T m r N A RUPTURE CURED territory NO KNIFK NO IAIN no detention from business Wo refer to thousands of Urfit1 nntlnnra In TJohrntitn iri t Whv natronlza Eanlnrn fiiVlrii when mn nn ini itii T J n abROluto Kuaranteo in every case Send for clrculura THE EMPIRE RUPTURE CO 932 33 Now York Lite Building Omaha Nebraska E tif Sri itl StWWW H 1000 VALUABLE PRIZES Eight SemiMonthIy Cash Prizes iviiLi FREE Contributed by the DEFIANCE STARCH CO and the Business Men ol Omaha Neb as Premiums on the COMMON STOCK of the OMAHA AUDITORIUM CO Send for Auditorium Stock Tickets costing TWENTY FIVE CENTS EACH and Ret an Interest in the Auditorium and TWO FREE GUESSES one on the election in fi nnk uk StaC ncxt Novcraber which may capture the S5000 in Gold or some of the 1000 other pmcsj and anstner on the amount of money contained in a certain package guaranteed to contain between S50 and S500 The Best Estimates Get the Prizes The votes cast for ALL the candidates for governor during the past ten years are as follows 1891 1165085 1894 1275571 1896 1434046 1898 1359190 1900 1 556520 1902 WHAT This is Everybodys Chance Begin Now Some One is Going to Get 5000 for 25 Cents and Hundreds of Dollars in Special and other Prizes For the convenience of those who desire to purchase these tickets whero no agency is established orders for ticketa may be sent to Francis E Net tleton Supt Omaha Neb enclosing price of tickets wanted in money order draft registered letter or cash cash at owners risk and the tickets will be sent promptly By sending the estimates that it is desired to make with name and address the premium and special prize tickets will be made out and filed and the stock tickets and receipt sent to owners Write for Prize List and Rules Mention this paper 5000 IIN GOLD FREE Frif IK T - lJlmlr r Vnn 9 IfJc Packages of DEFIANCE Starch To everyone who will send to the Auditor ium Co or the De fiance Starch Co Omaha Neb 13 trade marks cut from 10 ct or 1C oz packages of fBSk DKFIANCE STARCH will be sent an torium Stcck and Guessing ticket which sells for 25 cts giving you a guess in this great contest to win 5000 TJST GOLD or Borne one cf the 1000 other prizes If you cannot get Defiance Starch of your grocer we will send it to you express prepaid including one ticket upon receipt of the price of the starch The Defiance Starch Co Omaha Nebraska- Wm money refunded EUREKA Suddenly It injures the nervous system to do so Use BACO CURO and it will tell you when to stop as it takes away the desire for tobacco You have no right to ruin your health spoil your digestion and poison your breath by using the filthy weed A guarantee in each box Price Sl00 per box or three boxes for S250 with guarantee to cure or At all good Druggists or direct from us Write for free booklet CHEMICAL COc - La Crosse BROWNELL HAUL A well equipped school for girls Graduates of Vassar college Radcliff college the Womans college of Baltimore the university of Nebraska and the university of Chicago included in the corps of instructors for 1902 03 Music art and the modern languages taught by women of e tended residence in European capitals under the instruction of the best masters Gives good general education and pre pares for any college open to women Principals certificate admits to college Special attention to the development of Individuality and also the development of a sense of social responsibility Thorougmess insisted upon as essential to char acter building Out door sports and a lar re new sunny gymnasium equipped with Swedish apparatus Physical training daly under the direction of a professional Instructor Happy home life Terms moJerate Send for catalogue AddresB Miss Macrae Principal Omaha B I It is the purest cleanest starch made I I I It is free of injurious chemicals I II It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid I JE II to use starch of any kind I m I I Thats Defiance Your grocer sells it I 1 I 1 THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO I I I I OMAHA NEB I I W N U Omaha il2EJ No 291902 rw n m miii mi ii in nksi nST UUHtnVHffinU tLSETwLS T jj Best Cough Syrup Taste Good Use 3 Ea In time Sold by druggists raSESS The article in common use as food which has the greatesl food value in proportion to cost is cornmeal the article having the greatest cost in pro portion to its food value is the 03 ster A wise man never takes a pennj for his thoughts sjensece9ssuEaasstntaiSSsaaBaa THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations from South Omaha and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA CATTLE There were only a few beef steers in the yards and nothing arrived that was choice The bulk of the offer ings was mude up of what would be called fair to good cattle and on such kinds the market was slow and lower The cattle that sell from 7 down have taken quite a drop within the last week and in fact are right around SOc lower than they were a week ago Packers do not seem to want that class of stuff but they are very anxious for choice cattle and aro ready to pay strong prices for them Strictly choice cows were ac tive and steady Bulls and calves and stags did not show much change if they were of good quality but the common kinds were slow and weak Stockers and feeder- of good quality and fish com manded strong prices this morning and everything offered was picked up in good season There was little demand though for the common kinds and on huch the market was no more than steady HOGS Trading was not active at any time but still the bulk was disposed of in good season The fact that trains were slow about arriving and that no body knew how many would finally be on sale made buyers a little cautious but still the market was in good shape all things considered Along toward the last end the feeling was a little weaker but then most of the betters hogs were picked out The bulk of the heavy hogs sold from 783 to S00 Medium weights went largely from 77u to 783 and the lighter loads from 775 down SHEEP There was a liberal supply of sheep but a large proportion of the of ferings were sold to arrive What was left the packers bought up In good shape at steady prices They all seemed to be anxious for the better grades and the market on such kinds could safely be quoted steady and active The commoner grades were of course neglected the same as usual but still nearly every thing was disposed of in good season Some Idaho wethers sold as high as 340 and yearlings brought 300 KANSAS CITY CATTLE Best steers dully steady to 2oc lower cows lower stockers steady to 23c lower choice export and dressed beef steers SXXS840 fair to good 450 W790 stockers and fe eders 3XXg 500 western fed steers 475SCO0 Texas and Indian steers 2156525 Texas cows 200 r350 native cows 175jr525 native heifers 34OtiC10 canners 100550 bulls 2000500 calves 340G525 HOGS Market steady to 5c lower top S10 bulk of sales 775SQ5 heavy S05 IS10 mixed packers 79o1IS10 light S7G51r792 yorkers 7S0Ci792M pigs 715 SHEEP AND LAMBS Sheep steady lambs 15c lower native lambs 455G00 western lambs 41O400 native weth ers 420490 western wethers 325 445 fed ewes 330420 Texas clipped yearlings 340400 Texas clipped sheep 3001035 stockers and feeders 200S300 WATER CURE NOT A TORTURE Such is Argument of Counsel for Cap tain Ryan MANILA July 12 The court-mar- tial of Captain James A Ryan of the Fifteenth cavalry on the charge of un necessary severity to natives was con cluded today It is believed that he will be acquitted The accused during the days proceedings made a lengthy statement defending his actions and Major Edwin F Glenn Fifth infantry counsel for the captain strongly pleaded for his exoneration He contended that the water cure was not torture and asserted that its use had saved more American and Filipino lives than other expedients of the campaign The major scored Judge Rhode for making a report that he was unable to substantiate and quoted a score of orders for the exe cution of guerillas during the civil war to justify Captain Ryan CARING FOR IOWAS INSANE New Hospital Must Be Built Every Eight Years DES MOINES la July 12 Fig- ures were given out by the state board of control today showing the totali number of insane persons in the state July 30 to be 4526 an increase of 136 over the previou year The aver age increase for the past three years has been about 125 and at this rate it will be necessary for the state to build another hospital accommodating 1000 patients every eight years The new hospital at Cherokee is ilust being completed and is badly needed as the others are overcrowd ed Following were the number of in sane in the state June 30 of each year as shown by the reports of the board In 1899 4149 1900 4294 1901 4390 1902 4526 Condition ef the Treasury WASHINGTON July 12 Todays statement of the treasury balances in the general fund exclusive of the 150000000 gold reserve in the di vision of redemption shows Avail able cash