The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 26, 1902, Image 4
8 1 lil SPjsasaass F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN TICKET CONOEKSBIONAL Congressman Qoorgo W Norris McCook 8TATE Governor John H Mickoy Lioutouiint Governor EG McGilton Socrotnry of State Goorgo W Marsh Treasurer Peter Mortenscn Auditor Charles Weston Attornoy Gonornl Frank N Prout Land Commissioner Goorgo D Follmor Supt Public Instruction Win K Fowler LEGISLATIVE State Sonntor 29th District D S Hasty Representative J E Hathorn COUNTY County Judge i County Attornoy Commissioner Firstdistrict S L Green CE Eldred D AWatorman Dave Hendersons declination is un fortunnte and regrettable and perhaps something else but not fatal nor even serious The pitcher has gone to the well once too often Tom Majors has just failed get his precinct delegation down in Nemaha county for his candidacy for float representative Commissioner Waterman has served Redwillow county honestly and consci entiously and deserves a reelection at the hands of the voters of the First district That Dr J E Hathorn will continue to represent the people of Red Willow county in the legislature is conceded by all The only question is shall it be unanimous Bartley Inter Ocean Even those who are politically opposed to C E Eldred concede his election to the office of county attorney No better qualified man ever graced the office in the history of the county Vote for worth and ability by casting your ballot for Mr Eldred Bartley Inter Ocean It may be Our Mickey now but the voters of Nebraska will make him Their Mickey and governor at the polls And as Mickey has acquited himself manfully and honorably so far in his career there is no room to doubt that he will give a good and true account of himself as governor Will M Maupin insists that Presi dent Baer of the Reading railroad com pany has so little trust in God that he keeps his house surrounded by armed guards To The Tribune it is very ap parent that the armed guards are not an evidence of trust in or distrust of deity but a reasonable safeguard against cow ardly and Godless assassins The Fusion medicine mixers are beat ing the tom toms and making some noise over Nebraska but the voters of the state are not being misled in any consid erable numbers nor dismayed by the effort to make a commotion a tempest in a teapot Nebraska is safely Repub lican and the election of the state ticket entire is a foregone conclusion There are no reasons for a change nor is there any evident purpose to make an effort to let the reformers in J Pierpont Morgan who is now es saying the somewhat difficult role of running the earth is quoted as op posing the renomination and reelection of President Roosevelt on the grounds of opposition to the chief executives views on trusts So be it If J Pier pont is determined to be reckoned with The Tribune knows of no man in America who is better equipped for the work than in Theodore Roosevelt And the American people are daily growing more impatient to give Mr Morgan and his trusts a turn Although the Post Check Currency bill failed of passage at the last session of Congress there seems to be no doubt that the measure can succeed in the coming winter if its advocates through out the country make their desire known to their Congressmen The plan of hav ing United States money so printed that the bills of small denominations can be converted into checks payable to order at any postoffice is no doubt familiar to most of the people by this time as it has been described with frequency and in de tail The convenience which it would afford the losses which it would save to the multitude who have occasions to send small amounts of money through the mails doing away with the trouble of securing money orders unquestionably would be in the aggregate vast The scheme is so practicable and so entirely simple that the wonder is that it was not devised and adopted long ago Al most every newspaper in the country has commented upon it and we do not recall one that has found reason for oppo sing it Congress should at the coming session pass the bill and give the busi ness public the benefit of a really valu able idea Advertised Letters Tho following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Sept 15 1902 Mrs Anna Lord Jennie Lind Frank Maxfield T S Sherwood H Theman When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Dy spepsia uure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestauts and digests all kinds oi food It gives instant relief and never fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the storn ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take Jt cant help but do you good -Prepared only by E O DhWitt Co Ohicaga bo 1 bottle contains 2 times the 50c size r THE OLD RELIABLE TT AKlH5 POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE The Republicans of Redwillow county have a ticket