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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1902)
l N k V EM I A s - 1 t She TWENTY FIRST YEAR Before and After Taking The patent medicine fellows take spec ial delight in showing pictures of their victims before and after taking but the following exhibition of prices be fore and after the cut made by W T Coleman is of vastly more importance to readers of The Tribune especially to All who want that household necessity the sewing machine OBSERVE THE DIFFERENCE A New Model drop head for 81235 The Cabinet sells for 40 everywhere during this sale at 32 The Velox drop head and cheap at 26 We only ask 22 during this cut price sale The drop head Margaretta Worth the usual selling prico of 25 During this sale only 22 The drop head Columbian Usual selling prico 3275 Now going at the extremely low price of 28 And the Marvel a 22 article every where and we are selling it while this sale continues at the lowest figure 817 The famous and unexcelled Wheeler Wilson and Household are also in cluded in this sale the high top drop head sort too Joined the Omaha League Ed Jones McCooks premier pitcher J sticker and all around baseballist has gone up higher not translated into a celestial clime but into the Omaha team of the Western league and there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth among the local fans Jones is not only a first rater among baseball players but a popular fellow with all who know him It will be difficult to fill his place in the McCook team for he filled a large place in the club Al though he enters the Omaha league late in the season and necessarily at a dis advantage The Tribune expects him to give a good account of himself He left for Omaha Wednesday The departure of Coglizer for Weep ing Water Sunday makes this the sec ond severe set back sustained by the team this week It is to bo hoped however that both places can be successfully filled with thoroughly competent men The Tribune is informed that Cog lizer will enter the Terro Haute Indi ana team of the Indiana Illinois Iowa league Organized the Library Board The board of directors of the McCook public library met Monday eveningand organized by the election of Miss Rache Berry president J A Bingham vice president Mrs Sylvester Cordeal secre tary The committee on supplies is as follows Dennis Cullen A Campbell C H Meeker It was decided that the entire board of directors act as the com mittee on books The Tribune is requested to urge people to report what books they have in their libraries as well as what books they would like to have purchased for the library It is the purpose of the board to avoid duplicating and to fol low popular requests as far as possible And again let the people of McCook remember that this library belongs to them If it shall grow into the useful success it is hoped it may become the people must take a personal interest in their own property and not by any means leave the whole matter with the jibrary board Killed by a Stroke of Lightning Mrs Stephen Brown who was killed at Cheyenne Wyo close of last week was a sister of H D Bayles of our city The remains were buried at Red Cloud first of this week An unusual particu lar of this sad affair is the fact that the stroke of lightning which caused her death practically broke every bone in her body The bereaved ones are all well known to many McCook people whose hearts go out to them in warmest sympathy Engineer and Mrs H D Bayles and Engineer and Mrs Hugh Brown of our city attended the funeral at Red Cloud Visitors Welcome For the accommodation of outside vis itors show day the Commercial hotel dining rooms will be open and meals served at all hours Hot coffee and lunch served in the basement George Beck Proprietor Want Your Butter Poultry and Eggs We are paying the highest market price in cash for butter poultry and eggs Bring them to the old Burgess implement office and get your money Burgess Walsh Fanners Are you going to need any chairs or extension tables for threshers Lud wick can give you the best prices in town Flyo Curo Protects all kinds of stock from flies gnats and insects Dont let them suffer McConnell Berry We have had a big wall paper trade and in consequence have some broken lots and remnants very cheap Still our stock of new styles and colorings is complete McConnell Berry Among the interesting animals in Ringling Brothers zoological display this year is a splendid specimen of the practically extinct giraffe several Royal Bengal tigers