117964 A Glove Business Without an Equal The following figures show our mammoth wholesale purchase of mens and boys gloves during the past year most of which have already been sold at retail over our counter Bought from BOUTON GERMAIN CO Dec 1 2th 1902 10 Doz pair gloves June 2nd 1902 11 Doz pair gloves June 6th 1902 38J Doz pair gloves July 17th 1902 43 Doz pair gloves THK OF MeCOOK NEB NATIONAL WVrffSwlVW VKWVWWVV S-BANK-4 Kodoi Dyspepsia Guro Digests what you eats ocx - Ripon Wis 75 50 7125 45239 25650 Bought from COWNIE GLOVE CO Des Moines Iowa Oct 12th 1901 3S Doz pair gloves 15200 April 10th 1902 12V Doz pair gloves 5100 Bought from RIPON KNITTING WORKS Ripon Wis Jan nth 1902 5 Doz pair mens gloves 5100 June 20th 1902 6 A Doz 6000 Total amt of pairs 1986 Total amt of purchase 1 17964 State of Nebraska Red Willow County F M Colson being duly sworn on oath says that the foregoing is a true copy of invoices of gloves purchased by him on the dates given F M Colson Subscribed and sworn before me this 30th day of July 1902 C H Boyle Notary Public SEAL My commission expires Jan 15 1903 Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60 OOO o6 GEO H00KHELL President B M FBEES V Pres F A PEHHELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director F D Burgess umber and Steam Fitter MeCOOK NEBR Iron ead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building JW J rflV M ffta rftr -fir rfLr l Jft -A iK n r fjttr f V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier I CITIZENS BANK Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 4 1 fo z DIRECTORS f 1 CDAUIfllH UU C MCADI AUn A P COCDT W f W d mini re C H if ft i nan B WOLFE WILLARD AMftVAAAMIMVAVMVWVVVVVVVVtVVVVVVVVVVii McCook Transfer Line J H DWYER Proprietor gSlTSpbcial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either lumber yard II Hi RAILROAD TAXATION COMPARED Statement of Taxes Paid by the Union Pacific Railroad in 1901 in Nebraska d U- COLEMAN H Corcoran mowed cane two dajs last week He has a whole lot of it Wm Nussbaum of Frontier county spent a few days visiting friends here last week About twenty of our people attended quarterly meeting at the Spring Creek school house on last Lords day Uncle Billy Maud and Roy Coleman went botanizing last Saturday and got two bushels of choke cherries The school board of district 76 have secured Miss MiutaRozell to take charge of their school the coming winter Mrs H Phillips and Mrs John Lair mother and sister of Mrs J W Corner arrived from Iowa Tuesday night The will spend some time here visiting relatives and friends Mrs Gertie Wales and the children ate fried chicken with Pa and Ma Cole man on last Friday Maud and Roy were willing workers dinner time That was Uncle Billys birthday Cured Paralysis W S Bailey P O True Texas writes My wife had been suffering five years with paralysis in her arm when I was pursuaded to use Bal lards Snow Liniment which cured her all right I have also used it for old sores frost bites and skin eruptions It does the work 25c 50c and 1 bottle at A McMillens BANKSVILLE 101 is the highest register this week at Banksville A Weeks is losing some of his cattle with blackleg The steam thresher is a prominent feature out here William Relph is talking of going the gulf coast to winter J E Lawthers was on business Cedar Bluffs Saturday Joshua Rowland and wife were Issued Under Authority of the Railroads of Nebraska County Taxes Paid Boone 5 3704 81 Buffalo 20097 84 Butler 5892 27 Cheyenne 14915 97 Colfax G590 73 Custer 3195 84 Dawson 3400 G7 Deuel 9804 29 Dodge 12600 88 vm Douglas 32053 31 Z Gage 659329 Greeley 1543 21 AL Hall 1480140 Howard 8942 42 Keith 1963140 - Kimball 7469 08 Lancaster 5145 89 Lincoln 28862 80 - Madison 3243 43 Merrick 15778 61 Nance 533319 Platte 1331816 Polk 2665 89 Sarpy 3918 59 Saunders 5957 98 Sherman 3749 66 Valley 2561 87 Total 94756 Miles 297836 51 531432 permile Taxes paid Main Line 22117389 46738 miles per mile Taxes paid Branches 76662 62 48018 per mile COUNTY TAXES PAID Douglas S 2810 70 2127 91 Stanton 35157 Dixon 8338 42 Cedar 6230 40 Knox 3735 16 Thurston 4757 71 Madison 875 41 Burt 6782 34 Pierce 1215 72 Washington 6890 49 Wayne 8487 31 Dakota 6798 78 to at at John Rowlands Sunday C F Elliott wife and mother-in-law were visitors at J Rowlands Sunday Mesdames B W Benjamin and W E Knobbs were visitors at W H Hart mans Sunday Watch for a Chill However slight at thi3 time of the year and in this climate it is the forerunner of malaria A disposition to yawn and an all tired out feel ing even comes before the chill Herbine by its prompt stimulative action on tho