The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 15, 1902, Image 1

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Sudden Death Under Death
Tho death of Max Anton Monday
night under the wheels of No 3 about
one mile east of Edison was one of tho
saddest and most tragic of the heart
rending railroad accidents which have
year after year startled and shocked tho
citizens of McCook
Ho had been with the family visiting
their daughter Mrs Walter Sayers in
Des Moines Iowa and was on his way
homo in advance of the family At Ox
ford ho went ahead onto tho locomotive
to ride a while Ilis mangled remains
were found along side tho track tho
next morning about one mile oast of
Edison which is the lirst station west
of Oxford
Tho manner of his sad and deplorable
deTth is and will ever remain a matter
of speculation Whether he fell from
the engine or whether having gotten off
tho engine as the train approached Edi
son and slowed up to pass No G at that
point he attempted to get onto tho mov
ing train and was thrown under the
wheels will remain unknown Ilis dis
membered broken and bruised body is
a mute horrifying testimonial of tho
fact that tho unfortunate man met death
under the ruthless wheels
The remains were not found until tho
following afternoon when they were dis
covered by the crew of the wrecking
train which was returning to McCook
from Oxford where its services were re
quired in clearing up the wreck of two
engines in tho Oxford yard and opening
up the main lino to traffic and brought
to McCook for preparation and burial
The wife and children were notified of
the sad affair and arrived hero from Des
Moines on No 1 Wednesday and a
miost sorrowful and distressing home
coming it was
Funeral services were held in tho
Methodist church Friday afternoon at
two oclock conducted by Row J A
JJndcon of Cozad Nebraska The mem
bers of the A O U W and D of II at
tended in organizations escorting the
remains from residence to church and
from church to Longview cemetery
where the ritualistic service of the order
for the dead was given The church was
crowded and a very large concourso of
friends paid final tribute to the memory
of a citizen who during his many years
residence in McCook in the service of
tho Burlington railroad as foreman in
the paint shop has stood high in public
esteem for his sturdy sterling Christian
The deceaseds aged father from north
of Republican City his two brothers
from lopekaKansashis married daugh
ter Mrs Walter Sayers and husband
are here in attendance upon the funeral
Insurance carried bv deceased amount
ed to about 1300 lie carried 82000 in
the Workman 81000 in the Degree of
Honor an accumulative policy of S1000
in the Bankers of the World worth
about 8S0O and 8500 in the Burlington
Voluntary Relief
McCook Neb Aug 14th 1902
McCook Lodge Bankers Union of the
World No 979
Whereas it has pleased tho Divine
Ruler to remove from our midst Brother
Max Anton
Resolved that the lodge has lost a
valuable member who was constant in
attendance and prompt and faithful in
the discharge of every duty as a member
and officer
That the bereaved family who have
lost a kind and indulgent husband and
father be tendered our sincerest sym
That the community has lost an es
teemed citizen
Resolved that copies of these resolu
tions be sent to the bereaved family to
the local press and spread upon the
records of our lodge and that our charter
be draped for a period of thirty days
Mrs J A Wilcox
J A Gunn v Committee
I M Smith
Wilburn and Rydell Go Up
Roadmaster T A Wilburn has been
promoted to a similar position of greater
importance and larger pay with head
quarters at Lincoln He succeeds Hugh
Wilson whose jurisdiction extends from
Lincoln to Kenesaw Roadmaster Wil
burn s many friends on the Western
division regret his removal from the
division but congratulate him on his
good fortune and advancement in the
service which all allow is worthy and
deserved Wilburns old territory cov
ered ISO miles and his new job includes
a mileage of 193 miles embracing the
Lincoln yard Hugh Wilson tho old