balance 200037632 gold 104340823 Death of Mrs Vaile DENVER Colo July 12 Mrs Joel E Vaile the author who wrote books and short stories for children is dead at her home in this city after a long illness Rhodes Clay Dies of Wounds MEXICO Mo July 12 Rhodes Clay representative in the Missouri assembly and recently nominated for a second term is dead as the result of pistol wounds inflicted by C A Barnes a young attorney Five shots were fired during the fight which took place in front of the postoffice Clay being shot through the breast and Barnes having his wrist shattered by a ball from his opponents revolver Barnes is under arrest 1r iinwnrrTWTnr m The mill will rrtTt grind with the water that has passed until water runs uphill Supreme Coyrt Sustains the Foot Ease Trade Mark Justice Laughlln in Supreme Court Buffalo has ordered a permanent in junction with costs and a full ac counting of sales to issue against Paul B Hudson the manufacturer of the foot powder called Dr Clarks Foot Powder and also aguinst a retail dealer of Brooklyn restraining them from making or selling the Dr Clarks Foot Powder which is declar ed in the decision of the Court an imitation and infringement of Foot Ease the powder to shake into your shoes Allen S Olmsted of Le Roy N Y is the owner of the trade mark Foot Ease Similar suits will bo brought against others who are now infringing on the Foot Ease trade mark and common law rights In Memory of Foe The building in which Edgar Allen Poe edited the Southern Literary Mes senger in Richmond Va is still standing and it is proposed to place a suitable commemorative tablet on its walls Hul The Pope Likes His Present The pope was highly delighted with President Roosevelts gift of a com plete set of the hitters work and has issued orders with mosaics of St Peters and the Vatican be transmitted to the president with his thanks These mosaics are magnificent speci mens of this branch of art and are made at the Vatican workshops If jou wish iKMiutiful clear whito clothes uso Red Cross Hall JJluo Largo 2 oz package 5 cents Egyptian Cotton in Texas Egyptian cotton is being mtiodu nl in Texas and promises to revolution ize the cotton industry of thn South It is much more than the cotton raised r the United Saes now nn is even better than the sea island cotton The Egyptian cotton has much longer fiber than other cot tons and its seed can be removed so easilv that it is not necessary to rut up the cotton in ginning it Try One Package If Defiance Starcn does not please you return it to your dealer It it does you get one third more for the same money It will give you satis faction and will not stick to the iron 7njuTs K Xr M in Nebraska 5 Chicago Nebraska Kansas in Nebraska G I Wyoming Central in Nebraska Lincoln Black Hiljs in Nebraska Lincoln t2r Northwestern in Nebraska Nebraska Colorado in Nebraska Nebraska Railway in Nebraska Omaha Southwestern in Nebrask TAXE iwi u nnwiiifwn ijih CbJBpMUaHMKagdM SOLD ON MERIT CHANDLERS CREAM EXTRACTOR Vc It two wept If notaHreprcirntPtl money n fmiilcil liniiitilliittly Ki wa ter In the mlltc Uttnuvea otl mlir lcitltKurHwettmllic llaUcsereum quickly Siivrs money ami Iiilxir twlco cwryilay Atttntx prlro to IlmllniyiT In each lot all ty 0 F GHAWMER c CO 421 W itb St Kimat City Ho OMAHA LVSTlTfTi Otirt of the Let SPP rV Kreleynyiitrtii Ct an h only eeley Inututo in uniMLi lures UrunkcnQes Cueg Drup Uieri Itooklt t free lititne trcut merit for Toliutro H1I1U mat t5 Attlre H 724 S 10th Street ALL WRI0BT F0R MORE THAN HALP A CENTURY FOR WEAK INFLAMED EYES AND EYELIDS PrJco 25 Cants All Druaol 4 WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILL CO tiev Yoffe a rHThcmpsoiTs Eya Water BlE5SfcS Health will come with all its blessings to those who know the way and it is inainly a ques tion of right living with all the term implies hut the efforts which strengthen the system the games which refresh and the foods which nourish are important each in a way while it is also advantageous to have knowledge of the best methods of promoting freedom from unsani tary conditions To assist nature when nature needs assistance it is all important that the medicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value and the one remedy which acts most beneficially and pleasantly as a laxative is Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical ills are of a transient char acter and yield promptly to the gentle action of Syrup of Figs gladness and comfort