The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 13, 1902, Image 1

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Union Fraternal Memorial Services
Sunday witnessed a characteristic ex
pression of McCook life and spirit in the
union fraternal memorial exercises held
by the Knights of Pythias the Odd
Fellows the Degree of Honor and the
Workmen orders that afternoon
At two oclock the members of the
three orders named in organizations
inarched to the Congregational church
J A Wilcox being marshal of the day
and on horseback where they were ad
dressed by Rev Frank W Dean who
spoke feelingly and eloquently to the
theme of charity love A solo by B B
Gillespie of Republican City a number
by the male quartette Messrs T E
McCarl S B McLean J R McCarl
B B Gillespie and America by the
audience made a splendid and apprecia
tive musical program Miss Olive M
Howe presided at the organ
After the services at the church the
line of march was taken up to the city
cemeteries many citizens in carriages
joining the procession which was im
posing in length The ritualistic ser
vices of the Odd Fellows and Pythians
were held in Longview those by the
Degree of Honor and Workmen in Cal
vary Singing by the male quartette
Messrs McCarls McLean and Gillespie
was a feature of the Pythian services
After services in Calvary and Longview
the Workmen and Odd Fellows decor
ated graves of deceased members in Riv
erview this duty having been performed
by a committee on the part of the Pythi
ans previously Graves of deceased
members of families of members of all
the orders were also decorated and the
cities of the dead presented scenes of
touching appealing loveliness Some of
the decorations were in order designs
and very tasteful and there was no lack
of ilowers and evergreens
The various emblems and colors of
the several orders were utilized in the
church decorations effectively The
three links the Pythian shield and
sword and the Workman anchor and
shield being in evidence among the other
special designs
The graves of the following named
deceased men of the several orders in
the three city cemeteries were decorated
Frank Albrcclit T M Mundy
Granville R Oystor Harry Walters
V M Anderson Edwin Ellis
Charles T Brewer
i oitKMEN in mvnnviEW
It S Cooley Marion I Brown
Levi J Spickelmior
Richard Carroll B V Haley
Flood Arthur J Benjamin
Charles T Brewer Charles G Holmes
Frank Teflrics John Coleman
Marion B Brown
Swan C Nelson John M Stranahan
bamuel Fish
John B McCabe
Teachers Examination
The examination of teachers at the
institute will be held on June 27 and 28
All teachers who are required to take
examinations in any or all the branches
will be expected to do so at this time
Those teachers who find it more con
venient to take the examination at
McCook may appear for that purpose
on the 21st day of June
Eugene S Dctcheb Co Supt
Names and addresses of the Red willow
county teachers who are in attendance
at the Union Normal Institute Cul
bertson Nebraska
Josio Houlihan Galetta M Miller
Florence Johnston Miutio Rozell
Julia GoodenberRcr Stasia Brady
Audrey L Jones Anna Hannan
Mary Williams Winona Jones
Susio Wallaco
Grace Andrews
Ethel Sheridan
J J Carter
Sylvia Dow
Ida Bush
Perry Ginther
Mary Finnegan
Diihe Burton
Corene Weyeneth
Ada E Fair
Rosa Minuiear
Dora Greenaway
J E Boyd
Violia Devoe
Hattin Weatherwax
Nettie McCool
Naomia Gielday
Ida Donnelly
Eva Phillips
Grace Phillips
Lizzie Adair
Dora Walkinjjton
Mary Deits clt
Jim A Finnegan
Lena Ashton
Louie Ruby
Maud Buby
Sopha Brown
Rosa Slutts
Pearl Garrett
Cedar Bluffs Vivian Gossard
Marion Vanch Plumb
Wilsonville Maud Soverns
Cambridge Clara Pahl
Notice to My Customers
I wish to announce that my place of
business will be open in the evening the
usual hours I do this believing that
the requirements of the country trade
demand such action as the 8 oclock
closing hour now practically shuts out the
trade of the farmers during the season
when they are busiest and are compelled
to trade after the days work is done
F M Colson The Bee Hive
Married in Denver
W E Hart of our city and Mrs Bessie
Berdine of Denver were united in mar
riage Monday in Denver They arrived
here on 2 Wednesday morning and
have gone to housekeeping in the Wash
burn dwelling on Lower Melvin street
with the best wishes of all their friends
Mr Hart is employed in J H Bennetts
cigar store
For Sale Cheap
A header and a binder in good repair
will sell cheap Inquire at farm one
mile west of Perry station south of rail
road or write me at McCook 2t
John S Williams
Low Rate to Grand Island
