The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 08, 1902, Image 5

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lo w prices
We have divided our wash fabrics comprising
Ginghams Lawns Swisses Dimities
Batistes Mercerized Stripes and Cotton
Foulards into lots
LOT i Sold at 8c ioc and i2jc per yard
sale price 6 cents
LOT 2 Were good values at i2jc and
15c per yard now 8J cents
45 LOT 3 Goods worth 15c 17J3C and 20c
sale price 11 cents
LOT 4 Goods worth 20c to 35c per yard
now 19 cents
Ladies Shirt waists while they
last at 12 the regular price
ioOo WAISTS 50c
300 WAISTS 150
Editorially Fearless
Consistently Republican
News from all of the world well
written original stories answers
to queries articles on health the
home new books and on work
about the farm and garden
The Weekly Inter Ocean
Is a member of the Associated
Press the only western newspa
per receiving the entire telegraph
ic news service of the New York
Sun and special cable of the New
York World daily reports from
over 2000 special correspondents
throughout the county
Subscribe for The Tribute and
The Weekly Inter Ocean one year
both papers for 140
was ft
l31i w
Its Cool In Colorado
July 1 to 13 August 1 to 14 23 24
30 31 September 1 to 10
On the above days the Burlington
Eoute will sell round trip tickets to Colo
rado at extraordinarily low rates
Its cool in Colorado all summer long
and there are hundreds of resorts in the
Rockies where one may escape from the
heat of the plains and spend an alto
gether delightful vacation
A card to J Francis General Pas
senger Agent Omaha Nebr will bring
a good supply of Colorado booklets that
will help you plan your trip 9 5
Look Pleasant Please
Photographer C C Harlan of Eaton Ohio
can do so now though for years ho couldnt be
cause ho suffered untold agony from the worst
form of indigestion All physicians and medi
cines failed to help him till he tried Electric
Bitters which worked such wonders that ho
declares they are a godsend to sufferers from
dyspepsia and stomach troubles Unrivaled
for diseases of the stomach liver and kidneys
they build tip and give new life to the whole
system Try them Only 50c McConnell Berry
The New York Central will use elec
tricity on all trains in and out of New
York city for a distance of thirty miles
from the city depot and has appropri
ated ten millions for the first installation
of 100000 horse power
It Needs a Tonic
Thero are times when your liver needs a tonic
Dont give purgatives that gripe and weaken
DeWitts Little Early Risers expel all poison
from the system and act as tonic to the liver
W Scott 531 Highland ave Milton Pa says
I have carried DeWitts Littlo Early Risers
with mo for several jears and would not be
without them Small and easy to take Purely
vegetable They never gripe or distress Mc
Connell Berry
Stops the -Cough and
Works off the Cold
Xaxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in
one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents
I Coughing
I was given up to die with
quick consumption I then began
to use Ayers Cherry Pectoral I
improved at once and am now in
perfect health Chas E Hart
man Gibbstown N Y
Its too risky playing
with your cough
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will be over Be
gin early with Ayers
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough
Three sizes 23c 50c 1 All druggists
Consnlt your doctor If he says take it
then do as he says If he tells you not
to take it then dont take it He knows
Leavo it with him We are willing
J C AYER CO Lowell Mass
Of tiik
of McCook Nebraska on the 30th day of June
1002 1 ASSETS
First mortgage loans 35200 00
Stockloans 200 00
Cash 472 00
Delinquent interest and dues J2 65
Expenses 167 55
Interest on matured stock 60 17
Total 6U3 27
Capital stock paid up 32401 03
Reserve fund 1094 75
Undivided profits 1067 S9
Premiums unearned 1209 55
Other liabilities 370 00
Total 36143 27
Receipts and Expenditures for the year ending
Juno 30tb 1902
Balance on band July
11901 1371 60
Dues 10296 00
Loans repaid
Fines and mem
Heal estate
Tax certifi
305S 27
1398 22
S6 9S
354 29
347 03
Total 16912 39
State of Nebraska
Red Willow County
Loans 11642 50
Expenses 530 91
Stock redeem
ed 2005 IS
Cash on hand 472 JO
Matured stock 2025 00
Tax certifi
cates 105 73
Int on matur
ed stock 130 17
Total 16912 39
I F A Pennell Secretary of the above named
association do solemnly swear that the forego
ing statement of the condition of said associa
tion is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief
F A Pexxell Secretary
