Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1902)
- t i mmiili f he TWENTY FIRST YEAR In Memorlam RKQUIESCAT IN PEACE Entered into rest nt McCook Neb on the third of August 1902 6 a m Mrs Mary Hogan ago 83 yenrs She leaves nine children to mourn her loss To pause when such a life as this goes out to mourn over broken ties and van ished hopes to lament our loneliness for Buch a Christian character is necessary to the best and tenderest feelings of our nature But it is our duty to take up the lessons of a finished life for wo die as well as live for each other Her life was bright with enthusiasm for what was noble and beautiful was pure in thought word and deed She was generous faithful and just a gentle kind affectionate wife and a loving mother Her maiden name was Mary Brew She was a native of Ireland Married Martin Hogan at the age of 22 Ho was also a native of Ireland Miss Brew was born August Gth 1813 Eleven children were born to this union Two have died Five daughters live in Australia two in Illinois one in Chicago and one in Springfield ner husband died seven years ago She has been a resident of McCook Nebraska for 17 years Her final sickness began about two months ago She suffered much with- out a murmur being happy in the tender and loving care of a devoted son and daughter and comforted by a strong faith in her Heavenly feather bur rounded as she was by loved ones and friends and the beautiful sunshine she passed peacefully to rest the gates were lifted up and another soul entered into rest Wo are glad that she has lived thus Ions Woep not that sho has Rono to her reward Nor deem that kindly Nature did wrong Softly to engage the final cord Rev R M Hardmau of St Albans Episcopal church conducted to funeral services Remains were interred in Longview cemetery H Dopes the Well With Oil The indications point that some one has it in forF C Scarborough who oc cupies Mrs Richards Carrolls dwelling over in AV est McCook There is a bored well on the property and the well has several times recently been doped with oil A male being was seen to leave the well about midnight not long since but the one observing cannot positively iden tify Severe punishment ought to be meted out to one who would be guilty of so dastardly a trick The Contracts Awarded The contract for building the new river bridge over the Republican at Red willow has been granted to H T Ward Co of Tecumseh Nebraska who also were awarded the contract to repair the Judianola bridge The contract price for the new bridge is 1260 and for re pairing the Indianola bridge is 600 There were many bids in and quite a number - of bidders present but the successful firm was much the lowest The Fats Were Victorious The Fats and Leans occupied the public attention and Athletic Park dia mond Thursday afternoon the Fats winning out by a score of 8 to 7 Thor grimson and Guyer made medicine for the LeansCone and Huber for the Fats Tartsch was umpire and Smith scored The Leans insist that blood is thicker than water and that they could not expect to win out with a fat umpire and scorer An Approaching1 Matrimonial Event Cards are out announcing the nuptials of Dr Charles L Fahnestock of our city and Miss Anna Elizabeth Anderson of Lincoln The event will take place at the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph Tepter of 1854 Holdrege street Lincoln They will be at home after September 1st McCook Work of Vandals Within the past few weeks some per son or persons have deliberately broken all the windows in the house on the Johnson farm just northwest of the city and now the property of John F Cor neal They also destroyed all the moreens in the windows Vandalism of a most contemptible sort Gasoline Lamp Causes a Run An nlnrm nailed the denartment to the Palmer house Monday evening shortly before eight oclock An obstreperous rrnsnlinfi lamn caused the commotion The department responded promptly as usual but it was not necessary to throw any water The damage was nominal Very Special Notice We have just received another car load of furniture which we purchased before the recent rise in prices For this month we will sell at the old prices goods having advanced twenty per cent Pade Son Home Wanted For a boy of 14 Must be in a Christ Ian family farm preferred For partic ulars apply to local advisory board Ne braska Childrens Home Society A McMillen Secy Want Your Butter Poultry and Eggs We are paying the highest market price in cash for butter poultry and eggs Bring them to the old Burgess implement office and get your money Bukgess Walsh Farmers Are you going to need any chairs or extension tables lor threshers Lud wick can give you the best prices in town We sell best Carpet Warp on spools 18c for white 20c for colors The Thompson D G Co Dress Skirts to your measure