The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 20, 1902, Image 5

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9 J8
fr s
VkfcVv -
If in need of
JVew Suit of fotfies
for summer wear you will do well
to call at C L DeGroff Cos
You should see those
oat and tattis 5Smts
for men They are very appropri
ate for hot weather wear The
acme of comfort prices 487 to 10
Have you see the
feineii Suits for l3oys
They are cool and comfortable ages
3 to 10 years price 50c to 150
Take a look at our
GT oc e r i department
Stock fresh and complete as ever
Denver strawberries every day
i toQl
is an esential for
y AbSQrtQQQ4iil
The Harvard Milling Power Co
guarantee their flour to be
The Best by Test
Pride of Harvard
08 Straight
Trial orders
solicited and
For Sale in McCook by
Estimate of expenses for the current year 1P02
by tiie city council of the city of McCook
Be it resolved by the mayor and council of the
city of McCook in the state of Nebraska that
the following bo and tho same hereby is adopted
a tho estimate of excuses for said city of
McCook for tho fiscal year commencing May
6th 1902
Making and repairing alleys streets and
crosswalks 00 00
To pay firemen and supplies 00 00
Salaries of oflicers other than police eOO 00
Kent for water troughs and street sprink
ling 1700 00
Supplies rent claims and elections 1M0 00
Lighting streets 1200 00
Interest on bond and sinking fund 1000 00
Total 7500 00
Tho entires revenue for tho city for tho jear
ending Mav 1st 1902 was as follows
General fund 237 4f
Occupation fund 2239 ti
Water fund 191J 93
Cemetery fund I2i 00
Light fund 119s 72
Total 7870 56
Tho entire expense of the city for the year
ending May 1st 1902 was as follows
General fund J
Occupation fund lJ Si
Water fund 1I9 94
Cemetery fund
Light fund VIOG
Fire fund io Ji
Total 7512 35
Adopted and approved tliis 9tli day of June
c13Jts C E Eidred Mayor
Attest C I Hall City Clerk
Mother Yes one package makes two quarts
of baby medicine Seo directions There is
nothing just as good for babies and children as
Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents McCounell fc
The defendants Littio C Whittaker and John
Whittaker will take notice That on tho 13th
day of May1902Angelo I Welles plaintiff here
in filed his petition against said dc fendants
and caused an order of attachment to issue out
of said court which was duly levied ou the
land of the defendants described as follows
Lot- eight nine and ten in section thirty one
township three north range twenty nine west
of the Cth P M excepting that portion of the
above described tract of land included within
the following boundaries to wit Commencing
at a point on the west line of sectioa thirty one
township three north of rango twenty nine
west of tho Cth P M ten chains and forty three
links north of the southwest corner of said sec
tion thirty one thence east right angles with
said section line eight chains and sixty two
links thence north parallel with said section
line seventeen chains and fifty links to south
bank of the Republican river thence in a south
westerly direction along the south bank of the
Republican river eight chains and sixty two
links thence south along said section line sev
enteen chains and thirty links to place of begin
ning The object and prayer of which action
are to recover the sum of 127850 now due and
payable to the plaintiff from tho defendants
upon the balance found due on an account for
medical services rendered by tho plaintiff to the
defendants at their request and to subject the
said real estate to the payment of the amount
found duo upon said account
Yon are required to answer said petition on or
before the 7th day of July 1902
Axgklo P Welles
By W R Starr His Attorney
Stands Like a Stone Wall
Between your children and the tortures of
itching and burning eczema scaldliead or other
skin diseases How why by using Bucklens
Arnica Salve earths greatest healer Quickest
cure for ulcers fever sores salt rheum cuts
burns or bruises Infallible for piles 25c at
McConnell Berrys drug store
rTTfwna fiiwiiinJ
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska Juno 10 1902
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment Prosont D A Waterman
Maurico Ruddy and J II Bennett county com
