The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 05, 1902, Image 8

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When in need of reli
able footwear
When you want war
ranted shoes
When you want to
buy where the war
rant is made good
When you want to
buy where the srnali
repairing is all done
When you want to buy
where there is only
one price and that
the lowest call at
I 1
3ayagray BCTgrj jy jyjy
V FRANKLIN President
fe Paid Up Capital 50600
F D Burgess
lumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building
Kodol Dyspepsia Oiero
Digests what you eat
z ftr rftr j3gjaSg
A C EBERT Cashier
Surplus 5000
Authorized Capital 100000
Capital and Surplus 60000
G0 HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pres
A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director
Mrs J C Ashton is very ill
Mrs Burg of Oronoque Kansas is
visiting her daughter Mrs Lake
Martin Nilsson drove over to McCook
on Monday to meet Marion Powell who
will spend a few days at the ranch
Gertrude and Jesse Naden gave a
party at their home on Friday night A
good time is reported by all present
Married at Fort Morgan Colorado
Mr C C Pew of Marion Nebraska and
Miss Bernice Blacksley of Fort Morgan
They returned to Marion where they will
make their future home We extend
Twenty One Years a Dyspeptic
B H Foster 318 S 2nd street Salt Lake City
writes I have been bothered with dyspepsia
or indigestion for twenty one years tried many
doctors without relief recently I got a bottle of
Herbine One bottle cured me I am now taper
ing off on tho second I have recommended it
to my friends and it is curing them too 50c
at A HcMillen
feai7v5tS -
E E Locker was in town Thursday
II C Benedict of Trenton was a city
visitor Sunday
Mr and Mrs V Z Taylor are attend
ing the state fair
Mrs R Knowles and son Davie visited
in McCook Friday
John II Brown of Trenton was a city
visitor Thursday
Miss Lydia Lesser wont down to Lin
coln Sunday night
L A Dixon of McCook was a Culbort
son visitor Thursday
Miss Bessie Crows returned from her
trip to Illinois Friday
The school board has purchased a
new school bell Hurrah
Rev E R Earle will hold Episcopal
service hero September 8th
John R Bender of Minden visited
friends in this burg Sunday
Bruce Vastine is now working in a
drug store at Callaway Nebraska
Miss Ina Shumaker was a McCook
visitor Wednesday and Thursday
Ed Wilson and son Ilugh of Stratton
came down for a short visit Friday
Rev G L Snyder and wife of Mc
Cook moved to this place Tuesday
Miss Isa Shumaker visited her friend
Eppio Brown in Trenton Wednesday
Rev T A Smith returned from a
weeks visit at Bloomington Tuesday
Miss Stella Vennum of Palisade visited
her friend Marietta Wemplo Monday
Miss Amanda Gaardar returned from
a few days visit in McoCok Saturday
P M Green went down to Oregon
Mississippi on business the first of the
Mr and Mrs John Wray went down
to Lincoln Tuesdayfor a few days visit
at the fair
Mrs George G Eisenhart and chil
dren returned from a weeks visit in
Osceola Iowa
Miss Verna Vastine went up to Pali
sade Friday to take charge of her
school Monday
Miss Lalla Burton came down from
Trenton Monday morning to take
charge of the second grammar room
Miss Belle Turner went down to Lin
coln on No 6 Friday night to attend
the state fair and visit old time friends
Messrs Carl Crews Elmer Reynolds
D C Benedict Casper Hougon and
J H Ross are attending the state fair
Mrs H G Phelps and daughter Miss
Lona went down to McCook Wednesday
where they will reside this winter Miss
Lona will attend school
Revival meetings were closed at the
Baptist church Friday evening and
Rev Geo P Mitchell went up to Strat
ton Saturday morning to commence a
series of meetings there
Mr Rufus King departed Tuesday
night for South Bend Indiana where
he will spend the winter and attend
school We are very sorry to see him
go and he will be sadly missed by his
young friends
Geo Kettle of Hayes county was here
several days last week getting up an
exhibit of agricultural and horticultural
products for an exhibit at the state fair
Hitchcock county this year takes some
credit unto herself in furnishing mater
ial for two county exhibits at the state
Henry Wacker who lives under the
Riverside irrigation ditch two miles
west of Culbertson reports the biggest
yield of wheat raised in the countrythis
year From a field of 70 acres 3500
bushels were threshed an average of 50
bushels to the acre It is claimed that
some of the wheat made over 70 bushels
to the acre
The Republican representative con-
I vention was held here Friday and Wil
liam Jtsrennan an old time Tesident of
Logan preciuct was nominated for the
legislature from the 67th representative
district The selection was a most ex
cellent one Mr Brennan has lived here
twenty years and has a host of friends
who will show their appreciation of his
sterling qualities by sending him to the