and all materials furnished from 250 up The Thompson D G Co - Astonishing prices on a few one room remnants of wall paper McConnell Berry MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs E E DeLong has gone to Den ver on a visit Miss Millie Slauy is visiting in Oxford this week Don McCarty visited his homo in Juniata last week A G Keys has been the guest of his son Charles this week Mrs Luther H Strout is a guest of Mrs Sarah J Bingham Mrs Fred L Palmer visited Hold rege relatives last week Miss Lillian Roman returned last week from her Lincoln visit W T Coleman has been transacting business in Lincoln this week Mrs George Martin returned Wed nesday from her Hastings visit Dr J A Gunn returned home on No 3 Sunday night from a trip over in Iowa Mrs F W Rank arrived home close of last week from her Minnesota trip Frank Moore of Indianola had busi ness at the countys capital Thursday Mrs Tyler and children were in McCook last Saturday Akron Press August 1st Mrs J Fred Jernberg returned home close of the week past from her Denver visit Mrs McAloon and Maggie went to McCook last Friday evening Akron Press August 1st Earl Murray was a Cambridge vis itor Sunday and Monday returning on 5 Monday evening Mrs Barney Lewis went down to Louisville last Friday morning to attend the wedding of a relative Miss C Lou Jaynes was in the city Monday in the interest of the Omaha Childrens Home society Miss Eva Burgess departed on Wed nesday morning for Almena Kansas on a visit to her sister Mrs N B Bush F E Hamilton and family have re turned here from near Hope Hayes county where they have been farming Mrs C D Kenady of Holyoke and Pearl Mitchell of Red Cloud have been guests of McCook relatives part of the week Mrs George Roark of McCook is visiting Miss Nellie Annable She ar rived Wednesday evening AkronPress August 1st Edward J Brady now with the Denver Dry Goods Co is down from Denver for a two weeks visit with the homefolks Judge Norris has gone to Delavan Wisconsin to enjoy an outing before en tering the congressional campaign -to win this fall C W Keys wife and children and father A G Keys left on Wednesday night for New Windsor Colorado on a visit to relatives Mrs J A Wilcox has joined the McCook colony in Boulder Colorado going up close of last week in the hope of improving her health MrsF M Rathbun and Miss Erninie departed on 12 Monday morning for Illinois on a visit to embrace Chicago Gilman and other points Miss Lola Buttles a niece of Rev and Mrs R M Hardman who has been visting them for a few days returned to Minden on 12 Tuesday morning Mr and Mrs E E Magee were pas sengers for Fairmont Tuesday morning on No 2 on their way home from spend ing a month or so at Caldwell Idaho L A Gilcrest and family are now making their home in Brush where Sam is employed in his brother Arts furni ture store Akron Press August 1st Miss Daisy Maddux who has been visiting McCook friends for several weeks returned to her home in Chase countyMonday morning on the Imperial George W Colvin of Arapahoe well known to many McCook people died at Arapahoe last Friday morning The remains were shipped to Plattsmouth for burial Mrs James Powell who has been visiting for several days with her father Mr Prouty returned to her home at McCook Wednesday evening Benkel man News August 1st Mrs A Carmichael and son who have been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs J A Snyder and her sisters for the past month returned to her home in Denver Sunday night J W Kilpatrick came down last Friday evening from spending a few days on his Chase county 1 swhich are perhaps the most extensive stock properties in this section of Nebraska Supt G H Thomas departed on 2 Tuesday morning for Harvard after spending a few days here on school bus iness He and his parents will leave at once for the mountains on an outing of a couple of weeks Mrs William Cowles and children are visiting a few days with relatives and friends here before leaving for the east Mrs William Cowles and fam ily of McCook will leave in a few days to join Will in Illinois where they will make their future home Bartley Inter Ocean August 1st Rev T L Ketman formerly pastor of the Baptist church her but for over two years past of the Fremont church has resigned that pastorate and will en ter the sendee of the American Baptist Publication society He will move to Chicago and his position will be dis trict secretary of the northwest His labors at Fremont have been very suc cessful and his leaving is a regretful one Dr B B Davis of Omaha came up from Bartley Sunday evening on 5 to catch No 6 for Omaha He had been to Bartley to amputate a leg for Dr J M Brown who was injured some months ago in a runaway The doctors leg failed to heal properly and amputa tion was the only alternative The op eration was