The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 25, 1902, Image 5
I r 1 -4 v f A Volunteer Firemens Tournament Tenth annual event to bo hold at Grand Island Ancrust 5 to 7 Half rntes from all Nebraska points via tho Burlington Route Tho Nebraska State Volunteer Fire mens Association has arranged to hold its annual tournament ut Grand Island Nearly 1500 have been appropriated for cash prizes in addition to many valuable medals and trophies for exhibition drills contests and races Firemen will attend from all parts of tho state For this occasion tho Burlington Route has made a rato of one faro for the round trip Tickets on sale August i to 7 inclusive good returning until August 8 Ask the Burlington Route agent or write J Francis Gen Pass Agt Omaha Neb Saves a Womans Life To have given up would have meant death for Mrs Lois CnKff Dorchester Mush For years she had endured untold misery from a severe luiis trouble and obstinate cough Of ton she writes I could scarcely broatho and sometimes could not Kpuuk All doctors and remedies failed till I used Dr Kinds Now Discovery for Consumption a n d was completely cured Sufferers from coughs colds throat and lung trouble need this grand remedy for it never disappoints Cure is guaranteed by McConnell Berry Price 50c and 1 Trial bottles free Its Cool In Colorado July 1 to 13 August 1 to 14 23 24 3031 September 1 to 10 On tho above days the Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Colo rado at extraordinarily low rates Its cool in Colorado all summer long and there are hundreds of resorts in the Rockies whore one may escape from tho heat of tho plains and spend an alto gether delightful vacation A liartl tn T Primmc fionnrnl Pnn senger Agent Omaha Nebr will bring a good supply of Colorado booklets that will help you plan your trip 9 5 Vacation Days Vacation time is horo and the children are fairly living out of doors There could bo no healthier place for them You need only to guard against tho nccidonts incident to most open air sports No romody equals DoWitts Witch Hazel Salvo for quickly stopping pain or removing danger or serious consequences For cuts scalds or wounds I used DoWitts Witch Hazel Salvo for sores cuts and bruises says L B Johnson Swift Texas It is the best remedy on tho market Suro euro for piles und skin diseases McConnoll Berry An amazing feature of Ringling Broth ers circus is a great company of forty clowns who keep the audience in a con stant whirl of laughter by their gro tesque antics and odd conceits Repulsive Features Blackhead pimples greasy faces and muddy comploxions which aro so common among wo men especially girls at a certain ago destroy ing beauty disfiguring and making ropulsivo features that would otherwise appear attractive and refined iudicato that tho liver is out of order An occasional dose of Herbino will cleanse tho bowels regulate tho liver and so establish a clear healthy complexion 50c at A McMillens A popular feature of Ringling Broth ers circus is tho preliminary concert given by Ganwellers military band in 4 the great hippodrome pavillion during the hour preceeding the performance There are fifty members of this band and each ono is a soloist Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin cures stomach troubles Sold by A McMilleu THE SHE mem 11 W frk YL l I WMi XfcS VMkSM ATE8T o m EAhfB RINGLING BR Sji9UeUi5W4iaf APIfiAL IWVlLSsD EJL Wfo ffidOO0 ACTUAL DAILY EXPENSE A II KUi iN - -- f J Mk A REAnPRM UPTO IH OMAtaS W9fr v SZZk A7V mrRH KA hfP tn -- fiRSBB B fclPdft 8 BiJ yfeCi A TArr2L vi vnr jVMHHjr THE 2 vM JPk Frsscnfinc All ho Latest European Oriental and American Arenlc Sensa WWSfPiw nn c xOaP toa cn a ecaie of MagniHcent Completeness never before attempted VWYJM vkf5CTEY LAST m3 Wm and dwarfing all other Exhibitions into insignificance by its pJTT A nmVcrE r T werwtotalng magnitude A A kS J JTjT L JP GIRAFFt VAyAfe KBWn to Ext wi Mr Johni OBriens Latest and Sreatest Success KMhII SStegrfil ImrO GARLflWD MORSE BALLET WSWW seen mitil this year z s THF MENAGERIE W0Rn HAS lPd Wwl 50 FAMOUS MUSICIANS FVFR SFFJ WWwAH Wm lTiAm Profiram during she i of the Greatest Arenic EVIt SLrCU rSirWdffli mWZmky Exhbitions the Vorld lias Ever Seen A I three herds of 7 THE GREAT NELSON FAMILY I t V PERFORMING SS fo Pi ap plays a mSWJ rr uke this mm TiiWfflk olyl4 MaLJmg - i v wrimmsm tiVMHfflif smitiii vvf l n 0 AESSSLESTS Snr0ce5n he Wcrd Pemoas High Wiie Gymnasts IS ATJBTI fTfiPTlfS MOST