The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 16, 1902, Image 1

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In Memory of Judge Bishop
An adjourned session of tho February
term of district court in and for Red
willow county was held in the court
room of tho court house in our city
Monday evening May 10th to enable
tho bar of Redwillow county of which
deceased was tin first member to do
honor to the memory of the lato county
judge Georgo S Bishop Tudgo Norris
presided and the regular ollicers of tho
court were in attendance Reporter
Eisonhart Clerk Boatman Sheriff Crab
tree and County Attorney Starr Bo
sides tho bar of the county was well rep
resented in addition to two or three
visiting attorneys from tho bars of ad
joining connties
At tho appointed hour Sheriff Crab
treo called tho court to order and tho
committee Messrs W S Morlan II
W Keyes and C II Boyle appointed
by tho court at the February term to
draft resolutions in memory of tho lato
County Judgo Bishop a member of the
Redwillow county bar offered tho fol
lowing report
May it please the court Tho commit
tee mindful of its sad duty in preparing
suitable resolutions to the memory of tho
Honorable George S Bishop and recog
nizing his intimate connection with this
court especially at its organization feel
that the following should be made of
Georgo S Bishop was born in Cuba
Now York in the year 1S50 his earlier
years being spent in tho states of New
York Illinois and Iowa graduating from
tho University of the Stato of Iowa at
Iowa City from which institution tho
degree of bachelor of laws was conferred
upon him Juno 25th 1S75 Soon after
his graduation ho became a resident of
Harvard this state where ho engaged
in the practice of his profession and
later removed to this county and was an
Active participant in its organization
The first action of this court upon its
organization after the empaneling of a
grand jury was the admission of Mr
Bishop to practice in the court as an
attorney and counsellor as appears from
Journal one at page two of the records
of the court entered therein April 28th
In the district court of Red Willow
county in the state of Nebraska In
he matter of the admission of George
S Bishop as an attorney and counsellor
at law present Hon William Gaslin Jr
judge on motion of Hon CJ Dilworth
supported by certificate of admission to
George S Bishop to practice as an at
torney and counsellor at law in tho
upremp court of the state of Iowa be
ing a man of good moral character it is
ordered by this court that he be ad
mitted to practice as an attorney and
counsellor of this court
His name appears as counsel for one
of the litigants in the first cause dock
eted in this court and upon the election
of county oflicers for the newly organ
ized county he became deputy county
clerk and clerk of this court An exam
ination of the records of the county court
further discloses that his name appears
as counsel in the first cause recorded
in tho county court
At tho general November 1S97 elec
tion he was elected county judge of this
county to which office he was twice re
elected and occupied the office from
January G 1S93 until his decease De
cember 9 1901
In addition to the foregoing and in
further expression of the honor respect
and esteem in which Mr Bishop was
held by the members of the bar of this
court not only as a fellow member of
the bar an officer of the court and as
presiding judge of the county court be
fore which we have practiced but as a
friend associate and citizen wo respect
fully submit the following resolutions
Resolved That the court and bar of
this county have lost much in the death
of the Honorable George S Bishop
Resolved That Redwillow county has
lost one of its first and best known set
tlers who was known not only as a
lawyer and a judge but was best known
V to those who came in daily contact with
him for his kindness and consideration
of the rights aud feelings of others
Resolved That not only as brothers in
his profession but as citizens of this
county we feel that in his death we
have lost one who by example made the
profession more honorable and men more
kind and considerate in the strifes and
contests common to our profession
W S Morlan
Harlow W Keyes Committee
C H Boyle
After the reading of the report remarks
were made by several members of the
bar present W S Morlan paid a trib
ute to the uniform kindliness and con
sideration for the feelings of others
which characterized the life of tho de
ceased lie desired no nobler monument
W R Starr recalled tho large import
ance fOf the profession the absolute
demand for honorable and righteous
men and thought tho virtues of the
deceased might well be emulated C E
Eldred successor to the deceased county
judge paid the highest possible tribute
