The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 25, 1902, Image 4
X- fit 5Rtwfc frtfratie By F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Congressman foxim REPUBLICAN TICKET CONOIIBBBIONAI George W Norris McCook 8TATE Governor Jolin II Mickey Lieutenant Governor K G McUiltoii Secretary of Stato Georgo Mnruli Treasurer 1otor Mortenscn Auditor Charles Weston Attorney General Frank N Prout Laud CommisHloiior George D fcollmnr Supt Public Instruction Wm K Fowler COUNTY Representative J E Ilathorn County Judge a L Green County Attornuy C E Eld red Coinniisbioner Firatdistrict D AWnterniau Thk Democratic and Populist medicine-mixers are kept strenuously busy these hot July days organizing new parties C M Bkown the well known Cam bridge banker would not object if the Republican nomination for state senator in this district should be tendered him It now seems probable- that the people of Nebraska will have an opportunity at the coming election of voting Upon another amendment to the states ar chaic constitution The purpose of the amendment proposed is to change majority necessary to carry a constjj tional amendment from a majority of n i votes cast at an election to a mere ma- ioritv of all votes cast on the proposition - WViiin Hia 1a n rf lffrinn on th intflli i genco and patriotism of the people off Nebraska the History or tno euorts made hitherto to secure amendments snows that the reflection in merited racsr WhTlethTSknryoufor this portant communication I am hap to assure you that the holy see tas learned with the liveliest on the high consideration in which ar Root and the government of the jjnited States holds the fitness of the neasures which the Vatican inde pendently of the solution of any ponomic question designed taking to meliorate the religious situation in he archipelago and to co onerate in lie pacification of the neonle under merican sovereignty The measures re indicated in my memorandumjoL Bkothekiiood is one of the dominant strains in the worlds symphony Not since the stars first sang together have men realized the fact more generally or more potentially than now Men are no less social animals than religious beings The twentieth century bids fair to be known to fame as the lraternal century of the ages Then there is the ten dency which we hail with loudest ac claim of a strenuous endeavor to real ize here and now the full ripe fruits of brotherhood of doing the kindly deed and uttering the helpful gentle word now when they can be appreciated in the flesh and not waiting to place gar lands upon the bier in memoriam and in sympathy May this evident tendency acquire an accumulating impetus and more and more become the established policy and habit of the craft For the kindly charitable impulse there should be no tomorrow Today is Utilize it Brotherhood is a fact in Natures plan Then why be selfish fellow man All were created by God above Then let us live in brotherly love Bob An ago of gigantic commercialism like ours is naturally an age of selfishness and next to the sweet teachings and sweeter deeds of the mild and gentle Nazarene nothing is so calculated to soften the harsh and ofttimes cruel edge of supreme endeavor and crushing com petition as true fraternity raised to its highest and best exponent of power and utility We do not refer to fraternity or brotherhood in the abstract but to its concrete personal exhibition to a broth erhood with hands and feet and heart and soul for none other is of value or worth while consisting of signs and words emblems grips and cold barren ritualism and lacking approach even to the real thing the flesh and blood of true humanity Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice July 23 1902 Don C Birchard Mr Bloomgert Miss MarieJKinsel Rose Schaffer Ben Shultz When calling for these letters please say they were advertised P M Kimmell Postmaster Come in and see us about your macliine oil Our price is right THE BEE HIVE Cures Sciatica Rev W L Riley LL D Cuba Xew York writes After fifteen years of excruciating pain from sciatic rheumatism under various treatments 1 was induced to try Ballards Snow Liniment the first application giving my first relief and the second entire relief I can give it unqualified recommendation Price 25c 50c and 100 at A McMillens Good oil is a good thing We have it at THE BEE HIVE Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds oi food ltgives instant relief and neveY fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive Stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take It cant help but do you good Prepared only by E 0 De Witt Co Chicago Tbo jl bottle contains A times the 50c size How Our Territories Pay Since the Mexican war rounded out our continental domains we have mater ially increased our national area but twice first when wo purchased Alaska and again when wo took Guam Porto Rico the Philippines and Hawaii This latest annexation like that of Louisiana Florida Texas California and Alaska has boen criticised as un profitable Contemporary critics of their own country while they did not object to the annexations of Florida and Alaska on the political grounds on which thoy opposed those of Louisana Texas California and the islands still cen sured all as imposing burdens rather than conferring benefits Waiving any question of political morality