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Sth
day of July 1902
seal J E Kellet Notary Public
My Commission Expires February 15th 1904
J J Gakkakd
E Hanson -Directors
Have You Seen It
We keep Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin in plain
view but if you dont happen to see it why ask
for it The manufacturers guarantee it to cure
dyspepsia and all forms of stomach troubles
Sold by A McMillen
Poor old South Side has been neg
lected last three issues for the reason
that the correppondent has been under
tho doctors care but by good nursing
and tho watchful care of the doctor hes
on foot once more
Everybody is busy on South Side
Tho big new threshing machine is ex
pected in this locality to commenco on
John Ilestorworths wintor wheat He
expects it to average 50 bushels per
acre They will have two weeks work
on the finest grain in the Driftwood
precinct when they commence
While our supervisors aro looking over
bids for building bridges in the county
kindly remember tho west road and
bridge The approaches are bad on
both sides and should our crops turn
out as we expect there will be two thous
and tons of freight to pass over it during
the months of October and November
which means something to McCook and
tho farmers
At tho building of King Solomans
temple which was of stupendous mag
nitude thoro were at work seventy thous
and workmen of one class and eighty
thousand of another class and beyond a
doubt it would have created great con
fusion had all tho men dropped their
work and run for their coats when it
rained Not only that but it would have
been considerable damage to tho con
tractors but wo are told that it rained
not in tho daytime for seven years
Could it bo possible wo will have this at
McCook It has not rained hero since
April 1st so the farmers could continue
their work and not go fishing
On the night of July 6th during our
last storm the ditch was nearly ruined
From Menards place west there were
fifteen breaks caused by tho flood of
that night coming from the hills with
such force as to cut through the em
bankments Since then the beet raisers
could get no water for their crops and
they have suffered greatly some of
the beets are dead others are badly
wilted so it will put them back even if
they get water within a few days The
crop will not be what we looked for as
our prospects were great until July 15th
Since then we have had hot winds that
caused the damage The ditch will bo
running now after this date as there
has been a gang of farmers here that
mean business when they undertake to
repair damages Those who turned to
tho rescue were Joe Schmidt and son
two teams Monroe Wasson and Fred
two teams Mr Atkinson one team John
Burtless two teams From Littels place
west there were as many more and now
they are all at the head gate putting on
the finishing touches It has been
quite a task to get necessary repairs in
so short a time These men have drop
ped work in their fields to do this as
help is very scarce at the present time
A Good Thingr
German Sjrup is the special prescription of
Dr A Boschee a celobrated Gorman Physician
and is acknowledged to be one of tho most fortun
ate discoveries in medicine It quickly cures
coughs colds and lung troubles of tho severest
nature removing the cause of the affection and
leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condi
tion It is not an experimental medicine but
has stood the test of years giving satisfaction
in every case which its rapidly increasing sale
every season confirms Two million bottles sold
annually Boschees German Svrup was intro
duced in the United States lS6i and is now sold
in every town and village in tho civilized world
Threo doses will relievo any ordinary cough
Price 75 cents Get Greens Special Almanac
Miss Alice Purdum of McCook visited
friends here this week
Mrs Minnie Fitzgerald left Tuesday
evening lor Colorado on a visit
Walter Sheppard of Fairfield Neb
was a business visitor a few days this
Mrs A II Eeynolds went up to Mc
Cook Friday evening returning Mon
day morning
Miss Triplett of Imperial visited a few
days last week with her friend Mrs
F F Tomblin
Miss Flora Quick returned home from
Peru Monday evening where she has
been attending summer school
Eev Norlin and family returned home
Thursday evening after a several weeks
visit in the eastern part of the state
Miss Alta Hager arrived from Wash
ington Sunday morning where she has
been visiting her people for several
The L O T M served ice cream and
cake in Beardslees opera house last
Friday afternoon and evening and Sat
urday afternoon
