The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 12, 1902, Image 1

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The Opening1 Auspicious
Tbo formal opening of tho McCook
freo public library Inst Friday evening
in tbo court bouse was auspicious in
ovory particular There was a large at
tendance of the people of the city and
the interest shown promises weH for tho
success of tho enterprise which has
cost much of labor time and money in
its successful launching
Miss Radio Berry president of tho as
sociation was the first speaker of the
evening and she gave a historical sketch
of the enterprise concluding her re
marks by turning over to tho city the
Mayor C E Eldrod in behalf of tho
city received tbo samo and replied to
tho speaker in befitting words
Theso somewhat formal addresses
were followed informally by a number
of citizens
C II Meeker one of tho board of the
directors J S LeHew Sylvester Cor
deal Rov J J Loughran L E Cann
and Rev F W Dean following in order
named all uttering words of congratula
tion and advice and urging the public
to the fullest use and appreciation of
the blessings offered by the freo public
Before and after tho brief program
which was heard in the court room tho
library was opened to tho visitors fori
inspection ana it was a souruu ui suua
faction to hear the words of commenda
tion uttered as tho rows of books in
fiction history science etc and tho dis
play of magazines were inspected
The library opens with an excellent
selection of books and it is tbo purpose
of the board of directors to add to the
samo right along In a few years there
is no reason to doubt but that the library
will be one of the sources of the citys
greatest pride
Traveling library No 7 has been
shipped to the library and will be open
to tho public upon its arrival Follow
ing are the titles
Wilderness Road Hiawatha Primer
Benefactress llobinson Crusoe for
LornaDoone Boys and Girls
Lazarre Two Little Confcder
Sky Pilot atcs
Prisoner of Zenda Bovs Odyssey
Xiight Freights StNicholas Christinas
Forest Schoolmaster Book
Gentleman From In- When Mollv Was Six
diana Stories Mother Nature
Search for an Infidel Told Her Children
Trail of tho Sandhill Fifty Famous Stories
Stag Retold
Concerning Cats Lives of Poor Boys
How They Succeeded WhoBecameFamous
Alaska Century Book For
Child Life in Colonial Young Americans
Days Stories of
Recollection of a icans for Little
vato Americans
This Country of Ours Magna Charta Stories
L Great Salt Lake Trail Young American
Tent Life in Siberia Aunt Marthas Corner
Stories Cupboard
Under the Lilacs Book of Verses For
Fairy Tales Children
Jolly Cat Tale Childs Christ Tales
Advonturos of a Lobo Rag and Vixen
The loaning of books was commenced
on Wednesday and the demand has been
active with numbers using the reading
room advantages Millie Elbert is act
ing librarian
The Twenty First Annual Fair
The twenty first annual exhibition of
the Redwillow county agricultural so
cietj will bo held in Indianola Septem
ber 30th to October 3rd inclusive The
Tribune understands that the society is
making every effort within its means and
with the material at hand to make the
exhibition a worthy one and hopes the
people of the country will give them a
helping hand by making exhibits and by
their attendance upon the meetings of
the association on the above dates
There will be the usual races and other
attractions Write the secretaryBernard
Hillers of Indianola for particulars
From the Grand Master Workman
McCook lodge No 61 A O U W
will enjoy a visit from Grand Master
Workman Jacob Jaskalek September
22nd As this is a regular meeting of
the lodge a full attendance is desired
Several candidates will be initiated
Come out and hear Jake give a good
J plain talk on Workmanship
Gravel train Kills a Team
The gravel train backing up from Re
publican to Woodruff on the Oberlin line
run into a livery team of Grove Hecht
driven by Bert Waugh killing both
horses and smashing the buggy The
driver jumped and saved himself It
occurred at the crossing near the old
Farmer homestead Alma Journal Sep
tember 5th
Furniture For Sale
Tcvo bed room suites two iron beds
one couch one couch one woven wire
cot one dining room table one Majestic
range one base burner one platform
swing glass fruit jars cheap Inquire
off pvli MGrisgsby M E parsonage
Postponed Until September 23
The opening of the star route from
Culbertson to Imperial Ijas been post
poned for some reason until Tuesday
September 23rd It was to have been in
operation on the 9th
Pigs For Sale
Thoroughbred Chester Whites In
quire of J M Hammond five miles
southwest of McCook
Everything that is best in paints is
found at Cone Bros
New Jackets New Long Coats New