two homed horses a bi horned rhinoceros two hippopotami a pair of rare black tigers and many other animals including thirty trained ele phants muo rriroffA vcth Rinpliner Brothers Circus is the costliest zoological speci men in the world So far as known it is the only one in existence When it is gone the species will be extinct i Pure Silk White Parasols for 65c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale m All sizes of sidewalk stone atBullards MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs Neal Beeler is a Denver visit or this week Miss Wemple of Culbertson was a visitor Monday Miss Lizzie McAdams is home from Pueblo Colorado Mrs W S Morlan returned home Wednesday night County Judge Eldred was an Indi anola visitor Monday Mrs L E Irwin loft today for the mountains for her health Congressman A C Shallenberger was a city visitor Tuesday Mrs A O Hinson of Beaver City is a guest of Mrs E D Reed G C Boatman clerk district court was in Elm Creek Wednesday Mrs Roy Zint visited the home -folks at Red Cloud close of the week City Supt Thomas departed Sun day morning for his home in Harvard Postmaster George Williams of Cambridge was a city visitor on Mon day Mrs Frances Barclay and sons were visitors of Trenton relatives Sun day Lillie and Ruth Campbell are visit ing their uncle in Yuma Colorado this week Rev L M Grigsby and family are visiting in Arapahoe Bloomington and elsewhere Mrs W D Burnett went down to Red Cloud last Friday morning on a visit to relatives S P Harger of Wray Colorado has been in the city this week having some dental work done Mrs C A Kenady went down to Red Cloud Wednesday night on 14 on a visit to relatives Mrs D Howarth of Glen wood Iowa is visiting S G Goheen and family on the South Side farm Mrs H L Donovan and the children visited relatives in Holyoke close of last and first of this week Mrs J C Barber has been spending the week in Lead S D and is expected home close of the week Rev and Mrs G L White have gone to his home at Lyons Nebraskato spend his months vacation Miss Ethel Barnett arrived home Thursday on 13 from Illinois where she has been attending school C H Boyle went up to Denver last Saturday night and has been spending this week visiting the homefolks Mr and Mrs N E Smith left on last Saturday for Holdrege where they will live while he looks after a position Mr and Mrs William Long of our city have gone to Seattle Washington on a visit to be away until September Norman Campbell went up to Den ver Wednesday on No 13 to be absent until his mother returns from the east Mr and Mrs W S Morlan depart ed last Saturday for Minnesota where they will spend a few weeks among the lakes Miss Minnie Rowell was a passenger on 13 Saturday last for Denver and other Colorado points to be gone several weeks Dr J I Parkhurst and family are here from Virginia Illinois guests of the Berrys to whom Mrs Parkhurst is a sister Mrs E M Gockley came up from Holbrook Sunday night on No 5 and is the guest of her daughter Mrs J C Predmore Bernard and Josie Phelan arrived from Alliance last Saturday night and are visiting their mother Mrs Adele Phelan here this week George Anderson and bride have moved into the Hartman dwelling just vacated by N E Smith Mr and Mrs Anderson were married on tbe 5th in stant G F Lucore is here from Colorado guest of and receiving treatment from Dr A P Welles his brother-in-law Mr Lucore has a severe case of stomach trouble Dr W V Gage and family moved into the new residence office Tuesday of this week Their new quarters com prehend the trinity of comfort conven ience and cosiness Frank Barnett and a company of young friends celebrated his sixth birth day at the Barnett residence yesterday afternoon with all the happy particu lars incident to such affairs Miss Pearl Zint and Mis3 Nellie Smith were passengers for Denver Sat urday last Miss Smith may remain Miss Galetta Miller is filling her place in W T Colemans meanwhile A C Wilson county surveyor was at the county seat Wednesday on busi ness of his office He reports some wheat in the Beaver country as thresh ing out an average of forty bushels per acre Burton J Pierce a former resident of McCook now manager of a depart ment of the J W Jenkins Sons Music Co Kansas City Mo was in the city Sunday en route for Colorado on a fish ing trip Miss Beulah Hall gave a very pleas ant party last evening from seven till ten oclock to a number of her young lady friends in honor of her friend Miss Francis McChesney of McCook Red Cloud Chief 11th Coglizer who has been