such men were want to say it is evident that these new possessions will cost more than thoy come to We should not have taken them because they will be a source of expense rather than of gain And that argument while long since proved false with re gard to our older territories is still urged against the retention of our islands Some figures lately made public by the treasury bureau of statistics indi cate that the argument is being rapidly falsified by facts with regard to our latest acquisitions The annexation of non contiguous territory has been de nounced as a crime and an unprofitable crime by a great political party Yet in the last fiscal year these noncontigu ous territories afforded a market for 850000000 worth of mainland products or five times what they took in the fiscal year 1897 Our exports to Alaska have grown from 83900000 in 1897 to 815000000 in 1902 To Porto Rico the increase has been from 819S8000 to 810000000 To Hawaii the increase has been from lr 090000 to 820000000 and to the Philip pines the growth has been from 895000 to 85000000 These figures it should Vn in Tr nncn inlnr1a rrrrra cnnf jby the government for use of troops or 1V 111111 U111J1WJ CO UllV iUJUCOUUb hary mercantile transactions Nor is this benefit one sided Neither directly or indirectly are wo levying tribute on these possessions From Alaska and Hawaii we collect practically nothing for the national treasury for the reason that nearly all their imports come from the mainland From the Philippines and Porto Rico the nation receives no tax monev ac all All their revenues go into their local treasuries Furthermore our imports from these possessions have grown from 825250000 in 1S97 to 853000000 in 1902 Our im ports from Alaska were about S5000000 in 1897 and 815000000 in 1902 From Porto Rico the increase has been from 82181000 to 8S000000 From Hawaii it has been from 813687000 to 823000 000 From the Philippines it has been from Sl3a3000 to 87000000 This total trade of 8103000000 annually is in no sense an exploitation of territorial resources but benefits both parties as all honest trade does And in addition we are giving the islands real liberty real advancement and real civilization Chicago Inter Ocean CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Locghrax Pastor Episcoeal Services at St Albans Sunday as follows Sermon at 11 a m Even song and sermon at 8 All are welcome R M Hardmax Rector Christian Elder Evans of Arapahoe will preach both morning and evening at the usual hoursr All are most cordially invited to these services Committee Congregational Sunday school 10 Preaching 11 subject Gods Engrav ing on the Heart Christian Endeavor 7 Pastor will give a report of the Den ver meeting of the International Sun day school association at 8 oclock p in Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 using as topic the Sunday school lesson for the following Sabbath All are wel come to worship with us Rev Hart L Preston will occupy the pulpit F W Dean Pastor The H S C of the Congregational church held a very pleasant social last night Thursday inviting their friends to enjoy the hours with them at the church ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Alberta Kidder is up from Oxford guest of Miss Newkirk Misses May and Gertie Morrow went to Bloomington Tuesday morning on a visit J E Lovell came in from the west last night and will be in the city a few days on his way east Miss Sophia Reischeck returned from the asylum at Lincoln Monday on No 1 in good health and mentally restored Mrs George L Van Camp and Oscar Hughes of Red Cloud arrived in the city Tuesday and are looking over the city with an eye to engaging in business here Mrs Marie Mundy has gone up to the ranch near Hiawatha Dundy coun ty to be absent a month and Mr and Mrs W P Bross are occuping the resi dence in the interim Mrs F F Neubauer got as far as Oxford Tuesday on her way to Beaver City to visit the homefolks and met the folks coming this way to visit her She returned to McCook with them Tues day night Mother Always Keeps It Handy My mother suffered a long time from dis tressing pains and general ill health due pri marily to indigestion says L W Spalding Verona Missouri Two years ago I got her to try Kodol She grew better at once and now at the age of seventy sis eats anything sho wants remarking that she fears no bad effects as she has her bottle of Kodol handy Dont waste time doctoring ssmptoms go after the cause If jour stomach is sound your health will be good Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the body by digesting your food It is natures own tonic McConnell Berry DrugglstTakes Customers Advice Mound City Kansas October 22 1900 Dear sir I wish to add my endorsement and recommendation as to the merit of Dr Cald wells Syrup Pepsin I have sold it as a drug gist and it always gives satisfaction and my customers are loud In its praise I myself had been troubled with my stomach and hearing so many of my customers speaking of Syrup Pepsin I tried it with the result that it cured my trou ble I unhesitatingly recommend Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin as a laxative and stomach remedy Yours truly J M Hawkins SoldbyAMcMilleu ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS A new grindstone has been set upthis week Engine 383 is in the shop for an