Lincoln Kenesaw roadmaster has been
transferred to Aurora as trainmaster
Roadmaster J A Rydell of Orleans
succeeds Welburn at Red Cloud and
will have jurisdiction over both his old
territory and that vacated by Wilburn
Dole Franklin Nuptials
Mr and Mrs Joseph T Franklin of
Eaton Colorado have issued cards an
nouncing the marriage of their daughter
Lulu to Harrv Emerson Dole on Tues
day August 12th 1902 Eaton Colorado
at eight oclock Harry Dole is well
and most favorably known to a host of
friends in Redwillow county and in this
city having resided here for a number
of years and being recognized as one of
our most sterling and promising young
men The Tribune for itself and a host
of well wishers extend heartiest congrat
Caught in the Cylinder
R J Traphagen of Coleman precinct
had two fingers of his left hand badly
mangled last Saturday morning while
engaged in cleaning up a threshing
machine The hand was caught in tho
cylinder and two fingers were severely
torn His injuries will keep him out of
the threshing business for several weeks
Seed Wheat For Sale
I have somo fine red winter imported
Russian seed wheat for sale at a reason
able price Call and see it before you
sow your winter wheat It is fine clean
and pure seed W E Bower
EdPhalen expects to locate at Farnam
G L Laws of Lincoln was out on
land busiuess Tuesday
Miss Grace Evans of Kenesaw is vis
iting her aunt Mrs W S Morlan
Mrs F M Kimmell and Schell re
turned from Lincoln on 3 Sunday night
Ira Clark arrived home last Friday
night and is with tho homefolks on tho
Willow farm
Mrs Anthony Clark came up from
Oxford on No 1 last Saturday on a
visit to McCook relatives
Mrs J C Barher went down to
Lincoln Monday morning on 2 on -a
visit to the folks at home
Misses Ethel and Jessie Pope were
passengers on No 3 Saturday night on
a visit to relatives in Colorado
Mrs Nancy Fahnestock came out
from Illinois close of last week and is
tho guest of her son the doctor
Mrs E E Wallace nee Jessie Roper
is the guest of her sister Mrs A D
Johnson of Valley Grange precinct
Mrs Hannah Holmes has returned
to her daughter in Omaha to mako her
home in the metropolis for tho present
Miss Flo Thompson of Denver spent
Sunday visiting McCook friends re
turning home on 1 Monday afternoon
Mrs Vina Wood and sister Mrs
Beckstead went down to Eastern Ne
braska Saturday morning on a visit to
a sister
William McCallum of Indianola had
business in the city Monday evonfug
going down home on 12 Wednesday
Mrs II T Bruce of Kansas City ar
rived in tho city Tuesday on No 13
and is a guest of her sister Mrs R M
Mesdames Crolick and Slaby of Red
Cloud were guests of Mrs V II
day first of the week on their way to
Colorado on a visit
J B Fickes arrived home Sunday on
the first section of No 1 from his visit
in Iowa City Iowa Chicago Illinois
and other points east
Mrs F W Bosworth who has been
in Chicago and other eastern points for
the past six weeks visiting returned
home on No 1 Tuesday
Mrs C D Kenedy of Holyoke Colo
rado and Pearl Mitchell of Red Cloud
who have been visiting McCook rela
tives left on 12 Tuesday morning
B F Olcott has been quite helpless
m i i a 1 J 1
again ror tne past two weens ana nis
Odd Fellow brethren are looking after
his welfare C H Jacobs nursing nights
Ira Dille of Beatrice visited McCook
friends a few days first of the week
awaiting a company of young friends to
accompany him on a trip to the moun
Mrs Rogers and son of Cedar Rapids
Iowa arrived here Saturday evening on
No 5 and are visiting her brother I W
Spauldingon the Willow in the Boxelder
Misses Kate and Laura McCarl
of Davenport Iowa arrived in the city
on 3 Friday night last and will be
guests of their cousins Ida and Blancho
McCarl for two weeks
Miss Martha Cline of Minden ar
rived in the city last Friday on 1 and
was the guest of old Minden friends
Mr and Mrs J G Schobel until Tues
dav morninsr when she returned home
onNo 12
Mrs A G Dole came in from Iowa
close of last week and was the guest of
McCook friends until the latter part of
this week when she continued her
journey to Colorado where her son
