The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 18, 1902, Image 4

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    8y F M
mk Jribwft
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
George W Morris McCook
Lieutenant Governor
Secretary of State
Treusn ror
Attorney General
Land CominiH ioiior
Supt Public Instruction
County Indue
County Attorney
Commissioner Firstdistrict
John II Mickey
EG McGilton
Georgo W March
Poter Mortensen
Charles Weston
Frank X Prout
George D Follmor
Win K Fowlor
J E Ha thorn
S L Gruiii
CE Eldred
D AWntcrmiiu
Brand Her as a Fraud
Omaha Neb July 15 1902
To thk Editor I am credibly in
formed that there is a lady from Chicago
traveling through Nebraska claiming to
represent the Nebraska Childrens
Homo society and signing Geo K
Hoovers name to the receipts which
we brand as a fraud and wo will pros
ecute hor to the full extent of tho law
if she can bo found and tho statement
verified of which there is no question
for the facts aro that wo have no lady
from Chicago canvassing for our Society
We nor any ono of our district superin
tendants have any acquaintance with
any lady from Chicago canvassing for
and Childrens Homo Society in Chi
cago their statements to the contrary
notwithstanding and neither have wo
any connection with the American
Homo Finding Society of Chicago as rep
resented by this lady whoso statements
are false in every particular so far as tho
Nebraska Children Homo society is
concerned and we hope that no one will
be misled by this false representation
Our workers all carry credentials signed
by tho State Superintendent Rev E
P Quivey and by Dr W O Henry
president of tho Society and all may
know to whom they aro giving
E P Quivey State Supt
Theiik is some curiosity over the dis
trict as to whether or not Congressman
Shallenberger will remove his name from
the official directorate of his Alma bank
A St Louis court has decided that it
is both legal and proper for a wife to go
through her husbands pockets and take
what money she may find It is a de
cision which will tend to help along that
satorial reform which is designed to do
away with pockets in mens clothing
Washiugtou Post
This is tho generation of generous
gifts above all others In the history of
mankind when was there ever an era in
which liberal benefactions were more
conspicuous Colleges and churches
hospitals and asylums houses of relief
institutions of every sort which do good
have been endowed and equipped with
lavish bounty New York Tribune
The grain dealers insist that the
farmers of Nebraska are losing several
cents a bushel on their great wheat crop
by neglecting to stack it and failing to
give it time to sweat before threshing
k The town man usually makes himself
ridiculous by offering advice to the ex-
J perienced farmer but Nebraska has
been growing winter wheat but a com
paratively short time and the secrets of
fVic cnil nnrl nlimnfo in fhoir rnlnfirn fr
Lome in ana see us aoout your
machine oil Our price is right
Good oil is a good thing We
have it at THE BEE HIVE
Dvsoeosia Cure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds ol
food It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure It allows you to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
Stomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
Cured after everything else failed It
prevents formation of gas on thestom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take
Ji cant help
but do you good
Prepared only by E O DeWitt Co Chicago
Ibo 1 bottfo contains SH times tho 50c size
The Republican state and congres
sional tickets are giving quite general
satisfaction ovor the districts and state
Kinkaid is conceded to bo an honor
able man with a very strong personal
following which fact gives great strength
to any man For govornor every one
admits ho is a strong man in every way
Strong in character in honor and with
the people It is a strong endorsement
for any one when ho is well thought and
spoken of at home John II Mickey
has these requisites Both congression
al and state tickets will undoubtedly bo
winners Kearney Journal
Thk Washington correspondents are
