The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 23, 1902, Image 1

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Closing Exercises Public Schools
The closing exercises of the McCook
public schools will commence on next
Sunday ovening with the Baccalaureate
Sermon and will close on the evening of
Monday June 2nd with the Alumni
Banquet Following we give more in
detail tho program of exercises
The sermon to the members of the
graduating class will be preached by
Rev Frank W Dean in tho Congrega
tional church Sunday evening May
25th services commencing at eight
oclock The several churches of the
city will unite in malting llus a union
service and the public is- cordially in
vited to the same
Theso will be held in the Menard
opera house on Thursday evening May
29th commencing at eight thirty oclock
The entire program will bo given by
members of the class of 1002 Tho play
will be a pleasing and novel feature of the
evening being given by the girls of the
class Following is the detailed program
Piano Solo La Haladino Lysborc
Miss Millio Elbrt
Oration An Em of Expansion
Charles Lester Littcl
Clns History Miss Mniulo Coleman
Vocal Duet Aprile Concono
MJ 111 n h AlrP irl ind Millie Elhert
in iim ir I
1 lay 1J ilUUL J1L 11CB3
Mr Tolin Smith Ethel 12 Popo
Anna Maria her laughter Myrtle Kennedy
Ociniiua Julia Goodenbertfer
Sophia MandoColoman
Arabella Blancho McCarl
Matilda Maude Best
Mr- Alexander do Courcy Smith Ona Ilendrick
lJet v Urown Millie Elbert
isipjKti j ervant to Mrs John Smith
Lillian Burnett
Vocal Solo Sweet Bird of Spring
nnde M is Blanche McCarl
Oration Popular Election of Senators
John L Bice
Cla s Song
For this evening admission will be
live by ticket Tickets to the number
f total seats in the opera house will be
issued and placed at the disposal of
members of the graduating class to
whom applications should be made
This arrangement will obviate the in
convenience of over crowding and secure
complete safety
Saturday evening May 31st com
mencing at eight thirty oclock in the
Menard opera house the final exercises
of the closing week of school will be
held The feature of the Commence
ment evening will be tho address by Ed
Amherst Ott head of the department of
Elocution and English in Drake univer
sity Des Moines Iowa He is a speaker
of fine dramatic ability uncommon
personal magnetism and great force
Though of a popular nature in tho main
the lecture will not be lacking in fullness
of sound advice to tho young people just
approaching the serious work of life A
small admittance fee will be charged 15
cents which will bo helpful in handling
the crush of people usually desiring to
attend these exercises Reserved seats
will be placed on sale at McConnell
Berrys drug store Saturday noon May
24th The order of events for Com
mencement evening follow
Piano Duet II Trovatore Jean Paul
Mesdnmes WB Mills and Mabel Slranahan
Invocation Rev L M Grigsby
Quartette In Abscnco Dudley Buck
Messrs T E McCarl S B McLean
J R McCarl B B Gillespie
Salutatory Charles Lester Littel
Address EdAmhorstOtt
Piano Solo Valse de lOpera Faust
nod Liizt Miss Olive M Howe
Valedictory John L Rice
Presentation of Diplomas Hon G W Norris
Vocal Solo Fear not ye O Israel Dudloy
Buck Mrs P F McKenna
Btuediction Rev G L White
The High School Alumni association
will tender a reception and banquet to
the members of the class of 1902 on
Monday evening June 2nd in the east
ward school building Tickets are now
being sold to members by the members
of the committee Misses Laura McMil
len Julia Ryan and Eva Burgess the
latter being easily found at the post
office lobby
This will conclude the series of events
of closing week All will be full of in
terest to the people of McCook whose
pride in the city schools is proverbial
Attention Teachers
The B M R R gives one and one
third fare for the round trip to the
Summer School and Joint Institute to
be held at Culbertson from June 2nd to
July 4th 1902
Pay full fare when you purchase ticket
to Culbertson Dont fail to take a
receipt for the amount you pay for your
ticket This is important for the re
ceipt in connection with your certificate
of attendance is good for two thirds of
fare on return trip if presented at Cul
bertson depot when ticket is purchased
Tickets for the going trip to Culbert
son will be for sale on May 26th and
27th June 1st 2nd 3rd and 22nd and
23rd Dates for sale of return tickets
will be announced later
Teachers may secure all the necessary
information concerning board lodging
renting rooms and houses by writing to
Prin H G Meyer Culbertson Neb 2
