The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 18, 1902, Image 2

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Total Dead Thus Far Reported 142
Thrilling Experiences Attending Ef
forts to Secure Dead Bodies and
Help Those Who May Be Living
JOHNSTOWN Pa July 12 At 1
oclock this morning it can be stated
of the 600 men supposed to have en
tered the mouth of the Rolling Mill
mine of the Cambria Steel company
Thursday morning ninety are known
to be dead and twenty two rescued
Four hundred so the mine officials
claim escaped when the explosion oc
cured leaving eighty eight to be ac
counted for Some of these accord
ing to those in charge of the rescue
work are dead but the majority
they claim have escaped From
physicians heads of the rescue parties
and others -who are familiar with the
different headings in the mine it is
learned that at least fifty two addi
tional bodies will be brought to the
temporary morgue at daylight mak
ing the total dead 142 This so
President Stackhouse says will be the
extent of the disaster but until all
checks of the miners are taken an ac
curate list will be impossible Some
of the bodies it is admitted will be
entombed in the closed headings or
buried under slate Some may never
be found
Yesterday was a day of heroic res
cues at the fated Rolling Mill mine of
the Cambria Steel company Thrilling
experiences attended the efforts of the
forty brave and daring fellows who
went down into the bowels of the
earth stirred by a very faint hope that
still they might be in time to restore
to life some of those who are en
Death lurked everywhere around
them but undaunted they pressed for
ward swayed with the noblest of hu
man purposes The reward of their
efforts was the saving of the lives of
fourteen of their fellow men andj
bringing them again into the sunlight
and back to living families Dead
and maimed bodies were located but
not effort was made to bring them out
of the vast theater of death until ev
ery human energy was put forward to
seeing that no living soul might es
cape their aid That done the dead
were put in train cars brought up
and exposed to morbid gaze while be
ing transferred to wagons in which to
be taken to the morgue
Eighty seven dead were removed
from the mine between daylight and
nightfall Still a party of officials and
miners battled on three miles inside
the mine Occasionally word would
come to the surface by some mysteri
ous means that another heap of re
mains had been exposed to the vision
of the searchers There remain dan
gerous headings There remain dan
tion of the mine yet to be explored
No one knows many more dead will
be found there The mine officials re
frain from guesswork on the subject
The impression prevails among the
ousiders and certain employes of the
mine that 150 is a low estimate of the
mine list Fated Johnstown spent the
day horror stricken Great throngs
surged about the pit mouth the im
provished morgue at the armory and
about the stricken homes of the dead
Exaggerated rumors of all kinds pre
vailed One report gained currency
that disaster had overtaken the rescu
ing party which entered the mine
shortly after 9 oclock This was not
disproved until word finally came
from the men in the mine
A Lake Wiped Out
FLORENCE Neb July 12 Pries
lake a resort one mile north of town
is a thing of the past There a beau
tiful little lake had been constructed
by throwing a dam across the lower
end of a ravine The lake was from
one to ten feet deep and covered near
ly an acre Continuous rams soften
ed the dam and for several days the
water had been seeping through the
earthwork The other night the heavy
flood from the surrounding hills
swept down into the lake causing it
to overflow the dam which soon gave
way and with a roar that was heard
nearly half a mile away swept on
into the river
Leg Broken in Ball Game
FULLERTON Neb July 12 In a
ball game here Earnest Bennett broke
his leg below the knee
Cuban Negroes Restless
NEW YORK July 12 In the opin
ion of Captain John Conroy superin
tendent of the harbor improvement
work that is being done at Cardenas
Cuba by a New York contractor
there will be trouble with the natives
of that place within sixty days The
negroes he says are dissatisfied with
the conditions and on the principle
that they participated in the fighting
they believe they ought to have the
Iowa and Wisconsin Men Consolidate
Vast Timber Interests
PORTLAND Ore July 11 A spa
ciul to the Oregonian from Ashland
Negotiations for the sale of the
Scott and Van Arsdale Lumber com
panys property in the McCloud region
in Siskiyou county California which
have been in progress for several
months have been reported complet
ed the purchase price being 3000
000 The purchasers are the Carpen
ter Land company of Dubuque la
the Hixton Sash and Door company
of Merrill Wis Curtis Bros of Clin
ton la Walter W Alexander and