when he stated that the departed judge
left the affairs of the office as complete
the day ho suddenly died as though it
were his last day in the office J S
LeHew admired the deceaseds fidelity
to conviction and principle He said
that Judge Bishop was a partisan but a
partisan for the right and in the defense
of the weak or oppressed J L Whito
of the bar of Frontier county also de
livered a brief speech of well chosen
words and tender sentimentsafter which
tho report of the committee was ap
proved by tho court and the clerk was
ordered to spread the same on the rec
ords and furnish a copy to the family of
the deceased under seal of the district
court The remarks of Judgo Norris in
making tho order were timely and fitting
and concluded a touching session
The members of the family of tho
deceased sat within the bar while a few
y friends had seats in tho court room
proper adding their silent tribute
We are the Sun Bonnet people 25
colors and kinds at 25c each The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Dr F S Letson was in Alma over
A W Berry was Sunday pilgrim to
Miss Eva Lewis entertained tho Awl
Os Tuesday evoning
J W Parks took No 12 this morn
ing for Bushnell Illinois
Mrs W B Miller of Chicago is vis
iting her sister Mrs J W Hupp
Mrs W V Gage and Master Jack
aro visiting in Alliance this week
Mrs H A Bealk returned home
first of tho week from a ten days visit
Mrs James Hatfield has been called
over to Kansas by tho illness of a sister
Mrs Frank Kendlen has been a
Lincoln visitor since early in tho week
Rev L J Harrington of Orleans was
a city visitor Saturday and Sunday
Mrs George LeHew returned homo
closo of last week from her visit to
Carson Iowa
Mrs J C Barher arrived home
Tuesday night from a visit to her par
ents in Lincoln
J L White master in chancery was
over from Curtis Saturday on bank
ruptcy business
Dr J B Fickes and assistant Robert
Gunn returned from their dental circuit
Tuesday evening
Mrs II C Clapp departed on 6 last
night for Allegan Michigan to see her
mother who is quite ill
Mrs A P Thomson went up to
Boulder Colorado last Friday night on
3 returning home on G Saturday night
F II Spearman went up to Denver
on 1 Tuesday on a shortl trip and may
stop hero briefly on his way back to
Herbert Hedges deputy postmaster
of Fall City Nebraska arrived in the
city on 3 Monday night on a visit to
the family here
Mrs R W Haggard came up from
Lincoln Tuesday night and is visiting
her parents Engineer and Mrs Albert
Noren this week
Misses Mattie and Clara Able of
Red Cloud are visiting Rev and Mrs
F W Dean this week arriving in the
city Tuesday night on 3
Mrs Mary Battershall departed on
Monday for Illinois on a visit of a few
months stopping over a day or two in
Lincoln en route to visit relatives and
Mr and Mrs J W Parks and tho
latters nurse Miss Ora McElvain ar
rived from Bushnell Illinois close of
last week and are guests of Claim Agent
and Mrs Emerson Hanson
Mrs F S Harris came up from Lin
coln Monday night on her way to
Alamosa Colorado whither she pro
ceeded on 1 Tuesday Her daughter
Aimee remains with her parents Mr
and Mrs Joseph Menard for the present
The Tribune was incorrect in one
detail of the marriage notice of William
A Gold and Ellen N Miller last week
The ceremony was performed in Benkel
man by County Judge Israel and not in
Akron as stated In this connection
we might add that the family is now
occupying one of Mrs Golds residence
over on East Douglass at corner of
Mesdames W S Morlan Vina Wood
H P Sutton and Walter Stokes enter
tained High fivo club No 1 last Friday
evening at the home of the former
Mrs C F Babcock and Mr W R Starr
won the first prizes and Mrs H P
Sutton and Mr F G Westland the
boobies Refreshments were served
This meeting concluded the winters
series most auspiciously
The Coming Fence
Representatives of the Farmers Nur
sery Co of Phonton Ohio aro stopping
at the Commercial hotel and are going
to introduce to the people of this county
a now fence called the Russian Wild
Olive which they claim -will turn all
kinds of stock is the most durable
cheapest and best fence in use Why
they claim it the best is because it is
the cheapest and best fence made
Winds do not blow them down Floods
do not wash them away Stock cannot
rub it down It is the most durable
It does not decay No materials are
needed in repairs It lasts generations
It takes up but little room and crops
may be cultivated and raised close to it
It is the most ornamental fence made
Stock cannot be injured by coming in
contact with it These gentlemen will
canvas the county and will more fully
explain its value as the coming fence for
the farm or lawn
Were Married in Trenton Wednesday
J Fred Irwin of our city and Ida Gro
vert of Trenton were united in marriage