Capes for ladies New Short and Long
Garments for misses and children now
showing at The Thompson D G Co
Our handsome display of New Fall
ShirtWaists now invites your attention
We handle the celebrated Ideal Waists
as heretofore the prettiest styles the
most perfect ntting tne oest maae
waists produced 50c to 350 The
Thompson Dry Goods Co One price
plain figures cash only
J Who said Bed Comforts Theyre not
worthy of the name unless made by The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
- 7
Mrs Bent L Hall is visiticg in
Tuckaboo Missouri
Perky Stone expects to leave for Le
Claire Iowa Sunday
Dr A P Welles spent a day or two
at the Hastings reunion
Lon Cone is preparing to build a resi
dence on North Manchester
J A Wilcox went down to Hastings
Tuesday morningto attend the G A R
Dana R Fletcher and Georgie E
Moon both of Bartley were recently
Commissioner D A Waterman of
Lebanon was under tho doctors care
last week
Miss Ethel Pope will leave tomor
row for Lincoln to enter the state
The Misses Ryan entertained the
young ladies of tbo Awl Os club Tues
day evenicg
Miss Virgie Ludwick arrived home
Saturday last from visiting relatives in
the states capital
Paul Anton has purchased the Pade
residence and 8 acre lot of land just ad
joining West McCook
Mrs Anna French is here from Iowa
visiting her daughters Mrs C I Hall
and Miss Cora French
C B Rowell who has been working
up in Dundy county for a few weeks re
turned home first of the week
Mrs Henry Hanlein of Emporia
Kansas has been visiting McCook rela
tives and friends since last week
Mrs M F Horrell and daughters are
here for the winter guests of Mrs Hor
rells mother Mrs M J Stroud
Miss Sara Lowman returned from
the east close of last week after mak
ing her fall and winter purchases
Mr and Mrs J H Grannis are now
at home in their own residence just
built one of the cosiest in the city
Miss MimaV Richardson returned
to Chicago close of past week after a
visit of a week or two with her parents
Mrs Howard Stoy of Rawlins Wy
oming has been the guest of Mrs Marie
Mundy since the latter part of last
G S Foxworthy representing the
Country Publishers Co of Omaha was
in the city Tuesday morningin the line
of his duty
Mr and Mrs Moore parents of Brake
man R J Moore were up from Macon
this state over Sunday to see the new
Henry Walker is just home from
visiting a few weeks in Boone Jefferson
and other Iowa points He reports
Iowas crop as a bumper
Mr and Mrs William Long who
have been spending the summer in
Seattle Washington returned to the
city on 14 Tuesday night
Albert Berry has gone to Benkelman
to clerk in one of the stores in Dundys
capital George Meyer succeeds him in
J A Wilcox Sons store
Miss Margaret Evans was the pur
chaser of the Stone farm last Saturday
at the administrators sale of that prop
erty The price was 1540
Mrs R HWilliams came down from
Wauneta first of the week settling her
daughter who will attend school here
during the fall and winter term
Miss Genevieve Feeny came up on
5 Sunday evening from Hastings and
has resumed her position as trimmer in
Lowmans millinery department
C F Pade has purchased a lot and a
half south of J H Grannis and will
build a dwelling house thereon as soon as
the preliminaries can be arranged
T A Endsley and wife have returned
to the city from Indianola and he is
clerking for J H Grannis Mrs Balch
and Mrs Leitch sisters are visiting
Mrs Endsley
Mr and Mrs L E Cann Miss Maud
Cordeal C F Heber and J F White
ford are feeding the elephants peanuts
and drinking the alluring red lemonade
at Holdrege today
Mrs Gertrude Ingalls spent Mon
day night in thecity on her way to Don
iphan from visiting her daughter Mrs
A S Campbell on the Kilpatrick ranch
up in Chase county
Miss Stasia Brady arrived home on
1 Sunday from an extended visit to
different Illinois points and will assume
her duties as teacher in the Spaulding
district coming term
Mrs L S Sage of Beatrice was the
guest of her sister Mrs W S Morlan
early in the week on her homeward way
from a short Colorado visit She left for
home on 12 Wednesday morning
Mrs J C Birdsell of Dead wood is
reported seriously ill She was taken
from Deadwood to Spearfish this week
hoping that a lower altitude might im
prove her health Alliance Grip Sep
tember 5th
W B Fearn of McCook was in the
city Monday visiting with relatives
He left Tuesday morning for Missouri
where he goes to visit a son whom he
has not seen for seven years Red Cloud
Chief September 5th
Mrs A G Dole spent the close of
last and tho first of this week in the city
on her way to Missouri Valley Iowa
where she will make her home She had
been making her son Harry a short
visit at Eaton Colorado to make the