over hauling Auditor Sampson was af headquar ters yesterday Gus Budig and wife took a trip over tho Loop Sunday Gus Budig will be in charge of the new electric light system Agent F A Corbin of Heartwell has been transferred to Atlanta The Yankee twist drill grinder has been placed in the tool room Way car 07 from Denver is in the car penter shop for an overhauling Agent J W Bash of Republican City has returned from his vacation Sam Pickard has gone to work for the company and is now on the rod work Sam OConner helper at Blue Hill has been installed as agent at Mascot The new traveling crane and air lift in tho machine shop is now in operation Agent J L Magee of Mascot has been moved to Heartwell in the same capa city Tho Denver switch engine it in the shop and will be overhauled here or at Ilavelock Master Mechanic Archibald was an Omaha visitor Tuesday on business of tho company Jack Powers formerly in the boiler makers gang but late of North Platte is in tho city this week John Seibert from Bakersfield Cali fornia a son-in-law of M V Traver has gone to work as a machinist for the com pany Piecework Inspector Ackerman was out from Lincoln Tuesday Master Mechanic Cramer of Wymore was also at Western headquarters samo day Supt Campbells private car No 10 returned from Plattsniouth Sunday on No 5 being newly painted and having undergone some repairs and improve ments R II Manson late cashier at Mc Cook has been made agent at Grant vice T P F Haine transferred to Hern don to succeed Will Brown resigned and who will shortly join the Happersetts in California Lee Arnold sustained three gashes in one of his arms yesterday by having a piece of boiler steel they were engaged in cutting on tho air shears fly up and struck him over the arm A few stitches had to be taken in the cuts Another Heaviest Engine in the World The building of heaviest engines re minds us of the average railroad mans story the last man has the edge How ever the engine just recently built for the Atchison Topeka Santa Fe Co will for a while hold the belt It comes from the Baldwin Works and is a shape ly massive affair Its total weight is 267S00 pounds of which 237S00 pounds are carried on the five driving axles The next heaviest engine is also owned by the Santa Fe was built at Schnec tady and is but 8000 pounds lighter than the Baldwin engine Tho actual drawbar pull of the Baldwin engine when working up to its full power say at a speed of ten miles an hour is over 31 tons The engine is of the tandem compound type with piston valves The high pressure cylinder which has a diameter of 19 inches in placed forward of the low pressure cylinder which is 32 inches in diameter the two pistons be ing carried upon a common piston rod The stroke is 32 inches The high and low pressure valves are also carried on a common rod In addition to the regu lar Westinghouse the engine has a back pressure brake The ten driving wheels are 57 inches in diameter The driving axle journals measure 11x12 inches The boiler however is the colossal feature of the engine It is of the wagon top type and carries a working steam pressure of 225 pounds The diameter of the barrel is 6 feet 64 inches Firebox 9 feet in length by 6 feet 4 inches vide with a depth at the front of SO inches and at the back of 78 inches There are 463 tubes of 2J4 inches outside diameter which measure 19 feet in length over sheets Tne total heating surface in the tubes is 51588 square feet the firebrick tubes having a heating surface of 239 square feet while the heating surface in the firebox is 2103 square feet The grate area is 5S5 square feet The tender has a capacity of 7000 gallons of water An unusual feature is a pair of cranes one on each side of the smoke box for the purpose of facilitating the removal of the high pressure cylinder when it becomes ne cessary to inspect either the high-pressure piston or the piston rod packing be tween the two cylinders Acts Immediately Colds are sometimes more troublesome in summer than in winter it is so hard to keep from adding to them while cooling off after exercise One Minute Cough Cure cures at once Absolutely safe Acts immediately Sure cure for coughs colds croup throat and lung troubles McConnell Berry First Step Taken Sterling Col July 23 Special Telegraphic orders were received by the local United States land office this morn ing from the interior department at Washington withdrawing S90 townships embracing 900000 acres of land located in Weld VVashington Logan and Sedg wick counties in Colorado and Cheyenne county Nebraska from public entry This land is located on the north side of the South Platte river and extends from Snider to Julesburg into Nebraska The significance of this move cannot be overestimated It means that Hydro grapher Newell who last Saturday in spected in this section for a reservoir site has recommended to the depart- partment at Washington that this land be set aside for the first great national reservoir under the new irrigation law Now that this vast erea has been with drawn from entry the prelimiuary sur vey will begin at once If this survey is finally approved at Washington the building of the reservoir by the govern ment will be started Cnpid Ambtuhecl Mr Slowgait about to propose time 11 p m I am about to say something Miss Chillington that I should have said some time ago Look