in the field this fall in every particular worthy the support of the voters of this county The Tribune has no fears as to the result in November knows of no reasons for alarm With honest capable men on the ticket forti fied by a good clean and economical administrations there is every reason why the voters of the county should safely land the entire ticket and we expect them to do it President Abandons His Western Trip lNDiANAPOLisInd Sept 23 3 pm As a result of the trolley accident at Pittsfield Mass the president received several serious bruises One of these on the left leg between the knee and the ankle has developed into a small abscess The president is entirely well otherwise and has continued to meet the several engagements of his itinerary but in view of the continuousness of the ab scess and out of an abundance of caution Drs Oliver and Cook of Indianapolis were requested to meet Dr Lung the presidents surgeon at Indianapolis DrKicnardson of Washington was there In the opinion of the doctors the trouble necessitates an operation which they think should be performed at once at St Vincents hospital in this city As after the operation the president will require entire rest probably for at least ten days or two weeks it has been necessary to cancel all the remaining engagements of his trip and will go direct from Indian apolis to Washington this evening The physicians say that the case is not in any way serious and that there is no danger whatever This statement is made so that no false rumors may dis turb the people and that they may be authoritatively advised of the exact na ture of the case George B Cortelyou Secretary to the President CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Congregational R e g u 1 a r services morning and evening with sermons by the pastor Sabbath school at 10 a m YPCE at 7 All are invited Methodist Sunday schoool 10 a m Epworth League 7 p m Preaching both morning and evening This will be the last Sunday of the present conference year and of my pastorate in McCook L M Grigsbv Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 945 a m Preaching at 11 am and 8 pm BY PU 7 Prayer meeting Wednesday 8 The ladies circle will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs Burgess All ladies interested in the church are urged to be present George L White Pastor Adventist Camp Meeting Program The Seventh Day Adventists com menced their camp meeting at this place Tuesday under favorable auspices We give below the program for Saturday and Sunday ENGLISH SERVICE Sabbath Saturday a m 900 Sabbath School 1030 Sermon Eider R F Andrews 230 p m Sermon Elder G M Brown 745 Sermon Elder G H Smith Sunday a m 1030 Sermon Elder G H Smith Subject Rev 12 explained 230 p m Sermon Elder G M Brown Subject Labor and Capital 745 Sermon Elder R F Andrews SubjectThe Dangers Before Us GERMAN SERVICE Saturday a m 1030 Righteousness by Faith 230 p m Importance of Strict Obedi ence to God 745 The Second Coming of Christ Elders J S Graff and G P Gade will be in charge of these services Sunday 1030 a m The Great Image of Dan 2 230 p m The Sabbath of the Lord 745 p m The Last Reformation Young peoples meeting at 5 p m every day Two trained nurses from the Nebraska Sanitarium will represent the Medical Mission work and the Gospel Temper ance work There are about 25 family tents up in addition to the two large audience tents and the book and health food tent Half Rates to St Louis and Back Via the Burlington Route October 5 to 10 Only 1860 to St Louis and re turn account St Louis Fair Ask the Burlington agent PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY N0TES The traveling library No 7 from the state library will be here until December 9th A number of the new publications have just been received for which there has been a demand Hereafter the magazines may be taken out on the same conditions as books except that the time limit will be four days instead of fourteen That is mag azines may be taken home and kept not longer than four days subject to the same fines for overtime and abuse that books are From Sept 10th when the library was opened to borrowers until Saturday evening Sept 20th 198 persons had filed application cards for books 321 books had been loaned and 650 persons had visited the library to read books magazines and daily papers and to use the reference books 1 jjjgyjy Time Card McCook Neb in main line east depart No 6 Central Time ll10p M 2 605am 12 920am No 5 arrives from east at 8 p m MAIN LINE WEST DEPAET No 1 Mountain Time 111 AM 3 1140pm 13 825 AM IMrEBIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5 40 p M No 175 departs 700 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trnins Tickets Fold and baggage checked to any point in tho United States or Canada For information timo tables maps and tick ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent McCook Nebraska or J Francis