II -1 I uBWCWOMWUO 4 r jn i i rfirr ftl Ji ci i j 9 if F 1 A Gove Business I Without an Equal The following figures show our mammoth wholesale purchase of mens and boys gloves i during the past year most of which have already been sold at retail over our counter Bought from BOUTON GERMAIN CO Ripon Wis Dec 1 2th 1902 June 2nd 1902 June 6th 1902 July 17th 1902 Bought Bought from COWNIE Oct I2thi90i April 10th 1902 from RIPON Jan 1 ith 1902 June 20II1 1902 10 Doz 1 1 PrS E K3av5ssHa3saEs F 13 Burgess a 1 Plumber end if MeCOOK NEBR 2 Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building Kodol Dyspepsia Oure Digests what you eata pair pair to 38I Doz pair gloves 43 Doz pair gloves GLOVE CO 1 38A Doz 12I Doz Is T TH T7riO Vv VWk gloves gloves pair gloves iUVJV 7550 7125 45239 25650 Des Moines Iowa 15200 pair gloves 5100 KNITTING WORKS Ripon 5 Doz pair mens gloves 5100 61 Doz 6000 Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60 000 XZO W Total amt of pairs 1986 Total amt of purchase 1 17964 State of Nebraska Red Willow County F M Colson being duly sworn on oath says that the B foregoing is a true cop of invoices of gloves purchased by jj linn on tne dates given r ii uolson Subscribed and sworn before- me this 30th day of July 1902 C H Boyle Notary Public SEAL My commission expires Jan 15 1903 SJtvflkjijjSt j1 jsOcjsH j aJSn rSh Si riGr ricaSicjt iJIt agaf ji5f jSU Jt iffic riSr aP S3 Kjjjt ajjji y jj jjjk Jfjjx ijc w jj iff Q jjga iryr kjj ajji y jiiyj ijij rajje jjyrinjj tjg V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier BANK OF MeCOOK NEB GEO HQCKNELL President B H FREES V Pres F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director ra jvjjrg USA 43 Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 i Kl FRANKLIN DIRECTORS W WFMcFARLAND B WOLFE C H A C EBERT WILLARD NATIONAL Vy BANK -4 svvv rsJ JdiXPIIXilXlXTC v for ilk TU KIRST His Sight Threatened While picknicking last month my 11 j ear old boy wa poisoned by some weed or plant savs W II Dibble of Sious City la He rubbed the poison off his hands into his eyes and for a while wo were afraid ho would lose his iht Finally a neighbor recommended DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve Thefirstapplication helped him and in a few days ho was as well as ever For skin diseases cuts burns scalds wounds insect bites DoWitts Witch Hazel Salve is sure cure Relieves piles at once Bewaro of coun terfeits McConnell fc Berry A Necessary Precaution Dont neglect a cold It is worse than un pleasant It is dangerous By usins One Min ute CoubIi Cure you can cure it at once Allays inflammation clears the head soothes and strengthens tho mucous membrane Cures coughs croup throat and lung troubles Abso lutely safe Acts immediately Children like it McConnell ifc Berry Just Look at Her Wlienco camo that sprightly stop faultless skin rich rosy complexion smiling face She looks good feels good Heros her secret She uses Dr Kings New Life Pills Result all organs active digestion good no headaches no chance for blues Try them yourself Only 25 cents at McConnell Berrys gf y I Will it Pay to Attempt Freak Taxation Reason for Comparison with Other States Issued Under Authority of the Eailroads of Nebraska In the articles which have immediately preceded this we have given the details of taxes paid by the railroads of Nebraska and the amounts they have paid in the several counties of the state and it will be noticed that in the foot notes which accompany the figures given there is a line of comparisons showing what other states have done in regard to the taxation of railroads which run through their commonwealths In the matter of taxation as in any other business matter the people of Nebraska desire to and nat urally should keep in line with what is done in other states No greater disaster could occur to the state of Nebraska than if by ill advised action it should throw itself out of line regarding matters of taxation of corporate property or of any property It may be a taking proposition for a demagogue to advocate the over taxing of railroad companies and thereby work a hardship against them that would not accrue to other lines of property within the state but it would be an advertisement that would pass through the whole United States proclaiming that the people of Nebraska did not intend to be as fair with capital as other states of the Union It would reproduce here in Nebraska that prejudice which took Kansas a term of at least ten years tc dispel The comparisons which we have made in these foregoing statements include every state in the Union with the exception of Massachusetts In Massachu setts New