successful and we hope for the doctors complete and prompt re covery Jit fCflTfiffirlt Jr ViBl II II II Divide Honors With Minden McCook went up against Minden twice last week on the home grounds divid ing honors with the visitors but many McCook people and the members of the local club maintain it ought to have been two games straight for McCook considering that a decision of the umpire in the last half of the ninth inning vir tually robbed them of the game which was theirs up to that time First game was played on Friday af ternoon It was characterized by unus ual stick work on both sides and the scores made were too numerous for a good game Gaines was hit all over the field Leach alone making three home runs It was a regular slugging match Score and summary McCook 0 4 5 4 0 5 0 0 18 Minden 0 3 2 0 12 8 0 016 Hits Off Gaines 20 Jones 12 Home runs Gaines BollConeLeach Errors McCook 7 Minden 5 Batteries Minden Gaines andMooro McCook Jones and Doane Umpire Saddler The second game Saturday afternoon was a closely contested exciting one in which the visitors were outplayed from start to finish notwithstanding the fa mous Bliss was in the pitchers box for Minden but a decision by Umpire Sad dler in the last half of the ninth inning in giving Gaines a ride when he should have been out on strikes gave Minden the game by one score Score and sum mary Minden 0 0 McCook 0 0 Batteries Bliss and Beltzer and Doane ve s vW 10 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 12 0 03 Moore Kunkle Hits Minden 4 McCook 4 Strike outs Bliss 8 Kunkle and Beltzer 4 Errors Minden 4 McCook 2 Home runs Bell Base hits Cone Hardwell Bender 2 Umpire Saddler alliance game a shut out The game between McCook and Alli ance on the grounds of the latter Sun day was a rather one sided affair Alli ance being shut out while McCook scored eight times Alliance got but two hits and neither of them was effec tive Score and summary McCook 1 2 0 Alliance 0 000000 0 0 8 0 0 0 Hits McCook 5 Alliance 2 Errors McCook 2 Alliance 5 B a 1 1 e r i e s McCook Beltzer Doane Alliance Whited Nicolai 2tAfr r and and Struck out By Beltzer 8 Whited 6 by Nicolai 1 Hit by pitched ball Whited 2 Bases on balls Off WhitedlBeltzer4 Two base hit Hood Umpire Book of Alliance mcook wins the second Alliance Neb Aug 4 Special McCook took the second game from Alliance Score McCook 0 0040000 37 Alliance 12000000 14 Batteries McCook Jones and Doane Alliance Bell OConnor and Nicolai Three base hit Cone Two base hits Doane Jones Gilbert Umpire Book ALMOST SHUT OUT LINCOLN The locals almost shut out Lincoln Monday in the game at that place the only score made by Lincoln being a run on an error Lincoln was outclassed and as Doane expressed it was rocking in the hammock all the time The score and summary is as follows McCook 10500400 010 Lincoln 0 0000100 01 Struck out By Beltzer 8 by Kelley 3 Bases on balls Off Beltzer2 Kelley5 Two base hits Cone Doane Time of game 130 Hits McCook 10 Lincoln 4 Errors McCook 5 Lincoln 7 Umpire William Turner THE FAIRBURY GAMES Up to going to press reports have been received from but two of the three games scheduled with Fairbury Wednesdays game went to Frirbury score 4 to 2 Batteries Kunkle Reed Redmond Spencer Hits McCook 5 Fairbury 2 Yesterdays game was given to Fairbury by the umpire 9 to 0 There were no scores on either side up to the ninth inning when a Fsirbury base runner running from second to third interferred with a hit ball The umpire failed to call out the offending runner and Cap tain Reed called in the team and the umpire finally called the game A game is scheduled for today and Manager Brass went down to see the game ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Ray McCarl has gone to Hot Springs for treatment for indigestion Miss Vanche Plumb will teach the Dodge school coming fall and winter term Mrs M G Warner of Waverly is the guest of Engineer and Mrs F G Westland Mr and Mrs Howe Smith will leave tonight for Colorado City Colorado to be absent a few weeks Charles Kasten departed last night on No 6 for Stralsund Pommern Ger many to be gone until first of next year Mrs W D Burnett and Miss Lillie were called down to Red Cloud today to the funeral of Mr and Mr A P Elys baby J W Hupp is entertaining his parents from Illinois They have been visiting their son Dan at Lebanon and will go west before returning to Illinois Mrs H C Clapp arrived home from her Michigan visit Thursday on No 1 Her mother Mrs S L Boorn accom panied her and will probably remain here over the coming winter Honest John insists that Hi has had to shave himself ever since Cant keep his face straight long enough to let a barber make the effort Just a few hammocks left 50c to 75c each no higher Get one before there are none McConnell Berry New Fall Dress Goods beginning to