missioners W R Starr county attorney and
E J Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of previous mooting wore read
and approved
On motion tho board commenced equalization
of assessment and continued tho same through
out tho day
On motion tho board adjourned to moot Juno
11 1902
I A Wateiiman Chairman
Attost E J Wilcox County Clork
McCook Nebraska Juno 11 1002
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment Present D A Waterman
Maurico Reddy and J II Bennett county com
missioners W R Starr county attorney und
E J Wilcox county clork
Tho minutes of previous meeting woro read
and upproved
Tho board continued tho equalization of
assossmout during the day
On motion adjourned to meet Juno 12 1902
D A Waterman- Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clork
McCook Nebraska Juno 12 1902
Board of county commissioners mot pursuant
to adjournment Present D A Waterman
Maurico Reddy and J II Bennett county com
missioners and E J Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting woro read
and approved
Tho board continued tho equalization of
assessment during tho day
On motion the board adjourned to meet Juno
13 1902
D A Waterman Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Nobraska June 13 1902
Board of county commissioners met pursuant
to adjournment Present D A Waterman
Maurice Reddy and J II Bennett count com
missioners and E J Wilcox county clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
On motion tho county treasurer was instructed
to refund to Charles A Ilartman tho sum of
2151 tho amount of taxes illegally assessed to
him in 1901 and paid by him under protest
Tho following appointments were made to fill
Frank Hill overseer road district No 38
F A Traphaganoverseer road district No 38
John R Tato overseer road district No 27
On motion the following oilicial bonds were
Frank Hill overseer road district No 2S
F A Traphagan overseer road district No 33
Petition of J M Thomas and others asking
for a public road was read and considered Hie
board find that all owners of land along lino of
proposed road have given consent thereto in
writing On motion same was granted es
tablishing a public road 33 feet wide as follows
Commeucieg at tho Southeast cornerof sec
tion 30-1-27 running theuco West on section line
four miles and terminating 1 1 tho Southwest
corner of section 33-1-27 all in Red Willow
County Nebraska and clerk was instructed to
notify overseer of highway to open said road
On further consideration of the equalization
of assessment for the year 1902 the board finds
that in order to make a just and equitable
assessment it is necessary to add certain per
centages on the real estate and personal prop
erty in the following precincts to wit
Real estate add Grant X percent Missouri
Ridge add 10 per cent Tyrone add 15 por cent
Personal Grant add 10 per cent Gerver add
10 per cent
The board having completed the equalization
of assessments find the total value of real and
personal property as returned by the assess
ors and equalized by tho board of equalization
for the j ear 1902 to bo 12171325
On motion the levy of taxes for the year 1902
was made as follows
County General Fund 7 mills
County Bridge Fund 37 mills
County Road Fund 3 mills
Soldiers Relief Fund 3
Willow Grove precinct bond 5 mills
North Valley precinct bond 5 mills
Hartley Village bond 15 mills
McCook City bond S mills
School district bond levies for tho year 1902
2 40 C 6
8 G 16 6
17 G 20 S
22 4 25 5
27 10 31 0
30 10 41 20
42 10 44 10
4S 10 49 5
50 5 51 10
7 55 20
10 59 30
6 70 10
15 Si 5
84 15
The estimate of the school board of tho city of
McCook bavin been filed with the boaid of
county commissioners as by law directed tho
following levies were made
For current expenses 25 mills
Interest on bonded debt and to create a sink
ing fund for payment of same 0 mills
On motion board adjourned sine die
D A Waterman Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Nebraska Juno 10 1002
The board of county commissioners met in
regular session Present D A Waterman
Maurice Reddy and J II Dennett county
W R Starr county attorney E J
Wilcox county clerk The minutes of previous
meeting wero read and approved
The following claims were audited and allowed
and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the county general fund levy of
