The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 05, 1902, Image 6

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J If T r
McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Kansas reports a great scarcity of
school teachers
Smallpox Is spreading rapidly on the
Island of St Vincent
Thomas W Keene the oldest active
Odd Fellow in Illinois is dead at his
home at Washington 111 at the age
of 80
Experiments in wireless telephon
ing were conducted successfully be
tween Sassnitz and Kolberg Germany
a distance of 105 miles
C P Olson for 25 years superin
tendent of bridges of the Burlington
railroad system west of the Missouri
river was drowned at Burlington la
The comptroller of the currency nas
declared a dividend of 10 per cent in
favor of the creditors of the insol
vent Lomars National bank of Lemars
A territorial charter was granted to
the Guthrie Shawnee Coalgate rail
road company with 1000000 capital
to build a line from Guthrie westward
to Beaver a distance of 150 miles
The largest shipment of cattle ever
taken across the Atlantic left Portland
Me on the steamship Norseman of
tno Dominion line In all there were
1179 head of cattle and 1398 sheep
Captain C W Phillips command
ing the Panama Railroad companys
steamship Advance disappeared at sea
on August 21 during the voyage of
that vessel from Colon to New York
Cholera official statistics says a
Manila dispatch show a total to date
of 24266 cases and 18040 deaths The
actual number of cases and deaths is
greatly in excess of the official re
The rumors that an Australian mis
sionary named Bruce and an English
missionary named Lewis have been
murdered at Chen Chou in Hu Nan
province continue persistently to be
At Washington Rev Robert Nourse
Congregational minister and lecturer
was stricken with heart failure while
in the pulpit of the First Congrega
tional church It Ib thought he will
Grace Lino aged 12 daughter of
Harry Lino of Kalamazoo and W
Wilber Macey of Chicago were drown
ed at Camp Bell lake near Kalamazoo
by falling from a raft used in gath
ering water lilies
During a fit of laughter Thomas C
Garrett aged 27 a drug clerk from
Chicago lost his balance fell out of a
boat at St Joseph Mich and the
body was recovered in fifteen minutes
but life was extinct
It is understood that General Wey
ler the Spanish minister of war has
decided to resign his poBt In conse
quences of certain court officials hav
ing overridden his orders permitting
journalists to attend court functions
State Superintendent Nelson of
Kansas says it is probable that the
opening of the Kansas schools will
have to be postponed next month on
account of the inability of the Ameri
can Book company to furnish books
United States Minister Bowen at
Caracas Venezuela advises the state
department by telegraph that a gov
ernment warship recently arriving at
La Guayra reports that for two days
she bombarded Ciudad Bolivar after
which she withdrew having exhaust
ed her ammunition
The Lokal Anzefger of Berlin says
an evidence of the growing American
ization of the world is shown in a
plan to establish a post graduate med
ical school at Frankfort after an
k American model A private person
has contributed 500000 for the es
tablishment of this school
r ti
i A telegram was received at the wai
deartment from Governor Orman of
11 Colorado stating that that state had
Krreconsiderd its former decision not
to4Iparticipat8 in the army maneuvers
at Fort- Riley Kan next fall The
governor -says that he will be able to
250 of the Colorado National
l i At Carltnyllle 111 Rev Henry Tru
nQTjjidsiorpi the Colored Baptist
church hotand instantly Killed his
year bTci son whom he mistook for
aburglarj The father who was
heartbrokeni over the affair was ari
tested but the coroners jury
a icharged him custody finding
that jtheshooting was the result of
Ai kV mistake V 7 V
I 1 Congressman tLong jof Kansas is
tVw1teliJJ1bBaiJiei7ous prostration
I ij nfbj J I 1 i I
i ft the Grand Army parade at Washing
171 ii tpni jj - i it i
JfiThene5fTtshSp Malne proves to be
-he fastest of American battleships
lArchduches1arguerite Sophie of
r JingtxiaLwife of Albert auk of
itemburgi died at Gmunden Austria
r Withe result oi an operation fdr ap
pendicitis She was b6rn in 1870
Vi i Senator Mitchell of Oregon is about
to sail for Honolulu
Articles on Which Exemptions of Duty
Will Be Allowed Difference Be
tween Ordinary Wearing Apparel
and Merchandise
retary Shaw has issued the following
circular regarding the free entry of
personal effects under the act of 1897
To Collectors and Other Officers of the
It having been brought to the at
tention of the department that cer
tain persons have sought to place a
strained construction upon the depart
ment circular No 48 under date of
May 7 1902 the following explanation
