Msm yi ft 1 i 38 il K J -TV s I 1 I h i i U a re a Lazrzzz m V FRANKLIN President V FRANKLIN GEO CITIZEN DIRECTORS WFMcFARLAND B WOLFE C H coo Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ot food It gives instant relief and neve fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been enred after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take It cant help but do you good Pftjpared only by E O DeWitt Co Chicago Tho 1 bottle contains 2X times the 50c size McConnell Berry Druggists q5t f XXtXsXs There is only one I STANDARD Accept no Substitute A C EBERT Cashier OF MeCOOK NEB I Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus Soo A C EBERT WILLARD jLiHrSgjSiBailhLjTJiiJsiSsLjJLf jdVighcjfflxja SL Mp lbt Jtn JS j aPTi5r Jm JJ Jacrpr jiyt ape JtscJBgryuiyr cjgs vfyyvvvArvrwvvvyvvyy NATIONAL jr jj ri j l -E i tj MWAAA VWV oro - - Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 H0CKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PEHNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director McCook I ransfer Line J H DWYER Proprietor ISirSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either lumber yard of QUALITY In Athletic Goods mfc SMk fefe iThe p fefetVfe23b ITHE For Sale Only By E p i 2ukdu3x j tkjau aBf rffe Vc ai AU oJSur jiCkaSSc Jtk JStaflfcjfflfcaffct w5k affit aftr jdK U BJP W JSJaEr35SI 32 Wni eTi u 7j jjrjciS tjir aji wjr bjje igfi gjrTjjf Igg li32CSSC2sSS33 To Prevent Train Collisions Chicago April 25 The Chicago Mil waukee St Paul railroad officials are testing a new automatic block signal service which will it is claimed prevent collisions duo to engineers ignoring or mistaking signals The mechanism is arranged so that whenever an engineer passes into a section that is hloiked an automatic devico sets the airbrakes and stops the train The device is operated by a battery f springs which are wound up by the vibratory motion of the rails as tin engines and trains pass over them There is no dependence upon electricity which is treacherous in bad weather In a recent test a train was run full speed past a block which was set at danger As soon as the engine en tered the prohibited station there was a grinding of a shoe against the wheeh and the train came to a stop before its length was scarcely within the block station Those who witnessed the test said that the service would revolutionize signal service and decrease accidents at least 40 per cent Kansas City Star April 25th Having a Run on Chamberlains Cough Remedy Betwoen the hours of cloven oclock a in nnd closing time at night on January 25 1001 A F Clark druggist Glade Spring Virginia t old twelve bottles of Chamberlains Cough Itemed He says I never handled n medicine that sold bettor or gave bettor satisfaction to my cuxtc mer This retnedv has been in genoral nee in Virginia for many years and the people there aro well acquainted with its excellent qualities Many of them havo testified to the remarkable cures it has effected Whon you need a good reliablo medicine for a cough or cold or attack of the grip use Chamberlains Cough Remedy and you are certain to be more than plupd with the quick cure which it affords For balo by McConnell Berry druggists Shriners Will Travel The Burlington Route aud its connec tions west of Denver have been chosen as the official route of Tangier Temple Mystic Shriners to the Imperial Council Nobjes of Mystic Shrine at San Fran cisco June 10th to 14th Two special cars have already been re served by Tangier Temple and addi tional cars will be provided as reseiva tions are made It is important that all shriners who attend this convention make their reservations at an early date The shriners will leave the Burlington station Omaha 425 p m June 4 Denver will be reached the next morn ing and an entire day spent in Colorado Springs one of the most delightful of Rocky Mountain resorts Salt Lake City will be reached on the morning of June G and thai day given over to see 1 Big- Horn Basin Are you interested in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming Its a rich but undeveloped portion of Northwestern Wyoming It contains marvellous openings for small ranches along good streams in the valleys with one million acres of government land open to settlement under the United States land laws The Burlington Eoute has just pub lished a folder descriptive of the Big Horn Basin It is Illustrated and con tains an accurate map It tells about the lay of the land character of the soil products yield irrigation aud opportu nities If youre interested better write for a copy Its free 5 30 J Francis Genl Pass Agt Omaha Nebraska Chronic Diarrhoea C B Wingfield of Fairnlav Missouri who suffered from chronic dysentery for thirty five years says Chamberlains Colic Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy did him more good than any other medicine he had ever used For sale by McConnell Berry druggists sssKsaNsisasavaNafsasEaxvsi b i KTTiapSK L - - - ---v m umber end Steam Fitter McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun telipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building KSUSSaNBSBHNarsi Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 