York and several other states laws have been passed which work a hardship against railroad corporations In New York the onerous tax paid by the New York Central railroad is being tested in the courts its ill advised law is working a hardship against that road while not injuring the others in the state to any extent In Massachusetts through a contract made in the early days between the corpora tions and the state and their excise laws the taxes are out of line with what is done in other states and there is a general movement among the business people of that state looking to the correction of this abuse In Harpers Weekly of February 15 1902 the fol lowing is an extract from an editorial in regard to this matter There is a very strong movement in the state of Massachusetts for rational corporation laws The commonwealth is waking up to the fact that under its present laws large modern corporations cannot be organized in the state and Massachusetts capital is seeking investment elsewhere Not only the corpora tion law is restrictive and narrow but the tax laws are as unreasonable as those of New York Both states tax all the property of a corporation wherever it is situated and this is double taxation An effort is being made in New York and will be made in Massachusetts to put an end to this S3rstem of double taxation There is a feeling abroad that New Jersey should not remain the refuge of all combina t rfirJtAJi GERVER Will Tnttle is threshing in Kansas Ed Lawthers got himself a new wagon last week II Derndt threshed GSDO bushels of grain off of 200 acres Charlie Willi elm threshed 13S7 bush els off of seventy acres N J Johnson put up si new granary on his place north of the school house Ernest Carter got seriously scalded while working with his engine last week and Fred Wilson is filling his place Cured Paralysis W S Bailey P O True Texas write My wife had heen suffering five year with paralysN in her arm when I was iurualecl to u rt Bal lards Snow Liniment which cured her all ricrht I have al o iivd it for old ores frnt bites aid kin eruption If docs the work 2e dc and i bottle at A McMillens MARION Too late for last week A nice rain on Tuesday The elevator will be completed this week Little Helen Nilsson was quite ill the first of the week Martin Nilsson is treating his house to a new coat of paint Ernest Galusha is building a house iu town where he will locate J C Nelsons father and sister of Devizes Kansas is visiting him Frankie Lake is very sick Mr and Mrs I Iluring leave Friday for their home near Hastings The telephone lino has been extended from the postoflice to the elevator Powell Nilsson shipped six car loads of hogs and two of wheat to Kansas City Marion Powell going with the shipment The new elevator is doing lots of work at present Jim Sims marketed 2000 bushels of wheat on Monday of this Week and nearly as much was received on Tuesday Watch for a Chill However slight at this time of the year and in this climate it is the forerunner of malaria A disposition to yawn and an all tired out feel ing even comes before the chill Hcrbine by its prompt stimulative action on the liver drives the malarial germs out of the system purifies the blood tones up tho system and restores health ooc at A McMillens Sf v7 y m ps imE3amaiB BSS Then the baby Is most like ly nervous ana fretful and doesnt gain in weight is the best food and medicine for teething babies They p fj gain from the sxart Send for a free sample j i SCOTT Si 30WX2 Chemists 1 00 415 Pearl fitieet rewYork V 50c and 51 ooialldruKSists g Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromc Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents tions which want liberal treatment In Wisconsin it appears that they have an entire ly different form of taxation for railroad corporations from other states as the taxes are collected in the form of an excise tax being collected on the gross earnings of the companies in such a way that while the tax is heavy on those roads which have a large earning capacity it is very light on those which are operating at a loss This form of taxation looks fair but it would not be popular in Nebraska because all of the taxes charged against railroad corporations in Wisconsin are turned into the state treasury and they are relieved from paying taxes locally along their lines In the poorer counties of Nebraska this would mean practically bankruptcy In Wisconsin there is a general movement looking towards a change in the form of taxation After having tried a law something of the same character as that of Wis consin Michigan has returned to the direct form of taxation This whole subject of