Eugene S Dutcher Co Supt
A Sufferer For a Long Time
Frederica the 17-year-old daughter of
Jacob Unger was buried in the Long
view cemetery last Friday morning
Her death took place on Wednesday af
ternoon preceeding at about two oclock
of dropsy with which she had had long
been a sufferer Services were con
ducted by the German precher from the
Ash Creek church
King- Violet
The newest and finest perfume
McConnell Berry
Just what Ive been wishing to see
the new Batiste Corset Girdle And
you have them in the gauze Well
well Yes and we think we have every
size in every desirable style of Gauze
Corsets All of the celebrated F C
make Money back after four weeks
actual wear if dissatisfied Sold only by
The Thompson D G Co 35c and SI
Satisfaction guaranteed by Dr Hare
in fitting glasses 2t
Leon Clark camo out from Iowa
Tuesday night
Reuben T Jones of Box Elder has
gone to Syracuse Nebraska
W C Bullard was out from Omaha
Saturday on lumber business
Mrs A D Miller is down from
Denver this week visiting friends
Mrs II G Gohle has gone to Red
Cloud ponding joining her husband
Frank Carruth returned Monday
night from a visit to the folks in Denver
Mrs J W Line returned home on 6
last Thursday from a visit to Denver
Mrs Albert Barnett has gone to
Iowa being called there by the illness of
her mother
Mrs Hugh Brown went west on No
1 last Saturday on a visit to relatives
in Cheyenne
Mrs L R IIileman is visiting in
Omaha and other Eastern Nebraska
points this week
C H Boyle arrived home Wednes
day night from visiting tho family in
Denver a few days
F Mederas of Palisade was in the
city close of last week after a load of
McCook merchandise
A G Williams of The Tribune force
spent Saturday and Sunday with the
homefolks in Stockville
Joe Swartz formerly in the saloon
business here died of consumption in
New York city May 13th
Mrs 11 H Miller who has been
visiting McCook relatives departed for
Denver last Sunday night
II A Wagner special agent for the
Fidelity Deposit Co of Maryland was
in the city earl in the week
Mrs N B Bush and the baby arrived
from Almena Kansas this morning on
13 to visit her parents and the family
Frank Williams and wife arrived
from Tho Needles Calif this week
and are visiting his parents over near
Mrs W C IIines accompanied her
husband to Denver last Thursday night
on second No 3 returning home on G
Friday night
Dr Damerell of Red Cloud who
would not object to being the fusion
nominee for governor was a ciCy visitor
Herbert Hedges deputy postmaster
at Falls City Nebraska who has been
upon a visit to the family here departed
for homeSunday morning on his bicycle
Mrs W C Bulger is spending the
day in the city on her way to Iowa from
Texas She arrived from ElPaso last
night and will leave tonight for the east
She will make a longer stop on her way
Harry Edwards departed for tho west
Monday Failing to liquidate a few
little claims about town Marshal Gray
found it necessary to interview him at
Culbertson en route and the matter was
settled satisfactorily
Mrs JRPhelan and the younger chil
dren arrived from Alliance close of last
week and have moved int 3 old Rees
residence recently purchased by Mrs
Phelan They will be welcomed by
many old time friends
Dan OBrien of our city late from
Chicago but who last week was in
Colorado was on the famous Denver
Rio Grande special carrying Denver
real estate men that made the record
breaking run of 12G miles in 151 minutes
from Pueblo to Denver last week
Otto Ballew and wife of Princeton
Missouri are now visiting in Denver
and Grand Junction Colorado Otto is
still showing the effects of his injury in
a railroad wreck but is gradually im
proving He secured 375000 from the
Rock Island for his injuries He mar
ried a wife of considerable means and
expects to engage is business and retire
from railroading for good
7 O Holcomb and family and broth-
Robert Lawson departed on
Monday overland for the west They
will drive as far as Akron Colorado
The Holcombs have been respected resi
dents of McCook for years and the well
wishes of many friends accompany them
to their western home wherever they
may decide to locate
The last of the pleasant Friday morn
ing music programmes was rendered to
day at the high school assembly Of all
the exercises these have been the most
thoroughly appreciated by the pupils
and grateful thanks is returned by them
to the many friends of the school who
have fisted The programme this
morning follows
Morning Hymn School
Piano Duet-
Mrs Stranahan and Mrs Mills
Vocal Solo Mr Stuart McLean
Song School
Piano Solo Miss Olive M Howe
Vocal Duet
