By F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN TICKET CONGRKB8IONAL Congressman Geortfo W Norris McCook HTATC Govornor John II Mickey Lieutenant Govornor KG McGilton Bocrctary of State Georgo W Marsh Treasurer Peter Mortonsen Auditor Charles Weston Attorney General Frank N Prout Land Commissioner Goorgo 1 Follmor SuptPublic Instruction Wm K Fowler QOUNTT Representative J E Hathorn County Judgo SLGreen County Attorney C E Eldrcd Commissioner Firstdistrict D AWaterman t Congressman Norris Election dny draws on apace And of the- men named for the place Of congressman hero in the west Theres one that sounds to mo the best It is Judge Norris Ho represents the party which Make laws alike for poor and rich That brings about on every hand Prosperity throughout tho land Support Judge Norris Calamity has lost its charm And fusion views with much alarm Tho record of tho G O P For things they said could never bo Work for Judge Norris In evory place where hes been tried Hes filled tho bill tis not denied And as our congressman will be The very man for you and me Vote for Judge Norris He has a cultivated mind With character and force behind American he is clear through Ill vote for him and so ought you Elect Judge Norris Got on tho winning side with him Give to tho campaign lots of vim And after all the work is done Well all rejoice because we won Congressman Norris Minden Gazette Rumors come to us that the friends of A Wilsoy over in Frontier county are urging his candidacy for state senator and aro quite enthusiastic over his qual ifications Mr Wilsoy is described as a successful grain buyer and a business man of ability an old soldier and a patriotic man of alFairs The Tribune lacks personal acquaintance with Mr Wilsey but is favorably impressed with the claims of his warm friends lie may be heard from in the convention of September 10th WniLESCoring Mickey the Republican nominee for governor because ho is connected with a bank the Minden Courier should remember that Congress man Shallenbarger who wants to bo re elected on the fusion ticket has been for many years and is now a banker If it is a bad thing to be a banker and run for oflice on the Republican ticket it is a bad thing to be a banker and run for office on the fusion ticket However Richmond is not expected to bo con sistent Hildreth Telescope Democracy announces its determina tion to go to the bottom on the obsolete Kansas City platform and the people of prosperity will give them a boost in November Secretary Edwards of the National Democratic Congressional com mittee nicikes the following authoritative statement to that effect Tho Demo cratic Congressional committee is stand ing squarely on the Kansas City plat form That is the only democracy wo know anything about and it will be the only democracy there is until another national convention shall be held The newspaper business or to write more precisely the country newspaper business is the only reputable business to the writers knowledgeconducted out of all reasonable relations and without any apparent knowledge of or respect for proper proportions A casual glance at the weekly newspapers of Nebraska will disclose tho humorous humiliating fact that so called weeklies with a few paltry hundred subscribers a little folio it may be illy printed and indifferently edited charge and receive the same subscription price and advertising rates as newspapers of the thousand or more subscribers class done in workmanlike manner and edited with some enemv and intellect Subscription price and adver tising rates do not seem to be based upon any business idea of value or worth but rather on what the traffic will bear No merchant can get as much for five pounds of sugar or ten yards of calico as another merchant gives double the amount for and it does not seem clear why the newspaper business should be an exception to the usual business rule Bondville Precinct Caucus The Republican voters of Bondville precinct will meet on Monday Septem ber 1st at 2 oclock p m sharp at the house known as the Sim Billings place for the purpose of placing in nomination a precinct ticket and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the caucus Charles Skalla Committeman Dvspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds oi food It gives instant relief and never fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive 6tomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach relieving all distressafter eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take It cant help hut do yois good prepared only by E C De Witt Co Chicago The SI bottle contains an times the 50c size Republican Convention Tho Kopnblicans of tho 29th Senatorial Dis trict Nebraska aro hereby called to meet in convention in tho City of McCook on VVednes day Soptembor 10th 1002 at 8 oclock mtho evening for tho purposo of placing in nomina tion u candidato for tho olllco of state senator to bo voted for at tho noxt general election to bold in tho state of Nebraska November 4 1902 und for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come