Harry is now living
Mrs T B Stutzman of Davenport
Nebraska came in from Denver close
of last week having been visiting the
family there for some time and is the
guest of her brother C II Boyle this
week greeting many oldtime friends
Miss Deborah Brinton arrived from
Colorado Friday night last and is the
guest of her parents Mr and Mrs J
A Brinton on the farm a few miles west
of town She is en route for her home
in Des Moines Iowa after an outing for
her health
Mr and Mrs James L Gray of
Chicago have been visiting McCook rel
atives and friends the past week They
departed yesterday for Los Angeles
Calif on i vacation Both were resi
dents of McCook in the early days
Mrs Gray has become a practicing phy
sician since their residence in Chicago
Many old time friends here were pleased
to meet them
C G Coglizer is engaged in building
himself a large residence over in West
McCook Ho moved his old dwelling
off moved a large stable from the rear
of the lot raised it a number of feet to
two stories in height put on a two story
front and a single story kitchen addition
and when finished he will have an eight
room dwelling with bath and a verv com
fortable and convenient residence withal
the largest in that part of the city
Rev Gottlieb Essig formerly pastor
of the German Congregational church
of this city arrived from Iowa last
Saturday night on business and has
been the guest of John Brenning Jr all
this week ne expects to leave on Sat
urday night for Oregon where he has
property interests a farm where he
expects to make his home He has been
disposing of some of his effects here
this week by public sale
Harlow W Keyes chairman of the
Republican count central committee
was in the city Monday preparing to
open up the county campaign He has
appointed Frank Moore as secretary of
the committee and W A Dolan treas
urer both good selections and in due
time the county campaign will bo fairly
launched and will be vigorously prose
cuted to the end Headquarters of the
county central committee of course
will be in Indianola
Fairbury Makes it Three Straight
Fairbury Neb Aug 8 McCook
lost the third game to Fairbury here
this afternoon after a most exciting
contest of eleven innings Score
Fairbury 0 010110210 17
McCook 0 100202100 0 6
Home runs Tuttle Hits Fairbury
10 McCook 9 Errors Fairbury 3
McCook i Battories Rain and La
France Boltzor and Doane Umpire
Mondays miscue
McCook played a sort of a confidence
game on nersolr Monday in ner open
ing game on the local diamond with tho
Alliance team and being caught nap
ping lost to the visitors by a score of G
to i Numerous errors of a more or less
expensive sort and a noticeable absence
of the usual interest and esprit de corps
of the homo club made it possible for
Alliance to win a game they had no li
cense to take The details are as follows
Alliance 1 0 10 0 0 2 0 2 G
McCook 2 0000020 01
Batteries Whited Bell aud Nicolai
Kunkle and Doane Hits by McCook
9 by Alliance 1 Errors McCook G
Alliance 3 Strike outs by Kunkle 10
by Bell and Whited G Two base hits
Martin Cone Gilbert 2 Home runs
When the fence was extended north
about fifty feet it was considered that
tho home run question was settled but
it seems that the management will have
to put a roof on the Athletic ball park
if the hope to shut out Jones from his
usual home run
Monday was an ofT day for Hood who
made three of McCooks errors by fumb
ling the ball
Bocock umpired Mondays game with
Tuesdays game was different
The locals showed the Alliance club
whose dog ate the cabbage Tuesdaj
afternoon in most conclusive style tak
ing away the sting of Monday after
noons needless defeat in a measure
The locals felt that tho result of the
opening game ought at least to have
been reversed and were on their metal
Tuesday playing a strong game and
making several fast double plays just
when they would do the most good and
let them safely out of uncomfortable
situations The summary of the game
is as follows
McCook 10410002 08
Alliance 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 02
Batteries McCook Jones Hood and
Doane Alliance Whited Bell Nicolai