Misses Howe and Blanche McCarl
March Miss Blanche McCarl
If you get it at
good article
Marshs market its a
Eyes examined and glasses fitted by
Dr Hare permanently located at Mc
Cook 2t -
The Tribune believes that a library
can be created and maintained under a
plan now being prepared and will have
more to savln the future
Best Table Oil Cloth 15c yard Best
Indigo Dyed Prints 5c yd Best Apron
Check Ginghams 5c yd Best Carpet
Warp on spools 18c for white 20c for
colors Best quality 5c muslin for ic
yd by the bolt Six big red or blue fast
color handkerchiefs for 25c No special
sale just tho every day effort to be
right and more than right The Thomp
son D G Co One price plain figures J
eusu oniy
Death Came as a Relief
About eleven oclock last Friday
morningafter a long and painful illness
death camo to tho relief of Mrs Eliza
both Meyer The deceaseds sufferings
cover several years the period of her
final illness being almost a year being
bedfast during tho past eight months
Elizabeth Frieda Parpek was born
in Berlin Germany in 1840 Was mar
ried to George Meyer September 20th
1859 Camo to America in 18G7 locat
ing in Harvard Ills Came to Nebraska
17 years ago and located in McCook
Wsis born and raised in the faith of the
German Luthern Church She was the
mother of 11 children of whom three
died in infancy and one at tho age of 21
years jmvo daughters ana two sons
survive her MrsHFNusly of Canton
Ohio Mrs C E Benedict Mrs Ains
worth Monks Mrs J A Ritchie Miss
Myrtle Meyer Will Myer and George
Meyer all of our city Her husband
died in this city a few years after their
arrival here
Funeral services were conducted at the
home of Mrs Monks Sunday afternoon
at 230 by Rev Frank W Dean of tho
Congregational church after which the
remains were interred in Longview
cemetery Many friends gathered at
the residence to pay a last tribute of re
The devoted daughters especially
have tho deepest and tenderest sym
pathy in the death of the mother
a card of thanks
We desire to return our sincere thanks
to the many friends who assisted and
sustained us during our recent bereave
Mr and Mrs HF Nusly
Mr and Mrs CE Benedict
Mr ane Mrs A Monks
Mr and Mrs J A Ritchie
Myrtle Meyer
Will Meyer
George Meyer
J J Hill Inspects the Burlington
Starting at Chicago Monday J J
Hill has been making a trip over the
Burlington on his first inspection of the
great road which recently came into his
control the greatest railroad deal of
the century The special train consist
ing of five cars pulled into this station
at two oclock Wednesday afternoon
The train was made up of Mr Hills
private car A1G General Manager Ilold
reges private car No 198 Supt A
Campbells private car No 10 the
sleeper Lycoming and the No 100 from
the Grand Island St Joseph Among
those on the special with the magnate
were Director C E Perkins President
George B Harris Darius Miller traffic
manager Howard Elliott second vice
president F A Delano general mana
ger of the Q General Manager George
W Holdrege of the Burlington Super
intendent Nutt and several other
officials of the Illinois and Iowa lines
aud Supt Campbell of the Western
division who joined the special at Hast
ings After a short stay here the special
continued its journey toward Denver
Conductor J H Burns was in charge of
the special with Engineer Frank Hawks
worth at the throttle It was the great
est aggregation of railroad officials of
note ever seen at this station There is
much comment in many quarters as to
the momentousness of the trip
Oh Thats Easy
Quite a few citizens of McCook were
attracted to the depot Wednesday after
noon to see the Hill special which
arrived here as second No 1 about two
oclock Director C E Perkins in
quired of Supt Campbell the cause of
the gathering and the genial superin
tendent of the Western division was
equal to the occasion by replying that
they wanted to see the man who had
money enough to buy the Burlington
Oh thats easy was the chairmans
quick reply The price paid was 200
000000 And this reminds us that J
Pierpont Morgan recently testified that
a recent financial transaction of his in
volving about ten or fifteen millions was
so common and of such small moment
that he could not remember the trans
McCook Won Her First
The game of baseball between a picked
nine of McCook players and the Trenton
team Tuesday afternoon on the local
grounds resulted in a victory for the
locals in a score of 16 to 13 McCooks
battery was Thomas Burney and Reed
Trentons Smith Baldwin and Nelson
McCook was credited with 12 errors and
11 hits Trenton with 11 errors and 13