before tho meeting The basis of representation of tho several countios in said convention shall bo tho vote cast for Hon Samuel H Sedgwick for judge of tho supreme court at the regular election hold on November 5th 1901 giving ono dolegato for each 100 votes or major fraction thoroof so cast and ono delegate at Inrgo for each county Said apportionment entitles tho counties to tho fol lowing representation Furnas 12 Gosper 4 Red Willow 11 Frontier 8 Hitchcock 5 Hayes 4 Dundy 4 Chaso 4 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed in said convention but that tho delegates pres ent thereat bo authorized to cast tho full vote of tho county represented by them By order of the senatorial committee Geoege Williams Chairman G G EiSENnAitT Secretary Colonel Rosewater stops the press long enough to inquire Can Mercer bo elected Well I dont know colonel that will depend upon whether or not David gots tho Republican votes of tho district tho Bees among tho others The News considers it poppycock to designate our candidato for governor Farmer Mickey It is on tho same level of nonsense as it was when Bryan was photographed with overalls on and a pitchfork in his hands They are both farmers of course the same as the writer is and nearly every business man in town But what does it signify if Mickey or Bryan is a farmer A farmer is just as good as a lawyer or a lawyer is just as good as a famer provided al ways that he is A mans occupation dont make him honest or competent There aro honest men as well as dishon est men in every walk of life We sup pose the idea is that it will tickle the farmers that one of their number has been named for a high office and they will vote for him regardless of anything else This idea is necessarily accom panied by the further idea that farmers are all chumps and idiots This effort to form classes and to set one against the other is most contemptible This is the greatest sin Billy Bryan will have to answer for He is continually harp ing about the common people as though they were a class of registered thoroughbreds who were different from the rest of us Why not be sensible even in politics Albion News Call Republican Senatorial Convention The Republican senatorial central com mittee was in session in our city on Tuesday evening with Chairman George Williams of Cambridge present and in the chair G G Eisenhart of son in the absence of the regular sec retary was pro tern scribe The poll ticians of the district were pretty well represented but the attendance of committeemen was small It was de termined to hold the convention in McCook Wednesdayevening September 10th 1902 opening at 830 oclock CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Sunday school 10 a m Preaching 11 Devotional services of the league 7 p m Preaching 8 The pulpit will be filled both morning and evening by Mrs Lake state evangelist of the W T U the years work A condensed yearly report of the work of Rev R M Hardman of St Albans Protestant Episcopal church McCook and twelve contiguous missions Miles traveled 10500 Services held 150 Visits made 900 Confirmations 35 Number baptised 30 Funerals 4 Weddings 4 Attendance in congregations 6S91 Sermons delivered 1G0 Orations 3 Prayer services conducted 125 Persons received Holy Communion 377 Celebrated Holy Communion 38 Sick calls made 10 Received for Diocese and missions S2767 Domestic general and Sunday school 3404 Convocation fund 3275 Episcopal fund 256 Infirm clergy fund 300 Clarkson hospital 225 Debts paid S900 Lay services Mr Barnes 26 Rev A G Ax tell of the Congrega tional church of Trenton is in town today Rev William Hardcastle and family of Cambridge visited friends between trains on their way to Denver Wednesday night Rev R M Hardman of St Albans Episcopal church will preach his fare well sermon Sunday evening 8 p m Mr Barnes will conduct morning prayer and sermon Come The annual convocation Laramie diocese Episcopal church will be held in Grand Island August 30 31 Septem ber 1 2 Rev and Mrs R M Hardman will attend Mrs Hardman as a guild delegate Rev R M Hardman rector of St Albans Episcopal church and Mrs Hardman will leave McCook on 12 next Tuesday morning for a short visit to friends in Holdrege Minden and Hast ings leaving Hastings on Saturday for Grand Island to attend the sessions of the Convocation of the Jurisdiction of Laramie From Grand Island they will go to Sheridan Wyoming where the rector has been transferred by Bishop Graves LLD to take charge of St Peters Protestant Episcopal church of that city The good wishes of many friends here and up and down the Re publican valley accompany them COURT HOUSE NEWS COTOTT1 COURT Licenses issued since last report Fred Chesmore and Mrs Maggie White both of Indianola married by Rev Norlin the 17th Frank Leu and Mabel Wray both of Marengo Hayes county married by county judge on the 21st Suits filed this week Farmers and Merchants Insurance vs GII Simmerman suit on note for 15S5 Comes up on the 23rd Want Your Butter Poultry and Eggs Wc are paying the highest market