acquaintance of her new daughter
Mr and Mrs Albert Barnett and
daughter Miss Ethel departed for the
east Sunday night They will spend
this week in Detroit Michigan where
he will attend the national lumbermens
convention returning home from that
point Mrs Barnett and Miss Ethel
will from there proceed to New York
city to visit a week or two and then on
to Boston where Miss Ethel will enter
the famous Boston School of Oratory
Mrs Barnett will be absent about a
Because of the very crowded condition
of tho preparatory grades it is desired
that tho beginners class bo fully organ
ized by October G After that date
therefore children just beginning school
will not be received until the new classes
are formed in tho spring Parents are
urged to enter their littlo ones during
the coming threo weeks
By order of the board of education
G H Thomas Supt
THE teacher corps
Following are tho assignments of
teachers opening day
High school Miss C A Qorby Principal
High school Miss Julia E Smith Assistant
Eighth grade Miss Mary Powers
Seventh grade Mrs Margaret E West
Sixth grade Miss Ernini Ra thbun
Fifthgrado Miss Rose Griffin
Fifth and Fourth grades
Miss Kerstin Stangland
Fourth and Third grades Mit s Cassie Andrews
Third grade Miss Minnie Rowell
Second grado east Miss Mabel Wilcox
Second and First grades west
Miss Carrie Bud long
First grado east Mrs Ida E Whito
Preparatory w est
Miss Elizaboth Thomson Principal
Preparatory west
Miss Blanche McCarl Assistant
South McCook Mrs C Anna Schobol
Twelfth 13
Eleventh 1G
Tenth 2G
Ninth 38
Total in high school 93
Eighth 39
Seventh 49
Sixth 49
Fifth west 59
Fifth B and Fourth A east 55
Fourth B and Third A cast 47
Third west 56
Second east 50
Second and First west 54
First east 41
Preparatory west 88
First south 12
Preparatory south 31
Total south 43
Total attendance 723
The opening day attendance last year
was 657 or 66 less than on the second
day of the present term At the end of
the week last year the total attendance
had increased to 695 or 28 less than the
initial this year
purely personal paragraphs
A brief sketch of each of the new
teachers on the force may be of interest
Miss Julia E Smith comes from Inez
Holt county Was graduated from the
Nebraska university in 1902 Was an
assistant in the university chemical lab
oratory and a reader in mathematics in
the Lincoln high school Her mathe
matics and physics will be especially
helpful in the high school as assistant
Mrs Margaret E West has been
teaching in Hayes Center for years with
the modest distinction of being Hayes
coubtys leading instructor and comes
with ripe experience She has been
spending the past summer attending the
Fremont normal school
Miss Ernini Rathbujj is a graduate of
the Peru state normal school class of
1901 and taught the seventh and eighth
grades of the Oxford public schools last
year with success
Miss Rose Griffin hails from Beaver
City where she has taught for a number
of years with marked success She
comes to us with strong recommendations
as having been one of Beaver Citys
ablest teachers
Miss Kerstin Stangland was gradu
ated from McCooks high school in 1897
Has since spent two years at the state
university at Lincoln Taught one year
in the Bartley schools and a year or two
in country schools in this vicinity
Miss Carrie Budlong of Colorado
Springs Colorado for years taught in
the Harvard public schools and is rated
high as a successful primary teacher of
experience and accomplishments She
is a strong addition to the corps
Miss Blanche McCarl is a graduate
of McCook public school class of 1902
where she was notably helpful in the
special work department She will
make Miss Thomson a useful assistant
on the side
Miss Elizabeth Thomson is the new
principal of the west schools
In the near future they hope to add
some new books and apparati in physics
to the laboratory
The neat orderly and systematic ap
pearance of the supply room is a credit
to the superintendent and janitor
Football practice was commenced on
Tuesday evening The material at hand
gives promise of a formidable team later
With six competent and experienced
primary teachers McCooks schools are
unusually strong in the primary de
A number of small improvements have
been made in and about the school
building The halls in the east building
and two of the high school rooms have
been repapered The ceiling of the lab
oratory has been painted white the
steam pipes covered with light colored
asbestos and the case3 varnished giving
the room a clean and light appearance
Roofs of both the east and west build
ings have been repaired In South
McCook the grounds about the building
have been graded cinder paths provided
and the coal house moved closer to the