thereof and supplemental instructions
are hereby issued
The language employed In the cir
cular referred to is as follows
Exemption from duty will be al
lowed on wearing apparel articles of
personal adornment toilet articles and
such other personal effects of a value
not exceeding 100 as are ordinarily
purchased abroad by tourists provid
ed they are not intended for the use
of other persons or for sale
There is no warrant in this lan
guage or in any ruling of the depart
ment that justifies the importation of
cigars spirituous vinous or malt
liquors in any other quantity or man
ner than provided by law neither is
there anything in the circular to war
rant the exemption of merchandise
as such from duties The statutes
uses this language wearing apparel
articles of personal adornment toilet
articles and similar personal effects
For some years it was held that simJ
ilar personal effects in order to be
exempt must be similar to wearing
apparel or similar to articles of per
sonal adornment or similar to toilet
articles The department still holds
that exempt articles must in a sense
be similar that is they must be of
the same general class of articles as
tourists ordinarily purchase abroad
The difficulty it will be seen lies
in applying these rules in the light of
the statute to particular cases and it
is the intention to clothe the customs
officers with some measure of discre
tion A dress pattern is certainly sim
ilar to a gown while a bolt of dress
goods is merchandise A pair of silk
hose is wearing apparel but is mer
chandise Customs officers are expect
ed to protect the revenue of the coun
try but they are not expected to ad
minister the laws with captious and
vexatious discriminations Whenever
circumstances indicate that the return
ing tourist is attempting to impose
upon the government the maximum
rate of duty should be collected and
then all questions involved can be de
terminated on appeal
Malleable Iron Combine
SHARON Pa Aug 30 A combi
nation of the foremost malleable iron
concerns of the country with a capi
talization of 25000000 is under con
sideration and will probably soon be
According to the reported plans the
headquarters of the combination will
be in Chicago where the National Mal
leable Iron Casting company the larg
est concern of the kind in the United
States has its home office
The concerns mentioned for places
In the consolidation are Illinois Mal
leable Iron company Stockholm Man
ufacturing company Chicago Mallea
ble Casting company all of Chicago
Dayton Malleable Iron company Day
ton O Michigan Malleable Iron com
pany Detroit Pratt Letchworth
Buffalo N Y Northwestern and Wis
consin Malleable Iron works Milwau
Hearing Speedily Closed
NEW YORK Aug 30 The hearing
before Special Examiner Mabie in the
Peter Power suit brought to prevent
the turning over of the stock of the
Northern Pacific railroad to the North
ern Securities company was brought
to an abrupt conclusion today when
D W Guthrie counsel for the rail
roads interested asked an adjourn
ment sine die No testimony was tak
en Under the ruling of the court all
the testimony taken in the case had to
be filed with the clerk of the United
States circuit court in Minnesota on
Monday next
Scheme to Beat Ship Combine
LONDON Sept 30 The Daily Maif
says there is reason to believe that the
British governments scheme for coun
tering the Morgan combine is now
complete The details of the scheme
are not known but the broad princi
ple will be planned to protect freights
carried in British vessels against any
attempts to corner trade Those con
versant with the facts affirm that the
government scheme is likely to have
a serious effect on the shipping trust j
Large Collection of Historical Relics
and Documents
LINCOLN Neb Sept 1 The state
historical society will display at thd
state fair a large collection of histo
rical relics and documents in a tent
just south of the west entrance of
Mercantile hall It Is the intention
to cover pretty thoroughly the field
of the state history so far as possible
with the material at the disposal of
the society Archaeological sped
mens from various sections both in
mechanical and farm implements and
pottery will be shown Modern In
dian work will also occupy a part
of the space Nebraska relics from
old Ft Calhoun will be exhibited A
number of early newspapers publish
ed in the state during the territorial
stage and its early statehood will also
be shown An instructive part of the
display will be the methods of pre
serving and filing the papers A li
brary of books by Nebraskans and old
works of interest will be a part of
the exhibit
Many of the members of the First
Nebraska volunteers while in the
Philippines made collections of inter
esting bits of native work and nat