One fare for the round trip via Burl
ington Route June 23rd and 24th Dem
ocratic and Populist state convention
King Violet
The newest and finest perfume
McConnell Berry
Very nice assortment of colors in the
Satin Liberty and Washable Taffeta
Ribbons at The Thompson D G Co
Lace covered Childrens Parasols 35c
at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Mits A M Cassells condition con
tinues serious
C J OBrien is having his residence
enlarged this week
Register Rathbun was a Lincoln pil
grim Wednesday
Mrs D Shaw of Denver is the guest
of Mrs Marie Bishop
Mrs Matt Lawritson returned Tues
day from her Omaha trip
Mrs H H Tartsch is visiting Platts
mouth relatives and friends this week
Mrs E Hurlburt Jr of Hastings
has been a guest of Mrs Alonzo Cone
this week
Mrs A Campbell and Mrs A L
Knowland returned from DenverFriday
night last
Samuel OConnor is up from Ne
braska City to spend the summer vaca
tion at home
Mrs J E Sanborn has received word
from Vermont of the serious illness of
her aged mother
Herman Pade went in to Omaha
Tuesday night to attend the state un
dertakers meeting
J R Neel and T A Endsley were up
from Indianola Tuesday watching the
thermometer climb
A C Wilson county surveyor was
over from Daubury Tuesday on busi
ness at the court house
Mrs Will F Pate and Miss Jose
phino Mullen were the Awl Os enter
tainers Tuesday evening
Mrs Munson of Ainsworth Nebraska
is visiting in the city guest of her sister-in-law
Mrs II P Sutton
Mrs George Willetts enjoyed a
brief visit fore part of the week from
her sister Miss Jessie Stewart
Dr C L Fahnestock was in Lincoln
Saturday on important business arriv
ing home on 5 Sunday evening
Miss Millie Slaby marie a business-pleasure
visit to Denver first of the
week going up on 3 Sunday night
Mrs H IT Berry and Minnie took
their departure on 12 Wednesday morn
ing for Illinois to be absent a month
Mr and Mrs W C Bulger departed
on 3 Sunday night for El Paso Texas
making a brief stay in Denver on the
Louis Ludwick arrived home last
Saturday from Nebraska City and is
having a big time with the little bojs at
Gladys Fuller youngest daughter of
Foreman Fuller is sick with a mild at
tack of scarlet fever and the family is
Mrs L W Stayner and the girls
have gone east on a visit of about a
month in Chicago Des Moines and
perhaps in Indiana
Mrs Martha Hughes who has been
living in Colorado for some months was
in the city first of the week on her way
to Fairbury to live
Mrs Oscar Yarger of Scottsbluff
Nebraska is visiting Mr and Mrs J H
Yarger this week She has also been
visiting her parents in Red Cloud
Mr and Mrs Alex Johnston are
looking after the welfare of another little
Johnston who arrived at the farm home
on Brush Creek a few days since
Ned Fox came out from Omaha close
of last week His aged mother is quite
ill and his wife has been here for some
time taking care of the sick mother
Mrs C E Pope Mrs J R Sirco
loumb and Mrs Signa Gilkey departed
on 3 Sunday night for Florence Colo
rado on a visit to a married sister Mrs
Archie Hadley
John Hart has been in the city all
week from Hastings filling w his
place in Bennetts while the latter was
absent in Denver getting married He
returned home last night
Frank H Strout who has been with
the Kearney Milling Co for a number of
months returned to McCook close of
last week and is now with his first love
The McCook Milling Co
Mr and Mrs E E Magee of Fair
mont passed through McCook Saturday
night on 3 en route for Caldwell Idaho
where he will be engaged in institute
work during the summer vacation
Colonel Sutton of the governors
staff expects to be in Seattle Washing
ton July 4th at the launching of the
battleship Nebraska where Governor
Savage his staff and many Nebraskans
will be present
Mrs S B Gudden who has been in
the city for a few weeks on a visit de
parted on 2 Monday morning for her
home in Concordia Kansas Her sister
Mrs J P Notley accompanied her and
will be away a few weeks on business
and pleasure combined
Mrs A P Thomson and Leslie went
down to Western Sunday night on 6 to
be present at the wedding of John Thom
son Mr Thomson Miss Elizabeth
and Matt followed on G Tuesday night
The happv event was consummated on
Thursday morning at 9 30 Congrat
Desirable House For Sale
My house and two lots with barn
hedge fruit and shade trees corner of
Dakota and Manchester streets occu
pied by H F Pade Fine location Also
lots 10 11 and 12 block 12 First addi
tion to McCook fronting park Apply
to Mrs H G Dixon
3 14 tf Kennett Square Pa
Lady Maccabee Memorial
Services will be held in the Congrega