building for convenience sake
i - n K
Mr and Mrs Stocicton arrived in the
city Wednesday night and are guests
of their daughter Mrs A C Ebert
Mrs Hattie G Bishop of Franklin
came up on No 3 Wednesday night
and visited Mrs C E Eldred briefly en
route to Trenton to visit her daughter
Mrs Benedict
Regular Annual G A R Picnic
Members of J K Barnes Post and
their families members of Ladies Circle
No 33 all old soldiers and their families
are hereby notified that with the per
mission of the weather man the annual
picnic will be held in the City Park on
the afternoon of Sept 20 1902 Dinner
at 400 P M By order of Committee
Farmers 1
Are you going to need any chairs or
extension tables for threshers Lud
wick can give you the best prices in
r II
Havelock shops have resumed over
Shop Foreman Fuller wont down to
Havelock today
Havelock has just installed a 5000
pound steam hammer
Havelock overhauls from 20 to 22 lo
comotives a month now
Trainmaster Kenyon has been under
tho weather part of tho week
Conductor C W Bronson wont out
on his run Wednesday on No 1
Conductor A L Knowland will hang
his clothes on the moon hereafter
Engines 268 318 and 341 went into tho
shop for an overhauling this week
Engineer Ainsworth Monks and family
returned home on No 1 Wednesday
Operator H D Stewart was with the
home folks at Alma over Sunday last
Brakeman C W Dewey went out with
Conductor Joe Hegenberger yesterday
Way car 29 is just in for an overhaul
ing and the No 13 is ready to go out
John Hohnstein has been transferred
from the paint gang totho shop as a
machinists helper
Joy Selby went up to Stratton Tues
dry night to visit a brother and will be
absent until over Sunday
Brakeman E O Scott is entertaining
his sister Carrie who arrived from Lin
coln on No 1 Wednesday
Mr and Mrs F F Tomblin late of
Indianola are guests of Chief Dispatcher
and Mrs J F Forbes this week
Mrs K K Stangland Miss May and
James departed on 12Monday forenoon
for Chicago on a visit to relatives
The company is again considering the
advisability of transferring the brass de
partment from Plattsmouth to Havelock
Brakeman G G Magnuson went down
to Oxford last night to relieve Brake
man H L Holder who is off on a short
Conductor A G Bump fell from a car
door at Minden Thursday morning
while unloading fruit and sustained
slight injuries
Bernard Phelan took his departure
Wednesday for Ann Arbor Michigan
where he goes to enter school Alliance
Times September 5th
Charles Rees is a new machinist and
is on the brass lathe vice OPry An
drew Matson and George W Rauch are
also new machinists this week
Since September first switchmen will
get 60 and night men 65 for twenty six
days of ten hours each and overtime at
the rate of twenty three and twenty five
cerlts respectively
Fort Morgan one of tho coming towns
of Eastern Colorado is taking the pre
liminary steps toward securing water
works for that place Bonds to the limit
of 40000 are proposed
L W Stayner of the trainmasters
office is spending a few days at Hastings
and will be at his desk again Mr nday
S B McLean of the superintendents
office is fulfilling his duties meanwhile
The Burlington is investigating the
practicability of changing the trans
mission of power at the Havelock shops
from the present counter shaft and belt
system to that of direct connected elec
tric motors
The motive power department has
under advisement the replacing of the
present air compressor at Havelock with
a modern plant of 1200-cubic-feet-per-minute
capacity The old machine
makes 800
Master Mechanic Archibald Foreman
Ward of the carpentershop and party
returned from their Glenwood Springs
trip yesterday morning Foreman Mack
Hughes of the blacksmithshop was side
tracked at Denver
W B Bevard and family expect to
leave Holyoke Tuesday for a visit at
McCook and other points in Nebraska
after which they will go to Washington
Mrs C C Bevard will accompany them
to Washington Holyoke Republican
September 4th
Mrs Whittaker has accepted a posi
tion in the B M eating house at
McCook and will not return to Danbury
for some time at least Miss Mabel is
here this week making arragements to
return to McCook and attend school
Danbury News Sept 4th
The Baldwin class R locomotives seem
to be structurally weak breaking their
frames in the service Four of them are
now in Havelock Nos 350 355 35S and
370 all from the Wyoming division with
their frames broken one of them broken
Agent and Mrs W C Hanson de
parted Sunday evening for a three
weeks outing in the mountains of Colo
rado They will also visit relatives in
Franklin county and at Omaha ere re
turning Extra Agent E N Stever has
charge of affairs at the depot during Mr
Hansons absence Bartley Inter Ocean
