The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 19, 1902, Image 1

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The September Analyses
Tho Ainericnn BeetSugar Co at Grand
Island Nobrnska has mado tho follow
ing report of the September annlyses of
samples of sugar beets sent to that fac
tory from this vicinity Tho analyses
show very satisfactory results
J C Achoson 140 133 82 8
E J Baker 1st 144 137 827
2nd 119 113 782
Henry Bohling 124 118 79 0
WEBower Nebseedl4G 139 S02
east 115 109 78 2
west 130 124 793
J A Brinton 128 122 736
J W Burtless 1st 92 8 2 73 0
2ndllG 110 817
3rd 116 110 806
David Dovony 170 161 817
M Dutton 150 142 79 8
FurgesonKelloyl42 136 780
G W Furrow 1st 128
2nd 120
C W Goheen 110
R W Goheen 1st 135
2nd 96
Win Gruver 112
J M Hammond 122
Mrs S O Hilemanl29
CA Littel Lavsonl38
1st west 118
2nd 121
V E Queen 111
G P Randel 1st 95
2nd 109
EERogers 124
E R Sngesor 105
JooSchmitz 128
122 753
114 745
104 769
128 799
91 696
106 752
116 826
123 791
127 793
112 761
116 806
105 765
90 725
105 778
118 S05
100 750
122 8L5
H P Sutton 132 125 836
DSt German 1st 124 118 795
2nd 115 110 771
0 GVahuc 130 324 807
1 II Wasson Son 122 116 819
Gerald Wilcox 1st 126 120 797
2nd 119 114 762
3rd 130 123 81S
4th 11 9 114 772
Henry Schaeffer 119 114 798
McCook should keep her eye open for
a beet sugar factory
Tho general condition of the sugar
beet crop about Grand Island is satis
factory and there is no fear of a shortage
It is expected that about 500 carloads
of sugar beets will be shipped to the
Grand Island factory this fall from the
neighborhood of McCook
The Grand Island factor expects to
open the fall run with beets from Mc
Cook They have matured a little earl
ier than in other localities
The Greeley Coloradobeet sugar fac
tory is rapidly nearing completion and
will be ready for business to handle this
years crop in that locality
Fort Collins Colorado capitalists have
subscribed 8105000 of the 350000 nec
essary to build a plant at that place and
tho work of construction will begin at
They expect to begin operations at
Leavitt Nebraska about September 15
The analysis in that neighborhood have
been 4rom 75 to 84 as to purity There
tonnage is heavy
Colorado sugar beets have been dam
aged some by drouth but late and co
pious showers have brought them on in
good shape with a high per cent in
purity and in sugar
The Great Western Sugar Co of
Loveland Colorado opened its second
campaign about September 10th having
doubled its capacity since last year
The factory will slice about 100000 tons
of beets this season as against 43000
tons last year
A Good Time Social
The ladies of the Congregational
church were responsible for a very en
joyableGood TimesociaI at the church
Monday evening The main purpose of
the social was to have the members of
the church the congregation and friends
become better acquainted one with an
other Incidentally refreshments were
served and a short program and a few
games made full the measure of the even
ings pleasure Tho instrumental part
of the program embraced numbers by
Mrs WBMills Mrs Mabel Stranahan
Lillie Campbell and Dora Oyster Mrs
C L Fahnestock and F M Kimmell
gave vocal numbers Mrs J A Gunn
recited and Mrs Fred Bosworth read a
humorous selection
A Victim of Paralysis
Henry Stine after a prolonged illness
died of paralysis early last Friday morn
ing The remains were shipped to Cul
bertson the same night and on the
following day were buried at that place
Fred Stine son of the deceased and
Minnie Stine of this city a daughter at
tended the funeral from here Fred re
turned to Kansas City where he is now
located on Monday nights train
From the Grand Master Workman
McCook lode No 61 A O U W
will enjoy a visit from Grand Master
Workman Jacob Jaskalek September
22nd As this is a regular meeting of
the lodge a full attendance is desired
Several candidates will be initiated
Come out and hear Jake give a good
plain talk on Workmanship
Crushed His Right Foot
Wednesday afternoon Henry Wagner
an employe in the riptrack service had
his right foot badly mashed by a car
wheel running over it The fractured
bones could be noticed through the skin
and flesh Tho wound was ugly and
Everything that is best in paints is
found at Cone Bros
Boys Blanket lined School Coats 85c
at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Ping pong
Sets 1 to 5
-the latest society craze
McConnell Bebey
JimDumps has surely become Sunny
Jim since his wife put into use those
home made Bed Comforts got at The
K Thompson Dry Goods Cos Size
weight fluffiness Quality of material
and work are great 165 to 275
A C Clyde is here from Michigan
W E Cbowell was down from Cul