L3k rftr Jhr tt WT jft All Calls For The Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN I W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska SprSlWJyLJiyLjjyLpjyLj INDIANOLA Mrs H B Duckworth in on tho sick list Herbert Laubnugh visited with friends here Sunday Operator Jessey spout Sunday at his home In Iicnlculinnn Mr nnd Mr Rogers and baby wore Indiiinoln visitors Tue day E S Hill aud S It Smith survived n vibit to McCook Tue duy Miss Jennie McClntnr is visitintr her hrotlmr i and family in Wyoming 1 II Neel and K A Sexson hud business in tho county seat Monday Indianola po t G A It is completing arrange ments for Memorial dav services Mr Shnckeltou had business iu the seat of county affair Wednesday evening MisLizzieCnrmichao went up to McCook on No a Sunday to 1m gone a fewdajs The dog killor is getting in his work Soveral good dogs have bui poisoned lately OIlie Milton who ban been nt homo tho last two weeks returned to MrCook Sunday evouiug John Tn to and wife have moved up from Birtley They nowoecupy the JWelborn house That wn a splendid rain Tuesday ovening There was some -mall hail but did no dumagu to mention Tho ladies of tho Congregational church gave n Kensington at the homo of C S Quick Friday afternoon from 2 to 6 Mrs A Clark and babv who have been visit ing rola tiros near Lebanon the pitht weokro r u rued homo Sunday Dr and Mr- DMnv and Mr S W Stilgoliouer of Dm bun drove over to attend tho funeral of Dr Roland Wednesday Tho butcher shop that was loft vacant by tho spontaneous departure of its owner has been reopened with Hart Hill as proprietor Mi Guj Plumb and sister camo down from McCook Saturdav morning anil spiitSaturday ant annua Here tlio guests of Mrs Cora Hender Jiot Mis MafrgiV StrefT came down from McCook Sunday and -pent the day at home Sho was accompanied back in the evening by her sister Mi s Adelaide Dr Shaw died at his homo in Denver last Sunda The funeral bervices worn hold in the Congregational church herf Wedne day after noon Rev Hulljcrslebon officiating Sp irks from the engine nf Sn 1 set lire to the Moudau aud but or the timely ar rival of help l he stock enclo ed would havo re ceived a va iner nvepriun than thj did As it was nut much ijuniage was done llolton longnecker returned homo Sunday from Dm- Moines lowi wlier ho has been at tending school preparing him idf for a phar macist Holton is a bnghr enTgetic joung man and hi- host of friend- are glad to wolcomo him into their midst again LastThur day th ladies of the M K church met at the Ouidi hotel nnd went en masse to tho j Home ot Airs j r Huppersetto where tliey very plensauth her Light refreshments were i erved and a pleasant time wa enjoied bv all pre eat Mr- Hipperstteand family started iir t of the week for their now home iu Los California Our be t wi hes accom pany them to their new home I he citizeiiH if thi iriiit were very much b the -id intelligence that came over the wire- Monday announcing the fact that Dr J Walter Roland of llerndou Kansas had been shot and killed at 11 oclock Mr Dull tho merchant in who e -lore the murder was com mitted t undr arr Jt It is hoped that the guitv narti nui recie hi- jl t due Mr Kowliud vasveii kiDttii in Indianola havimr 111 UIO WOnaorlUI City or AOr 1M tanuht tih hi nr p iblic school A short nartv will arrivi in San Francisco at w wiifld in the M E church nt 841 a m Juno 9 5 1G Dofs It Pay to Buy Cheap A cheap remedy for cohkIis and cold is 11 ritht but ou want something that will reliee and cure the more tsvure and lanieroiis results of throat and lmiK trouble What shdl you ilo Go to a warmer and moro regular climate Yes if possible if not for j on then in either cas e take tlje only remedv that ha- boii introduced in all civilized countries with slices iu sovero throat and luinr troubles German Sjrup Itnotoidv heals and stimu lates the tissues to destroy the germ di cate but allas inflammation canoes easy expectora tion gives a good uifiht s rest and cures the patient Try one bottl Recommended many years by all druprcists iu tho world Get Greens Prize Almanac 1 o clock Wedne dn - Norlin olliciitiii after which tin Jlaso took charge A laruo eoncoiir e f friend- folio--ed the bod to the ci meten Mr Rolnnd naes a wife and soveral children one a babe but a few dus old Question Answered Yes Autnist Klowcr till has the largest salo of imv medicine in the civilized world Your mothers and grandmother never thought of j usiiu nn thing eli e for indige tion or bilious- ne Doctors were and thov uldom heard of appendicitis nervous prot tration or heart faiiuie eic Thev u ed August Flower to clean out tho j tern and stop fermentation of undigc ted food regulate the action of the liver stimulate the nervous and organtic action of the system and that is all they took whon feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a few doses of Greens August Flower in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with j ou Get Greens Prize Almanac Send Me Their Names Send me the addresses of jour friends who might be induced to move to Ne braska and I will mail them our new 48 page book descriptive of Nebraskas ag ricultural resources and its unbounded