next session of the legislature John
Christner of Hayes Center was selected
chairman of the district central commit
tee and Chas G Crews of Culbertson
Lingering Summer Colds
Dont let a cold run at tbis season Summer
colds are the hardest kind to cure and if neg
lected may linger along for months A long
siege like this will pull down the strongest con
stitution One Minnto Cough Cure will break
up the attack at once Safe sure acts at once
Cures coughs colds croup broncliitis all
throat and lung diseases The children like it
McConnoll fc Berry
Dave Goodenbergers thresher was idle
part of last week
Alvin Benjamin and family visited at
J B Roshongs Sunday
Threshing is getting pretty well done
in this vicinity yet there are a few jobs
Haskell Tirrill who is Ernest Car
ters engineer was at his home near
McCook Sunday
Evangelist Wallace is an able intelli
gent and interesting talker that it would
be worth taking a long trip to hear
Mrs Haskell Tirrill and Blanche Urn-
stead came out to Cedar Bluffs to hear
Evangelist Wallace and visit around
A Sad Disappointment
Ineffective liver medicine is a disappointment
but you dont want to purge strain and break
the glands of tho stomach and bowels DeWitts
Little Early Risers never disappoint They
cleanse the system of all poison and putrid mat
ter and do it so gently that one enjoys the pleasant
effects They are a tonic to tho liver Cure
billiousness torpid liver and prevent fever
McConnell Berry
Joseph French is running his steam
thresher at August Weschs
J H Relph and family were hiking
toward the plum orchards Monday
A Weeks was called to McCook Sat
urday on the case of H I Peterson vs
William Sigwing
Dave Goodenbergers steam thresher
has been standing idle a number of days
at Samuel Ellis stack yards
Much of the prairie is decorated with
beautiful yellow blossoms probably on
account of being so near the sunflower
When once liberated within your system it
produces a most wouderous effect Its worth
ones last dollar to feel tho pleasure of life that
comes by taking Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cts
McConnell Berry
missed Counting out 50 cents in dimes
nickels and pennies she shoved them
at the innocent young attendant and
made good her escape with the fash
ionable womans hat Exchange
The Queen Dee
She possesses the power of choosing
which of her offspring shall be drones
and which workers Some have
thought that this was automatic and
that the narrower worker cell touched
the button so to speak that brought
forth a fertilized egg But the queen
will lay worker eggs in drone cells if
she thinks fit so that settles that
If tho drone is male and the queen
female what is the worker The new
woman of Beedom She has given up
her motherhood for a business career
Sometimes though she lays eggs but
they always hatch out drones of which
it is strictly true to say they have a
mother but no father If the queens
wings are crippled so that she cannot
make her marriage flight her children
are all drones An Italian queen in
a hive of black bees will beget work
ers of mixed blood- but her sons are
pure Italians Drones are useful as
fathers of workers but they cannot col
lect the honey they eat Their tongues
are too short Ainslees
Clnddagh Rlnprs
The old poesy rings are a much
sweeter souvenir than more modern
ones A friend lias one which had be
longed to her great grandmother such
a narrow gold circlet The motto en
graved inside In old lettering was as
follows God above increase our
love The Claddagh rings of Ire
land are now very difficult to procure
that is the genuine specimens of
course There are many imitations
These rings were heirlooms with the
people of the Claddagh a distinct gyp
sylike race of fishermen and were
handed down from mother to daugh
ter as a wedding ring a marriage be
ing scarcely considered legal if an or
dinary ring were substituted They
were made of massive gold decorated
with a heart bearing a crown sup
ported by two clasped hands signify
ing loyalty love friendship
The ITnattnined
The quickest way to make any man
weary of his life is to give him all his
hearts desire The struggle for the
unattained is the secret of joy Here
Is a man who has been giving his years
to a reckless round of pleasure Now
you see him waking up to find that the
deepest needs of his soul are still un
touched Or there is another man who
has given twenty five years to the ac
cumulation of knowledge and at last
we see him like Dr Casaubon in Mid
dlemarch dying with the stores of
knowledge all around him which he
does not know how to use
Didnt Care to Try
A woman in a railroad station the
other day had a great deal of trouble
with one of her children a boy of sev
en or eight and a man who sat near
her stood it as long as possible and
then observed
Madam that boy of yours needs the
strong hand of a father
Yes I know it she replied but
he cant help it His father died when