saying thnt the politicians aro utterly at
a loss to account for tho strength of tho
movement all over tho United States
among tho rank and file of tho republi
can party to make President Roosevelt
the leader in tho campaign of 1901 The
Cuban reciprocity matter has perhaps
been responsible for tho strength of tho
declarations made by numerous state
conventions In some of tho states as
in Nebraska tho republicans contented
themselves with indorsing the
onts course in dealing with Cuba while
in others he was indorsed and declared
to bo the choice of the state for a renom
ination two years hence The strength
of the president with the people seems
to have put a stop to all talk of bringing
out new candidates before tho national
convention in 1901 Lincoln Journal
this industry are not yet known to the 3ubscriPtion niaT be sent after the
has been issued
average man in the business The adj
vice oi cue gram aeaiers is prompted dVj
a desire to save tho quality of the crop
It is the result of the best experience off
the winter wheat states farther east If -X
it is adopted generally it will no doubtl
save many hundreds of thousands of
dollars to the state Lincoln Journal
Lake Shores Fast Time
Chicago 111 July 13 Running 481
miles in 4G0 minutes tho Twentieth
Century Limited on the Lake Shore
Michigan Southern road today broke
records for fast running on that system
and verified assertions made by officials
that a sixteen hour schedule could if
necessary bo maintained between Chi
cago and New York Tho train forty
five miles west of Buffalo was two hours
and twenty eight minutes behind its
schedule and then it was that the en
gineers were given a clear track and
ordered to make their best time over tho
various divisions
The train covered the 131 miles be
tween Rockton and Cleveland in 131
minutes From Cleveland to Toledo tho
engineer pushed along over tho 113 miles
at some points at a speed reaching
ninety miles an hour covering the dist
ance in 103 minutes Tho run to Elkhart
Intl 122 miles was covered in 115 min
utes The run into Chicago from Elk
hart was slower on account of the neces
sity in slowing down ptissing
through three towns where the speed of
trains is limited by ordinance Slow
downs were also necessary for the four
teen grade railroad crossings in Chicago
Despite these delays tho 101 miles were
covered in 111 minutes and the train
which was due in the city at 9 45 oclock
a m arrived at the Grand Central
passenger station only twenty eight
minutes late
The Lincoln Daily Star
The fact thatLincoln is to have a live
progressive up-to-date evening paper
will be good news to the people of the
state It will fill a field that has long
beeen practically vacant and we under
stand will be conducted on broad lines in
the interest of the material advancement
of the whole state That it will be a
Republican paper giving forth no uncer
tain sound eroes without saying ana
when it is further known that Mr D E
Thompson is tho organizer and president
of the company no one will question its
stability or success It will be mailed
to any address one year for S3 6 months
for 150 or 3 months for 75 cents Ad
vance subscriptions are now being taken
and if you desire to receive the Star be
ginning with the firsjSuV sbTiyouXj
name ana aaqresg jy The Star Publish
ing Co Lunin Neb The money for
Fillings since last report
Willirm Hall vs Anna Hall equity
In the matter of tho estate of Curtis
L Hileman petition to sell real estate
Mary L McMains vs Burtis L Mc
Mains divorce
McKinley Lanning Loan and Trust
Co vs Olivia Enyeart et al equity
The State of Nebraska vs R B Camp
bell compounding drugs without being
a registered pharmacist Pleaded guilty
and was fined ten dollars and costs
Complaint was signed by Charles L
Stillman secretary state board of phar
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 10rfU a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Sunday school at 10 am
Sermon at 11 a m Even song and ser
mon at 8 p m Come
R M Hardman Pastor
Baptist Sunday school 945 a m
Young Peoples meeting at 7 p m
Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 8 pm