September 5th
Meat in the larder being low Joseph
M Hughes the might- hunter went
forth with R B Archibald and party
on the night of the fourth with a bowie
knife thrust in his belt and a trusty rifle
over his shoulder to slay the mountain
lion and the ferocious grizzly of the
Mack went equipped and determined
to drive all wild beasts from the snow
clad summits of the mountains and- to
clear their streams of the finny tribe
The brawny blacksmiths are toiling
day and night to keep the steam giants
in repair that are pulling the great loads
of game and fish from the peaks of the
Rockies to the sun scorched prairies of
New Winter Underwear new selling
Most complete line most reasonable
prices The Thompson D G Co
The popular bright fashionable rea
sonable things in new Fall and Winter
Dress Goods are all shown by The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
D S Hasty Is the Man
The Republicans of tbo Twenty Ninth
senatorial district in convention in this
city Wednesday night nominated D S
Hasty of Arapahoe Furnas county on
tho first formal ballot for thoir sena
torial standard bearer
The convention was called to order by
Chairman George Williams of tho com
mittee at about 930 in the evening Dr
Andrews of Eustis Frontior county and
C W Lindsay of Wilsonvillo Furnas
county were made temporary chairman
and temporary secretary A committee
on credentials was appointed and it
found all tho counties save Gosper rep
resented with regular credentials no
The temporary organization there
upon was made permanent and tho
convention proceeded after a few usual
preliminaries to take an informal ballot
for a candidato for state senator by call
of counties It resulted as follows
Ilastv Wilsfiv
Furnas 12
Redwillow 5 0
Hitchcock 2 2
Dundv 9 9
Gosper four votes not represented
r ronuer a
Hayes 4
Chase 4
Totals 29 18
In the first formal ballot which fol
lowed Wilsey lost his two votes from
Dundy which gave Hasty 31 votes
and the nomination
Both the successful and vanquished
candidates for nomination responded to
calls with brief speeches after which
the matter of a senatorial central com
mittee was settled as follows
Furnas George Williams Cambridge
Redwillow Charles Skalla Indianola
Hitchcock C C Vennum Stratton
Dundy C W Wiley Wauneta
Gosper not represented
Frontier J A Williams Stockvillo
Hayes J W Gull Hayes Center
Chase James Burke Imperial
Candidate Hasty was accorded the
courtesy of naming his own chairman
and secretary
Convention adjourned
In commemoration of tho death of the
late Presidept McKinleywhich occurred
on the 14th day of September 1901 a
union memorial meeting of the citizens of
the city of McCook has been arranged to
be held at tho Congregational church on
Sunday September 14 1902 at the hour
of 11 oclock a m for which a suitable
program has been provided This ser
vice will be held in lieu of tho regular
Sunday morning services of the several
churches of said city and it is recom
mended that as many as can repair to
the place designated as a tribute of re
spect and in remembrance of our de
parted president
C E Eldred Mayor
Dated at McCook Nebraska Septem
ber 10th 1902
Give Them Bird Shot
The Tribune hears ofa number of
cases of chicken stealing in this vicinity
One farmer has recently lost about fifty
hens and another some twenty five tur
keys For the most part in all the years
this country has been very notably ex
empt from petty thievery and it is hu
miliating to hear of such occurrences as
the years of settlement increase
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn S 65
Wheat 50
Oats 35
Rye 32
Hogs GV
Eggs 12
Butter 15
Lowmans Millinery Opening
Next Friday September 19th is the
date for this interesting event As
usual this year they will have on dis
play all the latest and most charming
creations in the realm of stylish millin
ery Dont fail to go and see for your
The Curts Dramatic Co
Will appear at the opera house Sept
15 16 17 This is one of the best com
panies playing through Nebraska this
season On the opening night they will
present that sensational comedy drama
The Jack ODiamonds Reserved
seats now on sale
The name and address of every Sunday-school
superintendent and secretary
in Redwillow county that we may organ
ize a county association Drop me a
postal at once Frank W Dean
Trustee Neb State S S Assn
tf McCook Nebraska
County papers please copy
For Sale
A team spring wagon dray and truck
all complete with harness etc Will sell
reasonable Inquire at Blue Front liv
ery barn W H Ackerman
Ladies and Childrens new style Golf
Gloves just received at The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Mens Grey Serge Coats blanket lined