Miss Maud Boughman who has been
visiting friends here for tho last two
weeks left for her home in Wilsonville
Wednesday morning
Master Littel Hopwood who has been
staying here fer several weeks in hopes
of benefitting his health left for his
home in Iowa Tuesday
Mr and Mrs Tomblin went down to
Arapahoe Sunday morning Mr Tomb
lin returned in the evening Mrs Tomb
lin visiting until Tuesday evening
Mrs Charlie Smith and daughter vis
ited with George Short and family Sun
day enroute from Lebanon where they
have been visiting for some time to
their home in Denver
The LadiesAid society of theChristian
church gave an ice cream social at the
Woodman hall last Wednesday even
ing which was well attended and a
pleasant time is reported
The ladies of the M E church held a
picnic in the grove east of town last
Thursday About thirty were present
At noon a bountiful repast was served
and a most enjoyable time was had by
all present
His Sight Threatened
While picknicking last month my 11-year-old
boy was poisoned by some weed or plant sajs
W H Dibble of Sioux City la Ho rubbed
the poison off his hands into his eyes and for a
while we were afraid he would lose his sight
Finally a neighbor recommended DeWitts
Witch Hazel Salve Thefirst application helped
him and in a few days he was as well as ever
For skin diseases cuts burns scalds wounds
inject bites DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is sure
cure Relieves piles at once Beware of coun
terfeits McConnell Berry
An important announcement is made
by the publishers of a history of Napo
leon Bonaparte written for boys by the
editor of the American Boy to begin in
the September number and run through
some ten consecutive numbers the same
to be profusely illustrated 100 a
year The Sprague Publishing Co
Detroit Michigan
If it wasnt popular if it wasnt loved by the
people why do dealers say We have some
thing just as good as the Madison Medicine
Cos Rocky Mountain Tea Think it over
35 cents McConnell Berry
Sj4k fantt JrSJb vigvr5Zaf5Sia61
A 1 an In en a Don I Iletiveen Potter
Palmer and A T Stewart
At the time of the civil war said
an old merchant Potter Palmer was
In the dry goods business In Chicago
and Levi Z Lelter and Marshall Field
were working for him Palmer wasnt
so well known but he had a good rep
utation in the trade and he didu t have
to Introduce himself when he called on
old A T Stewart to buy some goods
After some dickering they agreed upon
the price and Palmer calmly said that
he would take about 100000 worth
It was a little larger bill than Stewart
exactly cared to sell young Palmer on
credit but he concluded to make the
deal and told him to come in the next
morning and arrange some final de
tails That night some big war news
came and it didnt require any decla
ration by the government to inform ev
ery dry goods man in the country that
the price of goods would take a big
spurt up Stewart recognized it as soon
as he had the news and he Immediate
ly thought of Palmer He also thought
of tho big bill of goods Palmer had
bought of him It didnt particularly
tickle Stewart that thought didnt
But it required only a few scratches
of his red head to fix things to his sat
isfaction He would simply tell Pal
mer that he was sorry but that he
didnt feel that he could sell such a
big bill on credit and as he knew that
Palmer couldnt raise the cash imme
diately why that would end it find
the sale would be off Well young
Palmer called early and Stewart
greeted him in his very abruptest man
ner telling him how sorry he was etc
but really he didnt tlfnk it wise busi
ness to extend credit for such an
Just how much does the bill come
to said young Palmer seemingly sorrowful-like
Just 110000 Stewart replied and
then he straightway gulped for breath
as young Palmer drew an immense
pocketbook from his inside vest pocket
and opening it counted out 110 thou
sand dollar bills and laying them quiet
ly on Stewarts desk said If you will
kindly count them and give me a re
ceipt Ill be obliged as I must take the
next train home Ship the goods soon
as you can and when youre out our
way drop in Alwajs glad to see our
friends New York Times
If marks and stains are on papered
walls try French chalk on a piece of
dry bread gently rubbed in
To keep hardwood floors smooth and
clean rub them with waste and warm
paraffin oil and polish with dry waste
Muslin curtains may be rendered less
inflammable by rinsing them in alum
water two ounces of alum to one gal
lon of water
To clean mirrors dip a cloth in methy
lated spirits and rub on the mirror
Allow it to dry on before polishing with