doing very satisfactory work in the McCook base ball team resigned his position in the storehouse and departed on Sunday night for his late home Weeping Water He will be missed Mrs C B Rowell gave a surprise party on her grand daughter Ruth War ren last Friday afternoon Twelve young friends assisted in making the party a happy one Ruth departed on No 13 Saturday for her home in Fort Morgan Colorado ItcCoo Minor Municipal Matters Regular meeting of council Monday evening all present but Councilman Perry Petition of J H Bennett for permit to operate two card tables was granted and bond approved Permission granted Barnett Lumber Co to construct and maintain a drive way across the sidewalk and gutter in front of their new office on lower Main Avenue Bills allowed and warrants ordered issued on proper fund as follows Lincoln Land Co 42500 Electric Light Co 87 40 CBGray 60 00 Ed Fitzgerald 50 00 John Ekstedt 61 65 WTClark 40 00 McCook Loan and Trust Co 75 00 McConnell Berry 130 H P Waite 10 95 C E Eldred freight 4 65 Revenue Rubber Co 168 60 Reports From the Wheat Harvest Some rye was marketed in McCook this week which averaged strong thirty bushels per acre Rex Miles of the Beaver has 200 acres of wheat which is threshing out from thirty to forty bushels per acre There are exceptional pieces of wheat in Redwillow county this season which will average over forty bushels per acre August Droll who is a heavy farmer a few miles northwest of McCook is well along with his harvesting and threshing His acreage consists of 300 acres of wheat and 100 acres of rye and barley He informs the writer that his small grain is averaging between twenty and twenty five bushels of wheat barley rye etc A Narrow Escape Little Henry Harmon the five-year-old son of W H Harmon met with a severe accident Wednesday shortly after dinner which came very near end ing his earthly career He and two small boys were handling a 22 caliber rifle and blank cartridges The weapon was discharged in the lads face the wad from the cartridge entering his face at the inside corner of the left eye making an ugly wound and causing the lad to bleed most profusely The hem orrage into the stomach finally ceased about eight oclock Thursday morning and the young fellow is resting quite comfortable though very weak from the loss of blood If no inflammation sets in he will get along all right Confer Degree and Banquet The members of King Cyrus chapter No 35 R A M conferred the R A M degree on Messrs C F Heber J F Whiteford and G B Berry Monday evening E W Bechtol of Holdrege and A J Cole of Oxford assisting the brethren most efficiently After the work of the evening a bountiful ban quet was spread in the lodge banquet room and hugely enjoyed by ail present McCook Masons are having work in all the bodies right along and are very much alive notwithstanding the warm weather Very Special Notice We have just received another car load of furniture which we purchased before the recent rise in prices For this month we will sell at the old prices goods having advanced twenty per cent Pade Son Farmersl Our water proof asbestine paint is worth dollars to you Ask one of those farmers who have recently sold farms for big prices what they think of it One sixth the price of oil paint McConnell Berry Farmers Are you going to need any chairs or extension tables for threshers Lud wick can give you the best prices in town Wood Wanted at Barnetts We want a number of loads of stove wood at once Barnett Lumber Co Ringling Bros employ over a thous sand men women and children To feed this great company of people re quires a daily average of 900 pounds of bread 1000 pounds of meat 420 gallons of coffee and everything else in propor tion These supplies as well as ten tons of hay 300 bushels of oats and 25 bushels of corn for the horses have to be secured daily in the city where the show is exhibiting Neil Rowley of Seattle Washington one of the victims of the notorious con vict murder Tracy was a son of Mrs Richard Lumb of Danbury this county Rowley and his wife used to live in Sherman township Decatur county Kansas McCook lost to Exeter in the initial game at Exeter yesterday afternoon by a score of 8 to 3 The second game is being played this afternoon we hope with better success The Indianola Reporter see a prospec tive county seat fight in the proposed bridge over the river at Redwillow Nay nay Jasper 125 braid trimmed washable dress skirts reduced to 89c in The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Pure silk gloves