ural products of the islands Many
of these collections have been either
loaned or given to the society and a
part of them will be displayed to the
public Photographs and domestic
and agricultural utensils used in Ne
braska in early days will be on ex
They Will Go Into the Collection of
the Historical Society
LINCOLN Neb Sept 1 The mem
bers of the historical society staff
have made some interesting additions
to the stock of old documents on file
at the library E E Blackman and
A E Sheldon while on a recent trip
into Kansas secured for a small sum
the entire library of ex Congressman
Davis of that state Besides several
hundred volumes the collection in
cludes a complete file of a paper pub
lished by Mr Davis during the flow
ery days of the Farmers alliance
Davis was one of the originators of
the movement and the copies of his
paper which he used to spread the
Influence of the organization will be
a valuable contribution to historical
Mr Sheldon recently spent some
time in the southeastern part of the
state investigating the French set
tlements in Richardson and Nemaha
counies They are near Rulo in
Richardson and Glen Rock and St
Deroin in Nemaha county Many of
the old families have been there since
1859 He succeeeded in borrowing
the council and court records of the
town of Rulo covering a period of
nearly twenty years between 1859 and
President Burt in Court
OMAHA Sept 1 When Horace G
Burt president of the Union Pacific
railroad appeared in police court to
be arraigned on the charge of false
imprisonment on ten separate counts
he found as large and interested au
dience as has appeared in police
court for many a day The strikers
were out in a large force to see their
late chief and he in turn carefully
scanned the court room to see who
was there and probably to make men
tal notations for future reference A
plea of not guilty was entered in
each case and through his attorney
Edson Rich Mr Burt asked for a
continuance that W Arnett the labor
agent who brought the ten complain
aais from Indianapolis and is named
in the complaints with him might be
located and brought here as an
portant witness The case was con
tinued to Wednesday September 3
and Mr Burt furnished bonds in each
of the ten cases in the sum of 300
which were signed by Edson Rich
and Charles Dundy
Suicide of a Barber
ATKINSON Neb Sept 1 Wil
liam Donnelly a barber committed
suicide here by shooting himself
through the head The ball entered
the temple and came out at the back
of the head He lived an hour but
was unable to speak Donnelly had
been drinking heavily pf late and had
lost his job He was unmarried and
about 28 years old
Coopers Want More Pay
The coopers at the Nebraska City
Cooperage companys plant walked
out because demands for a raise in
wages were not acceded to by the
Farm Hand and Horse Disappear
LEIGH Neb Sept 1 A stranger
who had been working in the neigh
borhood for a couple of weeks dis
appeared Monday night and with him
a horse saddle and bridle valued at
100 He was employed by Henry
a wealthy farmer near here
and In the evening he drew his wages
and borrowed the horse to ride into
town The last seen of him was on
the streets of Leigh about 12 oclock
at night
One Omaha Institution Included In
the List
LINCOLN Neb Aug 30 The state
banking board has approved the arti
cles of incorporation and authorized
charters to be issued to the following
Commercial State bank of Cole
ridge Cedar county capital 20000
directors George A Gray T T Link
hart N I Nielsen U G Brldenbaugh
and John Horsch Farmers State
bank of Ithaca Saunders county cap
ital 5000 G F Wagner president
W E Deck vice president J M Hall
cashier American Exchange bank
Bristow Boyd county capital 10
000 John Frostom president Ed
ward Renard vice president D M
Schmitz cashier State bank of Bee
Seward county capital 5000 H T
Jones president George B Camp
bell vice president W B Thorpe
cashier The Farmers bank of
Sholes Wayne county capital 5
000 M S Merrill president The
Grafton State bank of Grafton Fill
more county capital 10000 Frank
W Sloan president George E Al
drich vice president Archer State
bank of Archer Merrick county cap
ital 5000 incorporators Joe A
Hays J B Templin and C Hostetter
First National bank Hartington Ce
dar county capital 30000 directors
J G Beste George S Scovllle J C
Robinson W S Weston L E Jones
jr Stephen Seim and C D Chandler
J L Brandeis Son bankers Omaha
capital 50000 incorporators Arthur
D Emil B and Hugh H Brandeis
Steps Off an Excursion Steamer at
LINCOLN Neb Aug 30 Further
details have been received concerning
the drowning of Charles P Olson of
Lincoln superintendent of bridges fo
the Burlington at Burlington la
A telegram from an official of the
road at Burlington to General Superin
tendent Calvert stated that Olson was
