jffitir y ft V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT T r r NOTICE When in need of reli able footwear When you want war ranted shoes When you want to buy where the war rant is made good When you want to buy where the small repairing is all done free When you want to buy where there is only one price and that the lowest call at Xj X I ZEN A C EBERT Cashier AN OF McCOOK neb vvvvvvvvvvvvvNVvvvrviv v i C V- NATIONAL 3 AVVVVVVVVVVViVAVVVVvaaa I ft 1 BANK j0iASJifiA S ocy Z Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 GEO oo H0GKNELL President B M FREES V Pres F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director r w i E D Burgess umber and Steam Fitte McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building Kodol Dyspepsia Gure Digests what you eat 7 4 Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 - if 33 nr V FRANKLIN W DIRECTORS jlzh WFMcFARLAND B WOLFE C H A C WILLARD EBERT l tfSTJF rnjCTtfrti ifgrytgnigz xQc icyrsgyr yngs grsjjrgf -ay g TBrr iiaami iy iimibmp IP tt t in1 iftni mm -a mm am- jhiT SSI 11 fjpssj His Sight Threatened While picknicking last month my 11-year-old boy was poisoned by some weed or plant savs V H Dibble of Sioux City la He rubbed the poison off his hands into his eyes and for a while we were afraid ho would loso his sight Finally a neighbor recommended DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve The first application helped him and in a few days ho was as well as over For skin diseases cuts burns scalds wounds insect bites DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvo is sure euro Believes piles at once Beware of coun terfeits McConnell Berry A Necessary Precaution Dont neglect a cold It is worse than un pleasant It is dangerous By using One Min ute Cough Cure you can euro it at once Allays inflammation clears tho head soothes and strengthens tho mucous membrane Cures coughs croup throat and lung troubles Abso lutely safe Acts immediately Children liko it McConnell ifc Berry Just Look at Her Wnenco camo that sprightly stop faultless skin rich rosy complexion smiling face Sho looks good feels good Heros her secret She uses Dr Kings Now Life Pills Besult all organs active digestion good no headaches no chance for blues Try them yourself Only 25 cents at McConnell fc Berrys Amount of Taxes Paid by Nebraska Railroads and Rate Paid Per Mile by Each Company Issued Under Authority of the Railroads of Nebraska Statement of the amount of taxes paid for the year 1900 in 1901 by the railroads of Nebraska their mileage and the rate paid per mile and comparions with other states and railroad systems NAME OF KAIL HO A I TAXE8 PAID B M in Nebraska S 9030370 Atchison Nebraska in Nebraska 209571 Chicago Nebraska Kansas in Nebraska 73332 G I Wyoming Central in Nebraska 4272347 Lincoln Black Hills in Nebraska 2524223 Lincoln Northwestern in Nebraska 1190102 Nebraska Colorado in Nebraska 0108553 Nebraska Railway in Nebraska 2924061 Omaha North Platte in Nebraska 2033598 Omaha Southwestern in Nebraska 1753854 Oxford Kansas in Nebraska 873170 Republican Valley in Nebraska 108S8530 Republican Valley Kansas S W in Nebraska 130 174 Republican Valley Wyoming in Nebraska 592149 Nebraska Wyoming Western in Nebraska 059702 Kansas City Omaha 3284599 Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley Sioux City Pacific Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha Chicago Rock Island Pacific Missouri Pacific INDIAN0LA James Miller was ou the sick list a few days this week Mrs F F Tomblin was an Arapahoe visitor Wednesday Miss Mae Moore is visiting her sister at Tyrone this week Mrs Crowe of Chicago is here visiting her father M Adams Carl Korns and Ed Smith wore Mc Cook visitors Wednesday Mrs Schoenthal of Bennet Nebraska is here visiting her son Dan W H Smith and family spent Sunday at their farm near Danbury Carl Korns returned home from Sheri dan Wyoming Sunday morning Grandma Briggle returned home from her Colorado visit Friday morning W II Allen and wife returned home from their Iowa visit Friday morning John Tate and wife left Sunday morn ing for a weeks visit with Mrs Tates brother at Crete John Feiss and Miss Rosa Balius were married at the Catholic church last Saturday morning at 9 oclock Mrs J F Forbes and two children of McCook visited a few days last week with Station Agent Tomblin and wife Sunday afternoon at 3 oclock Mrs George White and Fred Chessmore were united in marriage Eev Norlin oliiciat ing Miss Maud Roberts who has been vis iting her cousin Mrs Mackechnie re turned to her home in Hastings one morning last week Mr and Mrs Calkins returned home Sunday evening after a several weeks visit in Pennsylvania They expect to go to Colorado in a short time Mr and Mrs William Porter cele brated their twentieth anniversary Mon day evening in a very appropriate man ner Ice cream cake and fruit were served and a splendid time was enjoyed by all present Mrand MrsPorterwere the recipients of many nice presents Watch for a Chill However slight at this time of the year and in this climate it is the forerunner of malaria A disposition to yawn and an all tired out feel ing even comes before the chill Herbine by its prompt stimulative action on the liver drives the malarial germs out of the sjstem purifies the blood tones up the system and restores health 3oc