bertson Monday evening
Mbs Viba Fbancisco has returned
from her visit to Hastings
Fosteb G Stiloeboueb was over from
Danbury Saturday and Sunday
Miss Ma by Mugan has gone to Boone
Iowa on a visit of considerable length
Glenn Hupp left Tuesday morning
on 2 to resume his studies in the state
Mbs E A Bocock and son Bruce
visited Holdrego relatives latter part of
week past
Mbs Geobge D Leach arrived home
Monday night on 3 from her German
town visit
Miss Cabbie Scott accompanied her
brother to Denver Tuesday on 1 for a
short visit
Mbs G A Noben returned home
Monday on 13 from visiting relatives at
Orleans for a few days
T H Leach came up from German
town Tuesday night on 3 and is visit
ing his sons a short time
Miss Peabl Keckley of Kirwin Kan
sas is visiting her brother J W East
man of the carpentershop
O V DeWald of tho Trenton Reg
ister had business with pleasure mixed
in tho valleys finest Monday
Caleb Clothieb was down from the
ranch near Marengo in the county
Hayes closing days of week past
Miss Jennie Hill and Miss Stella
Fuller returned home last Saturday
night on 6 from their Denver visit
Miss Maby Scott left this week in
company with her mother and sister of
Benkelman for California on a visit
Miss Hannah Stangland departed
for Lincoln Tuesday morning on No 2
to enter the state university for the en
suing year
Mbs W P Bboss returned from
Omaha Monday noon on 1 She has
been visiting relatives in the states
J C Mitchell went down to Rod
Cloud Sunday to see his brother
Robert who was recently injured by
being thrown from a horse
Miss Ethel Pope left for Lincoln to
enter the state university last Sun
day morning on 12 stopping over in
Oxford until Tuesday morning
Fbank Williams and family who
have been visiting at the homo of his
parents over in the Beaver country de
parted for Chicage from this place
Wednesday night
Mbs J A Hill Miss Jennie Hill and
Miss Stella Fuller mother sister and
daughter of Mrs Fred Fuller departed
on 6 Monday night for the east They
will visit in Keokuk la and in Illinois
Miss Jennie Hill has purchased one
of the buildings of the old Barnett
lumber yard plant and has had it moved
onto a lot just east of the flour mill and
is having it prepared for her occupancy
E J Mitchell has sold his West
McCook home to J W Shirley and will
make his home for the present in the old
Courier building which has been re
paired and rearranged for occupancy by
the family
Fbed W Hewitt clerk of Hooker
county and Lilla Pearl Challstrom of
Cambridge were married in the Commer
cial hotel parlor Tuesday morning of
last week County Judge C E Eldred
tying the knot
Mbs J F Fobbes was at home to
a company of lady friends last Friday
afternoon to meet her guest and relative
Mrs Fred F Tomblin who expects soon
to leave for California where they ex
pect to make their home
Mb and Mbs Yagy parents of Mrs
R A Green came in from Illinois
Wednesday on 13 surprising them It
has been fourteen years since their last
visit and of course very marked improve
ment and growth are noticeable
Mbs J B Meseeve came up from
Lincoln Tuesday night and on Wed
nesday morning in company with Mrs
FMKimmellwent up to Chase county
on a short visit to Mrs A S Campbell
on the Kilpatrick ranch a few miles
north of Imperial They returned here
Friday evening
R M Munson of Ains worth Nebraska
father of Mrs H P Sutton Mrs J A
Munson of Grand Junction Colorado
her sister-in-law and two children and
an oldtime Michigan schoolmate Mrs
Rollin Bond of York Nebraska are
guests in the Sutton home this week
Mr Munson is on his way to Grand
Junction on a hunting expedition for
big game notwithstand his 70 years
of age Mrs Munson and children are
homeward bound from an Iowa visit
Mrs Bond is tho wife of Yorks well
known band director
T L Shields of Victoria Australia
was in the city last Friday afternoon
and in company with W B Whittaker
of Quick Frontier count was a visitor
at The Tbibune office Mr Shields was
a colonial volunteer a corporal in the
Fifth Victoria mounted rifles through
the late Boer war in South Africa and
carries a gold medal for his services
from King Edward at whose coronation
he was one of the colonial contingent
present He had the appearance and
speech of a well-to-do ranchman and re
fused a commission in the regular royal
service after the war A short talk with
this intelligent modest young colonial
yielded a better idea of the Boer South
Africa and the war than all our previous
reading The Boer in the field was
brave but densely ignorant even in the
case of officers of the grade of field cor
nets and the situation was ever misrep
resented to the men by the officers The