prifCs in cash for butter poultry and eggs Bring them to the old Burgess implement office and get your money Burgess fc Walsh TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY jins Lawler of Omaha is visiting McCook friends this week mr moore and wife from Adair county Iowa aro hero looking ovor the county Mrs J W Chambers left Wednes day to join her husband in Lovolaud Colorado MR and mrs Howk Smith returned home this morning from their Colorado Ciay visit M E Wells of Sheridan Wyoming who is around investigating the- matter of engine boiler washing has been in tho city a day or two this week in that lino of duty Theodore Emery of Parkston S D purchaser of tho Pickens and Bower farms arrived in the city Wednesday His father from near St Louis and a nephew aro also hero The Catholic ladies scored a neat finan cial and social success in their ice cream social on Mrs Mullens lawn Wednesday evening The vocal and instrumental music was an appreciated feature C H Jacobs left an assortment of fruit at this office this week grapes plums etc raised on the Stone farm over on the Driftwood which will be of fered for sale on the 6th of Septembor Lewis Castens seven-year-old son fell out of an ice wagon backward onto his head Tuesday and was unconscious for eighteen hours He is now improving satisfactorily though at first his life was despaired of A force of men from the McCook yard gathered up the wreckage of the Hold rege disaster early part of tho week loading it onto cars which were hauled to this place for disposal The wrecked engines were also brought here Dr C L Fahnestock and bride from Lincoln Wednesday and are at present boarding at Mrs Anna Colfers expect ing soon to go to housekeeping soon in the dwelling just vacated by C W Barnes Congratulations The Awl Os indulged their gentlemen friends last evening in the delights of a picnic in the city park There were two hayrack loads of them and an excursion over the city was a feature of the affair which was modified as to details by the weather Accidents on Railroads Statistics from the interstate com merce commission which cover the three months ending March 31st show that railway accidents within the period cost the lives of 212 persons and property loss of Sl914000 The death list includes only fatalities to passengers but with the added names of employes killed while at their usual work it is increased to 813 During the three months accidents to passengers numbered 2111 and injuries to employes increased the total to 9958 The list of both killed and injured are greater than for any similiar period in several years and the period covered in the report bids fair to become historic for the large number of important disas ters it contained Tabulations of train accidents show that there were 1220 collisions of which 221 were of passenger trains and S3S de railments of which 84 were of passen ger trains The eighty four include forty one disastrous wrecks in which loss of life occurred In these alone the list of injured passengers include 826 names In accidents not included under the heads of derailments and collisions there were twelve deaths and 1259 in jured No statistics are given to show the deaths and injuries among train hands in the latter class of accidents The damage figures are compiled from reports showing the value of the de stroyed locomotives and rolling stock and injuries to cost of repairs to track and roadway Accident in Denver Yard The light engine of the first section of No 1 and the second section of that train had a slight collision in the Den ver yard Sunday afternoon Engineer Avery was backing his engine to the round house when the second section came steaming in Fortunately both parties saw each other and made every effort to stop consequently the impact was not heavy nor was tho damage worthy mention Avery and his fireman jumped and Avery was quite painfully injured bj coming in contact with a switch stand Avery had reversed his engine but had not shut off steam and after the collision tho engine hiked out for Denver at a lively rate Avery being injured his fireman made the sprint of his life and just managed to catch the runaway and shut off steam thus avoiding further trouble and con cluding an accident of most fortunate particulars and results Avery knew the sections were an hour and fifteen minutes apart at McCook but the gap had been closed almost when they pulled into Denver Engineer Donovan pulled the second section After Almost Forty Years Thirty nine years ago down in Tenn essee some Union soldiers on a forced march shanghaid a horse belonging to A W Campbell now of Boxelder this county The horse was valued at 100 For sometime Mr Campbell has been endeavoring to secure remunera tion for the horse He informs us that he has just received payment As the government does not pay interest except under contract no interest was received as he had no contract Death Ends Her Suffering- Death came last Saturday afternoon to end the terrible suffering of Mrs California OConnor who has been long ailing with cancer The