at the home of the bride near that place
Wednesday evening of this week Fred
is an efficient blacksmith in the com
panys service here and his bride is well
known to many here where she has lived
at different times in the past few years
They Will arrive in the city tomorrow
and will go to keeping house in the Ya
ger dwelling on North McFarland now
the property of the groom Here are
The Tribunes congratulations and
well wishes
Reminds Us of 1891
The continued heavy rains this week
following tho inch and three quarters of
last week bunday and Monday remind
us of 1S91 Tuesday morning the down
pour was 111 inches On Wednesday
morning 15 of an inch more followed
Thursday morning added 112 inches
and this morning 20 of an inch more
making a total of five inches of rain in
ten days It is needless to state that
crop conditions in this section of Ne
braska are simply superb
Very handsome Dressing Sacques of
Lawns Dimities Batistes etc at 75c
S100 123 and 150 The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
For the Heated Season
The following merchants of tho city
have agreed to close their rospectivo
places of business at eight oclock dur
ing tho months of June July and
August oxcepton pay days and three fol
lowing days and on Saturday evenings
u j JJeUroit uo
FJ Morgan
C A Loach
F S Vnhue
S W Lowman
Hadell Mercautilo Co
J II Ludwick
Mrs E E Saddler
Mrs M M Delhunty
W T Coleman
H P Waito
Polk Brothers
II P Sutton
D C Marsh
James McAdums
J II Grannis
Paul Anton
The Thompson D G Co
F M Colson
J G Stokes
M E Knipplo
J A Wilcox Son
E B Odoll
It is hoped in this connection that tho
purchasing public will make it possible
for all to observe this agreement Bus
iness men and clerks are enticled to con
sideration during tho heated term of tho
summer aud a little forethought on the
part of the people will make this early
closing movement successful and easy
Doings In Municipal Matters
The city council held a session Mon
day evening with full board present
A motion prevailed to purchase 350 feet
of linen jacket hose Report of city
treasurer to May 1st was filed and re
ferred to finance committee Petition
for library was placed on file for further
consideration On motion C B Rowell
was employed for one month more or
less to assist in the work in the city
park at the rate of 830 per month In
struction was given to secure seed for
seeding park The mayor appointed C
H Meeker W C Mills and G W Nor
ris as park committee with power to
expend money only on authority of city
council Bills of R M Osborn and CJ
Ryan were allowed Ordinance No 107
was passed under suspended rules
Commencement Week Calendar
Sunday evening May 25th Baccalaur
eate Sermon to the graduating class by
Rev Frank W Dean in the Congrega
tional church
Thursday evening May 29th Class
Day Exercises in the Menard opera
Saturday evening May 31st Com
mencement in the Menard opera house
Address by Ed Amherst Ott head of
Department of Elocution Drake univer
sity Des Moines Iowa
Monday night June 2nd Alumni Re
ception and Banquet in honor of gradu
ating class in high school building
Details next week
Worlds Musical Association
B J Sharkey is local agent for the
Worlds Musical Association and will be
happy to call on lovers of music during
the coming week and explain its very
desirable features The membership fee
is 175 for five years which secures for
members a wide choice of the finest
vocal and instrumental music at the
nominal price of 11 cents postpaid Be
sides a large portfolio of excellent and
popular music is given each member
free It alono is worth tho membership
fee Think of it Music at 11 cents a
Got the Water Cure
The police had four tramp boys in the
cooler Tuesday night which they re
gard as the toughest gang of youngsters
that has ever come this way They
celebrated their captivity by smashing
up things generally in the cooler The
heavy rain Tuesday morning let a few
inches of water into the cooler and the
young rascals were incidentally given a
touch of the water cure which damp
ened their youthful ardor somewhat
They are promising preps for the pen
The Tribune Is of Age
With this issue The Tribune enters
upon the twenty first year of its modest
career For nineteen years the paper
has been published and edited by its
present owner with varying fortunes
the common heritage of this country
not always realizing the publishers
ambitions nor yet utterly casting him
down The growth of the flower of per
manence is slow but its bloom is ever
Drew a Crowded House
The Passion Play at the Methodist
church Monday evening filled the
church to it capacity netting the Ep
worth League a neat sum and furnish
ing an enjoyable entertainment for many
The oscillations or vibrations of the
biograph were of a rather unpleasant
