The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 05, 1902, Image 1

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A Prospect
Recently we announced the incorpora
tion of tho Nebraska Oil Asphalt and
Refining Co a company composed main
ly of our citizens F M Rathbun presi
dent Dr J D Hare secretary and
James Hatfield treasurer It is with
pleasure that we noto tho rapid progress
being made in this undertaking The
company has control of 2440 acres of
oil lands near Moorcroft Wyoming in
tho very finest part of the district
Their first derrick is completed and a
fine plant of boring machinery on the
ground now being placed in position
Theyxpect to have this machinery all
up and in operation in a few days Cas
ingor this first well has been ordered
direct from Pittsburg and consists of an
entire carload which is now on the way
The best feature however is that al
though a large amount of money has
been expended not a cent of indebted
v ness stands against tho company the
company having more than sufficient
means to meet all bills It is not often
that wo call attention to so worthy an
enterprise of the kind and one that has
the fine prospect for success that this
company has Mr G B Harmon who
has secured the contract for driving the
wells is an old oil man coming to Colo
rado from Pennsylvania a short time
ago where ho put down a large
tion ot tne wens now in operation ul
Franklin Pa whore lubricating oil is
also found Mr Harmons opinion of
the Moorcroft is that it far exceeds any
thing ho has over seen Tho quality of
tho lubricating oil found tests nearly
98 per cent pure as it comes out of tho
ground This oil should not be classed
with tho Beaumont Texas or other
petroleum oil fields crude petroleum
selling for from 5 to 10 cents a barrel
while this lubricating oil from tho Moor
croft field sells readily for from 7 to 10
a barrel Wo understand from tho sec
retary Dr Hare that the stock allotted
for sale is being rapidly taken and that
any one wishing to get in on this more
than fair prospect must apply soon or
there will be no stock for sale
Tho large blocks of asphalt and the
oil recently placed on exhibition in
Messrs McConnell Berrys window
was certainly an eye opener and shows
what can be expected when wells have
been put down
At Rest
Mrs Austin Younce was born in Ger
many in 1830 She came to Nebraska
in 1884 just eighteen years ago She
was a widow for a number of years
Her maiden name was Tartschner She
was the mother of seven children four
of whom are still living There is one
daughter in Germany and three in this
country Mrs Paulina Phillippi Mrs
Joseph Spotts Mrs Rudolph Padulski
Mrs Younce died at the home of her
son-in-law Joseph Spotts Monday even
ing August 25th about seven oclock
She was prepared and glad to go She
died in peace The kind friends who
comforted and cheered her last hours
will never be forgotten Fruits and
flowers were brought which did much
to please and comfort her
Grandma Younce was laid to rest at
Riverview cemetery Rev Miller of the
Lutheran church conducted the services
at the home of Mrs Spotts and at the
cemetery The discourse was in English
and the singing and prayers in German
Many beautiful flowers were laid on her
coffin A goodly number of relatives
and friends met to pay tho last tribute
of respect to one whose sufferings Avere
over at last
Mrs Paulina Phillippi Mrs Joseph
Spotts and Mrs Rudolph Padulski wish
to thank the kind friends and neighbors
who helped them and were kind to their
mother before and after her death
A Friend
A Fine Fruit Exhibit
The possibilities of fruit raising in
this country were well shown last week
by Captain I H Wasson in a basket of
fine gold plums left at The Tribune
office The fruit was large luscious and
of excellent flavor The hail early in tho
season damaged and destroyed much of
the fruit on his dozen gold plum trees
otherwise the yield would have consid
erably exceeded a bushel to the tree
The captain irrigates
Heres Much Joy to Them
Cards are out announcing the marri
age of Miss Florence I Thompson and
Mr Frank Tinker The ceremony was
performed last Thursday August 28
1902 at the residence of the brides
parents Mr and Mrs F A Thompson
2S01 Quitman street Denver Colorado
The brido has a host of warm friends in
this city hei home for a number of
years who hope Flos married life may
be happy and prosperous
Adventist Camp Meeting
The Seventh Day Adventists will hold
a camp meeting in this city September
23 to 29 The two tabernacles will be
pitched one block north of the city park
Services will be conducted each day
both in English and German Among
those who will be present are Elder
Westfall a missionary from South