1002 in paj ment thereof as ioilows
J EKollev WillowGrove 193 00
S W Clark East Valley s 74 20
F A Tigard Missouri Ridge 50 0
Henry Crabtree Indianola t7 fcO
O II Nichols Lebanon 05 50
W II Benjamin Grant 39 45
T J Dimmitt Danbury 5S M
Alex Ellis Gerver 45 00
John Hammell Vallev Grange 56 40
PD Brooks North Valley 57 GO
Leonard Shippee Tyrone 37 00
T A Endsley Red willow 50 90
ClifTord Naden Reaver 87 00
LMHoward Fritsch 57 10
II N Colling Bondville 42 40
G W Short house rent for pauper 10 00
G W Short mdse for pauper 30 95
A Guy same 20 00
Smith ifc Cochran same 34 fcO
James McAdams same IS 00
William McCallum same 20 00
A McMillen same 31 30
J A Wilcox same 13 30
E G Caine it Co coal 3 75
McConnell it Berry mdc for pauper 5 40
S W Clark same i 35
Josiah E Moore maintaining paupr 35 00
A P Welles professional services per
contract 45 00
SRSmith supplies 2 00
State Journal Co ame 31 50
O L Thompson office expenses 330
Eugene S Dutcher same 19 75
E J Wilcox same 13 55
E J Wixcox alarv 2nd quarter 62 50
McCook Electric Light Co light 3 SS
R M Osborn hauling 5 65
Nebraska Institute for Blind clothing 3 75
J E Keley tornado policy 0 00
C E Eld red supplies 2 45
Andrews Phillips work on court house
grounds 40 50
A C Wilson et al survejing and lajing
out road 26 25
A C Crabtree com eying Marie Amen
insane to Lincoln 9 90
G C Boatman State vs Marie Amen in
sane 7 45
A C Crabtree same W
W V Gage same S 00
J E Kelley same 3 00
D A Watermanservices as commissioner 53 30
Maurice Reddy 3S 90
J II Bennett same 37 00
And on county bridge fund levy 1902
Hupp it Slutts lumber 50 01
D R Rittenhouse bridge work 9 00
George Cramer same 1 50
PE Lemaster samo 5 50
George Younger same 1 50
M L Nichols same 2 50
And on the county road fund
Joseph Vontz road work 2 50
Jacob Fichtner same 15 00
David Deveny same 5 X
W H Walker same 2 50
C F Vedder same 7 50
On motion the petition of John W Wolf and
others n king for change of precinct line be
tween Ea t Vallev and Indianola preciucts was
granted and tho line between aid precincts i
changed so as to embrace all of section one 1
township three 3 range twenty seven 27 and
all that part of section twelve 12 township
three 3 range twenty seven lying north of the
Republican river in East Valley precinct
On motion board adjonrned to meet July 7th
1902 D A Waterman- Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
88iass3 a gfrat
j a H A B BL
Figures that Dont Lie Prove that Nebras
Roads Pay More Taxes Than Those
of Other States
OMicia Statement of Total Taxable Values Returned by States
tiiiOi is to Nebraska Together with Comparison of Taxable
Values Returned on Lands Live Stock
I and Railroads
issaed UoSer the Authority of the Railroads of Nebraska
This is the liist of a series of articles which will ap
pear giving full details regarding the taxes paid by the
Kailroads of Nebraska and such information as will enable
you to fully understand who pays the taxes in Nebraska and
why the various Hoards of Equalization from year to year
have made the valuation on Kailroad property that has been
given out to the various counties
A great deal of this information has been presented
from time to time to the Boards of Equalization and it has
been considered by them in their estimates while other lines
of information which we will present have never before
appeared in print
The Railroads of Nebraska have nothing to conceal re
garding their tax matters they pay and pay promptly their
full proportion of taxes They have more interest in the
successful development of Nebraska than any other single
industry and at all times want to work with the people of
the state for the public good
The managers of the Railroads are business men who
provide for the payment of the taxes charged against their
roads as conscientiously as they provide for the payment of
their employes In several instances in this state the Rail
roads have paid ten times more tax to the counties and state
than they have paid in profit to the stockholders of the com
panies and this has been paid without complaint and
promptly when due
The stockholders of these companies are relying on Ne
braskas future They gladly pay the tax charged so that
the schools can be carried on and those improvements made