funeral services wereconducted by Rev George L White in the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at four oclock burial following in the Riverview cemetery Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Aug IS 1902 Howard Crane Heury Campbell Wm W Geary Abr Horel Miss Apgnes Makadury IJ Simou 2 Mrs Carrie Walsh When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Lost Strayed or Stolen A fiee bitten gray mare 11 years old weighed about 900 pounds Collar gall on left shoulder Suitable reward will belaid for her recovery L M Clay JDanbury Neb CULBERTS0N J T Tillman is invoicing this week M O Reynolds drove to McCook Tuesday Mrs F D Brown was a McCook vis itor Saturday Miss Ruth Davenport is visiting friends in Stratton Dame Rumor announced a wedding Sunday disappointed Prof Will Williams of Palisade visited tho home folks ovor Sunday S A Chambers of Anderson Iowa is visiting friends in this city D L Shumaker and John McNeico drove to tho city east Friday Miss Ethyl Fellows is confined to hor bed with muscular rheumatism A L Taylor of Trenton was looking up Era interest in town Wednesday Mrs Henry Lehman and sons Harry and Asa drove to McCook Thursday Wm Hutchison of Anderson Iowa is the guest of E W Nowlon this week Mr and Mrs P J Fitzgerald of Stratton visited friends over Sunday in town Ben I Miller of Cape Girardeau Mo is tho guests of his brother Dr A II Miller Henry Cushing of tho firm of Cushing Gauvreau of Hastings was a business visitor Monday Rov T A Smith loft for Central City Colo Monday night to attend M E conference Miss Maud Penn of Denver came down Thursday to visit her cousins J M Williams and family Mrs A D King left for Fort Leaven worth Kansas Friday evening to visit A D for a short time Mrs Ed Williams and children re turned home Friday night after a weeks visit with relatives Mr and Mrs George Troendloy of McCook were the guests of E D Thomas and family Sunday II C Benedict who returned from Denver last week is engaged as clerk for A E Reynolds of Trenton Brother Parrish is having his barber shop beautified with a coat of paint James Fleming is doing the work Mrs II G Phelps of Highland went dewn to McCook Monday evening to make arrangements to locate there Mesdames M C Reynolds and J II Hunter left for Missouri Tuesday morning for a brief visit with friends Mrs George G Eisenhart and child ren left for Osceola Iowa Sunday night where they expect to visit a few weeks John McNeice left for Kansas City Wednesday night to resume his work after a short visit with relatives and friends Rufus King Elmer Reynolds Henry Kloven Arvene Eisenhart Harry Leh man witnessed the ball game in McCook Wednesday Hugh Wilson who has been helping his grandfather II W Davenport put up hayreturned to his homo in Stratton Sunday night Postmaster Christner and Robert Orr of Hayes Center were in town Tuesday on business connected with the star route from Culbertson Revival meetings began Tuesday night in the Baptist church conducted by George White and wife and George Snyder and wife of McCook A Mr Penn representing the P O department was in town Wednesday and Thursday figuring with prospective bidders for the new star route to be es tablished September 9th between Cul bertson and Imperial Miss Mariette Womple the competent and enterprising music teacher will give up tier class in btratton and attend a young ladies college in Marysville Maryland We are sorry to lose her and she will be sadly missed from our music circles vzrs ifmdwk w - - iKifcA3 ilifllllhiV - - WW VU I i 1 u VSTfjvr - V I s v p 1 tV V fVVLsf S V d A Desire for a Fo fsct Figuro is Inseparable from a Lcvo cf to Beautiful The scent of the violet or rose is as precious as the lovely flowers whose wreath they are and while the lives of lowers are brief and we can only enjoy Lheni for a day the beautiful woman gives Lhe pleasure of her fragrance to us as a permanent blessing The soft fragrance of a beautiful woman suggests purity liealth and elegance she is the refinement of civilization an index always of good taste and an unerring badge of gentihtv BEADFILD9S in regulating the lunar periods in woman pennits of no wrinkles pale cheeks or tortured nerves aud shapeless figures It is Natures remedv The druggist mav offer something else and call it just as good but the menstrual organs will not be de ceived and permanent injury may result Try our Regulator Of alldruggists i Our treatise oil Woman mailed free THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA NOTICE OF SALE In the matter of the estate of Curtis L Hile man Pearl Hileman Lois D Hileman Silvia Hileman and Samuel C Hileman minor heirs of Rothees S Hileman deceased Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Hon G W Norris judge of the district court of Red Willow County made on the lGth day of August 1902 for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described thero will be sold at the east front door of the county court house in the city of McCook in said county on the iith day of September IPtti at the hour of one ocloce P