The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 13, 1902, Image 2

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    McCook Tribune
P M KIMMELL Publisher
Four persons were severely injured
two of them fatally It is feared
lin a crash at Rockaway Beach be
tween an automobile and a trolley
Rev Dr Guy Potter Benton pres
ident of the Upper Iowa university
at Fayette la has accepted tno pres
idency of the Miami university of Ox
ford la
During the term of the Unitod
States supreme court just closed 375
cases were disposed of There were
left on the docket 343 cases but of
these 19 have been argued and submit
A message from Wildman Okla
says that torrents of water rolling off
the Wichita mountains have swept
away many prospectors shacks and it
is believed that some of the occupants
Colonel Dallas Bache surgeon U
S A retired is dead at his home
in San Diego He entered the army
as assistant surgeon in 18G1 and ser
ved in the field during the entire
civil war
Justice Scott in the criminal branch
of the supreme court in New York
has set September 22 as the date for
the beginning of the second trial of
Roland B Molineaux accused of the
murder of Mrs Kate Adams
A number of Americans in Paris
made the usual pilgrimage to Picpus
cemetery on Memorial day and placed
wreaths on the tomb of Lafayette
Wreaths were also placed on the stat
ue of Washington and Lafayette
The Norwegian Danish Press asso
ciation of the northwest will hold its
annual meeting in Sioux Falls on July
10 11 and 12 at the same time as
the annual meeting of the Northwest
ern Scandinavian Singing association
President Roosevelt has undertak
en to make two trips through the
western country next fall One will
be in the southwest and the other in
the northwest They will be made in
redemption of promises more or less
specific made by the president last
The Western Union Telegraph com
pany has issued the following order
The cable between Hong Kong and
Manila is interrupted Telegraphic
communication with the Philippines
therefore is stopped Frequent
steamers from Chinese ports will car
ry telegrams
If President Brigham Young had
lived he would have been 101 years
old June 1st A salute of 101 guns
was fired from the top of Arsenal
hill overlooking the temple Salt Lake
City while the bronze monument of
the Mormon leader was decorated
withv flags and bunting
The sugar committee of the reichs
tag fixed the duty on sugar for con
aurrtption at 12 malrks per double
hundred weight from September
1903 and at 10 marks from Septem
ber 1905 and fixed a tax of 4 marks
SO pfennigs on refined sugar and 4
marks 40 pfennigs on other sugars
After a hearing lasting several
hours Governor Herried of South Da
kota denied the application of the
governor of Nebraska for the delivery
to the Nebraska authorities of Sher
iff Lewison of Union county Lewi
son is wanted in Nebraska for the al
leged unlawful shooting of the Tur
geon brothers while attempting to ar
rest them
The Philippine government bill as
passed by the senate approves the
action of the president in creating
the Philippine commission and the
offices of the civil governor and vice
governor of the islands and author
izes the governor and vice governor
to exercise the powers of government
as directed by executive orders Fu
ture appointments of the governor or
vice governor shall be made by the
president with the advice and consent
of the senate
The wheat harvest is now on in
The St Louis Southwestern Rail
road company of St Louis filed a
certificate of increase of capital
stock from 36500000 to 55000000
with Secretary of State Cook
Orders have been issued by Lieu
tenant General Miles assigning the
Twenty fourth infantry to Forts Har
rison Mo and Assiniboine Mont
and the Twenty first infantry to Forts
Snelling Minn Yates N D and
Keogh Mont
The Shanghai correspondent of the
London Daily Mail cables the fact that
the Eoxers are active in the province
of See Chwan They have warned
the officials of Yang Haien of their
intention to exterminate the foreign
At Chicago John A and Alexander
Davidson president and vice president
of Davidson Bros Marble company
confessed insolvency in the United
States district court The liabilities
are placed at 1341838 and there are
practically no assets
The King and Queen of England Hear
tily Participate in Holy Expressions
of Gratitude for Peace Which Nov
Reigns in South Africa
LONDON June 9 The noisy jubila
tion with which London has resounded
for the last week was surrounded by
the less noisy demonstrations of thank
fulness for the return of peace in
South Africa
The thanksgiving service held in
London yesterday was typical of the
services held throughout the empire
but the presence of King Edward and
other members ef the royal family at
the principal devotional service In