America and Elder Nelson who is just
back from Europe
Pigs For Sale
Thoroughbred Chester Whites In
quire of J M Hammond five miles
southwest of McCook 8 294ts
L C Jordan has gone to Holyoke
Mrs Vira Francisco has gone to
Herman Meyer was in the city Wed
nesday night
Everything that is best in paints is
found at Cone Bros
The beautiful New Mercerized Table
Damask in all widths now showing at
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Try Fly Knocker for cattle and
A horses Guaranteed to keep off flies
Sold only by A McMillen 2ts
5 tv
Perry Stone is out from Iowa on
Mrs Hugh Brown is entertaining her
sister Mrs Koebol
Sheiuff Bradbury camo down from
Imperial Monday
Miss Josephine Phelan is down from
Alliance visiting her mother
Miss Lizzie McAdams went up to
Denver Saturday last on No 1
E C McKay is working for the elec
tric light company part of time
Mrs W V Gage returned Tuesday
night from her visit in Allianco
Miss Edith Handy of Republican
City is tho guests of Mrs E M Cox
Harry Stern was out from Chicago
close of the week on business matters
MrsJF Ken yon and Dare returned
Tuesday night on 3 from their Iowa
Miss Ethel Pope arrived home on 3
Wadnesday night from her Holdrege
Schell Kimmell and Mabel Mokko
enjoyed tho state fair at Lincoln this
Charles Brum has succeeded Charles
Sexton at the electric light companys
Mrs Samuel Rogers and the chil
dren were passengers for Colorado on
13 Thursday
Ross D Druliner of W S Morlans
office is spending a week or ten days at
Alma on a visit
Mr G P Roark and Mrs L W
Stayner attended the old settlersreunion
at Akron Monday
Mr and Mrs J G Stokes witnessed
the attractions of the great state fair at
Lincoln this week
Frank Colfer departed on 6 Monday
night for Omaha to resume his studies
in Creighton college
E E Emmett state bank examiner
came up from Arapahoe Monday on 5
to get No 6 for Omaha
MrsAPThomson went in to Omaha
yesterday morning on 2 on a visit to
Auditor Randall and family
W T Coleman and family returned
Wednesday night from their visit in
Denver and the mountains
Mrs Anthony Clark is up from Ox
ford becoming acquainted with that new
granddaughter at R J Moores
Mrs C E Eldred and tho children
returned home last Friday evening on
No 5 from their visit in Chicago
William Zint went down to Lincoln
Sunday and has been devoting the
week to seeing the great state fair
Mrs F S Vahue arrived home Sat
urday last on No lfrom visiting the
old homefolks in Allegan Michigan
Mrs George D Leach went down to
Germantown Nebraska Wednesday on
12 on a visit to Mr Leachs parents
Miss Margaret Houlihan has re
turned from her visit east and has as
sumed her duties as teacher in district
No 46
Miss Millie Slaby went down to Re
publican City Sunday morning to as
sume a position as teacher in their public
Dan Cashen closed the deal last Sat
urday for the purchase of the Hendrick
dwelling just north of the west school
Norman Campbell returned yester
day morning from St Lukes Denver
where he has been undergoing treatment
for weeks
Mr and Mrs J A Williams came
over from Stockville Saturday evening
and went west on No 3 to Denver on a
visit of a week or two
Donald McCarty who went home ill
a week or two since returned from Jun
iata close of last week and has resumed
work for George Elbert
Miss Eva Burgess who was spending
a few weeks visiting her sister Mrs N
B Bush at Almena Kansas arrived
home on 3 last Friday night
Miss Jeannette Van DePoel re
turned first of the week from her visit
to Saint Joseph She left Tuesday
night to visit at her home in Iowa
Lous Suess spent the early days of
the week in the eastern part of the state
on business and seeing the children near
Crete returning home on Tuesday night
C W Keys and family who have
been enjoying a visit of a few weeks at
Windsor Colorado with relatives ar
rived home on 2 last Saturday morning
Miss Bessie Borneman who has been
visiting Mrs Russell McMillen in Te
cumseh stopped over from No 3 Wed
nesday night on her way home to
H W Cole who has been out from
Geneseo Illinois looking after the har
vesting and marketing of the wheat crop
on his land in this vicinity departed for
home on last Sunday morning
Mrs Samuel Patterson has been up
from Arapahoe since Tuesday evening
guest of Mrs H H Tartsch Sam has
been here helping the locals win vic
tories from the champion Mmdenites
Lyman Miller is having a very pain
ful and quite a serious time from blood
poison in his left foot caused by a
cactus We are pleased to note the fact
that the infected member is gradually
Mrs Arthur B Wood departed for
Missoula Montana Monday night to
join her husband who has a congenial
and remunerative position in that city