tional church next Sunday afternoon at
230 Rev R M Hardman of the Epis
copal church to preach the sermon
Members of the order are requested to
meet at the hall promptly at two oclock
Dorcas Kensington
The next Dorcas Kensington will be
held at the Dutton farm Thursday af
ternoon next Mrs W G Dutton Mrs
W R Starr and Mrs O M Knipple
Death Came Peacefully
After an illnessof about three months
Mrs J II Ludwick quietly passed into
the spirit land Wednesday morning
about six oclock being surrounded by
husband and children and conscious
almost to the last Up to a short time
before the fatal change it was thought
that her condition was improving but
about fifteen hours before death internal
hemorrhages set in and hope was aban
doned Deceased made a heroic fight
for health and life but succumbed to the
inevitable with as remarkable resigna
tion and cheerfulness
Sarah E Wheeler was born on
February 26th 1853 in Long Point
Livingston county Illinois At the age
of 16 years she moved with the family
to Onarga Iroquois county Illinois
At the age of 21 years she was united in
marriage with J H Ludwick After
living in Onarga two years they moved
to Texas from which state tiiey in 1881
moved to Nebraska locating in McCook
where they have since resided Ten
children were born to them of which
but four survive together with the fa
ther namely Earl Vergie Lewis and
Lome Mrs Ludwick joined the Meth
odist church at the tender age of eight
years and was all her life a faithful
zealous and enthusiastic member In
her death a faithful wife and loving
mother has gone on before
The funeral services were held in the
Methodist church this afternoon at230
Rev L M Grigsby conducting the
same A crowded church paid a last
sad tribute of respect to her memory
The floral offerings were rich and beau
tiful and the service touching
The deepest sympathy of all hearts
goes out to Mr Ludwick and the child
ren in this great sorrow and loss
Mrs Trowbridge of Lincoln and other
relatives from away were here to attend
the funeral
Some Municipal Affairs
The municipal patriarchs were in reg
ular session Monday evening with full
board present
On motion the park committee was
empowered to hire a man for another
month from June 13th for 30 a month
The library petition was presented but
no action was taken
Resolution of estimate of expenses was
passed and appears in The Tribune in
another column
Ordinance No 108 was passed and ap
proved It will be found in another
column of this paper
Report of Treasurer Ebert was read
accepted and filed
A number of claims were laid over for
lack of O K
The treasurers report to May 1st
showed receipts of S56762 and expen
ditures of 75662S with balance on
hand of 100134
H S C Lawn Social
Next Tuesday evening residence of
W S Perry Ices and strawberries
will be served Prices 10 and 15 cents
A liberal patronage is solicited by the
society A pleasant social time is as
Want Your Poultry and Eggsj
We are paying the highest market
price in cash for poultry and eggs
Bring them to the old Burgess imple
ment office and get your money
Burgess Walsh
Baled Prairie Hay for Sale
I have for sale a quantity of baled
prairie hay Leave ordors at the Barnett
or Bullard lumber yards
Harry Barbazett
Did you say We have more than all
the other dealers put together and we
set the pace in prices
McConnell Berry
Unfurnished Rooms and Closets
For rent in opera hosse block three
rooms and two closets Inquire of Mrs
S E Griggs opera house block
Wall Paper
We have left a good assortment of
wall paper from which to select at right
prices A McMillen
Special Purse Sale
Purses worth 25c to 50c now 19c
Purses worth 50c to 1 now 39c
C L DeGroff Co
Shorthand Pupils Wanted
Pupils wanted for a summer shorthand
school L W Stayner
Wood Wanted at Barnetts
We want a number of loads of stove
wood at once Barnett Lumber Co
Best Ice Cream Soda at Candy Shop
If you get it at Marshs market its a
good article
Chain rubber and leather belting at
W T Colemans
Always reliable always dependable
what you buy at Marshs meat market
Get a plunge bath tub of W T Cole
man Just the thing for this hot
Extension step ladders suitable for
picking cherries and washing windows
at W T Colemans
For Rent A number of rooms over
the meat market Inquire of D C
Marsh in the market
Childrens Wash Dresses ready-to-wear
from 3 years to 12 years at 40c to
1 The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Dont wring out your mop with your
hands when you can get a mop wringer
Finest thing out at W T Colemans
Silk Mitts Silk Gloves Lace Gloves