velt was a difficult country and exactly
suited to the fighting and running away
methods of the Boer and for ambush of
small and detached bodies of soldiers
The Boer was his own transport and
existed for the most part on tough meat
and mealies and withal was a rather
unfathomable product
Won In the Eleventh Inning1
McCook won from Fairbury Monday
in the eleventh inning by a home run by
Jones bringing in two scores Summary
McCook 0 01000 3 000 2 6
Fairbury 1000000003 04
Batteries McCookBeltzorMoore and
Doane Fairbury Teel and LaFrauce
Hits McCook 10 Fairbury 6 Errors
McCook 4 Fairbury 5 Home runs
Converse and Jones Umpire Cone
In ppite of the fact that Fairbury only
got three hits off Jones in Tuesdays
gamo tho visitors shut out tho locals
while they profited by errors to tho sum
of six scores Summary
Fairbury 0001100 1 3 6
McCook 0 0000000 0 0
Batteries McCook Jones and Doane
Fairbury Redmond and LaFrance
Hits Fairbury 3 McCook 6 Struck
out By Redmond 6 by Jones 5 Er
rors Fairbury 4 McCook 7 Umpire
Wednesdays game wits one of the
stiff est exhibitions of amateur baseball
ever played in the state McCook win
ning out by a score of 2 to 1 in the ninth
inning Summary
McCook 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 12
Fairbury 0 1000000 01
Batteries McCook Moore and Ben
der Fairbury Bean and LaFrance
Hits McCook 8 Fairbury 5 Struck
out By Moore 2 by Bean 4 Errors
McCook 2Fairbury4 UmpiroTraver
Fairburys balloon went up and out of
sight in Thursdays game Perhaps
the less reported of the game the better
It was tho only poor game of tho quar
tette The details of the scrimmage are
as appended
McCook 7 0040105 7
Fairbury 0 0001000 23
Batteries McCookKu nkle and Doane
Fairbury Teel and La France Hits
McCook 19 Fairbury 9 Two base hits
Bean Teel Tuttle Jones 2 Doane
Rhodes Reed Pickard Errors Mc
Cook 3 Fairbury 5 Umpire Frank
Snapper Kennedy of the Three I
league played with the locals during tho
series this week He says the boys are
equal to the minor league players
McCook had the strongest team in the
diamond this week she has ever assem
McCook vs Aurora
The Harvest Ilome and Exposition
management have completed all arrange
ments for the meet in Wilsonville next
week September 23 26 inclusive Good
band music leading orators and various
and entertaining sports have been ar
ranged for every day except the first
day which will be entry day On Wed
nesday September 24 Hon A C Shal
lenberger will deliver an address and on
Thursday September 25 Hon George
Norris of McCook will speak Both
speakers arc well known The leading
attraction in sports will be three games
of baseball between McCook and Aurora
they playing on each day of September
24-25-26 You should not miss these
games Besides these games there will
be lawn tennis contests basket ball
jumping etc Something for everybody
The picnic grounds are in fine shape
the shade beiner luxuriant and invitinsr
In fact it is just such a spot as one
would be looking for following a hard
summers work
Marshall Streets Building Boom
Marshall street seems to be the storm
center of McCooks active building boom
The Bailey Grannis and Boatman resi
dences were hardly completed before
Knud Stangland Mrs N E Fahnestock
and Joseph Menard commenced opera
tions The Stangland and Fahnestock
homes are to be very cosy cottages Mr
Menard is now building a large barn in
the rear of his dwelling and will it is
said soon begin the erection of a cottage
just north of his home First of this
week C F Pade broke dirt for a new
residence just south of the Grannis
home and will add a comfortable and
convenient dwelling to the list before
snow flies Dan Colson is also figuring
on a home in the same neighborhood
and others are talking
Baseball En Masque
Saturday aweek September 27th the
local management has arranged for a
benefit game of ball in which the play
ers will be masked The two teams will
be made up of the regular players and
local material will be used in filling in
Jones and Reed and Moore and Doane
will be the batteries so a fine game may
be expected Give the boys a rousing
benefit They have been playing good
ball and deserve your money as well as
good wishes
Sewing Machines
I have in stock the Wheeler Wilson
Household and many other makes of
machines I have drop heads as low as
S1235 and from there up to the finest
cabinets at ccO It will pay anyone to
look my assortment over before buying
W T Coleman
Mens Corduroy Pants 200 and Boys
50c at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Why dont you paint your house
There are but few that dont need it
The Mound City paint is the best It
spreads farther and lasts longer than the
most of paints Give it a trial