where they will make their home Her
sister Miss Nina Dion accompanied her
and expects to visit them a fewweeks
Mrs Nancy Fahnestock has pur
chased forty feet off the north side of the
lot owned by J A Wilcox between his
residence and that of Mrs Adele Phelan
and she will commence the building of a
dwelling house for herself thereon as
soon as arrangements for the work can
be completed It will be a five or six
room cottage to cost a thousand to
fifteen hundred dollars
jt a SIR - r
r A
i -
Captured Three Out of Four
This week on the home grounds the
locals took three straight games froin
the champion amateur ball players ot
Nebraska the Minden club losing the
last game of the series yesterday after
noon Perhaps no victory ever achioved
by the locals has given so much pleasure
and satisfaction to lovers of tho national
game in McCook or to the members of
the home team who have shown them
selves capable of playing a fast article of
ball on occasion
Following we give the details of tho
several games in brief as found in the
official score book
mcook takes the initial
The locals bunched their hits Mon
day afternoon in the opening game with
Minden and the visitors their errors
and the result was a decisive victory for
tho home team Summary
McCook 00000044 8
Minden 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 04
Batteries McCook Moore and Doane
Minden Ahlin and Bender Hits Mc
Cook 8 Minden 6 Two base hits Ben
der Ed Moore Three base hits Reed
Home run Converse Errors McCook
7 Minden 4 Earned runs McCook 2
Struck out By Moore 4 by Ahlin 6
Umpire Beltzer Time 120
and Tuesdays game also
Tuesday afternon the locals broke
Bliss hoodoo winning tho game with
Bliss in the box for the visitors in a
hotly contested beautiful game Sum
McCook 0 0120020 5
Minden 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 L
Batteries McCook Jones and Doane
Minden Bliss and Moore Hits Mc
Cook 6 Minden 7 Struck out By
Jones 7 by Bliss 8 Errors McCook 6
Minden 3 Umpire Beltzer Time
One hour and thirty five minutes
McCook also took the third game of
the series Wednesday afternoon in a
fine game clearly outplaying the visitors
at every point Summary
McCook 10020200 5
Minden 0 0000000 11
Hits McCook 9 Minden 6 Two base
hits Jones Beltzer Reed 2 Errors
McCook 2 Minden 5 Batteries Belt
zer and Doane Gaines and Moore
Struck out By Beltzer 7 by Gaines 7
Time 125
The concluding game of the series
the McCook free public library benefit
was won by the visitors who had their
batting clothes on at the very start
scoring three times in the first inning
and once in the second McCook scored
in the third sixth and twice in the
eighth tieing the score In the first
half of the ninth with two men on bases
Gaines for the visitors knocked the ball
over the fence bringing in three scores
and winning the game Summary
Minden 3 10 0 0 0 0 0 37
McCook 0 0100102 0 4
Batteries Minden Ahlin and Bender
McCook Moore and Doane Two base
hits Doane andEd Moore Three base
hits Converse Home runs Cone and
Gaines Struck out By Ahlin 6 by
Moore 6 Errors McCook 7 Minden 3
Umpire Saddler Time 130
Sam Patterson of Arapahoe played
right field for McCook in Tuesdays
Al Patton came up from Arapahoe
Monday evening on No 5 to witness the
McCook Minden series
The locals departed last night for
Aurora where they are scheduled for
two games with the Aurora team
Pitcher Kunkle occupied the box for
Akron Monday in tho game at that
place between Akron and Fort Morgan
The score was 11 to 1 in favor of Akron
Fort Morgan is the holder of the pen
nant in the neighborhood league up
Short Stop Fitzgerald formerly played
with Stratton and part of this season
with Longmont Colorado It will be
recalled that he walked out of a game
on the local grounds a few years ago
when he thought that Stratton was
throwing the game
Low Rate East
The Burlington Route has authorized
the low rate of S3245 from McCook
Nebraska to Washington D C and re
turn for National Encampment G A R
Tickets on sale October 2nd to 5th in
clusive Good returning until October
14th but extension until November 3rd
1902 may be secured
Ask the Burlington agent or write to
J Francis G P A
Omaha Neb
Are you going to need any chairs or
extension tables for threshers Lud
wick can give you the best prices in
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Sunday school 10 a m
Preaching 11 subject A Primitive
Church Prayer Meeting E L 7 pm
Preaching 8 subject A Royal Caller
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at
8 L M Grigsby Pastor
Baptist Sunday school 945 a m
Preaching 11 a m and 8 p m Young
Peoples meeting 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday 8 p m There will be
