T i ecial Sale of Gloves at wholesale prices We have just received the entire line of samples from Bouton Germain Co Ripon Wis This is one of the best known lines of gloves in the west and we are going to give you an opportunity such as you may never have again of selecting a pair of gloves from a line of 665 pair at fiat Wholesale Cost We shall place them on sale Wed nesday morning June 18th for ONE WEEK So come early and pick you out a few pair You can well afford to lay away a years supply of these great bargains BEE V FRANKLIN President H n J il JVP Mw v s icortjirt - tZf T jr sSGcjXr J5c aH j 8F n s a n a Paid Up Capital 50000 sir JJ FRANKLIN WPMcFARLAND IV B WOLFE C H ML r fe VZnTg2SXZhSaZ3Tfm rfWKSa jRk 1 aH rile Si jj tUxKJx i3nuStLjffiEjaft stk jftx Jftt 5irtQTVFeTcHPr3i 3tr W w SF Tt v A 0 EBEHT LARD SS W A C EBERT Cashier i h S K IV k f Kj i i i L Li i 0 D i U i is 0 OF MeCOOK NEB V v 3 Jt SuidijsSvooo 1 a a a n DIRECTORS ---- YK 9 1 JTFEf T vgFtnlr Sr15Br35r5lP 51 S5 ur J - v -- O1 vyvvvrorvYyYvvxYvvvnf 7a -FIRST sAv I -NATIONAL T3 7 TNT XT i 5 n Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 oCo GEO HQCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PEtiHELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PL ATT Director WV Ov ff5W 7 WHTE3 KVW m ua a -4 - i F D BUKGESS Plonker end tfSk B McCOOK NEBR Iron ead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building sia Digests what you eat McCook Transfer Line 7 - J H DWYER Proprietor glTSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either lumber yard CULBEKTSON Jncl HjiIpII of Orlwitis pi nt Snndav lioro T A Smith tiis in Oxford thi weok J M Gi cn r tun oil from Viola lowuFridaj nil it Fruic ODnini ll of Strattou Sundujcd in town Mi s Amv liobint on of Trenton visited Cul lxrtni friends Friday Mi s Ethel Stevens of KuMis i visiting at thi lioiiui of S 15 Solomon Quito n number of the Normal students spent Sunday at their several home ti c Mini Meeker and Elizabeth Burke were McCook visitor- Satunlay Tom McOnrl of McCook took in tho Wesleynn quartette at thi burg Friday night II D Stewart oxtra agent at Culburton turned to McCook Sunday morning MisEijio Rrown returned liomt after n fow dnv visit in this place Sunday evening John Kennedy of Oeddea S D canio in Monday morning to vi it old time friend T E A hby of Strattou came down Friday morninrtoattend tlio concert hero thntevening Mi lhillock tnto lihrariitn gave a talk to th teacher at tho Normal Wednesday aftor noon Chancellor Andrews of the tate university will preach here Sunday night and lecture Mondav night A Phillip and dauchter Nellie of Wironin old time acquaintance- of M C Reynolds and family aro enjovinga fow wonkV visit with the same Mii Ann Miller who ha lionn attending school at ape Girardeau Missouri the past year returned home for her bummer vacation Satnrdny morninir Mies Fern Solomon ami Mary Ferrier were the delecatr from the Cnlbrton Epworth Tenue to the diti ict convention held at Mc Cook June 12fh to Ifith The grasshopper erm to lie more immerous tlian pvir before and rear are entertained that they will clean up everything in the way of crop after the wheat is threshed Her F A Hatch of Omaha preached to a large audience Suudav night and on Mondav night he lectured to the Indent at the normal on Queer People The doctor is an intcreel itw talker and a decided uccps a a sneaker The fusion forces in Hitchcock connU arnot altogether hrmnonion Tho noiiee o the Pop convention for county attorney has not twin emlorced bv the Tteniocrats a h political antecedents are not up toleratr standard Culberron preacher taking an active and MiopJpjion part in politics tlii season Tlev i J M Stewart as a deVgaf from Culbertson prefect was a friirifc in the Populist enmention at Trenv - iturdav while Rev Cotlieb Kolb was a ff--it to tho Democratic pow wow which was held in an adjoining wii warn at the same tin and plnce novpn1 Treat Secret Tt oftri a ed how such startling cure that 01177I te bet iliviciais are eFectcd by r Kinds Xpw Discovery for Consumption Here- the secret It cuts out the phlegm and germ infected mucous lets the life giving oxren enrich and vitalize the blood It heals the inilinicd coMch worn throat and lungs Hard cods and stillborn coughs soon yield