opportunities The book is illustrated with Nebraska farm scenes and is sup plemented with a sectional map of the state It will help bring homeseekers to Nebraska 5 30 J Francis Gen Pass Agt Omaha Neb For the Complexion The complexion always suffers from bilious ness or constipation Unless the bowels are kopt open the impurities from the body appear in the form of unsightly eruptions DeWitts Little Early Ri ers keep the liver and bowels in healthy condition and remote the cause of such troubles C E Hooper Albany Ga sajs I took DeWitts Little Early Riser for bilious ness They were just what I needed 1 am feel ing better now than in years Never gripe or distress Safe thorough and gentle The very best pills McConnell Berry The Portland Special Burlington Route trains to the north west change time on May 1th On and after that date the leaving time of the Portland Special train No 41from prin cipal points will be as follovvs Leave St Joseph S30 p m Omaha 1110 p m Lincoln 105 a m Grand Island k A a m Broken Bow 601 a m Alli ance 1031 a m arriving at Helena Spokane Tacoma Seattle and Porcland about as at present o 9 Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure nopay Price 23 cent California and Return 45 Tickets on sale April 21 to 27 May 27 to June 8 August 2 to 8 Liberal stop over arrangements and return limits For additional information ask the nearest agent Burlington Route or write for a California folder to J Francis Genl Pass Agt 3 30 Omaha Nebraska To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet- All refund tbe inonej if it fail- to cure E W Groves signature is on each bos 25c Half Rates East via Burlington Route One fare for the round trip to Harris burg Pa May 11th to 19th Return limit June 10 Tickets good via Chicago or St Louis A great opportunity to visit the east Half rates from Harris burg to points in Pennsylvania landDistrict of Columbia May 21 to 24 Ask the Burliugton agent 3 15 You can be cheerful and happy when jou are well If you feel out of torts take Herbine it will brace jou up 0 cent A McMillen One Half Rates Omaha aud Return May 21 22 and 23 via Burlington Route State Encampment G A R Ask nearest agent Burlington Route r i jfj FArlCil0A5TED v At the -V Burlington Low Rates Northwest To Billings Montana 81500 To Cody Wyoming To Helena and Butte S2000 To Spokane Washington 2250 To Portland Tacoma Seattle and Rossland B C 52500 Above rates will bo in effect every day in March and April from Missouri river terminals and from nearly all stations on the B M R R A wonderful opportunity to visit tho Northwest The Big Horn Basin of Wyoming is a country of great resources and now un developed It has just boon made acces sible by a new lino of tho Burlington Route and presents many attractions to tho homo seeker Folder on Big Horn Basin free on request For tickets rates or additional infor mation apply to nearest agent Burling ton Routo or writo to 4 20 J Francis G P A Omaha Neb C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p o Building JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTEB McCook Nehraska jggAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel H P SUTTON MCCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA IrW EARL MURRAY Bates 0 Stand McCook Neb AShavo Hnir Cut Sham poounj thing in my lino la nn urtistic niauner Give mo a call and triul McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL DrWVOAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Opkick First National bank building next to City hull HoiiKS SiW to 12 1 to 8 7 to 9 Night calN answereii from resudoncfl over panic DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS MCCOOK NEBRASKA H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Dental College Over Jas Mc Adams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCOOK NEB I Goes anywhoro A specialty of Thorongh Hrod Stock Corrospondonco Solicited DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Ollice over McMillens driiff store Residence 7tni Main Aveuue Residence phono ftf Ollico phone iS Calls answered night or daj n Java Natives do not glaze coffee with cheap and impure coatinir Thev A J J have too high a regard for health as C veil as for the naturally delicious flavor of their popular berry The very American roasters who glaze L His V wejMMm their package coffees do not dare to touch or glaze their high priced Mochas and Javas Why I liuifl Iss1n1 adulterated It Is LzaSSS 0 0 IVV JUST PURE Coffee The sealed package Insures uulform quality and freshness VSBSJEHySNSrsHSaNSNjrSHSWSSS51vasaFNaNSffNJE BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK AND WHITE WYANDOTTE Eggs For Sale Only i per sitting Mori an Farm 3 miles south of McCook v First Class Goods in the following f Alaska Refrigerators for Sale by o EL P WAITE x - r Kri 4Vv4 s n I Jewel Gasoline Stoves jr Ohio Steel Ranges 4 imniimuijiiiiii 11 11 nrrn 111 SPRING SUIT I If you appreciate a firstclass tailoring estab lishment in your city you may show it by leaving your order with Menus the Tailor for your spring and summer suits Nothingbut the very best goods and trimming used No sending away or sweatshop work Yours Rept O MBHU8 vw -