preaching services at Zion Hill and
Pickens school house at the usual hour
George L White Pastor
Rev and Mrs George H Snyder are
now located in Culbertson where they
will make their home for the present
George Paxton returned on 1 yester
day from his vacation
Postal Clerk John A Bingham of the
Imperial line has been transferred to the
Lincoln Billings run and will leave for
Lincoln as soon as he is relieved on his
run His many friends here will keenly
regret his transfer
Frank Purvis ia operating at Akron
j Paul Nrlson has raturncd to Oronoqur
C M Pfrimmer has gone to R d
Cloud to work
Conductor M O McClurei tahsentnn
a pleasure trip
Walter Sheridin of the agents force
has goni to Oxford
Conductor Frnnk Kondlen is off duty
on a little visit west
Andrew Matson and J C Griharn
are new machinists
W A Cascll is expected back from
Missoula Montana soon
Engineer Roy Dixon departed for Salt
Lake City Wednesday night
The drivers of 212 have beon sent to
Havelpck to be given new axles
j Conductor L C Wolff has had Con
ductor Bronsons run this week
Machinists Helpers Dunn and Her
etfom returned to work this week
Roy F Smith was down from Denver
this week visiting the folks and friends
L I Culbertson a cousin of Hig
Joe and Wilber Fisk are new brake
Engineer W D Burnett and family
took in tho state fair at Lincoln this
Denver way car 13 will be out of the
shop next week and 29 will go in for
Way car 95 is about ready to go out of
the carpentershop and 55 will go in for
Brakeman M S Parks is off duty on
account of getting a hot cinder in one of
his eyes
Mrs Dan Lucas and children joined
the head of the house at Havelock close
of last week
Conductor J F Custer is with the
piledriver between Oxford and Arapahoe
for a few days
Brakeman C W Dewey has joined
the wife in a short visit over at Danbury
at her parents
Conductor John Morris is havine some
improvements made on his residence
over on Monroe street
Joe Kubicek is still acting as round
house foreman and the position of head
painter in still unfilled
An eight and a half pound daughter
was born to Brakeman and Mrs R J
Moore Monday afternoon
No 342 is in the dropnit this week
having her fluesheets patched No 345
will follow her for the same purpose
W J Logan arrived Wednesday
night from his Kansas trip returning to
woru in the agents oihce yesterday
morning rf
Brakeman and Mrs W H Brown left
on 6 last Saturday night for Michigan
on a visit to his aged father who is ser
iously ill
A new mast has been placed on the
wrecker to replace the one broken in mak
ing the first lift in clearing up the Hold
rege wreck
S B McLean of the supts office re
turned last Sunday on 1 from visiting
a number of weeks at the old home in
Calumet Michigan
Machinist Arthur Mars retired from
the companys service first of the week
and departed on Wednesday for Colorado
Springs Colorado to work at his trade
Machinists Cal Wagner and ONeil
didnt last much longer than a snowball
in tophet They both quit the service
Saturday and presumably went south
Ralph Cutler and bride returnedSun
day from their wedding trip and have
gone to housekeeping in the dwelling
just recently vacated by Dan Lucas and
Fireman J R Frederickson has pur
chased from Engineer F W Bosworth
the dwelling house north of Engineer
Harry Tylers home on North Man
Engines 318 and 268 are in the shop
for an overhauling and 11 and 383 are
just out Nos 212 and 285 went into
the backshop this week also for an
Brakeman J J Laughlin of the Hastings-Oxford
run has been transferred to
McCook and the main line J B Ship
man succeeding him at Oxford Laugh
lin goes on with Conductor Bump
Engineer L S Vierson who has been
absent for a number of weeks visiting
in the Puget Sound country was in the
city Wednesday on his way to Oxford
to relieve Engineer Montanye who was
injured in the Holdrege wreck
Conductor John T Brady was sum
moned to Peoria Illinois Monday on 12
by the death of his brother George who
was a street car conductor in that city
and who was killed in some manner
We have not secured any details
Master Mechanic Archibald J M
Hughes C A Ward John Archibald
Claude Ward Herbert Frey Walter
Thorgrimson and George Campbell de
parted last nightfor Glenwood Springs
Colorado on an outing
The eqipment of all way cars now out
of service by order of Trainmaster Ken
yon is removed by the company and
placed in the store -house until the cars
again go into commission So much
material has bean taking leg3 and leav
ing the cars that the order dismantling
the cars has been deemed necessary
Recently the Rock Island has placed
the largest single order for locomotives
ever given It is for 225 of them of
which 125 will be of the consolidated