Plaited Satin Belts Fancy Parasols
Lace Stripped Hose Washable Ribbons
Lace Appliques Bands and Galloons all
found in greatest variety at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
Engine 161 will go to Ilavelock soon
Mack Hughes now has a new tem
pering forge
Way car 53 is out of the shop after a
general overhauling
Helper Walter Sheridan of Akron has
been moved to Oxford
There are twelvo men on the extra list
Getting ready for a rush
T L OPry is a new machinist who
entered the service Thursday
At Kapkes suits for 20 up Experi
enced tailor Fits guaranteed
No 3 ran in two sections both Wed
nesday and Thursday evenings
Brakeman Harry Elison and father
are making a short visit in Denver
Captain Will Stoner of Weeping Water
has gone to work in the store house
J II Howard holner at Oxford has
been transferred to At wood Kansas
Ernest Pearson has entered the train
service from the mechanical department
J F Mercier student at Imperial
has been installed at Akron in that ca
J A Shepherd has quit the service as
carpenter and is working at the trade in
the city
George Trombly and Louis Herstrom
have gone into theservice as machinists
Robert J Moore is enjoying a visit
from his mother of Macon Nebraska
this week
Conductor J II Burns was ill Wed
nesday and Conductor George Willetts
had to double
Day Operator W II Williams of Ox
ford visited his brother in Wilsonville
first of the week
Conductor C E Pope isoffduty today
and L C Wolff is manipulating the
punch on his run
Brakeman F D Barney was summon
ed to Lincoln Saturday by the serious
illness of his mother
Harry D Stewart of the McCook tele
graph office force is relieving Agent
Green at Culbertson
One engine hauled 1S25 tons out of
McCook westward during the testing of
tonnage etc last week
Why not leave your order for suits
with a practical tailor Suits for 15
and upwards at Kapkes
Agent Mark Lawritson of Holbrook
has a leave of absence and A J Zint
extra agent is supplying
Engine 339 a class H4 is in the shop
for an overhauling Also 250 a class
G switch engine from Denver
Rufus Carlton Mark Hullhorst and F
S Camp all have good positions in Salt
Lake City Utah in railroad service
A new time card with quicker time
between Chicago and Denver is among
the early probabilities on the Burling
Engine 346 class H4 is out of the
shop The 46 a class A mill is also out
of the shop and will be ready for service
in a few days
H W Conover took a short lay off
this week and went down to Red Cloud
to witness the wedding of his niece and
Fireman Roy Zint
Conductor T E McCarl made runs
for C O LeHew and L C Wolff this
week Lellew was off sick and Wolff
made some passenger runs
E C Heck will arrive in the city to
morrow and will enroll himself at once
in Max Antons paint gang Heck is
one of the best all round catchers in the
amateur list
Conductor C W Bronsou laid off
Tuesday and helped the boys nominate
Judge Norris for congress at Hastings
Conductor Wolff had his run and T E
McCarl Wolfifs
A Cs smile is winsome expansive
and infectious He is thinking how
many new train crews will be required
to handle the big wheat and other crops
along the Western division in the near
Two special cars carrying members
of the Mechanical Foremens association
were attached to No 5 Thursday even
ing They took supper at the eating
house and continued westward on No 3
same night
Fireman IvL Rodstrom returned home
Monday night from Omaha where he
was with his brother Postal Clerk Rod
strom who was operated upon for gall
stones in an Omaha hospital Postal
Clerk Rodstrom would have been in the
wreck of No 42 Saturday May 17th
near Hyannis had he not been in the
hospital for the operation
The Izzers are coming to town
mama Thats nothing new The
Thompson Dry Goods Co have been
selling Izzers for five years and every
body knows it No equally good Cotton
Batt is obtainable at 10c Exclusive
It is worth considerable to be able to
feel that you can depend upon the
quality of meats you order at the meat
martet A child can get as good meats
at Marshs market as a
and a phone
order gets
the be
t everv
Extra sizes in Ladies Gauze Vests and
Pants Boys and Girls Gauze Pants
Drawers and Shirts Union Suits in
Gauze for Ladies Ladies Black Gauze
Vests Most complete line The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Plenty of Lace Borderings and Em
broidery Beadings also plenty of the
Narrow Velvet Ribbons in black and
colors at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
The Masons are arranging for a picnic
near the mouth of Redwillow creek St