Stewart Bros of Wausau Wis
This property includes besides 115
000 acres of timber land the McCloud
River railroad the McCloud River
Lumber company Siskiyou Lumber
company and the Siskiyou Lumber
and Mercantile company
The mills connected with the crv
terprise cut about 400000 leflt of lum
ber per day
Result of Biavy Earthquakes Occur
ring Near Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz on the Pacific side of the
Isthmus of Tehuantepec a giant gey
ser has broken out as the result of
heavy earthquakes occurring in that
section since April 18 last
The column of water rising to a
height of about fifty feet roars and
hisses from among the rocks and is
an object of great interest to the peo
ple and passing vessels being plainly
visible from the sea It Avas seen and
admired by the passengers and crew
of the steamer Newport which has
reached this port
The news is brought by the steamer
that affairs in Guatemala are becom
ing normal again after the scare oc
casioned by the tremendous earth
quake The havoc wrought by the
disturbances will not interfere with
harvesting of the coming crops as at
first anticipated
Pharmacists Plan to Secure Unifor
mity in Charges
SIOUX CITY la July 11 The
members of the Iowa Pharmaceutical
association took the first steps in what
is virtually the formation of a drug
gists trust The plan took the form
of the appointment of a committee to
arrange a state schedule of prices1
and is in accordance with the rec
ommendation made by E B Tainter
of Carroll in his presidents address
The druggists insist the object of the
organization is not to raise prices
but to secure uniform charges for
articles It is understood that in sev
eral localities prices have been low
ered to what is considered an unfair
cheapness and these will probably be
But it Has Puzzled Scientists for
These Many Years
CHICAGO 111 July 11 Dr George
Dorsey of the Field Columbian mu
seum has made a discovery in his in
vestigations among the Hopi Indians
that overturns many of the old the
ories of anthropologists in regard to
the supposed inscriptions on the adobe
houses of the tribe He has made the
announcement of his discoveries in a
lecture to the students of the Univer
sity of Chicago
These inscriptions that the an
thropologists have been trying to de
cipher and read for years said Dr
iDorsey have been found to be noth
ing more than the scratches made by
mischievous Hopi children in the mud
of the adobe houses just after they
had been built
Edward Making Progress
LONDON July 11 The bulletin on
living Edwards condition posted at
Buckingham Palace at 10 oclock this
morning says
The kings condition continues to
be satisfactory
King Edward is net able to sit up
-but every day he is removed to an ad
justable couch which gives a wel
come change to his position and
which enables him to read with some
degree of comfort
It is understood that next week his
majesty may be transferred upon this
couch to the royal yacht the Victoria
and Alberta in a specially constructed
ambulance carriage but that all the
arrangements for this transfer are
kept secret in order to prevent a
gathering of the public to witness the
tains his steady improvement
Dead Fish Are a Plague
NEW ORLEANS July 11 At a
conference between the Jefferson
parish authorities the president of
the State Board of Health and the
New Orleans port commissioner held
to consider the condition in Harveys
canal due to the plague of dead fish
it was decormined to cut the levee
and let the river purge the canal of
its foulness The canal is three and
one thirtl feet below the lerel of tho
river at its present stage
The Loss in Live Stock Crops
Other Property is Assuming
mense Proportions Streams
Turned Into Rivers
DES MOINES la July 10 The
Des Moines river reahced the highest
water mark of 1S92 which was
twenty feet at midnight At this hour
the levee on the north side of town
broke flooding a large residence sec
tion Most of the families removed
earlier in the evening A small
break occurred in the Raccoon river
levee just after midnight and a large
force of men is attempting to hold the
flood in check
The Rock Island east bound pas
senger trains due here last night were
held at Commerce twenty miles west
of here where the tracks are covered
with water Trains on other roads
though late keep in motion
The Des Moines river dam is weak
ening If it goes out it will endanger
four city bridges and all the railroad
bridges The false work of the new
Slth avexnue bridge which went out
swept away five spans of the Chicago
Great Western railroad bridge over
the Des Moines
South of the junction of the Des
Moines and Raccoon the river is three
miles wide for miles and is destroy
ing crops and drowning live stock
Communication with the city by wagon
bridges over the streams is being pre
vented because of the danger
The continuous rains have forced