class sixty five of the medium Pacific
class and thirty five of the largest Paci
fic class This is the second order of the
year 200 having previously been ordered
so it makes a contract for 425 new loco
motives for the season Increased busi
ness and more in sight is given as the
reasons for the unusually large pur
fc Swv
- vr
A i
Free Public Library Opening1
The shelving has been placed in posi
tion and tho work of cataloguing the
hooks is progressing It is proposed to
use tho card system of cataloguing
Last Saturday 365 new books were
received and are now on tho shelves of
the library There are 65 more on tho
way and n third order is being prepared
On account of the delay in tho arrival
of materials and tho impossibility of
having the books all catalogued for tho
openipg no books will bo given out on
the night of the opening
Besides tho books ordered and maga
zines donated tho board has subscribed
for between 25 and 30 magazines and 4
daily newspapers It is expected that
the local and other weeklies will bo on
file also
Books have been donated by the following-named
persons this week Mcs
dames A P Welles A Campbell and II
P Waite Messrs J A Bingham J E
Kelley C F Heber and J J Garrard
Magazines Dr S L Green
Tonight in the court house will occur
the opening of the McCook free publio
library and whosoever will is cordially
invited to attend There will be a pro
gram and the occasion cannot fail to in
terest you all It is tho wish of tho board
of directors that all who can possibly do
so be present and that no one will over
look the main purpose of the opening
an inspection of the library room and its
Nebraska State Fair
Low rates to Lincoln via Burlington
September 1st to 5th the Burlington
Route will sell round trip tickets to tho
State Fair grounds Lincoln at half
rates plus admission
Splendid attractions have been pro
vided for 1902s fair which will be tho
big show of the west Cash pre
miums are offered to tho extent of thirty
thousand dollars
During tho fair the Burlington Route
will run stub trains between Lincoln
and the fair grounds at frequent inter
vals Fare 5 cents each way
Ask the nearest Burlington Route
agent for further information
Satisfactory and Successful
The G A R reunion at Cambridge
last week the boys all allow was very
satisfactory and successful The largest
attendance was between the 5 and 10
thousand mark somewhere Tho speeches
were splendid and every feature most
enjoyable The enrollment of old sol
diers of the various wars and different
services was 178 The sobriety of tho
affair was notable and the reasonable
ness of charges for provisions highly
creditable to the people of Cambridge
of whom tho veterans and visitors speak
in highest praise
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Sept 2 1902
Mrs K M Castor Guss Fallort
T H Folsom H I Harixir 2
Alma Johnson J C Marsh
N J Miles Mrs G E Mitchell
Mrs Julia Sipp John Whiseuand
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Com S 65
Wheat 50
Oats 35
Rye 32
Hogs QV
Eggs 12
Butter 15
The name and address of every Sunday-school
superintendent and secretary
in Redwillow county that we may organ
ize a county association Drop me a
postal at once Frank W Dean
Trustee Neb State S S Assn
tf McCook Nebraska
County papers please copy
Into Their New Quarters
Last night the Barnett Lumber Co
people finished the removal of their gen
eral offices and effects into their new
quarters over on Lower Main avenue
They doubtless have the best appointed
lumber coal and stone yards in Nebraska
outside the largest cities
The Dorcas Kensington
Mrs F W Bosworth and Mrs J G
Stokes will entertain the Dorcas Ken
sington next Thursday afternoon Sep
tember 11th at the residence of Mrs
For Sale
A team spring wagon dray and truck
all complete with harness etc Will sell
reasonable Inquire at Blue Front liv
ery barn W H Ackerjian
Are you going to need any chairs or
extension tables for threshers Lud
wick can give you the best prices in
assignment of grades
To aid pupils and parents Monday
morning the following suggestions are
made respecting the assignment of
grades to the different buildings It
stands just as last year
In the East ward building are grades
above the sixth inclusive and the fourth
In the new frame house east side the
fourth B and the first and second grades
for pupils living in the east part of town
In the West ward building the fifth
grades all of the third grade the first
and second grades for all pupils living in
the extreme west part of town and the
preparatory school for all beginners liv
ing north of the tracks
In South McCook the fifth grade and
a preparatory class for beginners living
south of the tracks