Johns day Juno 24th
The latest thing out in the way
sickle grinders at W T Colemans
Bennett has them 1303
Were At Home to Many
Mrs J F Kenyon and Mrs F S
Wilcox recoived at the homo of the for
mer last Friday afternoon from 230 to
six in honor of Mrs Kenyonn niece
Mrs W C Bulger of El Paso Texas
who briefly visited in the city close of
last week on her way Texas ward from
visiting nerniotlierin Iowa
Mrs Kenyon Mrs Wilcox and Mrs
Bulger received in the parlor welcoming
abouteighty guests during the afternoon
Thoy were assisted by Mrs II P Sut
ton and Miss Nina Doan in serving
punch and bonbons by Mrs G A
Noren and Miss Addie Doan with the
eoffte and wafers by Mrs FMKinimell
Mrs G R Snyder and Mrs Albert Mc
Millen at the refreshment table
The light of day was carefully exclud
ed from the dining room which was
illuminated by candles in handsome
candelabra A tasteful color scheme of
pink and white was carried out effective
ly in the ice cream and cake served and
in the table linen and fancy work
Mrs Frank Kendlen ushered into the
dining room Mrs C F Bahcock into
the punch room Celestine Kendlen re
ceived the cards and Dollv Pentiell at
tended the door
In every detail it was a very delight
ful social affair
Will Take Action Tonight
All interested in a library are request
ed to meet in the court houso tonight to
take action in the matter Tuesday
evenings meeting was quite well attend
ed and it was thought advisable to hold
another meeting Friday eveningto more
fully discuss the question All interest
ed are urged to be present Many feel
that the library project should be pro
moted to a successful issue If you feel
that way be present this evening
The following named committee was
elected at the Tuesday evening meeting
George E Thompson Frank W Dean
D C Marsh Howe Smith Sylvester
Cordeal J A Gunn R A Green J A
Wilcox Mrs W S Morlan and Mrs
Sylvester Cordeal
A Beet Sugar Factory
The Tribune appreciates the fact that
to secure a beet sugar factory is a large
undertaking and yet cannot be dis
suaded from urging that the effort be
made notwithstanding Smaller towns
than McCook have accomplished it
Sterling Colorado is a late example of
what energy can do They are within 600
acras of the required 5000 acres to guar
antee them a factory An organized
effort can purely secure guarantees that
5000 acres oftieeTsTviil be planted and
cultivated in this neighborhood next
year The effort is certainly worth
while Help comes to those who help
themselves Will McCook make the
effort to help herself in this matter
Burlington Baseball Notes
Cochran cant be secured
Heck will be with the boys after this
The bovs will show Minden a game on
the 30th
Will Stoner was captain of the Weep
ing Water team last year They only
lost three out of 2 games played He
will play with the Burlingtons this sea
John Thomson Married
John J Thomson of Missoula Mont
and Miss Jennie Waldorf of Western
Nebraska were married in Western
Thursday morning at 930 The young
people arrived in the city last night on
No 3 on their way west A reception
will be held in their honor tomorrow
evening at the home of his parents
Agent and Mrs A P Thomson The
Tribune extends hearty congratulations
Absolutely Clear Title
Notice is hereby given that the title
to the W T Stone farm will be abso
lutely clear rumor to the contrary not
withstanding 2t
C II Jacobs Administrator
We have hammocks all prices and
styles The very best make for less
price than you usually pay for the cheaper
ones Come and get prices
A McMillen
The Epworth League Convention
The convention is just well under way
as we go to press this afternoon and we
shall give proper space to its proceedings
next week describing a successful and
profitable gathering
We sell best Indigo dyed Prints 5c
yard Best Apron Check Ginghams 5c
yard Best Table Oil Cloth 15c yard
Best Carpet Warp on spools 18c for
white 20c for colors F C Gauze
Corsets 35c to 1 Ladies Gauze Vests
5c to 50c Childrens fancy Parasols 16c
Ideal Shirt Waists 50c to 2 Mens
stout seamless sox 5c Six big fast color
red or blue handkerchiefs for 25c 12
yards of Valenciennes Lace for 14c We
save you 10 to 40 per cent The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
Wednesday nights storm was heavy
out west in the neighborhood of Wray
Colorado Rain hail and wind Here
it was all wind and dust but 10 of an
inch of rain
Izzer Izzer Whos got the Izzer
Thats easy The Thompson Dry Goods
Co have it Its their crack Cotton
Batt Price 10 cents
Those two hole Quick meal gasoline
stoves are the best and all right to set