the payment of taxe on the part of the railroad corporations resolves itself into a question as to how much of their revenue should be diverted to this purpose If the taxes were out of reason it would place Nebraska in an unenviable light before all investors For political reasons a few men have made them selves prominent by advocating a system of double taxation of railroad property in the state but when the people once understand what is done and how it is done we do not believe their efforts will avail The railroads of Nebraska up to the present time have not earned an undue amount on the investment made for a series of years there was no profit derived from the investment as a whole on Nebraska rail roads and while during 1900 two of the railroads paid a fair dividend on the capital invested very many of the railroads in the state failed to render any returns whatever to their owners Nebraska has not as j et got the population nor the completed system of railroads which would war rant this state in imposing such obligations on the corporations which now exist that would drive all future investors in such property from the state The figures which have been given are all from reliable data which can be investigated by aii3 one so disposed the averages per mile being from the report of the Inter State Commerce Commission and the details of the business of the different roads are taken from their official reports while the figures here in Nebraska are taken from the auditors offices of the different railroads We will now continue our comparisons with other property in the state showing some remarkable facts concerning the changes in value in various counties and how by these changes the railroads have been obliged to carry more than their proportionate share of taxation jttonnmMs LLJ ptg ygwjaji CULBERTS0N Mrs D L Shumaker is enjoying a woek at home Frank ODonald of Stratton was in this burg Thursday Miss Viola Ferrier was shopping in the city last Tuesday II G Meyers returned from his trip to the mountains Saturday Mrs Ed Wilson and children of Strat ton are visitiDg relatives in this city Miss Julia Solomon has been enrolled on the sick list the past two weeks Mesdames N L Wemple and S E Solomon drove to McCook Thursday B M Williams visited his sister Mrs r J I uzgerald in Stratton Sunday Miss Ann Miller lias been engaged to teach school in the Ilalverson district Wesley Tillman departed for Wilcox Wednesday where he will visit a few weeks Henry Lehman has decided not to move to McCook There is no place like home Mr and Mrs J T Tillman returned home Saturday after a months visit n e east Mrs Frank Strout Saturday after a returned home davs visit with Colorado friends The Culbertpon postoflice was moved Monday night into the building next to Dr A IT Millers ollice Miss Ella Brotzman departed for Col lege View Nebraska where she will study music the coming year Mrs Lulu Beeler and children re turned to their home iu Beatrice after a short visit with relatives and friends E Edwin Locker of Palisade was a city visitor Friday Mr Locker has been elected principal of the Haigler schools The ladies of the Methodist church served ice cream and cake in the build ing south of Shumakers store Med nesday night Mr and Mrs Henry Stine went down to McCook Wednesday morning to consult a doctor in regard to Mr Stines health A new time card wont into effect Sunday and the branch train will be a tri weekly running Mondays Wednes days and Fridays A very pleasant surprise party was given to Frank Knowles Friday night at his home on the Blackwood and a very pleasant time was had by all The Christian Endeavor held memo rial services Sunday night at the Pres byterian church in memory of Mrs P M Green one of their lately departed members A very nice program was rendered A Good Thing German Sirup is the special prescription of Dr A I3ochee a celebrated German Physician and is acknow ledged to be one of the most fortun ate discoveries in medicine It quickly cures coughs colds and lung troubles of the severest nature removing the cause of the affection and leaviug the parts in a strong and healthy condi tion It is not an exierimental medicine but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every cas e which its rapidli increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Bcschees German Svrup was intro duced in the United States lSGa and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 73 cents Get Greens Special Almanac A Worm Killer I A J Moiiteonii r Puxico Wawie Co Mo I have little t in girN ho lm Iwen bothered with worm- all their 1 1 - I tried everything to relieve them vhirh