into my eyes and tell me if you can not guess what it is Miss Chilling ton suppressing a yawn You look as sleepy as I feel so I guess you must be going to say good night Chica go News CIRCUS DAY TO MORROW Long Heralded Engagement of Rlngllng Brothers Big Show at Hand The universal comment these days is that nothing really happens till tho cir cus comes to town As a matter of fact the near approach of circus day to morrow Saturday July 2G has aroused extraordinary local interest and indica tions point to a record breaking engage ment lor Ringliug Bros popular big show There are thousands of people who attend the performances of this great show who never go to any other circus They may bo called tne King ling constituency and thoy are loyal to this great show because they are always assured of a splendid exhibition and ab solutely fair treatment This is readily explained Great as tho show has been in former years this seasons display is grander and more comprehensive than ever before There are more horse3 more clever people more massive and gorgeous displays and more unique features than have ever before been pre sented while everything is now novel and strictly up-to-date Circus clay will be inaugurated with a magnificent free street parade Nothing like this bril liant display has ever been seen in this city The parade is two miles in length and is a revelation of professional wealth and splendor This stupendous display engages the services of over a thousand men women and children and fully five hundred thoroughbred horses There are over a hundred magnificently carved and gold illuminated cages dens and tableau floats Each of the thirty great sections in which the parade is divided would be ti lavish display for any other circus The procession will leave the show grounds at 10 oclock and tho route will be the usual one over the principal downtown streets Tho par ado is a fitting introduction to the great show that follows There will be two complete performances The initial one will take place at 2 oclock and the final one at 8 p m The doors however will be open one hour prior to the beginning of the exhibition and tho menagerie will be open for inspection both before and after the show There are three rings double stages great aerial spaces and a quarter mile hippodrome track and these are utilized by over 300 high class performers in a series of absolute ly unequaled arenic acts In addition to the acrobatic gymnastic and startling mid air numbers there is presented for the first time OBriens marvelously beautiful equine ballet millitant a great company of 40 fun making clowns an entire circus of trained wild animals in cluding bears seals sea lions dogs ponies and elephants a magnificent zoo logical display including the last of the girafTes and the most thrilling and ex hilarating hippodrome races since the days of ancient Rome Reserved num bered seats and admissions show day at McConnell Berrys drug store at ex actly the same price as charged at the regular ticket wagon on the show grounds Do you remember how we sold machine oil We are at it again THE BEE HIVE Contributions to Public Library Following is the list of books contributed to the library by Judge LeHew Seven volumes of IJuhvers novels- Five volumes of Charles Ii cades novel- Seven volumes of Alexander Dumas novel Three volumes of Washington Irvings Six thousand years of history in ten volumes Life of Henry W Grady by J C Harri History of our own times byJustiu McCarthy in two volumes McClellans Own Story by himelf Twenty Years of Congress- by Jamu i G Blaine Panorama of Nations by II T Cutler Memorial Addresses by James X Hums Byrons Poems First Battle by W J Bryan Stanley in Africa Faines Theological Works Howls Poems Lady of the Lake Scott Voices of the Night by Longfellow Pilgrims Progress Buuyon Great Humorists Autocrat of the Breakfast Table by Holmes Essays of Elia by Lamb Ivanlioe by Scott Swiss Family Kobiuson Poetic Pearls Popular Zoology The Long Lane by Ethel Caxton Paradise Lot by Milton She by Rider Haggard Longfellows Poem The Corner Houses Eliots Poems Father Ryans Poems John Halifax by Mis j Mulock Rogets Thesaurus of English Words Sears Picked Up Adrift by Demille Bret Harts Poem Katies Work by Emma Marshall History of Nebraska Barnes General History Les Miserabies by Victor Hugo live volumes Following list of books contributed to the library by C T Watson Bacons Essays The Cavalier by Cable Ideal Life by Drummond Addresses by Drummond Intellectual Life by Hamberton Life of Christ by Abbott Brooks Addresses Half Hours with Foreign Authors four volumes Following books were contributed by F D Burgess Hawaiian America by Whitney American Revolution two volumes Fiske Musketeers two volumes by Dumas Masters of Men by Robertson Dreamers of Ghetto by Zangwill Excursions of an Evolutionist Fiske Rubaivat of Omar Khayyan by Fitzgerald LAiglon by Rostand List of books presented to the public library bv A C Harlan and wife What All the Worlds a Seeking Ralph Walde Trine Xew Thought Essays Charles Brodie Patter son A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology two volumes Andrew D White Xatural Law in the Spiritual World Drum mond Junius Letters Studies in Psychic Science Tuttle The Koran Fragments of Science Tyndall The Subjective of Woman John Stuart Mill Scientific