at A McMillens BANKSVILLE The hot weather is taking the life out of the corn H 1 Peterson is building a hay barn and stable Joe Dodge raised over 4500 bushels of grain this year J H Eelph was hiking for Kansas Monday to get his wagon A Peters is getting around some since he was kicked by his horse but he goes stiff as if he was hard hit Charley Knobbs of Hitchcock county was at Banksville Sunday with his daughter Aggy to visit Mrs WEKnobbs k33fiIgggVg M f vou knew how SCOTTS I EMUL55CN would build you S up increase your weight i strengthen your weak throai and lungs and puxyou m con dition for next winter you would begin to taks it now Send for free sample and try it SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 4094 15 Pearl Street 5ew York Jv 50c and Jroo all druggists Ff5Sg Cured Paralysis W S Bailey P O True Texas writes My wife -had been suffering fivo years with paralysis in her arm when I was pursuaded to uso Bal lards Snow Liniment which cured her all right I have also used it for old sores frost bites and skin eruptions It does tho work 23c 50c and SI bottle at A McMillens annvai Ijle to cure it T 15153204 552407 5940292 5144870 5742305 Pacific Railway of Nebraska 1043917 Kansas City Northwestern 221131 Union Pacific 22117389 Omaha Republican Valley 0511358 Kearney Black Hills 10591 01 St Joseph Grand Island 25003 SO Sioux City ONeill Western 1583824 SI 101331 IS EtagatsattWWaj Its Cool In Colorado August 1 to 14 23 24 30 31 Septem ber 1 to 10 On the above days the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Den ver Colorado Springs Pueblo and many other points in Colorado at extraordi narily low rates Its cool in Colorado all summer long and there are hundreds of resorts in the Rockies where one may escape from the heat of the plains and spend an alto gether delightful vacation A card to J Francis General Pas senger Agent Omaha Nebr will bring a good supply of Colorado booklets that will help you plan your trip 9 5 yu s r faffm SL p3 I hzvz had occasion to ass 1 rBrpMfff fnrlr sriH DmiU fcJ cine and am picased to say that 1 never fl Uicd anything for stock thst gave half as kj good satisfaction heartily rccom t11 iricnd it to ail owners cf stock M J B EcLSHER St Louis Wo lj SicV stock or poultry should not U eat chip stock food any more than ij sick pe eens should expect to be sicjctl hy food When your stock M avl poultry are si jk give thorn med h circ Dont stuff thein vithworth y i - rtck foods Unload the bowels i and stir up the torpid liver and the will be cured if it be Baci Iranrrhfc Stork nd Poultry jfrdicine unloads the i ot and stirs up tl3 torid liver W lt curs every malady of stock if ft in time Secure a L cont can Lf cf Iack Draught Stock and Poultry i rdicine and it will pay for iteif ten i liniejover Horses work better Cows j iv ore milk Hogs gain fic h j Aid I vra Jay more efrs It solves the 1 roLIm cf making as much Llood a deci avd clergy as posiUe out of I - sar 1 t amount of fond con- Luricd Uuy a can from your dealer ZZIb youre Attractive Women All women sensibly desire to be at tractive Beauty is the stamp of health because it is the outward manifestation of inner purity A healthy woman is always attractive bright and happy When every drop of blood in tho veins is pure a beauteous flush in on the cheek But when the blood is impure morose ness bad temper and a sallow complex ion tell the tale of sickness all to plainly And women today know there is no beauty without health Wine of Cardui crowns women with beauty and attrac tiveness by making strong and healthy those organs which make her a woman Try Wine of Cardui and in a month your friends will hardly know you A Worm Killer J A J Montgomery Puxico Wayne Co Mo writes I have little twin girl who have been bothered with worms all their live I tried everything to relieve them which failed until f used Whites Cream Vermifuge the first two doses brought four worms from one of them the next two doses twelve one of them measur ing twelve inches the other child was only relieved of four worms It is a most excellent medicine Whites Cream Vermifuge is good for children It not only destroys worms it helps the child to perfect growth wards off sickness 2jc at A McMillens MILKS 19101 10304 528 35244 17001 7319 43071 13074 8059 5088 5901 55218 850 4917 140 73 19338 99142 2093 27116 25044 28512 7122 2010 4 40738 41444 6574 11253 13015 571007 HVTK IEK MIIE 47144 19393 13888 12123 - 14293 10270 14182 21381 25234 31170 14049 19719 15108 12041 4080 10102 15295 20S93 21903 20543 20140 14557 11000 471522 15933 1G047 22273 12103 S20315 The Nebraska Wyoming Western in Nebraska was under conjunction iu 1900 Average taxes paid per mile in 1900 19S S6 Average taxes paid per mile in 1901 203 15 Average taxes paid per mile on all railroads west of Mississippi in 1900 171 45 Average taxes paid in seven contiguous states in 1900 13 J9 Average taxes per mile paid by the Northern Pacific Sjstem 103 72 Average taxes per mile paid by the railroads of Texas with 9S73 miles of road 103 58 Does it not look as though Nebraska railroads paid more than the railroads with which they compete for business A Good Thing German Sj rui is the special proscription of Dr A Uoschee a celebrated Gorman Phjsiciaif and is acknowledged to lie one of the moat fortun ate discoveries in medicine It