liver drives the malarial germs out of the system purifies the blood tones up the system and restores health 5oc at A McMillens Total 27116 miles 59402 92 219 03 permile The trunk line of the Unoin Pacific passes across the state of Nebraska and it is a valuable property The figures presented show that it pays taxes amount ing to 47322 per mile in the state of Nebraska and through the payment of this amount of tax in this state it made the average tax per mile 26279 on the whole line of road in the year 1900 The Inter State Commerce Commission reports show that the average tax paid by railroads in Nebraska was S19886 and the average west of the Mississippi was but 17145 These figures show that in Nebraska the Union Pacific Railroad pays much more tax than the average rail road pays and it pays much more proportionate taxes than it should pay The tonnage given the Union Pacific in 1900 amounted to 548206 tons of freight for each mile of railroad and for purposes of comparison we will com parewith thePennsylvaniarailroadsystem the great est freight carrying roadsint he world a system of roads that handled in 1900 3250587 tons of freight for each mile of road nearly six times the tonnage of the Union Pacific The wildest western boomer would not compare the Union Pacific with the Pennsylvania syst railroads The Pennsylvania railroad system 1 FLESH i m summer can be prevented f by taking S cott9s Emiufeiofia Its as beneficial in summer as fi in winter If you are weak or run clown it will build you up Send for free sample scott licmwE i ir - is 4SNt5 Pearl Street 1 w olz oc ami ioo al ennji is SBgS53tfeSI S5cra eS555ff w BOX ELDER Jim Modrell bought a new wagon in McCook Saturday Will Sexson lost a valuable brood mare cause unknown Albert Wilson and son Frank are with Charles Taylors thresher Quite a number of young folks were gathered at George Youngers Sunday George Shultz has a new steel wind mill sent him by James Kinghorn from Chicago Daniel Doyle and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter some time last week George Henderson threshed his wheat and rye on the James Doyle place with good returns Miss Lucy Miller returned to her home at Friend after visiting relatives and friends two weeks A miss and a young man south of the river had a up set coming home from the circus Xo explanation made Miss Eliza Johnson has gone to the eastern part of the state and will not return until time to teach her school Will Sexson s mules took a little spin one day last week as did Robert Laring rons team but no damage was done Mrs T M Campbell received the sad news Friday August 1st of the death of the infant child her brother Ben Johnson in Kansas This correspondent has been found and returned after a few long weeks of fighting weeds and grasshoppers and the blues over hot winds Corn is needing rain badly at this writing Some fields are so badly burnt that they will not make anything the tas sel being killed before the ear appeared S stem oV G having f net earnings of 3044062119 in 1900 while the Uni Pacific earned but 907160679 and still this system of railroads running through the states Pennsylvania New York New Jersey Maryland Deleware and Virginia paid but 30749 tax per iul in 1900 Tax per mile Pennsylvania Railroad 307 49 Tax per mile Union Pacific Main Line in Nebraska 473 22 Tax per mile Northern Pacific Railroad in 1900 163 72 Average Tax per mile in Nebraska 1900 198 86 InterState Commerce Commission Statement of the Taxes Paid toy the Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha Railway Company in 1901 This section of road is the Nebraska end of tfc Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha Railway b Company The traffic furnished this portion of the road is so much less than whatisgiven the line east of theMissouri River that yhile the whole road in 1900 earned 2751 80 net earnings per mile the line in Nebraska earned but 127041 or less than one half the average How ever it will be seen that on the Nebraska line they paid S21905 per mile tax It is aim to make our comparisons with roads un der similar conditions either in earning capacity or location and in these comparisons no using immed iate adacent states that the so complete line of com parisons will ultimately cover nearly the whole country So in this bulletin we will take some southern states among others for lines of comparison STATE RAILROADS Miles Tax Paid plS83 PJf1Ie Tennessee Mississippi Yazoo M R R 100068 S17791726 208168 17791 Louisiana J Florida Florida Central 94081 11103466 77672 11800 Ifabama Georgia Ala R R 45742 4156814 76811 9087 Connecticut