Demonstration of a Future Life by Hudson Cyclopedia of Bibical Literature two vol umes Kilo Tristrim Shandy Sterne Story of an African Farm Oliver Schreiner Review of Reviews 1901 C B Gray has- contributed a complete set in Charles Dickens works DONT BE hOOLED Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no iHcoiiPOHATiaisz tute ask your druggist 8A yrvrtrz This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets the remedy that cures a cold In one day Dont forget that we will save you money on machine oil at THE BEE HIVE a Butter Extraordinary Bargains Your Tongue If its coated your stomach is bad your liver is out of order Ayers Pills will clean your tongue cure your dys pepsia make your liver right Easy to take easy to operate 25c AH druggists Want your moustache or lienrd a beautiful brown or rich black Then use BUCKINGHAMS DYE at 50 cts or DRurriTS on R P Hail CO NASHUA N H MHnBaanaaaanMMaHtaM New Building at Lincoln A matter of interest to all our readers is the fact that Mr D E Thompson is having a handsome new building erected at the southeast corner of 11th and M streets in Lincoln which is to be the permanent home of Lincolns new even ing paper the Daily Star The new building is 48x90 two stories built of light colored pressed brick with dark red brick for trimmings and will have a frontage on both streets It will be the handsomest building at the state capital and will be fitted up as a model publish ing establishment Large glas3 win dows will give a full view from the side walk or street of the wonderful modern machinery used in newspaper making The Lincoln Daily Star will be a Ne braska paper Republican in politics but fair and courteous to its opponents and first of all it will be a newspaper full complete unabridged Associated Press service reliable markets and a special service covering local and state events The Daily Star will be sent by mail to any address one year for S3 6 months for 8150 or 3 months for 75c Send in your name now and begin with the first issue which it is hoped to have ready early in September No money need be sent until the paper has been issued A Postmaster Writes I wish to add my testimony to the genuine merit of Dr Caldwells Sjmp Pepsin I have tried many remedies but have found Syrup Pep sin superior to all other laxative and stomach medicines My wife and I both use it and know it does all you claim for it Yours sincerely C O Kinne Alma Kansas December 22 1002 Sold by A McMillen McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn S Wheat Oats Rve Hogs Jirrp 67 60 12 13 The Boss Worm Medicine H P Kumpe drupfrist Leightou Alabama writes One of my customers had a child which was sick and threw up all food and could retain nothing on its stomach He bought one J bottle of Whites Cream Vermifuee and it i brought up 119 worms from the child Its the 1 boss worm medicine in the world White3 Cream Vermifuge is also the childrens tonic It improves their digestion and assimilation of food strengthens their nervous system and re store them to the health vigor and elasticity of I spirit natural to childhood 25c A McMillen i In Summer Dress Goods and Trimmings Fancy Parasols and Ladies Belts Satur day July 26 and continuing through the following week We have a number of summer dress goods remnants which you will find at surprisingly low prices These will doubtless all go during the day Sat urday so come in early before the rush and select the best bargains During this sale we will sell a lot of 60c 65c and 75c Mens Work Shirts 43c Mens Cotton Socks 5c Ladies 10c gauze vests cc Ladies Black Hose 5c Beautiful Scotch Lawns per yard 5c and many more bargains too numerous to mention Ingrain Carpet Sale still continues at actual cost There are a few of those remnants of carpets left Call and look them over Remember Honest John when ordering Groceries and when buying Dry Goods Phone No 16 J H GRANNIS McCook Nebraska Ringling Brothers circus has a dozen great menage riders this season Dr Caldwells Sjrup Pepsin cures sick head ache Sold by A McMillen Ringling Bros aquarium which iy one of many features in the zoological display of the Worlds Greatest Shows presents a wonderfully complete collec tion of hippopotami sea lions seals Polar bears and other animals together wiih a superb display of water fowl including scores of peli cans storks flamingoes and wild game Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold ia ono day Xo cure no pay Price 25 cent Through Yellowstone Park The Burlington Route is organizing personally conducted excursion to and through Yellowstone Park to leave Ne braska points Tuesday August 5 Uncommonly low rates have been madt for this excursion The total expense of the trip will be less than 8100 If youre interested write for illus trated itinerary to J Francis General Passenger Agent Omaha 7 25 Bargains in Hardware A number of two burner Gasoline Stoves at 325 A regular 300 Clothes Wringer at 250 A few hundred feet of Rub ber Hose at 10 cents per foot A full line of Hay and Bun dle Forks at a greatly reduced price All kinds of Tin Granite and Galvanized Ware The best and most complete stock of Table and Pocket Cutlery which we are selling at the lowest possible figure Also a full line of Steel Ranges and Cook Stoves Everything in the Hardware Line at the lowest prices H P WAITE McCook 0 r7 J i I