G L White Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Preaching at 11 Epworth League at 7
Preaching at 8 p m Special music at
oth services The sacrament of
ism admimsterea at morning service
and probations received into full con
nection Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening L M Grigsby Pastor
The Perfect Liver Medicine
Mrs JL A Jolley Noble O T writes I
liavo used Horbine for a number of years and
cheerfully recommend it as tho most perfect
liver medicine and tho greatest blood purifier
It is a medicine of positive merit and fully ac
complishes all that is claimed for it Malaria
cannot find lodpment in tho system while the
livor is in perfect order for ono of its functions
is to prevent the absorption of fever producing
poisons Herbino is a most eiiicient liver regu
lator 50c at A McMillens
The Boss Worm Medicine
II P Kumpo druggist Leighton Alabama
writes Ono of my customers had a child
which was sick and threw up all food and could
retain nothing on its stomach He bought ono
bottle of Whites Cream Vermifugo and it
brought up 119 worms from tho child Its the
boss worm medicine in tho world Whites
Cream VormifuRo is also tho childrens tonic
It improves their digestion and assimilation of
food strengthens their nervous system and re
store them to tho health vigor and elasticity of
spirit natural to childhood 25c A McMillen
Cures Sciatica
Rov W L Riley LL D Cuba New York
writes After fifteen years of excruciating
pain from sciatic rheumatism under various
treatments 1 was induced to try Ballards Snow
Liniment the first application giving my first
relief nnd tho second entiro relief 1 can give
it unqualified recommendation Price 2oc 50c
and 100 at A McMillens
l WUTtlM3
Only Spaclmen Known to Exist with
Ringling Bros Great Menagerie
Tho only giraffe known to exist in tho
world is a feature of Ringling Brothers
menagerie and will bo exhibited in con
nection with their great zoological dis
play when tho show comes to McCook
Saturday July 2G There was a time
when giraffes were comparatively plen
tiful but to day tho species is practically
extinct Tho traveler in Europe may
visit every noted zoological garden on
the continent without finding a singlo
specimen of tho curious animal while
tho giraffe hunter of Central Africa has
become a memory Ruthlessly hunted
as tho Buffalo on tho American prairies
was hunted to the point of decimation
there are no longer wild specimens of
tho girafTe to take tho place of those
that have succumbed to the effects of
captivity and tho western climate ind
when this last lone representative of a
noble species is gone the giraffe will bo
extinct Commercially the value of
this animal cannot be estimated in fig
ures It is doubtful whether any sum
of money could be named that would in
duce Ringling Brothers to part with it
Its great value and intorest however
is not solely tho result of its rarity It
is in itself the most interesting and re
markable of wild beasts Its great neck
and lofty reach give it a distinct individ
uality It is the most timid and deli
cate of animals and requires the con
stant caro and companionship of its
keeper It feeds on hay fresh grasses
herbs and fruit but so far as known it
never touches water Its thirst is slaked
with milk It never utters tho least
vocal sound and yet expresses its affec
tion in the most demonstrative way It
is an animal that repays study and nat
uralists and scientists as well as tho
public come hundreds of miles to see it
Ringling Bros menagerie is a colossal
exhibition of all that is most interesting
and curious in the zoological world
The magnitude of the collection is suf
ficiently indicated when tho statement
is made that in addition to tho giraffe
it embraces thirty big and littlo ele
phants with scores of other led animals
and a hundred dens cages and lairs of
rare wild beasts There is an aquarium
with hippopotami seals sea lions and
other water frequenting animals an
aviary with hundreds of gorgeously
plumaged birds a childrens menagerie
vastly enlarged this season with scores
of tiny cages containing monkeys apes
chimpanzees and other animals dear to
childhood and many other zoological
displays of superlative interest The