on top of your range to get supper on
these hot davs
Mound City Paint is fast coming to
the front and acknowledged to be the
best by everyone who use it
Fruit jars and fruit jar rubbers and
tops cherry pitters and fruit funnels at
W T Colemans
McCook stores will be open every night
next week after 8 oclock except Mon
1303 at Bonnotts
twgn LiiHinnimmmii mi i ii ii i
Try a 1303 at Bennetts
v lTniWTitiir Tjuiver
Tho best soda is at Cone Bros
Buy a 1303 Bennett sells thoni
Its a winner 1303 at Bennetts
Ice cream 25c quart Palace of Sweets
Special prices on hammocks at Cones
Stone for sidewalks at Barnett Lum
ber yard
The library project is not death but
Tako your stove wood
Lumber Co
meat market
to tho Barnett
seasonable at Marshs
A few Hicks Almanacs for 1902 for
sale at this ollice
E J Mitchell auctioneer
ollice 17 residence 95
I hones-
Buy your bath brushes sponges and
toilet soaps at Cone Bros
Two second hand headers
cheap at W T Colemans
for sale
The local demand for carpenters is in
excess of the supply at present
Childrens Fancy Parasols 16c and Tc
at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Remnants in wall paper very cheap
McConnell it Berry
Stone sidewalks aro now required by
the Ljty authorities Barnett has tho
A bargain in
steam thieshing
a good
second hand
Si o W T
Four chicks saved pavs for enough
Lees Lice Killer to last a whole season
Sold by all druggists
Have you tried the soda at Cones
Everything clean and dainty and
served in elegant style
C W Goheen has for salo for cash or
trade a McConnick self binder in good
condition Call on or write him 2ts
TVo rooms for rent
one block south of M
Call at residence
E church
Ernest Pearson
Wq set the pace on hammocks A
big line at the right prices Our dollar
woven bed hammock is a wonder
McConnell Berry
Lost Small diamond ring Friday af
ternoon Juno 6th Finder will bo re
warded by returning same to mo at Zints
barber shop Tom OConnor
Last week W L Zint bought tho
Mrs Lillian McCarl residence on Mar
shall street It will be occupied by Roy
Zint and bride Mrs Cora Kelley va
The Corset Girdle in all its makes
Gauze Batiste and Coutil 50c 75c
and 100 All of the celebrated F C
brand Money back after 4 weeks wear
if dissatisfied For sale only by The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
This is an ideal time to paint up your
premises Every dollar invested now in
paint will add two to the value of your
property See our S W P new ideas
in colors and get our prices on the best
paint made
McConnell Berry
Cards are out announcing the ap
proaching wedding of Frank R Dobson
and Edna Garrard The happy event
is on the calendar for June 25th Both
are well known and highly esteemed in
this community where they have lived
many years
One of the best moves for their benefit
recently made by the farmers of Red
willow county is the purchasing of sep
arators They seem to be a success in
operation and profitable Dairying in
some portions of the coun ty has been
greatly stimulated -by the separators
The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean
prints interesting short stories of love
travel and adventure each week in addi
tion to all the news of the world at large
We have arranged especially whereby
our readers may have both this paper
and the Inter Ocean for one year at the
very low rate of 140 for both
We direct attention to the advertise
ment of the Bee Hive in this issue Its
poison but its good for grasshoppers
Go and get some of that 30 gallons of
hopper dope Try it according to direc
tions in The Tribune The results will
speak for themselves Go today and
commence the good work tomorrow ev
Creditors of Frank S Curry attempt
ed first of the week to attach his house
hold goods as they were at the station
ready to be shipped to Denver The
goods were shipped to the name of
Pierce The goods were delivered to the
company and freight paid before action
was attempted and the action was dis
missed and goods were returned to the
company although the creditors are not
by any means satisfied that the trans
action is in good faith
The designers of the Ideal White
and Colored Shirt Waists have more
than maintained their reputation this
season TheirPIain Linen Lawn Waists
their Tucked and Appliqued Linen ones
their Persian Striped Linen ones their
Silk Gingham Waists buttoning before
or behind their Dotted Swiss Waists in
light or dark grounds their White
Waists in Gibsons and buttoning before
or behind all of them are gems and
unequalled for style beautv and finish
Price 50c to 200 For sale only by The
Thompson Dry Goods Co