London and the progress of the royal
personages to and from St Pauls ca
thedral through cheering thousands of
British subjects and visitors in London
gave thanksgiving day in the metrop
olis the added feature of a notable his
toric occasion
The program of the morning was not
intended to be accompanied by special
Although the weather was chilly the
streets for the entire distance from the
palace to the cathedral were thickly
lined with people who bared their
heads and cheered as the members of
the royal family and other notabilities
King Edward who wore the uniform
of a field marshal was greeted with
enthusiasm and his majesty the prince
of Wales and the other princes were
busily engaged in acknowledging salu
tations from the crowd
Lord Roberts who drove with his
wife and daughters was one of the fig
ures most conspicuously greeted with
The royal personages were driven
down the Mall to Trafalgar square and
through the Strand and through Fleet
At Temple Bar the officials of Lon
don for the first time since the jubilee
of the late Queen Victoria awaited the
sovereign in state
The kings carriage was stopped
when it reached the city officials and
the lord mayor of London Sir Joseph
C Dimsdale presented the sword of
the city to his majesty and utter a
formal welcome The king returned
the sword smiled bowed and simply
remarked Thank you very much
The streets leading to St Pauls ca
thedral were densely crowded with
people and a number of persons fainted
in the crush outside the barriers which
had been erected within the cathedral
King Edward and Queen Alexandra
alighted at the west entrance of St
Pauls Here they were received by
the bishops of Stepney and London
and by them conducted to their seats
which were under the dome of the
building and directly in front of the
Supporters of Nicaragua Route Will
Try to Secure Vote
Yv ASHINGTON June 9 The greater
part of the time of the senate the pres
ent week will be given to the inter
oceanic bill An effort probably will
be made by the supporters of the Ni
caragua route to secure an agreement
to vote on the bill next Saturday but
the probabilities are all against suc
Senator Harris of Kansas will open
the debate today in support of the Ni
caragua route and he will be followed
by various other senators for and
against the measuie
Senator Fairbanks has given formal
notice of a speech on Wednesday He
will support the Spooner bill
Make Too Much of Athletics
NEW YORK June 9 -Bishop Bur
gess of the Episcopal diocese of Long
Island in the baccalaureate sermon to
students of Columbia university and
Bernard college said that while the
names of the winners of athletic prizes
were preserved in bronze those who
won the Greek prizes at universities
were more often writ in water Con
tinuing the bishop said It has been
said the physical development of the
highest type are incompatible with one
another The time has passed when
we can pass by the body and we realize
that the man strong in health will
be better able to fight the battles of
life and the demons of fancy that
haunt men
Vhipped by White Caps
oclock yesterday morning six miles
north of here a band of fifty men
broke in the door of Henry Dem
mings home took Demming and his
wife out in their night clothes and
whipped them with buggy whips The
white cappers accused Demming of
brutally whipping his son and told
him he must leave the county if he
did it again Mrs Demming is re
ported to be in a serious condition
Pacific Cable and Irrigation Bills Will
Be Considered
house program for this week includes
consideration of the Pacific cable and
the senate irrigation bills which the
rules committee is anxious to have
disposed of before the time set for
taking up the first government bill
Special rules have been prepared for
consideration of both measures
The cable bill wil Ibe given two
and the irrigation bill three days
The cable bill provides for an Amer
ican built and an American laid cable
to conduct our insular possessions in
the Philippines It carries a direct
appropriation out of the treasuiy for
this purpose
Mr Corliss the author of the bill
professes confidence that it will pass
The opposition to the measure believe
J the cable to the Philippines should
be laid by private enterprise Some
of the house leaders including Mr
Cannon chairman of the appropriation
committee it is understood will op
pose the irrigation bill but the
friends of the measure are very hope
ful of its passage
People Too Busy for Discussion of
NEW YORK June 9 Gov Odell
talked at length about his trip
through the country He visited
twenty five states He says he was
surprised at the prosperity of the
country While he discussed every
state he visited he paid particular
tribute to Nebraska saying Pros
perity is universal in Nebraska where
there is promise of munificent crops