to Ir Kings Xew Ticoven the most infallible remedy for all throat and lnug diseased Guar anteed bottles 0c and 3100 Trial bottles free at McConnell Boms HARTLEY Grasshoppers are doing some damage Asa MeCord and wife were Indianola visitors Sunday Corn is doing well a good stand and most of it free from weeds The finest lot of alfalfa ever put up in this vicinity is in stack now Tony Piotch is at home to stay lip quit work last week for the 13 fc M John Wolf harvested rye last Saturday tho first of the season in this vicinity Fred Tfeimer was thrown from a horse Sun day and fractured his collar bone The nice rain Saturday night was just what we needed to keep the fine crops in good con dition Dane Fletcher lias begun harvesting and em ployed Henry Burton to take charge of his dray until after harvest The Indianola correspondent to the McCook Republican says Clarence MeCord and BON of Bartley aro operating tho Bart Hill meat market As Vill AV right says Xow dont that make you smile The son part of the firm is a little previous W II Chouveront of AVest Virginia came in on last Saturday and will visit several days with V F Miller Mr Cheuveront is a brother of Mrs Miller and Mrs Sommervilleof Bartlett Nebraska who with her on Rv X M Som merville are also visiting the Miller family U G Etherton with his father and mother went to Beatrice last Saturday where his father will be treated for cancor by the X Ray plan which has been reported successful in some cases It is the sincere- wish of this com munity that Mr Etherton may be one of the fortunate ones who are cured For Those Who Live on Farms Dr Borgin Pana Illinois writes I have used Ballards Snow Liniment alwajs recom mend it to my friends as I am confident there is no better made It is a dandy for burns Those who live on farms aro especially liable to many accidental cuts burns and brumes which heal rapidly when Ballards Snow Liniment is applied It should always be kept in the house for cases of emergency 23c 50c and 100 at A McMillen MARION News and harvest hands are very scarce The creeks are bank full since tho rains H C Plumb is out again after his severe illness Maud Berg is helping Mrs J E Dodge with her house work D Steele had the misfortune to bruise his foot while unloading lumber Geo Lower of Minden Xebraska was looking after his farm interests in the Laurel Dell neighborhood last week A car load of lumber has arrived for the ele vator and two more aro expected soon the car penters are expected from Lincoln this week Marion Powell will accompany them Clifford Naden of Daubury was in this vicinity Monday repairing tho telephone instruments damaged by lightning on Saturday evening Henry Xadons and J C Ashtous were among the number needing repairs BANKSVILLE H I Peterson was a McCook patron Monday One half inch of rain on tho night of the 14th inst A Weeks was a business patron of McCook Saturday J E Lawthers took in the sights at McCook Monday Georgo Lincolns wife was reported very sick last week but was some bettor Monday Mrs W II Hartman and Mrs Stephens were visitors at Banksville Sunday Also A M Benjamin and family Knightsville Indiana April 22nd liib Pensin Svrati Co Monticello Illinois i Gentlemen I have been selling Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin ever since it was first introduced to the trade It is the best seller I ever had on my shelves and gives the best satisfaction to my customers of anything I ever offered them Where I sell it once they invariably return for more As a laxative or as a physic it is par ex cellence tho most pleasant and satisfactory preparation I have ever sold Yours etc G H Came Sold by A McMillen INDIANOLA Mi s Edith alien wont up to McCook Tuesday inciting Mr- Sly or McCook is visiting friend1 hire this week M rs G S Bishop of McCook wa an Indianola visitor Tuesday Tlio elevators nre being torn down and will bo replnced by larger ouos Mrs J E Knllold who has boon quite- sick is able to bo about again L Corbin attended tlii Republican conven tion ut Lincoln Wednesday Little Lucilo Artcrburn of Imperial is visiting her uncle F F Tomhlin and wife Mr and Mrs John Sol by and baby and Toy Selby were Indianola visitors Sunday Ed Miller of Zanesvillo Ohio is visiting his sister Mrs Alex Thacker and family