Central N E R R 181 1927633 76061 10650 lonnecoicuu j Inc p0ughkeepsle Bridge A Worm Killer J A J Montgomery Puxico Wayne Co Mo write I have little twin girls who have been bothered with worms all their lives I tried everything to relieve them which failed until I used Whites Cream Vermifuge the first two doses brought four worms from one of them the next two doses twelve one of them measur ing twelve inches the other child was only relieved of four worms It is a most excellent medicine Whites Cream Vermifuge is good for children It not only destroys worms it helps the child to perfect growth ward off sickness 2c at X McMillens To My Friends It is with joy I tell you what Kodoldid for me I was troubled with my stomach for several months T7ion being advised to ue Kodol I did so and words cannot tell the good it has done me A neighbor had dyspepsia o that he had tried most everything I told him to use Kodol Words of gratitude have come to me from him because I recommended it Geo W Fry Viola Iowa Health and strength of mind and body depend on the stomach and normal activity of the digestive organs Kodol the great reconstructive tonic cures all stom ach and bowel troubles indigestion dypepia Kodol digests any good food you eat Take a dose after meals McConnell Berry RECOMMENDED BY i PHYSICIANS CijSURGEGKSgL PONDS EXTRACT Sixty Years a Household Remedy For Burns Cuts Sprains and Bruises CAUTION Witch Hazel is not PONDS EXTRACT Insist upon Genu int PONDS EXTRACT sold only ia sealed bottles bnff -wrappers 1 Fraternal Insurance Order Carder R O I P A -Lodge No Wl miotH first and third TliurKiIiiyH of eiich month McConnoUn lut tl 8W p in IJ ltvBUit President W 8 Uutku Secretary K O T M -Regular ineotlnRi on second mill fourth Tunfcdny ovoning of tmch month la McConnoll hull ut 8 Viidting knight welcome M R Qateh commnmlur J II YAntJKB rocord koeporC A Lbach llnnnco koepor ROY A I- HIGHLANDERS MoCook lodge No W7 meet on ttecoml and fourth Mon dny evenings of each month at eight oclock In McConnoll hall J R McCaiil Illustrloiu Pro Rout W Dbvok Secretary Good Advice The most miserable beings In the world aro those Buffering from dyapopwin anil liver com plaint Moro thnn Hoventy llve per cent of the IKJoplt in the United States are olllictcd with these two licenses and their elTcctn Much as sour stomach sick hendnche habitual costive noss palpitation of tho heurt heartburn water brash gnawing and burning pains at the pit of tho stomach yellow skin coated tongue and disagreeable taste in tho mouth coming apof food after eating low spirits etc Go to your druggist and got a botthi of August Flowor for 75 cents Two doses will relievo yon Try It Get Groous Special Almanac Shatters All Records Twico in hospital P A Gulh dgo Vorbenu Alabama paid a vaHtttum to doctors to cure u severe case of piles causing 21 tumors When all failed Hucklons Arnica Salvo soon curod him Sulxlues inflammation compters aches kills pains Rest salve on earth ile ut Mc Connells Rerrys ilrug store To Cure a Cold In One Day Tuko Laxative Hromo Quiniiui Tablets All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure E W irovos signaturo is on each box 2fij DR A P MeCOOK WELLES Physician and Surgeon J MeCOOK - - NEB Oilico over McMi lions drug stortt Residence 7U2 Main Avcuuo Rosideucu phono KS qUIco phone 28 Calls answered night or ilay - II P SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office In Court House Phone 181 JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Neiiraska BBAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel MeCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr WVGAGE - McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building next to City hall Hodkh 830 to 12 1 to C 7 to 9 Night calls ausworod from rosidenco over bank C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P O Building E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEER Phones Oilier 17 residence 93 Write or Phone for Terms and Date A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE NO 160 fit - - - - V Art i YfjL r kkwsr T m S F tJ 23 OVER McCONNELL BERRYS MCCOOK NEBRASKA EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand i McCook Neb Shave Hair Cut Shan pooany thing in my line in an arti tic manner Giv9 me a call and trial H L PREVOST DENTIST Graduate of Kansas I Over JasMcAdams City Dental College Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska All Calls For The a H Answered by the i BLUE FRONT t LIVERY BARN i 2 Will make all trains and an- f swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 1 W H Ackermarii McCook Nebraska r fr 5 r