General assen ger Agent O malm Nebraska A Heavy Downpour Near Trenton Last Saturday evening Trenton and vicinity was a center of one of the heav iest rainfalls in years The precipitation is given as from three to seven inches amounting practically to a cloudburst a few miles west of Trenton At Elm creek about two miles west of Trenton tho flood ran over the grade washing ties rails and some of the enbankment into the ditch for a distance of some 60 or 70 rail lengths and in fact for four or five miles between Trenton and Stratton the grade was washed in places and bridges and culverts damaged The bridge west of Trenton was taken out by the flood No 14 ran into the flooded districtbut Engineer Sharkey fortunately noticed the state of affairs in time to avert a pos sible disaster as the sectionmen from the Trenton side were unable to get across the flood to notify the trainmen of their peril and the train had already left Stratton when the section men ar rived on the scene Trains Nos 6 and 2 from the west were sent around by the Cheyenne line and No 3 went west by way of Holdrege A large force of men went up from here and by working all night and the follow ing morning succeeded in getting the track in temporary shape so that delayed Nos 13 and 1 could pass over Trains are still running on slow orders over the flood district and it will be some time time before the track can be gotten into condition to warrant the usual fast speed made by the passenger trains over this division Maccabee Anniversary The celebration of the tenth anniver sary of the Ladies of the Maccabees of the World will be held in Menards opera houseWednesday eveningOctober 1 beginning promptly at 8 oclock All Maccabees and friends are requested to be prompt The following is the program Orchestra Address of Welcome Lady Willetts Greetings from Supremo Commander Lady Mills Greetings from Supremo R K Lady Brewer Song Our Order Maccabee Chorus Recitation Our Tenth Anniversary Lady Bosworth Selection on Guitar Lady Hanks of Stratton Hive No 43 Quartette National L O T M Recitation Lady Forbes Piano Duct Ladies Mills and Stranahan Recitation Ad Astra Per Asnera Lady Gunn Song Lady Maccabee Order Maccabee Chorus Recitation Lady Bosworth History of the Order Lady Rittenhouso Orchestra This will be followed by the ball Tickets 8100 on sale at McConnell Berrys Extra ladies 25 cents R V D Poultry Association Meets The Republican Valley District Poul try association held an informal meeting in the county treasurers office Sept 17th Nearly all the members were present and it was elected that the poultry show this coming January should be the best yet Many poulter ers in nearby towns intend joining us and helping to make the show a credit to Southwestern Nebraska The meet ing adjourned to meet again October 17th when it is hoped every member will be present with some suggestion that will help make out next show a success The American Langshang club offers a paid up membership to the exhibitor of the largest number of Lang shans at our show In case the winner is a member it will go to the second best Hattie Byfield Secy The Grand Masters Visit Grand Master Jaskaleks visit to McCook lodge 62 A O U W Monday evening drew out a large attendance of the membership The grand master presided at the initiation of three can didates and delivered one of his practical effective talks to the enjoyment and enlightenment of the brethren Nebraska has its face set toward first place in the Workman world and it now seems to be in a fair way to accomplish the task Burlington Conductor Killed Curtis Neb Sept 21 Special W R Huber conductor on the Bur lington Holdrege Cheyenne run was run over in the yards here Friday evening and died from the effects of his injuries this morning He had been for a dozen years on this line and was well known He leaves a wife and three children liv ing at Holyoke Colo Lincoln Journal Sept 22 Corn Kotttnsr In Fields Corn is so plentiful in the vicinity of Chelsea I T that the farmers are letting it rot in the fields Twenty cents a bushel is all they can get for it and they do not think that price pays for harvesting FIRST AW TO THElNiIUREDi PO T4 mu XTRACT For Burns Sprains Wounds Brui ses or Any Sort of Pain Used Internally and Externally CAUTION Avoid the weak water Witch Hazel preparations represented to be the same as rUWLTb EX- TRACT which easily sour and often contain wood alcohol an irritant ex ternally and taken Internally a poison s n 13 m MRS L S ADAMS Of Cialwston Texas Wine of Cardui is indeed a blessing to tired women Having suffered for seven years with weakness and bearing-down pains and having tried sev eral doctors and different remedies wilh no success your Wine of Cardui was the only thing which helped me and eventually cured me It seemed to build up he weak parts strengthen the system and correct Irregularities By tired women