Tho high winds of Saturday night blow tho Christian tent down Fortunately no ono hurt Master Wado and Miss Jennie McClung lort for Oklahoma Tuesday evening on nn extended visit Mrs Corn Hendershot and little Charle who have been visiting in Danbury for some timo returned home Saturday A fow of tho friends of Mr and Mrs Riley Hadloy treatpd them to a surprise picnic in the grove cast of town Saturday To sad news came over tho wiro Tuesday announcing tho death of Undo Jim Hethor ingtou at Maryville Tennessee Two conversions rewarded the efforts of Brother Vgden of the Christian church last wetik The baptizing took place Tuesday after noon Miss Sada Alcorn who has been staying with her uncle Lou Corbin and attending school tho past year left for hor Pennsylvania home Tiie flay morning Dangerous if Nefflectecl Burns cuts and other wounds often fail to heal properly if neglected and become troublesome sores DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvo prevents such consequences Even whero delay has ag gravated tho injury DeWitts Witch Hazel Salvo affects a euro I had a running sore on my leg thirty jears sajs II C Hartly Yankee town Indiana After using many remedies I tried DeWitts Witch Has el Salve A few boxes healed thesore Cure- all skin diseases Piles yield to it at once Bowoar of counterfeits McConnell Berry DANBURY Good wheat woather this another good rain Tuesday night A Teel of Indianola was a business caller in Danbury last Thursday F C Hoadley of Cambridge- looked around on us Thursday and Friday last Mr Whacker and Mr Kendall each lo t a cow Tuesday one on alfalfa the other on cane bloat Llojd Xaden returned to Benkehnan Thurs day last his brother Clifford taking him oer to Indianola W H Harrison is having some repairs made on the Duff elevator preparatory to handling the largest wheat crop of j ears Clarence Young had a misunderstanding with a toy pistol Tuesday and the doctor was called to take the wad out of his hand and to straight en up tho bones of the second finger Oh es Daubury will celebrate the Fourth this j ear Tho days exercises will be in J B Dolphs grove ono mile west of town Other attractions in town at night Everybodj come and see how Daubury does it S S Cass narrowly escaped a scriou j fire in his store last Thursday A rug under a couch caught fire some way and it spread to the under sido of the couch and made a room full of smoke but seen in time to save any serious lo s Holds Up a Congressman At the end of tho campaign writes Champ Clark Missouris brilliant congressman from overwork nervous tension of sleep and con stant speaking 1 had about utterly collapsed It seemed that all the organs in my body were out of order but three bottles of Electric Bitters made mo all right Its the best all around medicine over sold over a druggist counter Over worked run down men and weak sickly women gain splendid health and vitality from Electric Bitters Try them Only 50c Guar anteed bv McConnell Berry GERVER Sjdnoy Dodge commenced cutting rje Satur day Samuel Ellis brought out a new binder from McCook Monday Frank Lofton will start heading first of the week with a full force Mrs J E Dodge has a now girl for the sum mer She is fortunate We need more boys The girls are getting rung into tho farm work this ear Mrs George Lincoln has been seriously sick but we aro pleased to state she is better John Gethercole began cutting rye Monday On account of scarce help he has to go it alone A M Benjamin and family took a trip to McCook Monday visiting at J B Roshongs en route We had considerable hail Tuesday evening but very little damage was done so far as we have heard Mr and Mr3 Robert VanXortwick who have been in Denver are at William Relphs where they will stay and help tho old people through harvest Ranchman McDermott of the Medicine creek passed through hereto look after his claim near Ol erlin which he took in 187S Ho found the country much changed since ho passed through here twenty years ago He was hero before the Indian and knows a good many old timers Dont Start Wrong Dont start the summer with a lingering cough or cold Wo all know what a summer cold is Its the hardest kind to cure Often it hangs on through tho entire season Tako it in hand right now A few doses of One Minute Cough Cure