arrive See the new Zibelines in six patterns at 60c The Thompson DG Co McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING AUGUST 8 1902 RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Elliott Smith is a new brakeman this week Ed Montanye is now making Oxford his headquarters Engine 339 an H4 mill is about ready to go out of the shop Asst Supt Harris was at headquart ers Monday on business Engino No ls tank is in the shop for repairs with astoved end Conductor F A Stark who runs out of Oxford is on the sick list Aubrey Burton of Oxford is again employed in the Burlington shops here Conductor C J Snell has Conductor Beales car duringHarrys convalescence Trainmaster Kenyon was called in to Lincolnlast nighton time card business Brakeman G L Burney is making the circuit with the baseballists this week S B McLean left on 12 Wednesday for Michigan on a vacation of a few weeks John Fitzer of Stockvillo has entered the Burlington employ as a blacksmiths helper Conductor C E Pope and family re turned home last Thursday evening on Ao 14 Engino 131 is in the local round house to be taken to Havelock for an over hauling Supt Campbell went east in private car 10 attached to 12 Wednesday morning Conductor F M Washburn has joined the wife and family in their visit at Giltner Conducter T E McCarl has Con ductor W D Beyrers car while the latter is east Mrs Fred L Palmer is receiving a visit from her mother Mrs F II Cor nell of Holdrege T W Wilburn roadmaster was up from Red Cloud last Friday and Mon day of present week The new engines for the Western division are expectad to arrive during the month of August Way car 127 went out of the shop Monday 95 is in for an overhauling and 67 will be out in a few days Conductor Frank Rank made a run for Conductor A G Bump who was left in Denver Wild West Dav Asst Supt DF McFarland was down from Holyoke on railroad matters Mon day His son accompanied him Conductor and Mrs H A Beale will go to Colorado to spend a few weeks xhile he recovers from an injured knee The boilermakers and blacksmiths played a four inning game Monday afternoon resulting in a tie of three scores each Conductor and Mrs O R Amick were Denver visitors fore end of the week He returned to his run Wed nesday Harry Culbertson of McCook has En gineer Gaddys run during the latters visit to Utah Holyoke Republican July 31st Roy Kleven enjoyed a visit this week from his mother who came down from Denver where she had been visiting on No 6 Sunday night Trainmaster Kenyon was in Lincoln fore part of the week assisting in get ting out the time card which goes into effect on next Sunday Passenger traffic has been unusually heavy this week all the through trains from the east running in two or three sections a number of times A force of men were putting in new sidetracks north of the depot the past week All trains stop at this point hence more switch accommodations are needed Benkelman News August 1st Foreman F C Fuller returned to work first of the month after being off almost a month on account of his severe accident on the evening of July 4th The boys were all glad to see the chief return and assume direction of affairs Roy Zint has taken the position of hostler or engineer on the switch engine at this place Mr McKain having been recalled to McCook Mr Zint will re main here during the absence of William Larue Red Cloud Chief August 1st CEMcManigal formerly on the West ern division agent at Mascot etc has been agent at Panhandle Texas on the Santa Fe for the past eight months and his many friends and well wishers will be pleased to learn is doing well in the southland Last Thursday evening about 5 oclock when the B M bridge gang was re turning from work the handcar jumped the track near Franklin and Frank Williams of this city sustained a frac tured breast bone and two broken ribs Red Cloud Chief August 1st Bert McDowell of Virginia Illinois fell asleep on the Burlingtons track near Hillrose Colorado and on the morn ing of July 26th at 8 oclock was run over by a train and killed being terribly mutilated The remains were taken home by a brother who with two others was with the unfortunate man They were all beating their way from Craw ford to Denver The initial trip over the new Aurora Elgin Chicago Electric railroad the road which promises the fastest travel in the world was made yesterday by officials of the company and the trial trip of the new electric car although not a test of speed encouraged officials of the line in their belief that the extra ordinary speed of 133 miles an hour will be reached when the road is in complete working order Tuesdays Chicago In ter Ocean Any 50c Shirt Waist in the store now 29c at The Thompson D G Cos Clear ing Sale Ladies 35c Lisle Thread Lace Gloves reduced to 20c at The Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale is No Interchange of Passes If present plans are carried out thero will bo no interchange of passes among western roads during 1903 The meet ing of the pass committee representing all western lines has been set for early October and the matter is already re ceiving considerable discussion Until last year the pass agreements have been largely farcical but it is expected this year that the agreemontwhich was kept only by trunk lines Inst vear will bo generally in force J V Mahonov chairman of tho western trunk line com mittee has been made chairmnn of the pass committee in place of Geo W Ris tine Last year roads in tho various associations agreed not to interchange passes and tho agreement fell through beforo it was put into effect Finally the central passenger association lines and the trunk lino entered into tho agreement which the former wore unable to keep It was stated that this was largely due to the fact that the Wabash extends in eastern as well as western territory and that it could not havo one rule over a portion of its linos and another over other portions What rail road managers would like to do is to place transportation on a purely com mercial basis but this will never bo done until they obtain the nerve to defy tho politicians and throueh them ad verse legislation Train Robbers Make a Haul jliio isumngion management lias is sued tho following statement of the holdup of Tuesday night Train 47 held up last night about 1130 at south switch Marcus about ten miles north of Savanna 111 The switch was turned for passing and tho train flagged The two head cars consisting of a mail and express car and a compos ite car were cut off and taken to tho north switch where tho safe in tho ex press car was blown open with dynamite and the contents taken after which the engine was cut off by the robbers and started north As the robbers left the express messenger fired at them One robber was found dead about one mile north of Marcus and his body was given over to the coroner At least six men were concerned the robbery So far as known only 2000 in silver was secured Noneof the crew was hurt and none of the passengers molested Tho express end of the car was badly damaged The Burlington and Adams Express Co will make up a purse of S1000 for Express Messenger Byl Branch Line Changes A now time card is scheduled for Sun day We understand that practically no changes will be made in the time of run ning the principal main line train but that the branch lines are in for quite radical changes It is stated that tho Imperial will after Sunday be run only every-other-day viz Mondays Wed nesdays Fridays which plan will do away with the postal clerkon the branch and raise merry hades generally up the Frenchman It is also rumored that the every day train on the Cheyenne branch will only run daily as far as Curtis and from there west will be a semi occasional It is not known whether or not any changes are to be made on the sun flower branches Jim Hill Whow Will Return Home Today Mrs Charles Ward and son Lester formerly of Bethlehem but now of McCook Nebraska who have been vis iting Mr and Mrs Daniel Mitchell of North Center street B for a fortnight leave for their western home today On the way they will call on relatives in Ambler Philadelphia and Valley Forge They are very much pleaned with their new home in the west While visiting their old home they have called on all their old acquaintances and friends Mrs Ward expects to make the trip to Bethlehem again at some future date as the pleasant memories of the old home still linger with her Bethlehem Pa Times July 29th Coming- to McCook Dr C M Headrick ear nose and throat specialist and expert on all catar rhal troubles will be at the Palmer House McCook Nebraska for two days only Friday and Saturday August 22nd and 23rd The doctor makes this visit to accommodate his patients in and around McCook who cannot afford to go to Omaha for treatment All persons having nosethroat lung or stomach ail ments should take this opportunity to consult Dr Headrick Consultation en tirely free of charge Seed Wheat For Sale I have some fine red winter imported Russian seed wheat for sale at a reason able price Call and see it before you sow your winter wheat It is fine clean and pure seed W E Bower Farmers Are you going to need any chairs or extension tables for threshers Lud wick can give you the best prices in town If its seasonable and all right you will find it at D C Marshs meat market Parasols at half price 50 cents on the dollar cut right in two at The Thomp son D G Cos Clearing Sale There are no Cotton Batts but Batts and wo are their prophet 10c The Thompson D G Co Izzer Price There is nothing better for that tired feeling even these warm July daysthan a juicy steak such as