W T Coleman
The New Dress Goods include Panama
Cloth Auto Cloth Broadcloth Meridian
Cloth Golfings Venetians Cheviots
Serges Shark Skins Zibelines and other
sensible and serviceable weaves If
bought at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
you will be highly pleased with goods
and price
RayMcCabl was in LincolngTues
day on university law school business
Mbs Ella Sly arrived here on 13
Wednesday morning
Brakeman J F Utter had business in
Bartley Thursday
Auditor C II Sampson was at head
quarters yesterday
Storekeeper C W Britt was a Lincoln
pilgrim over Sunday
Brakeman C A Nesbit is laying off
with a sprained ankle
Conductor C J Suell had the bridge
special east Thursday
Brakeman H L Holder is in Denver
on a short leave of absence
Locomotive 345 is ih the roundhouso
having her firebox patched
W E Leary is a new machinist this
week going to work Tuesday
Sleet W Riley is now a member of
Agent Thomsons regular force
Master Mechanic Archibald was in
Omaha yesterday on business
Supt of Motive Power R D Smith
was out from Lincoln last Friday
E G Searl E L Oldham and W F
Hoar are new brakemen this week
Brakeman C W Downey was in Hold
rege on business part of tho week
Brakeman W A Cassell is a member
of the new crew put in service this week
Conductor and Mrs H A Rouch
spent yesterdiiy between trains in Hol
brook visiting
Brakeman W A Cassell returned
home last Saturday night from Mis
soula Montana
Switchman I B West has been off
duty part of the week on account of
illness in the family
The 372 went into the roundhouse
Sunday having knocked out a piston
and for light repairs
Cliff Brown has been promoted to
day caller and Bruce Berry has his
position as messenger
A E Sparks has resigned his position
at the round house and has moved to
Holdrege Curtis Courier
During July tho Pressed Steel Car
company turned out an average of 103
cars per day of a total value of 3250000
Dispatcher and Mrs W F Pate ar
rived home Wednesday morning on No
2 from spending a few days in Denver
Coal Inspector Rugh was here yester
day in the line of his duty and wit
nessed the last game of the Fairbury
Trainmaster Kenyon made his custo
mary trip with the pay car Tuesday to
Denver returning home on Wednesday
C B Sentance who for the past three
years has been in charge of the pump at
Uenl lman has been transferred to the
train service
M S Jennings night foreman of the
car repairers has been transferred into
the train service Also W F Calhoun
of the repair track
Way car No 144 was pretty badly
jammed up in the yard by an engine a
few days ago and is now in the carpen
tershop for repairs
One of the boilers in the roundhouse
has been discarded and removed from
the shop It will doubtless be replaced
by a new one soon
W C and H J Hines are entertain
ing an older brother an engineer from
Kentucky this week and W C has
been laying off a few days
Fireman and Mrs L P Nielson have
just returned from spending a week or
ten days in Hastings where her father
is seriously ill with dropsy
A new way car No 103 has just gone
into the service It bears the number
of Conductor T E McCarls car which
was burned some months ago
Conductor William Shinsel came in
from the west end Tuesday with the
bridge special carrying car No 199 He
went west on Wednesday night
Engine No 36 a small road engine
which has been converted into a goat
is now ready for service and is being
broken in today in the local yard
There are about 75 men at work now
on the repair track and perhaps 200
bad order cars awaiting repairs This
branch of the service is never lacking
ConductorWilliamCropp was called to
Chicago Monday by the serious illness
of his father and Conductor H C Kiser
hns his run E L Oldham fills Kisers
place meanwhile
Conductor Hegenberger and Engineer
C E Benedict of McCook came in from
McCook last night Mr Hegenberger
will probably move his family here
Holyoke Republican
Postal Clerk Bingham left on 6 Tues
day night for Lincoln to work on the
Lincoln Billings run Joel C Esh suc
ceeds him on the Imperial line making
his first trip Wednesday
Charles Emerson and his crew went
down to Crete Sunday to gather up the
wreck at that place The Lincoln wreck
er broke down in attempting to lift one
of the big freight engines but Emerson
picked her up and handled her easily
New blacksmiths helpers this week
are E M Dawson Henry Ivey trans
ferred from the storehouse Laurence
Casten transferred from storehouse
Those quitting the blacksmithshop are
John Fitzer and Joseph Lynch Fitzer
returns to Stockville and Lynch expects
to go Denver in search of work
Chief Dispatcher and Mrs Ware of
Wymore were guests of Engineer and