on an excursion boat which was stand
ing close to the landing The railing
on the boat on the river side was
broken and Mr Olson failing to no
tice the break stepped off and was
drowned The news of the sudden
death of Mr Olson was received with
keen regret and sorrow by his friends
and railroad associates He was a ge
nial and companionable man and was
highly regarded by his superiors in
office and those who labored under
him in his department Late reports
from Burlington state that the body
has not yet been found The dead
man was 58 years old He leaves a
wife and two children Mrs H M
Stratton of Chester and a son about
22 years of age who lives at home
Blue River Baptists Elect
BEATRICE Neb Aug 30 The
Blue River Baptist association held a
three days session at Union hall Is
land Grove township Officers were
elected for the year as lollows Mod
erator Rev D L McBride of Liberty
clerk Miss Nellie Winters of West
ern treasurer Isaac Staples of Be
Lightning Destroys a House
BEATRICE Neb Aug 30 The
residence of Mrs Mary Hubka located
near Virginia this county was struck
by lightning and burned to the ground
with all its contents The family es
caped with only personal effects Loss
1000 with 550 insurance
Mr Bryan Will Speak
LINCOLN Neb Aug 30 W J
Bryan will address the Grand Army
of the Republic reunion at Hastings on
the afternoon of September 8 and will
open the democratic campaign of Mis
souri with a speech at Joplln on the
evening of September 9
The Retail Grocers
LINCOLN Neb Aug 30 Prepara
tions are being made for the entertain
ment of the Nebraska Retail Grocery
mens association when it holds its
state convention in Lincoln October
16 17 and 18 A banquet will be one
of the principal events in the way of
Railroad Sends Specialist
STANTON Neb Aug 30 Hog
cholera is quite prevalent northeast
of town Dr Jackson a specialist in
that disease sent out by the Fremont
Elkhorn Missouri Valley Railroad
company is here and doing everything
possible to check the disease
Alleged Horse Thieves Arrested
ALBION Neb Aug 30 Sheriff
Clark ofthic county and Deputy Sher
iff Frank Stout of Ellis county Kan
sas arrested fen the Lockwood ranch
north of this city Charles Howell and
John Flynn August 16 a farmer nam
ed Justis Walters living near Hayes
City Kan had four horses two sets
of harness a wagon and fifteen bush
els of oats stolen The men under ar
rest are supposed to be the guilty par
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Kansas City
CATTLE There was iuto a aso
as compared with the previous days of
this week In the number of cattle that
arrived The quality of the offerings was
also nothing extra and receipts Includ
ed very few beef steers either native or
western The few cars of corn fed steers
sold freely at lust about yesterdays
prices Ono load of pretty good cattle
sold as high as 740 The cow market
phowed very little change Anything de
sirable sold without much difficulty at
lust about steady prices but still tho
market was not what would be called ac
tive The demand for stockers and feed
ers continued brisk owing- to tho very
heavy demand from the country In fact
more cattle were shipped out than on
any other day this week so that in
spite of tho big receipts the good stuff
Jias found a ready outlet Western beef
steers were scarce and In fact there was
nothing really choice offered The better
grades though commanded fully steady
prices while inferior kinds were dull
and no more than steady Choice west
orn feeders were also ready sellers at
good prices
HOGS There were more hogs horo to
day than on any previous day this week
but still the supply was light Chicago
was reported 5fil0c lower and tho mar
ket here opened about a nickel lower
Lator on however the market firmed
up as it became evident that the demand
was greater than the supply and tho
last hogs brought just about steady
prices with yesterday Trading was rath
er slow on the opening but nulte active
on the close The long string went at
5725 with the bulk from 720 to 730
As high as 740 was paid for a choico
SHEEP Quotations for clipped stock
Good to choice yearlings 375S400 fair
to good 3502375 good to choico weth
ers 3230360 fair to good wethers 300
15325 good to choice ewes 300325 fair
to good ewes 25017290 good to choico
lambs 5005525 fair to good lambs 475
500 feeder wethers 275335 feeder
yearlings 3253C0 feeder lambs 350
425 feeder ewes 1233330
CATTLE Market steady native steers
J375S800 Texas and Indian steers 300
350- Texas cows 250310 native cows
and heifers 150435 stockers and feed i
ers 2S0S510 bulls 250340 calves 27
HOGS Market weak to 5c lower bulk
of sales 75017C3 heavy 7G0f765 pack
ers 725760 medium 7405765 light
715755 porkers 3755755 pigs 625
SHEEP Market steady muttons 340
425 lambs 3705590 range wethers