G H Thomas Supt
5et ww
as S5riiTBWVt t
i ii
Fino stationery and books at Conos
Scalo books for sale at Thk Trihunk
Go to C L DeGroff Cos for
Soro9is Skirts
Somo good values in Potticoats at CL
DoGroffifc Cos
Mrs Max Anton has furnished rooms
to rent
Big bargains in wall paper at Com
Bros drug store
Dont fail to see the decorated crcpo
tissue at Cone Bros
If its seasonable and all right you will
find it at D C Marshs meat market
Always reliable always dopendablo
what you buy at Marshs meat market
W T Coleman can show you both
castiron and steel cook stoves at very
roisonablo figures
Wanted To ront a dwelling of 6 or 8
rooms suitably located Call or leave
word at The Tribune office
Those round stock tanks mado from
Cyprus aro the best W T Coleman
sells them at tho right price
A pension of 8 per month has been
granted to Mrs Martha Johnson widow
of the lato William X Johnson
Try Fly Knocker for cattle and
horses Guaranteed to keop off flies
Sold only by A McMillen 2ts
At the right price you can always get
the choicest things the season affords at
D C Marshs meat market At the old
stand all tho time
There is nothing better for that tired
feeling even thoso warm July daysthan
a iuicv steak such as vou tret for voiir
good money at D C Marshs meat-
Say mister but thoso rubber tired
buccios at Y T Colemans aro smooth
and light running He has a fino assort
ment or regular tires too Jnces are
Kinds of meat change somewhat with
the seasons but they never change the
quality at D C Marshs market Its
always one quality the very best tho
market affords
No better way to buy a homo than
paying for it in monthly payments The
McCook Building Association offers un
equaled inducements to borrowers in
payment of loans
They kick off tho covers at night
children of 10 years and less Best
scheme for them is our sleeping gar
ments covering toes and up Prico 50c
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
There will be no morning service at
tho Congregational church next Sun
day as tho pastor will bo out of town
He will be hero for the evening service
at the regular hour however
New Shirt Waists New Wrappers
New Golf Gloves New Belts New Waist
ings New Flannelettes New Outings
New Underwear etc now showing and
selling at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co
If you want to build or buy property
the McCook Building Association can
furnish money at reasonable rates and
easy payments No association offers
as good inducements to borrowers Call
on the secretary for information
The most satisfactory plan as to a
Dress Skirt is to pick out tho goods from
the 300 pieces shown by The Thompson
D G Co and have one made to your
measure They show 50 skirts made up
ready to wear from 250 up To your
measure at same price
The McCook Building Association
will open its thirtieth series of stock
this month If you are not already a
member call on the secretary and sub
scribe for a few shares of stock There
are no safer or more profitable invest
ments offered in McCook
Black Dress Goods are handsome this
fall Cheviots Granites Venetians
Brilliantines Broadcloths Merid i a n
Cloths Golfing Barathea Cloth Pier
olas Panama Cloth Henriettas Whip
Cords Nuns Veiling these and others
are all to be seen at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos 150 to 18c a yard
The weather this week has felt like
a little more bed covers We are sup
plying the demand for Bed Comforts
with home made ones 6 feet by 7 feet
with 6 Izzer Cotton Batts inside from
S165 to 8275 Cotton and Wollen
Blankets at all prices The Thompson
Dry Goods Co One price plain figures
cash only
In the cabeled press reports which
reached American readers after the de
struction of St Pierre it will be remem
bered that considerable emphasis was
placed on the fears entertained in Mar
tinique that the well known author and
magazine writer Mr George Kennan
had perished in an attempt to scale Mont
Pelee Happily the rumors proved
groundless although if the ascent
by Mr Kennan in company with Pro
fessor Heilprin had been delayed one
day they would undoubtedly have been
destroyed by the greatest volcanic erup
tion of those which followed the fatality
of May 8th Mr Kennans story of his
experiences and of his observations made
in a thorough exploration of the devas
tated region form a thrilling story and
will make for the general reader the best
obtainable history of what happened in
Martinique and of the scientific causes
Mr Kennans account has been running
in serial form in The Outlook and will
be published in book form under the
title The Tragedy of Pelee by The
Outlook Company The book will be
fully illustrated with photographs taken
by Mr Kennan and others