in tan shades for 27c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale 32c fine 28 inch Foulards reduced to 22Jrc in The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale The rainfall of last evening amounted to 85 of an inch but the wind and dust were fierce Mrs J G Schobel and Marjory went down to Minden this morning on No 12 w RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Some air jacks have been ordered H C Kiser is nursing a sprained foot Oscar Sampson is back of an anvil now C A Deloy is off on a little recrea tion Earl Vahue returned home first of the week Frank Hannan has entered the boiler makers gang H S Spaulding has returned home and gone to work Supt Campbell has been a Denver visitor this week F E Kidder has returned from his trip south for his health The merry-go-round engine was given a set of new flues this week S G Dulany is here from DesMoines Iowa on a visit to the family Storekeeper and Mrs J C Barber were Lincoln visitors Sunday William Washburn is off duty on ac count of death of his father-in-law Machinist J D Moffat and James Hauprman have retired from the service Conductor Eph Benjamin had the pay car special over the division Wed nesday General Supt T E Calvert passed through McCook yesterday bound for the west J L Burney has a lay off and is away with the fans at Exeter and elsewhere this week An annuled through passenger train like No 1 is a rare happening on the Burlington Engineer W H Morrell arrived home early in the week from his trip east of a few weeks Worth Humphrey and wife are back from their Iowa visit and he has gone to work again GWOverstreet brother of the agent at Funk has gone into the service as extra operator Blacksmith and Mrs George Casten are parents of a fine ten pound son born on last Friday Julian Andrew went down to Lincoln last Friday on a visit returning home on Tuesday night Engine 250 a goat was out in the yard yesterday afternoon being limber ed up for service The company is building a new stor age and coal shed tracks at Benkelman and new coal shutes J B Shipman C H Downey C H Magnuson M S Emberling are new brakemen this week Engineer and Mrs C E Benedict went down to Fairbury Nebraska Wed nesday on 2 on a visit Robert Patterson has quit the service and gone to Greeley Center Nebraska to engage in harvesting Engineer and MrsFrank Hawksworth arrived home early in the week from their visit to Sheridan Wyoming Wednesday was pay day the car com ing in on 5 Tuesday evening and going west next morning as a special Engines 160 and 250 are out of the back shop after a general overhauling Engines 210 and 75 are in for an over hauling The Burlingtons advertising matter is now coming out in plain black and white instead of using the old color scheme Henry Smith is laid off by a slight ac cident A side rod strap fell on the back of one of his hands cutting the cords slightly One of the bolt lathes is being over- haulded by Elmer Traver one of the most expert machinists who ever struck these diggings Frank Purvis of Fort Morgan has been transferred to Red Cloud and J O Early of Red Cloud to Fort Morgan as night operator Henry Davidson formerly in the Bur lington service here but since 1894 with the J I Case Co Lincoln was in the city Wednesday Conductor C W Bronson has been laying off part of the week on account of hay fever A L Knowland doubled for him Wednesday Fred S Harris has been appointed a superintendent of construction on the Moffat line and his headquarters will be in Denver Congratulations Charlie Emerson and his gang are building a big shed in which to store the freight car lumber this week It is 160 xl8 feet two stories in dimensions Henry Wentz a former resident of McCook has returned from Glendive Montaaa and has gone to work here as a machinist His family accompanied him William Brown a brother of Hugh was in the city first of the week from attending the funeral of his sister-in-law at Red Cloud He is now located in Colorado Springs Ed McKenzie has joined Mack Hughes corps of blacksmiths this week and Lem Forsman George Stroud and J F Fitzer are new helpers Fors man returning to his old job with Fred Irwin The game of baseball between the blacksmiths and rip trackers last Sat urday afternoon resulted so disastrously to the rips that Charlie Emerson has destroyed the schedule for the remain ing games of the season and retired from the diamond with his colts The score was 22 to 7 No 1 was so late Monday that the train vas finally annuled and the two sections of No 1 ran as