nature especially to nervous people
Miss Scott assisted in a vocal way on
different numbers of the program
Valuable Book Free
Campbells Soil Culture manual 112
pages with many illustrations Tells how
moisture is stored evaporation checked
and yields increased Mailed free to any
address by J Francis general passenger
agent Burlington Route Omaha Neb
on receipt of a 2 cent stamp
Will Organize Vocal Club
Miss Man J Scott will organize a
vocal club Friday evening June 6th at
8 oclock in the Methodist church All
interested in voice culture are urged to
Baled Prairie Hay for Sale
I have for sale a quantity of baled
prairie hay Leave orders at the Barnett
or Bullard lumber yards
Harry Barbazett
10 yds fine stout Muslin for 39c
Thompson D G Co
Are you going to paint your house
barn or fence Let us quote you prices
on the best paint on earth
McConnell Berry
At the right price you can always get
the choicest things the season affords at
D C Marshs meat market At the old
stand all the time
If you once wear an Ideal shirt
waist you will look for them always
Their finish their fit their exquisite
designs their reasonableness in price
make them the favorite For sale only
by The Thompson D G Co 50c to 2
Machinist Jack Green has gone to
Loveland Colorado
John M Billings here from Pittsburg
Kansas visiting the family
Operator H D Stewart visited the
home folk at Alma Sunday
Agent Georgo W Scott of Madrid has
been tranforred to Maywood
xt Kapkes suits for 20 up Experi
enced tailor Fits guaranteed
Roy Kleven arrived homo from Excel
sior Springs Mo Wednesday night
Operator L R Kleven is trying tho
virtues of Excelsior Springs Missouri
Way car No 91 will shortly go into
tho carpenter shop for an overhauling
Conductor T E McCarl went west
this morning in charge of tho pay car
C L Olmstead and F E Kidder of
tho Oxford yard are both off on account
of sickness this week
Why not leave your order for suits
with a practical tailor Suits for 15
and upwards at Kapkes
Dispatcher and Mrs L E Cann re
turned Wednesday night from their
visits in Orleans and Danbury
Brakeman A P Ely returned to the
city Wednesday after spending a few
weeks in Red Cloud with his wife
Brakeman F F Neubauer went over
to Beaver City yesterday morning on 2
on account of sickness in tho family
No 318 of the Red Cloud run is in the
round houso for some repairs and the
No 284 is on that run for tho present
Tho driving wheels of No SG and -JO
are back from Plattsmouth where they
were recently taken to receive now axles
Trainmaster J F Kenyon arrived
home Tuesday night on 11 from his
trip to Morecroft Wyomingon business
Ed Euo was struck in the stomach
yesterday by a baseball and severely
injured He is employed on tho rip
Conductor and Mrs J E Beyrer came
down from Denver last night and are
guests of Conductor and Mrs V 11
F C Scarborough has been in Red
Cloud part of the week relieving A P
Ely in the yard there Mrs Scarborough
accompanied him
William Fane departed on Saturday
morning for Sheridan Wyoming after a
visit of a week or two hero with his sis
ter Mrs C M Bailey
Engines 33 and 39 passenger mills just
out of the back shop are being broken
in on freight this week The electric
headlight has been removed from the 59
iMack Hughes force has been all shot
to pieces part of the week Barney
Buss Con Kildow and Warren Traver
are among those who have been laving
P A Perry of the Red Cloud yard has
resigned and J F Utter has the position
of yardmaster there Mr Perry and
eldest daughter visited at headquarters
this week
Machinist John Schmidt resigned from
the service close of last week and on
Sunday night left for Loveland Colo
rado where ho has secured a job The
family will remain here where he still
retains his property interests
The stock rush is on from the south
west and during its continuance freight
crews from the Western division will
run such trains from Denver to McCook
Conductor A G Bump and crew went
up to Denver for that purpose ednes
Fred L Palmer has moved into the
C M Bailey residence over on tho east
side and Traveling Engineer CA Dixon
and family have moved into the suite of
rooms vacated by them in the Workman
building Frank S Vahue and wife are
occupying the suite of rooms vacated by
the Dixons
Failure of No 1 to take switch at
Greenwood Tuesday morning caused a
wreck in which passenger trains Nos 1
and 6 were involved No one was seri
ously or even severely injured among
passengers or trainmen on either train
No 6 was standing still and No 1 mov
ing slowly Q engine 151G Engineer
Aylwin was damaged about 350 but
Burlington engine 311 George H Moore
of Lincoln engineer was able to proceed
with her train No 1 was about two
hours late in arriving here
Bennett has them 1303
If you get it at Marshs market its a
good article