Mrs Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses falling of the womb ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have You can cure voursclf at home with this great womens remedy Wine I nwlii nMrlm linn II - lUmn a I JL UU1UUI 11 JUG UL UillUIII una cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit Why not begin to get well today All druggists have SI 00 bottles For an stomach liver or bowel disor der Thedfords Black Draught should be used Torad vi e and llteratnre address giving Fymploni The Ladies Advisory Depart iCi The ChitLtnoogi Medicine Co C ittanocga Tonn t i6NEGARDU i a ii9s2xowassErLiair vibtMViAdXS WORK OF THE GRIM REAPER the death of their infant son who passed into the spirit landSaturday nightafter but five days of earthly existence The parents are objects of tenderest sym pathy in this bereavement The remains were taken to Indianola Monday for burial in the Catholic cemetery there DIED OF CONSUMPTION Will Churchwell who recently came here from Fairbury for his health died last evening about eight oclock in the Mrs Frank Jeffries dwelling on North Monroe street A brother will arrive from the west tonight and the funeral will be held tomorrow burial occurring here ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mrs John Morris has been entertain ing a brother He left for home Tuesday morning Lillie Campbell was badly poisoned by eating a little columbine Tuesday but soon recovered after usiDg antidotes Mrs S E Callen and the three chil dren returned to Lyons Colorado yes terday on No 13 Mrs M E Mills of Grand Rapids Michigan arrived in the city Wednesday and is the guest of her son Dispatcher W B Mills Mrs Joseph Slaby and boy came down from Denver Wednesday night remaining with Mrs V H Solliday and Mrs R J Moore until No 2 following morning MissLillieFitzgerald arrived home Wednesday night Mrs N J Johnson is entertaining ner sister Mrs J Hi Nye of salt Lake City ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Engineer S V Ives has gone to work running out of McCook Charles Lundberry was at headquar ters on the 21th Wednesday Mr and Mrs Suess will be at home to their friends after November 1st Nol50and an extra collided atBarrthis morning Some were injured No 80 got next to a flat car at Stratton this morning also No one seriously hurt in either case Brakeman W M French has been transferred from Oxford to McCook and is on with Conductor Fred Washburn C B Sentance has his place with Con ductor LeHew Tom Malen has been transferred to McCook and the main line from Repub lican City and promoted to extra con ductor He has Lines car now R K Adams is with Lyman Goes to the Beatrice Conference Rev L M Grigsby of the Methodist church has decided to remove from Mc Cook and the Southwest Nebraska con ference and has been transferred to the Beatrice conference and assigned to the pastorate of the church at Liberty in Gage county The family will depart for Bloomington Monday to make a visit there and Mr Grigsby will get away with the household effect on Tues day or Wednesday and will be joined in Liberty as soon as the home is in readi ness Rev Grigsby is one of the ablest aud most zealous pastors who has ever occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church in this city and The Tribune wishes him success in his work in Liberty success commensurate with his earnestness piety and energy COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Licenses issued Ludwig Suess and Ethel Oyster both of McCook George Shepherd and Emma A Ward both of Osborne Marion J Walters and Emma C Townley both of Lebanon Water Snpply for Taraplco English engineers are making sur veys and plans of Tampico and the surrounding country with a view of supplying the town with drinking wa ter and a complete system of sewer age Should these works be carried out there will be an excellent opening for the sale of plumbing supplies At present there is no plumbing estab lishment In the port Dynamo Driven from Car Axle The Great Western Railway of Eng land is lighting its corridor trains by electricity obtained from dynamos driven from the car axle Storage bat teries are carried for use when the running speed is slow and for stops Mi lriMlllMl FALL IS ON FALL IN LINE FALL IN NOW AT HONEST JOHNS aud see all the beautiful FALL GOODS arriving daily Knit Goods of all descriptions LADIES skirts fascinators merry-go-rounds and hoods GENTS sweaters over gaiters gloves and mittens CHILDRENS sweaters jackets hoods bootees Toques and Tarns Our Stock of Blankets is now H complete extra values at 50c to 1 a pair Hi Ji MSh with from Take Care of the Stomach Tho man or woman whos e digestion is perfect and whoso stomach perforins its every function is never sick Kodol coanes purifies and sweetens the stomach and cures positively and permanently all stomach troubles indigestion and dyspepsia It is tho wonderful reconstruc tive tonic that