Mrs F G Westland on Wednesday of
last week Mr Ware is one of the old
guard having been agent at Blooming
ton when Calhoun was running the
Guard in a sod house He was also agent
at Indianola in the 70s and mentioned a
drive to Redwillow and westward when
there was a store and postoffice at Red
willow and McCooks townsite was but
virgin prairie They left for home on
Thursday morning last
Rev Howabd Stoy of Rawlins Wy
oming has been the guest of former
McCook parishioners and friends part
of the week
McKInley Memorial Services Sunday
Tho people of McCook paid a modest
tribute Sunday morning last to tho
memory of tho last of our trinitv
of martyred presidents William Mc
Kinley Union services of the
Methodist Baptist Christian and
Congregational denominations were
held in tho Congregational church at
the regular morning hour Revs Grigs
by and White assisted in tho preliminary
services Rev Dean introduced Judge
Norris in a short talk Judge Norris
spoke very touchingly of tho domestic
side of tho life of tho martyred presi
dent ueiiovmg tne peoplo loved most of
all McKinloy at tho hearthstone while
honoring him as a statesman and soldier
The church was filled and tho occa
sion was characteristic of tho patriotism
of our peoplo and befitting tho memory
of a noble man and an honored presi
A picturo of the dead president draped
in the flag occupied a prominent place
on tno rostrum and a few palms ferns
and cut flowers made up the modest
The Mothers Meeting
The mothers meeting of the W C T
U will be held at tho home of the sup
erintendent Mrs Thorgrimson on Fri
day afternoon September 26th at 230
The program follows
Current Topics 10 minutes by Mrs
Traver short articles relating to the
Many Kinds of Love Ella Wheelor
Wilcox selected Mrs Grigsby
Work of School Girls selected
Mrs Smith
The Folly of Over Eating Mrs
Wanted a bartender must bnsnlwr
and industrious give reference answer
at once D 939 Post of Juno or July
8th Mrs Traver
Devotional conducted by the superin
Short business session after tho pro
gram Mothers and all interested cor
dially invited to be present
Two of a Kind
Rev George L White of the Baptist
church officiated at the weddimr of two
young couples Wednesday evening at
me parsonage
At eight oclock Irwin Show and
Lenner Roberson worn miuln huslmnrl
and wife and at nine oclock Ira Dye
ana Minnie iammel were joined in
Both of the young pairs are well known
tomanv Tbibune rfiadfirs and thov pnfpp
the married estate with the congratula
tions or an
Mr and Mrs Dvo wont im tn Dpnvnr
on No 3 Wednesday night on a short
wedding trip
Mr and Mrs Show were tho recip
ients of many handsome and useful
gifts among them being a gold watch
and chain from groom to bride
For Sale
A team spring waeon dravand truck
all complete with harness etc Will sell
reasonable Inquire at Blue Front liv
ery barn W n Ackebman
Pigs For Sale
Thoroughbred Chester Whites In
quire of J M Hammond five miles
southwest of McCook
The Tbibune is only 8100 a year
Childrens Fleece Lined Sleeping Gar
ments 50c each at The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
The total enrollment in the public
schools Thursday evening of last week
was 734
Best quality Carpet Warp on spools
18c white 20c colored at The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
The state loan or some fifty volumes
arrvived Tuesday and the books were
at once placed on the shelves for distri
The residence of Mrs Cora Kelley
over on East Dennison street has been
purchased and is now occupied by W E
Hart and family
Miss Jeannette Van Depoel has this
week opened up a millinery and notions
store in the room in the First National
bank building recentlv vacated by Dr
W V Gage
Those S35 845 and 850 buggies are
dandies and the best values ever offered
in the city The 875 rubber tired ones
are beauties Call and see them No
trouble to show them at WT Colemans
The McCook Building Association
will open its thirtieth series of stock
this month If you are not already a
member call on the secretary and sub
scribe for a few shares of stock There
are no safer or more profitable invest
ments offered in McCook
Tho Great Majestic the Malleable
Climax Quick Meal Jewel Universal
and several other makes of ranges is
what you have to select from when you
want a range Look them over and get
prices before buying
W T Coleman
The Burlington has just closed the
purchase of coal and mineral rights lying
beneath 41000 contiguous acres of land
in a territory south of Springfield Illi
nois between the Chicago Alton and
the Illinois Central tracks The trans
action requires about a million dollars
in cash
Yes I always get the Izzer Batts
whenever I make comforts You can