Beautiful line of Lace Curtains just
received at The Thompson D G Co
Always reliable always dependable
what you buy at Marshs meat market
The children cry for them those 16c
pnd 35c fancy parasols at the Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Its up to you whether you see the
newest things in wall paper or not If
you buy before seeing our line youll re
gret it McConnell it Berry
v One of the Droll boys killed eleven
young coyotes yesterday digging two
iitters of different ages out of the same
hole They netted him 11 at the county
clerks office
A little stock food a spring tonic for
your horses cattle hogs and chickens
costs but a few cents will be worth
dollars to you Try it
McConnell Berry
Ladies Gauze Union Suits 35c to 50c
Ladies Gauze Knee Pants 25c to 50c
Childrens Gauze Knee Pants two pair
for 35c Boys Gauze Drawers 25c The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Cards are out announcing theapproach
ingwedding of Mr Wayne E
heimer of Kearney and Miss Adah R
Chambers of Juniata which event will
happen on Wednesday May 23th at tho
homo of the bride They will bo at
home in Kearney after June 17th
For Sale
Good windmill pump and tank In
quire of F Traver at tho J M Hender
son property
Did You Ever
Buy cabbage and tomato plants for
15c per hundred go to M L Kishel
three blocks north of brick school house
Special Purse Sale
Purses worth 25c to 50c now 19c
Purses worth 50c to 1 now 39c
C L DeGrokfA Co
Did you say Wo have more than all
the other dealers put together and wo
set the pace in prices
McConnell it Berry
Experimental Well Comes High
An oil and gas ovport was down from
Denver first of the week and examined
the well at the water works pumping
station The Tkiulnk understands that
his report is encouraging but the num
ber of thousand dollars required to sink
an experimental well to the necessary
depth is rather discouraging
Wall Paper and Paints
A McMillen wishes you to call and
examine his large assortment of wall
paper latest colorings and combina
tions Prices from 3c nor roll nn
uur remnants are out
to price
Wo have a large line of mixed paints
and stains Would call your attention
to our special enamel for inside decora
tions A McMi LIEN
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a in
Sunday school 230 n in Rverv Sun-
o biglit as
I J Lol hian Pastor
CooREfiATiON l 10
Preaching 11 subject Blessing
Christian Endeavor 7 Preaching S
subject -The Ascension Praver
meoting Wednesday evening at S All
are welcome
Frank W Dean Pastor
Methodist Sunday school 10 a m
Preaching 11 a in by the pastor Jun
ior League 330 Epworth League 7
Preaching 8 by Presiding Elder W K
Hardaway Sacrament of Lords Sup
per at cloe of Sermon Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening
L M Guicsisy Pastor
Baptist Sunday school 915 a m
Preaching 11 a in and 8 p in Young
Peoples meeting 7 instead of 715 as
heretofore Prayer mooting Wednesday
evening at 8 There will be bapismal
services Sunday evening Tho Young
People will give a social Friday evening
at the home of Mr and Mrs Bavles one
block north of church All are invited
Episcopal Services at St Albaus
Episcopal church Sunday 11 a m and
8 p m Mr Barnes lay reader will
officiate as Rev Hardman leaves Satur
day for Stratton where he will give first
communion to class recently confirmed
and also preach a sermon at H a m
At 8 p m he delivers the Baccalaureate
sermon to the graduating class Stratton
High school
The Congregational Sunday school is
preparing to observe Childrens Day
June 8th by rendering a carol service
Mrs Albert McMillen and Mrs F W
Dean will entertain the Dorcas Kensing
ton at the home of Mrs McMillen
Thursday afternoon ATnv o
Rev F W Dean has been invited to
preach the sermon before the graduat
ing class of the
High school The ser
vices will be at the Congregational
church the evening of May 25th
Rev A G Axtell lato of Stockvilio
and Eustis but just called to the pastor
ate of the Congregational church in
Trenton was in the city Monday leav
ing for Trenton on No 5 that evening
Rev L M Grigsbv of the Methodist
church went down to Oxford Tuesday
morning delivering the opening sermon
before the J 1 oldrege Ministerial associa
tion Tuesday evening May 27th 29th
he will be in Elwood in attendance upon
the Epworth League convention of the
North Platte district
Narrow Escape From Drowning
Mrs Abram Meyers had a narrow es
cape from drowning Tuesday morning
in an abandoned and partly-filled-up
well on the lot north of the Jacob Lcn
hart residence over on Lower McFarland
street Thursday morning The contin
ued heavy rains had softened the earth
which gave way as she walked over the
place while in the yard hanging up
clothes O D Keith was called imme
diately to Mrs Meyers assistance by the
cries of her little child who witnessed