failnl until I ud Whites Cream Wrniifu the lir t two brought four worms from one of them the next two do es twelve one of them measur ing twelve inches the oth r child onlj relieved of four worms It is a most excellent medicine Whites Cream Vi nnifuge is good for children It not onlj uore s it helps the child to perfect growth wanN olf sickness 2V at V McMilt To My Friends It is with joy I t ll on what Kodol did for me I via troubled with mv stomach for several months Upon heint advised to use Kodol I did so and words cannot tell the ood it has done me A neighbor had djspep ia so that he had tried most everi tiling I told him to use Kodol Words of Kratitude have come to me from him becan e I recommended it Geo V Fry Viola Iowa Health and strength or mind and bodv depend on the stomach and normal activity of the digestive organs Kodol the great reconstructive tonic cures all stom ach and bowel troubles indigestion dj pi p ia Kodol digests any good food you eat Take a dose after meal McConnell k Herri TZS 7S SS fie A i5Sts V7 t SP T5rjBBTOR5jaSS Si rf5S irwTra m S JbrfAvSLJL M T3 Soothes Tired Muscles Removes Soreness and Stiffnessi Dont talro the weak watery Vch Kazel preparauons represented to be the same as POXDS EXTRACT whii li easily sour and irenerally coa taia wood alcoiol a deadly poison JiF7R WORK OR E3ZEIZCI3E - Xk iZzftfi BANKSVILLE William Sieving is doiDg A Peters threshing today Andrew Anderson was at McCook on business Saturday Mrs J H Eelph was at Cedar Bluffs with cream Saturday Dave Goodenberger is running his steam thresher at J Dodges H I Peterson is doing some scraping to get his stubble fixed for winter Jesse Delong came to Banksville to day to work on the Benjamin ranch W II Benjamin and Mrs B V Benjamin were doing McCook today Mondav Fraternal Insurance Order Canty R C I P A Lodgo No GV moot fln e nnd third Thursdnjs of each month McConnolls hull 8 j mi K 11 IIlUKit President W S Guykk Secretary K O T M Hogulnr meetings on cecond and fourth Tuesday evenings of iuicIi mouth in McCoiiuoll hull at 8 Visdting knights wolcomo M It Oatiw commander J H Yaruicr record keepor C A Lkacii flnanco kcopor HIGHLANDERS McCook lodge No I07 meets on hccoikI and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConnoll hull J It McCAitr IlltiHtrions Pro Roht W Dkvok Secretary Good Advice Tho most miserable lxdngs in tho world nro those suffering from djspup dn and liver com plaint Moro than eovonty ilvo jer cent of tho people in tho United States areolllicted with these two disoases and their effects audi ns sour stomach sick headache habitual costlvo noss pnlpitntion of tho heart heartburn wntor brash gnawing and burning pains at tho pit of tho stomach jellow skin coated tongue and disagreeable taste iu tho mouth coming up of food after outing low spirits etc Goto your druggist and got 11 bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doos will relievo joii Try it Get Greens Special Almanac Shatters All Records Twice in hospital F A Gulledge Vorlenn Alabama paid a vast cum to doctors to euro 11 severe case of piles causing 2 tumors When all failed Bucklons Arnica Salvo soon cured him SulMlues inllamiuation conquers aches kills pains llest salve on earth Uie at Mc ConneUs it Horrys drug store To Cure a Cold In One Day Tako Laxfive Hromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cro K V Groves signature is on each box 2Te V DR A P WEJLLES MeCOOK Physician and Surgeon J MeCOOK - - NEB Ollico over McMillcns drug store Iteiilnnco 702 Main Avcum Uesidcnco phono X Ollicu phono lis Calls answered night or ilay - -e II P SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nmikaska SSAgent of Lincoln Land Co door north of Commercial hotel MeCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska OFFicn First National hank hnildiinr next to City hall Houiw SSW to VI 1 tot 7 to 9 Nifjht calls answere1 from residence o t hank 1 11 - E J szBgApaia - fepSsSiiSsSpyK Write or aBlIfWeHSgdsOa 3gaaassi2isEaEaMu C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building MITCHELL AUCTIONEER H Phones Oilicj IT resilience Ul Phone for Terms and Date DRJBFICKEL A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO leO II Graduate of Kansas City Dental Colleg e OVER HcCONNELL BERRYS MeCOOK NEBRASKA EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand IcCook Neb Shave Hair Cut Sham- 1 1 jr nwtuj tiling hi jijy im in - an arti tie manner Givo me a call and trial L PREVOST DRNTIST Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska 2 All Calls For The fe 01 Miss Answered by the BLUE FR0XT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska r3Fa5F5F WJ t f 4 t