that would show progress and induce other people to come
here and assist in the states development
It is on Nebraskas future that they build their hopes of
profit There are other roads in this state which by combi
nation with great systems pay dividends and in those cases
they pay more than their proportion of taxes in every in
stance taking any other industry of the state in comparison
Total Total Per Cent
STATE Taxable Railroad Railroad
0V 0
North Dakota
55S 1G2C1S
2644229 1
15 1
0 1
In determining the values of lands in tho
foregoing statement in those states where
they have been separated the improved
from the unimproved lands we have added
thom together in this anner taking the
state of Nebraska for instance
Improved Land 17445819 60439478
Unimproved Land 14379214 17584677
213 per aero
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
K O T M -Regular meeting- on M cond
and fourth Tuesday evening- of each month in
McConnell hall at V Visiting knights welcome
M R Gatls commander J II Y igei record
keeper C A Leach finance keeper
lodge No 307 meets on second and fourth Mon
day evenings of each month at eight oclock in
McConnell hall J R McCaki Illustrious
Pro Roht W Divoe Secretary
ii iii 1 1 ii j 1 1 1 i
Department of the Interior
Land Oflice at McCook Neb June 3 1902
Notice herebx given that the following
named settler ha- liled notice of hi- intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that -aid proof will be made before Regi ter
and Receiver at McCook Neb on Saturdav
July 19 1902 viz Charles E Werner II E
No 11121 for tho SYS NWS AViSW1 SE4
SWH Sec 21 Twp J N R 29 W 6th P M
He names the following to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz George M Mohler John S Mod
rell William Y Jolmon and Ilenjaiuin O
Johnson all of McCook Nebraska
F M R vTiuiLX R
In the District Court or Red Willow County
State of Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of William T
Stone deceased
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of G W judge of the di trict
court of Red Willow count Nebraska made on
the thirt -first day of Maj 1902 for the -ale or
the real e tate hereinafter de enbed there will
be sold at the front door of the county court
house of Red Willow county on the 2th day of
June 1902 at one oclock p mat public vendue
to the highe t bidder for ca h the fulowiiig
described real estate to wit The Muthea t
quarter of the outhwe t quarter of
thirt six in township three north Range
thirty west of the sixtli Principal Meridian
fortv acre- in Red Willow county Nebraska
Said sale will remain open one hour
CiiAttLEs 11 Jacob
Dated this ith day of June A D 192
Admini trator of the e tate of Illiam T
Stone deceased
Department of tin- Iir rior
Land Office at McCook Neb May Inh 1102
Notice is hereby given that the following
named sf trie has filed notice of h intertun t
make final proof in support of hi clam and
that said proof will be made before regi ter and
receiver at McCook Neb on Saturday June
2oth 1902 viz Edward R Bran corn II E
11116 for the E - S E 4 Sec 2- Twp north
range 29 west 6th P M
He names the following witnesses to prove hi
coutinuous residence upon and cultivation of
saiil land viz
James Kirby of McCook Neb Hubert Beach
McCook Neb Seivart Houge of McCook Neb
Joseph II Stephens of Box Elder Neb
V23 6ts F 11 Ratobck Register
What Thin Folks Needs
Is a greater power or digesting and
food For them Dr Kings New Life Pills
work wonders They tone np and regulate
the digestive organs gently expel all poisons
from the system enrich the blood improve the
appetite make healthy flesh Only 23c at Mc
Connell Berrys
Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepn cures Constipa
tion Sold by A McMillen
31825033 7S044155
Tho rate of tax prld per mile is taken
from tho report of the Inter State Com
merce Commission for the year 19u0 and
the figures are therefore official
The State of Nebraska has assessed rail
road property at the highest comporativo
figure of any of the states named If you
take the state of Missouri which bad the
highest valuation on railroad property in
1900 of any state west of the Mississippi
as basis of equalization of values if the
All that the Railroads care about in this matter of pay