nearly all Iowa streams from their
banks and the destruction of crops
live stock and other property is as
suming immense proportions It is
Impossible to estimate the danger
from the indefinite reports received
The damage is especially etxensive in
the central northern and weatern and
southwestern parts of the state The
valleys of the Sioux and Maple riv
ers are flooded and Woodbury and
Monona counties are under water The
Iowa river at Marshalltown is the
highest since 1SS1 Many country
bridges have been destroyed and traffic
between Marshalltown and surround
ing points is practically cut off Cat
tle and hogs have been drowned in
large numbers in the Iowa valley At
Cedar Rapids 54 inches of rain have
fallen since July 1 The Cedar river
is out of its banks and many famil
ies have been forced from their homes
Numerous bridges have been swept
away in Linn county
The Skunk river and Squaw creek
are out of their banks and near the
confluence in story county thousands
of acres are flooded and crops practi
cally destroyed
The continuous rains are paralyzing
business in Fort Dodge and the rail
roads are almost out of business
The west end of the city is under
water and families are moving out
The Des Moines is up six feet at that
point Because of the soaking of the
insulation of the wires electric power
has been shut off and the town is
Near Oxfora in Johnson county in
a wind storm Jacob Burkhardt was
crushed to death by the falling of a
barn on the farm of Wesley Prush
Half a dozen barns were destroyed in
the same neighborhood Near North
Liberty the residence of Jacob Neid
hiser was wrecked and the family had
a narrow escape All over Johnson
county the storm destroyed wind
mills and barns The damage in the
county is estimated at 550000
Telegraph System from Fort Gibbons
to Bates Rapids
Pfund an electrical engineer has ar
rived here on his way to Alaska for
the purpose of establishing a wireless
telegraph system between Fort Gib
bons on the Yukon river and the fort
at Bates Rapids on the Tanana riv
er a distance of 195 miles
The line which will be constructed
under the direction of Chief Signal
Officer Greely will Te completed by
October 1 On his return from the
north Mr Pfund may take measures
to establish a station near the Golden
Gate so that wireless communication
may be had with vessels on the Pa
A Job for Buffalo Jones
WASHINGTON July 10 Charles J
Jones popularly known as Buffalo
Jones today was appointed buffalo
warden for Yellowstone park Mr
Jones has devoted much attention to
the preservation of the American bi
son and was largely instrumental in
securing an appropriation during the
past session of congress for the estab
lishment of a government buffalo
ranch in the Yellowstone Mr Jones
will have charge
Heavy Rains Have Damaged Wheat
in Southeastern Part of State
United States Department of Agri
culture climate and crop bulletin of
the weather bureau Nebraska sec
tion for the week ending July 7
The last week has been cool and
wet with loss than the normal
amount of sunshine The daily mean
temperature has averaged 2 degrees
below the normal
The rainfall was above normal
throughout the eastern portion of tho
state and quite generally exceeded
two inches while In a few instances
it exceeded six inches In the west
ern part of the state the rainfall was
generally light
The continued heavy rains in the
southeastern counties have been un
favorable for crop interests Crops
to all kinds on lowlands have beeen
injured by water Harvesting has
been seriously delayed and consider
able damage has resulted to ripo but
uncut wheat the early cut wheat is
sprouting in the shock and compar
atively little has been stacked Oats
have made a very rank growth and in
some southeastern counties are lodg
ing badly Corn has grown fairly
well and although small is In a heal
thy and promising condition culti
vation has been delayed and some
corn fields are weedy Potatoes
promise a large crop but in a few
places are commencing to rot
Highest Price for the Cereal Since
1892 When it Was One Dollar
CHICAGO July 9 Shorts in July
corn were squeezed again today and
the cornered delivery went to 90
cents the highest price since 1892
when the market touched 1
July closed at 84 cents yesterday
an advance of 7 cents over the pre
vious close Opening bids today
were from 84 cents to 85 cents
Shorts were the bidders and by run
ning the market up to 90 cents a lit
tle before noon they got approximate
ly 250000 bushels It ia estimated
that in selling this much the manipu
lators of the market made a profit of
150000 as most of their 150000000
bushels was purchased between Gl
and 65 cents
No excitement was evident in the
pit although all were interested in
the problem of where the Gates co
terie would let the price advance be
fore easing their grip The price is
already far past the maximum at
which Phillips allowed shorts to set