and Conners Hits McCook 9 Alli
ance G Strike outs Jones and Hood
7 Whited Bell and Nicolai 5 Errors
McCook 0 Alliance 0 Two base
hits Pickard Hood and Cone 2 Hit
by pitched ball Bell Umpire Sharkev
of McCook
Bell of Alliance received an ugly rap
on the head from a pitched ball bj
Jones but fortune favored and no serious
results followed
Tho Alliance boys are a fine lot of
fellows and play pretty fast ball but are
outclassed by McCook when the locals
attend strictly to business and are not
disarmed by over confidence
Superior in her opening game here
Thursday narrowly escaped a shut out
at the hands of the locals notwithstand
ing they played an errorless game The
locals pounded Hoffmeister all over the
field landing on him for a total of four
teen hits Converse made a hit every
time he came to the bat and scored twice
Twas a regular slugging match Sum
ma rv
McCook 2 100100 1
Superior 0 000000 11
Batteries McC o o k Jones and
Doane Superior IIofFmeister and Heck
Errors McCook 3 Superior 0 Hits
McCook 11 Superior G Strike outs
McCook Jones 10 Superior
HoffmeisterG Two base hits McCook
Converse 2 Reed Jones and Leach
Superior Gray Umpire Patten of
A Day of Pleasure
A number of Miss Albertena Phillippis
class mates of the eighth grade were in
vited out Saturday last to a party at
her home four and a half miles southeast
of town The happy affair was given in
honor of Miss Lillian Provance who in
a few days will depart for her home in
Baltimore Maryland After partaking
of a bountiful dinner ice cream and
cake were served The girls departed
for their homes feeling that the day had
been most joyously spent Those pres
ent were Lillian Provance Agnes El
bert Nellie Bennett Marcella Rvan
I Hazel Ranch Roxie Cullen Fay Tipton
iuu Milieu auureuiaii o potts
Shall McLook Have a Street Fair
Is a question with some of our people
A properly conducted successful street
fair is desirable and profitable Success
ful street fairs require adequate invest
ment of capital labor and much unsel
fish endeavor If McCook can get to
gether these requisites she can have a
great street fair She can if she will
Will she
Very Special Notice
We have just received another car
load of furniture which we purchased
before the recent rise in prices For
this month we will sell at the old prices
goods having advanced twenty per
cent Pade Son
Home Wanted
For a boy of 11 Must be in a Christ
ian family farm preferred For partic
ulars apply to local advisory board Ne
braska Uhudrens Home Society
A McMillen Secy
Want Your Butter Poultry and Eggs
We are paying the highest market
price in cash for butter poultry and
eggs Bring them to the old Burgess
implement office and get your money
Burgess Walsh
Astonishing prices on a few one room
remnants of wall paper
McConnell Berry
Master Mechanic Archibald Foreman
C A Ward of the carpenter shop Fore
man J M Hughes of the blacksmith
shop Walter Thorgrimson John Archi
bald Herbert Frey Claude Ward expect
to leave lor Ulenwootl Springs Colo
rado Sunday night on a fishing expedi
Both of the engines damaged in the
Oxford yard Monday night have been
in the shops for repairs The 209 had
a damaged pilot and one steam chest
She went out on Wednesday The 109
is still in tho shop Her tank was prac
tically demolished and a new one has
been supplied besides her cab frame
and castings were badly smashed up
Conductor and Mrs F W Rank were
called down to Fairbury this week to
attend the funeral of her brother Brake
man J H Hall who was killed in Oma
ha a few days since being struck by a
viaduct as he was riding on top of a
furniture car He was in the employ of
the Rock Island Jvlrs Rank has the
deepest sympathy of her many McCook
friends in this sad death of her brother
Master Mechanic Hutchinson of the
Holdrege round house left Wednesday
night for Richmond Va where he has
a brother buried who was a veteran of
tne rebellion In accordance with gov
ernment provisions Mr Hutelfinson ex
pects to have the remains of his brother
exhumed and removed to his native
home in Vermont Mr Hutchinson