sections three and four of No 3 which was itself in two sections making four sections of No 3 which was itself in two sections making four sections of that train The delay was caused by the DesMoines river at Ottumwa washing away a long stretch of track A stub No 5 was run from Omaha to Wray on regular time BasSBSSSiKa Journal mihnm McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JULY 18 1902 Death a Welcome Release After seventeen years of suffering painful and helpless suffering W F Eshor passed away at Lincoln Wednes day July 16th 1902 The remains ar rived here last night on No 5 and ser vices will be hold in the Methodist church this afternoon at three oclock conducted by Rev R M Hardman of the Episcopal church after which inter ment will be made in Riverview ceme tery The bereaved wif nnrl W ohJl dren have the tenderest sympathy of all who havo known them nil tlmsn vojin of distress William Fredrick Esher was born in Kupforzoll Wurtember Germany August 5th 1848 Died in Lincoln Ne braska July 16 1902 Advertised Letters The following letters wero advertised by the McCook postollice July 14 1902 Waltor Bowman Mr L Colo Fred Davis Mr John II Howard Mr A J Hall Oliver Jeffries Mrs Main McDonald A C Smith Mrs H C Shepherd Lyman Whitcomb When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Desirable Residence for Sale Seven room residence on North Main avenue Fruit trees lawn barn etc For price and terms see C A Leach McCook Neb Good Horse For Sale Six years old Will bo sold on six months time with approved security Enquire of Don Thompson McCook Neb The Indianola Reporter seeks to keep the people from coming to see the show because the show will pitch its canvas in McCook However the people will come to seo the show just the same Even as unlovely a thing as local preju dice cannot be successfully urged or cultivated when an opportunity is at hand to see a great show Ranges and cook stoves the cheapest thats good and best thats made at W T Colemans Cooks from 1L upward Eight kinds of ranges best stock in this section from which to make your choice Such famous and standard wagons as the Lafayette Mitchell and Stoughton aro sold by W T Coleman as cheap as others sell the poorer and cheaper grades We have in stock the highest grades of sewing machines which we are sell ing at less than city prices Come and look at our stock Pade Son Childrens 40c wash dresses for 25c 75c ones for 49c 1 ones for 69c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale The ladies of the Methodist Aid so ciety will serve dinner and supper on Ringling day July 26th Preserving kettles of all kinds in en amelled ware for fruit and vegetables at W T Colemans Seventy-five-cent dressing sacques for 49c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale McCook is well provided with base ball experts if they are largely of the post mortem sort Twenty cent pure silk mitts for 10c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale See Waites bargain column on an other page of this issue ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Agent Enlow has been transferred from Erio to Lafayette Colorado Brakeman John Humphreys is off duty on account of an injured left wing T O Robinson of the freight house force spent Sunday with the folks at Riverton A bridge at Trenton was damaged by fire last evening but trains were not delayed W H Williams day operator at Ox ford visited at headquarters Monday between trains Extra Agent A J Zint has been transferred to the staff of G W Loomis local freight agent at Denver Agent J F Edwards of Arapahoe who has been visiting in the mountains returned to work on Wednesday News from Grinnell Iowa announces the birth to Mr and Mrs Will H John ston of Lincoln July 9th of a 10 pound son The Burlington ball team of McCook are after a couple of dates with tbe Al liance team in this city the latter part of this month Alliance Grip Frank Green returned to work on Monday morning after an absence of a week or two on a visit home and else where He came back on 5 Sunday evening The B M expects to have a gang of men here in a few days to resume work on the coal shutes which were be gun at this place about a year ago Ben kelman New3 W K Hayes resigned his position as helper in the B M freight house here and left this morning for Omaha to work for the Union Pacific He did not know where he will be sent to Red Cloud Chief 11th Guy Murphy who formerly clerked for different McCook merchants spent a few days in the city close of last and early part