will set you right Sure cure for coughs colds croup grip bronchitis all throat and lung troubles Absolutely safe Acts at once Children like it One Minute Cough Cure i the best cough medicine I ever used says J II Bowles Groveton X II I never found any thing else that acted safelj and quickly McConnell fc Berry BOX ELDER A good rain on the 17th it was much needed The young people are talking of a picnic Sat urday Why not have a celebration of the Fourth at Boxelder The Mormon preachers are walking the roads and distributing tracts Childrens Day exercises were held on the lith instead of the usual Sunday services Some fields of spring wheat have been so badly eaten by the hoppers that they will not be cut Corn is doing finely and will continue tho gait if the hoppers cease making merry with it Fred Rang has all of his corn cultivated and is in the lead for size and cleanness from weeds The fall wheat and rye harvests are under way There are a number of fine pieces in this neigh borhood A great many aro fearful that the little worm which has destroyed the pesky lambs quarter will attack the corn A novel feeling of leaping bounding impulses goes through your body You feel young act young and are young after taking Rocky Moan- j tain Jea jo cents jict onneii ix ucrry Cures When Doctors Pall Mrs Frank Chinsson Patterson La writes Juno 8th 1U0I I had malaria fovor in very bad form was under treatment by doctors but as soon as I stopped taking their medicine tho fever would return I used a sample bottle of Herbiuo found it helped me Then bought two bottles which completely cured mo I feel grateful tojou for furnishing such a splendid medicine and can honestly recommend it to those suffering from malaria as it will surely cure them 50c bottle at A McMillens World Wide Reputation Whites Cream Vermifuge has achieved a world wide reputation as being the best of all worm destroyers and for its tonic influence on veak and unthrifty children improves their digestion and assimilntiou of food strengthens their nervous system and restores them to tho health vigor and elasticity of spirits natural to childhood 2cat A McMillens C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p O Building JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nehraska EBAjjent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office In Court House Phone 181 All Calls For The T 4 ItJMS ft Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN 3 Will make all trains and an- r swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 S W H Acker man tf j McCook Nebraska 9 Bgg n At the The EGGS the coffee roaster uses XhtBSH to glaze his coffee with Nga would von eat that kind of Xal eggs Then why drlnlctlu m B Is f a a has no coatinir of storage eggs glue etc Its coffee pure unadulterated iresn strong and of delighttul navor and aroma Uniform quality nnd frAiliniiiH nrt ItiMtirfwl by tho hwuou paonnKO II P SUTTON MeCOOK EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb Shavo Hair Cut Shnm Kmany thing in my linn in an artistic manner Utvo mo a call and trial JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Or WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska OrKicn First National hank hiiililiug nxt to City hull Houks - to I ltoi57to9 Night nalli answored from rsidiiu t oir hank DkJBFICKKS A Reliable Graduate Dentist PHONE MO 160 OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas I Over JasMcAdams City Dental College j Telephone 13 McCook Nebraska DR A P WELLES s for Physician and Surgeon McCOOK Only i per sitting van3 ssra - NEB Ollice over McMillfun drun ton Itosidfiu H 7irj Main An tnn phori Ollir phono is CilK an wiTfd niijlit or day N25VKy3yjBNaNSEPaV Barred Plymouth Rock And White Wyandotte Sale a X 6 T JLV PJfi H iULJLK ii UI All 31 r i 3 miles south of McCook BZ3SH3SES2SESI First Class Uoocl j r in the following for Sale by uii irjii iininEBisBi r Jewel Gasoline Stoves J Ohio Steel Ranges i ft Y Alaska Refrigerators i 1 H P WAITE I 30OOO3OK SPRING SUITS If you appreciate a firstclass tailoring estab lishment in your city you may show it by leaving your order with Melius the Tailor for your spring and summer suits Nothing but the very best goods and trimming used No sending away or sweatshop work Yours Rept SI 4 r