also expects to make an extended itiner
ary and have a good time Holdrege
Monday night in the Oxford yard Vic
Ives and his helper got two engines to
gether with direful results Tho collis
ion occurred at the west end of the yard
about where the switch is located to the
shop track Ives was backing in the 109
and his helper ran into him The ten
der of the 109 was badly damaged and
the main line was blocked for several
hours The wrecking train and crew
from McCook were sent down and the
obstructions were soon cleared away
No 3 was delayed several hours by the
j a- gjcjs j5n Tipy t sl3KSuMfwEKBf
Engineer Jack Cook was up from Ox-
ford this week
Switchman M M Fisk has been ill
and olF duty this week
George Casten is off duty with a sore
eye caused by a cinder
An oil shed is being built east of the
oil house in which to store oil
The Imperial has now fallen down to
tho undignified state of a tri weekly
Brakeman and Mrs C E Ryan are
visiting relatives in Yuma Colorado
Conductor F M Washburn is back
from his Giltner trip and has returned
to work
Machinist J F Whiteford returned
last Saturday from his trip through
Yellowstone Park
Brakeman and Mrs R M Douglass
arrived homo early in tho week from
visiting his parents in Bloomington
The pay ear will be in tonight on No
3 From hero the car will go west as a
special leaving here at G30 Saturday
Machinist Floyd Berry who has been
visiting over in Red Oak Iowa for a
week or two is expected home close of
this week
Machinist John Stevens is down with
his wife from Denver attending the
funeral of the late Max Anton this
Foreman Dan Lucas was up with the
family over Sunday ire is well pleased
with his position in the boilermaking
department at Ilavelock
J A Ritchie Walter Leach W C
Chlauda W A Meyer oxpeet to leave
for Lyons Colorado Snnday night on
a fishing trip and outing
Agent A P Thomson went up to
Boulder Colorado close of last week
to be with the family over Sunday Ho
returned homo on 2 Tuesday morning
Harry Ilardman has been transferred
from tho blacksmith shop to the store
house C O Doing of Stockville is now
Colonel Franklin Pierce Greens helper
Conductor and Mrs V II Solliday
have adopted a sweet little baby sent
out from Omaha by The Nebraska
Childrens Homo Society close of last
General Piecework Inspector W F
Ackerman came up from Lincoln Mon
day niglit on io 3 aud has been here
two or three days on business of his de
Brakeman T E Lunberry and Mac
Wayson are on the sick list Mac
and his little girl are going to Colorado
Springs in the hope that the air will
assist in his recuperation
Frank Blue and family are ailing
Frank has an injured knee and the wife
and child are sick with scarlet fever
They expect a sister of Mrs Blues to
come up from Plattsmouth and assist in
One of the laborers in the coal shed
gang recently shoveled 103 tons of coal
from cars to the storage pile in a daw
His wage for that day was 8735 The
average man makes about 8130 at such
work a day
Way car 13 which had one end badly
smashed in the Denver yard recently
is in the carpenter shop here for a gen
eral overhauling No G7 has been sent
to Denver and 127 is in the local yard
ready for service
Locomotive 339 has gone into the
round house for the finishing up touches
and No 3G has been placed in the machine-shop
for an overhauling- No 121
started for Havelock Wednesday and
15S is expected back from there in a
day or two
Five thousand tons of coal is being
unloaded at this point for company use
There were two hundred cars of coal on
the sidetracks in the McCook yard last
week to be unloaded as help could be
secured not an easy matter in the
present short state of the labor market
Doings of City Fathers
The members of the city council were
in regular session Monday evening and
allowed and authorized tho payment of
tlio following claims out of the proper
special policemen
V II Harmon
T M Phillippi
J H Dwyer
Marshall Osboru
Samuel McClain 3
J W Spiker o
William C Chlanda 2
FPGreen 2
Jesse Predmoro 2
Abner Clark
J II Dwyer 2
Oscar Sampson 2
Ed Jeffries 2
Georgo Rethomeyer 2
Marshall Osborn 2
R L Morse 2
G A Leach