come to the heart and if one would remove the torpor and strain and congestion attendant upon a con stipated condition of the system take Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the aches ami pains the colds and headaches and the depression due to inactivity of the bowels In case of any organic trouble it is well to consult a competent physician but when a laxative is required remember that the most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs It is for sale by all reliable druggists Trice fifty cents per bottle The excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from the beneficial effects of the plants used in the combination and also from the method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product essential in a perfect family laxative All the members of the family from the youngest to the most advanced in years may use it whenever a laxative is needed and share alike in its beneficial effects We do not claim that Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of known value hut it possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that it acts gently and pleasantly without disturbing natural functions in anyway as it is free from every ob jectionable quality or substance To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genuine and the full name of the Co California Fig Syrup Co is printed on the front of every package AE1FWKIIA Louisville Ky i TrWlPf San Francisco Cal Amount of Taxes Paid by Nebraska New York N Y ISSUED UNDER AUTHORITY OP THE RAILROADS OE TrrTTfruni 3foro 11 t clock noon August A D IM ud bids to mlorvtl IJiiN for Red Willow hridne tmniii inner rc rvi the rislit to reject any and all bit- Dated tluVJth day of July A I IUC 4 1 E J Wim ox Cuimtj flerk ADVERTISEMENT FOR RIDS Notice is lorebyfjiveu that the conn Per Mile by Each CokM CO Statement of the Amount of Taxes Paid for the vear 1900 in ros the Republican river s outhue rt t Hiiola in section U town hij ranice Z west tlioGth PM according to plan- and on file in county rlerkd oflice aid bids braska their mileage and the rate paid per mile and comparisoi endon wi -Rids fr repairing and r the Indianola bnl Said bids to bo vnod SvqtPmq 10dU Oy fa tenth 1 with the county clerk on or before YZ NAME OF RAILROAD lock- noon AiiKust A D r ners re erve the rfeht to reject any and ail Milieu tins tiay oi July A 1 VJU - rU 4tS Oxford Kansas in Nebraska 8 31 7G Republican Valley in Nebraska 10S 8536 Republican Valley Kansas S W in Nebraska Republican Valley Wyoming in Nebraska Nebraska Wyoming ft Western in Nebraska Kansas City Omahx 130474 5921 9 659752 3284599 Fremont Elkhorn Missouri Valley 151G32C4 Sioux City Pacific Chicago St Paul Minaeapolis Omaha Chicago Rock Island Pacific Missouri Pacific Pacific Railway of Nebraska Kansas City Northwestern Union Pacific Omaha Republican Valley Kearney Black Hills St Joseph Grand Island Sioux City ONeill Western 552107 590292 51tr70 5742305 1043917 221131 22117389 C61135S 1059404 250G3S0 15S3S24 S11C13311S The Nebraska Wyoming Western in Nebraska was under construction in 10 Average taxes paid per mile in 1900 Average taxes paid per mile in 1901 Average taxes paid per mile on all railroads west of the Mississippi in 1200 Average taxes paid in seven contiguous States in 1900 Average taxes per mile paid by the Northern Pacific System Average taxes per mile paid by the railroads of Texas with 9373 miles of rod E J Wilcox County Clerfc 90 3 ADVERTISEMENT FOR RIDS touce is nerecy friven that the n t it- i county com- Atchmson Nebraska m Nebraska 2095feioners of Red wniiw rtv n LT - -- v 7iiii dims ior iurrii iiiiii all material for tiiw I truction of a bridge aero Republican 42 7rouor near the action between or0afrarfl 21 township i rane i west of tho Alt 24 M according to and ii rffllJ in county clerk- oflice -a iit bids to bo l l J Horded Rid- for material for constructing i fs illow bridge Said bids to be filed witlx county clerk on or before it oclock nooa ZVZ i i x jyic Omaha North Platte in Nebraska 2KthUUuaayonuhAD WtL 5961 5521S S50 4917 14078 l05 Off 99142 2C95 2711 G 25044 2S512 7122 2010 4G73S 41444 C574 11252 1301G 571 GG7 re er E J Wilcox County Clerk 14G49 19719 154GS 12043 4686 1G4G2 15295 20S9S 21903 20543 20140 V4G57 11000 47322 15333 2 6047 22273 121GS 52e16 ST3336 20315 1145 15569 1G 72 103 38 Does it not look as though Nebraska railroads paid more than the rail roads with which they compete for business toroi