the disappearance Mr Keith was able
to hold her head above the mud and
water until Nicholas Plousard arrived
when they drew her out of her danger
ous predicament but fciightly injured
Sugar beet hoes at W T Colemans
Best quality 5c muslin for lc bv the
bolt at The Thompson D G Co
For Rent A number of rooms over
the meat market Inquire of D C
Marsh in the market
W T Coleman has the latest
proved ice cream freezers They
freeze in one third the time that
old style will
Mens Extra-Elastic-Top Sox in Black
at The Thompson Dry Goods Co No
sticking point no pulling the top off
Once used always used
A few remnants of last years stock of
wall paper enough for one room will be
closed out regardless of price
McConnell Berry
F C Gauze Corsets are warranted to
give good satisfaction Money back after
four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied
35c to 100 Sold only by The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
rjrT 1
r -
1303 at Bennetts
Try a 1303 at Bennetts
New hereon doors at Bullards
Dr Seymour coming June 11th
Buy a 1303 Bennett sells them
Its a winner 1503 at Bennetts
Latest styles screen doors at Bullardn
Perfumes and toilot soaps at Cones
Dr Seymour hero Wednesday Juno
Call at Bullards and see those fancj
screen doors
meat market
g seasonable at Marshs
See those picnic
T Colemans
lunch baskots at W
For slimmer dress goods go to C
DeGroir it Co
T N Briggs painting and papor hang
ing Phono 251
A few Hides Almanacs for 1902 for
sale at this office
Audrey The latest
McConnell it Berrvs
popular book at
K J Mitchell auctioneer Phon
office 1 residence 95
ham mocks at Cones
assortment and lowest prices
W T Coleman has water coolers suit
able for store and house use j
A lino
Bullard will get you odd sizo window
and door screens on short notice
Wanted Girl to do house work
at J 11 Ludwii ks furniture htoro
Drs Seymour it Williams will be hero
at the Commercial hotel Juno lltli
Our screens keep out the flies
Bcllard it
Dr Seymour eyo and ear specialist
will bo at the Commercial hotel Juno 11
For Sale- A dwelling house on Mc
Farland street Inquire of C A Ward
Dr Seymour extends a special invita
tion to all his patients to call on him
June 11th
Paper hanging for 20c a bolt I N
ttrikK s P a into r and paper hanger
Phone 251
Monday nights shower at this place
was duplicated about 113 in much more
generous proportions
Do you want something nice
wedding or graduating present
Coleman has the latest
for a
Dr Seymour eye and ear specialist
will be here on Wednesday June 11th
One day only Consultation free
All kinds of garden and grass seeds for
sale All seeds fresh and in bulk
C J Ryan Manager
We have all kinds of window and door
screens at prices to suit
e are glad to snow our screen doors
and are sure we can suit you
Bcllard Co
Furniture polish varnish stains and
enamel everything for brightening up
the home McConnell it Bmry
Does your lawn mower get dull Call
at W T Colemans and got some Emery
paste prepared especially for sharpen
ing it
You should not buy wall paper until
you lock at tho stock at Cones drug
store Latest patterns and colorings
lowest prices
Ladies Dress Skirts to measure 50
ready to wear To measure at same
price 250 and up The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
When you are houe cloaning remem
ber that we carry the best paints var
nishes and furniture polish
McConnell it Berry
Remember that Wednesday June 11th
is the day that Dr Seymour will be hero
and you must prepare to call early if you
wish to see him as his time will be fully
We have the beautiful new embroid
ery appliques lace appliques lace over
draperies for skirts silk grenadines
wash ribbons lace gloves silk mitts and
gloves feather and silk fans newest
belts and combs and sash pins The
Thompson D G Co
Tuesday of nett week a picked nine
of base ball players of McCook will
occupy the Athletic park diamond with
a club from Trenton There will be
some good ball material in each of the
nines and an interesting game may be
It is worth considerable to be able to
feel that you can depend upon the
quality cf meats you order at the meat
market A child can get as good meats
at Marshs market as a grown person
and a phone order gets the best every
We guarantee to show you moro wall
paper newer wall paper prettier wall
paperthan you haveever seen in McCook
Remember that artistic colorings cost
more than gaudy You wili rpgret it if
you buy before seeing our line
McConnell Berry
Those needing glasses or having eye
and ear troubles should not fail to see
Dr Seymour when he is here at the
Commercial hotel on Wednesday June
11th nis many patients and friends in
this city who speak in the highest terms
of his work is sufficient guarantee of hi3
ability to do all he undertakes