menagerie is a magnificent vestibule to
the main hippodrome pavillion where
under the largest canvas canopy every
erected there is given a great triple ring
circus performance introducing hun
dreds of the worlds greatest arenic
stars and presenting the grandest spec
tacular displays that the human mind
has ever conceived A magnificent free
street parade proceeds the exhibition
in this city
The people of the Laurel Dell neigh
borhood will build a new frame school
house on tho north side of C R New
berrys place about midway between
his house and the section line east Mr
Newberry donated tho land
Do you remember how we sold
machine oil We are at it again
l Tribune Clubbing List
r or cbtliienco of readers of Tun Teibuxe
wo have made ari mengwith the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup
ply them in combination with Tnc Tribune at
the following very low prices
Detroit Free Press
Leslies Weekly
Prairie Farmer
Chicago Inter Ocean
Cincinnati Enquire
1 00
4 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
New York Tribune 1 00
Domorests Magazine 1 00
Toledo Blade 1 00
Nebraska Farmer 1 00
Iowa Homestead 1 00
Lincoln Journal 1 00
Campbells Soil Culturo 1 00
New York World 1 00
Cosmopolitan Magazine 1 00
St Louis Republic 1 00
Kansas City Star 25
FarmaudHome 1 00
Word and Works 1 00
Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00
51 50
3 00
1 25
1 35
1 50
1 25
1 75
1 25
1 65
1 25
1 75
1 50
1 65
1 SO
1 75
1 20
1 20
1 70
1 50
1 SO
Wo are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
Tiie Tribune McCook Neb
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wl5 It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never 5od
in bulk Accept no substi
tute Ask your druggist
This signature is on every box of tho genuine
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets
the remedy that euros a cold In ono day
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska July 7 1902
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment tin sent D A Waterman Mau
rice Reddy and J II Bennett county commis
sioners R Starr county attorney and E J
Wilcox county clerk Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved
The board having made n careful examina
tion of the accounts of E J Wilcox find that lie
has received as fees from January Oth to Juno
30th both inclusive Kb930 The board having
made a careful examination of the accounts of
CE Eldred county judge find thnt he has re
ceived as fees from January 9th to June 30th
1902 both inclusive 11227
1 lie board on motion commenced tho exami
nation of the accounts of O L Thompson coun
ty treasurer and continued the same during tho
On motion board adjourned to meet Julv 8th
Attest KJ Wilcox D A Waterman
County Clerk Chairman
McCook Nebraska July 8 1902
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment present D A Waterman J II
Bennett and Maurice Reddy county commis
sioners W R Starr county attorney ami K J
Wilcox county clerk The minutes of previous
meeting were read and approved
Board continued the examination of the ac
counts of O L Thompson county treasurer
through the day
On motion board adjourned to meet July 9th
Attest E J Wilcox D A Waterman
County Clerk Chairman
McCook Nebraska July Oth 1902
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment present D A Waterman J H
Bennott and Maurice Reddy county commis
sioners W It Starr county attorney and E J
Wilcox county clerk Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved
The board having made a careful examina
tion of the accounts of O L Thompson county
treasurer find that lie has received as fees from
January 9th to June JSOth 19U2 both inclusive
as follows
As commissions 1159 01
As miscellaneous fees 461 i0
Total li2 S9
The board having made a careful examina
tion of the accounts of G C Boatman clerk of
the district court find that he has received as
fees from January 9th 1902 to June 30th 1902
both inclusive 2b591
The board having make a careful examina
tion of tho accounts of A C Crabtree sheriff
find that he has received as fees from January
9 1902 to June 31 1K2 both inclusive SiOS50