is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by conveying to their bodies all of the nourishment in the food they eat Rev J Holladay of Ilolladay Miss writes Kodol ia cured me I consider it tho best remedy I have ever uced for djspepsia and stomach troubles I wa given up by phy sicians Kodol saved my life Take it after meals McConnell Berry Lingering Summer Colds Dont let a cold run at this season Summer cold are the hardest kind to cure and if neg lected may linger along for months A long siege like this will pull down the strongest con stitution One Minute Cough Cure will break up the attack at once Safe sure acts at once Cures coughs colds croup bronchitis all throat and lung diseases The children like it McConnell Berry DONT liftBr W g4 INCORPOnTE3tBC3 Be s ooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade marl cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no substi tute Ask your druggist Croup Usuall begins with the jmptoms of a com mon cold there is chilliness sneezing and a sore throathot skinquick pulsehoarseness and impedded respiration Give frequently small does of Ballards Horehound Syrup the child will cry for it and at the fir t sign of a croupy cough applj frequently Ballards Snow Lini ment externally to the throat A McMillen Liver PiHs Thats what you need some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure con stioation and biliousness Gently laxative 25c All druggists 1 Want your moimtarhe or beard a beautiful 1 Tkr i n vtnli Tltnn ITCf BUCKINGHAMS DYE fcASEU l - r iri i i hi r Beware of the Knife No profession has advanced more rapidly of late than surgery but it should not be used ex cept where absolutely necessary In case of piles for example it is seldom needed DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and permently Unequalled for cuts burns bruises wounds skin diseases Accent no counterfeits I was so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much blood and strength says J C Phillips Paris Illinois DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cured me in a short time It soothes and heals McConnell Berry Underwear Ladies Gents and Childrens new fresh stock just received French Flannels Beautiful designs and col orings ranging in price from 25c to i per yard Our Elegant Line of Black Underskirts are surpassed by NONE in quality style and workmanship WE GUARANTEE these to you as the BEST- SKIRTS on the market for from 1 to 425 each Outgs and Flanlts are now in abundanceO with us and our prices are always right Special announcement from our grocery dept By placing on the road two delivery wag ons we have been able to systematize the delivery of our goods so that the wagons will leave the store as follows To North flcCook at 9 and 11 oclock a m To South and East McCook at 10 oclock a m To West McCook at 11 oclock a m To North and East McCook at 3 oclock p m To South and West McCook at 5 oclock p m Please make note of these hours and by getting your orders in promptly we can in sure satisfactory delivery of your goods JOHN H GBANNiS McC ook Neb WASH DAY MADE EASIER By using Ludwicks Star Spring Washer A TERROR TO WASH V ii i BLANKETS SPKEADS LAlE CURtAINS and tll wearing apparel Operates easily in tub boiler or nail 1rice SlX Airents wanted J II LUDWICK Manufacturer McCook NeurasKa MARION Jake Wicks and wifes pent Sunday at H Bulls Miss Lena Ashton is attending school at Franklin M Nilsson and wife were McCook vis itors on Wednesday Marion Powell was a business visitor at this place on Thursday Mr Black and Mrs Bradshaw of St Charles Iowa are visiting MrsDSteele Miss Ena Gamsby was storm stayed at the Rittenhouse home over Sunday Rev Mason left Friday to attend the U B conference to be held at Gibbon Nebraska Guy Plumb and Mrs Nell Galusha were east bound passengers as far as Danbury on Saturday Manual of Soil Culture Send me a 2 cent stamp and I will mail you free a copy of Campbells Soil Culture Manual a valuable work that every farmer ought to have J Francis G P A Omaha Neb Raised From the Dead C Y Landis porter for the Oriental Hotel Chanute Kansas says I know what it was to suffer with neuralgiadeed I did and I got a bottle of Ballards Snow Liniment and I was raised from the dead I tried to get some more but liefore I had deioed of my bottle I was cured entirely I am tellin de truth too 25c 00c and 100 at A McMillens oon For two years I suffered ter ribly from dyspepsia with great depression and was always feeling poorly I then tried Ayers Sarsa parilla and in one week I was a new man John McDonald Philadelphia Pa Dont forget that its Ayers Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful Dont waste your time and money by trying some other kind Use the old tested tried and true Ayers Sarsapa rilla 5100 bottle All druntsts AtkTonr doctor what h tiinui Se know abnt thU mid we will be utlafied J C Aybr Co Lowell Maw r v 1 M 1 1 n I I r rA y r y 9 J