he was six years of age and Ive done
my best to get another and failed He
cant have what I cant get Would
you care to try yourself
The listener had fled
A Family Comljlne
Deacon Jones I know of three broth
ers in a neighboring town that would
afford excellent material for a sermon
on the theme of brotherly love
Deacon Brown Ill make a note of
it Tell me more about them deacon
Deacon Jones Well John the eld
est is a physician Thomas the second
brother is an undertaker and William
the youngest is a marble cutter Chi
cago News
Better Than Wealth
Employ your time by improving
yourself by other mens documents so
shall you come easily by what others
have labored hard for Prefer knowl
edge to wealth for the one is transi
tory the other perpetual
Let Them Romp
It is a good thing to remember when
the children are noisy that some day
they will all be married and living
far away and the house will be as
quiet as a tomb Atchison Globe
Perfect Bliss
Gladys How did you enjoy Mrs TJp
pertons reception
Ethel Oh great It was the most
complete failure I ever saw Puck
The Doe and the Jackdaw
In Saver ruilc forest I once witnessed
The iteaHon One Womnu Rejoice a very pretty little scene i nouceu a
While Another One Mourn doe lying down by herself In a grassy
A Philadelphia woman moving In hollow and as I passed her at a dis
good society has been cured of a ma- tanco of about fifty yards it struck mo
nla for attending rummage sales but as singular that she kept her head so
it took a heroic treatment to effect the low down that I could only see the top
cure The other day she went to a of It on a level with her back Walk
sale of the description named In aid of ing round to get a better sight 1 saw
a worthy charity In which she j Inter- a jackdaw standing on the turf before
ested and came nway minus a twenty- her very busily pecking at her face
ave dollar hat It happened this way With my glass I was able to watch her
A feature of the sale was a counter movements very closely He pecked
filled with untrimmed hats advertised round her eyes then her nostrils her
Your choice for 50 cents Now the throat and in act every part of her
North Thirty third street woman didnt face and just as a man when being
want an untrimmed hat at 50 cents shaved turns his face this way and
but there was one that caught her that under the gentle guiding touch of
fancy by reason of its odd shape and the barbers fingers and lifts up his
she simply couldnt resist the chin to allow the razor to pass beneath
tlon to try it on So she took off the it so did the doe raise and lower and
handsome hat she was wearing placed tyrn her face about to enable the bird
it on the counter and picked up the un- to examine and reach every part with
trimmed one Then she looked around his bill Finally the daw left the face
for a mirror There was only one and and t moving round jumped on the
that was away at the other end of the deers shoulders and began a minute
long room i search In that part Having finished
She pushed her way through the this he jumped on to the head and
crowd and in the meantime a fat pecked at the forehead and round the
ored womans eyes were glued to the bases of the ears The pecking done
hat she had left behind on the pile he remained for some seconds sitting
marked Your choice for 50 cents I perfectly still looking very pretty with
It was a golden opportunity not to be the graceful red head for a stand the
does long ears thrust out on either
side of him Birds and Man
Amazon Ant GnrdeiiH
Dr E Ule contributes to Englers
Jnhrbuch supplement 30 some inter
esting observations on ant gardens
in the Amazon region where they
abound on a large number of goody
plants They are generally spherical in
form and about the size of a walnut
They are formed by several species of
ant which appear to collect the seeds
of manj different plants and to sow
them in these nests covering up the
seedlings with humus when they begin
to germinate In the structure of these
ant epiphytes the foliage and the
roots display characters which espe
cially adapt them for the situation in
which they grow and promote also the
protection of the ants themselves in
their nest Quitij a number of tho
epiphytes were found as denizens of
the ant gardens and nowhere else
The RiRKest Xot the Best
A New York dealer who has han
dled shiploads of fruit said recently
It is often amusing to see men wom
en and children picking out as they be
lieve the choicest fruit at the market
stands If there are a half a dozen
large oranges within sight they will
have them even if it is necessary to
overturn all the rest in the box or bar
rel and this is true with most all other
varieties that are sold by the piece or
dozen They invariably get the poorest
specimens of the whole crop and yet
are not aware of it Very rarely you
will find a person who is a good judge
who will at once size up the heaviest
oranges lemons or bananas regardless