a soft duster
Galvanized iron pails for drinking
water should not be used The zinc
coating is rapidly acted upon by the
water forming a poisonous oxide of
Make a splendid furniture polish by
taking a wineglassful of olive oil one
of vinegar and two tablespoonfuls of
alcohol apply with a soft cloth and
polish with flannel
Rugs mats or carpets can be cleaned
thoroughly by generously sprinkling on
them yellow cornmeal that has been
well dampened in clean soapsuds or
weak ammonia water Sweep off in a
few minutes
Sensntory Transmission
It has been found that sensation is
not absolutely instantaneous but that
a very minute time elapses as it travels
along the nerves Therefore if a per
son put his finger to a heated iron or
in the blaze of a candle there is a cer
tain almost inconceivably small space
of time say the one thousandth part of
a second before the brain knows of
the burn Now suppose a man with
an arm long enough to reach the sun
From the known rate of sensatory
transmission that man would have to
live more than 100 years after touching
the great luminary before he would
know that his fingers had been
Showed It Clearly
A man who was called on to address
a Sunday school in a Pennsylvania
town took the familiar theme of the
children who mocked Elijah on his
journey to Bethel how the youngsters
taunted the poor old prophet and how
they Avere punished when the two she
bears came out of the wood and ate
forty two of them And now chil
dren said the speaker wishing to
learn if his talk had produced any
moral effect what does this story
Please sir came from a little girl
well down in front it shows how
many children two she bears can hold
A Difficult Case
First Lawyer How did you come out
in settling up old Gotroxs estate
Second Lawyer It was a hard strug
Yes I had hard work to keep the
heirs from getting part of the estate
Ohio State Journal
Jnst the Word
Youngwed on bridal tour I would
like rooms for myself and wife
Hotel Clerk Suite I suppose
Youngwed Thats what Shes the
greatest thing that ever happened
Chicago News
Paying the Teacher
He There is nothing like experience
after all She is our greatest tearuer
She And there is no holding baee
her salary either Brooklyn Life
i uytjB
sJJV UiS 4 --
of- osiyijv
Hi F f P
Will Visit This City
On the day and dates given below
We are in no seine traveling
doctors We are established in
Omul a and have occupied the same
location since 1SUI We li ive
niiiiK ii c a i
- rti i ji AHWI 41 ll
WWirJ5 Wh Ca 0t visit r 0 OlliCtf
WMtmmPM To commodate these we visit a
pWTm few centni1 savii or
IjfrJPCfr litielts a lo I iisive tr p to
iHOT TO WPS P wmaha and at the same time giving
JlMLaUMii J5fgj4 theM Ue Krea benefit of a person 1
lfcPlffiilnj Pxniiiinatioii and consultation
HSRiMJb rf We will be prepared at this vu
llSSpfei to - examination by Klectricil
7X00fmRH fy Illumination
VV H We can refer voti t a ntmilx r of
lit ---- r - cured patients in your own locality
l V II I K i I
Our Practice fo Limited ta Chronic diseases
We give Special Attention to
We SMg rest that yon call as early in the day as possible enabling ns
to rive 3ou more time lor an examination and consultation whkh
Friday and Saturday August 2223 Two Days
Please Remember Date
A Generation Ago rmil
- Coffee could onlv be bought Md
lJKWl in bulk The 26th Century XJffil
r way sealed packages al- 9
FakcVIJoastedSj ways correct in weight lJy j
ntgWlZlslMj clean fresh uniform anil - 3iv
c p retaining its rich flavor fy
Fall Term Opens Sept I
Catalog Free
hki vyi WtwJkaJiHk 1MKTjrTE TlfthMsTTflb rmiBKriHHMB B
I7th and Douglas Sis
If you want good
food for your child
ren try Wheatoss
It is easily and
quickly prepared
and very healthful
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit
All reliable grocers
have it
California Breakfast Food
Just Look at Her
Whence came that sprightly step faultless
skin rich rosv complexion smiling face She
looks good feels good Heres her secret She
uses Dr Kings New Life Pills Result all
organs active digestion good no headaches no
chance for blue- Try them yourself Only
25 cents at McConnell Berrys
Courses of Study Regular Business Combined Preparatory Normal Shorthand Typewriting
Telegraphy Penmanship Pen Art Elocution Oratory and Physical Culture
Advantauos College Band College Orchestra Board of Trade Printing Office Literary Societ7
Lecture Course Law School Public Entertainments and Athletics
Work for Board Any student can work for board Address
Catalog Our new illustrated free to any one ROHRBOUGH BROS OMAHA NEB