open out three or four of them while
fussing with one of any other kind
Yes sure theyre fluffy as any but they
are made of new cotton and not mill
sweepings so they hold together many
times better than other batts Weigh
more too and only cost 10c apiece
They are made especially for The Thomp
son Dry Goods Cos comfort making
but they retail them too
Fino stationery and books at Cone
Scalo books for sale at The Tbibunk
Go to C L DeGroff Cos for
Sorosis Skirts
Some good values in Petticoats at CL
DeGroff Cos
Big bargains in wall papor at Cono
Bros drug store
Dont fail to see tho decorated crepe
tissue at Cono Bros
Best quality Apron Check Ginghams
c at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Spices and flavorings strictly pure
If its seasonablo and nil riirlih Vnn will
find it at D C Marshs meat markot
Eleeant lino of Now Golf fJInvou or
and 50c at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co
Always reliable always dependable
what you buy at Marshs meat market
American A 2 bushel seamless Grain
Bags 10Vo cents at Tho Thompson Dry
Goods Co
Wanted -Room and board by married
couple in private family Leave word at
The Tkibune office 2ts
For the pickle season all kinds of
spices and flavorings Purest made
All the new and popular books always
in stock at less than publishers prices
McDonnell it Bebby
Curtis suffered a 5000 fi lif Wifl
nesday Insurance totaled S2000 Tho
Enterprise was among the unfortunates
Cards with envelopes to match for at
homes receptions etc for sale at Tbib
une office Same neatly printed rea
sonable if desired
At the right price you can always get
the choicest things tho season affords at
D C Marshs meat market At tho old
stand all the time
Ladies Handsome Castor or Navy
Coats with inlaid velvet collar reliably
tailored 190 at The Thompson Dry
Goods Co Others to 815
A dwelling house is being built bi
ll J Little on the corner of River street
and River Bridge road in South McCook
It is to be a two story affair
John F Helm of Redwillow is the
largest raiser of wheat in tho county so
far as The Tbibunk has information
Ho is credited with 12000 bushels
Everybody gets a bargain in our wall
paper remnant sale Come early and
get this years patterns
McConnkll it Bebby
Lost A pocketbook containing a sum
of money and some papers of value to
me 810 reward will be paid for its re
turn F C Kellogg
Wo have paint for any purpose
Paints of all grades and prices Dont
buy till you have seen us
McConnell Bebby
August Droll was one of the fortunate
ones with small grain this season His
total yield of small grain was 7000 bush
els of which 6400 bushels were wheat
N J Walden of Ashland Kansas will
fatten 500 head of cattle on the F G
Stilgebouer farm this fall and winter
He will feed alfalfa and cotton seed meal
Lebanon claims to have within her
limits the oldest citizen of Redwillow
county in the person of Michael Devoe
who was born in New York state in 1807
January 17
There is nothing better for that tired
feeling even these warm July daysthan
a juicy steak such as you get for your
good money at D C Marshs meat
Kinds of meat change somewhat with
the seasons but they never change the
quality at D C Marshs market Its
always one quality the very best the
market affords
Subscriptions over one year delinquent
must be paid It will pain us to be
separated from any of our friends and
readers but the delinquent burden must
be believed
The McCook Cooperative Building
and Savings association will build over
on Madison just south of Dr Gunns
residence It will be a cottage 20x26
feet four rooms
No better way to buy a home than
paying for it in monthly payments The
McCook Building Association offers un
equaled inducements to borrowers in
payment of loans
William Zint got word from his farm
near Bertrand the other day informing
him that his wheat went 53 and almost
a half bushels per acre the yield being
2773 bushels on 50 acres
If you want to build or buy property
the McCook Building Association can
furnish money at reasonable rates and
easy payments No association offers
as good inducements to borrowers Cali
on the secretary for information
My selection of hard and soft coal
heaters is not equalled in this part of
the state It will pay you to look at
these heatera before buying Will guar
antee price with quality
W T Coleman
Alex Ellis of McCook who has been a
student for some time in the American
School of Correspondence Boston has
just been awarded a certificate for a free
scholarship in that school He will be
glad to turn this over to one of our read
ers who is anxious to study steam elec
trical or mechanical engineering rita
or call on him at once