of size and they capture the choicest
Why Two Ears Are Necessary
Sound travels by waves
- O
from a central point of disturbance
just as waves radiate when a stone is
dropped into still water So far as the
hearing of each individual is concerned
these waves move in a direct line from
the cause of the sound to his ear the
impact being the greatest in the ear
nearest to the source This being the
case a person who has totally lost the
sense of hearing in one ear although
he may imagine that the defect is of
little consequence cannot locate the di
rection of a sound to save his life even
when the center of disturbance is quite
near him
A Iiiternry Light
A short time ago a well known writ
er of London remembering that he had
never read the noncanonical books
went out in search of a copy and in
one bookshop after another drew
blank At last he went to his own par
ticular newspaper shop which also
dealt in Bibles and light literature
Have you the Apocrypha he asked
For a moment the young woman be
hind the counter was puzzled then
brightening she said Is it a weekly
or a monthly
IVlien tlie Eyes Stick
Inflammation of the conjunctiva or
membrane which shields the front of
the eyeball from the air and takes the
rub of the eyelids is indicated by the
glued state of the eyes in the morning
and more especially by their bloodshot
condition the vessels being bright red
in color and winding about in great ir
regularity with no discernible order or
Shopkeeper to small child who has
brought back a recent purchase
Whats the matter with the cheese
my dear
Small Child Please father says
when he wants any bait for fishing he
can dig em up in our back garden
London King
Wlint Port Yonr Helm Means
In this country the helm is put to the
port side of the ship or left hand side
looking forward at the order Port
j our helm The rudder of course goes
to -starboard and the ships head moves
to starboard This is the rule of most
nations but in Sweden the reverse Is
trie rule
The Girl From the Scientific School
Our daughter has at last met her
fate my dear
How do you know
She received several letters from
her admirers this morning but his was
the only one she didnt fumigate and
In the Tyrolean parishes of Mieming
and Rietz tli3 members of nearly every
household are engaged in the making
of rosaries bv stringing beads together
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R O I P A Lortgo No 012 moota first nnc
third Thursdays of each month McConnoll 6
linll 8H p in E B JIunEK Proaldont W S
Outer Socretnry
K O T M Itegalnr meetings on second
nnd fourth Tuesdny ovoninffs of ench month In
McConnoll hall at 8 Visiting knights welcome
M RGATBfl commnndor J II Yakoeb record
keeper O A Leach fluunco koopcr
lodge No 307 meets on second and fourth Mon
day evenings of each month nt oight oclock in
McConnoll hall J R McCarl Illustrious
Pro Rout W Devoe Secretary
Good Advice
Tho most miserable beings in tho world are
those sulloring from dyspepsia and livor com
plaint Moro than seventy fivo per cent of the
peoplo in the Unitod States nro ofllicted with
these two diseases nnd their effects such as
sour stomach sick headacho habitual coative
ness palpitation of tho lioart heartburn water
brash gnuwing and burning pains ut tho pit of
the stomach yellow skin coated tongue and
disagreeable taste in tho mouth coining up of
food after eating low spirits oto Goto yoar
druggist and get n bottle of August Flower for
75 cents Two doses will relieve yon Try it
Get Greons Special Almanac
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Tako LaxiHvo Bromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists rofund tho money if it fails to cure
E W Groves signature is on ench box 25c
A Plausible Theory
Hlxon I wonder how Methuselah
managed to live to such a ripe old
Dixon Probably because there
were no bacteria and disease germs in
us day
Office in Court House
vB K mmmw
Physician and
Surgeon J
Oilice over McMillons drug store Residence
702 Main Avenue Rnsidenco phono 03 Ofllco
pliouo iS Calls answorod night or day -
McCook Nebraska
Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
BBAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office
First door north of Commercial hotel
McCook - - - Nebraska
Office First National bank building next
to City hall Hotms 8 T0 to 12 lto6 7 to 9
Night calls answorod from residence ovor bank
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 P O Building
Phones Olllce 17 Residence 93
Write or Phone for Terms and Date
A Reliable
Graduate Dentist
Bates Old
McCook Neb
Shave Hair Cnt Sham-
t pooany tniug in my lin in
an artistic manner Give
me a call and trial
Graduate of Kansas
City Dental College
Over Jas McAdams
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
All Calls For The
Answered by the
Will make all trains and an
swer all calls to any
part of the city
W H Ackerman fr
McCook Nebraska fc
f t
c r