with rubber between for 150 The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
The McCook Building Association
will open its thirtieth series of stock
this month If you are not already a
member call on the secretary and sub
scribe for a few shares of stock There
are no safer or more profitable invest
ments offered in McCook
Alterations are being made daily where
a Skirt needs shortening or taken up in
the waist or made to set fuller for a stout
customer That is in the ready-to-wear
Dress Skirts 50 of them kept ready
To your measure at same price 300
pieces of Dress Goods to select from
Skirts at 250 to 900 The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
MijijjiiJWiiVi ftil
Nebraska Sfcita BfoforJ
iWH ouuiet2f
The Trihunk is only 8100 n year
Fine stationery and books at Conos
Scalo books for sale at The Trihunk
Tisbuta waste of lather to shavo
an ass W S
Go to C L DeGroff Co a for
Sorosis Skirts
Some good values in Petticoats at CL
DeGroff Co s
Mrs Max Anton has furnished rooms
to rent 9 5 tf
Big bargains in wall paper at Cone
Bros drug store
Dont fail to see tbo decorated crepe
tissue at Cone Bros
A 14 lb son whs born to Mr and Mrs
John W Randall Wednesday
Redwillow county fair Indianola Sep
tember JO to October 3 inclusive
Childrens Slenninf Cliirnunta 11 aj
at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Some of tho sports are undecided
whether or not 15 is a luck number
Spices and flavorings strictly pure
McConnell it Berry
If its seasonablo and all right you will
find it at D C Marshs meat market
Ping pong tho latest society crazo
Sets 1 to 5 McConnell Berry
Bed Comforts of our own make 165
to 275 at Tbo Thompson Dry Goods Co
Always reliable always dependable
what you buy at Marshs meat market
Individual French Flannel Waist Pat
terns 88c to 2 each The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
See The Jack ODiamonds at the
Monday night All kinds of
new specialties
It seems to be tho ambition of every
Red Cloud merchant to own or control
a local newspaper
W T Coleman can show you both
castiron and steel cook stoves at very
reasonable figures
Quite a number of new residences are
being figured on just now Demand ex
ceeds present supply
Wanted To rent a dwelling of 6 or 8
rooms suitably located Call or leave
word at The Tribune office
Those round stock tanks made from
Cyprus are the best W T Coleman
sells them at the right price
Miss Lowmans millinery opening will
take place on September 19th Come
and see the beautiful new styles
The dedication of the new church at
Cedar Bluffs Kansas is now announced
for Sunday next September 14th
For tbo pickle season all kinds of
spices and flavorings Purest made
McGonnekl Berry
All the new and popular books always
in stock at less than publishers prices
McConnell Berry
Dont fail to see The Curts Dramatic
Co at this onftrn hnnsp ftonfr 1r U7
Popular prices Reserved seats on sale
at usual place
At the right price you can always get
the choicest things the season affords at
D C Marshs meat market At the old
stand all the time
There is nothing about the Great
Majestic to remind you of a nine spot
There is no question about the range
being the best on earth
Everybody gets a bargain in our wall
paper remnant sale Come early and
get this years patterns
McConnell Berry
Lost Last Sunday a gold bowed pair
of spectacles between city and East
McCook Return to Tribune office
Suitable reward Mrs S A Traver
We have paint for any purpose
Paints of all grades and prices Dont
buy till you have seen us
McConnell Berry
Alex Bergeron the well known piano
tuner is here from Denver and prepared
to answer calls for tuning and repairing
promptly Leave orders at Suttons
jewelry store
Next Friday September 19th Miss
Lowman will have on display at her mil
linery opening the latest styles and
most attractive offerings of the season
You are cordially invited
There is nothing better for that tired
feeling even these warm July daystban
a juicy steak such as you get for your
good money at D C Marshs meat
Say mister but those rubber tired
buggies at W T Colemans are smooth
and light running He has a fine assort
ment of regular tires too Prices are
Kinds of meat change somewhat with
the seasons but they never change the
quality at D C Marshs market Its
always one quality the very best the
market affords
No better way to buy a home than
paying for it in monthly payments The
McCook Building Association offers un
equaled inducements to borrowers in
payment of loans
If you want to build or buy property
the McCook Building Association can
furnish money at reasonable rates and
easy payments No association offers
as good inducements to borrowers Call
on tb9 secretary for information