tle in his first and most successful
Shorts who have covered have paid
heavily for the privilege and those
who are still on the wrong side of the
market are generally supposed to be
in the most serious predicament of
a decade
People at Tusla in the Indian Terri
tory Become Quite Nervous
GUTHRIE O T July 9 Great
excitement has been caused at Tusla
Indian Territory owing to the discov
ery by surveyors working north of
that place of cracks in the sides of
mounds as though from great pres
sure underneath
Gas is escaping from the fissures
and a continual hissing and roaring
can be heard On the extreme top
of the highest hill there has been a
small volcano at work raising up
iarge bounders and tossing them
Experts state it is a great oil and
gas field and that pressure from a
great depth has caused the commo
tion The inhabitants of Tusla are
becoming nervous over the state of
Miss Morrison Sentenced
ELDORADO Kan July 9 Jessie
Morrison convicted June 28 of mur
der in the second degree for killing
Mrs Olin Castle at the latters home
here in June 1900 by cutting her
throat with a razor was sentenced
to twenty five years in the peniten
tiary Motion for a new trial was
overruled Miss Morrison who has
gone through three trials took the
sentence with little show of demon
stration The case will be appealed
Nicaragua Volcanoes Active
MANAGUA Nicaragua July 9
The Democracia of this city reports
that the volcanoes of Mirad Valle and
Rincond Vieja in Costa Rica situa
ted respectively eighty and sixty
miles southeast of Lake Nicaragua
are in active eruption
Coal Vessels Are Overdue
more coal laden vessels have been
added to the overdue list The Brit
ish ship Cumberland is now out forty
eight days from Newcastle Australia
for Taltal and 25 per cent is being
paid on it by the underwriters On
the British bark Earlscourt now out
seventy three days from New Castle
for Valparaiso 15 per cent is being
paid Tho rate on the French bark
Breun has advanced to 80 per cent
An overproduction of rubber would
result in a gum drop
Bin WlnHlowK Soothing Hymn
For children teething soften the kuiiis reduce In
flammation alluys pain cures wind colic 2ic a buttle
A man seldom marries unless hes
in love or in debt
Some grocers say they dont keep De
fiance Starch This ia because they have
a stock on hand of other brands contain
ing only 12 oz in a package which thoy
wont bo able to sell first because De
fiance contains 16 or for the same money
Do you want 16 oz instead of 12 ok
for tame money Then buy Defiance
Starch Requires no cooking
No man ever realizes how
trash he owns until he moves
A Place to Spend the Summer
On the lines of tho Milwaukee Rail
way in Wisconsin Minnesota and Iowa
are some of tne moot beautiful places
In the world to spend a summer vaca
tion camping out or at tho elegant
summer hotels Boating Ashing
beautiful lakes and streams and cool
Okoboji Is the nearest of these re
sorts but all are easily reached from
Omaha and the round trip rates this
summer are lower than ever before
Full information on application
Genl Western Agent C M St P
Ry 15D4 Farnam St Omaha
An Overzealous Official
Two printed forms valued at one
farthing were lost recently at Baku on
the Trans Causasian railway and the
station master had telegrams sent to
every station in the Russian empire
to ask if they had been seen any
where The company has since had to
pay telegraph charges amounting to
nearly 10000 and the over zealous
official is now out of employment
I am glad that my ancestors
dead It gives me a chance
RUPTUTOE permanently cured In 30 to
CO days send for circular O S Wood M
V S21 New York Life bids- Omaha Neb
If a man lives as he should the
world will not be very much better by
his getting out of it
Use Red Cross Ball Blue and make them
white again Largo 2 oz package 5 cents
The man who persists in doing
nothing is entitled to ilr3t prize for
No chromos or cheap premiums Dut
a better quality and one third more of
Defiance Starch for the same price of
other starches
He is a wise son who knoweth the
proper time to strike his father for a
wont shake out or blow out by usinp
Defiance starch you obtain better results
than possible with any other brand and
one third more for ame money
A rolling stone gathers momentum
at every jump and is a good thing to
keep away from
Pisos Cure is the best medicine we ever used
for all ailections of the throit and lunps Vm
O Endslet Vanbuien Ind Fobll 1900
About the only martyrs we have at
this stage of the game are the base
ball umpires
The Lake Shore Michigan South
ern Ry has just issued a new sum
mer book Lake Shore Tours show
ing a selected list of eastern resorts
with routes and rates Copy will be
sent on application to C F Daly
Chief A G P A Chicago
Janitors Demand for Recognition
An official of die new Janitors so
ciety says its object is the elevation
of our profession not only financially
