Civilization Baid he Yes civilization goes for ward at railroad speed in this coun try it expands as this railroad grows I will give you an illustration Three years ago I was in Khaitor and there was nothing but Bouriotes talking Bouriote and Mongols talking Mongol Ian Now all tlrat is altered Nc longer ago than yesterday in a streel here a Mongol carter insulted me iu Russian Revue des Deux Mondes Weak is the man who hasnt strength enough to break a good reso lution JX Mrs Emma E Felch Treasurer Fond du Lac Wis Social Economic Club Tells How She was Cured of Irregular and Pain ful Menstruation by Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Dear Mrs Pinkham I have used Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound for irregular and painful menstruation and was entirely cured after using two bottles I can truly say it is a boon to suffering women and I would recommend all suffering from the above troubles to try a few bottles and be cured Very thank fully yours Emma E Felch Division St Fond du Lac Wis 5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE IiETTER IS NOT GENUINE When women are troubled with irregular suppressed or painful menstruation weakness leucorrhcea displacement or ulceration of the womb that bearing down feeling inflammation of the ovaries backache bloating or flatulence general debility indigestion and nervous pros tration or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness faintness lassitude excitability irritability nervousness sleeplessness melancholy all gone and feelings blues and hopelessness they should remember there is one tried and true remedy Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles Refuse to buy any other medicine for you need the best No other medicine for female ills in the world has receivedL such widespread and unqualified endorsement Mrs Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice She has guidcrt thousands to health Address Lynn Mass Tfie Omaha Auditorium Company Will give away over One Thousand Prizes next month Over Seven Hun dred of them will be cash prizes Including tho Capital Cash Prize of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS Contributed by The Defianee Starch Company The miscellaneous prizes Include a 350000 house and lot and scores of valuable articles TICKETS TWENTYFTVE CENTS Each 25 cent ticket entitles the purchaser to one share of common stock in the Omaha Auditorium Company and two chances to win prizes Special cash prizes will be awarded October 15 and November 1 For further particulars list of prizes or tickets address OMAHA AUDITORIUM Co NEW YdRK LIFE BUILblNG MmmtGrnn Mimimm Liniment 3 OMAHA INSTITTJTK On5 of tbe best Bjgyi E7V equlppedof the KeeteyBystera CEkC I Only Keelev Institute in Ne braska Cures Drunkenness Cures Drue Users Booklet free Home treatment for Tobacco Habit cost 85 Address TU S 19th St Omaha tv The Twentieth Century S MONEY MAKER jS 810000 profits per acre Larg est Garden in America Address R E BARNARD Houston Mo 25on 5 TON IS WHAT YOU CAN SAVE We make all kinds of scales Also BB Pumps and Vindmiils FOR men Beckman Bros desmoinesiowa The trouble with some of the unco guid is that they suffer from ingrow ing profanity If you wish beautiful clear white clothes use Red Cross Ball Blue Large 2 oz packnge 5 cents The aim of civilization is to dis guise a monster Mrs Wlnslows Sootuinjr Syrnp For children teething softens the sums reduces In flammation allays pain cures wind colic 2jc a bottle The man who least desires to know is the man who asks one disagreeable questions about oneself G A R for Washington The Nebraska official train will leave Chicago via Wabash R R at 12 oclock noon October 5th passing Niagara Falls next morning arriving Washing ton 4 oclock same afternoon Cheap rate long limit and stop over allowed on Wabash line Be sure your ticket t reads from Chicago over the Wabash 1 yy route Your local agent can sell that way Other information address Har ry E Moores Geperal Agent Passen ger Department Omaha Neb Girls talk of matrimony women of husbands married r Over pleasure is as hard on the muscles and joints as over work The best thing to do to get tho body right after a long bicycle ride is to rub the sore stifl parts well with Mexican Mustang Lini ment No better remedy made for bruises cuts anu dialing NO KH1VE 0 VATS no detention from bushiej We refer to thousands ol cured patients in Nebraska and aducent territory Why patronize Eastern fakirs when you can deal with u reliable company at home An absolute Kuarantee in every case Send for circulars THE EMPIRE RUPTURE CO 932 33 Now York Llfo Bulletins Omaha Notraska STANBERRY NORMAL AND BUSINESS COLLEGE BTANBERRY - - MISSOURI A Standard College for Young Ladies and Gentlemen 4 01 small means iioara room ana tuition iyearsi34i Collezeof Shorthand Commerce Mu8leEiocmioactct SO teachers Modern buildups Catalog free Box JO u s kobbimb 2T S President -ALL WRIQHT F0R MORE THAN HALF A CENTOS V i Tii 1 o f iiiiKtfI99Wf TS EYES AND EYELIDS Prlco 25 Cant All Druggists WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILL CO Nev Yz5 m SIGKSFAILINADRYTIME 05 JUMPER BITTERS Relleyes All Distress of the Stomachfand Ptrtdi cal Disorders FLAVOR UNSURPASSED Sold Eerywhers CRESCENT CHEMICAL CO Omaha Neb 0FTHEFI5IMFAP Hi A WET M 3C ft 1 THE r lSn as a sfen has a history This is tolcf to an interesting booiletj which Isciurs for me asKmq A J TOWER CO BOSTON rtASS Mak era ot WBT WEATHER CLOTHING IS OUR GOODS ASB lFV ON SALE EVBEYWHE3B tfSW 3 Shen Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This lapcr N U Omaha No 39 190S 1T UUHS WHt BE AH fcLbfcf AiLS Eia frSA Best Couch Sjrnp Tastes Good Use W t53 ia time Sold br fcf