hits The game was characterized by a
reciprocity of errors E S Jones and
Pitcher Smith of the Trenton club were
from McCook who won the game on a
close margin -
Valuable Book Free
Campbells Soil Culture manual 112
pages with many illustrations Tells how
moisture is stored evaporation checked
and yields increased Mailed free to any
address by J Francis general passenger
agent Burlington Route Omaha Neb
on receipt of a 2 cent stamp
We have hammocks all prices and
styles The very best make for less
price than you usually pay for the cheaper
ones Come and get prices
A McMillen
Baled Prairie Hay for Sale
I have for sale a quantity of baled
prairie hay Leave orders at the Barnett
or Bullard lumber yards
Harry Barbazett
Wall Paper
We have left a good assortment of
wall paper from which to select at right
prices A McMillen
Baby Carriages and Go Carts
Are you wanting one Special prices
at Ludwicks till June 1st
At the right price you can always get
the choicest things the season affords at
D C Marshs meat market At the old
stand all the time
M II Dunham
is a new clerk in the
Frank Hannan will return to work in
a day or two
Meyers tho planer man skipped the
burg last Friday
Charles Wands returned close of last
week from his visit
Brink Hulhorst will leave for Chicago
Sunday to enter school
Larry Roach is a new helper in the
blacksmith shop this week
Max Antons gang is whitewashing
the interior of tho machine shop
J Kauptman is a new machinist in
the companys employ this week
John Lellewof the boilermakers gang
is laying off a day or two this week
New brakemen this week are L E
Hill G B Roberts C A Garner
Con Kildow blacksmiths helper quit
his job and jumped the burg last Friday
Stewart McLean and James Stangland
visited Norman Campbell in Denver
Brakeman W A Cassell had an arm
caught and cut in a vestibule door
Mrs G D LeIIew and little daughter
went down to Hastings Tuesday on a
short visit
Machinist Oscar Pederson and C M
Spencer quit the service and left town
G I Pitman aud Guy C Harris are
new members of Storekeeper Barbers
clerical force
Yardmaster Peter Carty has purchas
ed Dennis Cullens residence on North
Monroe street
Rufus Carlton late of the storehouse
force took his departure Saturday
night for the west
Conductor Eph Benjamin is out with
the pile driver now oxierating between
Oxford and Arapahoe
Why not leave your order for suits
with a practical tailor Suits for 15
and upwards at Kapkes
Brakeman E E Saddler J J Berry
W W Webster add J E OConnor are
on the sick list this week
Locomotives 209 of tho A class and
54 114 class are just out of the back shop
and 25 an 114 went in this week
Switchman W C Cox is now in
charge of the Red Cloud yard and Free
man Utter comes back to McCook
C W Tyler is temporarily in charge
of the Akron yard vice Gerlinger and is
assisted by L E Hill reemployed
Peter Carty moved into his new homo
Thursday Dennis Cullen is tem
porarily domiciled in the J E Kelley
Mark Hulhorst and F S Camp late
of the store house clerical force followed
the star of the empire westward last
Saturday night
General Manager Holdrege and party
went east attached to No 2 Tuesday
morning from a visit to Denver occupy
ing his private car No 198
Switchman Clyde Olmstead who was
injured in the Oxford yard close of last
week came up to headquarters Tuesday
night He has a sprained foot
Joe Gerlinger was down from Akron
early in the week on business at head
quarters related to his recent difficulty
with Buck Shaw in the Akron yard
Switchman C L Olmstead was in
jured in the Oxford last Friday by
getting his foot in a frog His ankle
was sprained and his hip hurt He
came to headquarters Friday night for
Yardmaster Joe Gerlinger and Switch
man Buck Shaw had a personal en
counter in the Akron yard first of the
week in which Gerlingers personal ap
pearance was not improved Both were
Switchman Floyd Ford was caught
between the drawheads of two freight
cars in the McCook yard last Friday af
ternoon and sustained a fracture of his
collar bone He is able to be about and
is getting along nicely
One of the worse wrecks in its history
occurred on the Wyoming line of the
Burlington Saturday morning last at 3
oclock one mile east of Hyannis A
double header stock extra and No 42
were in the head on collision which is
charged to misreading of order William
Ray of Tecumseh Neb Mvron Tuttle
of Whitman Neb W D Pitts of Eldo
rado Mo J M Cox of Springfield
Mo and Fireman Lee Leinhart were
killed A number were injured one or
two seriously Three engines and six
cars were smashed up
Greatness has its draw backs it comes