Institute report of E S Butcher was examin
ed and on motion approved and ordered placed
on file
On motion the treasurer
was instructed to re
fund to W A Richardson 300 the amount of
poll tax erroneously assessed to him in 1001 and
paid by him under proteM
On motion board adjourned to meet July 10
Attest E J Wilcox D A Waterman
County Clerk Chairman
McCook Nebraska July 01 1902
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
o adjournment present D A Waterman J II
JHmneit aim luauncc tfeiuiy county commis
sioners W R Starr county attorney and E J
Wilcox county clerk Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved
On motion the treasurer
was instructed to re
fund to L R Rodstrom 00 the amount of
poll tax erroneously assessed to him in 1901 and
paid by him under protest
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on county general fund levy of 1902 in
payment thereof as follows
II P Waite lawn mower seed etc 13 bO
J A Wilcox groceries for pauper s 00
A Guy same y on
State Journal Co blanks 9 75
McCook Tribune printing and supplies 58 90
Andrew Phillips salary janitor for June 25 00
uiucoiu owater tax quarter end
in g 9- M902
E J Wilcox postage of lice expense
G C Boatman same
W R Starr salary 2nd quarter
E S Dutcher same and ollice expenses
Maurice Reddy service as commissioner
D A Waterman same
J II Bennett same
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
WHEATOSE Bargains in Hardware
If you want s good
food for your child
ren try Wheatose
It is easily and
quickly prepared
and very healthful
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit
All reliable grocers
have it
California Breakfast Food
A number of two burner
Gasoline Stoves at 325
A regular 300 Clothes
Wringer at 250
A few hundred feet of Rub
ber Hose at 10 cents per foot
A full line of Hay and Bun
dle Forks at a greatly reduced
All kinds of Tin Granite and
Galvanized Ware
The best and most complete
stock of Table and Pocket
Cutlery which we are selling
at the lowest possible figure
Also a full line of Steel
Ranges and Cook Stoves
Everything in the Hardware
Line at the lowest prices
12 no
6 95
3 20
200 00
229 85
20 20
juiuricu xieuuy money advanced 1 00
And on county bridge fund levy of 1902 as fol
James Toner bridge work v rn
Fred Lyon same 4 X
Rex Miles same 4 50
W N Enyeart same 4 00
B IT Leisure Son nails 4 41
George Mimtz bridge work 4 00
J II Ball same qq
Piatt Cumming same 4 00
Fred Waterman same 4 m
Chas Rogers same 50
F P Eno spikes 5
And on the county road fund levy of 1902 as
W L East road work 10 CO
T K Quigley same en
The petition of J R Ned T A End ley ilnd
others asking for a bridge across the Republi
can river on or near the section line between
section twenty 20 and twenty one 21 town
ship three CH range twenty eight 2 west of
the 6th P M in Red Willow county was read
and on motion same was granted and clerk was
instructed to advertise for sealed bids for the
construction and furnishing material for the
On motion the clerk was instructed to adver
tise for sealed bids for repairing and rebuilding
and furnishing material for the bridge across
the Republican river located in section 24
township 3 range 28 west of the 6th P M in
Red Willow county
On motion board adjourned to meet August
5th 1902
Attest EJWilcox D A Waterman
County Clerk Chairman
Dont forget that we will save you
money on machine oil at
In order to make room for our new fall line of
carpets we have decided to begin now and offer
any piece of strictly all wool ingrain carpet
which has been selling for 70c and 75c at the
actual cost price of 55c All those 60c and
65c all wool ingrain carpets at 45c Cheaper
ingrain and hemp carpets we are also selling
at greatly reduced prices Call and see them
we nave also measured up ana it you can use
one or more of them they are yours regardless
of cost or value Following are the lengths
834 yards of the 75c AIlWool Ingrain
5 yards of the 75c All Wool Ingrain O
jl3 yards of the 75c All Wool Ingrain Jr
c yards of the 75c AIIWooI Ingrain f
10 yards of the 75c All Wool Ingrain A
6 yards of the 75c All Wool Ingrain A
lolA yards of the 50c Wool Ingrain
11 yards of the 50c Wool Ingrain O