John Ekstedt
Ed Fitzgerald
CB Gray
Andrew Phillips
Barnett Lumber Co
Barnes Mitchell
CB Gray
Howe Smith
On Wednesday evening tho
Coming to McCook
Dr C M Headrick ear nose and
throat specialist and expert on all catar
rhal troubles will be at the Palmer
House McCook Nebraska for two days
only Friday anjd Saturday August 22nd
and 23rd The doctor makes this visit
to accommodate his patients in and
around McCook who cannot afford to go
to Omaha for treatment All persons
having nosethroat lung or stomach ail
ments should take this opportunity to
consult Dr Headrick Consultation en
tirely free of charge
For the Public Library
Tberewill be an operetta entitled
Cinderella in Flowerland given by
children under the direction of Miss
Mary Scott Friday August 22nd at
8 oclock Admission 33 cents reserved
seats 50 cents and a Saturday matinee
at 3 oclock admission children 15 cents
adults 25 cents Tickets on sale at Mc
Connells Berrys drug store The
tickets will be limited so call in time to
get a ticket
The name and address of every Sunday-school
superintendent and secretary
in Redwillow county that we may organ
ize a county association Drop me a
postal at once Frank W Dea
Trustee Neb State S S Assn
tf McCook Nebraska
County papers please copy
Fractured Her Collar Bone
Monday evening Florence the young
est daughter of Mr and Mrs C 11
Jacobs of Driftwood precinct fell off the
porch and fractured her collar bone
She was engaged in climbing for some
thing when she met with the unfortun
ate result above stated
Are you going to need any chairs or
extension tables for threshers Lud
wick can give you the best prices in
For Sale
A team spring wagon dray and truck
all complete with harness etc Will sell
reasonable Inquire at Blue Front liv
ery barn
If its seasonable and all right you will
find it at D C Marshs meat market
Just a few hammocks left 50c to 75c
each no higher Get one before there
are none McConnell Berry
1 00
5 00
3 00
3 00
2 00
G8 55
10 00
no oo
GO 00
13 00
90 30
9 00
9 93
10 00
met again and passed the two resolutions
appearing in the city papers this week
ordering tho construction and repair of
certain sidewalks in the city
To Meet Mrs Frances Jerome
Mrs II H Tartsch and Mrs J G
Schobel were at home to about eighty
lady friends last Friday afternoon at
tho home of Mrs Tartsch to meet Mrs
Frances Jerome of Denver
Mrs Tartsch Mrs Jerome and Mrs
Schobel were in the receiving line in the
parlor which was decorated in yellow
a no win to
ine sitting room was done in red
dahlias and asparagus fern Mrs Ray
P Vahuo here serving frappe assisted
by Miss Martha Cline of Minden and
Miss Ida McCarl
Pink and white sweet peas and smilax
were the dining room decorative effects
Mrs Adele Phelan and Mrs Jeannette
McCarl served ice cream and cake Mrs
W V Gage and Mrs J M Henderson
Jr assisting
Russian tea was served in the oriental
room by Mrs F A Pennell who was
assisted by Mrs W P Bross and Mrs
W BMills Nasturtiums were utilized
in its decoration
The numerous guests were announced
by Mrs J F Kenyon and directed to
the several rooms and refreshments by
Mrs F G Westland and Mrs Albert
Breaks the Same Arm Again
Chester the young son of A J Hatcher
of Driftwood precinct had the misfor
tune to break his right arm again last
Saturday morning His father was driv
ing in to market a bunch of cattle and
the lad and his mother were driving in
the wagon At the west railroad cross
ing the team became frightened at the
approach and passing of delayed No 13
The boy attempted to jump out and get
to the horses heads but in some way
way was thrown from the wheel to the
ground with great violence his right
arm being fractured at the wrist inso
much that the broken bones almost pro
truded through the flesh and skin He
broke the same arm last summer it
will bo recalled by falling off of a cow
VbiTsJtsfelte Etetor
What think you of a streot fair
Aroyou doing your duty about
weeds which infest the land
Always roliablo always
you buy at Marshs meat market
Goods lGtyC yd at The Thompson D G
New Sillo hirwl KimniiM
Residence property for sale at reason