abnormally high or at least some people
have to pay a painful price for it For
instance Johnny Morrissey some years
since rescued Holbrook and MeFaddens
Pasture from obscuracy and he will be
paying for that bit of fame until Gabriel
blows his trumpet Every writer who
imagines a fine strain of facetious is
tangled up in him finds exercise at
Johnnys expense The latest assault on
Morrisseys peace and happiness comes
from the Field Man And Johnny is
in doubt as to whether he had better
get his gun or make his will
Fireman A L Brigner received an
ugly scalp wound xnursaay mgnt oi
last week by being accidentally struck
on the head by a frog a casting
weighing about eighty pounds The
tender or tank of the engine on second
No 3 got off the track in the yard here
Fireman Brigner got down off the engine
and was walking along side the tank
when Switchman Armstrong in the
darkness threw the frog from the tank
to the ground the heavy casting grazing
Brigners head in the fall and cutting a
gash which required a few stitches at
the surgeons hands The injury was
not severe and the accident was greatly
regretted by Switchman Armstrong
Bennett has them 1303
f I-
Program For Both Days
At ten oclock in the morning all mem
bers of the G A R soldiers of tho
Spanish American war Sons of Veter
ans Ladies Circle of tho G A R and
confederate soldiers are requested to
meet at post headquarters and march to
the Baptist church where the Memorial
sermon will bo preached by Rev L M
At ten oclock in the forenoon decora
tion of soldiers graves by the committee
appointed by tho G A R post and
Ladies Circle Citizens are requested
to join with the committee in the decor
ation of graves It is requested that all
flowers bo delivered at tho Methodist
church Friday morning not later if
possible than nino oclock
At one oclock in the afternoon mem
bers of the G A R post soldiers of the
Spanish American war Sons of Veterans
ex confederate soldiers and Ladies of the
G AR will meet at G A R hall form
line of march and proceed to tho Meth
odist church where tho following pro
gram will be had commencing at half
past one
Prayer Rov F V Dean
Reading of Oidors Adjutant J W Uuderliill
Reading of Lincoln s joUjshurtf Address
Mrs K M Knthlitiii
Address Hon V S Morlan
Address to Unknown Dead Mrs A 1 Welleo
Address Dr A C Harlan
Miiic America
Adjournment to Cemetery
The city council all civic bodies
school children and citizens are cordi
ally invited to meet with us and partici
pate in the services The music will be
in charge of Miss Howe
By order of the committee
A C Harlan Chief Marshal
A Barnett Assistant Marshal
For Sale
Good windmill pump and tank In
quire of F Traver at the J M Hender
son property
Special Purse Sale
Purses worth 25c to 50c now 19c
Purses worth 50c to 1 now 39c
C L DeGrofk Co
Did you say We have more than all
the other dealers put together and
set the pace in prices
McConnell Berry
Wall Paper and Paints
A McMillen wishes you to call and
examine his large assortment of wall
paper latest colorings and combina
tions Prices from 3c per roll up
Our remnants are out o sight as
to price
We have a large line of mixed paints
and stains Would call your attention
to our special enamel for inside decora
tions A McMillen
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Services at St Albans
Episcopal church Sunday school 10
Morning prayer and sermon 11 Even
song and sermon 8 Come
R M Hardman Rector
Rev Cert L Storey is the new South
McCook Methodist church pastor
Presiding Elder Hardaway of Hold
rege was in city on business of the
cloth Tuesday
Will Organize Vocal Club
Miss Mary J Scott will organize a
vocal club Friday evening June 6th at
8 oclock in the Methodist church All
interested in voice culture are urged to
Cut Flowers
Do you want fiowers forcommence
ment Leave us your order early or
you may be disappointed It
McConnell Berry
Residence For Sale
A seven room house and two lots
quire of Mrs L E Irwin
Sugar beet hoes at W T Colemans
Childrens fancy parasols for 16c
35c at The Thompson D G Co
Glasses accurately fitted by Dr J D
HareM D McCook Nebraska 2t
Always reliable always dependable
what you buy at Marshs meat market
Handsome Black Silk Lace Dress
Skirts for 5 at The Thompson DG Co
Auditorium committee did not meet
Monday night but will have a session
soon as per call
For Rent A number of rooms over
the meat market Inquire of D C
Marsh in the market
All the bright and beautiful shades in
spun silk underlinings for lace draperies
at The Thompson D G Co
W T Coleman has the latest im
proved ice cream freezers They will