of this week on his way home to Stanton this state on a visit He is firing on the D R G out of Pueblo Machinist Knud Stangland took a lay off Saturday and went up to Denver and neighboring points of attraction for over Sunday Mrs CADixon and Mrs Stangland who had been visiting Den ver relatives returned home with him on 2 Monday morning MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS All widths of sidewalk stone at Bul lards Stone for sirinwnli nf Hm nnff Tim ber yard McMillen the druggist for pure spicea of all kinds Take your stove wood to the Barnett Lumber Co If you get it at Marshs market its a good article Everything seasonable at Marshs meat markot Stone make the beat side walks Bul lard has them A few Hicks Almanacs for 1009 tnr sale at this office E J Mitchell auctioneer Phonos office 17 residence 95 The Workmen havo donated 100 to the city library fund Second hand steel range at W T Colemans at a bargain If you wish pure spices of all kinds try McMillen druggist If you aro Coinc to envnr vnnr ipiannnl call on Bullard for a good stone Hammocks from 60c each up at McConnell Berrys McMillen druggist furnishes the best guaranteed mixed paint mado Try it Always reliable always dependable what you buy at Marshs muat market Ladies 15c Gauze Vests for 9c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Stone sidewalks are now required by the city authorities Barnett has the stone India Linen as cheap as a yard at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale With 5588051 in the county treasury Redwillow county is getting on pretty well thank you A large new and complete stock of belting in leather rubber and chain at W T Colemans Twenty cent Sun Bonnets for 12c 25c ones for 19c at The Thompson D G Cos Clearing Sale For Rent A number of rooms over the meat market Inquire of D C Marsh in the market Fifty cent handsome silk muslins re duced to 36c in The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale W R Starr has a Deeriug binder for sale Is good as new Will sell cheap Call on him at his office The regular 6VoC fine sheeting offered at 5c a yard by the bolt in The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale You can get the best guaranteed mixed paint at McMillens drug store as cheap as the cheapest grades are being sold for Twenty five styles of fast color dres3 ginghams reduced from 8c to 6c a yard at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clear ing Sale At the right price you can always get the choicest things the season affords at D C Marshs meat market At the old stand all the time The Great Majestic is the premier range of the world Its the acknow ledged autocrat of the kitchen and the housewifes choicest jewel It may interest people to learn that they can get best 4 ply carpet warp on spools for 18c in white and 20 cents a pound in colors at The Thompson Dry Goods Co For Sale Carpets chairs tables heating stove gasoline stove bedstead combination book case and secretary Call at rectory tf Rev R M Hardman To move the great wheat and beet crops extra wagon boxes are very nec essary W T Coleman has them in wood and steel trucks He sells them right too Fifty cent shirt waists for 35c 75c ones for 49c 1 ones for 69c 150 one3 for 99c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Clearing Sale Genuine reduc tions not pretended ones This is an ideal time to paint no dust or other hindrance Remember the best material is always the cheapest Let U3 tell you about our S W paint It will save you money McConnell Berry W T Coleman is Western Nebraska headquarters for buggies New stock just received in that department He buys in car load lots and eives hi3 cus tomers the advantage Dont buy until you see ni3 seock ana get his prices Tt is worth nonqiriprnhlfi rr hf nhlfw tn feel that you can depend upon the quality of meats you order at the meat market A child can get as good meats at Marshs market as a grown person and a phone order gets the beat every time For Sale 160 acres in Red Willow county 100 acres under cultivation Good house 1J stories 18x24 Good well and windmill Seven miles from Danbury two miles from school Clear Price 850 per acre Address 2ts Bctin JijARP Dorchester Neb Theres table oil cloth for instance that people constantly use and frequent ly buy If anyone pays more than 15c a yard for the best quality of it there are only two possible explanations One is they havent seen our offer the other we dont like to mention All colors for 15c at The Thompson Dry Goods Co M NUMBER 10 tor oii