People are not paying much atten
tion to politics It is all business
with them They are interested in
the Cuban sugar proposition mainly
because of the cultivation of beet
sugar On this issue there is some
division of opinion as to the proper
policy of the administration In
other respects the administration is
generally endorsed
Excursion Train in Michigan Jumps
the Track with Serious Results
ALPENA Mich June 9 An evcur
sion train on the Detroit Mackinaw
railroad which left here yesterday
morning for Saginaw consisting of
an engine and twelve coaches and
carrying over 500 passengers was
wrecked at Black river while running
at a speed of forty miles an hour
One man was instantly killed three
were probably fatally injured and
nearly fifty others received injuries of
various degrees of severity ranging
from bruises and cuts to broken limbs
Farmer Murders a Doctor
cause he returned to this village in
spite of a threat that his life would
be taken if he did so Dr W D Duff
lvs been shot and killed by W H
Clark a farmer Dr Duff had for
merly practiced medicine here but re
cently removed to Blockton
Ill feeling had existed between the
two men and when the doctor de
parted Clark promised to kill him if
he ever came back When Clarke
learned that Duff had returned he bor
rowed a shotgun and locating the
doctor in a drug store he entered
and fire two shots at him both tak
ing effect near the heart
Clarke at once gave himself into
custody remarking that he had kept
his promise
Negro Kills White Woman
LAWRENCE Kan June 9 Mary
Coop a white woman was killed at
her house in the lower part of town
today by Charles Anderson a negro
restaurant employe There were no
witnesses to the crime The womans
neck was broken Anderson was ar
Pug Ryan Captured
Pug Ryan said to have been the lead
er of a gang of desperadoes who in a
fight several years ago with a posse
of Breckenridge officers killed two of
the latter has been arrested here
Railroad Building in Oregon
PORTLAND Ore June 9 The Ore
gonian says It is now stated posi
tively that a railroad will be built be
tween Coos Bay and Rosebury and
that construction will begin by Septem
ber 1 at the latest
Kruger to Remain in Holland
BRUSSELS June 9 Mr Kruger
declares that he will end his days in
Plot Causes Sixty Arrests
LONDON June 9 In a letter from
Pretoria dated May IS the corre
spondent of the Daily Mail says that
the previous Thursday sixty arrests
were made there as the result of the
discovery of an extensive plot to blow
up the government buildings and Lord
Kitcheners residence and to spike
guns in the artillery barracks Par
ties concerned in this plot according
to the correspondent were Boer and
Dutch prisoners
Governor Calls for Observance of
Anniversary on June 14
LINCOLN Neb June 9 Governor
Savage issued the following procla
mation designating June 14 as Flag
In accordance with a precedent set
by me one year ago and in pursu
ance of a custom that is becoming
established among the states of the
union I Ezra P Savage governor of
the state of Nebraska do hereby pro
claim Saturday June 14 1902 Flag
day and I do respectfully recommend
that the day be observed by all patri
otic citizens in such manner as shall
in their judgment best promote the
object to be attained
The foregoing date is the 125th an
niversary of the birth of our nation
al emblem Let this and each suc
ceeding annivesary be a natal day a
day for patriotic exercises and good
cheer on the part of all
Well may we look upon our flag
with respect and reverence It is a
symbol of freedom of poace of jus
tice It represents more power
more charity more Christianity
more patriotism more chivalry and
more of the nobler instincts of man
kind than the flag of any other na
tion It is stained by no national
dishonor it bears no mark of broken
faith Whether in the smoke of bat
tle or in the sunshine of peace
whether at home or abroad it is on a
mission of mercy and enlightenment
always It is honored and respected
throughout the world because it is
the embodiment of virtue and because
it is a guaranty of good faitli every
where and at all times
Patriotic exercises of the character
contemplated are intended to bring
the American people particularly
those of the rising generation in
closer sympathy and to a clearer un
derstanding of the real signification
of the emblem of the nation It is
not so much that they shall rever
ence their mute symbol of sovereign
ty as that they shall have a clear
understanding of what it represents
To this end I earnestly request that
the day be observed in a proper man
ner by the children of the public
schools and by patriotic citizens gen
Brought Back to Life
TECUMSEH Neb June 9 Noah
Elliotts two sons Harry and Ray
aged 14 and 10 years respectively
went swimming in a pond on their