3105425 ewes 3355415
Has Not a Single Newspaper Giving
Him Hearty Support
HAVANA Aug 30 President Pal
ma finds himself today without the
support of a single newspaper con
trolled by Cubans
The editorials published in the Cu
ban press are considered collectively
remarkable for their bitterness and
outspoken opposition to the chief exec
utive The only paper which supports
the president is the Diario de la Mar
ina formerly the organ of the Span
ish government and at present repre
senting the Spanish colony in the is
One of the causes for the opposition
to President Palma was that he
granted the Castenada concession for
the establishment of an electric light
plant at Havana This concession has
been a subject of bitter opposition in
the house of commons and some of
the papers are demanding the presi
dents impeachment unless the conces
sion is revoked The impeachment
question has been on the table for a
week The house of parliament has
divided on the question
The paper La Discussion sasys that
although the president was elected an
an independent ticket and received
the endorsement of the republican and
national parties he has carried his
independence too far and todav has
the support of neither party
It is rumored that certain leading
republicans are urging the president
to announce himself a member of the
republican party and are guaranteeing
him a majority in the house if he
does so La Discussion advocates
such a declaration from the president
Can Invoke No Treaty Now
cois Leberne a former seaman of the
French bark Biarritz which recently
sailed hence from France has been
released from the custody into which
he was ordered by the French consul
general but has been immediately re
arrested this time on a formal charge
which puts him in the hands of the
United States authorities
Remains of the Fairs Start
HAVRE France Aug 30 The re
mains of Charles L and Mrs Fair ar
rived here today from Paris and will
be forwarded to Southampton tonight
where they will be put aboard the St
Louis which sails Saturday
Grabs the Fruit Industry
KINGSTON Jamaica Aug 30 By
the conclusion effected in London be j
tween Elder Dempster Co of Liv j
erpool the Fyfes of Aberdeen the
Imperial Direct West India Mail ser
vice and the United Fruit company1
ot New Orleans and Boston the lat-
ter concern obtains a monopoly oi
the Jamaica fruit industry and con 5
trols the British and American fruit
markets The company will hence
forth load every British fruit ship
New Use for Horsesklns
One of tho novelties is an antop
billng coat for men and women nde
of horseskln says tho New Yor
Evoning Journal Sable and long hair
furs are not suitable or they catch
the dust Tho skins of colts either
in white or brown have come in
great favor the white trimmed with
and automobillsts do
a darker fur
not disdain piebalds They all require
lining Helmet shaped head dresses or
the same akin often accompany these
Cowardly fear finds no favor with
w l
or o am an cMJltere union
C 04 VC 3OW0v MADE
W L Douglas shoes are the standard of the world
W L Douglas made anil sold moro menOoodr
joar Welt Hand Seirod Procesn allocs In the fliit
six months of 1002 than any other manufacturer
Hn nnnnEAnDTTnePadtoai7oneITh
O IUiUUU candlsproTO thin statement
S2 Sl103820 1 ESSSk 12340000
Best Imported and American leathers Heyl
Patent Calf Enamel Box Calf Calf Vlcl Kid Corona
Colt Nat Kangaroo Fast Clor Eyelcta used
Cnif Hnn I The eenuine havo W 3J HOVOAV
IsUUUUU name and price stamped on bottom
Shoes by mail 25c extra Jllus Catalog fret
OMAHA INSTITUTE Ono of tho belt
E7ETI CV equipped of tho Keeloy system
CbbCl Only Kecley Institute la Ne
braska Cures Drunkenness Cuies Drur Users
Booklet free Home treatment for Tobacco
Ilabltcost SG Address 724 S 19th St OmaUd
Prom Llbbys famous
hygienic kitchens
We employ a chef
who Is an export in
We dont practice economy here He uses the
very choicest materials A supply on your
pantry shelves enables you to have always at
hand the essentials for the very best meals
Write for our booklet How to Maes Good
Things to Eat
Kp the rider ptrfootly dry Xo
water can leak in oa ths ml lie
cot extra wide and long la the
skirt Kxtra protection at ihoul
der eairi Warranted
terprooC Ifyoar
dealer ooein t
bare them write
for catalogue to
Eait Cambridge Iiu
- fW
Natural FSavor
Food Products
We would teach the Eij m j
I Lesson aamber onsv jm j
I Starch is an extraction jm l
of wheat ued to stif JS j
1 fen clothes when Af ft
1 kundered Host AW
a itaicbes in tamo MW
1 xnH rot th m J
I goods thy AW
1 are used to m
1 They Ay TB f
1 Ar chemicsIiA
1 M Defianc StoreS j
1 W is absolutely pnrej l
M It gives new life to
I W linen It gives
W tin r money back It
p sells 16 ounces for 10 cents
K at all grocers Itiatfca
f I Tfie DfUArtd STAkQI 0
sLssV tf