M at public vendue to tin highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to wit an undivided one ninth in terest in tho east half of section fourteen in township number two north ranee number thirtj west- of the fitli P 31 in R rf Willow County Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour S Mt Dated August 30 1902 L R Hileman Guardian of Curtis L Hileman Pearl Hileman Lois D Hileman Sjivia Hileman and Samuel C Hileman mi- r4 jr 111 JlFl tcc tws new NOVELTIES We have just received an up-to- date assortment of- H 9 BE KOOLED1 Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Alsde only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps jou well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no substi tute Ask your druggist Physician and Druggists Ford A Sturgeon a prominent drug firm at Rocky Hill Station Ky writ- l We were re quested by Dr G B Snigley to send forlh rbine for the benefit of our customer We ordi red three dozen in December and we are glad to say Herbine has given such great satisfaction that we have duplicated thi order three time and today we gav jour salesman another order We beg to -ay Dr G B Snigley take- pleasure in recommending Herbine tile bottle at A rJZ Yrirt This signature is on every bos of tho genuine Laxative BroraoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold in one day All Vere Saved I For years I suffered surh untold misery from Bronchitis write J II John on of Brough ton Ga that often I was unable to work Then when everything el e failed I was wholly cured by Dr King- Xew Discovery for Consump tion My wife suffered inten ely from asthma until it cun d her and all our experience gw to show it ii the lx t croup medicine in the I world A trial will copvinoe you it is valed for throat anil lung Guaran teed bottlo J0c and 10O McConnell Berrj A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach a bad digestion a bad liver Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure con stipation biliousness dys pepsia sick headache 25c All druggists i vi am your ii wn brown or ma bHfi a beautiful BrMfftimJAMQ nVCfsrthe uuuixiiiuiiniii guiui Whiskers 50 CTl GFDPU3CIST3 OR R P HLL A CO- NASHUA WH iri iii ii - - - - ii i in i i n r - i i i - - ri NEAT Fancy Hair Pins Fancy Hat Pins Hair Ornaments Waist Sets Brooches Stick Pins Beauty Pins Swell New Belts Fine Leather Purses Belt Buckles Sash Pins Cuff Buttons Collar Buttons And the Ideal Skirt Necktie Pins an ornamenta necessity a comfort Mens Dress Shirts A new line just received A beauty two collars and one pair of cuffs for Other i values in all colors for 75c Lifter 4 with 75 c Special announcement from our grocery dept By placing on the road two delivery wag ons we have been able to systematize the delivery of our goods so that the wagons will leave the store as follows 10 rsortn i icuook at 9 ana 11 o clock a m To South and East McCook at 10 oclock a m S To West McCook at 11 oclock a m Jfe To North and East McCook at 3 oclock p m A To South and West McCook at 5 oclock p m Please make note of these hours and by getting your orders in promptly we can in sure satisfactory delivery of your goods McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Wheat Oats Rye Etrfrs Butter i 8 A full line of Hay and Bun dle Forks at a greatly reduced price All kinds of Tin Granite and Galvanized Ware The best and most complete stock of Table and Pocket Cutlery which we are selling at the lowest possible figure Also a full line of Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves Everything in the Hardware Line at the lowest prices H P WAITE McCook I I i GRANNIS McCOOK NEB- JwJwA XPppPiK mi m III LUDWICKS POWERFUL SZZ how easily and quickly it does its work A TERROR TO WASH BLANKETS and all wejirinp apparel lace curtains spreads etc Operate in tub boiler or pail Price 1 prepaid to mj suiiiri in tin- 1 S Lady siRiiits vanUd J H LUDWICK Inventor and Manufacturer McCOOK NEBRASKA There is a pretty pirl in an alpine hat A sweeter pirl in a sailor brim But tho handsomest fjirl joull ever Is the sensible irl who u es Itocky Moun tain tea McConnell fc Berry The President Of the American Federation of Labor Union 821 says I am nsinp Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin lnj elf and in mj family and iiml it does lotsofpood Yours truly Jeore C Campbell Clinton Iowa Sold h A McMillen D orsiT GTi iU 32 15 There is So Much News That even if it conies by telegraph we over look some of it Isnt it a fact that you have seen Dr Caldwells Syrup lepdn advertised several times and have neglected to try it An ounce of Dr Sj rup Iejsiii is as ooil as a three weeks vacation Ask any dniifgisr oranjone who has taken it Sold by A Mc Millen Makes the fires of life burn with a glow Renews the golden happy of jouth Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea does 35 ct McConnell Berry tnTwTnirirn3iaTiiiiiTTmu wt ji Bargains in Hardware A number of two burner Gasoline Stoves at 325 A regular 300 Clothes Wringer at 250 A few hundred feet of Rub ber Hose at 10 cents per foot c 4 Vj