ing of taxes is that they receive fair treatment They
would not he party to an attempt to defraud the state or
counties of any just tax but of course the interests of their
stockholders prevent them from allowing an outrageous or
unjust assessment
In such matters as these the state of Nebraska naturally
must expect to keep in line with what is done in other states
They would not want to impose a tax that would prevent
the roads passing through Nebraska from successfully com
peting for inter state trallic because the coirts would nat
urally remedy such action in time The most diliieult lesson
to learn in political economy has been equality in taxation
and it has never yet been mastered The Revolution that
resulted in the formation of our government was fanned
to Haines through resentment caused by unjust taxes In
our constitution it was expressly provided that The right
of the people to be secure in their persons houses papers
and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall
not be violated And it was the direct result of this feel
ing of protest against former impositions regarding the
lection of taxes and this provision in our constitution makes
the question of equality in taxation in this country more
difficult than in a monarchy
If the individual or private corporation misrepresents
the ulue of his property holdings there is no way of mak
ing him reveal Tho Railroads on the contrary make
monthly reports and public quotations are daily made of their
securities and every cent of their value is revealed whether
it be real or speculative
To show the extent to which other property than Rail
road property is omitted from taxation in Nebraska thus
obliging Railroads to pay an undue share of tax we give the
following statement
Returned valuation To all
Returned Property Lands Cattle ILrs Mules Sheep
Ladies 140
135 and 125
Oxfords go at
Not report
13UO 1SW
- Value Amount Miles
RtilronilsTax Paid Rail
llogsPer Mile Per Mile road
value of land is taken In conjunction with
the valuation of railroad property it would
figure in this way
As 775 is to 213 so is 11000 to 3183
or in case the value of cattle was equated
In the same manner it would make tht
As 1411 is to 46C so is 11600 to 3822
By averaging these two determinations
it would make the railroad valuation in ths
state of Nebraska 3510 instead of 4G79
and it is evident that on a comparison oC
values of taxes in Missouri and Nebraska
the railroads of Nebraska have been as
sessed for 1169 more per mile than they
should be In other words the railroad3
have been paying 25 per cent more tax for
the past ten years than they should hav
paid were the railroads located in the state
of Missouri
The rate per mile paid in money as shown
by the report of the Interstate Commerce
Commission proves this to be a fact
Kailroad valuation in Missouri 11 GOO tax paid by railroads psr mile in Mis
souri 17490 Railroad valuation in Nabraaka 64679 tax paid par mile in Ne
braska 19886 Averoga tax per mile in seven states 16369-
irnmiii - 11 inrrT i i i -
n i 1
All fresh new
clean goods in the
latest styles
1 IIS i1 Si IS lz r3 g
3S S
We have the larges stock of canvas
shoes and Oxfords ever shown in
Western Nebraska at prices that
cannot be duplicated e A bunch
of fire crackers with every pair of
Boys and Girls shoes
i m Li
1 PJITF UffflTlT flTTOT1 OfilfinT1 1
I ill- wlUilijii ulluii ululli i
Prop- - - -
Springr Aliments
There an aching and tired feeling the liver
bowels and kidneys become sluggish and inac
tive tho digestion impaired with little or no
appetite no ambition for anything and a feel
ing that the whole body and mind needs toning
up The trouble is that during the winter there
iias been an accumulation of waste matter in
the system Herbine will remove it secure the
secretions a right esit and by its tonic effect
fully rastore the wasted tissues and give5
strength In place of weakness A McMillen
Dont wa t jour mone on wort hie injita
tion of Rocky Mountain Tea G t the gi niar
made only by the Madison Medicine Co
great fa mil remedy 35 cents McCoiw
A tramp a bottle of Dr Caldw
Pepin When he appeared in -plains
that he aw in the adverti
easy to take so be took It 1
-aid the judge -I will go and take - t
It is easy to take and is a perfect la -
by A- McMillen