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of readers of The Tjubuxe
we have made arrangements with the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby wo can sup
ply them in combination with The Tribune at
the following very low prices with
Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 7
Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00
Prairie Farmer 100 125
Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 Xi
Cincinnati Enquire 100 1 0
New York Tribune 1 JO 1 25
Demorests Magazine 100 175
ToledoBlade 100 125
Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 65
Iowa Homestead 100 125
Lincoln Journal 1 00 1 75
Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50
New York World 100 165
Cosmopolitan Magazine 1 00 1 HO
St Louis Eepublic 100 175
Kansas City Star 25 120
FarmandHome 1 00 1 20
Word and Works 100 170
Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00 1 50
-renewals 1 fcO
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Teibcxe McCook Neb
A Necessary Precaution
Dont neghct a cold It worse than un
pleasant It is dangerous Bj uing One Min
ute Cough Cure jou can cure it at once Allay
inflammation clears the head soothe and
strengthen the mucous membrane Cure
coughs croup throat and lung troublr Abso
lutely safe Acta immediately Children like
it McConnell Sz Berr
The Following- Proposed Amendment to
the Constitution of the State ol Ne
braska as Hereinafter Set Forth in
Full is Submitted to the Electors of
the State of Nebraska to be Voted
Upon at the General Election to be
Held Tuesday November 4 1902
A Joint Iifnlution proposing to amend Sec
tion one of Article fifteen of the Coti titiitiim
of the State of Nebra ka relative to the manner
of ubmitting and adopting amendment- to tho
constitution of the said of Nebraska
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That Section one of Article fifteen
of the Constitution of the State of Nebra ka bo
amended to read a- follow
Section 1 Either branch of the legislature
ma propose amendments to this constitution
and if the same be agreed to by three liftlia of
the members- elected to each hou e such pro
posed amendments -hall lie entered on tlm
Journals with and najs and published
at lea t onco each week in at leat one news
paper in each count where a new jiajier is
publi hed for thirt das immediately pri ced
ing the next election of enator and representa
tives at which eh ctiou the ame sjia 11 be sub
mitted to the elector forapprotal or rejection
and if a majority of the elector voting at
election on such propo ed amendment
vote to adopt uch amendment the same shall
become a part of thi constitution When more
than one amendment i ubiniltel at the ame
election they shall be o submitted a3 to enable
the electors to vote on each amendment sepa
All ballots used at sch election on uch
amendment or amendments shall have written
or printed thereon the following For projxjsed
amendment to the constitution relating to there
insert the subject of the amendment and
aaint propo ed amendment to the Constitu
tion relating to there insert the subject of the
amendment and the voteof each elector voting
on such amendment or amendments shall rw
designated by the elector by making a crOeS
with a pen or pencil in a circle or square to be
placed at the right of the lines the word For
or Against the proposed amendments as he
hall de ire to vote thereon or b indicating his
preference on a voting machine when such
machine i in u e
I Geo W Mar h secretary of the stato of
Nf braka do hereby certif that the foregoing
proposed amendment to the f on titution of the
Stateof Nebraka i a true arid comet copy of
the original enrolled anil engroed bill as pas
sed b the Twenty seventh sion of the legisla
ture of the Stat of Nebra ka as appears from
said original bill on file in ollice and that
said proposed am ndrnent i submitted to the
qualified voters of the state of Nebraska for
their adoption or rejfetion at the general elec
tion to be held on Tuesday the 4th day of No
vember A D VM
In testimony whereof I have hereunto -et my
hand and affixed the great seal of the state of
Done at Lincoln this 2d day of Julv in tho
year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
and Two of the Indeiendeiice of the United
States the One Hundred and Twent -seventh
and of thi state the Thirt sixtb
l seal j Geo W Marsh
Secretary of State
This Is an Advertisement
If you are looking for a laxative Dr Cald
wells Syrup Pepein is IT The convenience and
merit of this valuable remedy will be explained
to your satisfaction by A McMillen