you get for your good money at D C Marshs meat market The McCook Building Association will open its thirtieth series of stock this month If you are not already a member call on the secretary and sub scribe for a few shares of stock There are no safer or more profitable invest ments offered in McCook MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Fight tho woods Dam the canyons y JlnifaF N ebivwka S t i fa J Ililo no till t NUMBER 13 Tho rainfall at Red Cloud during July is 1215 inches was A few Hicks Almanacs for 1902 for sale at this ofllco Handsomo shades in Brondcloth just received at The Thompson D G Co Always reliable ahvav HnnondnhlA what you buy at Marshs moat market Sun Bonnets 9c reduced from 20c at The Thompson DGCos Clearing Sale Wo sell tho best hams for 5c yard G Co Apron Check Gin Tho Thompson Residence property for sale at reason able figure and on liberal terms If P Sutton Ladies 20c Blnck Silk Mitts to 10c at The Thompson D G Clearing Sale rednced Cos Childrens sleeveless gauze vests 2c each reduced from 5c at Tho Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale Handsome lino of colors in tho new Corduroys for Fall Waists just received at ThoThompson D G Co Asbestine water proof fi r e- p ro o f wear proof painc cheap as dirt Seo McConnell Berry FlyoOCuro protects stock from flies and gnats Dont let them suffer McConnell Berry At tho right price you can always get tho choicest things the season affords at D C Marshs meat market At the old stand all the time The first brick sidewalks under the now ordinance aro those beforo Harry Barbazetts and E J Cains properties on south Main this week Thero aro some women who will occa sionally bako bread even because it cleans the hands so beautifully There are none such in McCook however Paint up your wagon buggy or farm implements They will last longer and look better We have paints for every purpose McConnell Berrys a We have in stock tho highest grades of sewing machines which we are sell ing at less than city prices Come and look at our stock Pade Son And Redwillow is to have a river bridge It will be an immediate advan tage and convenience to the farmers of that section in marketing this years crop The merry-go-round departed Tues day morning for the town where Jisper and Samuel Randolph dwell so beauti fully together in brotherly love and af fection We sell the famous F C Corsets in all grades shapes and colors Money back after 4 weeks actual wear if dis satisfied Tho Thompson D G Co sole agents Kinds of meat change somewhat with the seasons but they never change the quality at D C Marshs market Its always one quality the very best the market affords No better way to buy a home than paying for it in monthly payments The McCook Building Association offers un- equaled inducements to borrowers payment of loans in The irrigating ditch on the South Side which suffered many washouts on ac oount of the heavy rains has now been repaired and this week commenced sup plying patrons though in small quantities The Hadell Mercantile Co is now located in the old Wilcox building in the Union block vacated in the spring by M U Clyde The store room has being shelved and otherwise prepared for occupancy The north fence about the ball grounds has been carried twenty or thirty feet farther north and the record of home runs will be materially smaller in the future Home runs have been too easy and numerous in the past If you want to build or buy property the McCook Building Association can furnish money at reasonable rates and easy payments Xo association offers as good inducements to borrowers Call on the secretary for information Last Fridays hot wind was quite damaging to much of the corn Reports from the St Francis line indicate that the damage was very serious in that sec tion Considerable corn in Redwillow county suffered especially that which wa3 weedy and lacked proper cultivation A lady canvasser recently worked the city for a thermometer case and card advertisement The thermometer sur rounded by the advertisement adorned the south wall of Vahues shoe store until Old Sol got a whack at it and then the thermometer went out of commis sion It was only gauged to register 120 degrees and bursted under higher tem perature If you were to ask the average man to tell ou offhand just what qualities he likes in other men he would probably boggle a good deal over his answer but he would end by giving you a list of the hundred best books which is a3 a rule what people feel they ought to enjoy reading rather than the books they do read with pleasure Rafford Pyke several of whose clever and discerning essays have been found in Tho Cosmo politan during the last year makes What Men Like in Men the subject of an entertaining essay in the August number of that periodical i r i VOi