1234 yards of the 40c Ingrain V
3V3 yards of the 40c Ingrain Jf
854 yards of the 40c Ingrain A
13 yards of the 40c Ingrain X
Call Early and Get Best Values
New Scotch Lawns
just received at 5c yard
Fresh Groceries received daily
Highest price paid for Country Produce P
Phone 16
Does your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth Its
your liver Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure consti
pation headache dyspepsia
25c All druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then uso
for the
50 era of Druggists or R P hall A Co Nashua NH
Ringling Brothers trained animal dis
play introduces Capt Webbs juggling
seals Prof Woods dog and pony circus
and Pearl Sounders famous herd of
twenty comedy elephants This display
of trained animal feature surpasses any
thing of the kind ever seen in this coun
A Postmaster Writes
I wish to add my testimony to the genuine
merit of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin I have
tried many remedies but have found Syrup Pep
sin superior to all other laxatives and stomach
medicines My wife and I both use it and know
it does all you claim for it
Yours sincerely C O Kinne
Alma Kansas December 22 1902
Sold by A McMillen
grannis I
McCook Neb
Through Yellowstone Park
The Burlington Route is organizing a
personally conducted excursion to and
through Yellowstone Park to leave Ne
braska points Tuesday August
Uncommonly low rates have been mad
for this excursion The total expense of
the trip will be less than 100
If youre interested write for illus
trated itinerary to J Francis Genera
Passenger Agent Oinalui 7 2T
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
Laxative Rromo Quiuino Tablets cure a coin iir
ono day Xo cure no pay Pric 2
Vr SmySy
knowingly hny nn clean
for your table7
How under tlio sun can bulk
coffees constantly exposed
to dirt and dust be clean7
comes in sealed pound
packages only thus in
suring freshness strength
flavor and uniformity
RECAPITULATION showing the amount on hand Januarv 8th 10R re
collections since made warrants redeemed and amount remaining on hand at the
close of the thirtieth day of June 1902 in each and all of the several funds and
accounts of O L Thompson Treasurer Red Willow county Nebraska together
with the total amounts of the several items stated
Amount on Amount w Amiunt
KIXDOFFUXD Hand La t Since TOTAL ams
Settlomen t Collected Redeeinf d
on a
General 121 74 41 47 24 41 1 77 121017
Sinking 13M 12 96 2tJ M v0 y Kf
School U JGO -2131 M3 91 nr V Vr 17
University rl a bi 7 HH 1J NH II 21S 3f
Institute Feeble Minded 1 -1 147 2 9i 2 fe5 13
Relief 1 0 1 i 2 97 2S it
Principal 90 10 9 0 10 9 0 10
Interest 109126 J99 51 1 593 77 lGfll 70 s 07
Lease 0G3 31 1070 12 2033 7J IaSB 3J 197 r
General JJ2G 50 9143 23 I0C 73 613175 453J 9
I5ride G17 90 iXHi til smi 1042 91 28S 7
Sinking 1205132 7 42 12971 12933 71
Road 11 1 59350 779 71 405 i9 23 Ki
Soldiers Relief 21G 3b 240 39 J2 77 120 99 311 h7
fountv School 52 00 50 itt 50 57 00 3 U
District Road 122134 1732 91 29512s l5 95 VUVU
Di trict School C0 2 50 23902 01 SCOW 31 19223 S3
Di trict School Bond 1595170 4j23 35 2057- 05 1121 39 1915G
Interest 712 51 712 51 712 51
Advertising 20 104 20 110 2V
Ka t Valley Precinct 4M 4 81 j n
North Valley Precinct 1799 j 5 C13 CO 5115 51 313s 79 2278 72
Willow Grove Precinct 7277 07 134175 fcOLS f 2 5 0 71 HS Uy
Indianola Precinct s3 64 Hj -150 SI 5i
Rartlev Villace Bond S6 72 245 M 1122 5t 101211
McCook City Bond 2059 1- S71 b0 2930 f 71 23CO 7
BartleyVillace 27 01 157 05 lit 00 133 3 50 6S
Indianola Village 37 71 0 77 33 31192 2 y
McCook City 105 91 4239 51 4340 42 4129 52 216 90
Danhury Village C 70 9177 9s 33 53 35 gg i
Redemption Taz Sale 072 09 474b lb 5720 b7 5329 9b 3
Judgnu nt School District No 17 70 17 lb 31 -vi 4- b3 175
Social School District No 10 207 57 102 20a 59 203 65 4 91
Siiocial School District No 29 25 75 25 75 25 75
High School 3 1b 3 1b 3 ls
Banklnterest 6S0 95 COS 93 653 93
E tate Thomas Glason Deceased 3 03 3 0c 3 0
Miscellaneous fees 31 aS 461 0 401 bS
j 59455 SI C6043 ii 5125313 2b C7S13 SS 5770140
L County Treasurers Commissions and Fees I20bS
Balance S5333J51