able figuroand on liberal terms JI P
Close of last week J J I Dwver
posed of his dray business to R
lalk of a big corn crop has subsided
Including the entire county the average
yield will be small
The wedding of Dr C L Fahnestock
and Miss Anna E Anderson will take
place on Tuesday next August 19th
Asbestine water proof lire proof
wear proof painc cheap as dirt See
McConnell Hurry
FlyoOCuro protects stock from
and gnats Don t let them suffer
McConnell Berry
Iho Republican Valley Association or
Congregational Churches will meet with
the McCook church about the middle of
Ten shades of the beautiful new Vene
tian Cloth Mixtures just received at Thf
Thompson IX G Cos Also full lino of
Medallion Cloth
At the right price you can always get
the choicest things the season affords at
D C Marshs meat market At the old
stand all the time
Services at the usual hours at tho Con
gregational church n xt Sunday tin-
evening service as before being but
half an hour in length
Elegant New French Flannels in
Waist Patterns of 2y yds each at 123
8130 and 8200 a pattern just received
at The Thompson DG Cos
I have eastern investors for ranches
alfalfa and beet lands Write me giv
full description first letter
W M Donklan Glenwood fa
Paint up your wagon buggy or Tarm
implements They will last longer anil
look better We have paints for every
purpose McConnell Uerrys
The Hamilton store building has been
vacated by Mrs E E Saddler and JG
Stokes is now occupying the room the
Stern building being vacant at present
The ladies of the Fortnightly Dancing
club of last winter gave a dance in th
opera house Monday evening to the
gentlemen of very fetching particulars
There is nothing better for that tired
feeling even these warm July daysthan
a juicy steak such as you get for your
good money at D C Marshs meat
The Catholic ladies have postponed
their ice cream social at Mrs Mar
Mullins until Wednesday August 20th
Icecream and cake Jo cents punch
5 cents
Kinds of meat change somewhat with
the seasons but they never change the
quality at D C Marshs market Its
always one quality the very best the
market affords
No better way to buv a homo than
paying for it in monthly payments Thf
McCook Building Association offers un
equaled inducements to borrowers in
payment of loans
The Congregational church will hold
its quarterly business meeting and pre
paratory service next Thursday August
21st at 330 p m followed by the Lords
Supper on the Sabbath Every member
should be at these services
The early Fall trips to Fair or Mardi
Gras or What not must be prepared for
Our showing of New Fall Dress Goods
is proving very opportune Your atten
tion is invited The Thompson DGCo
John Ball threshed 9G3 acres of wheat
and measured out 23229 bushels or a
small fraction over an average of 24
bushels per acre The acreage repre
sented the planting of sis farmers over
in the Beaver country
C E Throne of Hastings has gone to
Salt Lake City to play in the contest
with Bonds band They go on a special
from Omaha with the Elks They pla
four days in Salt Lako City Mr
Throne plaj3 bassoon
If you want to build or buy property
the McCook Building Association can
furnish money at reasonable rates and
easy payments No association offer
as good inducements to borrowers Cali
on the secretarv for information
The McCook Building Association
will open its thirtieth series of stock
this month If you are not already a
member call on the secretary and sub
scribe for a few shares of stock There
are no safer or more profitable invest
ments offered in McCook
Sun Bonnets 9c Silk Mitts 10c Chil
drens Gauze Vests 2c Fancy Silk Para
sols half price 10 styles Shirt Waists
29c a piece Best apron check Ginghams
5c yd 20 patterns Dimity iUc yd
Best grade of Carpet Warp on spools 18c
for White 20c for Colors Best 3c mus
lin only 1c yd by the bolt Dressing
Sacques half price 1000 other money
saving items such as cannot be obtained
elsewhere The Thompson D G Co
Are you going to need any chairs or
extension tables for threshers Lud
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