MARVELOUS OF ALL GHEAT W w Jti J3AO JL Xt3 FEMALE AERIAL1STS THE DUNBARS and the SAWVARDS FREE P STREET M ipiup in Qik ecsft emAsSM fi yl ajJM ONE 50c TICKET ADMITS TO EVERYTHING Children Under 12 Years Half Price H 1 B 4Y a Sim 7 J jjgllllM Oclowis 60 ACROBATS EN oxslZWZLXT Headed by THE GFBAT NSLSON FAMILY 30 6REAT RIDFS PD tt3 Ctbtien Cranny u Famous 12 tvlEMAGE RIDERS OF HTEPlftTtrLN0WN m svsa isomirg ISO AT 10 TOOiiK TWO COMPLETE EXHIBITIONS DAILY At S and S P M Doors Open One Hour Earlier SPECIAL POPULAR CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS WSlWWWkWl W89 Some stouts king h tox Pricss on WASH DRESS GOODS SHIRT WAISTS and all SUMMER GOODS We have divided our wash fabrics comprising Ginghams Lawns Swisses Dimities Batistes Mercerized Stripes and Cotton Foulards into lots LOT i Sold at 8c ioc and 1254c per van sale price 6 bents LOT 3 Were good values at 1254c and 15c per yard now 8J4 cents LOT 3 Goods worth 15c I7J4C anc 20C sale price 11 cents LOT 4 Goods worth 20c to 35c per yard now 19 cents Ladies Shirt waists while they last at 12 the regular price 100 WAISTS 50c 300 WAIST5 150 THE t0 Gwisli argain tore O L DeGBOFF GO 4ss V Dont Fall to Try This Whenever ftn honest trial i3 given to Elec trie Bitters for any trouble it is recommended for a permanent cure will surely be effected It never fails to tone the stomach regulate the kidneys and bowels stimulato tho liver invigorate the nerves and purify the blood Its a wonderful tonic for run down systems Electric Bitters positively cures kidney and liver troubles stom ach disorders nervousness rheumatism neural gia and expels malaria Satisfaction guaran teed by McConupll Berry Only 50c Mm Sv whe 1 The sweet pure breath of the babe is suggestive of iuuocice and health A mothers j earliing for children is in separable from a love of the beautiful and it behooves every woman to bring the sweetest and best influence to bear ou the subject of her maternity To relieve pain and make easj that period when life is born again Mothers JFViesicI is used It is a liniment easily administered and for external use only Pregnant -women should try this remedy it being undeniably a friend to her during natures term of suspense and anticipation ilothers Friend if used throughout gestation will soften the breasts thereby preventing cracked and sore nipples All muscles straining -with the burden -will relax become supple and elastic from its continued application All fibres in the abdominal region will respond readily to the expanding cover contaiuingtheembryoifriothersFriend is applied externally during pregnancy Of all reliable druggists ioo per bottle Write for free book on flotherhood THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA T tnA A u tr stop my hair from falling One half a bottle cured me J C Baxter Braidwood 111 Ayers Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco nomical preparation of its kind on the market A little of it goes a long way It doesnt take much of it to stop falling of the hair make the hair grow and restore color to gray nair S100 a fcoUIe AH druggists If oui dniircrist caiinot suniilv von miiu us ouo uuuux nnu we win express you a bottle Be sure and give the name of your nearest express ottice Address o u Aiaif uu Lowen Mass texp nv ifL u iwiq Bounds out the hollow places smooths out lines that creep about ones face woo roes back to faded cheeks Thats what Bocky Mountain Tea does 35c McConnell Berrj Poisoning the System It is through tho bowels the body is cleansed of impurities Constipation keeps these poisons in the system causing headache dullness and melancholia at lirt then unsightly eruptions and finally serious illness a remedy is applied DeWitts Little Early Biters prevent tills trouble by stimulating the liver and pro mote easy healthy action of the bowels These little pills do not act violently but by strength ening the bowels enable them to perform their own work Never gripe McConnol Berry WHEATOSE If you want a good food for your child ren try Wheatose It is easily and quickly prepared and very healthful Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit All reliable grocers have it California Breakfast Food WORLDS GREATEST mm in i mi mm a n bwm WHEN IT IS STATED TMMT 100 Caoes 3 Dans arid Lair i 1RJB NECESSARY TO HOUSE THE WORTH OF RAKE WILD ANIMALS The New and Beautiful Equine Ballet Militant And that FIVE CARS are used to transport the 30 PONDEROUS ELEPHANTS 1111 And 65 