quickly euros coughs colds and lung troubles of the severest nature removing the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condi tion It is not an experimental medicine but has stood the test of year i giving satisfaction in every cao which its rapidiv increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually IJoschees Gorman Svrnp was intro duced in the United States IS0S and is now old in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 75 cents Get Greens Special Almanac To My r riends It is with jo I tMl you what Kodoldid for mo I was troubled wii in stomach for several months TJjwn bein adised to iimi Kodol I did so and words cannot tell the yood it lias done me A neighbor had so that he had tried most everything 1 told him to uce Kodol Words of gratitude have come to me from him boeause I recommended it Geo W Fry Viola Iowa Health and strength of mind and body deixjnd on the stomach and normal activity of tho digestive organs Kodol the ircat reconstructive tonic cures all stom ach and bowel troubles indigestion dyspepsia Kodol digests any good food jou eat Take a loe after meal- Mrfnnnell Berr a 73TAIP TO THE INzlREDA vQ a f33 vsKni ia m For Burns Sprains Wounds Brui ses or Any Sort of Pain Used Internally and Externally CAUTION Avoid the weak watery Witch Hazel preparations represented to be the same as POXDS EX TRACT which easily sour and often contain wood alcohol an irritant ex ternally and taken internally a poisoru Vfevasss MARION Corn has ripened very fast the past few days Ernest Galusha has moved into his new house George Ilarber is marketing wheat at the new elevator Martin Nilsson purchased two hun dred shoats from Clint Pew We hear that Marion is to have a new building soon Henry Goodenberger will do the carpenter work Charley Rogers was seen in this vici nity early Monday morning collecting passengers and baggage for McCook W G Hoover a grain commission merchant of Blue Hill Nebraska was a business caller between trains one day last week J L Sims and Mrs D II house were summoned by telegram to Bussy Iowa to attend the funeral of their father Carpenters seem to be in great demand An elevator man was here from St Francis Kansas in search of carpenters for a new elevator at that place and an other to be repaired Geo Weyeneth reports harvest hands so scarce in his neighborhood that they are compelled to thresh one load of grain and wait until it is unloaded before they can thresh any more This being the case there will be threshing to do this time next summer Fraternal Insurance Order Cards Office in Court House 4 Mil Wttl r R C I P A Lodgo No 612 meott first nnil third Thursdays of each month McConnplrs hull 8 m E H IIuuek President W S OurziK Stcrntnry K O T M Itegtilnr mooting on racond and fourth Tuosday evenings of each month in McConnoll hull at 8 Vlaitim knights wolcome M R Oateh commnndor J II Yabobk record keepor C A Leach llnanco kooiwr ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodsw No S07 meots on second and fourth Mop day evenings of oncli month at eight oclock in McConnoll hnll J K McCaw IlliiHtrious Pro Robt W Dkvoe Secretary Good Advice Tho most misorublo beings in tho world aro tlioso Buffering from dyspop dn and liver com plaint More than sovonty fivo iwr cent of the people in the United Stntos aro ofllicted with theso two diseases and their effect such as sour stomach aick hcndacliu habitual costivo noss palpitation of tho heart heartburn wator brash gnawing nnd burning pains at tho pit of tho stomach yellow skin coated tongue nnd disngreeablo tasto in tho mouth coming up of food after eating low spirits etc Oo to your druggist nnd got n bottle of August Flowor for 75 cents Two doses will relieve yon Try it Get Greens Special Almanac Shatters All Records Twice in hospital F A Gulledgo Verlwna Alabama paid a vast sum to doctors to cure a sovern case of piles causing 21 tumors When all failed Rucklons Arnica Salvo soon cured him Subdues inflammation conquers aches kills pains Rest salve on earth ilc at Mc Connells Rorrys drugstore To Cure a Cold In One Day Tako Laxivo Rrmno Quinine Tablets ilniKgists reiuuu tho money if it fails to cum I- V trovo s sinaturo is on enen dox iic r DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Oilico over McMillens drug storo Residence 702 Main Aveuue Residonco phono ri Oilico phono 2S Calls answored night or day II P SUTTON McCOOK -v JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN PHONE 36 Phone 181 JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska E5Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building next to City hall Houks siOto 12 Itoi57to9 Night calls answered from residence over bank C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building E J MITCHELL ffi f AUCTIONEER Phones OfiicN 17 rr idpnco 93 Write or Phone for Terms and Date DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA 111 sftf EARL HURRAY Bates Old Stand JlcCook Neb Shave Hair Cut Sham pooanj thing in my line in an arti tic manner Give mo a call and trial L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Dental College Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska 4 r aii tans i or rue I Will make all trains and an- swer all calls to any S part of the city W H Ackerman Tl McCook Nebraska r iy All 4 m l 4 j - y i r 7 4 r