fathers farm near here They jump
ed into the water head foremost where
it was beyond their depth and Ray
got securely stuck in the mud at the
bottom and was unable to relieve him
self His brother ran to a near by
field and got his father and when the
boy was extricated his body had been
under the water fully fifteen minutes
Work of resuscitation was immediate
ly begun and a physician summoned
There was apparently no life in the
body but at the end of an hours work
some little evidence of life appeared
and at the end of five hours the boy
had so far recovered as to be able to
speak He is doing well and will
probably fully recover
Adjudged Insane
WEST POINT Neb June 9 Ed
gar Allen living about four miles
north of Wisner in this county was
brought before the board of insanity
commissioners today and adjudged in
sane Mr Allen is a young man 23
years of age and has a good educa
tion He was a student at the State
university at the time of the first
symptoms of insanity and it is be
lieved that overstudy is the cause of it
Nine Inches of Rain
BEATRICE Neb June 9 A cloud
burst north of here at 4 oclock yes
terday resulted in a rainfall of nine
inches in three hours and eleven
inches by 10 oclock last evening
The precipitation is the record for this
state for over twenty years Clouds
blown up by a stirring south wind
centered in the vicinity of Cortland
twenty miles north of here where the
cloud burst at 4 oclock
Drowned in Irrigation Ditch
BURWELL Neb June 9 Laren
son of Mr and Mrs W S Hahn was
drowned in the irrigation ditch here
He was wading in the ditch and step
ped into a deep hole and sank to the
Beatrice Chautauqua to Meet
BEATRICE Neb June 9 The
fourteenth annual session of the Be
atrice Chautauqua assembly opens in
this city June 20
Big Corn Shipment for Elkhorn
ELKHORN Neb June 9 H A
Nolte who owns an elevator here
shipped a trainload of corn consisting
of twenty three cars or 30000 bushels
to St Louis This is the largest ship
ment ever made from this town
Farmers Eye Blown Out
EUSTIS Neb June 9 The gun
with which Gustave Wedegartner was
hunting cats exploded blowing out
one of his eyes and mutilating his face
Old Commander Steps Out and New
One Issues His First Order
LINCOLN Neb June 7 The fol
lowing orders have been issued from
the headquarters of the Grand Army
of the Republic
1 Comrade Calvin L Steele hav
ing been elected commander of the
Department of Nebraska Grand Army
of the Republic for the ensuing year
and upon his installation my official
elations with that office terminate
I therefore most earnestly bespeak
for my successor that same loyal and
cordial support that has been accord
ed to me during my term
2 I desire at this time to express
my appreciation to the officers of this
department for their loyal and excel
lent services rendered me during the
last year Whatever success that
may have attended my administration
is loyally due to the faithful work of
my able assistants for which I extend
my sincere thanks
3 My official and personal staff are
hereby discharged from further duty
By command of R S WILCOX
Department Commander
General Order No 1 1 Having
been elected commander of the De
partment of Nebraska Grand Army of
the Republic at the twenty sixth an
nual encampment held at Omaha on
the 22d and 23d inst I hereby as
sume the duties of this important of
fice with a profound regard for its re
sponsibility and I hereby take this oc
casion to thank my comrades for the
high honor conferred and earnestly
solicit their continuous loyal support
that has been given my predecessor
during the last year
2 Headquarters are hereby continu
ed at Lincoln Neb
3 The following appointments are
made Mart Howe Lincoln assistant
adjutant general I N Thompson
Fairbury assistant quartermaster
general Jacob Fawcett Omaha judge
advocate general W D Pruitt Arap
ahoe inspector general
Senior aide and chief of staff Cap
tain Joseph Teeter Lincoln
Further appointments will be an
nounced in future orders
4 All matter pertainlg to the ad
jutant generals office will be address
ed to Mart Howe A A G Lincoln
That of a pergonal character to tho
commander Calvin F Steele Fair
bury Neb By command of
Department Commander
Fire Sweeps Away Over Half the
Business Part of Town
FRANKLIN Neb June 7 A most
disastrous fire occurred here Two
entire blocks consisting of fourteen
business houses with most of the
stocks of goods are a total loss
The origin of the fire was in the
Peterson meat market starting in the
basement When discovered about
1030 p m it was a very small blaze
but the smoke was so dense it was
impossible to save the building
In less than thirty minutes five
buildings were a mass of flames This
was on the east side of Main street
at the soutli end and a heavy wind
was blowing from the south Every
indication was that the entire busi