DOUBLE LENGTH CARfe equal to 130 ordinary cars are needed to convey the show from city to city the mind is overwhelmed with the magnitude and immensity of this supreme Goliath of the Arenic World which spreads like gigantic wings its 1000000 YARDS OF CANVAS over 12 ACRES OF TENTED WEALTH affording a Capacity for SEATING 18000 PEOPLE jceo -2 vrQf tf0fr Jf - r WEBBS WONDERFUL PERFORMING SEALS 500 HORSES WHEN IT IS CONSIDERED THAT FULLY are required in operating this Gigantic rAA PpAPI R Amusement Enterprise and that lUUU LEAjL hu are employed among whom are 300 EEJiIsOi2IVIEICS PRESENTING IN THE 3 RINGS 2 STAGES AERIAL ENCLAVE AND 0 0 1 4 IVfSLE RACE COURSE 0 0 A VARIETY OF EXHIBITIONS 31 AflT a- ACTUALLY CONSTITUTING MKJJ Js JL 0 THE TREMENDOUS MAGNITUDE OF THIS ALL OVERSHADOWING AMUSE MENT INSTITUTION IS CONVEYED JOflfll CtATIIDilfV IIIIV ll Reserved numbered seats and admissions show days at McConnell and Berrys drug store Unlike other shows prices UUUli d HIUnUHI JULl at downtown office are exactly the same as charged at the regular ticket wagon on the show grounds BANKSVILLE Harvesting is about completed The past Aveek has been dry in this vicinity showery tonight the 21st inst Dad Starks and wife of Driftwood were at W H Hartmans Monday for pie W H Hartman is having his thresh ing done out of the shock and William Sigwing is doing the threshing for him A M Benjamin and family were at Banksville Sunday and Mrs W E Knobbs and children went home with them There ought to be some way to abate the nuisance of tho circus advertisers scattering papers along the road to frighten horses S 6 B B St Ha nasr raits gsTmrrarCTaftmwireiBS5ra2 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT The Following- Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska as Hereinafter Set Forth in Full is Submitted to the Electors of the State of Nebraska to be Voted Upon at the General Election to be Held Tuesday November 4 1902 A Joint Resolution propo ine to amend Sec tion one or Article hficrii of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska n Iatite to the manner of Mibinitting and adopting amendment- to the constitution of the said state of Nebraska Be it resolved and enactd bj the Legislature of the State of Nebraska Section 1 That Section one of Article fifteen of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to read a follows Slctiox 1 Bither branch oT the legislature may propose amendments to this constitution and if the same be agreed to by three hfths of the members elected to each house such pro posed amendments shall be entered on the Journals with thejeas and najs and published at least once each week in at least one news paper in each county where a newspaper is published for thirty days immediately preced ing the next election of senators anil repreeta tivee at which election the same shall be sub mitted to the electors for approval or rejection and if a majority of the electors voting at such election on such proposed amendment shall vote to adopt such amendment the same shall become a part of this constitution AVhed more than one amendment is submitted at the same election the shall be submitted as to enable the elector to vote on each amendment sepa rately All ballots used at such election on such amendment or amendments shall have written or printed thereon the following For proposed amendment to the constitution relating to here insert the subject of tho amendment and against proposed amendment to the Constitu tion relating to here insert the subject of the amendment and the vote of each elector voting on such amendment or amendments shall be designated by the elector by making a cross witn a pen or pencil in a ciree or square to be placed at the right of the lines the words For orgain t the proposed amendment as ho shall desire to vote thereon or by indicating his preference on a voting machine when such machine is in use I Geo AY Marsh secretary of the state of Nebraska do hereby certify that the foregoing proiKsvd amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill as pa sed bj the Twenty seventh session of the legisla ture of tne State of rveorasKa as appears from said original bill on file in thi ollice and that said proposed amendment is submitted to the qualified voters of the state of Nebraska for tli ir adoption or rejection at the general elec tion to be held on Tuesday the 4th day of No vember A D 1502 In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska Done at Lincoln this 2il dav of July in the jear of our Lord One Thouand Nine Hundred and Two of the IndejKndence of the United States the One Hundred and Twenty seventh and of this state the Thirty sixth seal Geo V Marsh Secretarj of State The Perfect Liver Medicine Mr M A JoIIey Noble O T writes -I have used Herbine for a number ofjears and cheerfully recommend it as the mot perfpet liver medicine and the greatest blood purifier It is a medicine of positive merit and fully ac complishes all that is claimed for it Malaria cannot find lodgment in th sjstem while the liver is in perfect order for one of its functions is to prevent the absorption of fever producing poisons Herbine is a most efficient liver regu lator Xc at A McMillens Need More Help Often the over taxed organs of digestion cry out for help by dyspepsias pains nausea dizzi ness headaches liver complaints bowel disor ders Such troubles call for prompt use of Dr Dings New Life Pills They are thorough gen tle and guaranteed to cure 2x at McConnell Sc Berrys drug store To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet- All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is oa each bos 2c If a Man Lie to You And says some other salve ointment fouti oil or alleged healer is- as good as BiicIJi i Arnica Salve tell him that thirty sears ofmnr velous cures of piles burn- iKiiN corns f hi s ulcers cuts scald- braises and skin eruptions prow it to be the Ixst and the cheaje C 2c McConnell Sc Berrjs drug store ADVERTISEMENT FOR RIDS Notice is hereby given that the county cov missioner- of Red Willow county v ill reeejvc sealed bids for the construction of a bride- across the Republican river on or near the srr tion line between section 20 and 21 town hip range lis west of the 0th p in according to plan and specifications on file in county clerks office said bids to be filed with the county clerk on or before 12 oclock noon Augu t r A D 1 Said bids to bo endor ed Bid- for construct ing Red Willow bridge Commissioners rt serve the right to reject any and all bids Dated thisJth day of July A D VJfl 4-11-4 1- E J Wilcox County Clerk ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that tho countj commis sioners of Bed Willow county will receive seale 1 bids for repairing and rebuilding the bridge across the Republican river southwest of In dianola in section 21 town hip A range In we- of the Gth P M according to plans and specifi cations on file in county clerks office said buls to be endorsed Bids for repairing and rebuild ing the Indianola bridge Said bids to fr filed with the county clerk on or before L oclock noon August A D 1002 Coniini sioners reserve the right to reject any and aA bids Dated this ith ilaj of July A D Wr 7-11-its E J Wilcox County Clerk ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the county cotr missioners of Red Willow county will ret- ivf sealed bids for furnishing all material fo the construction of a bridge aero the Repubhcar river on or near the section line between tious 20 and 21 town hip J range - west of the 6th P M according to plans and pecificatioL ou file in count clerk- ollice said bids to b endor ed Bid- for material for con tructmg Red Willow bridge Said bids to be filed wit the county clerk on or before 12 oclock noon August r A D YM1 Commissioner- re ercr the right to reject any and all bids Dated this Dth day of July A D 1W2 Hl lts E J WiLCox County Cierk ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the county con missioners of Red Willow- county will recen sealed bids for furni hing material for the r pairing and rebuilding the bridge across tho Kepublican ner southwe t of indianola ic section 24 township i range 2- west of the 6tl P M according to plans and sjiecifications o file in county clerks ollice said bid- to be en dored Bid for furnishing material forrepai ing and rebuilding the Indianola bridge Said bids to be filed with the county clerk oa or be fore 12 oclock noon Vugu t 1 A D ltc Commissioner- reserve tho right to reject acy ar I all bid- Dated tin- 0th dav of July A D VJr E J Wilcox Countj Cler AFTER SHAVING s EXTRA Cools Comforts and Heals the Skin Enabling the Mast Tender Face to Enjoy a CIcse Shave Without Unpleasant Results Avoid dange ous irritating Witch Hazel preparations represented to be the same as- PONDS EXTRACT which easily sour and generally contas wood alcohol a deadly poiscc xs jsvvsKSTCTftiaerevj MK fcfc st V- V0 t