freeze in one third the time that the
old style will
Arrangements are being made to have
a game of baseball on the local grounds
Decoration day between the Lincoln
team of Burlington employes and a
picked nine of McCook players
Colonel J Pluvius marshalled his
hosts last night and in two separate
divisions deluged this section with rain
and hail The precipitation was 163
Damage from hail not large
Those elegant and handsome Applique
Laces and Embroideries run from Sc to
35c a yard See us for all Laces and
Ribbons Belts and Belting Fans Gloves
and Handkerchiefs Dressing Sacques
Gauze UnderwearParasols and Umbrel
las and every sort of yard goods The
Thompson D G Co
1303 at Bennotts
Just like 1891 will do
Try a 1303 at Mennolts
Hail to the May showers
Now screen doors at Milliards
Buy a 1303 Bennett sells them
Its a winner -1503 at Mennetts
Latest styles screen doors at Milliards
Perfumes and toilet soaps at Cones
A number of line showers this week
Dr Seymour here
11th 1902
Call at Milliards and
screen doors
meat market
Wednesday Juno
see those fanev
seasonable at Marshs
See those picnic lunch baskets at W
T Colemans
For suiiuncr dress
DeGroff Co
goods go to C L
I N Briggs painting and paper-hanging
Phone 251
A few Hicks Almanacs for 1902 for
sale at this office
E J Mitchell auctioneer
office 17 residence 95
Buy hammocks at Cones
assorlnnMil and lowest prices
W T Coleman has water coolers suit
able for store and house use
A line
Milliard will get you odd size window
and door screens on short notice
ICxtra sizes in Ladies Gauze vests and
pants at Tho Thompson I G Co
Drs Seymour t Williams will be here
at the Commercial hotel June 1 1th
Remnants in wall paper very cheap
McConnell t Merry
Our screens keep out tho Hies
Bullakd it Co
Paper hanging for 20c
1 Jriggs p a i n t e r and
Phone 251
Dress Skirts to your
wool ones from 259 up
sod D G Co
a bolt I N
paper hanger
measure A II
Do you want something nice
wedding or graduating present
Coleman has the latest
for a
All kinds of garden and grass seeds for
sale All seeds fresh and in bulk
C J Ryan Manager
We have all kinds of window and door
screens at prices to suit
Bullard Co
Some new things in books and pictures
suitable for graduation presents 2t
McConnell Berry
e are glad to snow our screen
and are sure we can suit you
Bullard Co
Call on Dr Seymour when he is in
McCook at the Commercial hotel Wed
nesday June 11th Consultation free
Does your lawn mower get dull Call
at W T Colemans and get some Emery
paste prepared especially for sharpen
ing it
You should not buy wall paper until
you look at the stock at Cones drug
store Latest patterns and colorings
lowest prices
We set the pace on hammocks A
big line at the right prices Our dollar
woven bed hammock is a wonder
McConnell Berry
The noted eye specialist Dr Seymour
who will be at the Commercial hotel on
Wednesday June 11th devotes special
attention to the treatment of childrens
eyes with glasses
It is worth considerable to bo able to
feel that you can depend upon the
quality of meats you order at the meat
market A child can get as good meats
at Marshs market as a grown person
and a phone order gets the best every
This is an ideal time to paint up your
premises Every dollar invested now in
paint will add two to the value of your
property See our S W P new ideas
in colors and get our prices on the best
paint made
McConnell Berry
A lady seeing our line of Shirt Waists
250 of them are hung up in view sighed
and said she had bought one elsewhere a
day or two before She added with a
smile that she and her money were soon
parted Every unsupplied shopper is a
buyer The line is absolutely unequalled
for stvle worth and price The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
Though not verv largely attended the
entertainments bv Mr and Mrs C C
Beveridge Monday and Tuesday even
ings in the Congregational church were
entertaining and instructive The sing
ing and speaking were distinctively tem
perance in character and out of the
usual in that line They are Nebraskans
live in Fremont and are doing good
work for temperance
Sour Grapes the lecture by Ed
Amherst Ott given at the college last
Tuesday evening was one of those rare
treats which come our way at long inter
vals The lecturer is a very magnetic
speaker a polished gentleman and his
bearing the acme of grace He has the
happy faculty of carrying his audience
to the heights of sublimity with an elo
quent grandeur then suddenly but
gracefully dropping them to the ridicu
lous plane without a reacting jar State
College Pullman Washington