but socially Big people are beginning
to recognize us Big people also
small and middle sized people always
have recognized the janitors if they
wanted a quiet life
It sometimes happens that a man
is absent minded when his wifes
Send all yonr orders la Grain Provisions and
Stocks to Iot J Campbell Co who huve
private wires to all Aaioricnn market anil are
inrmbcra of Chicago llonrtl of Tradn Main Office
Hoard of Trade building Omaha eD Tele
phones 061 9C5
Personal responsibility
discharged by proxy
Then use Defiant Starch it will keep
them white 16 on for 10 cents
Mrs J IL Haskins of Chicago
HI President Chicago Arcade
Club Addresses Comforting
Words to Women Regarding
M Deaii Mas Pinkiiam Mothers
need not dread childbcarlng after they
know tho value of Lydlu K Iink
lmms Vegetable Compound
While I loved children I dreaded tho
ordeal for it left mo weak and sick
b n I E4U B w
AnrxG lamjs
The new extension now being bnilt
by the North Western Line to Bone
steel S D brings to mind the treaty
recently made with the chiefs of the
warlike Sioux by which part of the
famous Rosebud Reservation is to be
turned over to the government and
one more of the few choice tracts of
public lands now remaining be thus
opened to settlement
The land in question lies between the
Missouri and Niobrara rivers and is
well watered and fertile Farm lands
near the Reservation are selling at
from 20 to 35 an acre grazin
at from 6 to 15 j
The country is level or slightly roll-
ing consisting or DiacK loam witr clay
v -ST
MES J H iiAsrcrxs
for months after and at the time I
thought death was a welcome relief
but beforo my last child was born a
pood neighbor advised LiydhiEPiiik
hams Vegetable Compound and
I used that together with your Pilla
and Sanative Wash for four months
beforo the childs birth it brought
mo wonderful relief I hardly had an
ache or pain and trhen the child was
ten days old I left my bed strong in
health Every spring and fall I now take
abottleofliydiaEPinkhamH Veg
etable Compound and find it keeps
me in continual excellent health
Miss J H Haskinh 3248 Indiana Ave
Chicago 111 95000 forfeit Ifabovo testimo
nial Is not genuine
Caro and careful counsel iff
what tbo expectant and would be
mother needs and this counsel
she can secure without cost by
writing to DIrs Xinkham at
Lynn Masa
1G11 Farnam St
Business Sijobtiiand Ttiewiutiko and
Enolihii StudnntR fnruiihed work to earn
board while attending when desired
First fall term sept 1 Soar or catalogaa
COOmalia Nchr
000 Fi
CHt AurceKHf III
Free ntaojiio rKAIIV
A Profit Sharing Jistnbi tlon by
who also publish lh Kansas City
World and St Jatil Sews
How It Will Take Place
On Xovmbf r 1th IDOL a rnral
election will be hHd in N bruHka
Minnesota and Kansas a ffv rnr
being selected in each state Thr
total otL lor jfoTtiors In the
three states for the tMj t thn e
elections was
1896 837374 1898 731399
1200 895321
Study th se liKurca anil s nrl in
one estimate of what total
vote will be in 19Cr with 1 0 for
one years mail subscription to
The Omaha Daily News or two es
timates ami 2 for The Daily and
Sunday News To the one making
the nearest correct tstimate
We will give 5000
The second nearest 1000
The third nearest 500
Next 2 nearest 100 each 200
Next 4 nearest 50 each 200
Next 10 nearest 20 each 200
Next 40 nearest 10 each 400
Next 100 nearest 5 each 500
Next 500 nearest 2 each 1000
Next 1000 1 each 1000
In all 1659 premiums
If you do not care to subscribe
you can estimate for 25c As
inany estimates may be made as
deelred without subscribing but
each estimate must be accompan
ied by 25c
Cut this out and mail it with
the money and your estimate to
Omaha Neb
A It O T
1 7 WTS
A great boom has sprung up in Bone
steel to which point the North-Western
Line 13 building Last fall there
were fifty settlers there To day there
is a town of 300 Ninety days from now
there will be 3000 Five real estate
offlces have opened and town lots ara
selling at from 300 to S30 each
The Reservation will probably be
opened by a lottery plan such as was
made use of in Oklahoma Fiftv thou-
sand people are expected to take part
i in the drawing for the land
To enter a homestead of 160 acre3
one must be at the head of a family or
have attained the age of twenty one
years a citizen of the United Statps
or one who has filed his declaration to
become such To establish a title to
the land residence must be maintained
thereon improving and cultivating the
land continuously for five years
With the completion of the North
lands i Western Lino from Verdigre to tho
Reservation sundary at Bonestpel
there will without doubt be a tremen
dous influx of homesteaders as soon
subsoil making the very best of farm- as the Presidents procariation set a
ing land It seems to suffer exception- datf for the opening Intprost a the
1 ally lit le from drought i matr n Nebraska is intense