ness portion would be burned The
wind changed to the east and soon
buildings on the opposite side of the
street were on fire and the only thing
now to be done was to save the north
half section of tho business portion
Fully 500 people were on the ground
and everybody was helping in every
way possible The Fager furniture
building which was iron covered
checked the flames
A Life Sentence
ALLIANCE Neb June 7 The
jury in the murder case against Au
gust Jahnke charged with the mur
der of Mike Sierk on April 18 after
being out one week brought in a ver
dict of guilty of murder in the first
degree and imposed a life sentence
Hand Crushed in Feed Grinder
young woman named Palo living
south of here while assisting at a
feed grinder got her hand caught in
the machine and crushed so badly it
had to be amputated
Court House Bonds Defeated
COLUMBUS Neb June 7 Re
turns from all but two townships on
the special election to vote bonds for
a S65000 court house give 020 for
and 1547 against
He Smoked as He Died
LINCOLN Neb June 7 Huo
Breglein German a butcher by occu
pation was found dead in his bed
at his home a mile west of Lincoln
The body lay upon its back the whole
top of the head having been blown
off by a gunshot An empty rifle was
tightly grasped in his right hand
from his mouth protruded a pipe
The walls and ceiling of his room
were bespattered with blood and parti
cles of shredded flesh
Omaha Race Meeting Opens Ne
braska Circuit June 25 28 All tho
fast horses are entered Tho Mil
lard Omahas Leading Hotel is Trot
ting Headquarters All Horsemen
Stop There Pools Sold there Rates
as low as 2 Per Day American Plan
1 Per Day European The Lincoln
Opp Depots Lincoln 2 Per Day
A Victory in Wheat
Tho energetic people of Australia do
not understand why California raises
wheat of Australian varieties and
sends it six thousand miles farther to
the same European market Califor
nia produces twenty live to thirty mil
lion bushels of wheat annually All
the wheat belongs to the same class as
that grown in Australia and much oC
it was originally derived from seed of
varieties that were first produced ia
Australia The climatic conditions are
similar in the two countries Howj
shall we explain the success of these
enterprising Californians The New
South Wales Department of Agricul
ture has sent an agent into California
in search of the secret From Coun i
try Life In America
A Character in His Own Book j
An interesting fact about Clara Mor
ris forthcoming novel of stage life Is
that the actress may herself be rec
ognized in one of the characters She
is not the heroine however The per
sonality that rather thinly disguises
her is that of the actress of experience
and some success who is instrumental
in introducing to the stage the hero
ine a young girl with whose fortunes
on the boards the story chiefly con
cerns itself
After Twenty Years
Lusks Springs Ind June 9th It
would be hard to find a happier man
than Mr William Catterson of this
place has been for the last few weeks
For twenty years his wife has been an
invalid with a complication or dis
eases Neuralgia Rheumatism and
generally broken down constitution
Mr Catterson had done everything
that loving care could suggest but in
vain his wife only grew worse
Recently however he heard of
Dodds Kidney Pills and determined to
give them a trial and was overjoyed
at the splendid result
From the very beginning of the
treatment she commenced to improve
till now she ia nearly well and Mr
Catterson is rejoicing He says
Nothing ever did her so much good
We will always praise Dodds Kidney
Pills for the good work they have done
for us
A wise wifes counseling entereth
her husbands mind and after many
flays returneth to her in jewels and
precious raiment
S20 A AVlitli Ai JM ENSKS
to men with rlt to introduce our Poultry goods
faendstp JavelleMfgCoDeptDParsonbKan
Without the sense of humor no man
can enjoy life right up to the limit
No chromos or cheap premiums out
a better quality and one third more of
Defiance Starch for the same price or
other starches
Wise in the instructor who learns
more than he teaches
Then use Defiance Starch it will Iceep
them white 16 oz for 10 cents
c zri
knows how important it Is
to use a good starch Defiance
Starch is the best starch
made It doesnt stick to
the iron It gives a beauti
ful soft glossy stiffness to the
clothes It will not blister
or crack the goods It sells
for less goes farther does
more Ask the lady who
irons Defiance Starch at all
grocers 16 oz for 10 cents
Magnetic Starch
Mfg Co
Over 2000000 people are novr bur
ins coofls from us at wholesale
prices saving 15 to 40 percent oa every
thing they use You can do it too
Why not ask us to send you our 1000
page catalogue it tells the story Send
13 cents for it today
w w mm i
The house that tells the truth